HIE MORNING ASTOR1AN. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16. 190J gaily ototicm. Telephone. Main Ml. TERMS Or SUBS'MtrriON. DAILY. Rent hv mat. nT leaf ....WOO Sent by ttiail. Pr month W cmA kv .tar, I, r iwr mouth .... W SEMI-WEEKLY. Seat by mail, per year. In advance, tl. The Astorlan gu.i.intes to its nd i ha lnrrrwt riix-ulilion of any eraHT published on the Columbia River. , STATS nKTUBUCAN TICKET. For Congress J. N. WILLIAMSON. ' For Governor . . W. J. FURNISH. For Supreme Judge R. 8. BEAK. For Secretary -Ot State F. I. DUNBAR. For Treasurer C. 8, MOORE. For State Printer J. K. WHITNEY. For Sup't of Public Instructions J. II. ACKERMAN. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. Senator C. W. FULTON. Representatives , C. "W. CARNAHAN, s A. SCHERNECKAU. County Judge J. H. D. GRAY. Commissioner C. C CLARKE. Sheriff . THOMAS LINVILLK." " Clerk- '' J. C CLINTON. i Treasurer . i C'HAS. A- HEILBORN. aIscsssot ; T. a CORNEXJUS. Surveyor . K. C. F. ATSBURY. ; Coroner W. C. A. POHL. Justice of the Peace P. J. GOODMAN. Constable s ,WM. BEASLEY. The day of ihe printer ha apparently come at last. It was thought that when Uie machine nine that the printer would bare to (fo. and it did look that way for a long time, but printers are now In demand throughout Jthe country. A sober, in dustrious printer can now get work anywhere not the "straight matter" printer, but the all around printer. The machine which was thought would revolutionise the printing bus!-' ess ha done so. but not in ths way expected. When it Arst ram the printers sought other avocations and but few apprenticed themwlvea to the trade. Those were only in small shops or job establlahmnets, and in a majority of rases they only learo4 hith grate work. Tb- old time print ers har srradoilly died away or gotten oat '? the trade, and the few who bare ltaf tine trade are of a dif fjswsss Trar frosn the old time arse? . As a ru, fw of them drink if Jii'T 4 work T a grade thta the tim yr'mxr -earaid not even ap trvbrv.. Tjy p-iBier" trade has again ob a tmi k b1 toe youth who SMI noli Men In all departments of active service stand in need of the readiness of mind and tiromntneas; of aetfosr wfeirfi rVprttd cm a healthy nerv ous Ixt railroad man be " rat teit Bt -vry fife 'iepruding on bira ia in iai5rx A many railroad auni have rwKwf if Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dtatwry a aIoa';)le trniic for tin wTr.tijn,'t ' nrrr.- system. It huiltts np. ta 'tmAv, yimfm. the bleod, aourniu dur atrse irw laces a JmbUJih" -,. ml mf -wuifnflf Ip. ph"lJiii: imt tti"? mif n raw Hsyfuw! Camti: G . P W WHS hr w iw. !- nt't rruna hort 'vrt y Kbb-wIi- liV-t fTtin .nil mln 'Wl Hi-lpMn w Hk nW T-.i'.'it-- r.. .umianiowiRMtmiC v . ..icti' v.iuv ! IMrw mid tl. W'1. ,i:nil fhim lit Hf. Af Ktr tvrt rwe!"" ihiwUw " ftWwiT?"' as. j)' ti M i".'i- U.-h' tK k- pWuarof-W.ilix. ili Wt- WWW' HMTti' .iiiVirr jiKf ewraf- ft??. Mttom-OK-tL-V. Hulfulo,', ... , i- ::,?. I M rod DIHcug and UcrwouQ Disordott Sick Headache and Constipation, TAKE Pitt Ctirrs Gidilinwis, Fullness ami Swelhnc after meals, Ditiinesa and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Sliortueswof Breath, Costivenew, Ulotchea on ttie Skin, Disturb! leop. icli(ful Dreams, and all NVrrous and Trembling Sensation!, etc The Kirt lXwe will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fu-tion. Kvery surt'erer is earnc?t!y inviud m try a Box f Uieea Fills, and they will b acknowlevlcwl to be WITftOVT A RIVAL. BtECHAM'S PILLS taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. They promix'r rcmoTB any obstruction orirngulrity of the svstem and OuickiyhclpaWEAkStOMACH, LViPAlRfiO DidESTIOM, DISORUtRLl LIVE. Prepared nly by THOMAS RI PCH AM. St. Htns, Ent., and .'63 Canal St., New York. Sold cvcrywlKrt ia bona, 10c and 2Sc. is looking about to chos a trade will find the print shot today a phce of line opportunities. The Oregon Republican, which re cently suspended publication ""at Baker City, send out the following circular leter to its former exchangee: "The Oregon Republican has decided to liquidate: and go out of business. Its policy was to owe no man anything, exoept brotherly love. It held to stan dard methods and orthodox Journal ism. Its policy was not appreciated and as a business enterprise it was not sustained. It never accepted a copper cent to either express or sup press an opinion. It hewed to the 11m without regard to social or financial consideration. , . "For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain, are peculiar to the heathen Chinee" is exemplified" in the recent acquit &1 of a Chinese doctor in Portland, charged with the murder ot his immorata. No evidence of a con vincing character could be obtained from any of the many Mongolian resi dents ot the neighborhood when the deed was committed .although the mo tive was clearly set forth. "TeU you tomollow," was about all the evidence adduced and tomoUaw" will probably never come. , The citiseas who are in favor of a Don-partisan county ticket are request ed t meet this afternoon at 1 o'clock for tia jNtrpoe of naming a ticket. There is ewitserabie speculation as to who r3 fee- named or whether any tkket wta be Baaed at all, but the matter wta be determined today. A dredger tor the Columbia River bar is asked for. For temporary re lief. It is said to be the most avail able thing that can be done. Those who are in a position to wield In fluence in this matter should not stand back. If the Chinese exclusion bill is dis cussed much longer before congress it is evident that it will nevtjr pass, or if it does it will be amended out of use fulness. Texas comes out through her gover nor and says she is able and willing to provide for her drouth-stricken cit izens and that the outside world need not worry over the matter. ' All of the platforms so far adopted by the political parties of this county haverlemanded go'd roads. It matters not who wins, we vviU have gKd roads. There is no question but that the citizens" will elect a portion of their ticket that is, that portion of the Re publican ticket which they endorse. Premature explosions of sh'ts In mines, continue with appalling regular ity and he lesson of caution will goes unheeded ,a witnessed In a recent fa tal accident at Lake City, Colorado. FO THE COMPLEXION. The complexion always sufferes from biiUoiune-tss or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impuri ties from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions. De Witt's Lit tle Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and re move the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper. Albany, Ga., says: "1 took De Witt's Little Early Risers or bil iousness. They were Just what I needed. I am feeling better now than in years." Never grip or distress. Bats thorough and gentle. The very best pills made. CHAS. ROGERS. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS CLTlED. "For ten years I had chronic bron chitis so bad that at times I could not speak above a whisper," writs lir. Joseph Coffman, of Montmorenci, I.-fd. "1 tried all remedies available, in wflb ttm soccsss. Fortunately tny Haoey nod Tar. Its effect was almost ff.-.u-if arai Tar, lit effect was almost mircu-uuHis, sad J aat now cured of rill (Mkmuh Otn lay rwmmendatlon mmv? penpfs aas tuttri FiST's Honey jwi Tar; ! atwjft :h satisfac tion '' Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bueklen'a Arnica Spive. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds Cuts, Bruises; cures Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Boils and Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 2io at Chaa Rogers' drug store. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Don't delay tak ing. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAB, Cures coughs and solds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. Cures croup and whooping oougfa. Cures hoarseness and bronchial trou bles. Cures pneumonia and la grippe. Hart drugstore. The great trouble with the drink habit Is that when a men Jakes one drink, he will insist on taking another to keep it company. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money it it fails to cur. E. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. lic it is the things that children see and bear about them that mold their des tiny. Then what great responsibility rests upon their parents. PRACTICALLY STARVING. "After using a tew bottle ot Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per fect and permanent relief from a se vere and chronic case ot stomach trou ble," says J. R. Holly, real estate Insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, IIL "Before using Ko dal Dyspepsia Curs she could not eat an ordinary meal without intense suffering. , She Js now entirely cured. Several physicians and many reme dies had failed to give relief." You don't have to diet Eat any good food you want, but don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will always digest It for you. Charles Rog- j It was a little boy m an American ! Sunday School, who In reuly to his teacher's question, "Who wa the ; first man?" answered, "George Wah- ington," and upon being Informed that jit was Adam, exclaimed: "Ah, well, if you are speaking of foreigners, per hap8 he was." FOR CALIFORNIA AND WORK. NEVADA i ( Wanted teamsters, laborers, rock- ' men, tunnelmen, muckers, outside la- ' borers, long Job. Special transporta- Hon from C. R. Hansen & Co., Port land, Oregon, 2J N. Second St. , "Keep 'em alive, boy, Keep 'em lafllve," said an old physician to his j young brother practitioner. ''Dead men pay no bits." j PNEUMONIA. IS ROBBED OF ITS J TERRORS, i By Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops i the racking, cough and heals and i strengthens the lungs. If taken in ! time it will prevent an attack of pneu- monia. Refuse substitutes. j An old bachelor says that marriage ' Is merely a hitch and a kick. SURGEON'S KNIFE NOT NEEDED. Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once, remov ing the necessity for painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burn:, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it Is unequalled. Beware ot counterfeits. Charles Rogers' drug gist The scriptures say that money is the root of all evil. We may say that It Is the root of a good many family trees. FINDS WAY TO LIVE LO.V'l. The startling announcement of a dis covery that will surely lengthen life Is made by editor O. H. Downey, ofChu rulutf.o, Ind. "I wish to stale," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Dlscov- ry for Consumption Is tfie most Infal lible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's ln-J valuably to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread Pneumonia or Cousump tion. Its relief Is Instant and cure certain." Charles Rogers will guar antee every 60c and $100 bottl. and give trial bottles free, The web of life Is drawn intd the loom for us, but we weave It oursejves. The warp is given us, but the wool we furnish. A CHATTANOOGA DRUGGISTS STATEMENT. Robt. J. Miller, proprietor ot the Read House Drug Store ot Chftttiinoo. ga, Tcnn., writes: "Tlrera Is nor merit In Foley" Hotiey and Tar than any other cough j-rup. The call fur It multiply wor.dertllly and we avU more of it than all other cough syr ups combined." Perpetual motion swms to be a kuo-oo.-is s a jerpotual faliuie. BIDS FOR WOOD. Bids will bs received by School Dis trict No. 1. at the office ot the school clerk, until April 15th, 1902. for SCO cords or more of Bark Slabs, or Hem liK-k, four-foot wood, to bo delivered to th different school buildings of the district, as may bo required, on or be fore the I3tl day of July, IWJ. Right reserved to reject any und all bids. By order of the board, E. Z. FERGUSON. Clerk. It Is easier to recover kwt money than lost time. THE 9KC11ET OF LONG LIFE Consists in keeping all the mala' or gans ot the body In healthy, regular action, and In quickly destroying U deadly, disease germs. Electric Bitters regulate Siomaah, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders In cur ing Kidney Troubles. Female Com plaints, Nervous- Diseases, Constlpa tlon.Dyspepsla, and Malaria. Vigor ous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50c, guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist. ,.What did Ihe Puritans come to this country for?" asked a teacher of a class in American History, "To worship in their own way and make other people do the same," was the re ply. COULD NOT BREATHE. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronch itis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Curs Is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It siftens and li quifies the mucous, draws out the In flamatlon and removes the caue ot the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One minute oufh Cur will do all that is claimed for it," says Jus rice of the Peace J. Q. Hood Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." Charles Rogers. Some wicked wretch has most un kindly said that "old maids are em ber whence the sparks have fled." A man whom Sidney Smith had worsted In an argument, testily ex laimed: "If I had a son who wa an idiot I would make him a parson." Smith replied: "Your father was of a different opinion." A cold at this time It neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is so often fatal, and even when the pa tient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development ot con- ! sumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will I stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia Hart's drug store. Foley's Kidney Cure If taken In time affords security from all kidney and bladder diseases. HEAD3 SHOULD NEVER ACHE. i Never endure this trouble Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va, j she writes, "Dr. King's New life j Pills wholly cured me of sick head 'ache I had suffered from fr two : years." Cure Headaches, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c at (.'has. RogTW drug store. ' Shoemakers are not netarlly long livers, but they are great lastcrs. Cream j.ure rye, America's finest whisky. The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CARLSON, Sole Agent. Hnimwmi pills sr-OMFf,. A" - ' I mH. ix.nfHt 9S A;; i-Htf-T-i-JsJ MufeMitiltliiHft and Iii ffj Holla. l-:f Of ? itr l'Dil-1, er arlrt le. If) Igi Mi l "IMIfif for l,tH-,"t fttfsF, try r y turn Muli. to.fMtO (iimoulkis Mitit "V all n-..,... . 1.1.1 J'L I I 41- Tiic1unsing Underwear may be had in most any style and at prices to suit every pocket- dook. it comes in i urj light, medium and fU heavy weights and in, several different qual ities. We have in stock a complete assortment of Ladies and Misses' Vests, as well as of . Union Suits for men, women and children. i m. -a. ii i- . - k. . . i TRULLINGER, EASTABROOK & CO. tt'CCgSSOR to THEO. BRACKER. ' JoIiUts and Dealer In OKUHS, TOBACCOS, SMOlvKU'S AUTICLES, PLAYING CARDS, KTATIONKHY, AMBEU UOODH, CUTLERY, ETC . MEERSCHAUM AND URIAH TU'EH i ' Pips Repairing A Specialty FOUNDED V.D.I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE CM" LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash A tti.sou.ono CUli Aa In United Mtate. ,ai,js C- A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Saosome Street Sa Pnodsco. Cil. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., QENT5 Castings We are prepared to maks then oa short notice and of ths best materials. Let us give you estimates on any kind of eastings or pattern work. Lowest prices for first-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2461. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fiahennon, Farmers and Loggers. As Vs AsLsLGN Tents and Commercial Streets North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popular Product western Oregon enjoytt a very; large dome title and ex port Sale. KOPPS BEST bottlrd or in kegs. Free City Delivery. Jde Finest Palace Everything 5U commercial si. Market HOTEL. PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrest-Claf. Hotel In Portland r ml 'usiv r i i ; s ; m r 3 S Commercial 5 1 reel Astoria, Oregon IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IrcnG Brass Works Cor. Mih and Frsnkllo of the only brewery In North Restaurant in the City Regular Meals, 25 cents, Sunday Dinners a Specialty. W. 1. Whipple ASK ANY ONE YVlwliaa UBed Star Estate Ranges and" they will tell you they are the most satisfactory they have ever used. They require but little fuel and bake quick and uniform, and are easily managed. For sale In Astoria only by W. XScully 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth and Tsoth Eating Is h ploiiHiire which etitis rios and lirititfi no uiip!oii uiit nioinorit'8 if you eat at The New Style Chop Mouse On Eleventh street- PRAEL & COOK r ANSI EH COMPANY. TeUphon tL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All (vkxIs ulilpixxl to our car Will revelvt speolal attention. No. Kt Puans St. W. J. COOK. MfT. Its. Tel. 1UL Astoria, Or. WHIR MAR UHI ..PoFtland - istoria oiila. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round rits ssoept Runoay. TIME CARD Lnave Portland 7 s, m. Lave Astoria 7 p. in. Throuch rortland ooikneotlons with steamer Kahootra from llwaoo and long Iteaoh lnts. WMte Collar 1.1ns tlcknU lntr rlunrmUils with O. It N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. The Dalles Route STR. M TAH0MA." and "BONITA" Dally trips sicspt Sunday. TIME CARD Str. "TAH0MA" Leave rortland Mon., Wed., frl., 7 a. in. Uave Dalles, Tues., Thur., Sat, 7 a, m. Str '"liOMTA" Lv. rortland Tues., thur.. Rat., 7 a, m. Lv. lHilles, Mon., Wed., Frl.. T a. m. UndliHC at foot of Aide Street Port land Oregoc Dtrth Thanes, Main 151. AGENTS. John M. Mlloon. Ths Dallas, Ore. A. J. Taylor, Astoria, Ore. 1'raUw A llnnunan, Hood iuer, Or. Wolf.rd ft Wyers, White Salmon, Wn. J. C. Wyatt, Vancouver, Wn, R. B. Oilbrerh. Lyi,! Wn. John M. Totton. Stevenson, Wn. Henry Olmtmd. Carson, Wn. K- W. ClUCHTOff. IVrUuid Orrfoo, IiuxuriousTravel . Th -Northwtrn L.ml:d" trains, leotrto lighted throufhou'. both insld and out, and steam heated, are with out SYcrptlon, tb finest trains In the world. They embed y the ltat, newest and best Idsas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the travelling nubile, and altogether r ths most complete and splsndld production of the car builders' art. These ipl.ndld Trains Connect With , The Greit Northers The Northern faclflc aod The Caoadlao Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra chart for these superior aconunodalons and all rlassts of Uck ta ar available for passgs on ths trains on this lint ar Proteottd by tb Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEJAA H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Af. Portland. Orgon. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VIA SHORT LINE TO St. PAUL, DUMJTII, MINMKAPOLIS, UU1CA.UO AND POINTS EAST. Throuah Palaoe and TourUt BU etxri. Dining and Duffet Smoking Library Cars. Dally Trains; fast time. ' For rates, folders and full informa tion regarding tickets, routes to.. oall on or address jr. W. FHALON, H. DIOK8GN. Trav. Faas. Agt. city Ticket Agt, 12T Third Street, P-wtland. A. B. C. DEJNNISTOX, O. W. P. A. 612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. (Ah