The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 18, 1902, Image 1

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Hooks, Periodicals. H-. ' "" " 0
fro I'd 13 t:T:Lrr::.iV.:3
1 ..ay n.'J.jut u ''ii.ii'.o. Any
. . , . ' y I f V-K.ll oKciiiC,
Wul In linhlrt In nrnstfiCUtion.
HO. 115.
v jr ,
t i k " ' i "' " . j
um r
Keep ' Your Blip of IVrVhwwr
.made at my "tore nd when you
have enough to cover Twcuty
Dollar, worth of Goods Exchange
your 1i8 fur A Fr.e Ticket
v The Dance Will Be All Right, i ;
The Sapper Will Be All Right.
OurCiothes and Prices are All Right.
H MtMMt -tttF
Tho most perfect, practical nd con
venient Fountain Pen ever made
Every,. Pen Gttmnteect i
, , Money refunded Knot aatblactory.' Juxttbt thing fut" ., .
every ny ut. Nothing more sceopUble m gift.
a 1
Sea Our Window Display for
Samples of Elegant goods at ,
' V ;, v " '. ' '"' .
Wo Have Them in Every Y.
riety,i- Sty 1 Kind and Color
.'ai th Leading Clothing Honw ol
$2.90 to $5.60
Instead of Desiring lo Kill the
Kins Wanted to Marry '
His Sister.
Oreat Crowd PreMcnt at Crowa
lug at King Tbroiifh Ctt
rloltj.Uut Little '
not en reooiraliaM.
In tlM dwllln bmiite of tho qn-
t(r of n of Uio eUte M eorp
wre found In olmJUr condition uvd
othor tlckentng dlnoovfrki hv bn
mad. ,:
BAKKH CITT, May H.-J. r. Jack-
on, of Jackaon Dro., At South Bokr,
attempted to commit aulclde by taklnr
morphine. At ft lata hour tbe doctor
reported that th young man would
recover. No reaaon la rWn, for the
raah aot.
Officers Try to Arrest Negros
and Eight Persons
Are Killed.- '
MADRID, May ,17.-p!Ddia "
monh In eonneatton with attaining of
hla majority by Xing' Alphunao today
wvr attended by an'Incldent, which,
while Inalgnlflcant In IMalf , (or . tha
moment, oreattd . much exoiument
among thoac who witnaaaed It and In
the chamber of deputlea, In a tnor
aenaatlonal form than facta warrant
ed. It appeara that Juit a the royal
coaoh emerged from the Plata de Ar
maa Into the aquare In front of tbe
palace, a young man auddenly puahad'
through the rank of aotdiara and po
lice and ruehed toward the door of the
chariot, with hat In one hand and
holding oulatretched In the othr",
paper. Before be reached the door the
att taeeya Overpower him', though
not before the dlaturber had tecelved
a aevere mauling. :
The prlaoner wa taken to the guard
room of the palace, where ha wag In
lerrogated. The letter ' In hla hand
proved to be addreated to tbe . king,
atatlng that the Infanta Marie Teraa
had promlaed him her hand and beg
ging the king to accede to the tnar
rlag. The prisoner waa carefully
eearched and It waa found that he
carried no weapon. Hla remarka re
garding Infanta Marie Tere left no
doubt M to hla mental condition.
When King Alphonao, Queen Regent
and Prince and Prlrwew of Aaturiaa
.withdraw from the chamber of depu
ties, the proceaalon waa reformed and
proceeded to 8an fYanclteo ; church,
where Te Duem waa chanted.
The reception met with by the pro
cession waa, on the whole, lukewarm
on the part of tbe Immense crowds,
composed chiefly of people who had
gathered from everywhere to witness
the ceremonies. There waa ' aome
cheering from tbe people In the streets
and hats were waved, but many men
did not even uncover their heads. -
MADRID, May 17. King Alphonao
attained ba majority today and be
came king In fact aa well aa tn navme,
having reached the age It, prescribed
by the constltathm. '
The royal proceewlon waa formed on
the Plata d Armas In front of the
palace shortly before t o'clock, and
proceeded to the chamber of deputies.
The proceaalon was a spectacle of me
dieval magnificence. -
HAZtETOK, Pa., May 17-llellable
infomatlon saythaMbe alike may be
ottled, but that the striker are welt
organised. The strike 5rder la being
earrled out to -tbe Mter,
POKTIiAND, May 17.Chr! Sav.
age waa acquitted today of the cnarge
of larceny of. 119,0 worth of diamonds
tn the IotJ Portland In November UuL
i 4 ., '' 1 t ': t ' '.' I
Li) OP Colon IEfi i WAS
At Portland Portland, I; Helena, 1.
At Spokane epokaae, 10; Seattle, I.
At Tacoma Butte, 1; Taooma, 2,
At Chicago Chicago, 1; Boston, J. '
At Pittsburg Pittsburg, ; Philadel
phia, I. .,
At Cincinnati-Cincinnati, I; New
Tork, 1.
At St. Louie 6 to Louis, 4; Brook-
8uln Improved' And Madrid is
: fhnuged Proni I'arfi'd City
' ! to llrilliaut Cnpitai. "
NWV YOKK. May IJ.-Cpaln'a COB'
diUon cannot be accurately Judred
from' the pleasurable excitement of a
'popular festival, wfcen the streets of
! the capital are' thronged with vHtora
'and there is af Mjllant "display jk
!equluacs in the parks, cables the
Madrid correspondent of the Tribune.
Without wfereace Moi advantageous
1.1 In the aneclkl Mraniinv wlth.Ha
J Spanish vivacity e!nj Jiolldat humor.
.the facta Justify the conclusion that
j the country. Is in a greatly Improved
state and that the war involving the
jlora of the colonies has proved to be
'a blessing in dlsgulae.- '
t- The. terrible dratatatpon- the wsoarece
of th kingdom from military expend!
,tures ha ceased and the pressure, of
.taxation has been relaxed. The la1'
adopted a year ago requiring the pay
ment of Import duties in (fold baa
( operated well and Is ' enabling the
.treasury to 'create ; a gold reserve
available for resumption purposes
j While nothing definite has yet been
.accomppsnea ne airecuon or a Cf-n-I
traclon of the currency, there has been
I a material Increase in the purchasing
pewer ot me aepreciawa medium or
exchange and there has been alao
great gain -in the buoyancy of the
public confidence.
Banker and merchants are convinc
ed that a better era haa opened for
Spanish Industry. New linen and oth
er textile factories have been bu'lt in
Northern Spain and considerable In
vestments have been made In mining
properties In the south. The business
community has awakened to the fact
that Spain's virtually undeveloped
country Is possessed of great resources
and that so long as the colonies re
matned a heavy weight upon the tax
payer on the peninsula there wm no
, chance of Industrial prjress at home,
The. war with America, baa brought
about a deliverance from economic
ruin and has left the Spanish people
free to concentrate their attention up
on (heir home resources. Employment
has increased in the manufacturing
sections; new enterprises nre multply
Ing. There are fewer beggars In the
streets and more signs of wealth and
comfort in all large towns. Madrid
Itself has been transformed from A fad
ed and forlorn city Into a gay and bril
liant capital, with a new movement of
traffic in the streets and hopefulness
in the sJr.
At Cleveland Cleveland, 14;
troll, . -
At Boaton Boston, ; Philadelphia. 7.
At Baltimore Baltimore, T Wash
ington, i.
At Chicago Chicago, I; St. Louis, 1.
KINGSTON. St. Vincent, May 7.-rIn
the absence of any symptoms of fur
Uer eruption of Souffrlere, the Inhab
itants of Bt. Vincent are gradually be
ocmlng settled.
The most horrifying details of the
condition of Carlo country where thou
sands of cattle nd human corpses lay
In a state of decomposition for several
days are revealed.. In a small shop
opened three day after the eruption
No Better in Town
Erery Pair Terfcct '
Boston Sabber Boots
Buy your shoes and boots of a
Practical Shoemaker
S. VGimre.'
Opposite toss. Waist t Cv' ...
Several Thousand Peopte n tlw
Cronnd-gtate' Mllftary "
Ordered Out In , the
-Jiick of Time. ,
Atlanta, ow May n.-order has
been restored In Atlanta race riot and
Governor' Chandler declares that no
unoffending negro shall be molested.
The total number killed w eight
and Will Qregg (white) has been added
to the list, r. . , ' .,
: ' ; ' ' f THE RIOT.
ATLANTA, May 17.-Four white men
and three negroes dead; five white men
and one negro wounded, and an en
tire block of buildings burned Is the
result of a conflict that began here
early today between tbe police and
blacks. Will Richardson, who ls be
lieved to have been bait Indian and
halt negro, the owner of a store In
McDaniels street, In the suburb of
Pittsburg, and four other negroes
brought on the trouble by resisting a
re and 'defying .the officers' of Ful
ton county and Atlanta.
The fight between the officers and the
negroes occurred In Pittsburg, a negro
settlement directly south el the city
limits en MeDaiilel street.' The officers
attempted to arrest five negroes, sus
pected, of having beaten former Police
man Kerlln nearly to death yssterday
afternoon, 'i The negroes resisted arrest
by, entrenching themselves In a house,
and the light resulted. As soon as tn
fcrmatlon of the flghbetween the ne
groes 'and the officer reached the city;
wagon loads of policemen heavily arm
ed were byrrled to the scene, and Gov
ernor Chandler ordered out a detach
ment of the state militia.
The shooting was followed by a
speech from Sheriff Nelms, of Fulton
county, advising calmness oa the part
the house. The door was throwiTopen
and Will King, a negro, ran out and
surrendered." Inside the house Rich
ardson had an unobstructed view la
three direction. One block away Po
liceman Tom' Grant, who was among
those summoned to the scene, stepped
from tils shelter to flre Into the house.
A shot rang out from the besieged
house and Grant fell dead.
The attacking party hastily ' pent
word to police headquarters and chief
of Police Ball dispatched the reserves
to the scene in several patrol wagons.
The officers determined to make um
of King, tbe negro who bad surren
dered, and at' the point of a Wliwhev
ten tbey forced him to walk- ap to
the-rear of the house and fire it As
soon as the flames were discovered
the officers, eager to get the inmates
of the house, steped out of their shel
ter In every direction. Antn there
Ladies Bow to King and Queea
in Dresses Similar to
Ball Gowns. '
was a shot from the bouse and this
t'me It was. Officer Edward Crabtree
who met death. e ,;
An Instant later there was third
shot and County Policeman Robert Os
borne felt dead . ,
The shooting had by this time at
tracted hundreds of people, and nearly
every man who came to the scene car
ried a rifle. The shooting into the
bouse became general, cltlsens and of
ficers firing together. .
Desperado Richardson had been lost
sight of. The bouse burned rapidly,
negroes running to the store and wood
shed and barn. Orders were given to
fire every building Into which negroes
had been driven" , and In a few mo
ments the buildings were burning. A
sewer was utilised by two of the ne
groes as a means of escape , but to ho
avail. The 'crowd had Increased until
about 2000 ' people" almost all armed.
surounded the burning area.' Soon a
negro was sene to emerge.'' A shout
went up and the fleeing negro, who
struck out over an- adjacent lot, wa
pursued. Shot after shot rang out and;
he fell dead. His body was filled with
lead. Another negro made a run for
life, and managed to get Into a neigh
boring yard when surrounded by the
crowd and shot to pieces. " '
The fir tbat was started burned the
entire block, being mostly negro houses.
, ,. .
Decomposed Rodie.4 of - Hun an
Beings pud .Cattle Found
v - Side by Side. -
e j.'f.'t
FORT DE FRANCE. May 17.-TJntt-
d States Consul Avme. fnmmantler
of the crowd, and the efforts of the 'McLean, Lieutenant Commander Gil-
officers thereafter were directed to
ward controlling the temper of the
white men who were walking the
streets of the suburb armed heavily.
Yesterday afternoon while returning
to his home on the MoPheraon road,
former Policeman 8. A. Kerlln was
waylaid by five negroes with whom he
had had trouble while a member of
the force, and but tor the timely ar
rival ot a trolley car which, frightened
his assailants away. Kerlin would have
been killed. Tbe sergeant stationed at
Fort McPhearson found Kerlln uncon
scious. At midnight County Golden
heard that Kerlln's five assailants were
located in a house on MoDanlel street,
and hastened to the cHy and secured
a warrant for their arrest. . Police
man Golden was Joined by " Officers
Cheshire Dunbar, and accompanied by
eluding Owen Heard, the party started
a number of Kerlln's neighbors. In-
fur the hiding place of the negroes,
arriving at 1:30 o'clock this morning.
The officers approached the house,
and the Inmates. opened flre, and Owen
Heard fell to the ground. He was
borne out of the range of his as
sailants. The house was surround
ed by the posse and daylight was
awaited for another attack, the officers
having determined to make the arrests
unaided. The house in which one of
the negroes named Richardson was lo
cated, belonging to Annie Wilbur, also
colored. Richardson owned the store
adjoining the house. Here he kept
ammunition and guns, and was there
fore well prepared for a fight. -
At o'clock this morning the little
group ot officers who had watched tbe
house all night, approached the place
and called upon those within to sur
render. In reply to this they received
a volley ot shots,-on of which killed
County Officer Batele. The attacking
party- retreated some distance, and
from beh'nd tree and telegraph and
trolley pole commenoed.. firing into
more and other Officers of the United
States cruiser Cincinnati ,wtth a guide.
searched the St. Pierre ruins yester
day for the body ot United Statea Con
sul Tbomaa Prentls. The guide posi
tively Identified the consulate.
The larty found a large quantity ot
table silver bearing Initial "MU." Tons
will have to be removed .before the
search can be made. : Searchers- found
one body, the sex of which it was im
possible to determine.
Tbe French cruiser Suchet returned
to Fort De France last evening after
having made a circuit ot the island.
She landed some- supplies at .various
villages and took off some refugees.
Quantities of supplies, such as are be
ing prepared In the United States are
not needed In the Island. Mount Pelee
is continually throwing out smoke and
heavy dust and vesterday, prior to
landing of a searching party, the erup
tion waa quite violent.
Americans Were TUere.-Mra
Maki ; Wore Satin Gown
With Velvet Trnin nnd
Diamond Chain.,
LONDON, May 17.-At the third
court of the king and queen of Eng
Inad held at Buckingham Patace, o- '
ing to the, recent order concerning tbe
dresses to be worn at court, 'only tha
ladles presented" and those- who pre
sented them "wore court trains. The
unique spectacle was witnessed ot
many ladles' making their bow t
their majesties in dresses only -a shade
more georgeous than ball gowns .
. The, questiou as to whether or not ,
iialns should be worn at court bas)
caused great , excitement in society
here, and tbe restoration of trains a
all future courts, whlcn has been or
dered la a great -triumph for the fash'
ionable dessraskers' of : London, whs?
brought such pressure to bear at, tha
court through ' influential customers)
that his majesty yielded Jn'thejMit
ter and countermanded hi first oritf
abolishing trains. But he permitted
those ladies who had not had time t
procure train; for last night's func
tion to attend in gowns- -without this
feature. ' .,.;-: -;-, :j
A large number f . Americans, -la
addition! to those presented by Mr
Choate' were President Roosevelt" sis
ter Mrs Douglas.Robinson. and Km
John R. Carter, ywlfe-. . the second
secretary- af ,Ue JTnUed States emban
y.' In the general circle Mrs. Choutsj
presented Mrs. Foxhal I Keene, Miss
Loutee Chandler, of New-York; Mrs.
Frank Avery, of Chicago; Mr Blow,
of Denver, and Mrs. Newhouse ,of New
Among the Americans who steaded
court and who had previously been
preesnted were Mrs. John Hays Ham
mond and Mrs. J. W. Mackay. Mrs.
Mackay wore a white satin gown Wth.
a velvet train, covered with a net worst
of diamonds and edged with ostrich
tips caught with diamond bows. She,
wots ropes of diamonds" across her cor
sage and her wonderful Jewels Includ
ed the famous set of sapphires. Mr
Hammond wore a dress of apple greeaT
satin beautifully embroidered with
large pearls and emeralds.
Mrs. Blow wore a yellow satin dress;
with a train of white brocaded moire,
lined with cloth of gold. Upon kesl
hed was a diamond tiara and he
necklace was also of diamonds. " sfrsv
Blow wore the order of St. Jobs mi
Jerusalem, which she received for1 he
services in connection with the hospi
tal ship Maine.; : . . '
Mrs.. Langtry was among the. pre
sentees. She was clad In a white satin
gown, trimmed with guelder rosea.
The Eclipse Hardware Co.
Piumters 2nd Steamfitters..
Steam Eoat and Gasoline
Boat Work a Specialty. . .
Stoves and Tinware