The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 30, 1902, Image 3

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r.s.v. p. " :
- , Thin is a brand of tableiolt, made from
tiio Urgent bod of pure rock suit in tlio world, 360
fool thick. By dissolving this rock with distiliod'
water pure aalt it obtained, and it does not cake.
Per pockngo 15 cent. 1 .
The Morning: Astorian
Oaston sella fsed, grain aod nay.
Try our peeled aprloot la oans; tby
it axovllent Johnson lira.
Fancy fuU weight ersarasry bulUr,
loo per roll at Johnson Uro
Call Mala Ml for your coat required
meats. Order promptly 0114,
: For rant.-'f-room nous, modern lav
provetmnt. Inquire at 1U Exchange
tfttOvt. , . , . m- ' v'.-- -
Japanese food ol all kinds, ebeap at
Ut Yokohama Duur, (Ctl t'oiuuwrelal
street. ,f , ' . .... ........
AnMber shipment of freak amoned
Kim hiun and baova Just la. Juhn
on Mroa,'
Mm HMmtuwM 4oo up tact OUT"
talus to perfection. Leave orJi-ri at
Oregon Bakery.
W are selling ur of our boot brand
of oreamery butter at Wot par roll
Johnson Bros. .
Walter Lynort Ipft yesterday for
Portland to epend few day with
friends and on bad mm
Thro expert workmen at too Ooct
d,ui Barber "hop. Porcelain baiha.
Best beutblaok In tko otty.
U. Tluiiuons, of Uppertown, will tako
a tHp least In a torn Beside
othr placo b will Visit bl old bom
in Minneapolis, Minn, ,.
You wlU Sod lb btt Ho meal III
tu Uiy at tb Itlstog Huo Restaurant,
Ho. tU Commercial St.-
Mr. E. L. Dwyer ha returned to tb
city aud I staying at U Occidumt.
H ws warmly wetoomed by hi num
erous friends In tb city .
Yor ' Heat-Taree furnished Mow
tor housekeeping. Inquire at eW K
cbaog' trt, or Ul Bond stmt.
U you want bos wood, (tab wood or
eibcr oreaood, tulefboue KUy. too
trausier msa. Phone UU black.
Herman WIm baa devised a unique
Utuoeratlo campaign button, which b
1 supply I, ig to hi friend free of
tbwge. . , ., ,. . ' ., .
Ice or Ant IS ocnt a pint at U
Parlor Candy Store. W guarantee
our ic cream to contain so gelatine
or stareh. ,
1'atroala bom Indualry by atnokinc
tb "Ittda of Astoria" clfri flnt
mad. Manufactured by MaoTarlan
and Knobol.
Oan't b beat, our J. W. Creamery
Butter. Try It, and if h do not
pleaae you, your money will be r-fund'xl.-Jonaon
P. A- Kantor, 1n Weluh block, will
call for your olothos to clean, dy. ro
pair and prM, and will deliver them.
lUng up phone, red SM4.
The Hale Kern drill soow wljl re
aume work first of the month for
deepening the channel off Uppwtown.
The dredger 1 working day and night
Hoelyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner
and make lee trouble wttb stoves
and oMmney flues than any other.
George "W. Sanborn, agent, telephone,
mi. - ' : '
The teachers of this city will meet
at Olney school next Saturday and
continue the discussion of 'Xeonard
anl Ortrmte.' ' A large attemlar.c Is
exiteoted- . f ;, . ...
The Retail Clerk' Union ''will enter,
lam their employe and all of 'he re
tall clerks at Page's hall next Mon
day evening. There will be a fine
mueloal rendition, also lunoh and re
fiMhments. iaiiles One hair ewltohos, rats and
trilby ' All kinds of hair goods. Fine
Hue of hair tonic and barber supplies.
Will call on you If desired. A. B. Pe
trort, Occident Barber Bhop.
. The Astoria, Box Company U one
of the bualert Inetltutlons In the city.
The company l turning out orders fur
lci contractors and reports that , the
.demand Indicates that an unprecedent
ed building boom Is on for Astoria. ,
We tmve made arrangements with
several growers to handle their entire
crop of rheubarb, and will now receive,
each morning, large shipments of One
strawberry and wine rheubarb, which
we will be able to sell at very low
prloea ' JOHNSON BROS.
The chief engineer for th 0. ft. &
N. Is expected down this morning to
.Innpect the steamer Nahcotta. , John
R, Ooulter, superintendent of th t R.
, N.'syetem, met 'him here. ' Tf the
John Kopp, the Astoria brewerymaa,
Is at Coos Bay on business,
Mrs. M. St. Hmlth baa given blrtb to
a 10-pound sun. ilunday last
Bids for building a school house In
Unloniown will be opened May 10th.
flteam Schooner Lakme arrived In
from Sen Franolsro at I o'clock last
evening.".. ;. . ' J--- '. .
A mens houa I being built on the
Nehalem road by the roadmaster near
the Uayseth plsce. ;.v,r
Cleared at 'the custom house yester
day, the barkentlne Chehalla, bound
for Peru with lumber. ,
M. O. Prent tovitcir, of Uppertown,
has mad some valuable Improvements
on his premise recently.
Mr. and Mrs, Webster, of Uppertown,
are the happy recipients of a fine pair
of twin girts at their home.
Repslrs on Commercial street from
Eleventh to Fourteenth, have been
completed by Contractor Wirt
The Copper Queen, a gasilln schoon
er, with a cargo of mining machinery
for Gold Beach, arrived down yester
day. . .. : '.: v .
Manager R. B. Dyer, of the Clatsop
Mill Company, returned from Portland
yesterday, after several days' visit
to that city on business.
The sash and door factory Is pro-1
greasing right along. The dry kiln
has been completed and everything Is
working towards the completion of this
grest enterprise.
John Parsman, of Deep River, was
In Astoria yesterday and paid ths As
torlan a substantial oalL Mr. Far,
man Is an old time patron of this pa-
or, !
The funeral services of th late John
Wenrworth wUI occur from the resi
dence of Ms mother this afternoon,
under the auspices of ths Fraternal
order of Eagles.
"J. If. and C. R. looney. brothers
of 3. P. Looney. a prominent cltlsen
of Astoria, arrived from WOat Virginia
yesterday, with a view of looking
around Astoria and ultimately set
tling. The Clatsop Mill Company has been
busy laying ths foundstlon of Its work
and Is now ready for the plledrlvers,
who will be ready In a few days. This
Institution will bs completed ss rapidly
ss possible. i
John Kopp. jr., bookkeeper for Kopps
brewery, Is laid up In bed. and has
been so for a week, from the effects
of a vaccination. Mr. Kopp says he
would risk, smallpox but never again
vaccination .
Ths young ladle of fit- A'gnes Oulld
will give an afternoon tea In the base
ment of the Episcopal church, Thurs
day, May 1. Delicious ' home made
candy will be on sale. Everybody
cordially Invited.
3, p. Cavanaugh, of Portland will
Address ths Toung Men's Republican
Club next Friday evening, May t. at
7:1 p. m. There will be a smoker after
the speaking and all Republicans and
friends of the party are Invited to be
preeant. '
Contractor Lebeck finished driving
piles for the sidetrack put in for
IJneberger and Warren's cold-storage
as well as Elmore's coal wharf and
cold storage plant. Bvery thing- Is
completed there In the way of pile
driving. A May-day tea will be given by the
Methodist ladles at the parsonage, at
the oorner of Exchange and Ninth
streets, Thursday afternoon from I to
S o'clock. , An excellent program, choice
refreshments and a social time will
be the features of the occasion. The
publlo cordially Invited.
Salt Is not salt It Is aVommon say
ing that salt Is salt meaning that any
alt Is good enough for ordinary use;
but we assert the contrary; much salt
Is Impure; it contains more or less dirt,
for the simple reason that it Is mode
by methods whloh render cleanliness
and purity Impossible. Worster salt
is made In such a way that It is. Im
possible for It to be unclean or Impure,
while, best of all, we are able to sell
It to bur customers at the same price
r.s any other, and., as. It Is stronger
than, other kinds. It Is really the most
eoonomlc.WOHNSON BROS,
Bids will be received for building the
Taylor school, to be erected on lot 9
and 18, block ZO, Taylor's Astoria.
Plans and specifications at the otlice
of E. Z. Ferguson, school clerk. All
bids to be In by noon, the 10th day
of May, 1M1 The right to reject any
and all bids reserved. ,
; O, & FERGUSON, .
Clerk of School District No. 1. Clatsop
County Oregon.
engine I atlfactory th
will move along as usual,
Was Capslsed In Boat, Rescued and
. Drifted Back to Astoria.
Emlle Headsman, fHherman, was re
ported drowned yesterday afternoon.
He was one of our best men, said Mr.
Tallant. He was regarded--a
on of th best fishermen on the Co
lumbia. He was a young athlete, dar
ing and capable of combatting with all
of the ordinary obstacles. W hid
built him a special boat for the sea
son but unfortunately fie got beyond
his strength. When last seen, he and
his puller, Charlie Walberg, were sud
denly swamped by a squall, and all
was lost, r
The boat, howvr." continued Mr.
Tallant. "was afterwards rescued, and
It Is now at A. Booth's, practically a
total wreck for repairs. Poor twys,
they have gone to the bottom of the
sea. After all of these years, Emlle,
the best fisherman on the Columbia,
an athlete, oarsman and my choice of
men, lost his life on a boat especially
built for him and that too, on his
first trip out" i
"It Is the saddest occurrence of my
fishing Industry," continued Mr. Tal
lant. " "
"Julius Erlckson brought In the sad
news." said Mr. Tallant "If was on
ly S00 yards from Headman when the
accident occurred. ; A sudden squall
appeared and In a' desperate effort to
save themselves Headman and his boat
puller went down boat and all disap
peared." .
Headman la one of the most popu
lar young men In the city. He Is six
feet tal!.affable. polite and a perfect
gentleman, and beside winning the
admiration of Ms employer, every one
who has met blm Is hi friend.
All Unlontown was In tears. One of
the greatest funerals in the history of
the city was being prepared In case his
body was recovered.
The Astorlan was preparing for a
big write-up of the case and bad just
about finished when news was receiv
ed that Headman had shown up In
Unlontown. Then an Investigation waa
begun through telephone, messenger
,and otherwise and Mr Headman was
brought to the Astorlan offloe.
"We had had a rough day," said Mr.
Headman, "but being used to those
things, I waa hot alarmed. Suddenly
when a squall came up after we had
teen drifting hard for sometime and
everything eemed sgalnst us, th new
boat, which I expected, was exactly,
fitted for the occasion, turned 'cranky
and unmanageable. In Ihm time than
It takes to tell It she turned over and
wrnt clesr around on her side. Then
she suddenly shifted her beam' and I
was left In the sea. By Inatlnot or In
a spirit of desperation, T seised the
first thing I came In contact with and
it happened to be my companion' legs
He held on to the boat and I held on
to him. . . "
Finally, a boat In th distance saw
our desperate condition and came to'
our rescue. We were miraculously res
cued and started adrift for Chinook,
on the Washington side- As a remark-'
abel co-Incidence we picked up our net
afterwards, which had been lost, but
the boat drifted away and was after
wards picked up practically beaten te
pieces, and waa brought back for re
pair ;'. '
We were taken to Chinook, and
were treated royally, and arrived to
night, to the great surprise of our
friends who were mourning us as
I am stilt a fisherman and will dare
the wave," aald Mr. Headman, "but
I hope to never have such an exper
ience again."
Mr. Headman and kla companion
were brought over on the steamer
Mller yesterday afternoon.
The rapidly Increasing use of shin
gles a covering for the walls cf bullet
ings, both to keep out the weather and
for ornamental purposes, makes a
great demand for a shingle Main which
preserves the wood, prevents moss, and
retains a fresh, handsome appearance.
Particularly la such ths case In damp
climates. The need Is well met In .a
perfect article made right here In As
toria. Cutbirth'a Creosote Shingle
Stains are penetrative, preservative,
handsome and durable. It lo put up In
eight colors and every package guar
anteed. ' , ;
Although the naval strength of Eng
land Is equal to that of any three con
tinental powers. It Is stated -they are
planning several more powerful war
ships. They are determined to have
the beet and most efficient navy In the
world. In the selection of a family
medicine we see this same spirit being
put forth more and more every day,
because the people are determined to
have the best remedy that can be ob
tained. It la impossible to purchase a
better or more reliable medicine than
Hostetter's Stomach Bitter. , Every
member of the family can take it
safely, with the assurance' that it will
positively do them, food. It will re
store vigor to the sytem and Cure In
digestion, dyspepsia, constipation, "ner
vousness and malaria, ;..-.; v ;
All members of Astoria-Aerie and
visiting brethren la the city are re
quested to assemble at the Aerie rooms
at 1 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, April SO,
to attend the funeral of our. late
brother, John Wentworth. By order
; J. N. LAWS. Worthy Pros,
C. S. FOSTER, Secretary- "
The Tug Samson Lose a Tow With
Thre Men Aboard.
There was a wild .rumor afloat yes
terday that th tug Samson, Captain
Randall commanding., had lost -three
men overboard In an effort to tow a
barge to port After many Ineffectual
efforts to run the story down, the fact
a gleaned ar that the Samson caught
onto the targe at the mouth of the
river and la attempting to tow the
same Into th harbor parted a hawser,
lolng th barge In the effort . I
After a fruitless endeavor to recover
her tow the Samson returned to port
and after equipping herself with'; new
steel bswser left out In search of the
barge. There are three men on board
the latter and grave fears are enter
tained that she may drift out to sea
and be lost
Captain Woods, ons of the prominent
bsr pilots, however, Is of the opinion
that the barge Is a weather-rider and
that she will be rescued, together with
her crew, all safe and sound. There
Is great excitement Jn the city over the
probable fate of the men on the barge
which will not be, atlaxed until the re
turn of the tug. Owing to the lateness
of the hour, It waa Impossible to learn
the names of the men on the barge,
but It Is understood that they are resi
dents of the city.. The Astorlan win
probably have all the facts connected
with the affair at an early hour this
morning, or at least as soon as the
Samson returns. . -
Captain Johnson, of the steam
schooner Lskme, who arrived in last
evening, reports seeing the 6amin,
but doubts her ability to succeed In
her search, aa the waves were rolling
mountain high a he passed In with
his ship. A great deal of anxiety. Is
manifested In the city over the prob
able results and the return of the tug
Is anxiously looked forward to.
Foxy Grandpa's Aggregation Won Out
at Bowling Last Night"
Foxy Grandpa's little scheme was
successfully worked at the Commercial
Club alleys last night,, when the first
team went down to defeat before the
second aggregation. ; The contest was
ribbed up" by Grandpa Desn, who in
duced the members of the first team to
bowl a series of IS games for an elabo
rate supper. The second team won by
superior vocal effort which statement
doea not, however. In, any way tend to
detract form Its victory. First team
men can be bought for a song; second
team men will appear cheety for at
least a week to come.
The slaughter commenced In the
very first game when the aspirants for
gory scalps won out by a single pin.
This slender r1oory -eufflced to turn
loose the dogs of wsr, and. although
the alleged champions gave a demon
stration In the second game, fate re
lentlessly pursued them. The last
game was a fine one for both teams,
but the crack-a-Jacks were unable to
overcome the excellent total of the
ether crowd. The second team took
three of the four games, but were de
feated by it plna In the grand total.
McCabe bowled the beet total IS
and also the beet single game-rL For
the second team Mills, wsa high, with
11. The second team scores were very
consistent The next games will be
played Tuesday night Last night's
scores follow:
' First Team -.
J. "W. Mathena 157
B I McCabe...... IN
A. C. Ross lit
P. Woodfleld ....Ut
J. D Taylor ..17
W. C. Laws 18
Bert Allen ................llJ
P. B. Sovey ...let
Second Team
P, Peterson ;................... M6
F. Peterson,., ..17
L. R Mills ..ltt
Will Cole .........151
O. W, Ralston .....Ill
C. H. Onopes 141
B. J. Pye US
Grandpa Deaa , 154
The scores by games were:
First Team ......190 331 7 S33 1321
Second Team ....!! S9 S87 1381185
Custom House, Astoria, Ore., April
28, 1903 Supplies for revenue vessels.
Sealed proposals for supplying rations
and coal to vessels, of the United
States Revenue Cutter Service, regu
larly stationed, or temporarily, at As
toria, Oregon, and delivered on board
said vessels at that place during the
fiscal year ending June SO. 1903, will
be received at this office un'U o'clock
p .m. of Tuesday, May 13, 1903, at
Which time and place they will be pub
licly opened. ? The coal furnished to
be anthracite or bituminous of best
quality; uniform , In ' character;' to
weigh 2240 pounds to the ton; to be
delivered on board the vessels at such
times and In such quantities as may
be required, at local! tie readily 'ac
cessible to said vessels, and to be sub
ject to Inspection as to quality and
weight Bidders will name the prices
both for. steaming and stove coal, and
also their facilities for furnishing the
vessels with fresh water, and their
charges therefor. Blank forms of pro
posals, with schedules showing coinpo
tent parts of rations, may be had up
on application to this office; proposals
must be submitted on these forms.
Separate bids will also be received at
the. same time and place for lubricat
ing and Illuminating oils. ' The right
1 reserved to reject any or all bids,
and no proposal will be accepted un
til Congress shall have made an ap
propriation for the purpose.
x v ';;.-' -: JOHN FOX,
'- '' " Collector.
Priscllla Small wood to Merrill Lum
ber Company East half of east half of
section 17 township north, range 1
west;' 1108. ,
John F. Hamilton and wife to M. J.
Kinney 19 acres In section 31, town
ship I north, range I west; $2. .
John Adair and wife to H- S. Wil
led undivided three-fourths tidelands
in 'front of east half of O. W. Coffin
bury d. L o. $1.
M. A Warren to Lulu W. Thompson
-lots 28 and 1. block . Adair's; It
Sheriff to John Ntcoll northeast
quarter of section 3, township 7 north,
range t west; W12.7S. '
Charles B. Andrews and wife U M.
J. Kinney 140 acres In section (, town
ship ( north, range I west; 31400.
M. J. Kinney to Merrill Lumber Co.
480 acres In sections 31 and 32, town
ship north, range 3 west; 710 acres
In sections I and 3, township t north,
range I west; It acres In section 33.
township I north, range 3 west; 3100.
B. Van Dusen et at to Merrill Lum
ber Company northeast quarter of
section 35. township t north, range 3
west; 3100.
John U Carlson and wife to Merrill
Lumber Co. 320 acres In section (.
township north, range 3 west; 3100.
John Koch to Merrill Lumber Co.
northyest quarter section 7, township
I north, range 3 west; 3100.
Minnie Smith and husband to Merrill
Lumber Co. northwest quarter section
3. township I north, range I west;
C E. Foser to Merrill Lumber Co.
southeast quarter setelon 4, tomsMp
5 north, range I west; 3100.
George W. Wood and wife to Mer
rill Lumber Co. northeast quarter of
section SS, township ( north-, range 3
west; HO.
H. O. Smith and wife to Merrill
Lumber Co. undivided half of south
west quarter of section 36, township
( north, range t west; 3100.
Abble A. Douglass to Merrill- Lum
ber Co, Undivided half of southwest
quarter section 35, township f north,
range 3 west; 3100.
Clara Welman to Merrill Lumber Co.
-Southwest quarter of section 33,
township ( north, range I west; 100.
"Nebalem Coal Co. to Merrill Lumber
Co southeast quarter of setelon 14,
township I north, range t west; 3100,
. Men's Colored Golf Shirts,
1 pair cuffs to match, in very
best patterns and colorings
f 1.00 values for
x 4
Men's fast color Black
Sooks..; Ribbod top also deep
stitch, excellent quality 25c
value. 2 Pair Pop
' ; " 25c -
New Line of Men's Crush
Hats, colors, latest shapes.
leOO up
S- Daiuiger Co.
Bhaoahan Hid., Commercial St,
Great Sale ofCurtaino
We Simply Quota
f 1.00 Curtains For 75c per pair
V 1.25 - 1.00
; ' t 1J50 " " 1.25 ' "
.- 2.00 " . " ' 1.75
250' 2.25,
3.00 " " 2.40
' 4.00 M " 325
f -5.00, 7.50, 10.00 reduced accordingly.
la the
You make no mistake by using it
New consignment of fine tea just in.
Poard & Stokes Co.
13.044 Rolls Just la. Mora to Follow r
Latest Dtfflgua ! Exqutslto Coloring. "
Wa will etl rou BORDER for Tour rooms at the BAMB PRICB per
roll aa th watt and celling. We keep first-class workmen and guaran
tee our work. Let us figure oa your decorating for 1301. . .
' 303-367 Commercial Street." ;
fHSf vie! Kid.
B?n f Sweltest,
k ah Styles,
Peterson & Brown.
A consignment of new and handsome patterns just received.
You can get a bargain now. Nothing better for the borne.
Call and see tor yourself if I have not the largest stock and
lowest prioes, considering the quality, of any Sons in town.
Goods Sold oa Easy Installments.
H. h: ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
for Tira
niv"V , 1, Nf '
' t" - J il.MT ' " ifltl II ,
C. M. CUTBIRTH - Astoria, Or.
- W. P. FULLER " & CO. - Apsts.
1 4 ,.;'.
Andrew Asp,
lirti birr, BlKtwltk ui lemitesr
Special Attention CHven to 6h!e aid
Steamboat Repalrlng.OeDeral Biaek
smlthing, Hrst-CUa Horss
. Saeetog. ic
lastiraoce. Commissloa inl
Agent Wells Fai
Faoiac fcxprees
Custom Rouse Broker-
Copper Paint
To preserve
them from
tb destructive
effects of
worms and
barnacles and
prevent th
of sea
grass snd
other marine ,