The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 23, 1902, Image 3

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    ., ,;''"- '. ..; .y - " "". .V ; ,'. . . . ,v b
Ih coming in ftihtor limn we ciin use jt m id wo now
, ofler tiio vury bent limdo at .'15 nixl J(),. j,t.r r0,
The Morning Astorian
I-OUTLANU, May M.-Qron, Idaho
unit Wliliiaton-hower,
i:ik' aug fiK'M, Tuduy evening,
May 27, 1903.
Uiioii avlis feed, train and hey.
A hlmviit of flit Kuaalana It,
p.ik4 in Ceylon.Johnaon bro.
l'orokala hatha, ohainplon bootblack,
thr expert bar lure, beet of wrvlce i
Occident liarbvr Shop.
New utitck of fancy good a Jut ar
rived el Yokohama Uaaaar. Call and
tht latvat novKUe from Japan
Th My la filled with the taohr
of ih county, and i'liilw,, ran be mi
uf hr tmcher.
Tou will find tht beat Uo maal In '
tut city at tlie ftuuni( rtun Ittaiaumnt,
Nu. lit Commercial 81.
Uointlhlntf ftiie in lh lunoh 11m, J.
lumell a Caaot Club Frtnon Hardlooa,
In tomatot aauca. Jobuaon Uroa
W art now rexwlvlnf atrawberriea
dally on Uit noun train, direct from
tht rrower-JOHNiJON VROB,
Hend In your order for your winter!
aupply of fir, elab or sard wood to Kl
I), the tranafer mJL Phont Kill black.
A very Urge ajawrtmant of aorteaa
In new and up-to-data dcalna to at
lect from at Char let Hvtlborn A Bus
Juat tht thlnt for ttaa-lUinona,
Atthena, and Cbanpafn wmfara. We
have a freed 'thlpment Jual in. John
am Bro. ,
lit U aanu a pint at tht
1'nrtoi' Candy Store We tuaranl
uur 1 1 nreama to oontaln no gelatin
or eUrch.
I'atrnnlif home Imlualry by amoklng
the 'I'rlde of Aatorta" cigar; flnttt
niade. Manufactured by MaoParlant
an. I Knubel.
The Aalorlan job prlnlliig depart-ni-nt
pluce the union label on all
priming. (IihmI work at reaaonable
prlcea. I'himt Ml.
iMnlng room ublea-a car-load di
rect from tbe faclury, which wt are
offering at remarkable low price.
Chat, lli'llborn A Bon
live (Mi III 'nice lieet linking Powder
a chance to tell Ita own atory and gel
your money back at our atore It the
lory il' nut pleaae you. JOHNSON
A new line of hull racka and hall
eeaia Jiint received at t'harlea llellborn
A Hon e are bring offermt at vtry low
figure. Cull and ciiimlne them
Idle fine hair gKMaawUrhe, rata,
trllbya, etc., can be ordered of A. K.
I'eterann, Occident Barber Shop. Full
line of beat ha'r tonlca and barber
Itoalyn coal lanta longer, la cleaner
and mnke leea trouble with atovea
and chimney fluea than any other
coal on the mnrkct. Oeorga W. 8an
lrn, Knt. Tilephone 1311.
Cnuche -we carry the largoat and
heat aelccted atick In the city. The
lln liuludea both nnonth and tufted
ccitchea, which we are offering at low
er prlreH than other dealera. Charlw
Hellbom & 8n.
Secretarlea of lalor organKatbina
. ahniild remi-mlr that the Antorlftn Job
printing dcpiirtnit-nt la the only print
ing office In Antorlti that haa trw right
to ii the union luliol. Do not aend
your printing out of town,
The Great Eastern Furniture Co.
('mi stive von iimney ly Inlying ytiur
Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Couches,
and Lounges, and all House Furnish
ing Goods of them.
' Wo buy, truilo, or oxcIiiiiijjp old
furniture for now.
GoocIh Sold on Busy Poyments
Tk a walk tlirough our lurjje
nnd Commodious Store. i,
Shanaliah Bldg. ' '' Phone Black 2145
All the candidate and all the voter,
muka La Belle Aatorla elr,
KIk' U aorlal, Tuvaday evening,
May Xt, 190J.
Call Main Ml for your coal rjuir.
inenta. Ordure promptly filled.
U t. William, a prominent mer
chant of Ilwaco, I In the city.
Five fr.-ah milch oow fur aale, Ap
ply at AI'lTbHH.k llulcehraliup,
A rare irat.. Th Mently Connm
at Klahera' t)pra limine tonight.
At riehera' Opera Hoti tonight
the Mneley yum totst-. Hear them!
I J. B. King ,of Portland, u rrgla-
lTd m the Orcklont Hotel lam tilKht,
Kurnlalm-d cot lag wamrd-Mu be
oemrally located. Apply at Aaturlan
; Tiiblu TennlK la now the talk if Hit
I town. We havt It, Hvenw.n'n Hook
J. a Wudril- .a well km.wn .mm...-.
olal traveler from Portland, arrived In
Aator'a by lat night train.
The Melhodlata held an open air
; meeting on ConitnrclMJ atreet taat
U-cvnliig. which wa largely atlemled.
Tonight, at pther' Opera llouae,
thu Meneley guartette and Knox, the
renowned Imperaonator. Don'l mlea It;
A. K. tlreen and wife, of Kan Kran
claco, are apendlng a few day In tht
city. They arrived here on tht Ktder
Wednr-aduy evening.
W. Kugrtie Knox, king of lmiron-
jalora, with th Meneley yuarletle, of
iChloago, will aptar at Flabera' Opera
,Houae Friday evening, May ia, Ailm'a-
alon, Mot.
Wo carry looth bruahea f.r lender
gum and dainty mouth. Tooth
bruahea that wt guarantor will re
place them If brlatlea come out.
Dlacrlmlnatlng people who uk the
beat are ailll front In i.n th fainnix
j preparation to bo found only at the
I renowned Toke Point Oyaler llouae,
!the awelleal place In town,
J. .M. Uatllena inmlw ' the hlglicat
acme wt bowling yvt mude by local
talent in tin city Thumdny evening.
He iiiikIc a run of IU, which U a ivcord
hri-akcr moat anywhere.
1'. A. Kan lor, In Welch block, will
I call for your clothea to i l..n, iiyt. re
) pair and prviM, and will deliver them.
King up phone, rediwet. Suiia to order
j from til up.
The tug Huinaon, n the commuud of
j Captain LeiKhtor, had tiul arrived from
tliuya Harbor at it lute hour hiat night.
J She w H expected to be In by 9 o'clock,
but no doubt Home Mllghl difficulty In
.hHinlllng thu bulge cauaeil her delay.
The Mill Men and Lumber Workers'
t Union wa orguulied hurt evening wlih
Uilxmi 20 member. A aoon a the
jchartr ia received the ollluera will bu
pi-rmiincnlly elected and regular mcel
llng nights vstubilahed.
j Prof. T. O. Hutch'tiaoti, of Knuppa,
j who la attcnilliig thv tetU'herH Inatltute,
j wiia formerly county ochool nuMiln
jtendetit of Polk County. Ho hiw be
icome a HMiiiiUieiU cltUen of Clataop
wnd expecla hi fiimlly to Join him
ut Kimppu the Oral of next week.
II. W. Cyrus, formerly connected
with the army ua ao expert olectrl
clun, hua opened an electric nule and
repair ehop nt No, 4J1 llond ktreet, and
l preimred to Inatull and repair elec
trie plnntM, machinery, etc., of nil
The tadlea CJulld of Orace Church
will give n social nt the home of Mrs.
F. Flnher on Thuiadny evening. May
29. V good program t In-lng prepared
and a pleaaant tlm I aurtd by all
who may attend. A general Invitation
I extended to all,
Klka' atag aoclal, Tueaday evening,
May 27, 190t. ( t
J. II, Itnric came over from Calh
liunet yeaterday,
W. Itell, K. W. pooley and C, A.
Wataon, all welt known Tillamook men,
are In Aatona ;
Mr. Jame K. Oodfrey, who U on the
Democratic tloket for atate , printer,
wa In the city yeatorday.
Mr, Oeorge Flnley, the tlmW man.
who haa been purchaalng extenatv
tracla In the Nehalem country, la In
the city.
Thoa, llennlngaim, a native of Her
man y, wua granted hi Aral paper
of dtlienahlp In the county clerk' of
fice yeterday.
Dr, W. It. lxrd, author of the book
eneltled Itlrda of Oregon, and who
lectured In Actorla litat evening, haa
divided to remain over and thlnka of
orgnn'llng a M lely for the protection
of blrda in thin city.
Deputy Htnle Commander Wlnfleld,
of the Miuvalea, la about, ready to
e..e with (lateway Tent, No. 83, thl
city, but he think yet before cloning
he will Initiate JS more new member.
If he aucceeda thl will make a total
of 126 member Initiated In the camp
by him lnce February. ' '
Itevlval meetinga are atlll In pro-
grea at the Methodlat church, Kvan
llat Murahel I an earneal worken A
number of neekera were at the altar
laat evening. A large atreet meeting
waa held before the aervlce at the
church, and another will lie held thl
Heveral Fori Steven noldler were In
th- city yeati-rday. They aay that the
'.new mean halt la about completed nnd
that there la talk of giving a grand
jhall In the atructure before It la oc
cupied after It completion. Captain
!tteel of the Thlrty-thlnl ha arrived,
iand the general condition at the fort
lure aHtlafarlory.
i Mr. Kern, of Hale Kern Company,
wa down to Beavlew yeaterday view
ing the remain of what waa once
their hnrge Wahkiakum. The Inten
tion of hi trip waa to aacertaln'lf any
thing could be aaved from the ruin,
.but the wnvea had wrought urh de
struction with her that he dhtpalred
and relnrni-d to Portland lat evening.
1 The county clerk wa buay yeater
day forwarding election auppllea lo the
jvarloua election offlceni over the coun
jty. The pui kiigea contained everything
j neceaimry to carry on a flratclae elec
itlon. except the power to milk" men
'vote Intelligently. Thl Job I left to
'the voter. From all account they
; will vole right, aa the mongrel do not
aeem to have a ghot of a elm me.
J. N. William!. Itepubllcan candl
idfile for Congre!, for thin dlatrlct, will
'iiddrera the ieople of Clalaop County
!h! FlKher"' Opera llouae Saturday
ievenlng. Mr. Wllllamann I to be the
! next congressman from thl dlatHct
and It will lie well for the people to
Ihear him. Fishermen are especially In
! vlted to he at tha meeting. It will be
I one of the best meetings of the cam-
Women of Astoria still complain that
the men hit careles about avoiding
expcelnriilliiK on thv sidewalks. A big
l"gob" of saliva la unsightly on the
sidewalk and It la filthy, besides It Is
an unpleasunt thing to step In and it
soils women' divases. People must
expectorate, as a mutter of course,
but how easy It la In walking along
the at i-ect to step to one side and ex
pectorate In the gutter. It doca no
harm there, The thoughtful men now
adays always think before they exiec
torate on the sidewalk. The animal
fever thinks, and the ordinance should
be enforced agalnxt these.
John Tlce. the logger who was kill
ed by accident at Snldron's logRlng
camp and whose body wna shipped to
Onnby, Oregon, on !.isl evening' train,
wua well known by D. It. Itlount, of
this city, Mr. Tlce wus about 10 year
old, was unmarried and had two lirot ti
ers nnd a sister, who reside a,t Can
by. The accident wa a aad one. While
at work In moving logs a iIor was
drawn out suddenly, which struck him
nnd killed him Instantly. He was fimt
brought to Pohl's undertaking parlor
and then shipped to hi people. Mr.
Ulonnt, says he wa a hard -working,
and honest man.
J. W. Hnwerton, postmasteWf llv
co, Is n the city. It Is Mr. Hower
ton's first visit to the city for several
months. While Astoria looks natural,
yet he aeea many evidences of Im
provement. He nay the people ot the
north ld of the river art watching
the political campaign on this s de with
great Interest, a they would regret
very much to aee Oregon spoil herself
by going Democratic. At this partic
ular time such a mistake by any of
the Northwest state would queer the
whole Northwest. Mr. Howerton aay
that people of the Washington lde of
the river have too much faith In the
good Judgment of the people over here
to 'believe that they will make a mis
take and elect a ticket which In real
ity means nothing, for If ha nothing
lo offer.
Arrangement! havt been made to
run a steamer to Greenwood cemetery
and return on Memorial day.' Round
trip 2Goti Will be limited to 100 pa,
senirers. , call early for 'information
and aecur tlckeU at Pohl't undertak
ing parlors, ,
l.rf;Tjord Give an Intercatlng Iec
i ture.
The lecture of Dr. W. It. Lord on the
lllrd of Oregon, at Foard It Btnke'
hall, wa well attended laat evening.
The gentleman Illustrated hi lecture
wljh ateroptlcan view and brought out
all' of the point of the feathery J.rlbe,
nd explained them to the audience.
: Beside the lecture there were other
features no leaa Infereetlng and enter
taining. Prof. J. C. McX'ue sang
olo, and Ml Jeffrie played 14 songs
of Ih' Lark on the piano,
Dr. Lord I a great lover and friend
of the bird.
He urged forcibly three Illegitimate
interest In blrd hunting, collecting
and mllllonery decoration.
He aald In part:
The savage nature of boy prompt
them to kill only for satisfaction of
their want. ,...
Ladle are wllln gto wear plumage
of bird upon their hat, notwithstand
ing thai hundred of poor, harmless
creature had to be leprived cf life
lo supply theae feather.
' There wt three legitimate use of
birds "first, they are valuable an
economical agent in g '-tiltim, be
cause they destroy lnWi. whiih if
l alone wiu1 1 In tu. y-w (! ir.y
every green thing upon the earth;
Hen the Wn saves to man the
growth of vegetation. Owl are bet
ter than a cat lo eradicate mice around
Heeond, we shrnild learn to lovi birds
fur their beauty. A bird, next, to a
human being. I the most h-aoMful
thing God' has made. "The movement
of a bird I the moat graceful motion
to look upon. The flight of the swal
low. In particular I perfectly wonder
Third, birds cultivate ymithy in
the human heart when we learn to
appreciate their mode of life. How
long and diligently they work In build
ing their nest; a bird become very un
happy when its nest I disturbed, after
It ho built It no carefully, laid It
eggs and hatched it young. What a
c.htirf 'a It aong which we may en
Joy even while engaged In our regular
work, and they never disturb u.
The entire evening wa a charming
entertainment and Rev. Lord will be
remembered In Aato.ia a one who
opened up a new line of thought
amongst the children here, which will
surely create a warm spirit In them
toward the Innocent bird.
Hlds will be received by the county
cntirt of Clatsop County, Oregon, un
til Thursday. June S, 1903, at 3 o'clock
n. m for the construction of an 80
foot span bridge, 12 fet wide, across
the Necanlrum river In section 24, Twp.
5 N., R. 10 west. In Clatsop County Ore
gon. Said bridge to be, constructed on
a site about one mile east ot Carl
Johnson' place, where the county road
from Seaside crosses the said Necan
leum river.
Hldders will nreeent plans and speci
fication for sn'd work, together with
a certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount of their bids, or a good and
sufficient bond, a a guarantee that
they will construct the said bridge
provided they are awarded the con
tract. The court reserves the right to re
lecr any and all bids.
By order of the County Court.
County Clerk.
How often we see this startling
headline In our dally papers, nnd how
much we sympathise with tbe unfor
tunate victim, be he rich or poor, but
there are hundreds of other cases, of
people who have been robbed cf a far
greater treasure than wealth that we
never hear of. . We refer to thbie .who
have been robbed of their good health
by a rebellious stomach. There Is one
medicine, however, that will conquer
a rebellious stomach and make It per
form Its duties properly, and that Is
Hosetter's Stomach Bitters. It
la a specific remedy for the
stomach and will cure belching flatu
lency, sick headache, Indigestion, con
stipation and blllous:vss. Try It and
see. Our Private Die Stamp Is over
the neck of the bottle.
$600 Eight acres Just south of town
at Junction of county and old military
roads. Lays well; suitable for plot
ting; a small ranch or suburban home.
I paid $1000 for this. E. C. LEWIS,
Of Interest. For this week we will
make special prices on goods as fol
lows: DIKKvne widths I, 7 S. and 12 In
Newest shades; at 5c.
I ilfA Appliques, Galloons, Torchon
tltc and Valencennes, 12'i. 15, 18,
, and 25 cent quall'y, at 19c,
Men's Soft Dress Shirts
serl'on stripe. Rich and tasty color
ings, $1.50 value, at $1.00.
Men's and Boys' Crush Hats
plain and fancy check, 25c and 48c.
25 Per Cent Discount
lar ; retail price on al trimmed nd
street hats.
501-19 Commercial 8t, Astoria, Ore.
The City Council met last night, ac
cording to adjournment last Monday
night. The house wa catted to order
promptly at 7:30 o'clock, with all the
member present . except CouncirtfTan
Nordstrom,fcof the Sixth ward.
The most Important business taken
up was a follow:
Petitioner for retail liquor license
were Nancon Nyberg, 8. Wilson and
Henry Dlvse. A petition by the ladles
of Bast Astoria, asking the council to
prevent Mr. A. Weet, a resident of
thit portion of the city, from allowing
hi chicken to run at large, was re
ferred to the city attorney.
A communication from the Chose
National Rank, New York, asking the
payment of Us commission foe hand
ing the city bond, and also a mesaage
from Mayor Snprenant, requiting
that the ordinance making retail lUiucr
license transferable be repealed, were
rrad and placed on file.
The way and means committee rec
ommended the payment of the follow
ing claim:
Foard V fltoke. $9.10.
Sherman Transfer Company. 15.
P. A. Stoke, i.ta,
Joseph O'Kleth, SM.5o.
H. H' Bcheel. $12..
Prael A Cook Tranefer Company,
T. II BMwell. $30. M i
Frank BldwelC $1.. ' ! ;
Charlea Warnstaff. $1
Fx! ward Judd. K M.
The oomm'tlee on treet and public
way' report of coat wa:
Board of Assessor. $.4 i
Sherman Tranafer Company, $11.50.
Foard Stoke Company, Met.
H. F. Prael, $45.75.
Astoria Box Company, $$.3.
The committee on Are and water rec
ommended the payment of the follow
ing claims:
Flaher Bros., cent.
R, M. Gaston, 5 cent.
J. M. Elkworikr IS.
Andrew Ap. $9.
Mr. Allen, $2.0.
C. A. Cook. $2.0. The reports were
respectively adopted.
At thl point of the meeting a re
port from' the city physician wa hand
ed to the aecretary and read. It show
ed that four caae of mallpo had
been recorded In Aatorta, three having
been treated at the pesthouse and one
at the home of Mlas A. Hanson.
Among the ordinance voted upon by
the council wac one for the payment
of $35S to C. W. Holme for the span
of horses lately procured for the Are
department; another accepting the Im
provement recently made on Seven
teenth street between Commercial and
Franklin avenue, and still another for
the amendment of ordinance 2675 In as
much as every liquor license shall cost
and in no case shall be extended
over one year. The latter ordinance
wa laid over until the next meeting.
After adopting several minor reso
lutions,' the meeting adjourned.
$1100 NE. corner Franklin Ave. and
Third St., 50x100. with attractive eight
room cottage; city water; view that
cannot be obstructed, and seven min
utes walk from postofflce. This prop
erty I worth $1500. but I am leaving
the city and would rather sell than
We have tltcm forIon
'and Roys. Plain Colors;
Stripes, and all sorts of
Combinations. ...
Prices from $1.00 up.
S? Danziger & Co.
Purchased For Spot Cash :
Direct From the Factory,
Nottingham, England
Dozen Dozen
BQhblnet and Lace Curtains
We have the very latest: Tuscan Net Centres; with
Heavy Arabian Edges. Price 1.25, 1.50, 1.9H. 2.25,2.50, .
2.98, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25, 4.75, 5.00, 5.75, 6.50, to 15.00
Shanahan Bid. Commercial Street,
Drink to Your Health!
1 tbe Beat
You make no mistake by using it.
New consignment of fine tea just in.
Foard & Stokes Co.
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place in Astoria. Open all night.
Only white he!p." John Blasich, Prop., Eleventh St.
Special Drive on Rugs
Add Comfort and Beanty to Yoor Home .
Handsome Patterns, Best Qualities, Prices from 35c tip.
lively Moquettes 95c and Upward. Handsome Pro
Brussels Art iquares, f 4 50 and Upward
Nothing Better. Price Lowest. Call and See.
H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Pipe Repairing
A Specialty
Jf Finest
Everything the
Commercial St, Market Affords.
cannot be expended to better advantage foi yourself -
or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the '
Semi-Weekly Astoria ti
It gives all the city and county rews twice each week
foi only one dollar a year in advance. - '
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon
Restaurant in the City
Regular Meals, 25 cents,
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
W. W. Whipple