7 tf, f e0 VOL. LIV ASTORIA. OREGON; TU1SDAY. MAY 27,1902. NO. 2X. ALL AND UPPER mmm&fe for HERMAN WISE'S CUSTOMERS AUGUST 3Q Keep Your .Slip of IWUw made at my store and when you Imvo enough U covor Twenty lollnrN worth of Good Kxihnngo your HlipH for a l'Yco Ticket The Dance Will Be All Right. The Supper Will Be All Right. Oar Clothes and Prices are All Right. Jlvifanlltii jttwanllJtiZ w until V , "" ml n n'li t WATERMAN'S IDEAL Tli niont perfect, practical, and con venient Fountain Pen ever made Every Pcti Gurontccd Mniify rcfniiilij if in it SMtisfmlory. Jut the thing fur every tin v uw, Nothing luuru arffptuble a nill. . GRIFFIN & REED . LAWN MOWERS $2.90 to $5.60 FISHER B R 05. TAILOR MADE 1l 1 PANTS LATEST STYLES NOBBIEST PATTERNS EYERY PAIR PERFECT Seo Our Window Display for Samples of Elegant goods at LOW PRICES SWEATERS Wo Have Thorn in Every Va riety, Style, Kind and Color At the Leading Clothing House of P. A. STOKES THE NATIONAL LEGISLATURE Yesterday Was a Busy Day and Many Things Were Transacted. ROUTE OF IS1HMAN CANAL Hciuilor Wants tn Know If Any l.uw Prevent Natives r'ruin i)iiilnir to the I'iiIUmI Mtutes, WASHINGTON, May 2i. Senator orgsn today submitted to th senate an adverse report on Senator Hoar! bill placing the selection of, the route from the Isthmian canal In the hand of the president. The Isthmian canal committee opposed the bill on the ground thut It make no provlalon for further exploration of routes and Imivea the iwl.-otlon to the president nn the al'ttrme.'U f facts already ascertained. On th agreement with Costa Klca and Nicaragua It 1 aaid that they are di-ntta aij'l complete aa to the char acler and scop of rights they have agreed to concede to the United State. Colombia on this other haul U charg ed with playing for delay. HOAR'S QUESTION. WASHINGTON. May 2.-Senator The machinery la being icA !n ro Itloti an rapidly "as tlb!e, the c'ry kiln will soon be eompP-tel mi all of the building and lmttiitloni connect ed with the Instltu'lnn lll ! 'fcly for work. There has l-en ;i re.ii mix take about the lmp"rUnce of this en terprise. A (rreat number i,t people thought that cheap labir would be employed there and that ihey would put up wllli any kind of tiur1li and board where they wr r-lnle. I'pon this Idea com shacks have li-en ar ranged such a are "arrang..! In log ging camp, to accommodate the men who are g'lng to work In this factory. The tntSr In, they are all skills me ehanlrs, eommand first class wage, live first clam and wear Prot class otothing. There In nothing cheap bout them, und they are a ffreat ac qulHltlon to Alori,' A lw number at material and machinery waa re celveit lt Runday on the Harveet Queen and a Urjre( number' of people re out to aee tdie new tnterprlae for Antorla. A Jeocrlptlon of the building and ("he work ahead of the Institution wouht be tnteroKtlnir. but for the prwient, the fact that the en- lerprlne U being placed In ahape for a regular run and will employ 40 or 50 killed laborer la aufllclent. THE NEWS FROM FAR AWAY LONDON PfLEE IS SflLL ACTIVE HMMIXUNT HCIKNTISTN AKK IXVKMTKi.VNXG. (rittitiul i:xjr'(tM'(t for MImtuI and Timely ANsUtnnee From I'nlted Milieu. FORT DH FRAN'CB, Mirttnique, May 25. The United Slate cruiser Cin cinnati arrived here from St. Luoi yeaterdxy. The atiamer Luckenbach Hour today lntriduced reaolutiot): " That the prenldent be requeeted to Inform the wnate whether there be any lw r regulation In foroe in the Philippine Mand, which will prevnt any native of thoee lelanda who may ; e.i dealr, who la not under arreat and jagalnat wh nn no charge of any offenne agulnet Hie L'nltl fttale in pending, from coming to the United Rates ami tatlng bin viewa or denlrea as to the Intercut of hl people to the president or either houae of congreM." KXPUAINtN'tl IMPKIUAUBM. WASHINGTON. May 2.-Repreen-latlve Rlchardin.i, the Democratic floor lead.-r of 1he houne, niale a atatement today correcting the impreMon which ha gained wide circulation tjiat he had declared that Imperialism m opin ion would b. (hi only Issue of the congri'Mlonnl campaign. " i miule no auch aintemcnt and 1 hold no view," aald Rlrhnrdaon, "In f.ict I doubt' whether Imperial! mwould be the had ing inue, a I'hvr ie other import ant queetlona." the following arrived tills morning and left at once for Porto Rico. The ateamer Fonta- belle reached here at oclock thi England Has Not Much Hopes For Peace in South Africa. WILL DECIDE THE FINANCES frlcndx. It la quite probable that the wntlment will cryatallze In the form of a John Hurrougha aootety for the protection of bird. For thU pun.om i meting n been called to convene at fh. Chambr of Commerce room thl evening at S oclock. All who are In tercpted are Invited to attend the meet 'ng. DUBS HOFiS UP. Turkish TrnopH Are Kaiwinfr Cain.- T. M. Warnlilp will Krliitr I'aunoHote'a I tody Home, PRETORIA, May 2.-The prevalence throughout South Africa of the opti mistic feeling In regard to peace ne gotiation. is hardly bated onT solid facta. The proctratlon of the confer tnce t Vreenlglng is not necweariiv a hopeful sign. Delegates ti the con ference, although they have abandoned hope of securing independence, still have many point of differences with the government while an obetantance minority continue to regard the re. sumption of hostilities as the best out come of the present situation. DENVER. May 2. At a maw meet ing at Coliseum hall tonight the pr'n clpal speaker was Eugene V. Debs. He created great enthusiasm, by a vigor ous presentation of hi idea. Social ism be declared to be tfhe only solution of the industrial problems and he coun selled the laboring men t? join in the political action to overthrow the pres ent system.''.. . ;' . V COLOMBIAN WAR OVER, COIXN, May M.-The- Colombian gunboat General Pinion returned to Boca De Toro Sunday night with P4 soldiers and a large quantity of ammu nition. These trope are derftlned for ChlriquI Grande, wher insurgents are sUU located. BIBLES roR riLIPIVOS ItEPOIIT OF AMKKKAX DI- HLE MK'IKTV AOKXT. Kvaiirellcal t nion 'ol' Philippine Island Organized by .MIsfliinariFH. NEW YORK. May M.-The Ameri can Bible Society has received from its THE BOERS. LONDON, May M.-The Daily Mail ay the cabinet council today will de cide upon the' points of detail, mowly ,tgnt ,n the phM! w Jaual re .'.'., . . . . ;port on the situation In the Islands, of a financial nature. Which 1tave been j Hf f . raised by Boer in the peace negotla- I u was no child's play that confront tlon. ed either the civil or military autborU Great BrlUln's decision In the mat- I1' here- v'D('n SpanUh govern ter then will be communicated to th ' ment officials withdrew, those who bad mnrninif uirh isa n. nt .,,n..n. t i vreeniging conrerence oy aeiegatea to """"" ,k . Pretoria and being the best obtainable " by the revolution, adll this . ,"'w terms will almost certainly be accept- . system clung and must be considered. Tork and other cltisens. Among her '.j ; conciliated, and dealt with before those pasnengers are W. H. Corwlne, who was especially named by President Roosevelt as wrelary of the various who have spffered much- and protected THE TURKS. long beneatted. Careful diplo- LONDON. Ma 2fi. A disnatch ta mac" has been necessary , to bring the Dally Express from Cairo. Egypt. tut anything like. order. Negotla- T " 'r 'ne ' nl, WWJ'tUlAJtU JM.. reached there Chat tlon. for the tUemeat of the land Ing f r the relief of the sufferers; Prof, the whoi hattailon nf h Tnrkih question have been "carried "orf oVer Angelo Hellprin and other soientllsts. 'troops has been annihilated by rebels slumbering volcano of disappointed Mr. Corwlne and Cantaln SenL hmth. .near MorCha, In the Turkish Province hatred of Lemen, Southwestern Arabia. The ln eauca-jonai aepanmeni. wnron governor of Morcha Is said to have ha pfiartled the world by the boldness been carried away a aa hostage. The and magnitude of IU plan, ia tackling rebels are being Joined by numbers of " problem with entbtislasm. Turkish troops who are deserting. ! The missionary force have been ' gradually augmented. The aptlsts and er of Chief Officer Scott ,of theRo- I ml ma, were presented to Governor ' L'Hiiuree and the French delegates to day. The steamer Tiiase has been placed at the disposal of Mr. Corwlne to vWt St. Vlnoont Her carg. w discharged. Mount Pelee was fairly quiet yester day, although there was a big erop- LORD PAUNCEFOTE. I.ONDON. May !. The British gov ernment has gratefully accepted the offer by the United States of a war- tlon of ashes which covered the e- Ship to bring home the body of Lord HASH HA IX AMERICAN LEAGUE. . At It.ntonftt. Ix)Ul. S; Boston, 9. At Raltlmor Chicago. 8- Baltimore, I At Philadelphia Detroit, ; Philadel phia. S. At WaHhtngton t!Wveland. Wuh ington, . NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis St. Louis, 4; CMcago, S. The Universal sanh til dwr f.icloiy at Smith's Point Is a'l buslnesr. An Astorlan repreeentatlvj visited tne place Sunday and waa shown throntli the building from bo:t)m to top. This will te one cf the grea'.eat intiiut:ons In Astoria when comal-tl. Wh'le there Is considerable w.irk yet to be performed It will only be abujt 15 fnys until the building will be mr-pietcd. OjllOH PDE FOOT WEAR No ln'ttor in Town Every Tair Perfect Boston Rubber Boots Hny your shoes and boots of a Practical Shoemaker S. A. Glmrc Opposite Ross, Mules & Co treme north of the island. Th new crater Is actlv. Most of the refuKees wlio have come Into Fort de Franc have deserted the town from points furtl'er south, as ter- iror still noea!i all souls and Fort de France is believed to be doomed. AH business Is suspended "as the amount of supplies received has killed sales. ' The French delegates, Admiral Ser van and the citizens are unanimous In expressions of gratitude for the genu ine friendship of the American people, which has been manifested by the swiftness with which great quantities of supplies .have been furnished and forwarded and the character of the delegates In charge of them. Fort de France looks deserted. Nearly 1000 persons have gne to the Islands of Gundalnupo, Dominica and St Lucia, and as many mire are trying to get away. The simple object of all mind Is to escape from the Islnnd. The scientists are divided In opinion as t whether or not new and more violent outbura's are to be expected. A majority of them think volcanic en ergy will be displayed for a long time. For two days hoavy rains have fallen. Pauncefote. the late British ambassa dor at Washington. HITCH CLAIMED. I Presbyterians on the Island of Paoay are reaching many of the rural people ,at the market places, where they con gregate from miles in the interior and are greatly Interested tn the" teaching J of the Bible. I A union of Protestant churches in ; the archipelago was effected lor 'he ! purpose of utilising the nissionary for ces to the beat advantage by the dl- , rtv.r, ..... . I uwu"a' Jla -'-Jusi oeiore par- :v,slon of the mi and oprl du. llament closed after midnight a ni- CUSsion of all luestfon. of common tu mor reached the lobbies that a hitch tereet. had o-curred In the peace negotiations, j 0ut;,,!e tne ,n Manl ft and ,ts Nothing official concerning this rumor '-irons there are none who are so could e ascertained, but a dispatch !rlpe, for the use of the mhXe from Pretoria tn which it was stated j We are , , the flr8t gy that prevalence throughout South Af- t0 translated lnto ttle ianguaga0f rtca of optimistic feeling in regard to the Cebuan ?roup of the yisajan Isl peace negotiations was hardly bawd lMdll chaplaln John A jm of upon solid facts, may be regarded as the Unted gtateg army wth Indications that such a hitch has oc- 'ance of competent Mw nas! curred. Little information from Pre- j wtn the utjJJOst timnelated and torla has been able recently to I ( thoroughly revised this important raan--""!" r' j pscrpt, which has been presented to the society without cost by the chap .lain, and dedicated to the North Mls- TO PROTECT THE BIRDS. Meeting Tonight to Organise Bird So ciety. Through his lecture before the Clf t op county teachers' institute on the subject of bird. Dr. W. R. Lord has aroused a commendable enthusiasm among Astorians for the study and the preservation ' of our feathered A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT GRANTS PASS Rages Over Six Acres of Ground and Destroys Property to the Value of $44,000 GRANTS TASS, OPvECON, May 26. Fire today consumed the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Company's plant and all the lumber in the yards; William Brothers & Kendall's sash and door factory and six dwellings. About six acres were laid in ashes. The losses aggregate about $44,000. George Hartman, fireman, was overcome by heat, and J. A. Turner knocked from a lumber pile and badly j slsslppl conference of the Methodist church South. The printing for tt? Bible society has been done in Japan. Total number of volumes published ll 71,000. MANY UNION LABOR TROUBLES Portland Trouble is. Still Un settled According- to Reports. THE ANTHRACITE SITUATION The Taintr Play Haroc in Chicago,-Wholesale! Rtitrh er Are Especially . Injured. The Evening Telegram, fixes up the Portland strike as follows: ' The strike of 13 affiliated trade and the Woodworekrs of Portland is cot Ing approximately $000 a day lose 1 wages. The estimates of the number of men actually Involved In the lock out and the average wage per day gives a total of I8S72.50 per day. As a majority of the trades are being paid) good wages at present time, the men on sympathetic strike are paying well for the principles they are upholding in the struggle. "' The case deciding whether tnv in junction shall be made permanent wilt be argued tomorrow. Judge Carey ap peared for the Bulling Trade Council, and Judge Betyiett for the Federated Trades and tie Amalgamated Wood-' workers.. ANTHRACITE. CHICAGO, May 2.A enference that promises to change the aspect of tht Amhraclte strike situation was held here today between several mejntar of the National Civic Federation and Union interests. TEAMSTERS. 'CHICAGokay '2-is a result 'of ' the teamsters strike at the otockyard. business In Packing Town may be ' paralysed ,and that among Who'eaalo butchers and down-town restaurant may be seriously crippled. The Pacific Journal, published at n waco. calls the Astorlan to task for condemning Capt!n Stuart end bis life-saving crew at Cape Disappoint ment on account of the crew's actlna at the time of the sinking of the barge Wahkiakum. What Induced the Paelflo Journal to A this is a mystery. Charges have, been made against the captain and his crew to the Astorlan, but the Astorlan investigated the mat ter and defended the ife-eaving crew. It showed that the captain and his crew had performed their duty to the uppermost. Along these lines It may be proper to state that the only edi torial written on fhe Pacific coast In a daily paper advocating the pension- Ing of life-savers was published In the Astorlan, and that since that editorial was written the bill has successfully passed one branch of congress and is likely to pass the other. The Astorlan has the highest regard for the life-oiv- ers generally and went to trouble and expense to defend Captain Stuart and his brave crew, and the Ilwaco Jour nal's false charge is very ungenerous. The Eclipse Hardware Co. Plumbers and Steamfilters. Steam Boat and Gasoline Boat Work a Specialty. Stoves and Tinware 527 BOND STREET ASTORIA, OREGON 1 I i! 1 I i hurt.