THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SUNDAY, APRIL W, 1902 ! . '; : FOR SALADS Huikce Hulad Uivming f.,c LoUlcr, Chicken, or col J- meat niul other alok It n wumintid free from snlicylic, nci.l or any other liansiJul ingredient. It two sizes, lurgu and mnull bottles. ' i ., ross, HiaqiNs & co. The Morning Astorian TELEPHONE) HI TODAY'S WBATUER. TOItTUA.NI), April 1,Wlern Ore lull. Western Washington,' r partly cloudy, otctii(i,il shownrs, wind rtmstly n)uihrly' Eastern Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho, fair, mudoroiely cool, westerly winds. ' Oasten ullt fd, train aad hay. Try our pili eprleuu in can; lucy Call klaln Ml lor your eoai require ttitnu. Ordora grumpily lllWd. Our l'rfiitWn Dlmd Mooha Java olt caa't be beat. Johuaon liru, Jfor reou 7-r wm house, modern Im provement. Inquire at 11 Exchange irt. .. . , . ... - . Japanvia good ut all kind, cheap at tba Yokohama Uasaer, ta Commercial atrttu . A shipment of very flue Oregon rheu barb arrived for Johnsun llro. laat eVt-Ullig. ( ; Another hipmiu of fresh smoked Uasiern hauti and baoon Just in.-Juan-aou Uroa. W liavt juat received a ahlpnumi ot 'home preserved wild blackberri. Johnson Bros. . i Mr, itajmussen does -up lac cur taiua to perfection. Ltava ordora at Oifgou Uakery. The lug Nu;tii Bur, Captuln l'cler Crlm. will aall (or llrlstol liay, Alaska, Una morning ; Any child buy aa wall and at cheap ly (ram ui aa tha moat experienced buyr.Jomion Uroa. Thru expert workmen at tha Occi dent liar bar Shop. Porcelain baths, ttest bootblack in tba city. You will flud tha best Uo maal tn lua buy at ina maing nun itfiiaur.ini. No. 113 Commercial Bt. You can liva without our Perfection ttlend alouha and Java Coffee, but why ahould youT Johnson Broa. I( you want noi wood, alab wood or other' firewood, telephone Kelly, tha tramfer man. Pbona 1211 black. Patronise home tnduatry by emoklng the "Pride of Attorie" cigar; flneat made. Manufactured by MaoFarlan and KnobeL P. A. Kantor, in Welch block. will eall for your clothe to clean, dye, re pair" and preaa, and will deliver them. Ring up phone, red tHi, Itoalyn coal laata longer, la cleaner and makea leia trouble with atovaa and chimney fluea than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent, telephone, 1311. tadle fine hair switches, rat and trilby. All klnda of hair good. Fine Una of hair tonic and barber aupplic. Will call on you It dmlred. A. E. pe. tenon, 0 cldt-nt Barber Shop. Ocntlemenf Two mora day Monday and Tuesday you ran aeleot your aum mer ult. Fit guaranteed or no ml. Swull pattern at popular price. C. H. Cooper', the leading houe of Aa torla. TIIK TAILORING SALE AT C. H. COOPER'S WILL UK CONTINUKI) Two Days lore Monday and Tuesday AN IMMENSE VARIETY OP. swbll;.' Attorns POPULAR PRICiBS Mr. Rolfe, our Chfcngo Tailor, will be in attendance to show goods and take measures. . .... , Mr. liulfo, of Chicago, will remain two day longer-Monday and ' Tue. day-'at C. H. Cooper". - The funeral of tli little aop of Jem Jokf)n, of Vppertown, will be held todity from the family realdcnra. Can't be beat, our J, W, Creamery nutter. Try tt, and If It doe no pleaae ynu. ynuf nwmcy will be re fundidWohnun Tlw game of (ho High 'school Olrl and lly Uaakvt Ball Teawi wa very Intereatlng, and waa won by the lat tar with a eora ot It to 1 ' One of the flneat dUplay of wooti-na in ithe piece la now on exhibition at C. II. Cootter"a. ClenilenVn, com and lmk whether you buy or , not The in,r ateamor kie II. Blmor will aall for Tillamook Bay on'Tuee. day mnmlng next' Fare reduced to 3.M. Safat and moat omnforuble boat. County Superliuendent Lyman will piealde over a county tcavhere' Inati tute to be held In thl city, May SI, SI and 13. Addreaapa will be delivered by Frofcaaor Ackennan and Itublnaon of Multnomah county. ' VMM Vln.ent aiardlna and Mies Maud Height will become man and wife thla afternoon', at 3.30 In the Catholic Churrh, ltev. ratbt-r Lane offlclatlng Mla Killth tturnated will act aa brldi-a-maid and Louie Klttkela aa bt man. The couple will rctride In Alorla aft er a two weeke' wedding tur. Slater Cleopba. who ha bi-en in charge of St. Mary Hoapltal for aome time, will leave thl morning for Weatmlnater, B. C, to aauma a lm llar charge there. She will be replac ed by Bluer Tanerede. from Weatmlna ter. While In charge of the hoaplul' hero 8lter Cleophae made many friend who regret to eee her leave. One of tha neateat place of bul nea In Aatorla I the new at ore ot John 8vtncn, at' 157 Commercial Bt Mr.. Svcnsen I a deacrvedly popular man, and ha built up a fine bulne. Ilia new room preaent a very taateful appeamnre and ahow a well aelected to k of book, paper, toy, notion, muilcal Inetrumenta, eto. The window dinplaya are notably 'excellent. The executive board o( the Woman' Club decided yeaterday to cloee a data for a lecture, from Mr. Conde Ham lin, of St. Paul. Minn., In the Interval of civic Improvement league, for a date my time between April 18, May I. It I hoped that 4he Itinerary already ar ranged for will allow a lecture at Aato rla. Mr. Hamlin la fully vejved In all the practical working of the clvlo league and would be of great aaalat- unce to the movement about to be In augurated hero. Voter made a rush yesterday and cwelled the reglatratlon Hat mora than so reglKtraMona. Polltlca are waking thing up and tha reglatratlon la now priimlBfd to be a large ona. Follow ing wa the reglatratlon by precinct up to closing time luat evening: Aato rla No. 1, 73; Aatorla No. 2, 123; A torla No. S, HO; Aatorla No. 1 158; Aatorla No, I, 153; Astoria No. 6, 79; Aatorla No. T. M; John Day, 17; Sven een, CO; WalluRki, 20; New Aatorla, 70; Warrenton, 9; lataop, 17; Beaalde. 81; Mflvllle, 8; Chad wick, 27; Younga Riv er, 17; Olney, 27; Knappa, S3; Clifton, UK HAT 40 Weatport, I; Mper.' 12; Jewell, 17; M'lahawaka. 24; KMe, If) runlr, (. To tal, 124, " ; Almut ISO Bcandltiavlan famille will locate In Umatilla county. The Hue H nimore, from Tillamook, with a good paaenger llt, haa arrived in.; - : . ' 4 Yewterday waa a red letter day ; In reglatrntlun. Tha total waa brought up tO. 12, , . -: , . The only thin to break the mono tony of tioUce life wa a common drunk yeatordayt W., F. McGregor left for Oraya River yeaterday, from which-place he will bring a rat of log. Judge McBrlde loft laat night for Oregon City, where: he 'will open court tomorrow' morning. The American barkcntlne, Encore, from Hm Pedro, in ballaat, t Knapp ton. arrived In yeatcrday. John Walleneteln, -a native many, w.t admired to cltlxcnahlp In Hie cinty court yeaterday afternoon. It t reported that the Standard Mu- ale Hill, which haa been citumi (or veral day, will be re-ojiened oon Albert RoaMdt will leave thl morn ing for Weatport, Wah , where h will pend aeveral day with old friend at Petoraon'a llft-ax'lng atatlon. , " In the ahow window of a local va cant atort room I poated the picture of Mr. Chamberlain, candidate on tlw iinocrauc ticaet tor governor. The Lang plan (or the conatructlon f the Portland dry dock haa been turned down and J. E Ulitckaell. of Seattle, ha been employed to draw un plana. It waa atated that a hitch a roue yea terday morning In the aettl:pent of the Urlmea' divorce aiilt I'p to lat acii.unt the matter wa mill unwi lled. . . ' ' A liberal aupport.of the Portland Hoard of Trade movement (or avteam- ,hl wrvlro to Alaitka, haa txwn prom- Iwl by Preatdcnt Mnhler, o( Ibe O. It It N CO. The dedication ol the Odd Fellowa' Home will taJte place at Portland next Saturday. A large number of Odd Kelluw and Rebek"h from thl city expert to attend. In the county clerk' oftlce yeiterday Jacob KakU and Jalmar Wlrkala. 'tuttlve of Finland, and Lewi Bllng Ion, of Norway, were granted flret ( Ulnm-hlp pater. The United Biute grand jury at Portland wa dlacbarged yeatenlay aft- !er a alx-duy' tMion, in which time 14 caae eei heard, 40 wltncaea ex amtmd and 13 true bllla returned. The county Republican central com mittee, haa been called to meet at Re publican headquarter In thl city next Thurediy At 2 o'clock p. in. When arrangvmenta will be made to open up the preevnt campaign In earneat It la reported that Mr. C. R. Thorn ion wilt be placed on the cltiiena' ticket In place of Mr. Smith, who ha declined to make the race. Thl ia denied, however, by promoter of the move. A. M. Smith come out In a card and states that he will not make the race for county judge on the "cltlsena non partisan" ticket Mr. Smith state that his dutloa aa city attorney and il.e coat of A campaign prompt hltn In declining to make the race. Sheriff Llnvllle left tor Salem last night with a mixed trio In charge. One ot the number waa A. Hnyt, the log thief, who waa bound tor the atate penitentiary; another, Patrick Farrel, he waa taking to the Insane asylum, and tha third was the young sailor boy, Earl Myers, whose father had sent him a ticket to return home and bad requested the sheriff to aee that he got atarted on hla way properly. Professor Parker reports bard work and good results ftt the city High School. There are several record win ners this aession. Onoy Jackson who has been chosen valedictorian for 1902 made an avenge of more than 90 in the 'work for over four years' york,. Alice O'Connor, who haa boen cbosth a salut&torlan averaged over 89 In four yeara' work, and of the graduat ing class of eight 84 1-3 Is he lowest made. The High School hoys are now practicing tor a game of bosket ball to be played at an early date tor the purpose of raising fund for Improv ing the laboratory. The game will be matched between the freshmen and seniors and junior and sophomores. Poundmaatar Olot Peterson, speaking ot the complaint made against Mm In regard to Impounding dogs atate that with the allowance made to him to provide a pound and take care pt ani mals, he la doing the very best that he can. He Is only allowed $2.60 a month to pay tor the rent of a pound and gets 31 for each dog Impounded. He Is compelled to keep dogs three days before killing them and as meats are high and he Is compelled to feed Ihn (logs while he keeps them, and the average dog Is a hearty eater, es pecially when picked p from the streets. While thtr-s Is nothing In It to him he 1a doing bis best In the matter' and -thinks he should not be condemned under the circumstance. The efforts of the Woman' Club to interest property owner In the ap pearance of the city haa met with hearty co-operattoa on the part ot the O. R. & N, Co. Soma Urn ago tha chairman of the civic Improvement De partment addreaaed a communication to Mr. Lounsrry, agvnt of tha O. R. A N. Co., asking that the company rvmov the unsightly ruin of the old coal bunker and put the property In proper condition, o that It should no longer be a disgrace Ut the city front, Yesterday a letter waa received say ing the request had been considered by the company and tbey wouid do a mjuetd. This being the first effort in thl direction, the ladle at great ly pleased at the result and will be encouraged to persevere in thl good work. - s Personal Mention. " , ... A. Wilson, of Deep River, U In the city. . : Donald ftos cm down from Port land yesterday. Coroner pohl returned from PorUand yestorday, af ter a two-day' visit Lexon Anderorl, of Lewi and Clark, wa In th-i city on bualnesa yesterday. Aug. Krlckton and wife and V. Llnd bock and wife are registered at the Occident i Charlea Rurch, conductor on the I. It 4c N. railroad, came over from 11- waco last afternoon and went to Port land In the evening. Manager Sellgi of Fishers' Oitcra House, returned from a four days' trip on bulne to Portland yester day. He expect to rive the . neonl something good in the the'alricat line soon.. . ' .. - - " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jane Btelner and husband Ho Han- nan Porter lot t. block 4, Bradbury' addition to Ocean Orove; 5. . - United State to Ellert Erkkju-niii) acre In section 24. township north, range 8 wet;' patent. United States to Martin S. Bottom southeast quarter of setclon 32. town ship north, range 8 west; patent Oswald C. Hansel to Necanlcum Spruce Lumber Company southeast o.u.TNer of section 13, T 8 N, It 10 W; 15. .. ; -. -Pudy Hart and wife to Merrill Lum ber C'ompany-155.12 Acre In section 1. T N, R 1 W; 8100. . AN UN3INKABLB SHIP. Experiments Are being made on a new Apparatus for us In case of col- Union on tha ocean. By turning a amall wheel. In the pilot house 20 wat er Jlght door are instantly closed. and these compartment are more than enough to keep any vessel afloat If it la a success It will make ocean trav el aa free from danger aa Hosteller's stomai h Kilters dies tha road through life. It la a splendid tonic, free from All Injurious narcotics, and one that the most delicate system can retain. In the spring, when the weather ! aa variable, It la very beneficial as it pro tects tha system from sudden colds and la grippe. Don't fail to rv it It Also cures tndlgeation, dyspepsia, insomnia, headache, nervousness And biliousness. FINDS WAY TO LIVE LONCl. The startling announcement of A dis covery that will surely lengthen life I made by editor O. H. Downey, of Chu rubusco. Ind. "I wl to state," ; ba writes, "that Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption is the moat Infal lible remedy that I have ever known for Cough, Cold and Grip. It'a In valuable to people with weak lung. Having thl wonderful medicine no ona need dread Pneumonia or Consump tion. It relief U Instant and our certain." Charles Rogara will guar antee every SOc and 8100 bottle, and give trial bottlea fro. The Columbia paased out yesterday, bound for San Francisco. Off Colour? Practically the whole English speaking population ot the world keep themselves in condition by using - . Beecham's Pills Sou EwTwhste-Ia boxa too. aat sla Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Tour orden tor meats, both FRESH AND SALT . Will bejrompt!y d . ttis.'acforlly attended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone Nn 321. ' , Dp. T. It. Ball V ' DENTIST. " . . ' ' 524 Commercial Street ' Astoria, Or. J.A.FASTABEND OBNERAL CONTRACTOR AJID BUILDER, - : ONE OP MlS'S P1ll!SVD. It I the DogMany Ar Rut Many Are Valmble The recent dog show t. I irtLind itr caused all kind of, on the subject of dogs. ; 8ome mtn nn no, good in d'W. Oticrj j rlre tf'm wy highly. ; Some men think . the pound and ivtnn fac'-irlf art ihe proper ' place 'or thti, while o:U think good kennel, good food and kind treatment are the thing. Speaking of the matter yesterday, a man not a friend to the dog said: "It makes me tired to see men, or women, parading a dog pet about the street. Why, you e some of them associating with dogs almost on 'aoclal equality.' They actually value the companionship of their dogs above that of moit Wends. And you e them go Into re'.aurants and carry out more for their dgs than they eat themselves. Then there are other who go to tte market nd buy freah meat livery dav for dog, a sufflcim amount to susi'n a fsm liy. "When I tee mn liivUhlni; tnelr klndnen upon A dog. an! tb-tr mrney, too.-I think of ihe poor about ton, the children who rarely ever jet a good meal, and to t horn fh mt at Is a stranger. "The most'ing ihlnar in my judgment t to see a mftn. or woman walking down the street infrir,rr.ied by A dog carrying a pack w fo the- owner and at the same time sc the owner 'rubbering" to the right and left to sea if any one ia Admiring the smart trick the dog t performing. I cannot aee where there Is any good accom plished In having A dog carry a lit tle Insignificant package that could be carried In the pocket or band. And a A usual thing the dog 'slotiber' over tha package until H I re&Jly filthy to handle. "Suppose." continued the dog-hater, "thc dog-lover would bestow tbelr attention upon some poor, deserving child? Spend the money which they throw away on worthless fog toward educating and making comfort&ble children of humanity? Something would be accomplished. The dog-1over ia A nuisance and there should be law passed against such mono-Idiocy." But another looked upon It more lib erally. He said that a dog was one of man's best friends. He never de serted bis owner. He was bis most atject alave. He told ot the lives the dogs have saved, of the wonderful feats they have performed for human ity, of the comfort and satisfaction there Is In the companionship of a faithful dog. The good dog, be In sisted. Is worth all of the cost of keep ing him. - It 4a admitted that there are many worthless ones, but It Is contended that there are tore that are valuable. Olli GliOTHlflG Boots ffeGkinaai Goats and Pants Heavy Flannel Shirts and Underwear, Wool Socks, Blankets and Comforters. Prices always" , the lowest at & banziger I Co. Beat Ttetn if Yoa Can? : We'll Gaarantee Yon Cannot In any City West of Chicago. -WHAT? Shanahan'a values in Men's and Boys' Clothing and ' . Undcrr.ear, Hats and Cajs. Note the following: Men's Heavy Cotton Socks 5c per pair. ' ' Heavy Merino 8J, 12$, and 15 cents. Men's I'ants 1 .00, 1 .25, 1 .50, 1.75 to 5.00. Men's Suits 5.50, 8.50, 10.00, 12.50, to 30.00. Men's and Boys' Caps 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents. " , " " Hats 1.00, 1 50, 175, 2.00, 2.50 to 5.00. 14 K Cuff Buttons, Solid and Link, Jewelers' price 75c, ours 35c. Rollkd Gold Collar Buttons 5c and up. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY HANAHAN'S, Fishermen! See I's About Tvtlne, Lead Line, Cork Line, Cork, Need les, Boat Supplies, Sails, Etc. We Can Save You Money. Foard & Stokes NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY WALL PAPER iS.Ooo Rolls Juat In. More to-Fo'low . Latest 'Deglgns ia Exquisite Colorlnt. - We will sell yoa BORDER for your room at the SAME PRICB per ' roll aa the wall and celling. We keep tint-class workmen and guaran . tea our work. Let us figure on your decorating for 1901 - B. F. ALLEN & SON. 3(15-307 Commercial Street SPRING SHOES Oxfords, Patent Leathers, Vie! Kid. Latest, SweUest, All Styles, 1 sszZjr Lowest Prices Peterson & Brown. C01CHES ,' A conaisfocuent of new and handsome patterns just received. . Yoa can get a bargain now. Nothing better for the home. RIATTIN6S ; - - CARPETS Call and see tor yourself if I hare not the largest stock and -lowest prices, considering the quality, of any house in town. . Goods Sold on Easy Installments. H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher. Cutbirths's FOR THB , BOTTOMS OF BOATS AND VESSELS. r.X T, ,ni.x ' tt. . ' rUNUFACTUREO BY . C.M; CUTBIRTH - Astoria; Or. W. P. FULLER & CO. AttntS. Co. Andrew Asp. ffigH laker, BUtluutk ui lnikr FTHST-CIASS WORK AT , Special Attention Given to Ship ard i Steamboat Repairing.General Black . imlthlng. Ftrst-Clasa Horse I Shoeing, ace 'CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB InSdMnce. Commission ni Sh'pploi. C. J. TRENCHARD, Agent Wells Fargo and P&citie Express Comp'ya. CnstoiB Bouse Broker. LOUNGES Copper Paint To preserve them from -the destructive effects ot worms and . parnacle and prevent the accumulation, ot sea grass and other marine substances. 4