n , notion; Books Periodicals, MnKazlnn, WiJ ha aku n ' w"'t ASTORIA PUBLIC UBBAM iSSOflMION VOL. LIV ASTOIUA. OREGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 19, 1902. XO. !)L Talking About CLOTHING Do you know that there is 8 vast difference in the make op, lining, Bewing and general flniuli of clothing. Tlioro ia the "made to ttU" kind, pretty pattern, gaudy linings, but there's no Krtiofuc tion in the wear; it is made in a hurry ly underpaid labor; just "made to sell." Then there's the "made to wear" kind, pro perly tthrunk, plain but strong linings, the "vitals," or inHido paddings, properly adjusted' sewod with silk, niado by skilled labur and xold on honor. The "made to wear" kind costa u little more than tin "made to sell'' kind, but, dt'ur me, it in over ho much better. We sell the mudu to weur kind. mfmc jkitiuinlmt SOME MORE NEW BOOKS. IN TUB POO Richard Harding Davla AUDUBT ... Mary Johnston TUB FIFTH STRING Sousa Tirra 8toN or tub prophet Nayior LAZARIU9 Mary Hartwell Caitherwood SYLVIA Evalyn Emerson They or the leader tl 25. . GRIFFIN & REED . ABOUT COFFEE The I lest Hruixl of C-otVee is "WHITE HOUSE" Mocha and Java For tSule only by FI5HER BROS. QUEEN PRINCESS Of course I sell Hats. My Stock is absolutely new and complete. The very latest shapes and shades are now at your service They are not sold ut cost, but you cannot duplicate thorn in Astoria or Port land for the sane money MASCOT It costs you no more to dress in style if you buy of the leading clothier P. A. STOKES. RODE ROUGH SHOD OYER HOUSE Democratic and Republican In surgeon Overthrow Rulings of Chair. A SCENE OF EXCITEMENT Beet Sugar Men Take the lilt In the Ir Teeth and Carry Thing With a High Hand. orata and Republican insurgents rode rough a hod over the house leader to day when voting began on the Cuban reciprocity bill. They overthrew the ruling of the rhalr In committee ot tne whole on the queaUon of germane ne ot the amwidint-nt to remove the differential from refined sugar during the existence of the reciprocity agree menl provided for In the bill. The vote to overrule the decision of the chair u 171 to 13. itepubllcana to the number of 37 joining with the nil. I Democratic vol to accomplish this result. Having won thin preliminary victory the amendment tin adopted In com mlttee, 164 to 111, and later In the house by a "till larger majority, 1M to 105. On this occasion 14 Repub Ik-an voted with the De.moera.ta for the. amendment The bill was then passed by an over whelming majority, 247 to 52. Analy- tla of the vjle ahowa )S4 Republicans and 123 Democrat voted for amend ed bill and 42 Republican and 10 Dem omits ajptlnst Jt. Today's debate waa of exceedingly lively character, feature being echoes of luxt night' Democratic caucus. To that caucus the defeat of the He publican leader who sought to pass tho bill without amendment la at 1 rib' ulittiU1. Previous to the holding of the caucus Democrats were very much llvliled and the opposition of the Re publican beet sutrar men showed sign of dlsintergratlng. Today, when It be. aime apparent that the Democrat: would act together.' beet augttr men decided at a meeting a He ml e l by 32 of them to take the bit In their teeth and overrule the chair. Soon as this combination w.ia anVnied the Repub' llcun leaders realised that they would be defeated so far as the removal of differential was concerned and Payne, Republican lender, contented himself with warning bin beet sugaa- colleagues that In removing the differential they were taking oft the bit of protection plueed In the Dlngley bill especially for the ben-MIt of beet augur producer Democrat attempted to follow up, their advantage when the differential amendment was adopted by offering the Babcock bill and other amend' mentj to reduce the Dlngley sched ules, but on these amendments Re publicans declined to stand with them, and the Democrats did not press them vigorously. The bill a paased authorises the president, after the establishment of an independent government In Cuba, and the enactment by said government of immigration, exclusion and contract labor law a restrictive as those of (he United States, to negotiate reci procal trade agreement With Cuba by which, in return for equivalent .con cessions the United States will grant a reduction of 20 per cent from the Dlngley rate on goods coming Into the United States from Cuba, such agreement to continue until December 1903. During the existence of such agreement the duty of refined sugar and all sugars above No. 16 Dutch standard Is to be 1.SS5 per pound. GOVERNMENT FOR PHILIPPINES. WASHINGTON, April 18 At today's session of the senate, consideration wa begun of a bill temporarily to provide a form of government for the Philip pine. The measure wa read and the committee amendments were agreed to tentatively, but no-act Ion on the bill was taken. Fifty-five private pension bill and a few other measure were passed. CHINA PROTBOT8. WABHINOTON, April M.-The secre tary of state today transmitted to the senate a communication from United States Minister Congfler inclosing a protest from the Chinese government against the exclusion of Chinese from tin- Philippine Islands. , BANKRUPTCY LAW. WASHINGTON. April IBThe house committee on judiciary today directed a favorable report on the bill of Chair man Ray, amending the bankruptcy law In a number of particulars. One of the moat Important amendments al low corporation to become voluntary bankrupts with the proviso that this shall not release corporation officer and stockholders from Individual lia bilities tinder the state or federal law. SERIOUS ItBBHLLION. MONO KONG. April W Rev. Mr. Landls, an American missionary who has arrived from Nan King, province of Kwanksl, confirm reports of ser iousness of reb-illlon in the Southern provinces of China, j He ays all trade beyond Nan King I paralyzed- Store there are packed with goods stopped on their way to the interior. The to- tl rebel force numbers about 10,000 well arnitrd men. RIO IS IN I BELGIUM Till: (il'AKDS PI UK ON THE MOB. NEW LAW FOR FOREIGNERS Their Duties and Rights as De fined by the Government of Venezuela. CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL Five IVrnoiiH Killed nnd u Dozen or .More are Wounded. Other Wot. BRl'SSBIJi, AJrll 18.-A serious riot occurred at Louvaln near Brussel. The Socialists held a demonstration. The police attemfftihir to Uhioerw them were received with a' shower ot stones. The Irish guard then fired on the mob. Similar riots occurred In an other part of Louvaln, altogether five persons were killed and 13 wounded A riot Is reported at Bruges, in Flanders Here the police charged the social Ists with drawn swords and 10 of the latter were wounded DENIES THE STORIES. Says That the Reports of British Cru elty to Boers T Absurd. NEW YORK, April 18.-Rev. D. Jo seph Herts, who was a member of Lord Milner's high or advisory com mittee In South Africa and chaplain of the Rand Rifles, has arrived In this city, hie former home. When the war broke out Dr. Herts was expell?dfrom Johannesburg by Mr. Kruger for belna; a 1'ltlander. He has since visited many of the British concentration camps in South Africa Of these camps and on kindred subject. Dr. Herts fays: "The stories of the British cruelties towards the wives and families of the Boers In the concentration camps are absurd It is not the fighting Boer who makes these charges, but the stay-at homes. Why, the Boer In the Held sends his family to the British to take care of, so that he will not be hara- ered by them while fighting.. While there were but 9000 children attend ing school In the Orange Free State before the war started, there Are now 14,000 at school under the British gov ernmental rule." OLD SHOES . And old boots are made almost as good as new in my shop at small expense. I can also sell you NEW SHOES and new boots of the best quality, warranted as rep resented, at lower prices than you can buy for elsewhere S. A. Gimrea Opposite Rom.' MijIdi ft Co- Not Subject to Military Service Sor to the Payirent of Any Contribution in Case of War. (Correspondence of Associated Press.) CARACAS, Veneiuela, March W.- The new law defining the duties and rights of foreigners who ma- oe found within the territory of V.nexu?U rss juai oeen suomiuea to congress Ly President Castro- In substance !t Is follows Foreigners shall enjoy the same civ il rights as Penexuelans, as determined by the constitution of the republic They shall be considered as either Do miciled or as in trinsit All who have resided within the ttr- rltory voluntarily and uninterruptedly for upwards of two years without a diplomatic character or for purposes of trade or any other Industry pro vided they have a permanently estab lished home although they may even be invested with a consular charac ter. All who possess real estate with in the territory of the republic wt o are not Included in the foregoing provis ions shall be considered as foreigners in traleit. , .Domiciled, foreljmew shall be bind to the same obllgat'cns as retards both their person and property e Veneruelans but are not ubpect to rrt! ary service nor to the payment of any ocntrlbutlons in case of war. Foreigner shall not mix in the public affairs of the republic nor In anything relating thereto, either pub licly or through the press. Resident foreigners who violate the last named provision in whole or In part shall lose their conditions of for eigners and shall be subject to the re sponsibilities, etc., which may attach to nationals. ForelKner in transit who may aimlllarly transrress the pio vlslons shall be expelled from the coun try forthwith. The penalty for the vlolaon ,of the last named provision shall not be lu ftlcted without due legal proceedings and there shall be no resort to the diplomatic channel except when, hav ing exhausted all lee-al jneans before the competent authorities. It clearly appears that there is a Ocnlal of Jus tice or notorious Injustice. Foreigners, like Veneiuelans, bar the right to claim from the govern ment by way of Indemnification all losses or damages which might be oo- casloned to them in time of war by legitimately constituted authorities, but they cannot claim compensation for loss or damage by the agents or armed bodies In the sen-Ice of any revolution. . The executive decree of February 14, 1S1J, concerning the duties and rights of foreigners and the executive decree of July, 1S97, which relates to the meddling of foreigners In the electoral business of the country, are repealed. M KERVER DEAD. NRW YORK. April 18.-John T. Mc Keever, for seven years treasurer of Wallack'8 Theatre Is dead from clr hosls of the liver at his home In this city A SKILFUL OPERATION. SAN FRANCISCO, April 18-The life ot Aaron Johnson has been saved at the City and County Hospital through an operation never before per formed on this coast, the complete ex tirpation of the larynx, on which was a cancerous growth. This will rank as one of the three or four successful case on record In the world. An ar tificial larynx Is being made for the patient which, It I asserted, will en able htm to speak though his voice will be confined to a monotone. to the floor and Sullivan fell on top of him. . Santry could not arise and the referee picked him up and held him. Sullivan tried to continue thw 9ght but th refere pushed him away and called a halt. Santry was unable to continue .saying Sullivan put hi knee Into the - groin disabling him. A doctor found him injured as des cribed. Santry had to be carried from th ring. Up to the time of the accident San try bad alt the better of the boxing and waa (laming Sullivan around at a lively rat. ENGINEER KILLED. POINT RICHMOND, Cal.f April 18.- By th explosion of an oil burner at the Santa Fe Railroad Company's pumping station here, Hiram Pope, the engineer, wa blown out of the fire room and fatally Injured. The pumping plant wa damaged to the extent of $5000. , TWO OLD SIMPLETONS. JEFFERSON. Wia, April ltWil- lard Lanfare, aged 84. and his wife, aged W, have been divorced after SO year of married Ufe. There was no contest. ' : WORLD'S FAIR FUND NEARLY HALF A SIILLION IX TREASURY. ThittLargeSiimisto be Divided Scxt Week Among; the Stoek Holders. CHICAGO. April 18 The I450.000 which remains In the treasury if the World's Columbian Ejp.l!i.in Com IjtywM be d ividednex t jveck be tween tne 20,000 shareholders. The last lawsuit against the company has teen decided and the board of directors has concluded to distribute "the money as soon as preliminary work can be ac complished. The "dividend. It is esti mated, will amount to about 5 cents a share. Shares were sold for $10. About cne-fourth of the 20,000 stockholders held one share each- The city will get about $225,000 as its dividend on the $5,000,000 bonds issued. The funds have been tied up all ihse yeans by litigatior. against the world's fate company. , About 200 salts were brought for damages, the claims ag gregating nearly $500,000, and the money was held to meet possible judg ments. Most of the cases were de cided against the claimants, however, judgments being secured for ?ess than $15,000 of the entire amount. CHITRCH THIEVES. NEW YORK. April 18.-Louls Lester and Thomas Riley, the former claiming CVilveston, Texas, as his home, have been arrested with articles In their possession which had been stolen from churches. Lester has, according to the police, made a confeslon in which he said they had started in the burglary business at Pittsburg, making a spec ialty of looting churches He admitted they had stolen articles from the al ters of more than 200 sanctuaries throughout the country. rniiuiuii nc UHKlinAlf VI TWO COUNTRIES A Thief and Emblezzlcr, Wfea Went Into It On Urge Scale. AN INTERNATIONAL CASE Stole Jewelry 'in America and Bankrupted a Stock and Brokerage Exehanjte ,in France. NEW TORK, April 18. When Lauia Alfred Balensl leave Sing Sing next Saturday he will have served 'a all years' sentence, made shorter by com mutation, for misappropriating $25,00 worth of Jewelry. His freedom will ha brief, according to the Herald. At th door of the prison he probably will he served with a federal warrant charg ing him with the embeszlement of av proximately $tS0,M0 In France. Louis Alfred Balensl ,or, a he Ut known In this country, William A. Bellwood, was bom in Paris 49 years ago. In im he organised the "8a clete Francalse de Ranque et Change," purporting to do a general stock exchange . brokerage businea. All went weB for five year than Bat All went wel for five years then Dal ensi disappeared. Two week later th Tribunal of Commerce of 'the Seine declared the society bankrupt and a similar judgment - was pronoanced against BalensL The investigatlea proceeded, and finally the Chamber Indictments of the Court of Appeals of farts declared on Jmy u, i7, mas Balensl had not only misappropriated, i .800,000 francs but also had convert ed to his own use a large quantity of valuable Jewelry which had beea law trusted to his care.' His arrest waa ordered. y.: Balensl located in Philadelphia. where, under the alias of William A. Bellwood or William S. ' Redwood, he opened a Jewelry store. Early tn ISM . Ball wood obtained $25,000 worth ef- Jewelry from a New York firm oa a memorandum and proceeded to hyp thecate it at one of the largest uawa," broking establishments in the metrew polls. He -was arrested ao&'fent to Sing Sing for Ix years. It had been1 discovered in the meantime that Bal ensl and Bellwood were Identical and " during- his lareenv ' trials a TTnlteA States marshal hovered nearby with a federal warrant wMch hod been issued.. after an Investigation had been mad ot the embeszlement charge In Franc by the United States ambassador, Gen eral Horace Porter.' JESSIE It ' - An Oregon Dog Took the Honors of Kennel Club's Show. PORTLAND, April 18.-The honor of Portland Kennel Club's bench show went, to Oregon's Jessie II., 11 month old pointer bitch, owned ly F. T. Wamsley, Pendleton, Oregon. 9b waa given . a special cup for the best Ag In the show, besides three other spec ial cups. i CONTEST CALLED OFF. CHICAGO, April 18,-In the Santry- Tommy Sullivan contest at Apollo Hall, Referee Johnny Mclntyre decid ed It was "no contest," After about a minute and a half ot boxing In the third round Santry fell out of a clinch SOMETHING NEW! The firefly Gas tighter No Tapers. No Matches Needed. Press the Button and the Machine Does the Rest Saves Time. Saves Matches. ' Saves Your Patience. . FOR SALE ONLY BY The Eclipse Hardware Co. 527 BOND STREET ASTORIA, OREGON