The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1902, Image 3

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1.1! I.
They Won't Last Long at ;
Three Pounds (or a Quarter.
The Morning Astorian
PORTLAND, May ll.-Oreton, Idaho
affl4 wblnton-falr, and warmer,
Oaatoa Mlla td. grata nd hay.
Call Male Mi for yew omI rnutrf
mtnu. Ordsrs promptly filled- .
A hipmnt of b KhmUm
tkd In Ceylon-Johnson Bre
for llsnt. Terse furnished room for
houMkplnr-4 Tntb Street.
1-orcafeja tett tfMmvto MWmK,
tttroe export batter, beat ervteo
OooMt Paste? tho
How at of Host food a,
rtvod t Tokotema Ammt. Call m4
eao taw Mn( awvaKief fWe Jape.
Ton m MMMik ana, to
aus ty at Mete Hw Restaurant,
Wo. W'OawwnW t
ocnotaing As to the roaoh Km, X
MMMtrt Onac Club Prone tertlna,
a toototo mmok-MMM Bre
Wo ere now reoelrlnc atrawtwilse
tally on tn mm into. alrsot from
the frovor.WOIINSON BHO0.
ror OroMMry utter,
sfcru tttm per roat
A eery torgo aoeorunsnt eereens
OA Nf aa navao-aete dOOlgM 10 00-
ot Gtonrtoi Hetibowi tun
just tho thing for t-Hioon,
Atthsna, and Cnntnpefne wafer. Wo
have o freah ahlpiwnt Juet tn.Wohn
mux wat
lM areata 0OM0 Vtel M he
IWIer s4r Wo mmvM
r Mo ereeaee to Mttlt so netetta
Peweate hoaee Industry W esnafctal
of AaAersV etr: onset
HnMU(in4 Mr Meairarlene
e4 Knsfcet
Tho Aetortao Job printing dprt
monl pleese tho union leAet on oil
printing. Ooon work at roaaooeble
prtose. Phono HI.
Dlntog room UMm- enr-lond di
rect from the factory. wWoh wo ojto
MTvrtng at retaerhabl low prtoo.
Che Hsllbon A eon.
dtv MWllingo Boot Baaing Powder
a ohanc to Ull Ho own story end "'
your money bok at our oiore If Cht
etory doea not pleeee you.-JOHN80N
A now lint of ball rack and kail
aoato Juat reoeed at Chariot HeMboc n
A Boa'o are Mag olTorod at Tory low
figure. Call and enwnlne them.
IdiM Im hair goodo-owiuboo, rata,
triibyt, oto., can no ordorod of A. B.
Potoroon, Oeoldont Barbor flhop. Full
lino of boot br tonloo and barbr
P. A. Raotoc (a Wtlob block. wtU
mil for your cMfcoo to aloaa, dya, r
pair and pram, and will dollvor tbom.
Ring up pmono, radMoL Bulla to ordor
from kU ap.
4Vr a tew dayo you can got booka
at too than half prloa at Syonton'i
book atoro. Wo fcava M bound booki
to eloaa out at two for Kcta. Blggeat
offr avr made.
A to will be glvim at the renldonuo
of Mra. N. Clinton on tho oornor of
ftevonthSt. and Haniaon A. nst
Tuiday afternoon and evening, for the
bennflt of tho lodloi Relief Corp. The
i-hlnf featura will be a flab-pond and
an apron aale. All aro Invited.
life Are In It with Rujs ThlUfeek...
Now is tho tiind to buy Hug", bh we are
selling thora cheap. -We hiive tho best
line in Astoria from $1 to $35.
Couches, Upholstered in Velourr
Best stool springs, and well niado, $1.75 "
Hard-wood dining chairs with cane or wood scat,' 75c.
Best Straw Mattings
From 15c per yard up
Wo are receiving new furniture every
day. Oooda sold on easy payments.
578 Com. St. 1 Phone Black 2145
All fho candidate and all tho Voters
nmuke La Bollo Aotorla elgart,
U e'ure to hear Marahal in tho Meth
od it church today. Everybody U wol
coin. The l-m?r Hue II, Elmwe will
Wave for Tillamook IM morning at
t o'clock.
For the moat palatable dlah In the
world try the oyetero aerved at the
Toke Point Oyeter Houae.
flend In your ordr for your wlnter'e
tuply of nr, alab, orjiard wood to Kel
ly, the iranifvr man. Phono Ull black.
Beeauao of tho atomy weather the
eteamer Mayflower made the run to
Ilwaoo yeaterday In place of the
HteDi are being taken to organlao a
typographical union In this city and
the promoter aay they oipert to make
It a go at an early date.
During thla wak fOvangellat Marabel
will preach In he MH hod let church
every day at I o'ebek In the afternoon
and at T to In tho evening.
W. Eugene Knox, king of Imperson
ators, with the Meneley Quartette, of
Chicago, will apear at Fishers' Opera
House Friday evening. May it, Admia
slm, Kota,
'Roalyn eoal laala longer, la eleanor
and makes ieaa trouble with stoves
and chimney fluea than any other
coal on the market, George W. Ban
born, agent Telephone UU.
For originality, clearness and earn
estness, Evangelist Marshel baa few
peers. Don't fall to hear him oday
at the Methodist church. He preaches
both morning and evening.
Henry St. It ay nor, of Portland, and
J, C. McCue. of this city, addressed
the people of Seaside last evening on
the political Issues of the day in be
half of the Republican party.
It was reported yeaterday that two
fishermen had been seen to go down
to rls no more, after their boat had
been canslred near the O. R. A N.
dork, but an investigation failed to
verify the statement.
Couches- carry Ihe largest and
beat selected stock In the oity. The
line Includes bojh smooth and tufted
oouohes, which wo aro offering at tow
er prices than other dealers. Charles
HfHborn A Bon.
The, steamer North King arrived
from Alaska yesterday. There a
well founded rumor abroad that she
will either go on th Ttllamook-Asto-rla
run. or be used hero aa a pilot boat
Hall's Juniper Kidney Cur Is the
best kidney medicine known to the
market. We guarantee It to do its
work. If it don't g'v relief in one
dav, return the bottle and get your
money. Chae. Rogers, druggist. '
Secretaries of labor organisations
should remember that the Astorian Job
printing department la th only print
ing ofllco in Astoria that baa the right
to use th union label Do not send
your printing out of town.
Today la the day to take dinner at
the New Style Chop House. A chick,
en dinner will be served fried chicken
family style, such aa you used to get
at home, There will also bo served
chicken pis and tho full bill of fare
usually served at thla popular eating
AM members of tho Toung Men's
Republican C1ub(are requested to meet
at Republican headquarters Monady
evening at 7:30 o'clock to act aa es
cort to the Hon. W. J. Furnish from
said headquarter to Fishers' Opera
House, where he will address the peo
ple on the pol I tloaJ Issues of tho day.
By order of J. C. McCue, president of
tho club.
People standing la lbs rain whlls
waiting for a street ear may be com
forted to a certain lnt by know
Ing that another new ear I almost com
pleted. It wlH b No. 4 and built af tor
tho same plan aa Ita immediate prede
cessor, No. I. When No, 4 oomeo Into
service It will lessen he time between
car about Ave minutes,' '; ; j ;'
Captain Parker went up to Portland
last evening with a crew of man to
tak charge of th Nahcotta, which has
been thoroughly nvrbauled and repair
ed. H will return . with her today,
leaving Portland at 7 o'clock this
morning with tho oipectallon of arriv
ing here early In th afternoon, -fnc
Nahcotta will be placed on th Tlwaco
run Monday.
Th Meneley Quartette, which ap
pears at Fishers' Opera House next
Friday evening. May 8. haa given In
the last seven year hundreds of con
certs In :hurohe of ail denominations.
Wherever thay go they aro wanted
back again. The local committee has
been advlaed that they cannot be ad
vertised too highly.. "'Mr.; Knox, the
Imiwrsnn&tor, haa few equals In hi
line, and la a complete show wUhln
hlmx.'If. The prohibition, patriotic and
pathetic songs were of tho highest or
der, and the harmony of their music
waa grand." Heppner Times. - ,;
The other day when John Nordstrom
moved his house In East Astoria a few
feet nearer the side-walk, It created a
disturbance in the community such aa
had aeldom been known there. Tho
telephone wire connected to the front
of tho house was slackened and came
In contact with tho street car trolley
cable, in conaeqoeaco of which tho
batteries of seven receivers In tho Im
mediate neighborhood burned out. At
th Whit Swart oaloon such a blase
waa created that tho proprietor was
obliged to break the receiver down
with an as to keep tho buHdlng from
catching aflro. Besides that, no wia-
tertal damage was dona.
Oeorg Rtergman, th forger, waa
taken before Justice Goodman yeeter-
day and waived preliminary anamina
tion and waa sent to the county Jail
in default of bail. His companion has
not been arraigned yet. Th statement
that tho two men vers in bed when
arrested was a mistake, a well aa that
J, M. Lolmaugh refused to give his
nam; and th statement that they
were both drunk was not true,, and
the statement that neither of them
had any money when arrested was a
mistake. Stergman was In bed atone
when arrested and waa drunk. Lot
maugh who waa In tho aaloon follow
ed him and the officer to the police
station and waa then placed under ar
rest by the officers. Lolmaugh was du
ly sober at the time and bad a frac
tion over M In sliver on hi person
when srrested and promptly stated
that his name waa J. M. Lolmaugh,
and these facta were published n yes
terday's Astorian. Lolmaugh said he
was from Indiana originally. In addi
tion to the other trinketa on tbo two
men each had a short pleeo of candle
In his pocket, and thla doubtless caus
ed graver suspicion aganst them, aa
burglars and housebreakers are usual
ly equipped with such things. Lol
maugh had cashed a check but It had
been found to bo genuine, and while
he waa not thought to be actually
guilty It is believed that he knew
Stergman waa passing bogus checks
and aided him In concealing the mon
ey. The police did well to hold him,
If for nothing else than for a wttneea.
An innocent man and a criminal do
not usually travel long together, and
these two have been together for some
Machinist Meets With a Terrible Ac
M. T. Thomas, a machinist employed
by the Astoria EUetrlo Company,, mot
with an accident yesterJ.iy n-hlti) at
work that will oause him untold suf
fering and possibly cost hl-n hia life.
A large porton of his toily Is practlc
ally flayed and ho ia possibly the most
painfully Injured man who haa ever
received an injury tn Atwla.
It appeara that Thomaa was oiling
the machinery of the company at Ha
East' Astoria power-home at the time
and waa caught In hla clothing by a
set screw in tho fly wheel and that
he .was snatched from thosfloor in a
twinkling and hurled around and
around like lightning for an Instant
before he wao released and dropped to
tho floor, and not then until every
shred of hla clothing had been strip
ped from him and a portion of his
body completely flayed.
Nothmg was left on him In the way
of wearing apparel but hi tboea and
tho feet of hia socks, the legs of his
stockings having even been twisted off
by tho rapidly revolving whool. The
skin from the entire front portion of
hi .body from tho pit of Ills stomach
down was twisted off, The suffering
of the unfortunata man was appalling.
His future Is a sad one. In case ho
recovers It must be by slow degrees
snd under tho most lingering manner.
Mr. Thomas is'a married man. and
was regarded aa a reliable and good
hand., He ia at Bt. Mary's hospital and
at last accounts waa resting aa well
as the circumstances would admit
Dr A. A. Finch, who performed th
operation which was a very delicate
one, waa encouraged last, evening at
the manner In 'which his patient was
bearing up under hia suffering, but It
will be a, day or two before definite
hope can be entertained for - his re
Th annual meeting f the Clatsop
County Teachers Institute wilt be held
In Astoria, beginning May tl and clos
ing May 23, County Superintendent
Lyman has Just Issued a neat pro
gram introduced by some abatements
valuable to teachers and patrons of
schools. He haa got ton up a, splen
did program and too publlo generally
la requested to attend tho meetings.
Following Is tho program:
..... WBDNEBDAT, MAT tl.
(Day's Session at High School!)
;09 Music.
0:10 Reglstrstlon and Introductory
- Remarks, by 3. It. Ackerman.
0:50 Arithmetic, ty R, F. Robinson,
10:10 Recess. '
10:40Address, Aro We Following th
Masters? by W. O. Blms.
11:20 Course of Btudy Language, by
3. H, Ackerman. t
l:SoMuV). . ,
1:40 Reading, by R. F. Robinson.
1:18 Course of Study-dilatory, by J.
H. Ackerman.
1:10 Recess. .,
!:2A Geography, by R, F. Robinson.
1:00 Music.
1:20 Address, by 3. H. Ackerman.
lOo-Musie. ' V'.-.
MO-Artthmetlc. by R. F. Robinson.
:6a Course of study Language, by
J. H. Ackerman.
10: JO Recess.
10:40 Address Bird of Oregon, by W.
R. Lord.
II: Reading, by R. F. Robinson.
1:40 Address, by 3. H. Ackerman.
I:t8 Oeorgraphy, by K. F. Robinson.
1 10 Recess.
1:10 Course of study History, by J.
H. Ackerman.
(Foard A Blokes' Hall.)
1:10 Address, Birds of Oregon, with
Stereoptlcan Illustrations, by W.
R. Lord.
1:10 Arithmetic, by R. F. Robinson.
160 Course of study Language, by
J. H. Ackerman.
10:10 Recess.
10:40-Addreas. by C. E. Smith.
Il:00-Addrcs, by T. O. Hutchinson.
ll:I0-Nature Study, by R. F. Robln-
- son.
1:40 Course of Study History, by 3.
H. Ackerman.
i:at Reading, by R. F. Robinson.
:l6 Recess. '
:J0-Ouetlon' Box. by J. H. Acker-
- man.
4:00-Oood-bye. 1 ,
How often, wo aeo tbia startling
headline In our dally papers, and bow
much we sympathise with tho unfor
tunate victim, bo be rich or poor, but
there' aro hundreds of other cases, of
people who have been robbed of a far
greater treasure than wealth that wa
never hear of. Wo refer to those who
hav been robbed or their good health
by a rebellious stomach. There is one
medicine, however, that will conquer
a rebellious stomach and make It per.
form Its duties property, and that la
Hosetter's Stomach Bitters. It
ia a specific remedy for tho
I stomach and will cur belching flatu
lency, sick headache, indigestion, corf-
stlpatlon and biliousness. Try it and
see. Our Private Die Stamp Is over
the neck of th bottle.
100 Eight acres just south of town
at Junction of county and old military
road. Lays well; suitable for plot
ting; a small ranch or suburban homo.
I paid 11000 for thla. B. C. LEWIS,
11100 NE. corner (Franklin Ave. and
Third St., 50x100, with attractive eight
room cottage; city water; vew that
cannot be obstructed, and seven min
utes walk from poetofflce. This prop
erty is worth 11500, but I am leaving
the city and would rather sell than
rent E. C. LEWIS.
Bids will be received for the con
struction of ' a school , building (or
school district No. 18, John Day River,
until May 14, 1902. Plans and apeclfl
catlona can bo seen at the office of
the Astoria Abstract Company. Tho
right Is reserved to reject any or all
bids. t JOHN LEWIS,
' Clerk. -
Of Interest For this week we wilt
moke special prioes on goods aa fol
lows: '
RfrtbnnC widths t. 7 . and 11 In
I nc Appliques, Galloons, Torchon
tzzzl and Valencennes, UH, 15, 18.
10, and 15 cent quality, at lie.
Men's Soft Dress Shirts Ytf
laiesi iiv
serton stripe. Kich and tasty color
ings, 11.50 value, at ti.oo.
Men's and Boys' Crush Hats t.
plain and fancy check, iim and 48
25 Per Cent Discount 5 S
lar retail prto on ai brimmed and
street bate.
Paine's Celery
Invigorates 'and Strengthens
Those Advanced in Years.
If You Feel Old, the Great Medi
cine Will Give You the
Vigor and Health of
Every one in spring time should
glvs attention to tbo purifying of tbo
blood, the bracing of tho nerves, and
the regulation of tbo digestive appara
tus. This Is tho special time when old peo-
Mif mSuavi pus oiuoi a posu aid
something that will restore them to
that condition of health that cobducea
to make old age happy, cheerful, and
bright. ..... .,. ......' V::
Old people ahould carry homo with
them today not by-and-by a bottle
of Paine's elery Compound. It will
certainly banish tho rheumatism and
neuralgia that help to make life a
misery; U will drive out of the system
alt Impurities and make th life steam
flow fresh and pure; It will banish
weakness and all languid feelings, and
Impart tho vigor and activity that
make youthfulness. It Is the only
medHcine that will fully meet the needs
and expectations of all In declining
Mrs. Mary 0. Burgess, on estimable
and highly respected resident of Cle
ments, Cal., finds Paine's Celery Com
pound her atay and helper In advanc
ing years; abe write as follows:
"I am 71 year old, and in the past
have not been well; I had spells of
weakness and headache. A friend of
mine told mo to use Paine's Celery
Compound; I got bottle and it helped
me very much. It gave tne a good ap
petite and made mo strong and nappy.
I think there la nothing like it My
husband baa taken it and It strengthen
ed him. Now when we do not feel well
wo get a bottle of Paine's Celery Com
pound and It saves no doctors' bills."
DIAMOND DTEB color anything aay
color, durable, economical.
Nominee for County Judge
We have them for Men
and TJoys. Plain Colors,
Stripes, and all sorts of
Combinations. . . .
.Prices from $1.00 up.
S. Danziger & Co.
Just now you who
should find time
Everything Reduced for
of thin Month. ' r
A Word to the
Shanafian Building
Drink to Yonr Ifelffil
la the
You make no mistake by using it
; New consignment of fine tea just in.
Foard S Stokes Co.
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place in Astoria. . Open all night.
Only white help. John Blasich, Prop., Eleventh St.
A consignment of new and handsome patterns just received.
Ton can get a bargain now. Nothing bolter lor the homo.
Call and see for yourself if I bare not the largest stock and
lowest prioes, ennaulering the quality, of any house in town.
Goods Sold on Easy Installments.
H. H. ZAPF, Tie Hoase Fnrnisiier.
". " . , . i .-. . "''. . . ''
Jobbers and Dealer 1n '
Pipe Repairing
A Specialty
Commercial St- Market Affords. W.W. Whipple
cannot be expended to better advantage foi yourself
or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the
Semi-Weekly Astorloti
It gives all the city audlcounty news twice each week
foi only one dollar a year in advance. : -
aro House Cleaning
to attend
the Balance
Wise In Sufficient.
Commercial Mtrswt
515 Commercial Street'
: Astoria, Oregon
Restaurant in the City
Regular Meals, 25 cents, ,
Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
108-lu Commercial St Astoria, Or.