The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 03, 1902, Image 3

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Wo Imvo a largo Block of Armour A (V .Fi-niieo-Amer-icuiimul
other ..brain of bouh Oxluil, mock turtle
chicken etc. First cluiw good, but put up in largo cans.
Tlio regular price i 3fto but tho ciius being larger than
uunHy culled, for wo any 20 ctn,
The Morning Astorian
I'tUtThANU, May i.-Oregon, Wash
liigion and Idnlxi, partly cloudy, prob
ably llttht rain.
Oaatun lla feed, train and hay.
Try our i 14 apricot lit can; they
ar axeellenl. Johnson Itroa,
Fancy full weight creamery put tar,
600 ter roll at Johnaon llros.
Call Main Ml tor your coal require
mtnti, Otdr promptly filled.
For itni. '-rjom house, modern Im
provement, loqulrt at 171 Exchange
liraH. ,
Japan good of all kinds, oneap at
tkt Yokohama llaaaar, 121 Commercial
Another shipment of fraah amokad
Easitrn ham and bacon Just In John
son Uro.
Mr, luumuaaaa dot up lac cur
tain to perfection. Leave ordure at
Oregon. Bakery.
We are selling any of our beat brand
of creamery butter at Wot per roll.
Johnson Broa.
Three axpart workmen ,l.the Occl
dnt IJarber Bbop. ' PoroeUIn baths.
Ural bootblack In the oily.
You will find the beat It, meal In
tua city at the Rising Hun Restaurant,
No. IU Commercial 81.
Vot Unt. Tore furnished room
for hoir keeping, Inqulr at ttt Kx
change atreet, or ill Bond ilML
A very large assortment of screen
In now and up-to-date design lo aa
lct from at Charle IMIborn Bon a.
If you want boa wood, aiab wood or
other firewood, lekphon Kelly, the
transfer man. Phone 12 U black.
Ice creim IS eenta a pint at the
Parlor Candy dtore. We guarant"
our lie cream to con lain no gelatine
or starch.
Patronise home Industry by emoklng
the ' Pride of Astoria" cigar; flneet
made. Manufactured by MacFarlane
and Knobel.
Dining ro'.m tables a car-load di
rect from the factory, which wa are
offering at remarkable low prices.
Chaa Hellborn A Son.
Can't be beat, our J. W. Creamery
Butter. Try It, and If It does not
pleasa you, your money will be ra-fiind.d.-Ji.hnson
Hock Bprtng. Franklin and Newcas
tle coal. Order promptly flllrd. 8
Klmore A Co., agvnta, phone Ml. Coal
depot at foot of Soventh atreet.
P. A. Kantw. In Welch block, will
call for your olothea to cleun, dye, re-
pair and pre, and will deliver them,
King up phone, redSOM. Suit to order
fro mill up.
" -
Hoslyn coal lasia longer, la cleaner j
and make im trouble with stove
and chimney flues than any other.
Oeorge W. Sanborn, agent, telephone,
m, ii -
Ladles fine hair .wltchoi. rata and
trilby. All kind, of hair good. Fin
lino of hair tonlo and barber euppllc.
Will call on you It desired. A E. Pb
tcrson, Occident Barber Shop.
Jut the time lo beautify the home
with some choice work of art. flpeo
Inl low price sale of frame and fram
ed picture at Svensen' Book Store,
5,17 Commercial atreet. Be sure to see
them. ... . .-
A new Line of Couches and Lounges from
.$4.05 up' ' ;
New Carpets, New Rugs, New Matting at
Special Low Prices
..... , , ..... ' 4 . ; . ..''"3'
;1 ' "I . ... , '.' . J ',
v 25 New Iron Bed? Arrived to-day in all tho new colorings. Trice
12.95 and up. "
Bod Room Suits from 13.00 to 25.00-J - T
A Fine Line of Rocking, Morris and Dining
Chairs. Jv,. - . V
We carry a complete outfit for Housekeeping
Goods Sold on Easy? Payments, o
570 Com, St
Schooner Abble arrived at t p. m,
yesterday afternoon.
. c. Fulton went to l'ortland last
evening on business.
Hltunllim Wftiitrd a Japum-i
boy to do house-work. Inquire al (12
Commercial street,
Paul Wesslngger, of Portland, li In
the city, looking after hi buial Mar'tit
terests here,
M ('. Front, the g.-olal representa
tive of the Nw Tork Life Insurance
Company, Is In the city.
Hdwsrd Lledqulst JJllllngton, a na-
i tlv of Sweden, look out hla first cltl-
enshlp ustHtrs yesterday.
Thi ssmnjrr steamer Sua H. El
more will !v for Tillamook Buy
pointa on Sunday morning next at I
U'0lN-k. ' - -i v- -
Henry llse la having th old VU
singer plat-a remodeled for a flrst-i-lm
aaiuoit. which ha eaoecls to open aa
aoon aa I lie pine la prepared.
A new Una of hall rack and hall
seal Jual received at Charle Hellborn
Son' are being offered at very Inw
figure. Call and examine them.
.rt , . .
h. 1. r It, 'T7LM"X V
house of Mr, Alfred Dawson ,by the
llev. William Heymour Bh-t. of Aato-
ria. Ml- Annie Dawaon to Mr. James
Ioq KlnMla. popular reatauranl man
next door to the National saloon, haa
turned tho place over to hla eon, John
Klnkalla, aha
will conduct the nanta
In futur.
The rase of Baby Adama, 'child of
Jack Adama who had dlnlitheri is '
now reported out of danger by Dr. Tho republican campaign In Clatanp
Kate. A fewvdaya ago It wa In a c-unty was opened laat evnlo at lbs
serious condition, lltepibl'can headqiui" . by n amoket
V. H. Coffey, the well known mer. 'U'n hy ,h YoUnK M,?n'B l'u':l'ttB
chant. I. spending constderable money .nbU Th,'' c,"b I-"' P" "
making extensive Improvements in hi ini"ltnn h un ,h ?"wlne
slora Wben con-plete, It will be one !omrM-: Pint, John MoCor. vice
of the best m Astoria. .president. Martin Knutaon accretary,
... i .William R. Young; trasirr, Arthut
At the meeting of the State Federa- Mcb an PreKldent MoCu was Imro
tlon of Ibor at Portland, May i, the jduce t as the new prwident nnd tn an
local Bartenders' Union will be repre- 'eloquent address outlined brledy the
sented by Henry Laxell and J. SI, llauta of the campaign and introducid
Olllette. President Clarence Tyler ! Hon. J. P. Cavanah, of Portland, a
made the appointment yesterday. i h speaker 0f the evening. Mr. Cav-
anaugh was greeted with applause by
Th steamer Hue H. Elmor aiTlved jthe large audience present He pre
yeaterdsy from Tlllamok, after a pro- jaented In an able and forcible manner
peruu voyage. Dnnging with her a
large passenger list and splendid cargo
of the products of the great Tillamook
Mr. J. T. Itoas went to Warrehton
jlaat evening to act as a soloist In the
J commencement exercises to be given
(by the Warrenton achoot. Mra Rom
I la one of Aitorla' best aongaters and
! will make a great hit
I A. W. Holt I now night operator
I at the Western Union offlee and Indi
cations are that he will prove one
of the best operator th company has
v " l"ce ' h
'enM ". Mr. J,hion.
j At ,he entertainment given by the
nig-h. flchool yewterday a large crowd
!,,f apectatore were present In aildl-
tlon to the exercises announced In v.
twday's Astorian. Messrs Thompson
and Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Alt-
' ken delivered addresaea.
Rev. Carl D. Thompson, the great
j Socialistic orator, from Illinois, will
ikm 1th' "r,hm? ,h
"' M""'," "a Tu,!y: Ma" 5 "
I. i. an p. m., at Fianera' opera
house hall, All quewtlona answered.
iBvorybody Invited. Admission, free.
Mr. F. T. Brown, recently from Mon
tana, but who la preparing to enter
the hotel business at Tillamook, ar
rived from the latter place yeaterday
on his way to Portland." Hla family
will Join him In about two weeks when
they will go to Tlllumook, He will
Phone Black 2145
be followed by othor Eastern persona
who awHll coma to thl aectlofl to find
future home. '
. The Republican county central com
mittee met yesterday afternoon and
arrange t for mass meeting at the
f allowing place at the date mentto
ed Hvnsen, Thursday evening, May 1;
New Astoria, Including Warrenum and
Clatxop, flaiurday evening, May 10;
Crwulwell, Thuradjy evening, May IS;
ek'aslde, Baturday evening. May 17;
Krwppa, Wedneslny, May H; Olney,
Saturday, May 24; Wcstport, Monday,
May 26; Astoria. Saturday, May 31. A
free train will run to New Aatorta, to
the rally at which. the people of War
renton and Clatp are Invited.
Captain V H. Hagerup will take the
steamer Alarm up to Jlrlstol Bay, Alas
ka, leaving Astdrla the middle of next
week for tlw C(lumbla Klver Packer
Asaoclatlon. The captain 1 an old
timer on the water, having formerly
been on the four-mated achoonifr
Fearlesa Mis present trip will break
the record In taking small craft on a
long run. The voyage will cover near
ly soon miles and It I one of the long
eat voyage ever matt by so small a
ci aft. .The Alarm la only 85 feet In
length, ft tonage, with 13 feet beam
and 7 feet hold. It will be Uk-n to
Alaska for work on Bristol Bay for
the Columbia Klver Packers' Associa
tion. Mr. E N. Z.ller, of JfeaMde, who la
the manager of the Seaside Pavllllon
Uath Company, waa In the city yes
terday, perfecting arrangements for
numerous Improvement on bath of
the company at Beaalde. The company
haa recently completed a new pavllllon
for dancing purposes with a restau
rant attached. The building la 40x100
feet. A lurge building I now being
(instructed for a bath-house. It la to
contain a pool 14x70 feet and the pool
1 1 to be 10 feet deep. The pool Is to
supplied with water from the ocean
f P-mpa and the water will
,. . ... ,.. . L
if? 0 l!""1" ?', V.
" 'J""?
imiKlern at.vle; there will be spray bath
Jon each side f the pool, and private
'th' rooms with lock and keys.
When completed thl Institution will
equal any of the kind on the Purine
Ouist and wilt be a great faring
card during the coming season to the
great seanlde resort of the Pacific
Northwest .......
the Issue of tbe campaign and waa
frequently Interrupted by applauae,
I He condemned the Democratic part),
for Jhelr attempt to destroy the per
Ipetulty of the nation and made a con
tract with the progressive spirit that
haa always actuated the Republican
party. It wa a masterly effort and
appreciated by all present. After mu
sic by the Forester orchestra, Cliaa
Hellborn waa introduced and made a
brief addresa He waa followed " by
9. T. Cornelius, Andrew Dalglty and
the officers elect of th club. Hon. C.
J. Curtl wa called for and spoke of
the great Influence of the young Re
publicans In politics. Every one pres
ent waa presented with a pipe and the
smoker wa a success. The meeting
wa the largest held In Astoria and
shows that Republican enthuatasm In
the campaign ia more intensified than
In any former campaign.
Following Is the report of the Bbra-
Inn of th Astoria public library for
Number of books taken out on regu
lar subscription, 115; on transient sub
scription, 75; total, 190.
Cash receipts were aa follows;
Yearly subscriptions (four) Ill 00
Paid on yearly subscription..
Quarterly subscription (alx)
Monthly subscriptions (one).
Single book loaned 7B)
Magailnea loaned (three)..:.
Art studle loaned (one)......
Fine (18) r...... ;..
Donated ,..
. a oo
. too
: 7 M
. 30
. 4 55
. 15
.1.13 05
Book donated, one. .
Number of people visiting the reading-room
during the month, 1183.
Respectfully submitted,
BLLBN GEARY, Librarian,
Although the naval strength of Eng
land 1 equal to that, of any three con
tinental power, It da' stated they are
planning leveral more powerful war
ships. They aro determined to have
the beat and moat efficient navy In the
world. In the aeleotlon of a family
medicine we see thla same aidrit being
put forth more "and more every day,
because the people are determined to
have the best remedy that can be ob
tained. It la Impossible to purchase a
better or mot, reliable medicine than
Hoatetter'i Stomach Bitter.: Every
member of the family oan take It
safeljr, with the assurance that It will
positively do them ood. It will re
store vigor to the aytem and cure In
digestion, dyspepsia, constipation, ner
vousness and malaria. '
Captain Mary ; Parker, of Portland,
will assist In the meetings at th Sal
vation Army hall on Saturday, Sunday
and Monday evenings, May 1. 4 and t.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Rev, Harold Obwg will prevent to
hi congregation In the Methodist
church the following thoughts: At 11
m.. "Ood'a Challenge to Man;", at I
p. m., The Fropmna1 fiei. nr.
Brewer will sing at Eh evening ser
vice. A warm welcome for all. Dur
ing spring and summer the Sunday
evening service will begin at 1 o'clock
and the Epworth 'League at 7 o'clock.
Rev. Oscar Ostrom will preach morn
ing and evening tomorrow, in the First.
Lutheran church. Uppertown. Al) are
most cordially welcome.
There will be the usual services at
the Baptist church tomorrow. The B.
Y. P. V. at 7 o'clock, and evening
preaching at I o'clock, one-half hour
later than heretofore. The subject of
sermons are "The Meaning of the Com
munion," and "The Church at An
tloch." Everybody is cordially invited
to attend.
At Q race church on Sunday a cele
bration of the Holy Communion at 11
a. m. xne junior Auxiliary ai t p.
m.. with an address by C. H. Chand
ler, the diocesan secretary of the Sun
day School Institute. Evening prayer
at Holy Innocent, at 7;30 o'clock.
Preabyterian church. All. the even-
lung services begin one-half hour later.
via: Y. P. S. C. E. at 7; church ser
vice at 1; morning service a usual at
11. Theme of the morning sermon, "A
Lav of Orowth;" evening theme, "The
Unity and Explanation of the Unl-
rae.' A very cordial Invitation la ex
tended to all.
At the laat regular meeting of the
Ministerial Asaoclatlon of Astoria it
waa noted that the Sunday evening
service In the churches be held one
half hour later than usual making the
time of the preaching service 1 o'clock.
The change wilt take effect Sunday,
May 4 F- E. DELL,
; ..''' ... Secretary.
Preaching service as usual at the
First Congregational church at 11 a.
m. and 1 p. m. Theme for morning
hour. '"The Fruit of the Spirit." Topic
for evening, "Christ's Call to the
Thirsty." Sunday school at 1215:
Young People Society, Sunday even
ing, at 7; prayer meeting Wednesday
evening, at I o'clock. A cordlal lnvita-
tlon extended to all.
County Clerk Whertty waa busy all
day 'v yeaterday sending , out notice of
election jo the various place in the
county yesterday. This I the first
time at which this duty haa devel
oped upon the clerk Following Is a
copy of the notices sent out:
Dear Sir: I herewith hand you two
"Notice of Election" which please post
in conspicuous publlo places In your
precinct. In accordance with "An Act"
passed at the laat session of the leg
Islature. which reads as follows:
'It shall be the duty of the County
Clerk. thirty day before any
General Election, and at leaat
ten day before any Special
Election, to prepare printed notices of
the election and mall two of said no
tice, to each Judge and Clerk of Elec
tion In each precinct: and It shall be
the duty of the several Judge and
Clerks to Immediately poet satd notice
in conspicuous public place in their
respective precinct
What is wanted of soap
for the skin is to wash it
clean and not hurt it.
Pure soap does that. This
is why we want pure soap;
and when we say pure,
we mean without alkali.
a Pears is pure ; ho free
alkali. You can trust a
soap that has" no biting in
it that's PearsV
Established over loo year.
After hunting everywhere for day'
and weeks, th cheapest place In As
toria to trade. A great , many buyers
have found Just what they wanted in
Dry Goods. Ladle and Gents Furnish
ings, Clothing, Shoe and Millinery.
Our system of doing business doe
not In any manner touch high profits,
and the more we sell the cheaper you
can buy. .
1 We are gelling cheaper because wa
are selling more, and It 1 to your
personal interest to patronise a store
that seek your patronage on a broad
basla of fair play. :
"The price prove and tha wear con
vince that tMa la the place to trade.
You are welcome, either to look or
to 'buy. . i'v-- ' - ; v,;. ( '.
608-10 Commercial St Astoria, Ore.
Paine's Celery
: Compound
Thousands of Physicians, Men
and Women of Note and Posi
tion, and People of Humbler
Circumstances Say It is Un
equaled as a Spring Medicine
A 1-rOlllllirHI. Il!Nim'M .11 Mil
d I.. ...!.. f
Mated From Nervoii
It l by true merit, and true merit
alone, that Palne'a Celery Compound
ha won It wondroua popularity In ev
ery part of the civilised world. ..
When all other medicine fall, when
the beat directed efforts of physician
accomplish but IK tie for the banish
ing of desperate diseases, Paine' Cel
ery Compound save life and restore
health. . ' .
It I natural, therefore, that men and
women saved from the perils and dan
ger of nervous disease, rheumatism,
neuralgia and blood troubles, should
acquaint their friends the sick and
well of what waa accomplished for
ttiera by Paine Celery Compound. In
this way the jold tidings of prompt
and effectual cure have been spread
from day to day to the remotest
town and village, and the blessed
work of saving life progresses in every
direction. . 't
. One of the most remarkable cures
of recent years effected by Paine' Cel
ery Compound, t the care of Mr. Wy
an Nelson, President of the Nelson
Grain company, of Kansas CVty. Mo,
With intense gratitude and thankful
ness, Mr. rfelson write as follows:
. "I was ntrvoua. despondent .irrita
ble, had ho appetite, could not sleep,
and had nlgbt sweat. My physician
said 1 waa threatened with nervous
prostration, and advised a rest from
business. However, on the recommen
dation of my partner, I commenced
using Paine's Celery Compound, and
today I am as sound as a dollar, eat
well, sleep well, and am not at all
DIAMOND DYES give faster and
brfgher color than -any other dye.
-Men's Colored Golf Shirts,
1 pair cuffs to match, in very
best patterns and colorings
1 1.00 values for
Men's fust color Black
Socks. Ribbed top also deep
stitch, excellent quality 25o
value. 2 Pair For
New Line of Men's Crush
Hats, all colors, latest shapes.
Sil.OO Mp
S. Danziger & Co.
mmmim nvs
Few, if any of the reader, of lite Morning Astorian are awnrti of
the fact that another convention i come to town, with litadfpinrtuM
Kliannhan IlMjrv t'oiiiitwrdal 8t.
' . .. :"
Every tate in the Union has a'representative. A court eous stcno "
graplur attends daily. ....
was unanimously appointed speaker. The very first business; of tha
House was to declare '
Block Cot Stockings
Are the Best Por Wear
Price 15c and 25c per pair
D. Shanaban, is sole agent in Astoria for this excellent line
See Window Display
Price per pair ISc and 25c
Drink to Your Health! :
the Beit
You make no mistake by. using it.
New consignment of fine tea just in.
Foard & Stokes Co.
TO BUY WALL PAPER Rolls Just In. Mora to Follow
Latest Designs in Exquisite Coloring.
We will sell you BORDER for your room at th BAMB PRICK per
roll a th wall and celling. We keep first-class workmen snd guaran
tee our work. Let us Agar on your decorating for IMS.. '
365-307 Commercial Street. ,.
Swellest, '
All Styles,
S Brown.
11 A
A consieument of new ami haodaome patterns just received.
You can get a bargain no. Nothiug better for the home.
Call and see for yourself if I have not the largest stock and
lowest prices, considering the quality, of any house in town.
Goods Sold on Easy Installments. ;
H H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
trullingerV eastabrook & CO.
..- , . spccisaoss TO. . . .
, . Jobliers end Dealers in " f .
Pips Repairing
A Specialty
Andrew Asp.
Wiftti liter, Ilietiaitk ui lrnar
Special Attention Given to Ship arc
Steamboat Recalring.Qeneral Black
- smithing, Flrst-Clasa Bona
C IA, Barf, Dentist
ManseU BuUding.
578 Commercial St, Astoria, Or.
Dr. T. L. Ball .
524 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore.
515 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon