The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 16, 1902, Image 3

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Tomato Chutney.
Have You Tried It?
The Morning Astorian
IHJHTLAND, May 15.-0reon, Idaho
ml Washington-fair, and warmer,
Oatou Mill feed, train and bay.
Use our Perfeullon Uloud Moolia and
Java eWT,Julnoa Bros.
Call Mala Ml (or your coal requlr
mau. Order tromytiy Ollad.
To Rent Unfurnlhd bouse keepint
room. Call at Ml Commwrclai trl.
Mr. IlajmusMa doe up lac eur
uiu to pvrtcolfcu. Uev order at
Oregon Sakory.
I'orcttaJa bath, champion booUMaok,
thr prt bwlMwa, best of wrvlo
Ocetdsai Barber Shop-
Nw atook of fancy good Just ar
rlvtd at Yokohama Uaaaar. Call and
ot Ik tatMt mrUli from Japan.
You will And lb best tt maai la
tu my at id fttaioit lua ItettUuront,
No, tit CtfwmwoUi Bt.
HotMiblnfl Am la tn luuoa Ua. J.
HAUMll a Canoe Club fteoon Sardine,
In tomato aauotWoteaoa Oros.
Kor neit win IN' supply ot bt
quality or or alab wood, wm Kally lb
transfer mam Phono IU1 Mack.
Vvt Kent Tbrs (ontlabad room
(or itourkpltig. Inaulrt at 40 K
obany atrt, or Ml Bood ttioaL
ranoy Croamory Buttor,
lot and ttou par roil
A try larg aaaortiBt o( orn
In saw and up-to-date datlgn lo nt
loot from at Chart Htlbora fca'a.
It r.m 1 nt a plat at tba
Tarior Candy aHor. W guar an Uo
our Ira cream to ooa'.aln no gelatin
or ttarah.
Tatroata horn Industry by smoking
th "Pride o Aatorta" otfaraj finest
wad. Manufaoturtd by MaoTarlaao
and Kaetwl. -
Dining rovm table- oar-load dl
ret (rom tha factory, whloh wo ara
offering at roraarkabl low price.
Chaa, Hellboro A Bon.
Hock Spring, franklin and Nwoa
tla coal. Order promptly filled, ft.
Hlmor A- Co.. agents, phono Ml. Coal
dpot at fool of Serentii atroat
A aw Una of hall rack and ball
l Just received at Chart Heilborn
A fton'i ara being offered at rary low
flgtjre. Call and txamln tbnv
P. A. Kan lor. In Watoh block, will
call for your clothe to claaa. dya, re
pair and praan, and will deliver them.
Ring up phoa. radtOM. fruit to order
from til up.
Roly aoal laata longer, 1 cleaner
and make ) troublo with atoraa
and chitaa- fluaa than any otbar.
Oeorg W. Sanborn, agent, telephone.
in l.
Long Jellle, jama and marmalade
In Jara ara pur and wholoaom. Tbay
contain no aduUeratlona, and ar un
surpassed In flavor. Johnson Bro.
For a few day you can gat book
at lr than half price at Bveneen'a
book tor. We have M bound book
to close out at two for Kcta. Biggest
offer ever made,
John 8. Hendrlctson, the proprietor
of the Lest Cbanc aaloon on Went
Bond street,' waa married but night
to Ml aSalvon. Mia Salvon came
over from Europe to join her brother
In Astoria about a month ago.
We Are In It with Rugs This Weeh.
Now is the time to buy Hugs, as wo are
soiling them cheap. . We liave tho best
lino ia Astoria from $1 to
Couches, Upholstered in Velour ;
Deut steel aprings, and well mado, $4.75
Hard-wood dining chairs with enne or wood seat, 75c.
Best Straw Mattings
From 15c per yard up
We are receiving new furniture every
day. ; Goods sold on easy payments.
676 Com. St. Phone Black 2145
All the candidate and all U voter
mok La Boll Aatorla cigar.
A thJpment of fin Kuaatan tea,
paikud m Ceylon. Johnon Bro.
for IXent. Three (urnlehed room for
houekrplnr-lS Tenth Street.
The (ttamwr Sue H. Elmore arrived
In from Tillamook yttrdy wltlr a
long llt of piawnger.
UA AM HAH. MkA.lulM .,wllilVl.
dally on the noon train, direct from
lh grower.-JOHNUON BROS.
' The Aatorlan job printing dvpart
ment place lh union label on all
printing, flood work at reasonable
price. Phon Ml.
Henry Laxwotl and Matt Karkklll,
of (tuwla, and A, O. Snow, of ESngtnnd,
took out their ft rat tipr of citlaen-
ahlp y trday.
The thive gaaollne launchva. Mylph,
Bairle anl Totem, left early yeeterday
mitrnlng for Seattle, -where tlwy are
going to be uaed a oannery tender
on the Sound.
The tamr Columbia anied her
yeiterday from San Pranclaco, with a
large freight and pangr lint for
Aatorla and Portland.
The flut line of puree In the city,
entirely new, and new style. I have
puree for everybody, from trt to 110
Olva SohllUnn Beat Baklnc Powdr
a chanc to tell It own tory and gut
your money back at our atore If the
lory doe not pleao you.-JOHNBON
Itloliard tron, a natlv of Sweden,
took out hla first paper ho wing hi
Intention to beoom a United State
clrlien at the clerk's office Wednesday
Mr. Charle Halml. on returning to
hla home In Union town Wednesday
evening from hla place or bualnea.
wm surprised to find a new mmber
In hi famlly-a baby girl.
The loral lodge of Foreater met at
Odd Fellows' hall last Wednesday
night and were dellchtfully entertain
ed by a treojttcan display given es
pecially (or their tntartalnment
Ladle (In hair goods witcb, rata,
trilby, etc., can b ordered of A. B.
Peterson, Occident Barber Shop. Full
line of best bJr tonic and barber
The National Cafe, located between
th Be IIIv and the National Saloon,
on Commercial street, will be open
hereafter day and night. Good er.
vie assured.
Just th thing for tea lUmona,
Atthena, and Champagne wafers. W
have a fresh ihlpment just 'n. John
son Bra.
C. W. Rollins, representing th man
ufacture of th Waldorf Special Hats,
waa In th city yeterday; whll her
he received word that hi wife pre
sented him wtn- a son and heir.
Couches we carry th largest and
beat (elected Mock la th city. Th
line Include both smooth and tufted
oouchri, which w ar offering at tow
er price than other dealer. Charles
lKflborn & Son.
Secretary of labor organisation
should remember that the Aatorlan job
printing department Is the only print
ing office In Astoria that ha the right
to use the union label. Do not send
your printing out of town.
At the meeting of the painter last
night only five were present, and as It
required aeven to aecure a ' charter
nothing definite was done, Thou pres
ent, however, signed an agreement to
stand by th project, and at the meet
ing called for next Tuesday night they
are satlitfled a union will b formed.
Mr. C. M. Ccllr, who ba been vis
iting th Qra TUvr Hot Spring
near Tacoma for hi health and to
rest up from th care of business, re
tuned horn yesterday, very much Im
proved In health.
It Is reported that th Columbia r'v
er llghtnhlp will be withdrawn from
her station on May th for repair.
Th repairing will b don at Astoria
and will require about three days'
time, after which she will be returned.
At a lata hour last evening a port
ly gentleman with a beautiful young
lady pad down Eleventh atreet, and
followed several other couple Into the
Toke Point Oyster House, where they
all enjoyed th best the earth affords.
Nothing I too good for your sweet
heart. The steamer Nahootta, whloh ha
been at Portland for repair the pant
two wei-k, I expected down today ot
tomorrow to take up her old tun be
tween Antorla and Ilwaco. The Can
by will be Med up here as a sialr boat
ready to put on the run In cuw of an
Notice 1 given that the bell buoy
marking Fauntleroy Rork, . Crescent
City Harbor, California, which recent
ly parted Its mooring and went ashore,
waa replaced May t near It old posi
tion, In 314 foot of water, 17S feet SB.
by K. from Fauntelroy Ttotk. Th
buoy muat be passed cloo to on port
hand going In to avoid a two-foot rock
on the ! side of the channel.
Colonel William H. Huer, chief en
glner of the Pacific Coast division, who
was In th city last Saturday In com
pany with Captain W. C. Lngntt,
waa an .old-time friend of Judge Gray,
He was here for the purpose of In
ipectlng the lighthouse about this)
port, but found time to spend an hour
or so vliltlng with the Judge at hi
residence on Grand avenue. It waa
the second Ume they had met In the
last SJ years.
Th nejr horse for the bose cart of
etatlon No. 1 were put In active serv
ice yetrdy morning. After their
ft rt day' training they would take
their place in front of th engine at
the sou .id of the bell and return to
their alalia when told to do o. The
readiness with which they understand
-oea a long way toward convincing
Chief Stockton that they will All the
t'ounty Judge Gray, who ha been
reported to be confined to hi bed with
some lingering disease that has a se
vere hold of his system, wishes It to
be said that his complaint Is but a
alight attack of the grippe. HI phy
slclnn has advised him to be a quiet
as possible, and In accordance with
these InRtructlons he refrains from
coming dovn town only. on Important
business. He may ne seen at hi home
by any on wisMng to meet him on
business . , . . , .
Ole Nelson, sn 11-year-old boy of
West Astoria, waa brought before the
Justice Court yesterday afternoon to
answer to the charge of dfs'.roylng a
fence on the Slaters' property south
of 8t. Mary's Hospital' Th hearing
of hi caie waa postponed unUI Mon
day. May 19th, on condition that he
enlist In th navy In the meantime.
Nelson has availed himself of this op
portunity ofvvdlng th stern hand
of tho law, so th charge against him
will undoubtedly be dismissed.
The ladles of the Thursday After
noon Club held a meeting yesterday
afternoon at the residence of Mr. A.
A. Finch.
Th Republican held a meeting at
Chadwell last evening, tbe steamer
Ecllp taking a number of candidate
and their friend from this city. Th
school huoae was filled by an enthusi
astic and appreciative audience. The
meeting wa called to order by W. J.
Ingalls, and Hon. C. J. Curtis was In
troduced. Ha dlacussed the issue and
local politics. O. C. Fulton was the
nest speaker and made a forcible ar
gument In favor of Republican princi
ple. 8horlff Llnvlllewaa the orator of
the evening and mad a good Impres
sion. J. c. Clinton and W. J. In
galla spoke briefly of county affairs.
The meeting waa the largest and most
enthulaatlc ever held at Chadwell.
Yesterday evening finished up the
registration for th coming election,
and althouhg N voter were recorded
the last day the total only amounted
to 1303, or a shortage of 13 of what
it waa In 1900. The following give
the correct number of voter In each
of the M preclnot of Clatiop county:
Aatorla No. I .,. 171
Astoria N. I 223
Astoria No. 3 lit
Astoria No. 4 til
Aatorla No. t 164
Astoria N. t 159
Aatorla No. 7 ..163
John Day II
Svensen ,.(,. 74
Walluaki IS
New Astoria M
Warrenton It
Clatsop 40
Seaside , HI
Melville ..,..?:.,. 34
Chadwell v ........... IS
Young River ... 14
Olney .., 47
Knappa 47
Clifton 121
Weatport , M
Vesper It
Jewell .... ....f.. V.i 11
Mlshawaka ...t It
Blal It
Puh o.M,.... .............. II
Portland 1 beatlrring herself for th
Improvement of tb city In the proper
way a th following from th Oregon
Ian' will hoWi -;
; Tb Lewi and Clark Clvlo Improve
ment 'Association rally at the Mar
quam last evening wa one of th big
gest and most nthuslatlo public gath
ering ever hld In th city, and tbos
who attended war pleased with th
excellent program, The Lewi and
Clark Civic Improvement Association
I an organist l Ion of progressiva, public-spirited
cltlesni, and in addition to
It large Hit of actlv members In
cludes a number of sub-associations,
which are doing good work In dlffedent
quarters of th city.
President P. B. Gibson acted a
chairman, and In hi opening remarks
dwelt at length upon th opportunities
for civic Improvement In Portland,
which he considers on of Nature'
garden spot. , He told of th good
work done by tb various civic Im
provement association In the East and
Middle West and urged his hearers to
ally themselves with th association,
which be said mut hv th aupport
of citizen generally before any great
result can be looked for. '
At the conclusion of hi address Mr.
Gibson announced that Mr. Helen
Ladd-Corbett bad just sent In her card
of membership, and with It a check for
I2S, a gift to the association. The an
nouncement, aa well as the whole
peech of Mr. OIV)u, wa heattily
The second number on the program
was an amuilug recitation by Miss
Luse .after which- Or. W. A. Cum
mlng sang "Hybros Creton," gracious
ly responding to an encore. His daugh
ter, Mis Ine Cummlng, plsyed the
accompaniments. A quartet of dark
les, ambling along with wheelbarrow
and supposed to represent, the street
ch-aning department, then appeared on
the tage, singing a number of beau
tiful Southern melodies.
Tb next number waa an 'lluttrated
stereoptlcon lecture by Q. M. Hyland,
one of the enthuslaatlo member of the
association. "He spoke for half an hour,
telling of the work of the Improvement
societies and push clubs of Eastern
cities, and Illustrating eacn topic with
excellent views. The last one being
President Roosevelt's portrait, he be
ing an . ardent worker, for clvlo Im
provement. Mr. Albirt Sheldon then ang
txuve'a" Sacred Trust," and respond
ed to loud demands for an encore. The
last number wa selection by tb
quartette., After the meeting some 75
new member joined the association.
An Interesting game of baaket ball
wa played at the old A. F. C. club
thla afternoon between th High
School girls and the Uppertown girls.
At the end of the first half the Up
pertown girl appeared to have the
am well In hand, but -the second
half the High School girl played to
better advantage and after an up-hill
fight on their part Anally won out
by a scor of 10 to I.
The ltne-up wa: High school
Mlssea Maude Van Duaen, ESsl S3.
more, Mary Warfleld, Elen Nowlen,
Virginia Nowlen, Florence Rom; Up
pertown Misses Bertha Morton, Grace
Morton. Selma Norberg, Ella Painter,
Laura Fastabend, Ida Painter.
From statistics H 4a learned that the
longest-lived people ot th worM ar
the Norwegtnnn. They ar temperat
and simple In their habit and pro
serve In great vigor their - digestive
power which 1 most .lecesoary In the
maintenance of good health. Th
American usually Uvea so 'set that th
strmach is neglected until hla brHk
I; completely undermined, and he
Ami himself gradually fet'-lttg weak
er and weaker. If you r one ct
t!eM avfferer we offer yon a medicine
that will strengthen yojr stomach ad
start you anew on health' pathway,
and that la Hosteller Stomach Bit
ter. It will cur flatulency, indiges
tion, dyspepsia, constipation, Insom
nia, chill and malaria, fever and
ague. Don't fall to try it. For sale
by all druggist. ,
! - ,
tlloo lot I. block 12, MeOlure'a; Sox
100; on corner, with, attractive eight
room cottage; city water; view that
cannot be obstructed, and aeven min
ute walk from postpfnc. This prop.
erty 1 worth 11500. but t am leaving
the city and would rather sell than
rent. ' B. C. IXOWIS.
Of Interest. For tW week we wlH
make special price on good a fol
lows: Mfchrtne width t, 7 , and it la
Newest shadea; at te.
I arC Appliques, Galloons, Torchon
ti" and Velencenne. 1IW. 16. It.
10, and M cent quality, at lie.
Men's Soft Dress Shirts TI7
in vvt . in
sertion stripe. Hloh and taaty color
ings, i. W value, at 11.00. ,
Men's and Boys' Crush Hats ,.
plain and fancy checks, iao and So.
25 Per Cent DIscoiat
lar re etl prio on alt trimmed aad
atreet hat. , '
lot -19 Commrtl St Aatorla, Or.
Flatter' opera house was well Ailed
last evening with an audience to hear
th Democratio candidate for state
office discus tb issue of th cam
paign, ' .
Hon. John E. Cratke acted aa chair
man and did hi duty with grace and
W. A. Wann, candidate for state su
perintendent of school, was introduc
ed and made a clever and entertain
ing speech. He condemned some of
the present methods and made soma
humorous illustrations, HI address
was enjoyed by tb audience. HI per
sonal appearance wa prepossessing,
and It was easy to decide that be wa
not among th most antiquated of ped
agog, '
David Bears, candidate for secretary
of state, was then Introduced. Mr.
Sear could not have appeared at any
other point in Oregon at so great a
disadvantage. Thla is the Hon. T. I.
Dunbar home. Every man, irre
spective of politic, 1 hla friend, a
well a th women and children. How
ever, the people of Astoria gave Mr.
Sear a careful bearing and enjoyed
hi epeech. The burden of hi talk waa
high taxes and be seemed convinced
that he could remedy the whole' mat
ter himself. .He would defy the law
if elected and only sign warrant for
state indebtedness allowed by consti
tution. He was a little enthusiastic at
limes, but, Ilk th other speeches,
there wa lack of confidence behind it
that showed that the speaker wa talk
ing more along the Ime of duty as a
candidate than he wa In th sincerity
of the cause he espoused .
The chief speaker of the evening, Mr.
George E. Chamberlain, candidate for
governor, wa then. Introduced. He
made a pleasing speech. He Is not an
orator and doe not make a striking
appearance before an audience, but be
makes a favorable Impression. He ba
a frank manner, both In speech and
conduct, and gained the confidence of
hi hearer at once. He handled the
Issue of th campaign aa well he
could, considering the fact that he ad
mitted that there were no Issue.
Th editorial In another column cov
er the subject of Mr. Chamberlain'
address and campaign a correctly a
th same can be described.
The Democrat have no cause for
complaint at the reception their can
didates received last evening, and,
while their trip to Astoria wa a fruit
less on from a standpoint of getting
more votes, they made many personal
People nowaday can take a friend
by the hand and entertain him and all
of that, but in casting their votes they
look more to th Interest of the coun
- Arrived
We have them for Men
and Boys. Plain Colors,
Stripes, arid all sorts of
Combinations. . . .
Prices from $1.00 up.
S. Danziger & Co.
Just now you who
should find time
Everything Reduced for
of this Month.
A Word to the
Shanahaa Building
Drinfc'toionr Health!
I th
You. make no mistake by using it.
New consignment of fine tea just in.
Foard 6t Stokes Co.
Thoroughly renovated and modernized. The most
popular eating place "in Astoria. Open all night.
Only white help. John Blasich, Prop., Eleventh St.
A coasitrnment of new and handsome pattern juat received.
Ton can get a bargain now. Nothing better for the borne.
Call aad see for yourself if I bar not tb largest stock and
lowest price, ennsiderins; th quality, of any bona in town.
Goods Sold on Easy Installments.
H. H. ZAPF, The House Foniister.
Jobber and Dealer in
Pipe Repairing
A Specialty
JJjC FlEest Restaurant in the City
U 1 ' ' Regular Meals, 25 cents,
i dluvv . Sunday Dinners a Specialty.
Commercial St MamUfforls! Vl Wi WlllppiO
: cannot be expended to better advantage foi yourself,.
- - - ? . - . - .
or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the
Senil-Weekly Astorlatr
It gives all the city and county news twice each week
for only one dollar a year in advance. - "
are House Cleaning
to attend
the Balance
Wine i Sufficient.
Commercial Street
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Orcfoa