The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 06, 1902, Image 1

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    Oof jien's Suits
$10 to $27.50 are O.K.
lhy ar mad by th best Clothing
Faotorle! " properly lined; ewd
with IIU; padded to hold th hap
and fit well. Your money back It
YOU BAY 80. . . . ."
's Suits
W hav the imputation (or carry
Ing t lio beat grade . Yva (An buy.
cheaper Boy' Suit, but If you buy
on from WISH you (tot your
MONET'S WORTH . . . . j. .
IIP Utttlit
TIio niONt perfect, practical ami con
venient Fountain Pen ever ... mnlo
Every Pctij Gurontccd .
Money refunded if ooi satisfactory. J tint the thing for
every duy uto. Nothing mora acceptable hi a gift.
x .'.,
Wo are Now Displaying Uio Nobbiest Line .
of Shirts in the City. They aro . , . ..
Handsome, Durable and Cheap. !, ;
., Yes, and HA! , too.
You are not dressed unless you have a .,. , ,
''Mascot", "Queon" or "Princess"
Hat They are the rage. . . . . , '
The ClothierV
corner of Capo Colony. They destroy,'
ed mile of railroad, burned th lep
r and dynamited th blockhouse In
th district, compelling the evaluation
of. many small gai-flxon and block
house and the eoncenfratlon camp
of th British a O'Oklep, while tb
small garrison at I Sprlnitbokfonteln
Lodge, Chairman Of the Philip 1 corucord'a urrftdered.
The former garUofl gave up after a
tiff fight in which th BHUh had foDr
men killed and lx wounded. Th ref
ugee from outlying place poured In
to Port Nolloth ,t which point two
British gunboat were sent to protect
the place. General demanded-the
I surrender of O'Oklepi April 4,- but, at-
I though ho had tOQQ prams to feed
pine Committee, Makes
' Great Speech.
Htjulres Appointed Minister to and provisions for nly thre week
Cua.N'ntlve of Cana
da. AMoilute Justice
I Colonel Sheltim firmly defined to glv
op.- . ' '
KBW YORK. May; I. For th pur-
WASHINGTON, May i.-Ia vlndlca- of Mng ftnd mMng
tl.n of the administration' policy to ut ea df the Sunday law. th ban.
th rhlllppjnea, tod, chairman of b,U team of th Catholic Protectory
th Philippine commltt.-. "addressed UUrted a tame on toe ground of th
Stock Brokers Suspend Busi
ness in Regular Order
at Rapid Rate.
look! up.
Two of the player war
th aiiiat today. Tb galleries were
thronged with peoplu and th attend
ance upon the floor of th sen'. waa
ununually large. - '
Mr. Cowle. tb president' sister,
waa an lntcroxtr.1 auditor. HI review
ot th itltuAtlon In tVe twlanl, and ut
terance of mlnoralliy wj notably
IntcreKtlng and forkful, He puk
with dp rarneilncii and at ttmea
IxTuint! eloquent. In brltf reply Raw
Una declared that charge which had
been mad wet not aaaln.i (fcneral K'"ri People Thought Ath-
Chaffe and ih army, but agalnet th
wnatur from MaMchult (Lodge)
and other wh, were reaponnlble for
the preaent Philippine policy. .
titPN'KuitaOuKht to t'on
taiu Morr Cloth.
Sundry ;lvll aproaprlatln b'll and ukk. wayis-m the
a hill for the purebww of Rbud o "nr runi about Ne
Indian reservation were paed..
S'liiin, pcr:ry of th legation at
Pekin, ha beei telocted by th preal-
New York
there never has hein quite the en-
laatlon that met theiflnUtt of th an-
$2.90 to $5.60
nual handicap run pi the Shamrock
Hurrier at nh etreet. ,
' John Donovan, of (he Mohawk Ath
letic Club targered jvn tfce laat one
dent to be minlatcr to Cuba, and Gen- hundred yards of the course, a victor,
eial B. 3, raB. tut Wliiconiln, haa Trailing him cloatly three long dlat
been cl-rtej a consul-general at Ha- anc runner, hot and tired, plodded
vana. over the dusty road. . , . .. -
8iulrv' elect(-n (11. the require- The shouting wa liuxhed and the
ment laid town by the president that Jubilant Mohawk Athletic Club mtm-
the minister to Havana. hould be a bw" rped tlrelr chee a hen a po-
mnn of dlpl.niatlc epxerknce. He 1 Hceman pounced upon Donovan and
a native of Cunada but wua appointed competitor who followed him.
from Nw York. In UN ie waa tec- Thf aiTet were made on complaint
retaiy of the .United State embassy at of '..cM,wn that coatumea worn by
Berlin. In im he wu appointed aeo- th cr,MW rfur,t,y nnH was immod-
retarv of the United Stae lition The technical charge against the
athletea wa that they had violated j "'
the Sundnv otuervanr lr. a .ilnn.. iCoal, 3. '
keeper, who allowed thtN athletea to
dre In the rear of hi slom. waa
also arrested.
More Failurea and Criminvll'roa-
ei-utlona I'roniived. Loan
Injr Money at a III
Percent. .
NEW TORK, May 1-The develop-
ment of the latter IiaU of lat week
In Wall treet ,1a connection 'with- the
stock of the Dominion Securities Com
pany, the Rutlnad It' load Company
and the Hackenaack Meadoa-s Com
pany, resulted today In the announce
ment, in rapid succession, of ;he sus
pension of atock exchange brokera.
The first Arm to declare inability to
meet obligation m Offenbach
Moore, were not opened for business
at all today. Mr. Gordon, of Henry
Bros., whose uipenion followed that
of Offenbach it, Moore. y.a a director
of the Dominion Securities! Company.
Offenbach ft Moore rere konwn
principally as traders In what were
known a "Webb-Meyer"' securlilea,
and the announcement was made Sat
urday that they had eperlenc?d some
difficulty Id ecurlig loans to enable
them to carry atock for the Interest
which they represented. On Saturday
afternoon, however, a statement was
made in behalf of the firm to the ef
feet that temporary arrangements had
been made, and that it na noped
runtt"mfght be obfalnfd today t5f ay
on obligations and continue business.
Todays suspension shows, however,
that these hope were not realised.
The stock ,nartcet opened with the
weak knowledge that a number of fail
ures were Imminent. Support was ac
coiaea me marKcc, and there were
some rallies, but when sales under the
rule for suspended hust were made,
the market gave way again.. Rutland
preferred last 14 points: Westlnghouse
EleoMc t5; New York. New Haven &
ham and E. H. M. Ounn of th Arm of I
W, D. and H. O. Wl 1 of Brtatol.
; It is said that there gentlemen are
olng to the United State in connec
tion with a plan to manufacture to
bacco there and to fight 1. B. puke.
president . of . the America Tobacco
Company on his own ground, by taking
advantage of the feeling again.t trad. HiS Death Came 8S 8 Great Sltf.
win uiimuima ana ry enaeavorinj to
organize the Interest In the United
States and Canada wh'ch are opposed
to the American Tobacco Company.
prise and Shock to the
At Brooklyn Boston. I; Itro-ktyn, 4.
At Nn-)innatl Cincinnati. 1: Piu.
burg, .
At New York-New York. I: Phlla-
delphta, .
At Chicago Chicago. 2; St. Inis,
At tKMKon Biston. 5; Baillmi re. t
A( fniladelphla Wahlng!on. 6:
Philadelphia, 7.
At 10;.TO Tnere Waa no Lvldeiu-e
of a Change, Hut It Came
at 11 o'diK-kr-Waa i'Jt
Yearn Old.
i hi; iiH-HKixmuts then
NEW YORK, May 5.-Archblshop
MIchaet Augustin Corrigan died , at
II:0S o'elock 5 tonight, aged i year.
Death of the archbishop came a
great aurprtse and shock to tho In
the archpiscol residence.
It was more so to ta puttllc, for
the last bulletin of the day wa that
so certain were th physician of th
improvement of the pitlent that they
were told there would be no more bul
letins tonight. Up to 10:,10 there wa
no evidence ' of collar se. Ahout It
o'clock, howe-er,? nunes at the bed-
fide noticed a change; physicians were
telephoned for, at the same time th
Mar 5. Wee Lung I archbishop' two brother were turn-
who I moned to the room, a well as a num. '
Mic tost Onilj JpKOOinCliiiia Hut
Laid Down in New York
Sue font &I.OQO.
Fong, a beautiful Chinese glri
waa brought to New Tori three weeks Iber of priest. In tef than a quar-
ago to become the wife of Ling Foy, ter of an hour the prelate wa dead.
a wealthy Ninth street tea merchant,
ha been klJnapoed by highbinders
and intense excitement prevail In
Chinatown. The ; wedllng ceremony
waa to ttav been performed at the Joss
house in Mott street at midnight and
extensive preparations ; were made
for the event The merchant ha not
yet, been tohl,.ot4hJUaappearace. of
hi finance and the nest will be kept
from him until the last moment In the
hope that the girl may be found. .
Ling Foy is said to be one of the
wealthiest Chinamen in America. Hav
ing made a large fortune, he nas been
Banishment and Imprisonment Con
stantly Imposed. l
VIENNA, May fc In a dispatch from.
Warsaw, the correspondent of Dl In
formation give a gloomy picture ef
the condition of terror in Russia. . H
say there la scarcely a single Russian
town where sentence to banishment .
and imprisonment are not constantly r
being imposed. - There ha, been great
demonstration, says the correspondent
at Ekaterinoekv, In South Russia,
Where the Cossacks killed 10 ntrsona.
living In luxury for jrears near Hong , . . , ,
B wounded 40 more and arrested laO.
Pek'n, rmainlng ther constantly until
la fvw months ago, when h returned
I to th United State on leave, waa
practically in In charg of th lega
tions defense, during 4 he JJoxer upria-
ing. f
Kon, Ling Foy had seen a beautiful
girl, who he determined to purchase
for a wife An agent was sent to China
where the girl was purchased from her
rather for eight Hundred dollar She
Northwestern A Tennessee peacned New Tl,rk thre weka ago In
May S.-The seer-
tary of war to-lay forwirded to the Will BUV 100,00 AcreS Of Und
senate Philippine ctmmlttee the name - -
of over -DM ofiicer and enlisted men inUHCiraCl.
w ho had been tried in the rhllpplnea
by court-martjal fur offense against
natives, also long list of rae of na
tive tried. by military court.
WASHINGTON, My Wolm Davis,
one of the associate justice of. the
United State court of claims, ded to.
day gd 51. "
NEW TORK, May l-With nothing
to Indicate her Identity except th tnl
tlal "F. M." on the Inaid of the plain
go)4 wedding ring upon the third
finger of her left hand, the body of a
woman ha been found in th East
River at the foot Of Seventy-sixth
atreet. The police, after a superficial
examination of th body, which wa
nude and must hav been in th water
for about two month were atrongly
of th opinion that murder tiad been
committed. An autopsy will be per
formed to determine th cause of the
woman's death.
They Break In on th Britten and Dis
turb Them Very Much.
LONDON, May 5.Matl advloe have
been received her describing , the
lege of the British garrison at O'Oklep
In Western Cap Colony. These ad
vice show that early In April the
Boer, under Muti, had pretty much,
their own way In th Northwestern
MARSHFIELD, Ore., May 5.-Mr.
J. Kinney, of Astoria, and Mr. Ward,
of Michigan, capitalists in this section.
have caused unusual Interest In busi
ness - circles, it Is reported that
these gentlemen intend purchasing th
Southern Oregon Company' property
In thl county, w hich consists of over
a hundred thousand acres of land, In
cluding the townslte of Empire City,
and one of the largest lumber mills on
the coast.
The coaler were affected In
addition by fears of a miners' strike.
Reading dropped 3 and other small
amount. Losses of from lo S point
were quite general throughout the list.
Firms of French & Moore. Henry
Bros., and Lockwood, Hurd ft Co, an
nounce their suspension In the order
named at the opening of the market
The amount of joint llabill'les Is es
timated from 12,000.000 to $5,O"0.M0, as-
seta unknown andsroodly portion are
of doubtful vaule. The day closed with
the usual rumor t 'nore failures.
criminal prosecution and the like.
Solvency of several financial institu
tions was brought into question, but
for such rumor trie re appeared to be
uo foundation. Wall street's conserva
tive men were almost unantmaus In the
opinion that the day's happenings had
done much to clearlfy financial atmos
phere. Prom 1,000,00 to $25,000,000
waa loaned by banks and trust com
panies in course of the day. The bulk
of the money was loaned at from 10 to
IS per cent
No Better in Town
Every Pair Perfect
Boston Ifabbep Boots
Buy your shoes and boos of a
Practical Shoemaker
S. A. Ginsre.
Oppoiltt Ross, HIijIm tC
' NEW YORK, May 6.-john W. Gate
who has arrived here from Chicago is
quoted by the Times as denying the re
port that he and bla associates have
acquired control of the Chicago, In
dianapolis ft Louisville Hallway Mo
noh by purchasing $3,000,000 worth of
stock in the open market and by the
purchase of 16,000,000 worth of stock
additional from Samuel Thomas.
"Nothing In tt, as far as I ajn con
cerned." said Mr. Gates.
the care of the emissary and was
placed In the hand.s of a resident of
Mott-stfset, who. wa,? hvtuicted to al
low no person to see her :
After the news of the approaching
wedding w as spread through China
town, Ling Foy was approached by a
committee of the highbinders and ask-
.. J .. , II , . (AAA ... -
"i mummiie iww aonars ror a
general merrymaking anion; the Chi
nese. The merchant fatly lefused. His
prnsr-eclive wlfo already had cost him
about 3000 dollars mi I he did sot tee
the necessity of paving anything to
the highbinders. The next night the
girl was carried away In a carriage
and the woman in whose care she was
also disappeared. The leader of the
highbinders' society Is also said to be
m.'sslng and Ling Foy's fi lrnds are ex
erting their utmost endeavors to run
down the kidnapper.
NEW YORK, May S.--In military cir
cles the question of Earl Roberts' re
tlremerrt from the poet of Commander-in-Chief
Immediately after the corona,
tlon is freely discussed, says a Herald
dispatch from London. :
It la looked upon a a certainty that
the Duke ot Connaught will succeed
him and will not return to Ireland. .
The fact that Earl Roberts ha re
cently purchased a big estate In 'he
country Is considered proof of this
NEW YORK, May 5. Messrs. Oar
land and Read, acting for a F.ritMi
syndicate, have purchased for 150,000
the Moroeho mines tn the Yaull district
says a Lima. Peru, dispatch to the
Herald. ;
BUTTE, May 5Seoretary Mahon,
of the" Miners Congress; this afternoon
Issued an official call for cngr ss to
convene In Butte, September 1.
LONDON, May 5. -The Cunard Steam
er Saxola whloh haa left Queenstown
for New Yofle has among her passen
gers three prominent members of Im
perial Tobacco Company, W. R Clark
of Liverpool, J. D, Player of Notitlng-
The Eclipse Hardware Co.
Planibers and Steamfiltcrs.
Steam Boat and Gasoline
Boat Work a Specialty. . .
Stoves and Tinware