THE MORNING ASTORIAN. FRIDAY, MAY 1G, 1902 MEMORIAL, DAT. Program of the'Q. A. R. Port At A- torts. . ;.. Special Order No. 1 First Th following detail are here by made to visit the city schools on Thursday. May 80, 1901; Olney School Comrade Guest, Fan non and Taylor, MdClure School Comrade Elmore, Allen, O'Keefe Stockton, Wlnton and Pea ley. Shlvely School Comrade Schernec kao, Hay and McCue. . ! .. Adair SchoolComrades Melbohm, Tlmmon and Crease. Alderbrook School Comrade Shaw. Wright and Davis. The Sister Academy Wednesday, May 28, at :3t p. m. Comrades Slmw, Wlnton, Wright. May, Stockton, and Dealer. Second On Decoration Day, May SO. 1908. the post will assemble at Its hall at 9:30 a. m., and at 10 sharp will inarch from the hall to the Hilt Cem etery, where the graves or comrades will be decorated. Third At 1 p. m., services will be held In the Methodist Episcopal church where suitable exercise will be held for the children and friends. THOS. FANNON, W. C. SHAW, , Adjutant. Post Com. On Sunday, May 2S, Memorial ser mon will be preached In the evening; at the Congregational church at 7: SO. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Vohl, of East Astoria, early yesterday morning. Miss Luclle Cole happened to slight but painful accident to one of her limbs yesterday while playing basket ball. , ... . .., , , ., In the hurry yesterday morning the proof reader, of the Astorian permit ted' the baccalaureate sermon and ad dess to be deliveed at the coming commencement exercises of the Asto ria High School to read "baccama leate." Ed. Mann, the popular clerk at Wine's, was the first to adopt, the shirt-waist and canass shoes this sea son. The most remarkable coincidence about the matter is that he walked an entire block in this attire without getting shot. NOTICES! Bids will be received for the con struction of a school building for school district No. 18, John Day River, until May 2i 1902. Plans and specifi cations can be seen at the office of lb Astoria Abstract Company. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. JOHN LEWIS, Clerk. STRIKE CONTINUES. 145,009 Men Will Fight to the Bitter ' End. HAZELTON, Pa., May 15. The An thracite mtneworkers In their conven tion here this afternoon decided to con tinue the strike of 145,000 men against the mineownera and fight it out to the bitter end. The matter of calling out engineers, firemen and pump runners will be decided by the delegates to morrow. ,".... , . While the leader will ot forecast their actions It is not likely that the miners fight will be carried Into bltu mous coal regions and into other fields of Industry. Mineworkers for elht months have been looking forward to the strike that is now upon them, Thev, have saved their money and are con sidered to be In better-shape today for their fight than they were In the great strike of 1900. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO WITH DRAW INSURANCE DEPOSIT Hf TH2J UNITED STATES FIRE IN SURANT COMPANY. To Whom It May Concern: In accordance with the require ment of the law of the State of Oregon, relative to insurance compa nies notice is hereby given that the UNITED 8TATE8 FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, of New York. New York, desiring to cease doing business within the State of Oregon, Intend to withdraw its deposit with the Treasurer of said Slate and will, if no claim against laid Company shall s niea wun ine insurance Commis sioner within six month from the 21st day of February, 19W the same being the date of the first publication of this notice, withdraw its deposit from th State Treasurer. UNITED STATES FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. By W, W, UNDERHILIi, ' President Dated at New York, this 7th day of February, 1902. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC'B. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estat ot John Palo, deceased, has filed in tn County Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County, bi final account a such administra tor. That the came has been set for hearing Monday, Juno tth, 1902, at tha hour ot 10 o'clock of said day. All persons Interested In aaid estate are hereby notified to appear at the onun ty court room in and for said county at said time and show cause, if any exists, why sold final account should not be allowed and the administrator discharged. - MATT PALO. Administrator of the Estate of John Palo, deceased. SHEtRIFrs SALS. Br virtus of an execution issued out of tfae Circuit Court of the BUUe of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, on the tth day of April. 102, upon a Pears soap in stick form ; con venience and economy in shaving. It is the best and cheap est shaving soap. : . . Sold all over th world. Judgment rendered therein on the 4th day of February, 1S0S. in favor of IX Penni, J. W. Hickman and Q. Garbart no, partners doing business under the firm name of Pennl, Hickman & Co., Plaintiffs and against John U. Und storm, Defendant, for the sum of H7175, the costs and disbursements ot this suit taxed at 1125 and th costs of and upon this writ command Ing and requiring me to make sole ot the following described real property, to-wit: Lot One (1) In block Fourteen 14) in First Addition to Kindred Park a laid out and recorded by B- C. Kind red, and Rachel Kindred, in Clatsop County, Oregon. Notice la hereby given that t will on Monday, the tsth day ot May, 1SU, at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon of said day, In front ot and at the Court House door In the City of Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the aoove aesortoea real prop erty to satisfy the Judgment, interest, costs and an accruing costs. THOMAS LWVILTJB, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria. Or.. April 23rd. 1SN. -: NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. April 13, 1901. Notice is hereby given that In com pllanre with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June J. 1ST8, entitled An act for the sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, . JESSE HIRAM WALL. of Washougal, County of Clarke. State ot Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 5715, tor tne purchase of the u. half of NE. quarter of Sec. J- and W. half of NW. quarter of Sec. 2. in township No. I nortn. range No. 9 west, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes. ana to establish his claim to said land before the Register ind Receiver ot tnis omce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the Uth day of July. 1902. He names as witnesses: James Burke, of Seaside, Oregon: William Helgeson. of Washougal. Washington; Charles Hsrttaugh. or RockTord, Washington; William Burke, it Seaside. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this af ire on w before aid nth day of July, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. PROPOSALS WANTED. Office Constructing Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore., May 15, 1902. Scaled pro posals, In triplicate, will be received at thi? office until 10 o'clock a. tn., May 24, 1902, for plastering ceiling of boiler room at Post Hospital, Fort Ste vens, Oregon, and covering boiler with plastic asbestos or air cell covering. United States reserves right to reject any or all proposals. Information and specifications furnished at this office. Envelopes should be marked "Propos als for workvit Post Hospital, Fort Stevens, Oregon," and addressed Cap tain Goodale, Q. M. Andrew Asp, Wajran lakfr, Elarl.sjitk and fisrtoiotr fik:t-class work at REASONABLE PRICES. Seecial Attention Given to Ship ' ard Steamboat Repairing.General Black mithing, First-ciai Horse Shoeing, uc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB OP SIX WEEKS Berlnalnc Monday. Jiuu SI tn k. ducted In ou of the room of th Port land Business College, corner Park and Washing ton street. It win be strictly a school of study, designed to aid teacher te higher grades In the August examina tion. Further particulars on application. OPEN ALL THE YEAR The Portland Business College is open all the year. Students may enter at any time, for tnArtal hmuhM a .-,,. course, aad receive individual er class in struction, as prererrea. oil or send for catalogue. Learn what and how we teach. A. P. Ariutrnf, IX, B., PrUclpaL jnoA 9A10 mi tj 09110 aavoMvi.? tM9 ui u .iimj tiiii put yof wtnwi fTi vK 'jwi q 3 1. mputnuiiiiisuiiruoKii ?MlO SS3UJ1JII V -w w V PUSJ VSJSVSB Hi if uiq Bui SMi , i jumiim PRAEL & COOK rRANSFBft COMPANY. Telephone. UL DRAYIMG AND EXPRESSING All good shipped to our ears Will receive special attention. No. SSS Duan St W. J. COOK, Mgr. Astoria, Ore. Pes. Tel. ML St cdwsso Psion, mutual First-Class V p-to-Date Work . VNION I.AHOR ONLY '4 luv a rooster tor tew things one Is the krow that Is In him, and the other la the spurs that air on him to bak up hU krow with." Josh Bii.umox Aslorian Publishing Co. Tentli and Csiwsroisl Sts. Phone 66i Astoria, Or. Fanner's fees are weeds. Unless they are kept down. thejr divert the nu trition which the oil provides from the growiBg crops and ruin their pro ductiveness. Diseases are to the bony what weeds are to the soil. They divert the nutri tion winch is necessary to sound health, and the body, instead of being strong and hardy, drags out a sickly existence. W hen the stomach is diseased, ana the other organs of digestion and nutrition are involved with it, there is a constant loss of nutrition by the body. The atom ache and its allied organs are not able to convert the foods into nourishment, and hence the body and ita several organs are deprived of the necessary elements of vitality. What is known- as "weak" heart or " weak " lungs, weak nerves and other forms of so-called weakness, are generally caused by "weak stomach. When the stomach snd the other organs of digestion and nutrition are cured, thea the other diseases are cured with it. ins eases which are caused by a diseased condition of the stomach are cured through the stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and its associated organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures through the stomach diseases ot nean, lun?s. liver and other organs. It in creases the activity of the blood-making glands, so that the whole body is nour ished by an sbundant supply of pure blood, rich in the bright red corpuscles of health. There is no alcohol in " Golden Med ical Discovery" and it contain neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. It is strictly s temperance medicine. Persons suffering lrom chronic forms of disease are invited to consult Dr. Pierce bv letter free. All correspondence strictly private. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Bulialo, M. Y. Suffered for Years MvKntitade to von sod vour Golden Med ical thicovery ' is so great," writes Mr. Rom Martin, of Arlee, Maion Cc.We Virginia, that I am at a loaa to find word to express my true feeling. I had suffered for a number oTyeara with luugand throat troubles, and doctored with tpecialiaU, but got no better. Thea I decided to try Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Diacorery, and after ualng it I waa g really relieved. 1 have all Callh that it baa avedmy lire. I hare one of your medical books and think it a grand work. . Torpid Liver Ouredt I waa s auRVrer from torrid liver for over s Er," writea Mra. Nora Willia. of Wheatfield. per Co.. Ind., "and could not aleep, nor cat rery little, and tben It would cauac me great distreia. I tried aeveral doctora but got no re lief. Was adviaed by friend to write to Dr. pierce, which 1 did, and in few days I received a tetter adrialug me to take hie ' Golden Med ical Dlicovery' and also bi 'Pleaaant Felleta.' After I bad taken only ball a bottle I waa greatly improved, I only took three bottles of the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and two vial of the 'Felleta,' and, thanks to Dr. Pierce and hi wonderful medicine, I am aa well as ever In my life, and feel that life la worth living after alt "teat winter I took severs cold which re ulted in pleuriay. Tourue caa not tell what I euffered. For two nlfrnfe and two daya I could not move without it nearly killed me. I told my husband I could not endure another night ot suffering. The weather waa ao cold and stormy that it waa almost too bad for any one to go all mllea to town, but he went, and got bottle of Dr. Pierce1 a Extract of Smart -Weed, which gave m irutaut relief. I can aay that for all peine that I have tried it for it haa worked tike magic. We keep a bottle of the 'Smart -Weed' in the house all the time. I cannot thank Dr. Pierce enough for what he haa done for me-" Constipation bat almost counties con sequences. Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets cure constipation and cure its conse quences. They should alwsys be used with "Golden Medical Discovery," when the use of a laxative Is indicated. surre oim cumath. The rapidly Increasing us of shin gles as covering for th wall of build ings, both t keep out the weather and for ornamental purpo, makes a great demand for a shlngls Uln which preserves th wood, prevents moss, snd retains a fresh, handsome appearance. Particularly is such the rase tn damp climates. The need Is well met In a perfect article made right here In As toria, Cutblrth's Creostte Shingle Stains are penetrative, preservative, handsome and durable. They ar put up In eight colors and every package guaranteed. REPORT OF TUB CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Astoria. At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business April H 1)S: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts I:t5,864 81 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 615 t U. 8. Bonds to secure circu lation ".WO Stocks, securities, etc 125,174 H Other real estate owned ,180 45 Due from National Bank (not reserve sgsnu) l,0l( 4T Due from state Banks and Bankers 31.78 64 Due from approved reserve agents ui,m h Internal Revenue Stamps .... 174 W Checks and other cash Items. S09 00 Notes of other National Fank 1.S00 00 Nickel and cent Sii 54 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, via: Specie 111S.J00 Oft Legal tender note. 1.005 w 114.305 00 Redemption fund with IT. 8. Treasurer (5 of circulation) IS 00 Total I55M05 4S LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in t 50.000 00 ! Surplus fund J5.000 00 (Undivided profit, less ex penses and taexs paid 32,550 57 National Bank notes out standing 11.500 00 Due to State Banks and Bank ers "53 70 Individual deposits subject to check.. 9434.340 !5 Demand certificates ot deposit 101.400 1 536.M II Total 1551,605 43 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to "the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. -Correct Attest: JACOB KASra, W. F. M'GRBOOR. O. C. FLAVRU Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before me this th dsy of May, 1903. C. R. THOMSON. Notary Public, Central meat Market , 642 CCMMEFCIAL ST. Vour nrdr for nifsln. both FRESH AN D SAL T Wl I pruni.tiv ard ai. fti 'urily ait..i dul tu 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telel'Bone Sn ;I21. , Insurance. Commission ind Sh'pflnf. C. J. TRENCHARD, , Agent Wells Farjro and Pacific Express Coinp'ys. Custom House Broker- ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD. LEAVE PORTLAND AasiTi 00 a m I Portland lu on Ucpot 1 11 10 m 70upo For Aatoria and wr I 40 p n- AhTORIA , ?V. a m I FTTortland iTEdWjr TlfeSsTss lupin I Puluto iOSOpa HKAtiDK DIVISION IS m Aaturiafor WaTrenioiiT II W a n I Flat el, Fort H eves, "5 V " 1 Hammond and Atoris 1 14 a ss I Beaaids for Warren tun, II HO p ml Flare!, Hammond, fort SO a m Hteve sandAatorla 70 400p lu 10 46 a Hi W 6U J 7 00 p at 96 SB Sunday only, AH trains mak dose connection at Ooble with all Northern Pact Do train to and from the Ksst snd Sound point! J. C. MAYO, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent DR. KING'S try HEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO 8UB3TITUTE. Cures Con8umption,Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat. Croup , and Whooping Cough. . NO CURE. NO PAY. Price BOc. and St. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. Dills Honey Uakers MILLS SLOT MACHINES will work for roe 4 hmsrs a day without eompea.ation-61 VARIETIIS, all prloes, Write for catalog and special offer. E.LU KOYELTY CO., Chleart, Ms.) B..s. -M ass a C (Q, Barr,- Dentist ManseU Building. I7t Commorolal BtM Astoria, Ore, TBLBniONH RBO WW. Dr. T. L. Ball DBurrrsT. 5S4 Comtnerctal Street Astoria, Or. J.A.FASTABEND QRNEI1AL CONTRACTOR AND BUIIJ3ICR. CHOICE MEATS Fresh Wcats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen 'ft Co., 513 COMMERCIAL STREET. Steamer SIE II. ELMORE The Largest, 8taunchest, Steadiest, and moat seaworthy vessel ever on the mute Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tion. Will mak round trips every Ave dsy between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad St Navigation Co. and the Astoria Columbia It R. for Cortland. Ban Francisco and alt points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Blmorc tSr.Co. ((iirl ARfntM, Asturlu, )r. or to B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. A. V C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. Big Deal in Press Disifcli to' Portland Orr-goftliiP, lMirtmr) 7ih Smith Premier Typewriter Co. L & M Alexander tfc Co., Agnitf. PORTLAND OFFICE - - 122 THIRD STPEET Castings We are prepared to make then oa short nolle and of th best materials. Let us glv you estimates on an kind of eastings or pattern work. Lowest prices for first -class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2461. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,' Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLEN Tenth and Commercial Streets PACIFIC COAST COMPANY G. OA L For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. TICKETS i TO AND FROM ALL Points East vu SHORT LINE TO 8t. PAUL, Dl'UJTII, MINNKA1-OU8, t'HlCAtlO AND 11INT8 KA8T. Through I'alaoe J Turlat Hli ep-r. Dining anU liuffvt Smoking Llbiary Cars. PaUy Train: fast tint. Fur rates, fulilers and full Informs tlDit regintlng tlrket, routes eio , call on nr adilrias J, W. I'HAI-ON. II. DICKSON Trav. I'ass. Agt. wiy noaei Agi. l!t Thlnl Btrvet. P'wiUnd. a. n. o. DKNNiaTON. a w. i, . lU Ktrst Avenue, - 9UI, Wash. O. R. A N. Co. Portland. Or. Typewriters few Austrian Government Order 1200 . Pmlth 1'remler. VIENNA, Feb. 7,-The jtrealMt !n gle purchase of typewritten ver made hius been ordt-rvd by the min istry of Justice, whirlr. after three months of exhaustive competitive tests, haa contracted to equip th en tire ministry with not lens thnn 120 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court. IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IrctiO Brass Works Cor. lth snd Franklin are. TELEPHONE MOW 661 EAST SOUTH Ixl siawar " VIA Irving 'sts. Portland Arrlv overland mprees Trains for Ha I am, Kusobuig, Ah Inml. Haorainanlo, t)gdn, Han rsn pih, Mojsvs. Li An li a, Kl raso. Now Orelen and tli Kaai. 1:10 p.m Ti a m 1:10 ' T:W p.m At Wotidhurn tiltilly sitwpt dun ila, niornin ttatn toiini ia with nam for Ml. An get, Hllveiinn, H row ns lll, Hprlngdrld. and Natron, and even ing train for att. Angel and Hllvar ton. 1:90 Corvalll pasn I l;M p.m r. l U p ml Mh.ldan -n- il:Wa,m I g'T. I Pftlly, ;lilr firrft urldy, Hobais tl.kvl on sal btwn Pqt land, riarruniriiii) and Ran Francisco, Np( ratvs 117 M Arst rlaas, without berth and 114.00 second elssa, Inuludlng bortlt. Hair and tickets lo Eastatu points snd K'urope. Also Japan, China. ftono lulu and Australia. an h obiin4 V. a. X. hilling. Third and Wash Ingtnn greets. TaAIUM. DlVI'tOW. Pssaanger dapoi tool of Jeffvraon Si. Usv for t)awrg,) dally at 7:M. , m.i 11:10, 1:15. I IS, 1:19, I t. 11:14 p. m. sad t oo p m. on Bundsy only. ArrU at Portland dally si U, 1:30, MO M . m.i 1:31. 1:11. H, .), T tO, 10:00 p. til.! 11:40 s. m, dally ssoept Munday; 1.10 snd 10:41 s. m, oa Sun day only, Lrav for Pallas dally wpt Sun day at 4:30 p, m. Arrlv al Portland at 10 a. m. I'assang'r train !vm Dallis for Airlv Mondays, Wdnday ind ! day si 145 p, m. Italurn Turedy, Thursdays and f!turdty. Kiupi Hunday. R B, MIIXFA Oen. Frt. end Pass. Aft Don't Guess at It Out If you are gulug Raat writ us for our rate and let us tII you about, (Ira service and accommodation offer ed by th IM,INOI3 CENTRA t RAILltOAD. TlinOUOH TOURIST Cars Ma the IIXINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Clncitjiintl. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to glv you aoni valuable Infer niatloit and assistance; Mil miles of truck ovr which are opiatd soma of tho finest trains In th world. Cor particular regarding freight or pasacngi-r rales call on or address. J. C UND8KT. II. H TUUMBEI.L, T. F. It It. A. Cimi'l Aft. 1 Third SI., Portland. Or. ..Fortland - Astoria lioule. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." I'ally round trip rxcrpt Bundsjr. TiMt CAHU Icave Porthmd 7 a. m, Uv Astoria 7 p. m. Through Portland txinnroilons with steamer Nahviitia from Iiwaoo snd Long Iteach Point. While Collar Line tlikni Intsr. changeable with O. it. N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. The Dalles Route STR. " TAH0MA," and MMETLAK0" Dally trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Str. "TAHOMA" Leave Portland Mon., Wed., Frl., 5 a. nu Leav Qalle. Tuea, Thur., Sat., 7 a. ra.. Str. "METLAK0" Lv. Tortland Tues., Thur., Bat, Ian. Lv. IMIle, Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 a. m. Landing at foot of Aide Street, Port ' land Oregon, Both Phones, Main 151. ' AOBNT3. John M. Fllloon. Tha ruiia. r A, J. Taylor, Astoria, Ore." J. J. Luckey, Bood Riyee. Ore.. "olford Wyers, Whits Salmon. Wn. J. C. Wyatt, Vancouver. Wn. T, R0SS2' Wn. Jolm M. Totton, Stevenson, Wn. Henry Cdrnstead, Carson, Wn. William Butler, Butler Wn, B. W. CRICHTON, Porltand OwfOB,. fcott's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules POSITIVE CVHC KurtaKiim'ni.'iiorCc!,irr o'llin Hlaitdi r ami UUlauja, No .at. au bu,' O-iro. anlciir na y..n ,. Bully Hi trout iu ot -uiinrrbnri an I 4. rr., i malt, r ul hw Inna . In. AtaMiluWy tiu,n. S lid hf dr:ir: M; r-r WOO, or by snail, potior J, !., I buiM, id. TMI lARTAl-rCPSIR CO., ana. ONT.iNa, Ohio. Sold h f hmm AyuMm 1U r.u.l. ' , w wiiiimi w al Street Astoria, Oregon, Foley's Honey Tat heeds lwg$ mtutttop th cousb. . r?mjii j Uavt 48m COLLAR LINE