The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 01, 1902, Image 2

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Telephone, Main (SI.
Sent by mail, per year W-W
Bent by maW. P' won"1 64
Served by carrier, per month .... M
Bent by mall, per year. In advance $1 00
The Aatorlan guarantee to iU ad
vertiser the largest circulation ft any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Every voter in Clatsop County and
the ptHe of Oregon has a rponsibie
duty to perform tomorrow. The men
are to be selected who ere to man
age the public affairs of state and
county for the ensuing terms of office.
If a mistake la made in auoh selec
tions the voters are usually to blame.
Campaign are fraught with all kinds
of strife, and men are often Jed
through prejudice to vote ajrainst their
own Interests. A voter may often
thinlc that one vote dos not oount
for much, and on this account, casts
his vota against his better Judgment
thrauyts perst-aa? prejudice a?a!n?t
a candidate, or through me preja
dlee against some one who advooiies
the cau ., of . some particular can
didate, la many waya toe bt
Judgment of the peop! is thwarted
In making a etection f their public
la ever? poStics) campaign there is
usually an issue which is of great In
terest to a given section, and which
la above ail other issues of the cam
paign. A thousand little things creep
Into the campaign, but there Is Al
ways one Issue above all of the oth
ers. If it were not for Issues -there
would be no reason for opposing po
litics! tickets.
There is an Issue In the present cam
paign. All otters are but moonshine
compared with this one. It is an Is
sue that has been tested several times
and has been settled according to all
rules of reason. It Is the issue be
tween Republicanism and Democracy,
a advocated In this country between
the respective adherents. The' matter
may be sifted from bottom to top and
this old issue will be discovered at
every point to be the main and only
real issue. Local districts may drag in
local Issues to a degree, but underly
ing It all is the old time issue. In the
fight on the main issue every point is
taken advantage of. Personalities and
abusa are dragged in but it is mere
ly to gain a point on the main issue.
Opponents of Republicanism are mak
ing a fight on Mr. Furnish because he
cannot make a flowery speech and has
made a success In life. Personally,
nothing can be said against him; but
to raise some point whereby the peo
ple may be prejudiced against him and
be may be defeated, is a victory for
Democracy. That is the whole secret
of the fight.
In Clatsop County the same issue is
involved. A strong local fight and the
defeat of one or more Republican nom
inees will weaken the cause of Repub
licanism. -There Is no getting arownd
this roint. The men who are urg
liK tho fight arc known. nd outside
of a few who have some Imaginary
grievance tha old enemy may be rec
Agnlted behind every sun pointed at
th Republican ticket. Personally,
nothinv- can bo said nfmlnst the Re
publican ticket from bottom to top. A
vote against Mr. Furnish is a vole
against the Interests of Clatsop Coun
ty and tfra State of Oregon. The de
feat oi any candidate on tho Repub
lican county ticket Is against the In
terest of Clatsop County. A vote
against tha senatorial and legls
lativ county Republican ticket of
Clatsop County is one of the nuwt ser
ioni mistakes that can be made. Men.
running on a ticket with a fixed prin
ciple, are thj candidates on tne we-
puMirar. ticket. Men on the "non par
tisan" oitliens' ticket have no platform
and no record and hv no security to
offer f.v a faithful administration. On
the one side it l voting imol)iffen;ly.
on th( other it I voting blindly.
Which shall It be? Republicans, do
vour dntv? Gxv1 cltiiens and broad-
minded Democrats, join the Republi
cans en election day and leach the
mongrels ln In Ckusop County!
A Portland drummer was telling the
old story about town yesterday that
Charr.ber'.a'n was going to sweep the
flat. But like Sits prediction he got
irixsd in his statements. He boasted
.? having been a delegate in the con
vention that nominated Chamberlain,
nd a few minutes later stated that he
wai a Republican and would vote for
a!l of tha Republican ticket excf.-Vf.
Furnish; that he would vote lit Mr.
Chamberlain on " personal growls"
When his attention was called to the
fact that it was inconsistent for a Re- j
publican to be a delegate In a Demo
cratic convention, he saw that he was !
" cornered" and moved on, and doubt
less continued to spread the " news,"
but was possibly more careful next
time not to mis his own politics so
" The Pacific seaboard is as much to
us as the Atlantic. The shad
ow of our destiny has already reached
to the shores of Asia. No states
man has the right to neglect our peo
ple of the Pacific; Interests which are
Important to all of our people, . but
which of most importance to those of
our people who have built populous
and thriving states on the Western
slope of our continent. AH hon
or to them; and shame,. thrice shame,
to us if we fall to uphold their hands!"
Theodore Roosevelt, Memorial ad
dress last Friday. And yet Chamber
lain and his followers are running for
office against this principle. What say
the voters of Oregon of Clatsop County?
mm .
I I imiiTliili
I .
tfeBBBstattdNf aAltsaiesBsaesa;
You liave the most convincing evidence of this
fact every day. Otherwise beautiful faces marred with
black heads, blotches and pimples, muddy or sallow com
plexions, and red, rough or oily skins are some of the
most common and conspicuous symptoms of bad blood.
You can hide these ugly and humiliating blemishes by glazing them over with face
powders and rouge, and the rough and discolored skin is made white and smooth by a lavish
use of cosmetics, but these artificial complexions and false skins only last for a day, when
the eruptions and spots stand out as bare and brazen as ever. The natural beauty and
smoothness of the skm cannot be permanently restored by the use of external applications,
for the reason that these skin diseases are due to some poison or humor in the blood that
.must be antidoted and eliminated before the skin can or will return to a healthy state.
Under the untying and tonic effects of S. S. S.
all impurities are expelled from the blood, the
general health is invigorated, and all disfiguring
and annoying eruptions promptly and perma
nently disappear from the skin, and it becomes as
soft and smooth as ever.
Bad blood tells in many other ways. Itch
ing and burning eniptions, rashes and sores, boils
and carbuncles show the presence of some irrita
ting poison or unhealthy matter in the blood, and
these aggravating troubles will continue until the
weak and slow circulation has been quickened
and the deteriorated blood made rich and strong
acrain. Some are born-with bad blood, and it becrins to tell in infancy; scrofulous affections,
sore eyes, scalp diseases, nasal catarrh, stunted growth, brittle bones and soft, flabby muscles
are some of the early manifestations of bad blood by inheritance. These symptoms, if
neglected, may develop into some deep-seated and serious blood trouble later on in life, but
the timely use of b. b. b. will check the disease in its incipiency, remove all taint from the
circulation, and the little sufferers grow iuto healthy manhood and womanhood.
When the blood is healthy and pure it tells a
diiierent story, a smooth and flawless skin glowing with
health, a sound body and active brain, well nourished
system, good appetite and digestion, aud restful and
refreshing sleep. S. S. S., combining both purifying and
tonic properties, contains all that you need in the way of
a blood builder and skin beautifier.
S. S. S. is Nature's Remedy. It contains no Arsenic,
IYtash, or other mineral, but is strictly a vegetable blood purifier and tonic that can be
taken without fear of any hurtful effects, and with perfect assurance of a speedy aud lasting
cure. Our illustrated book on the Skin and its Diseases contains much plain and practical
information about eruptive diseases, their cause and cure, how to take care of the skin,
etc., tuat will be ot inestimable value to all sufferers. We will mail you a copy free.
Write us alxnit vour case and our physicians will gladly furnish any information
advice desired without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA.
Whan my daughter was three months old Ecasma
broke out on her head and continued to spread until
her head was entirely covered. 8h was treated by
several good doctors, but grew worse, and tha dread,
ful disease spread to her face. She waa taken to two
ootobratod health springe, bat received bo benefit.
Many patent medlolnee were taken, but without result,
until wo decided to try 8, 8. 8., and by tha time the
first botUs was finished, her head began to heal, A
doaen botUes cured her oompletely and left her akin
perfectly smooth. She I now twenty years old, and
has a magnificent growth of hair. Hot a sign of tho
dreadful disease has ever returned.
8814 Pine Street, St. Louis, Ho.
Risking Life
To make a living ! And we stand and
stare up at the man in the clouds, won
dering that any man can be so fool-
I hardy. Hut what ot
the business man,
who has barely time
I to snatch a hasty
meal, and gulps
I down a lunch of pie
and milk in a few
minutes? He too, is
risking his life to
make a living. Life
is sustained by food
properly digested and
assimilated. The re
sult of hasty eating
ami irregular meals
is " weak" stomach,
and a "weak" stom
ach means a weak
man. When the
stomach is "weak"
the food eaten is not
properly digested
and cannot be per
fectly assimilated, so
that there is a daily loss of nutrition,
which in time will result in physical
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
enables the assimilation of all the nutri
tive values of the food eaten, and so
builds up the body into sound health
and strength.
Mr. Nd Nelson, the celebrated Irinh Come
dian and Mimic, of 577 Royrten Street, Camden.
N. J wrileJ : " We fulfilled an engagement of
twelve weeks and the constant traveling gave
me a bad touch of that dreaded diseue called
dyapepsia. I had tried everything poasible to
cure ft till last week, while playing at B. F.
Keith's Bijou Theater, Philadelphia, ia the
Melaon Trio, a profeMional friend of mine ad
ried me to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. I tried it, and, thank Cod, with good
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Calm judgment tomorrow boys, that's
all! It is the old fight over again.
Stand to your colors, and remember
the interests of Oregon, Clatsop Coun-
ty, home! and the mongrels wilt: get
what they deserve and what they ex
pect. It is all to win with them, and
every deviation by Republicans will be
a clear loss.
The man who started the dirt poli
tics should be dealt with according
ly. Clatsop county people generally
do right, and, now ,of all times, they
should keep up their reputation. A
blind vote is a risky vote, a vote on
principle Is a safe one. Mongrels can
not claim principle. Republicanism Is
thf symbol of principle.
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place In the body
by delicate attachments. This is the
reason that travelers, trainmen, street
car men, teamsters and all who drive
very much suffer from kidney disease
in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens the kidneys and cures all
forms of kidney and bladder disease.
Geo. H. Hausan, locomotive engineer,
Lima. 0., writes, "Constant vibration
of the engine caused me a great deal
of trouble with my kidneys, and I got
no relief until I used Foley's Kidney
Cure." Sold by Frank Hart.
It Is said that age Improves liquors,
but men don't like to wait.
Foley's Honey and Tar Is peculiarly
adapted for asthma, bronchitis and
hoarsness. For sale by Frank Hart.
To have given up would have meant
death for Mrs. Lois Crtagg, of Dorches
ter, Mass. For years she had endured
untold misery from a severe lung trou
ble and obstinate cough. "Often," she
writes, T'could scarcely breathe and
sometimes could not speak. All doc
tors and remedies failed till I used Dr.
King's New Dlscoverw for Consump
tion and was completely cured." Suf
ferers from Couglrs, Colds, Throat and
Lung Troubles need this great reme
dy, for it never disappoints. Cure la
guaranteed by Chaa. Rogers. Price
50c and $1.00. Trial bott'es free.
A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes,
"Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
preparation for coughs, colds, and
lung trouble. I know that it has cured
consumption in the first stages." For
sale by Frank Hart
It is not absolutely necessary for
newspaper men to be liars, but they
generally are.
Healthy kidneys filter the Impurities
from the blood, and unless they do this
good health Is impossible. Foley's
Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and
will positively cure all forms of kidney
and bladder disease. It strengthens the
whole system. For sale by Frank
The realities of matrimony are often
less pleasing than the Illusion of love.
Often the over-taxed orsxns of diges
tion 'cry out for help by Dyspepsia's
pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches,
liver complaints, bowel disorder. Such
troubles call for prompt u;e of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They are gen
tle, thorough and guaranteed to cure.
25c at Charles Rogers' drug tore.
There are several ways of paying
bills. A great many are paid with reluctance.
The only
credit a liar ever merited
If ysu will make Inquiry It will be
a revelation to you how many suc
cumb to kidney troubles In one f irm
or another. If the patient Is not be
yond medical aid. Foley's Kidney Cure
will cure. It never disappoints. Kct
sale ty Frank Hart.
A self-conceltPd person never gives
any one else credit for having any
Foley's Honey and Tar ontaltis no
opiates arid can safely be given to
children. . For sal by Frank Hrt.
The best luck that cou'd befall om
men would be to lose their reputation.
C. (0. Barr, Dentist
Mansell Building.
3TS Commercial St.. Astoria, Ors.
Dr. T. Ii. Ball
524 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore.
Answer: It is made from a pre
scription of a leading Chicago physici
an, and one of the most eminent of the
country. The Ingredients are the
purest that money can buy, and are
scientifically combined to get their
utmost value. For sjle by Frank Hart
Whenever an honest trial Is given to
Electric Bitters for any trouble It to
recommended fir a permanent cure
will surely be effected. It never fails
to tone the stomach, regulate the liver,
Invigorate the nerves and purify the
blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run
down systems. Electric Bitters pos
itively cures Kidney and Liver Trou-
bles.Stomaoh Disorders, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, and expels Malaria.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Charles
Rogers. Only 60c.
A farmer who can't raise anything
else never raises much money.
Many a person's view of heaven is
obscured by their neighbor's fine resi
Active agents wanted for " Th
World on Fire" by Murat Halstead.
Burning mountains In American In
dies explode, destroying titles full of
people, startling history of appa ling
phenomena, threatening the globe; 600
big Illustrated pages, only 41.50. High
est endorsements. Biggest profits
guaranteed. Agents clearing from $3
to 25 daily. Outfit free. Enclose 10
cents for postage. The Dominion Co.,
Dept. I Chicago.
Frch Meats
Pickled Meats
Cured Meats
Prompt Deliveries
Lowest Prices
Christensen & Co.,
And say some other Kilve, ointment.
lotion, oil or alleged healer Is as good
as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him
thirty years of marvelous cures of
Piles, Burns,' Bolls, Corns, Felons,
Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruise and Bkln
Eruptions prove it's the best and
cheapest. 25c at Charles Rogers' drug
store. '..:''
Bids will be received by the county
court of Clatsop County, Oregon, un
til Thursday, June 5, 1902, at 2 o'clock
d. m., for the construction of an 80
foot span bridge, 12 feet wide, across
the Necanlcum river in section 24, Twp.
S N., R. 10 west, In Clatsop County Ore
gon. Said bridge to be constructed on
a site about one mile east of Carl
Johnson's place, where the county road
from Seaside crosses the said Necan
lcum river.
Bidders will present plans and speci
fications for said work, together with
a certified check for 10 per cent ot the
amount of their bids, or a good and
sufficient bond, as a guarantee that
they will construct the said bridge
provided they are awarded tire con
tract. The court reserves the right to re
lect'anir and all bids.
By order of the County Court.
'. - County Clerk.
' ,-,.' . J -1. M ' I..
Central Meat Market
Your rl r for
F It i:S II A iC I) 8 A LT
Will I pn inpliv d
aim ' 'orliy ttri,(i,.l 10
1k -lmu Si
a. W. MORTON, Prop.
IflEdftnce. Commission ind
Sb ppinf.
Agent Wells Fargo find
Pacific KipreKs Conip'y.
Custom House Broker-
To the
Business Men,
On and after this data the
Morning Astorlan will be
laaued a usual, and as us.
ual will be the best medium
for the dissemination of
liewe of your business lell
Ing the good people where
to trade for thntr best ad.
vantage and your profit.
Tlili la truo becauax the Aa
torian reaches the people,
Is read by Hie people, and
has the confidence and sup.
port of Hie people. Money
spent In Judlrlou advertis
ing pays larger returns than
any other Invrstment you
can make.
To the People.
We are Justified In Invit
ing every citianit to ut
scribe for the Morning As
torlan at ality vents a
month, delivered, or fifty
cent a month by nmll. or
to subscribe for the twice-,
week Astorlan at one dollar
a" year, because we offer
you full value for your coin.
You get all the local new
and the txpenilve Amocla
ted Preaa telegraphic news
from all parts of the world
benldew. A clean, reliable pa
er containing these feat.
uri I worthy of support,
FOUNDED A. L. 1710
Cah Aeaeta, - . . aii,cm,M
Cli Aata In United Htaiea.
213 Sansome Street Sia Pranclxu. Cel.
North Pacific Brewery.
JOHN KOPP, Proprietor.
The f-'upu'ur Product of tlie only brewery in North
weatern Oregon enjoy a very,' Imrue (Joint miIo ami mx
port Hale.
ICOPPS BEST bottled or in lceH.
Free City Delivery,
Of New Zealand
W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco.
Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coiwt ovei twenty-two years.
SAMl'KL EL-MORK CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fiHliwiiicii,
Fanners and Loggers.
Ae Ve ALLEIN. JjjJLEJllComn'crtliil Streets
1 J4
Who has ued Btar Estate itanKM
and they will tell you they are 'he
mot satisfactory they have ever
uaed. They require but little fuel'
and bake quick and uniform, and
are eeilly managed. For aale In
Astoria only by
W. J. Scully
Between Ninth aod Tenth