HIE KC2SUBQ ASTOaiAK. SATURDAY, BAT 17. Trie a. Mia m. TBHua or tuB;MtpmK- ' ' DAILT. " " ; : (tent ty sr., per year' , t M BU by mail, pec month M Srvrd by mtiie. per stoath .... at by : certaia Candidas is about t withdraw fraa Oi ihnnaa-J e:r cantpalg stab. .- J "From th state-writ tf ataa, hetfcer he ku any fouadalioa fr staking the atateRient or km -ia few ovur Vm he nwy rata ttse prospecta f ca&diJat .or .1 j a great dta ag ad W" mud warcbaracN is bbt4. SSMt-WESKLY. I -". - all, per year, ta sivaac. JE r the sesaufactare of raicors la th malt :ty l profcabiy th rreatest. It fa' AWorUa (tutrautc to its ad- '- easaVr W trice :b rtia citrt rtrs tkc hrp OKaUUw 'MTti sniJ twa tbas ta a small tilrar. " ".; - ,,- icltjv- ta-a-targv eir :iw tuajir-ink- f I tx CCD SCSI twin raw . REPORT Or THE CGXWTKWI OF Astoria National Bank Of Aotorbt . ' ' " a - " At Astoria, la' tb Stat of Oregon, at ta c!os of ftttsiiMaa. April . IMS: , i ii lUSOUVCES. ' ' ' ? 5' (Loan and Discount .IS4.W4 K Overdraft, arcurrd and una. cured . T.1'4 M V. 8. Bond ta secure circa. latto IXSO. M) Premium an U. S. Bonis , . . l. M Stock. securities, . H i Tf Hanking houte, furniture and axtnrw i,sj Otbr rral oward I,14 tht frvwn Niuaal Hank (not rsrv Knts J 19 ttoor ni rod- anw fm m cmci w a ' Bankr lt.MJ IT GOLD DUST WTATI RHTVBUCAX TICKBT. jlnUm'- tircl aJ twopi tfer kav jnMiaMit(n Se wcmdtoi aKw iVv from awwv-ij " rfmrvr ' ' . Tor Coacnaa J W. WIUL1AK80N Far Oofemor w. j. JX'Rxiaa. ' for Suprna 2ad a e. bkak. Far ftferetary C State r. I DUNBAR. " Foe Tiwuaum-. C S MOR Far Attorney -Getral i A. at. CRAWTORD. Far Stat Prtetcr . B. WHTTKBT. Far g V at FaMto ImracttoM J. H. ACKWRMAH. vktt RSFC8UOAX Ttcnrr. c. w. pciroM. tot tV tenve to ,lf to thm. lfat Ha the small eitw a rumor ia ati'.y :artd. U- .v!rui 9ily oiD(mt anj ta dastac great "Caa" .aira rnai lit ttta to m-triaiii- aa ic;Stm iar i pproacbrt and it v-e-u'A t e!I t drouad of tb n firtair "tanlia" nwa wbrre a Jc1 It o4 'vt to aid him ta aprtadicc lu " A fair t of b prdpl with th tmt lier.w iVtii l U that Ih Re pobSiram -Wir." ciotaataadaiiJm. J arnts ia.:: u Mad anr e TE !t R. FA'RBA!tX COMPAirC ilnmil.u.r.m. CtaCT1?!r A1 lka and o;h-r ca,h tta Make at OVAL rAUtr SOAP. ; Not of o'.hrr National (tank . Fra'tkiRal papr - curreocr. . . . I n"kel and cat Po3o Hy and Tar ia pecv.lartr Lawful aKor Rerve ia adapted for asthma, broBcttiti and ! Rank, vts: trj M 5.41 W W. CARMAHAN. Oaaatr Jaae I- H. D. GAAT. C C CKJLRSX, ' Olafk r C CUMTOM. OH AS A HBLUBORN. Aatnaaanr t. . coBNraxca. - arreyor TL C. F. AOTBCRT. W. C A. POHL. ' Raad twinrvar - -CM. FOSTER. Jaatfa af th Pace F. I. OOODMAIV. IT. After d.:sj!Tir th tariff qveatkm far M year and thea retina ia and aaakinc a tarUt to rail then, which came ncariy ruiainf th oantry. th PMicrata have About abaaJotMd It. Bat they bar oo standby lift yet, it i "tai!o." Tby hT recently discovered that tax are too kish. ' I' tbey wlfi examine the county re cord they aria Bad that it waa throof h IVmocraiic misraaoarnen t that the county ara phtnrrd deeply lata debt. and that under Ret&bUacn rule the county la rapidly poling cat of dept and will won he abie to decrease the tax lery to a coBslderabl decree, and that, too, while new road art b-lDg made right alone and old ones repaired. . . hoarsneaa. For ale by Prar.lt Hart. Th bia- head la produced by th head beSar too fall of cmptineas. A lawyer may hare plenty of suita and then be shabby dressed . WHAT IS FOUKTS KIDNKT CCRS. Aassrer: It is ma 1 from a pr. ti(kia f a SeadiBf Chicago phyaid- an. and on of th moat eminent of th country- Taw tncrodleata ax th purest that money oaa boy. and are acieatiflcallr coablnd to ret their atnoot ToJnc For aal by Frank Hart Peoolo who seek happiness on the ran seldom Bad It. HOW RUMORS SPREAD. It H nrged that the people bestir themseires on the regatta question. The matter sbonld not be delayed. The aen:imeot of th people of Asto ria is In far or of a reralt there Is no question and that she win have one this year Is not doubted, but the people are nrged t get the matter on foot at one and begin preparations and make tW fair regatta, the beat in -the history of the dty. The rin-u'.i'i nf nmM K. v. iIW nwrn turn u. u aaDet or .r cn set afloat is as rArkb!e V'Tl' WOra of 1 Astoria la comendable. They are also as their origin," said a citizen y ester- .. , , - . , . . Persona to take the matter .-''' c''r Hop. It is a safe prediction that within "Th nuaor maoufacturer hears of i,. . , , . , , . I the next few months Astoria win be aomethlng r thinks of something he i , ' . i gin to put on a neater appearaqoe. would like to hare take place and ' tarts down the street. He casually j 11 b clalm5 "t next Monday and conSdently stops every man he ,niht win witness one of the largest meets that he knows and imparts infor- j"4'"" lBa ever gathered at Fish- tnatkm to hhn on the quiet. Each of rs Opera House. It win be the oc- these victims has his confidential casion of the Republican rally and friends and be Imparts the new and j the Hon. C. W. Fulton, who has been they 'go do likewise" untH every man stomping the state in the interest of Foley's Baser and Twr eoataln no opiate and oaa 'safely b giTeai t children. For as by Frank Hart. Speei tm.iTT T Legal-tender aote . 4,14 W Redecnptloa fund with V. S. Treaiurer (tt of circulation) lira n Total t4.mtt UAPrUTlBS. Capital stock paid la Surplus fund .' Undivided profits, leas e pens and tax paid National Dank Notes out standing Individual deposits subject to cheek.. tMMtt M Demand certificate of depone .v U.441 Tim certificate of deposit tU,4 II Some Inter- esting facts When psui ar cr!l;ipl tutfg i (rip, wath?r cm bu.) or r, thy naturally wttt th bst .i:c obtainable a tar as spl . .m.'.-rt and fy eowjnwt :m; ! yt of th WiSOONdlN CENTRAL UNt art P-J to serve th public sad our train opra:d a to tnik e'.m J" nv;ijD with diverging i:n-s at ati Junction point. Pullman Pjic S:pmg sad Cbaf Cars on through :rs)na Dining car atrvic ans.i'd. M U served a la ert. In orJer to ob a n t! fl"t-Ha r. . ak th ticket agent to U r-0 a tx-k over The Wisconsin Central Unes and you will auk dlrot connection t St. PjuI for Chicago, MliwAake amf it ooinu East. For aay furthsr Inf.irmttl w -all os anv ticket agent, or eorrev-mj aitk JAS. C POND. O. Paaa. Art. r JAS. A. CLOCK, attlwauk, W lltM a Word This Teil of th Pajss.tgei Wha Rorthwestera hm l it M I . Eight Trains Dally Btw8i St. Pi a) and Chicago, oomttrtelag Tea never heard of aay one aslng Foley's Honey and Tar and not being : Correct Attest Total 9tmt of Oragos, County of CUtaon, as: I. D. K. Warren. P real Jen t of th above-named bank, do solemnly awear that th ahov statement Is tru t th best of my knowledge and bUeC D. K. WARREN. President Stt.t M Tn Latest Pwllaaaa Keeper. j rwertea LKOiag tjara. I434.ni m Library and Oorv:ioa Cars, rre necuniag vaair vara. atiatted For sale by Frank Hart Too had better be lied about than to be lylns; about other. TRAVELING IS DANGEROUS. Constant motion jar th kidney which) art kept la place In the body by delicate attachment. Thlt U the reason that travelers, trainmen, street car men. teamsters and all who drive very much suffer from kidney disease in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure strengthen the kidney and cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. Geo. H. Haasaa, loaomotlva enfaecr, Lima O, writes, "Constant vibration of the engine caused m a great deal of trouble with my kidney, and I got ao relief until I aasd Foley's Kidner Cure." Sold by Frank Hart FTLTHT TEMPLES IN INDJa. Sacred cows often' defile Indian tem ples but worse yet ia a body that 1 pointed by constipation. Don't permit it Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid un told misery. They give lively livers. active bowels, good digestion, fin ap petite. Orfly tSc at Cha. Rogers' drug store. CEO. H. ODOROE. WM. H. BARKER, H. C. THOMPSON. Directors. Subscribed and aworn to before me this Uth day of May. IMS. E. 2. FERGUSON. Notary Pab&e. lioxoRiousT The favorite air with most of girls is the millionaire ia the town has beard the rumor. : the campaign, rill be on hand and , "It soon gets to be public property, Ml hi people how, he found, things and it matters not how false it may in other parts of' the state, be, it Is aseiess to attempt to trace ' ??r" " t to the first man. election Democrats talk eeo- "I have known a great deal of harm . nomj' and ,ivtr Uxln eorporatlons i to the utmost. After election on ' thoie few events on which they have t be don In this way," aid ihe citi , " and It is a favorite fad in poli tics. In this manner it gets out gotten into office they are In favor that such and such a candidate 1, as ,of Bulstintial ' ubstan. good as defeated already,' and 'that a ,ial alrie whether public Improve- ' menu are made or not, 'WtnYUFnunnn ----- x j xxwu gj7j .wv awilJVUM; a VUUUIJ 9 to play the mother to her doll. Unfor- ,them In th North Pacific Coast coun- r.ie ykr tssjSi ' " . . stinct. and when iduced the cost to a minimum and no real motherhood ; taxpayer has ground's to complain of comes to mother. "travaganc the matter. who suffer intol- i ' IeraUy during m- , SAVED FROM AN AWFUL FATE, ternity and who ' are unable to .veryboay said I had consump nurse the weak- , tlon," writes Mr. A. M. Shield, of Hnf child which Chambersburg. Pa., "I was so low irets anu moans after rtx months of severe sickness. ,ZZ' iZ, -.. 1 cau-d br Hay Fever and Asthma, that prepared for and ,houeht I W well, but I provided lor bv , ' "" nmrveiou merit or ur. jthe tuc of Dr. 5KinK evr Discovery for Consump J Pierce's Fsvorite tiun. used it and was completely cured." - .....f Prescription. It -For Desperate Lung and Throat DIs j cures nansea,;e, lt the wfMt , h ;?Jhll- "- 'or Coughs! healthy appetite iCold 6n Bronchial Affections. Ouar- and promotes rest- !nteed bottles Mo and J1.00. Trial bot- A LKSSON IN HEALTH. Healthy kidneys Biter th Impuritiea from the blood, and unless they do this good health Is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease It strengthens the whole system. For sal by Frank Hart. Much of ' the anti-trust legislation seems to be untrustworthy OX0RIOUS1 RAVEL Th "Northwestern Liml'd" train, electric lighted tbrougbou', both inside and out. and steam heated, are with out exception, th finest train la th world. They embady th latest, rwst and bast idea for comfort, con veal nc and luxury ever offered th travelling nubile, and altogether are th meat complete and splendid production of the oar builders art. Theat splendid Trains Connect With Tfce Grot Xorthen Tie Xorthcn tViNc tid Tke Caaadlai faclfk . AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO aad the CAST. No extra chant for then sucerkd scommoaations and all class of tick !M are available for passige cr. the trains on 'hi line are protected by tM Interlocking Biocfe System. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER. General Agent. Traveling AgL roru no. uregsa Th nth Ceatar Trails Runs cvesry Day of th tsar. The Finest Tram in th Work electric Uftttf aui THB BADGER 8TATK EXPRBSa. th Flats. Daily Train R turning Btwa su raui and cucar, via th abort Connection from the West Mad vi Th NORTHERN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R'TS. This la also ta BK0T LINE btwa Oman, St. Paul and MInaaaaoUa. a rij u Ttckst via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. B. L 81BLBR. Oeaeral Ageat Trav. Aasat 141 Aider Portland. Oragoa OAfinEt? 8ALVET wjwkasjt haaiing ggi in irnj work these tiny Captules are tupenor to tttitam or coptica Cubebs of Iniertions iiymu CURE IN 48 HOURS'". th sam diseases with- out inconvenience. Sld hill frmrr't'. fnl sleep. It makes the babv's advent practically painless, and gives the mother abundant strength to nurse her child. Accept no u1stitiite for" Favorite Pre scription." There is nnthing "just ss good "i lor weak and sckly women. - iwo rwi e tJt vj-rr wc aait brgsa Mr. d. ties free at Chas. Rogers', No man can hope to shake the hand of fate. PROPOSALS WANTED. Office Constructing Quartermaster, Astoria, Or., May 15, SIed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received l MA vrrv (Mr ukib jmiT latojue rrt-fTi)lkju.' nun 4. Hackdl. at Chardon. Craug Co., 'Wive air lialr bw nme he nhnl tWW R. ..i - i . an.) . h.lf II . .. . I J . i . . L. I . at- . - ,. - - ... ' r .-- " iuu ,uuu i iin uiticc until is 0 clock a. m kc weanixK my baby. 1 contracted s hravy Mr tor plastering ceiling Of rncr.'h00014' font HMpUa1' Fort sie- uck fr.nl chm to rrri their bniih tr vena, Oregon, and covering boiler with Dr. Pierce. meiHiur. ft woiikl take . clastic asbestos nr air ...n .i . .VI Li I llJ I ' U,FlIulni.,mrfit (.-11. E o3 in s frcat nanr aure Uaulk asdrr my j United States reserves right to reject "JT'uTyo, for ,r kimd iiJ sria - j OT M PP1- Information and Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser ia paper peclflcatIons furnished at this office, covers is sent frte on receipt oi cents Envelopes should be marked "Propos In one-cent stamps to pay expenve of'als for work at Post Hospital, Fort maihag oly Adilrr Dr. K. V. Pierce, Steven, Oregon," and addressed Cap. ufialo,N.V. 'tain Good.!, Q. M. ' HAPPY TIME IN OLD TOWN. "We felt very happy," writes R. jf. BevUI, Old Town, Va, when Buck ien's Arnica Salve wholly cured our iiaiefatpr r.f tA m.lrt hit ' I It delight all who use it- for CuU, Oorns, Burns, Brufsesif -Etoil5 Ulcers Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at Chas. Rogers drug store. Ambition to rise In the world the porch climber WILL CURE CONSUMPTION. A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes, "Foley' Honey and Tar la the best preparation for ooughs, colds, and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption In th first stages." For sale by Frank Hart When a man gel sold h i apt to feel pretty cheap VIRULENT CANCER CURED. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance In medicine is given by druggist G. W Roberts fit Elixabeth, W. VaJ An old man there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced In curable cancer. They believed his case hopeless until he used Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used, to ex pel bilious, kidney and microbe poison at tbe aame time this salve exert its matchless healing power, blood dis eases, skin eruptions, uleers and sores vanish. Bitters 60c, Salve 2Sc at Chas. Rosters'. A RSVELATIOW. If ysu will make Inquiry it will be a revelation to yoa how many suc cumb to kidney troubles in on form or another. If th patient is not bs- yond medical aid, Foley's Kidney Cars will ear. It nevsr dtnappomt. Fot sal by Frank Hart .i4-N,ml . , , M 1 Zr- tnc hrii worn kiwi of MOftUOB. Eureka 4 Harness OIHA ksn lout truer, but an UK ',1 Imber tcft uui nUar.le. unit u In con. (II H , "" I f In" , S., it erdluanly 1 -. ,i Li !Wl STANDARD m ; fcVj OIL CO. X , Your Smim Chance! OP SIX WEEKS Beginning Monoay. Jan K. will be eos joeted In on of th rooms of th Port end Business College, corner Park and Waahlngton streets. It will be strictly a school of study, designed to aid teachers to tugher grade la the August xmiaa non. Further particular oa applies Uon. OPEN ALL THE YEAR Ths Pertlsad Bustoes on i. . th year. Students may cater at any tins, for special .branches or a rnii.r ecrs. and reeetv individual r ' in itroetlon, as preferred. Call nr , eatalogu. Lsarn what and how ws teaob. A, r. Arsastraagr, IX. ., PrtwelpaL ll i!innT l.tNfs ailwll avaiiaw Union Pacific Depart (TlMiS SCHED-i ule. From Portland Chicajto Psrtlaad Special INia via Hunt- Ingtoa Atiaotio Rxnreas 1. (0 o. m. via Hunt ingtoa fit Paul Fast mail p. m. via Spofcaa iWt Lake. Denver J Ft. Worth, OrasU ka. aanoa city 8t Louis, Cbloatoj aad East. 8lt Lak.Davr Ft, Worth. Oma-j b. Kansas city. St Lou!. Chieagol and East. Walla Walla. Lswlston. foc-j kaa Mittnsapc4l 8t. FaaL Daiutk Milwaukee, CbH esga ad Bast Arrtv 41 pes. 1:11a m .. NOTICE To the Bufilneaa Men, f To the People. Oa aad after this date th Morning Aatorlaa will b taud-a usual, aad M us. uai wilt b lbs beat medium for th dissstnlnatloa of news of your busing tali tag ta goad psapla wbr lo trad tor th-lr bt ad , van tag and your . prvft This ia tru bsoaus th A- " toriaa reach e th patfl. ia read by ta people, and ha the enfifldeno and sup- , port of th psopl. Money spent In Judicious advents Ing pay largt returns lha any other lnvtmnt yoa oaa mafctv W ar )uHfto4 ia invll. Ing very olUasa to sub. sorlb for th Morning A tort a at sixty twain a month, dsllvsrod. or fifty sou a moaiB by snail, or to subscribe for to twloa-a wk Aatortaa at os dollar a year, because w offer you full valu for your aola. To gwt all th looal new and th jtpnfv Asaoela td Pre tigraphte nw frara alt part of th world baatdaa A otsea, iwtiabl pa Itjr eoatatalag the fai is worthy c support POUIMDOD A. D.17IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE l LONDON THE OLDEST PIRELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. CMU A , CMt A I n Unit) list, ., C A. HENRY & CO.. GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Stisome Strut . - Sai rraKhco. Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., 0ENT5 North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. Th Popular Product oftho only bra wary in North w.atern Oregon anjoya very; Ursa dome -tic and aat. port Bal. KOPPS BEST bottled or In kega. Prt City Dtkllvory. 1:4 a, Tt boar from Fartluid 11 rklmn U. . rm.Z-T - " vu.us ui vara. OCEAN- AND RTVER 8CHEDUUI From Astoria am. Daily ex ceot Sun. Ail sailing dat,i subject to change. For Sad Francis so every Ave dsya. Columbia Rlvtr To Portland and Way Landlag. 4 a. m. xc Monday 8teamr Nahoottn ! soinrU ok pae oauy, exceot Sucdar. for Uwaoo. connecting there with train for Long D-wcn. iioga and North Baoh potata Returning arrive at Astoria a.m . r. O. W. LOUNSBBRRT, Agtot. Astoria.. A. U CRAIG, General Passenger Agnt, Portland, Osegoa. BESTOF EVERYTHING 1 1 vnm Hit ((I A familiar nam. i h fhimm Milwaukee A 8L Paul Ftall wa u W nnwli ail over th Union as th Great Railway running tbe "pioneer Limited" iraina 4 nlrnt betwsen St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. The only perfect train la tbe w )rid.M Understand: Connections ar mads with all transcontinental lines. emiriM to passengers th best service koowa. usurious eoacnes, electric light, steam beat, of a variety equaled by no other line. Be that your ticket ran 'a u tv.. Milwaukee" when a-olna- ta snv nnlMl In the United State or Canada. All ticket aaent sell them. For rates, pamohlet or nth- mrnn. maUon. address. . W, CA8ET, C. J. BDDT, t ' fas. t. Jo. Agt, PoriUnd. Or. . - Portland. Or. TI - Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San PrancUco. it UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS lias been Underwriting oa the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two jearv SAMUEL ELMORE A CO., AenU, Astorin, Ore. Hotel PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON ; Tht, Only Plrt-CI Hotel In Portlnd ASK ANV ONE Jl3i i jtiianZal nil) fill ; l "j i i I TS S3 '.J L.. f mcff Wbo has used Star Baiats Rang, and they will tell yon thy ar fe, most aatlsfactory th.y hav. .vtr used, Thy requir but lltti fu-4 nd Uk quick and uniform, aad ar eatUy managed. For sal in Aatoria only by W. J. Scully 431 BOND STREET, Batwaaa Matk aid Tenth