The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 18, 1902, Image 3

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in tlii vicinity can bo found a frewlicr or
c leaner tix;k of groceries and incuts nor more mod
ot in price, Hum we have in our store and marktt.
You have a ntnnding invitutiou to send us your or
ders whenever you are not satisfied fluowhcro.
The Morning Astorian
' IHirnAND, April 1T.-Weirn Or,
(tm and Western Washington, show
em, southerly winds; Eastern Oregon,
Kastmn Washington and Idaho, part
))' cloudy, occasionally threatening
l)owir In ,foiihai.
Onion ulla'feed. grain and buy.
bur I'erfoctlon Ulend Mooha A Java
offt can't b bvu JahMwM liru.
Japancs good o( alt kinds, cheap at
tht Yokohama llasaar, CI Commercial
trot. ,
Another shipment of fra smoked
Eastern ham and Uaoou J tut ltt.Jv&n
ami JJrua.
W hav juat received a ahlpment of
bum prrve4 wild blacklwrries.
Johnson Bros. '
Mrs, iUuinuaaB Uuva up lac cur'
Ulna to perfection. Lsuv ordvrt at
Oregon Bakery.
Any cltlld buys a wU and aa cheap
ly from u aa th most experienced
buyr.Jtmon Uroa.
i'itret expert workmen al ih Occi
dent liarUar 6 Imp- Porcelain balbs.
Ucst bootblack In th ulty.
You will And lb bt Uo maal In
tut Uty at lb Itlalng Hun IMsuurnnt,
No. 113 Commercial 8L
i'uu tan live wtiboui our I'crfevllua
Blond Mooha and Java Colt, but
why should you? Jobnaon too.
It you want bos wood., slab oo or
other firewood, lolrpnoti Kelly, lb
transfer man. I'feon till tyA.
Only two more day to Main the
pretty noveltle In ndle work carried
by Ml llamriok. at C. H. Cooper1.
ratronlte horn Induatrjr by eniokiof
th "Frlde ot Astoria", cigars; Bat
mad. Manufactured by MaoTarlaa
and Knobel. . ,
P. A. Kanior, 4n Welch' bljk, will
call for your cloth to olaa, dy. re
pair and presa, and will deliver them.
Itlng up phone, red 144.
rtonlyn coal laata longer, 1 cleaner
and make la trouble with itove
and chimney flue than ,ox other.
Ueorg W. Sanborn, agent, teU-pbone,
1311. ( j
Win. Bennef, aa employ of th
Bherman Transfer Company, ta suffer
ing from the effect of a kick by a
On Thursday, AprU 17, the Woman's
ltciir-f Corp will serve a merchants
lunch at 1 o'clock la the at ore room
n.-xt the Aatorlan office. Tb eholoeat
dishes of the avaaon may then be bad
for a modiwt fee. During th after
iim.n and evening 1c cream, etc will
be served, and an excellent program
will be given of mimics, recitation, otc
Patronise th lad lee
Everybody Come!
1 wlllbe v liK youon ,
April 18-19
from Chicago, will b praaent to aaalat u In nixkln this
ever held her. Don't mill this chancs of having your
meaaura taken by an axpert, avan If not raady to ordar.
Com In and get eomavaluabla pointer about good tailoring
C. I!. COOPER, Astoria, Oregon
Wanted -Olrl for housework In small
family. Inquire at tbl oillc.
Waiited.-.roaltlon aa saleslady; six
years experience; good reference. Ad
dress, A. 0. oar Aatorlan office.
An experienced woman would Ilka
position a hiukerp'r for widower
with children, Address. Mrs. M., care
Aatorlan oftloe.
An order of publication In the coee
of John MiHluIr t al. vs. Alex Mc
Donald. ws made In tl circuit court
yesterday afternoon. .
The steamer North Blar went to sea
today, bound for Nushagak. Alaska,
with a cargo of aupplla for the Aliie
ka fishermen's Packing Company,
Tom Mauxker and Miss Maggie Ri'a,
left for Portland yesterday morning,
whm-t th former will rnret his wife
and children fmm the Kaat, returning
to this city Uili evening.
Steve Houxomb, pleaded guilty to a
charge of Illegal (lulling, In the Jus.
tlue court yesterday, and wa flmd 'J)
and ooata. He was rflfAwd from cue
tody upon giving bond to pay the fin
within fc day.
tAdles On hair a wit one, rats and
trilby All kind of hair goodt. Fin
line of hair tonlos and barber supplies.
Will call on you If desired. A. E. Tv
terson, Occident Harber Shop.
M. A. Rolf, repre nUng Strain
Bros., Chicago, America's l. a-llng lull-
or, will be at C. H. Cooper's Jlext
Krldsy and Saturday, April lih and
That the Amerkua acuiluieat against
ptibHi dlapoaal of the remnant i f lite
unfortunate Maine, goe without say.
Itl VAt fh ImI tk.t . t. A
.. w ,i:iiii iMt um i
great cost of preaervlng the relics.
.!...! .L ' '
lielng male for that purio. J
This has been a great year for wheat I
shipments, as is evidenced from sta
tistics. During the ten montha paat
ending May 1st 1nt., the shipments I
from the Parlrto NtrthwNt wlH agr- ,
gate 3. 000,000 buahela. The futur ot '
Oregon I well aamired by these facts, j
The committee rpr the can
slrucUnn of the buildings at Bmlths '
Fo'nt were out on n C"l!ctrg tour !
yenterday, taking In laat subscriptions
to this purpoae, TJ work on the fac
tory and apur has progressed rapidly
of late, and an early completion Is as
sured. . ' '
The funeral of Mr. Sarah Gray, of !
Seaside, who died Wednesday evening
of genera) debility, will tak place
from the family real dene thl morn
ing. The deceased was an old pioneer
aged TO, and a natlva of Canada.
The divorce suit of Sarah A, Urlmee
vs. C. C. Orlme occupied th atten
tion ot the circuit court all of yes
terday and win not be concluded un
til icday. Considerable evll-ce, Inci
dent to a case ot thl kind was brought
Th poltoe fore of Portland ara tak
en severely to taak by a reporter on
Woolens T';.Piece
dood Tailors lor Twesty-llTt Ytari,
ConsUUnjr, ot nearly 500
patterni of tuitlngs and trouserings
in novslty worsteds, casalmeres,
vicunas, homespuns, etc., as well as
fashionable staples In all shades.
The highest standard of workman
ship at prices so low that you will
wonder. STRAUSS BROS.'
guarantee of perfect fit and
workmanship, endorsed
by us, goes with every garment
tl Oregonian, who In his pllgrlmag
through th streeU of that city dla
covered an even dosen of "aura thing
men" perambulating th tret In
swell clothe and otherwise looking ex
ceedingly prosperous. -
Officer Oberg I acting i-aptaln at
the poHo station this wek. ,
Mr. and Mr. Dan Allen cam flown
from Portland on the night train.
T, fl. Bryae, recently returned from
Alaska, Is enjirylng hi visit her with
friends. , ;
The long distance telephone station
now has Its new awltch board In fine
working order,
It la reported that Martin Olson writ
be an Independent candidate for th
office of county coroner. ,
Merchant P. A. KUike was expected
to return from Portland laat night,
where he had been on business.
Master Pish Warden Van Dusen Is
sUII grinding out licenses of all kinds
pertaining to the Ashing Industry.
The county treasurer Is paying out
the special school tax fund to the var
ious district now, and Is kept busy.
The men who brought the body of
Nelson, th Deep lUver, loggtrr, who
died of heart disease,, Wedneaday, re
turned yesterday.
Dr. Jay Tuttle was allcd to see
Jem Jackson' child.! In I'pptrtowa.
which was seriously ill lust evening.
At laat reports It was Improving.
W. W. Whipple will return to th
city this evening. He ! at Bucoda,
Wash . In the Interest of the aawmtll
there, owned by himself and others.
Ift-neat If. Justice, writes to a friend
In this city, from Vallejo, Cal., that
he 1s well and that hla ahlp expects to
sail for Puget Sound about the middle
of next month.
Victor Undbock, new manager of
the Louvre, arrived from Portland last
evening. Mr. Undbock recently mar
ried Mr. Kilckeon's daughter. He I
a well-known business man here.
Home of the member of the Cotil
lion dub and their friend will run an
excursion to Knappion this evening,
where a, rtane will be given. Thiy
will go on the steamer Elcclrj.
Nvlae Bankala, of llwa.-o. came over
yeaterday. He la a prominent Makers
Bay fisherman and repjrta some fine
catches already this sesson. Jim Ora
hum made a fine caun ye'.ulay. .
Ttw steamship Nome, whlcK made
her ftrat trip, two year ago ta Al.ielra,
from this port, la on tl.e Moran dck
at Puget Hound for repaitt. ohe t
pects to sail for NOm on ncx: Mon
day. Carl Johnson, who was brought' In
from Heaslde a tew days ago and has
been under treatment at BL Mary'
Hospital, baa entirely recovered and
will return to Me horn at once. ;
The Shipowner AsaocU'.lon of Ban
Francisco has notified Its representa
tive In Taeoma of an element which
It hna entered Into with the Sailors'
Union of the PaoWo, whereby shlpaof
the association shall employ union sail
ors. Sumner Williamson, formerly nn em
ploye of the Dally Astorian. left Port
land last night for San Fanil-o,
from which place he will sail for the
Philippine. Islands. April 31, to take a
position In th civil aervlca of Uncle
P. A. TrulHnger, who was nominat
ed by th CKIesn' at their convention
Wednesday for county assessor, romea
out In a card and. announce that on
acoount ot business engagements he.
la compelled to decline the honor
thrust upon him.
Activity at tha canneries yesterday
was much more noticeable than the
previous day. Some of the canneries
were running a good part of the day
and a respectable pile of the royail cht
nooka greeted the eyes of the visitors
to thee Important points of she city.
The Roanoake, the largest wooden
vessel ever constructed, baa arrived at
Seattle tn load 50,000 cases ot salmon
for New York. The Roanoke Is own
ed by Arthur Sewell ft Company, of
Bath, Me. She will also carry a large
consignment ot California wine from
Sun Francisco.
lnd Commissioner Herman Is mak
ing a commendable fight on the Bow
eraock bill providing for the leasing
the publio lands of the West. He
say ttntt the passage of the same
will work a great Injury to a major
ity of the Western people, a statement
which la no doubt correct'- . i I J
The Woman's Rollcf Corps served a
splendid merchants' lunch yesterday
In the building next K) the Astorian
office and followed it up In the after
noon and evening with Ice cream and
a general entertainment. The ladle
were kept busy and met with success.
Astoria has another case of smallpox
but there is no necessity of becomlug
alarmed. It I reported to be of, such
a mild form that It barely come with
in the class, but still the local health
officers have taken all precautions nec
essary to prevent the spreading of the
disease by quarantining the premises
where the case was discovered. The
caae la reported to be at the residence
of Mrs. Hansen, opposite' the Kinney
cannery. Dr. Cordlner, th city health
officer, doe not anticipate any danger
ot tha disease spreading.
Arbor. Day exercise wtU be held to
day t Thla la don
at thU fttnVtoc uie reason that on th
regular Arbor Day, Friday, April 11,
tbera waa considerable elckneft among
Ihe student and th day could not be
properly obaerved on this account Tha
exercise today wilt consist principally
In a literary program; no tree will be
planted, but there' will be some flower
seeds sown. . Patrons and friend of
the srnwH are expected to attend to a
large number.
Mr, i. O. Megtar, of ilrookfleld, en
tertained nine of Astoria's leading so
ciety women at her residence yester
day. They went over on the boat and
returned laat evening and report a
pleasant time. Following were the
ladles 4 who went over; Mesdames C.
W, Fulton, P. A. Siokes, O, W. Sair-
born, W. F. Chutter, M. Van Dusen,
A. V. Allen, Edward Taylor, Allen Tay
lor and Geo, H. George.
The body of Ben Nelson, the logaer
who died of heart disease at ) Deep
River, was shipped last evening to
Italnlcr for Interment. Hi brother
who lives at that place came down and
attended to th eansmirtatl.m of the
body." The Macei.bey-of which he
was a member in good standing, will
defray the burial expenese. ;
R. M. Scott, formerly commissary
sergeant at Fort Stevens, but who I
now stationed at Cebu Philippine Isl
ands, write Clarence E. Tyler, of this
city, a very discouraging letter as to
the future ot th Philippine from a
standpoint of fettling up. He says
that thO her now Is worth more than
S1S0 In the Philippines; that th cost
of living I enorm'ju and that a poor
man stands no ahow for aucce. He
says that the syndicates are already
grabbing the country and that It Is
only a question of time until they will
own the country .
Patrick Farrell, of . Olney, was
brought to the city yesterday In a
sad atate of Insanity. He imagine
that some one wishes to kill him and
Informed the officers that tbey might
as well procure a coffin In advance
for him He was locked up In the
county JalU He Is not violent, but
upon the contrary Is very humble and
spends most of the time crying Hie
malady Is thought to have been
brought about on account of sickness.
By the request of his sister. Judge
Gray decided not to send him to the
asylum until further Investigation. His
relations will come down today and
probably attempt to take care of htm
In their home for a while. In order to
see It he cannot be cured In this way.
In case of failure, he will be sent to
th ssylum later. He Is a young man
and Is well liked by those who know
A communication from he Woman's
Club to the Push Club presented at
the meeting of the Puh Club Wednes
day evening, ask that they Join with
the former olub In paying 'be expenses
of a lecture by Mr. Conde Hamlin,
of fit. Paul. Minn. Mra. Hamlin comes
to the Pacific Coast as the lecturer
of the National League of Improve
ment Association. Mrs. Hamlin Is sec
ond vice-president, of this association,
whose headquarter are at Springfield,
Ohio. At the annual convention of the
American League for Civic Improve
ment held In City Convention Hall,
Buffalo. N. T., Aug. 13, 1901. Mra Ham
Mn'a talk on the civic improvement
work, excited more interest and en
thusiasm than that of any other speak
er. The Push Club, with Ha usual fore
sight, agreed to share the expense
and If the dates already made do not
prevent a new date for Astoria, Mrs.
Hamlin will be secured for some even
ing, between April 20, and May 8. It
Is to be hoped that nothing will pre
vent the presentation of this subject
to the cltiiens of Astoria, by one ao
well qualified to speak from actual
personal experience.
They Decide Not to Place a Ticket in
the Field.
The Socialist party has decided not
to place a ticket in the field for the
coming election. The reason assigned
being that the Republican and Demo
cratic parties were aiming to use the
party aa a tool to elect their own can
didate and the Socialists were not
going to stand for anything of that
Aocording to a call isued by the
leader of th Socialist party, IS per
sona assembled at the court house last
night and proceeded to business by
electing Thomas Nelson chairman and
L. J. Anderson, secretary. After sev
eral Of the members of the party had
made some remarks as to the advis
ability of placing a ticket lit the field.
a resolution was Introduced to the ef
fect that it was not to the tntereat of
the party to nominate a ticket. A vote
taken on the adoption of the resolu
tion was unanimous In favor ot It and
the meeting having no further busi
ness before It, adjourned.
A prominent spectator on tbe floor,
was A. M. Smith, the citizens' uom
ine for county Judge. ,
C. 01, Barr, Dentist
, Mansell Building.
57 S Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
Dp. T. L Ball
Hi Commercial Street Astoria. Or.
Mr. A. J. Taylor and Miss Mgbel
spent .Sunday at Flavel, .;
Mrs. White from Hutchinson, Ka.,
Is vblting her son, C. A. Wnlte, of
Warren ton. . " ,
D., M. Stuart pn several days on
the West Side during the week.
Mrs. Habln has opened the Hotel
Warrent'm after giving It a thorough
renovating. ; '
; Little Albert Strom fell from a fence,
last Thursday and broke Ms leg Dr.
Linton, of Seaside, Is attending him.
It will be sometime before A'.bert will
climb any more fences. .
Mrs. K, J, Megler visited relative
at Sklpanon several day last week.
Th'is. Bryce and Mr. Haradon spent
Sunday on the "West Side, .
The Warrenton school held Its Arbor
Day exerrices In Warren's HaS Friday
evening. ,.
, The summer term of school begap at
Hammond Monday.
Horace Cutterfletd and family, of
Portland, .were guests of Mra. 3. N.
Furney at Flavel laat week.
Will Dean and family will move to
Astoria for the summer, a Mr. Dean
will be employed In the-TresMtt cold-
storage establishment ; i i '
O. P. Orshm has three launches m
the water, at his boat house and a
fourth almost ready for the water. A
soon as the machinery Is In place they
Will delivered to' their -owner. '
Dr. James M, Reegle. of Fort Ste
vens, expects to be relieved soon to
be sent to the Philippine. 5
When news Is heralded throughout
the country that oil has been found in
a certain place, thousands of persons
rush there In hope of being; among the
lucky few who are fortunate enougn
to strike a paying well. In their haete
health la neglected until they are com
pletely broke.i down, and then what
avail Is wealth wirn their health is
gone. Protect your health with Hos
teller's Stomacb Bitter and you will
always have true wealth. There Is no
medicine In the world so good as a
to.ile for the run down system, or to
cure headachV belching, indigestion.
dyspepsia, liver complaints, la grippe
or malaria, fever and ague. Don't fall
to try it, but Insist on having tbe
genuine. It will do you good.
Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
let. All druggist refund th money
if It falls to cur. E. W. Grove sig
nature la on each box. J6C
Call Main Ml for your coal require
ments. Orders promptly AIM.
and Pants
Heavy Flannel ShirU
and Underwear, Wool -Socks,
Blankets and
Comforters. Prices
always the lowest at '
S. Danziger & Co.
Beat them if You Can?
We'll Gnarantee You Cannot
In any City West of Chicago.
Slianahan's values in Men's and boys' Clothing and
Uiidrrr.ear, Hats and Caps. Note the following:-
Men's Heavy Cotton Sock9 5c per pair.
' Heavy Merino 8J.12J, and 15 cents.
Men Pants 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.73 to 5.00. '
' Men's Suits 5.50, 8.50, 10.00, 12.50, to 30.00.
Men's and Boya' Caps 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents.
" Hats 1.00, 1-50, .175, 2.00, 2.50 to 5.00.
14K Cuff Buttons, Solid and Link, Jewelers' price 75c,
ours 35c. Kollkd Gold Collar Buttons 5c and up.
KJrl AilN-Hal
See t'g About Twine, Lead
Line, Cork Line, Corks, Need- .
lea, Boat Supplies, Sails, Etc.
- We Can Save You Money.
Foard & Stokes
15,000 Rolls Juat in. More te Follow
Latest Designs ia Exquisite Coloring.
We win sell you BORDER for your rooms at the SAMS FRICZl per
v roll aa th wall and celling. W keep flnt-ckua workmen sad gnaran
tee our work. Let us figure on Tour decorating for IMC
365-307 Commercial Street. -
Vrf Leathers,
iW'H West.
All Styles,
Peterson 5 Brown.
A consignment of new anil handsome patterns rust received. .
You can get a bargain now. Nothing better lor the borne. . .
Call aod see for yourself if I have not the largest stock and
lowest prices,, considering the qnality, of any bouse in town.
Goods Sold en Easy Installments.
H. H. ZAPF, The x House Furnisher.
It - -1 -1 J f' " "
V"-v --: -.r
C, M, CUTBIRTH - Astoria, Or.
W. P. FULLER & CO. Afents.
A TVPG"2. Commerdiar
Andrew Asp,
WSU bkr, IlMlsaiti ibi lermletr
'Seeclal Attention Given to Ship ae4
j Steamboat Repalrlng.Generai Blade
j smithing, Strat-CUs Herae
BfroelDg, mac
Insurance. Comalssioi ni
Agent Well Fargo and
' Psciflc Express Oomp'ys.
Cnston Bouse Broker.
Copper Paint
To preserve
them from
the destructive
effect of
worms and
barnacles and
prevent tbe
of sea
grass and
other marine