HIE MORNING ASTOR1AN. FRIDAY. APRIL 17, IMi gaily aiortmi.' Telephone, Main Ml. toskms or suBSssipriosi. DAILY. Sent ttf wU. r year W Sent by mall, per month W Served by carrier, per month ..... 0 SEMI-WEEKLY, eat by wail, per year. In advance, $1. The AstorUn guarantees to lu ad vertisers th largest circulation at any newspaper published on the Columbia JUver, , . , ;': STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET, For Congress JT, N. WILLIAMSON- For Governor W. J. FURNISH. . For Supreme Judge- It S. BEAN. For Secretary of State F. I. DVNBAR. For Treasurer , , C. S. MOORS. For State Printer J. R. WHITNEY. For Sup't of Public Instructions J. H. ACKERMAN-. COUNTY REPI.TBUOAN TICKET. Senator C W. FULTON. Representatives C. W. CARNAHAN. ' A. 8CHERNBCKAU. County Judge J. H. D. GRAY. Commissioner . i ,.' C. C CLARKE. Sheriff i THOMAS UNYIT.I.1E. C. CLINTON. Treasurer CHAS. A. HEILBORN. " . Asscsssor . T. S. CORNELIUS. Surveyor R. C. F. ATSBURY. i , Coroner , W. C. A. POHL. Justice of the Peace P. J. GOODMAN. Constable Wit PBASLEY. -: 11 TRAVELING MEN'S VISIT. ... ; , The activity of the Push Club In pre paring a reception and banquet for the traveling men of the United States who will visit this city In June, Is thoroughly commendable. This visi tac tion will probably mean more for the Columbia River basin than any vis itation by outsiders for a long time. It is true that traveling men are Hot asuaJlty capitalists, "hut 'onotr favoraUTe to a given section they are more val uable to it than the same numberol capitalists woulfl fee. These men talU.' One deaf and dumb traveling man tas heen reported, but he is a rarity. And traveling men do not only ta;k tut they see and bear and they are rood Judges of human nature, and while they talk a great deal tb-y do not talk at random. They always make s point and it goes to the right spot The main purpose of corning tr. Asto ria is to give the traveling inei of the Interior of the United States ani those ef the Atlantic Coast an opportunity ef seeing a Columbia River salmon eanuery. In consideration of their vis It President Smith of the aF3i&.'.lon ooiia 0! The man who would sit on a cake of Ice to cool off would be considered crazy. Yet it is a very common thing for a per son heated by exercise to stand in a cool draught, just to cool off This is the lieginiiing of many a cough which ultimate ly involves the bronchial tract and the lunk. For coughs in any stage there is no remedy so valuable as Dr. Pierce's Goli'.en Kedical Discov ery. It cures deep-seated, ob stinate coughs, bronchitis, bleeding of the lunes, and like conditions which if nejrlected or un skill fully treated terminate in consumption. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. ' Accept no substitute for ''Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just at good." "I took a wrvwe roM which nettled In the bronchial tub." wiitc R' v. Frank Hay. of Nortonville. Jfffersou Co., K.an- i. "Alter try hsg merticioes labeled 'Sure Curt-, alinont with out samber. 1 waled to Irv Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. 1 took" two bottles and was cured, and have stayed cured. When I think of the great pain I had to endure, and the terrible cuuxh I had, it neerna alinoat a miracle that I wai ao aoon relievedL Tbat God may a pit re yon many years and abundantly blew you is the prayer of your gratclul friend.'' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing 1008 )arge pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Send 21 one cent stamps for the book in paper covers or 31 stamps for it in cloth binding. Ad ores Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. if )-('-'4$ 11 bP' Bilious and ilcrvoua Disordora Sick Headache and Constipation. TAKE v . Cores Giddiness, FnllncK and" Sirelline after meals, Dimness and Drowsinrts, Cold Chills, llushingaof Heat, Loss of Appetite. Shortnesaof Breath, Oostivenew, Blotches on the siun, iPumiriwii weep, r ncmmi lTeerus, ana all Kvrvous and Trembling Se:isaion.etc, The First l.we will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no Action. Every sufferer srntlv incited to try a Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be ITHOtT A RIVAL. BEECH AM S PILLS taken as directed, will quickly restore"feiiili to complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system and quickly helps. WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DK1EST10N, DISORDERED LIVER. Pri-plnlybyTtlOMASBEI-:CHAM.St.Hele,Et., and JS Canal St., New York. oM everywhere la bints, luc and 23c asks that the cltiiens of As'.orta give the men a square meal nd K limits tlie menu to ffcsh. -reV- a'vl clams. He expects about 500 to .xme. They will represent every seo'.lon of the Called States ,and when thy return, if they are properly impressed with this section, they will tell all about It a thousand times In a thousand places. It will be better than any prospectus that could be sent out. Prospectuses are often cast aside but a drummer Is never- Be will say what he thinks and get an audience. The resources of this section are not to be ashamed of. They are so numerous and glaring that the keen-eyed traveling men will see them in all of their greatness. Then they will picture them accordingly. Let Astorlans prepare a royal recep tion for these visitors. The commit- tee which baa the matter in charge should not have any trouble in pro curing the means for this entertain ment It will be money well spent. The defeat In the senate of the Chi nese exclusion biB, can be attributed soMr to the sympathetic tendencies of the Eastern people who are totally un aware of the situation as K really ex ists. Only the West Is aware of th great evfl of Chinese Immigration. "" The surrender of the insurgent chief, I Malvar, together wttb all his men and munitions of war. In the disturbed Province of Samar. will in all prob ability hasten the closing of the war to an early date- Senator Mitchell's amendment to the civil sundry bill gives tS.OOO more for the purpose of improving and enlarg ing the Astoria quarantine station. As the bill, together with the amend ment, has been favorably reported . there Is no reasonable doubt passing. of it David Bennett HHl.s reecnt speech in New York Is interpreted by leaamg , I preslden- Democrats as a bid for the I, tail nomination. David Bennett can always be safely relied upon for a 1 desire to gather in, any choice political plum that comes his way. General Palm3, the new, president of the Cuban Republic, announces that ) jhe wiH endeavor to maintain friendly ( relations with the United States. In view of what this country has done remark is entirely superfluous. ,ery p--u,ylng lo me Amer- lean public that stories of Inhuman j treatment of f-mpinos ny soia.ers have, after a careful investigation, found to be untrue. The idea that ' an American soldier should so demean himself as to offer barbaric cruelties i to a fallen foe is incompatible with the 1 rej.utation of 6ur boys in blue. Ano'hfr great strike is on In the coal mining regions. This time it is in the Allegheny Valley, Involving many thousand miners. The strlkf-rs aemana a g'-aie or v cents and reeog- : nition of the union. The present j scale is 31'i cents. Tire mines in the ' m.a(i ,ti ! " 'eu'"is negoiia- , t1onn for a settlement. ! Fitting of Glasses Ko Longer Guess Work Dr. Sullivan's wonderful system ot correcting error of sight has given bet ter visions to hundreds and saved many from blindness. The doctor fits glasses to correct all defects of vision, cures and relieves headache, dizziness and excess ner vousness. Cross-eyes in children straightened without the knife. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Consultation and examination free. Dr, O.N. Sullivan, ?a Hat opened an office at rooms 3 and 4, 598 Commercial street, over Hart's drug store. Foley's Kidney Care Gukci kidneys and bladder rgiit. roff MMaMMaMiBMi a Millkm.. are dally finding a world of co ntort in micK.ens Arn.ca mivo. it kills pain from Burns, Scalds Cuts. Bruises cures 'ErunMnns. Salt Rheum. I a)iu Mi jn,. re.nl0VM Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25c at Chas- Rogers' drug store. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Don't delay tak ing. Sold by Frank Hart This notice is affixed to the church gate In a German village: "Cyclist and hens areforbldden to wander around the church yard. FINDS WAY TO I.IVB LONrt. The startling announcement of a dis covery that will surely lengthen life Is made by editor O. H. Downey, of Chu rubusco, Ind. "I wish to state." he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption is the most Infal lible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's In valuable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread Pneumonia or Cousump tion. Its relief is Instant and cure j certain." Charles Rogers will guar antee every &0c and 1100 bottle, and give Mai bottles free. , A package marked "trained (leas" recently reached Geneva .Swiiierlund. The ri rarest anology the collector could And was that of June bugs, which had been ruled as "edlblis." The case went from one official to another nutll It reached headquarters, at Berne, where, after much investiga tion and deliberation, the conclusion was reached that the Iteascame under the head of "wild animals In a me nagerie." DREADFUL. ATTACK OF WHOOP ING COUOH. Mrs. Ellen Harliruum, of 300 Park Ave., Kansas City. Mo., writes as fol lows: "Our two children bad a severe attack of whooping cough, one of them n the paroxysm of couithln; would often faint and bleed at the nose. I We tried everything we heard of wlth luot getting relief. We then called In ;our doctOT ' wnu Prescribed Fnlev's Hnnev and T.ir With tti . , , iti; aiv a vmr wtbjuii iv uujsi V c a,i we feel that It has saved their lives." Refuse substitutes. For 1Y Frank Hart, Druggist I wonder if women who don't want t. have children, ever stop to think hiv they got here. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS CURED. "For ten years I had chronic bron- ! bad that at times I could I i . ...vi .. jMr. Joseph Coffman, of Montmorencl. ilnd. "I tried all remedies available. but with no success. Fortunalelv mv ! ' Honev and Tar. It ff.t 1 mlracuious, and j am now cure(j of i the disease. On my recommendation !many peo'ple have used Foley'" Honey . and Tar, and always with satisfac- Hon." Hold by Frank Hart. ; SUP.GEO.V3 KNIFE NOT NEEDED. : . " " i ourgery is no longer necessary to ; cure piles. De Witt's Witch Hazel j Salve' cures such cases at once, remov- lng the necessity for painful and ex- pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, J ' burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases It is unequalled. Beware of , counterfeits. Charles Rogers drug-j igt' j f men know enough about getting ! marrted nrt to. TbeVuninQ Underwear may be bad in most any style and at prices to suit every pocket- l L s TJ Doci. 11 tunics 111 1 uo,k Vnht enarltiim anrl ' heavy weights and in several different qual ities. We have in stock a complete assortment of Ladies' and Misses' Vests, as veil as of Union Suits for men, WOmetl find children. 1 W 1 a. .1 n A woman never thinks ot her hus band as a gambler as long he does not loee. A CHATTANOOUA DUUCWIST'S 8TATEMRNT. Robt. J. Miller, proprietor of the Rend House Drug Store of Chattanoo ga, Tenn., writes: "There i wore merit In Foley's Homy and Tar than I any other cough syrup. The roll for j It multiply womlerfllly and we ' I more of it titan all other cough syr- ups combined." Sold by Frank Hart I'suaUy a good follow is a bad bus i band. 1 BIDS FOR WOOD. ! Rids will be received by School DIs. ! Wet !o. 1, at the Mtlce of the school clerk, until April lStli, i;0, tor 100 i cords or mitre nf ltiirk Sl&ha. or Hni jlodt foui.f0v wooj. to dt,Uvered to . the tllfr,wn, ach00, vululllljfs of tn. district, as may be required, on or be fore the 13th day of July, 1902. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the board, E. 15. FERGUSON. Clerk. The early worm get caught by tJe bird. THE SKCUET OF IX1NG LIFE Consists in keeping all the main or gans of the body In healthy, regular action, and In quickly destroying live deadly disease germs. Electric Bitters regulate Stoma, Uver and Kidneys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in cur ing Kidney Troubles, Female Cotsv plalnts. Nervous Diseases, Constipa tion. Dyspepsia, and Malaria, Vigor ous health and strength always foltaw their use. Only 50c, guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist. First Clubman D'you knuw young Billy Robinson Second Ditto (after pause) Billy Rijblnson? (pause) Yes. (Pause) What's his name? First Clubman (long pause) I Junno. What did the Puritans come to this country for?" asked a teacher of a class in American History. "To worship in their own way and make other people do the same," was the re ply. An Atchison paper notes that wo men kiss the hands of Padehewskt and Kubetik and asked If men were ever known to kiss the hands of femsJ" actors. Scarcely. Men never stoop ;o low- ' Foley's Kidney Cure if taken in time affords security from all kidney and bladder diseases. Sold by Frank Hart A "smart" gown consists of oae part dress and ninety- nine parts i trimmings, luce and fixings. HEADS SHOULD NEVER ACHE. Never endure this trouble. Use at !""" " "y sioppeo n ipr Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie. Vs., she writes, "Dr. King's New life Pills wholly cured me of sick head aches I had suffered from for two 'v - ars." Cure HM,tai h rm,tirt - Biliousness. 25c at Chas. Roger drug store. Cream pure rye, America's finest whisky. The only pure goods; guar- anteed rich and mellow. CARLSON, Sole Agent. JOHN Lk . -. I At a Sunday school in New Waon :a little t-irl named M. A .Prituhard ' has during the year 1S02 tommlted to mt'mt""' aD's repeated 2.996 verses from pture' he J only 12 year, old a4 bad previously learned the who e book !"f i"11""" Another a cnaf1 m tn town, anold man 0Ver 'Kntr' nft,n,;d Taylor. 'has reputed from nas repeated memorythe whole Book of Psalms. The surest and safest remedy for kidney and bia!der diseases Is Foley'at Kidney Cure Sold by Frank Hart. PNEUMONIA IS ROBBED OF ITS TEKROKS. Uy Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and strengthens the lungs. If taken in time It will prevent an ivttai.k of pneu- monia. Refuse substitutes. Sod by Frank Hart. Foley's Hom-y and Tar contains no opiates, and will not constipate like nearly all other cough medicine. Re- fUKe guURtitutes. j Sold by Frank Hart, Druggist. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Vor tn fl amm atlon or Catarrh of the Hladilrr and DUeaaed Kldneya. No oura no pay. Curaa quickly and Perm nently the womt eaaea of Uunerrhoea and ileet, no nutter of how Iuhk atand" ini(. AIaolntl)r harmlnu. Sold bf drunalata. Prl,; m oo, or by niall, poitnald, II.W,aboea,d6. THI SANTAL-PEPSIH CO., BIllISONTSINS, OHIO. Sold by Chas, Rogers, 459 Commerci al Stre'.t, Astoria, Oregon. 1 ENNYR0YAL FILLS i t iiK iir.ni Kit's KNIif.HH I". l. .rll,ln. 'l akeaaalhrr. I. Oim Inf,m,. -iiltlluUn. mud lailta. ftnn l.:tj , f ;urOruff(.i w .( .1,,, a ho,,, i f, .rtlrul. I'Mlwa.l.la Wi'l ItrMcf f,r l.s,lla, In burn . r,, re. all I .il.c,r'hl,U Uat!Ma ... I'llll.A fA. Foley's Honey n Thr Dans tuoss aaahtops the cough. HmUoc TKULLINGKR, BASTABROOK & CO. it'Cr NMiilt TO TH GO BLACKER Jobtwrt and lHlt'r In CHttARA TOHACTOS, .SMOKFMi AHTtCLKU, PLAYING CAIUW. STATION Kit Y, AMtlKli UOOIW, (UTLKHY, ETC. MKKliSCHAUM AND IlltlAR rilT-S ' Pip Repairing A Specialty FOUNDED . D.I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE r LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cii Aet, ... Sit.aoo.oao Cash Asmnl lei United attatoa, n.oto.eja C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Saasome Street - Sai Prclsco. Ctl. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., GENT5 Ca5tings We are prepared to maks then o short notice and ot tht best materials. Let ns give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest prices for fl rat-das work. TELEPHONE NO. 24SI. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Suppliea of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. As V ALLEN Ttnth sad Commercial Strata North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popular Product of the only brewery In North' western Oregon enjoys a very; large dome attic and ex port Sale. KOPPS BEST bottled or in kega. Pro City Delivery. The Finest Restaurant in tie City Palace . Commerce St. MmVumrds' Hotel. PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrst-Cfa Hotel In Portland . f f TTT1 SS! 'S 815 Commercial 5treet Astoria, Oregon IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IronO Brass Works Cor. Iilh tad riaiiallo a: Rogular Meals, 25 cents, .Sunday Dinners a Specialty. W. W. Whipple ASK ANY ONE Who has Used Star Estate Ranges and they will tell you they are the most satisfactory they have ever used. They require but little fuel and bake quick and uniform, and are cully managed. For sals in Astoria only by W.J. Scully 431 BOND STREET, ' Between Ninth and Tooth Eating Is a pli'iiHiire which satis (!( and brings no impious ant memories if you cat ut The New- Style Chop Mouse On Eleventh Street. PRAEL & COOK rRANSIER COMPANY. Telephone ML DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care Will receive special attention. No. U Duana St. Astoria, Ore. W. X COOK. Mgr. Res. Tel. till. ..ForUand - Astoria oufe. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Pally round trips except ftundty. TIME CARD atvt Portland 7 a m Ueavo Astoria , T p. m. Thmtiatl Purtlaul mnnaaHnal ah stMunsr Nahootta from Ilwaoo ami i-ong iisaoti i-otots. WMt CVillap Una iL.k..a l.i... pnrehle with O. It M. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. Tbe Dalles Route STR. " TAH0MA," and "METLAK0" Dally trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Str. "TAHO.MA" Uave rorttand Won , Wed., m., 7 a- m. uvmvv uaiies, mus., mur., Bat, 7 a rn. Str. "MCTLAKO" Lv, Portland Tue. Thur., Sat.. T a. m. Uv. lilies, Mon.. Wed., Vri.. 1 a. rn. Undlng at foot of Aldor BtretH, Port- t wiy vnrgos Both rtionas, Mala sj. t' AOENT3. John M, niloon, Tht Dalles, Ore. A. J. Taylor, Astoria. Ore. iTnor a iiiwunan, Hood ltlvsr. Ore. Wolford Wm wm.. a.i ... i S: w"a, Vancouver,' Wn. R. n. Oflbreth. L,j,! Wn. John M. Totton, Stevenson, Wn. Henry Olmstead, Carson. Wn. K. W. CIltCtnON. Portkiad Utvgan. ItaxorousTa AVEL Th, "Northwestern Llml'd- trains, eieotrlojlfhted throughou'. both Inside and out. and steam heated, are with 001 . cepilon. tbs finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, rewest Snd Daat MMS fnr Mm fnvt mhhmI an.&A and luxury sver offered the jtravellng compiefe and splendid production of fho car builders' art Tbsse splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northtm The Northers Pacific sad The Cannulas 1'iclflc AT ST. PAUL FOR : j CHICAGO aod tbe CAST. No extra char, tnr ih.a xmax. acommodstlons and all rlassts of tick atvaiiuie tor passga en the j.-. oh mis nnt are prottcttd by tat Interlock In Rin.iL- W. H. MQADi h. L. 8ISLER. utntrai Agent. TravtUng At. Portland. Ortgoa. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VI SHORT LINE TO St. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNICAPOLI3, W1UA.UU A IN U 1'UlMTi) KAST. Thmiiirh Paln TmikIu. Ql. Dining and Buffet Smoking J.lbimry Cars. Pally Trains; fast time. For rates, fnldsra nnil full Infnrr.,.. Hon regarding tickets, routes etc. call on or address J. W. PHALON, .' H. DIOKSOV . Trar. l-aes. Agt, CI ty Ticket A gt in xmra Htpoet, ptitind. . A. B. C DNMfrrrV n w n a 812 First Avenue, , Seattle, Wah.