The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 17, 1902, Image 3

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in this vicinity, can bo found a frontier or
cloittior stock of groceries and incuts nor more mod
cut in uico, than wohave in our store and markit.
You Imvo a standing invitation to send us your or
, tiers wliouovcr yon aro not HuliHficd t lHcwboro.
The Morning Astorian
T1&UDT1I0NB m,
I'Olt'l LANK A.ill Ifl-Wemern Or.
gun Mint Western Washington, fair nnd
I'd'lMtlily hnwr n far Hie ooasc nrt
slightly warmer. Kmhi n Oregon,
K4jti, rn WimhlnKton and Idaho, fiUr
Cation sells feed, grain and bay.
Cur I'erfwtton UU-nd Muoha Java
to (fee cm'i t beau-Johnson llrva
JInve good of all kind, cheap at
tli Yokohama Uuiaar, Commercial
Another shipment of fresh smoked
Eastern liiun end beooB Jusl la. Juno
Don Hro.
W havt Jusl noeivod a shipment oC
home preserved wild blackberrlea
Johnson Broa
Urn llftiniunwn lo up !"' cur
talus to perfection. Leuv ordur at
Oregon Ushery.
Any child buy a well and a chsap
lyfrom u a tht mot sperteaced
buyer.-Johnson Dro
H. r. Drawer, the champion swim
mer, popularly known In Astoria, ha
arrived In lh city.
Three expert workmen at the Occi
dent Uarher Bhopi. Porcelain bain.
Ut bootblack In the city.
You will And the best 16o ratal In
tne city at the IMalng Hun nuurnnt,
No. US Commercial 81
you can live without our Perfection
Mend Mouha and Java Coffee, but
why hould youTJohnon Uroa,
if you want bos wood, alab wood or
other firewood, telephone Kelly, the
transfer man. I'hone 11 black.
Patronlte home Industry by amoklng
the ' Pride of AMorle" elgar; flaest
mad. Manufactured by MeeTarlea
and KnobeL
P. A. Kantor. tn Welch block. wlU
ciUI for your cloths to clean, eye, re
pair and press, and will deliver them.
lUnf up phone, red IM4. ,
Uwtlyn coal lasts longer. I cleaner
and make less trouble with stove
and chimney flue than any other.
Ueorg W, Panborn, agent, telephon,
Wm. Henm-r, an employe of the
Hhwrnmn Transfer Company, u suffer
I UK from the effort of a kick by a
on Thursday, April 17, the Women's
ItKllnf Corp will serve a merchant
lunch at 12 o'clock in the t ore room
next the Aitorian office. The ohotcest
dishes of the season may there be had
for a modrat fee. During the after
noon and evening loe cream, etc., will
be served, and an excellent program
will be given of music, recitation, etc,
I'atronlxe the ladies.
Everybody ' Come !
A , i P ' 'trk
ii (
I will be with you en
April 18-19
(rem Chicago, will b pWssnt to assist us In m.kln this
vsr held here. Don't miss this chance of having your
measure taken by an expert, even tl not ready to order.
Come In and get some valuable pointers about good tailoring
C. II. COOPER, Astoria, Oregon
County clerk' office will be open to
night for .voter io regUter.
The Columbine ha returned from a
trip to Destruction Island llgltC '
The Iaiua, a steum schooner, arrived
In from Hun Francisco yesterday,
Mm. P. A. Fisher will etitt lain the
ladle of the W. C. T. U. at her home
today at 2;.
The M'hKnr (hrle Wllvon with a
cargo of lumber, left out yesterday for
Han Francisco,
An exceedingly low passage wa
the record of the steam schooner Chlcv.
which arrived yesterday from' Han
MJr Cramer, government lnpector
I down from ffaiem, looking over the
Improvement around the cuaiotn
house, f
The stamahlp gtrathwyln, Cordon
mter, frmn Hong Kong, arrived In
IHirt yeetertlay, buund for Portland
with a full Oriental cargo.
lUtllutile report from liuker' Hay
r to the eeffel that flahernien are
doing weM at that point better than
for year thl early In the anuion,
A marriage llernae wa iMurd yeiter
day to Wllhelm W. linden and Jos
ephine Weeman and Mike Sovmto w
gimnted hi flmt oltlxenhlp ier.
l,lrenii liHtued up to cloeing time
loat night by Mantrr Ploh Warden
Van Iuen wer a fiillow: Individ
ual, 91; gllnet. US. and Ml neta, 184.
The tug Oeorge T. ha been pur
chntrd by the lacino Packing and
Niivlgntlon Comjiany, from George
Meyer the woll-known cannery man.
It wa tated by a cruel Itepuhllcan
thai the cHH'-nx flmt nominated a
ramll.lale for ciwoner for fear lhat
the movement might die early and
ni'i'cunllnti- pot mortrm.
Kergvant Campbell, who wa honor-
tly dlchrged from toe army err-
vice at Port Canby yeaterduy, eay
that two rompanle went over from
Candy to drill In the ue of the mod
ern gun at Port Mtevena
A urprle party wa tendered Dr.
and Mr. C. C. Rouen berg lajtl even
ing on the 13th annlvenutry of their
wedding. AlKnit S peraon were pre'
ent and belde a fine luncheon tonic
vnluiUle prenenta were preeentetl.
MIh Minnie Doneku, well known in
Aetorlo, and who went to Portland i
few month ago, I lying at the point
of death In Portland with typhoid fe
ver. A letter to C. A. Mathena, of
thl city, aiate that there I no hope
far her recovery.
Deputy Plh CommlMtlonnr Humon.
of Washington, wa In the city yester
day. He .wy thae before .he opening
of the Ashing season he rreted Ave
flNhermen for Ashing out of aeason.
and that they either paid or arranged
tl-tr fine. The Ane are from $10 to
tl'Mi, but the lowest sum wa given In
Bint violation.
' In the circuit court yesterday, th
display or
Woolens T';.Piece
, Goad Tallbn tor Twenty-lite Yiari,
Consisting of nearly 500 up-to-date
pattern of suitings and trouserings
in novelty worsteds, enssimeres,
vicunas, homespuus, etc., as well as
fashionable staples In all shades.
The bltfhciit standard of workman
ship at prices so low that you will
wonder. STRAUSS BROS.'
guarantee of perfect fit and
workmanship, endorsed
by us, goes with every garment
can of Sarah A. Orlme v. C, C
Orlme, and J. M. Duncan v II. Coye,
were under consideration. The former
will probably . toe conclud today,
wlrilo a default and order of sule was
nmde In the tatter case.
tadlrx (in hair wltchii, rat and
trilby. All kind of Imlr icooK Vine
line of hair (onlc and barber cupnllc,
Will call on you If delred. A. IB. Pe
terson, Occident Harber Shop.
M. A. IV)lfj, repreamtlng Btraus
tiro., ChUago, America' liailng tail
or, will be at C. H. Cooper' next
Prldny and Saturday, April 18th and
It I said that the French bark Hen-
rletle, which wa sunk some time ago
in the twrtwr and subiequently ral-
ed, In not so tadly damag"d a was
first (upposcd. OnJy one plat wa
torn away, aft of the poit side and a
slight crark In another. She can be re
paired at HgM cost.
Astoria plumber have formed a un
ion and elected oltlccrs a follow: Jen
Hansen, president; P. H. Haddon,
vice-president; obert Whldby, corr
K"'"iliig and financial secretary; Thou.
Mauxker, recording sctrretary, and Cos
pe Itrunott, treasurer. . -
Mhlphieuts Increasing But Mtarflsh
Making Terrible Inroads, -
W, A. Carruthers. one oC the lead
ing and best posted oyatermen at oya
tfrvllle on tlhoalwater Day, passed
ed through the city yesterday on hi
way home from Yaqulna Bay, m this
late. He state lhat the present
oyster season ha been a prosperous
one on Shoal water Itay. While from
100,000 to lM.MO aack have been ship
led from hoalwater Day the present
season at least SHOO sack were shipped
from Oytervllle alone. The priues
lhi season have averaged tt a sack.
bul Mr. Carruthers expect next ra
' on will find the price at 12 (10 a sack.
The reason for thl 1 the general in
creuse of demand fn native Pacific
, Coast oyster and the decrease In pro
duction on account of the onslaughts
jon oysters by the irurflsh. While the
denier In California are the greatt:t
' buyer if the Northe raclfln oyster
J they try to always keep them down,
IOIT lilt lWm IIOH. HICIT (W Bnr.
iprufli In selling Kastern oters, yet
jthe merit of the native oyster I forg-
' Ing ahead. TIh contemplated scar
city for the coming season 1 asxigned
'to ihe fuet that there wa no ''net"
j last esontht is there was no lay
jtng the foundation for thl fall pro
; ductlon. Th weather being very cid
. last- winter Is assigned -a -the. reason
!for this, but the general freak of na
jture are often unexplalrmble.
j The great enemy of the Phoslwater
t Hay oyster, say Mr- Carruthers. hi the
i starfish. These destroy millions of oys
,ler annually. They destroy more
than are taken by the oystermen. Ir
the appropriation thai Is made for ex
perimenting with the Bastern oyeter
j was applied lo the destruction of star
fish the result would be tenfold better
jfor the country. He state that 8509
appropriation would practically clear
Shoal water of the starfish, and that
once cleared It might be year before
they would return. At present the
oyster men are fighting the starfish
on th-lr own responsibility. With
"mop" made of webbing, attached to
I Iron the bed are dragged and by
thl mean thousand of the pests are
destroyed, but with yacht or steam
er millions of them could soon be de
stroyed and the waters soon cleured
of them. The appropriation of SMIOO
for 8hoalwatir would accomplish thl.
At present every ovster man 1 re
quired to put In three days during the
canon destroying starfish, but the
methods used are not effective and but
little Is accomplished, A yacht or
steamer could destroy 100,000 a flay,
In one season either would clear the
ftpetklng of Eastern oyster he said
that 17 carloads will be planted tht
season. He says thai these would be
planted anyway; that the appropria
tion la a graft and that It does no
good for the Industry; that for this
reason the appropriations should be
made for the destruction of the an
imal which prey upon the oyster In
dustry. He an Id. that the Yaqulna Bay oys
ter was the best that Is produced on
the PaclAc Coast, but that the pro
duction I wu-ill and cannot be In
creased. The starfish does not, prey
upon them tture; the plant Is sim
ply confined and nature, nor man'
aid, can better conditions. .
While the Eastern oyster Is' most
popular, yet there are many purpose
to which the native oyster la most
adaptable, suoh as cocktails, etc. But
still, he says, the future of the East
ern oyster is great In thl country and
that tn a few years we will rival the
world in the excellence of the pro
duction. Among our numerous re
sources the oyster business promise
to rank at a high standard.
Sealed proposals will ,be received at
the offlas of the light bouse engineer,
Portland, Oregon until 12 o'clock m.,
April 28, 1902, and then publicly open
ed for furnishing and delivering fuel
and provision for tight-house tender
Columbine, during fiscal year to end
June SO, 1903, In sxordance with specifi
cations, copies of which, with blank
proposal and other Information may
be had upon appbaotlon to W. C,
LiangAtt. Captain, Corps of Engineers,
U. 8. A., engineer 13th Light House
Th Itegstta and Other Important
Matter Discussed,
"The "Push Club", had an Interest
ing meeting last evening. The princi
pal) mat'er before the clug wer the
regatta question and the proportion
of Mr, A. N. Smith, representing the
Traveler Protective Association. Mr.
ftmlth I the president of the associa
tion and i not only a power among
men but a power In bringing our re-
ourcs before the country. He ex
pect too or more traveling men to
visit thl place In June, and while
Ihey re paying their way gnerlly
he desired that Astoria feed them one
meal of Ash. crabs and clams. They
have been Invited regularly for two
years to come to this point and Anal
ly accepted the Invitation. Prom lit
erature they have been furnished they
are favorably Impressed already, yet
Mr. Smith thinks the resource here
will surprise them. Thse men will
be from all over the TTnlted States, and i
they do more for a section when fa
vorably Impressed than any other class.
Por this reason Mr. Bmlth urged that
the Iush Club take proper steps to
ward en'eiialning them properl)i. Sev-
erail members of the Push dub sp'e
on the matter and all faypred giving
the "Knight of the Road" a proper
reecptlon. A special' committee con
sisting of Parker, ; ADen, Dunbar,
Whipple and Oratke, wa appointed to
confer with the Chamber of Com
merce committer In making prepara
tion for the reecptlon of the travel
ing men. After conalderabel discus
sion on ttie subject of the regatta It
was decided to appoint a committee to
confer with the committee of last year
on the regatta and that they should
discuss the plans together and that the
committee, should report at next meet
ing. The president will announce the
name of the committeemen today-
Letter from Eastern persons seeking
Infxrma'ion about the resources here
were referred to proper committee.
The communication of Mr. Trool, of
the New York Commercial, wa refer
red to the committee on advertising.
Letter from a Montana Chamber of
Commerce asking co-operation In op
posing the repeal of the timber and
stone act was referred to the commit
tee on legislation.
Mr. Beeley offered the Hal ley Gatxcrt
free to the club In showing; President
Ilarriman this section upon hi con
templated visit, which wa accepted
with thanks. The club agreed to bear
half the expense of Mrs. Hamlin Visit
here to lecture under the aurploe of
the Woman's (Sub.
Sir. Moorehouse' application fsr
transportation to visit thl place and
take view and donate copies fox the
use of the section wa favorably com
mented upon and secretary Instruct
ed to ascertain probable cost of trip.
The book committee reported pro
gress. Committee to secure better railroad
schedule for summer reported that no
change could be made. No action
was taken on public park proposition.
Umall Improved farm, new 5-room
house, barn, chicken house, orchard.
Ane mountain spring water, near
steamboat landing and postofflce, on
Gray River, PaclAo County, Wash.
US. Twelfth St., Astoria, or to Mrs.
3. P. Foster, at farm.
the soap for fair,
white hands,- bright
clear complexion,
soft, healthful skin.
Sold U over the world.
Fitting of Glasses No
Lcnger Guess Work
Dr.. Sullivan's wonderful system et
correcting error of sight has given bet
ter visions to hundreds and saved
many from blindness.
The doctor fits glasses to correct all
defects of vision, cures and relieves
headache, dlzilness and exoess ner
vousness. Cross-eyes In children
straightened without the knife. Sat
isfaction guaranteed. Consultation and
examination free. '
Dr. 0. N.Sullivan,
Hal opened an office at room S und
4, 598 Commercial street, over Hart's
drug store, , v. ' . ; .; '
G. 1(1, Barf , , Dentist
ManseU Building.
STS Commercial St,. Astoria, Ore.
Dr. T. k Ball ;
KM Commercial Street Astoria, Or.
A number it lady friends were en
tertained by Mr. 'A. Dunbar, Tuesday
evening, at her residence. '
The body of lien Kelson, aged about
26 years, wa brought over by rowb-at
yesterday from a Deep River logging
camp In Washington and turned over
to Coroner Pohl, Netown died sudden
ly, presumably of heartfallure, about
midnight night before last He had
been afflicted wkth ..heart trouble for
some time and requested his compan
ions to waken htm In case they heard
sny unusual noise at night. He was
making a gurgling noise night before
last and a friend attempted to waken
him. but found him In the rigor of of
death. While expiring he shook hi
bed and the building. No relief could
be given and he soon died without
speaking a word. He was native of
Holland, Sweden, and had relatives
In Portland and In Washington. He
wa a member of the Maccabees and It
Is pnbaUle that this order wilt con
duct the funeral.
Experiment are being made on
new apparatus for use In case of col
lision on the ocean. By turning a
small wheel in the pilot house ) wat
er tight door are Instantly closed,
and these compartments are more than
enough to keep any vessel afloat. If
It Is a success It will make ocean trav
el as free from danger as Hon tetter
Stomach Hitter doe the road through
Hfe. It Is a splendid tonic, free from
all Injurious narcotics, and one that
the most delicate system can retain.
In the spring, when the weather is so
variable. It Is very beneficial as it pro
tects the system from sudden colds
and la grippe. Don't fail to try it
It also cures indigesthej, dyspepsia
Insomnia, headache, nervousness and
biliousness. , '
When news is heralded throughout
the country that oil ha been found In
a certain place, thousands of persons
rush there In hope of being among the
lucky few who are fortunate enouga
to strike a paying well. In their haste
health Is neglected until they are com
pletely brokea down, and then what
avail Is wealth whn their health Is
gone. Protect your health, with Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters and you will
always have true wealth. There is co
medicine In the world so good as a
to.ric for the run down system, or to
cure headache, belching. Indigestion,
dyspepsia. liver complaints, la "grippe
or malaria, fver and ague. Don't fail
to trv it, but insist on having the
genuine It will do you good.
"Call slain $61 " lor" y our "coal require
ments. Orders promptly filled.
and Pants
Heavy Flannel Shirts
and Underwear, Wool
Socks, Blankets and
Comforters. Prices
always the lowest at
S- Danziger & Co.
Good Hews for Astoria Fisliermen
Commencing. Monday, Ajiril 1 4th, and lasting until the end of
this month the following Surpri.16 Values will he placed on Sale at
Men's arid Boys' Underwear
Heavy merino undershirts and drawers regularly sold for
f0c reduced to 29c.
Extra heavy fleeced shirta and drawers, all sizes, former
price 75c, Surprise Sale Price, 4flc.
Imported all wool undershirts and drawers in natural grey
and Tan worth 1.50, Sale Price 98c.
Weather Proof Scotch Wool thoroughly shrunk shirts and
drawers, former price 2.00, now 1.49.
Special Announcement
The Celebrated ; "Fwh Brand" of Waterproof Oil Clothing
' and Slickers at Greatly Reduced Prices,
California all Wool Mackinaw Coats for 2.75 and upwards.
Men and Boy Heavy Mule Skin Gloves, regular price 35c
. Surprise Sale Price 19c a pair, . , .
Men's and Boys Suits
During this Surprise Sale of ours Men'o and Boys' suita can be
had at reductions of 20 per cent-
Fishermen's CHAMAHAM'C Fishermen'!
Siirnrne Sale Jl ITU
See Us About Twine, Lftd
Line, Cork Line, Corks Need
les, Boat Supplies, Sails, Etc.
We Can Save You Money.
Poard 4&f Stokes
15.000 Rolls Just la. Mora to Follow
Latest Designs in Exquisite Colorings. -
We win lell joa BORDER for your rooms at the SAMS FRICB per .
roU as the waU and celling. Weeep first-class workmen snd guaran
tee our work. Let us figure on your decorating for 1901
363-307 Commercial Street.
Vici Kid,
All styles,
Peterson & Brown.
p IWW Latest.
4i i
A consiKtiWnt of new and handsome patteros just received.
Yon can get a bargain now. Nothing better for the borne.
Call and see tor yourself if I have not tbe largest stoex and
lowest prioee, considering the quality, ot any house in town.
Goods Sold en Easy Installments.
H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
"it,-1- 1 1 .
C, M. CUTB1RTH - Astoria, Or.
W. P. FULLER & CO. Aftsts.
rI laHU 1 aw Q,irnriw Si
Surprise Sale
Andrew Asp.
i Wigti later, llartiaiti isf lemtaetr
Seecial Attention Given to Ship ard
, Steamboat Repelrtng.General Black
mlthlrig, Flrst'Class Horse-
Shoeing, etc
.Insurance. Commission ani
Agent Well Fargo and
Pacific Express Comp'ys.
Custom House Broker
Copper Paint
To preserve '
them from
the destructive
effects of
worms and
barnacles and
prevent tbe
of sea
grass and
other marine