f TI1E MORNING ASTORIAN. SUNDAY, APRIL 13. 1902 .... gaiety Events Probably the smartest affair of tht winter season was the cotillion given In Ironor of Cap lain Harold E. Cloke by a halt dosen. of tits close friends on Friday evening. Hanthora's " hall was beautifully decorated, the walla being hung with huge American flags, while signal flags were suspended from the celling. The electroctlers were also trimmed with American flags. The dance cards were brightened with a little bow of rd white and blue rib bon in the upper corner, and each dance was marked with an approprl ate bugle call. A pretty feature was the sounding of these calls before the dances commenced. The germ an was under the leadership of Miss Floretta Elmore and Captain Cloke, and was an unqualified success, -the figures being carried out in an excellent " manner and exciting much enthusiasm, parti cularly the large flag figure which waa danced to the accompaniment of "Co lumbia." In one corner of tfce room a delicious fruit punch was served. The music waa all that could t de sired and, at the conclusion of the pro gram when the orchestra struck up of Mr. Gdo Parksr last Friday even- big girls' prise and Harry Ftavel wan boys' prise. At a late hour luncheon was served by Mrs. Parker, assisted by Miss iWaxgvld and Miss Badollet, Those present were: Virginia Kowlen, Mary WarfieM, Winifred Van Dusen, Ellen NowWn, Gertrude Upshur, Maude Van Dusen, Xetta Drain, Lois Parker, Florence Carnahan and Lois Carnahuo, Harry Flavei Willis Thomas, John W Mayo, William Stine, Carl Boss, Wil lie Wood, Carl Holmes, Harry Oeorge, Lawrence Rogers, Harold Lewis and Mr. War field. Captain H. E. Cioke entertained a house party of ten at his quarters at Fort Stevens last Friday and Satur day. A dinner was given by Major and Mrs. Humphreys ami a card par ty ty the bachelor officer. Those who enjoyed the hospitalities were Dr. and Mrs. finch. Miss MeKee, of Portland; Miss Elmore, of Milwaukee, Miss Flo retta Elmore, Messrs. McLean, Ben nett. Hen, Captain Cloke, Lieutenants Weeks. Pourrie, Brewster, Tobin, Ma jor and Mrs. Humphreys, Miss Hum phreys and Mrs. Tobin. "For He's a Joilv Good Fellow.' the spontaneity with which the dancers I joined In the ononis attested to the Mt" dose of the Frank Cooley great popularity of Cantata Cloke. The i uompanjrs week s engagement at ft. guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Allen. Dr and Mrs. Finch. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mad dock, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Prael, Mr and Mrs. W. W. Rldehalgh. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. C- It- Thompson, Lieutenant and Mrs. Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. B. Van Dusen. Mr. and Mrs. O. West, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A Cooilig. Mrs. W. a Kinney, Mr, Newman, Mrs. Upshur. Miss Adair. Miss Crang. Miss Cole, Miss Floretta Elmore, Miss Elsie El more, Miss " Gilbert. Miss Hellborn, Miss Thsrese Hellborn, Miss Freder ickson, Mies Bennett, Miss Lemon, Miss McLean, Miss McKee, of Port land, Visa Sutherland, Miss Tallant, Miss Reed, ' , i '; ''i, 4' ' ' 1 Messrs. George Barker, 3. R. A. Ben nett. C. V. Brown. Captiln Cloke, 3. P. Badollet, Dr. Cordlner, Captain Goodale, C. A. M. Jleilborn, L. I. lien, R. S. Howard, of Portland. D. X Mc Lean, Terry McKean, Lieutenant Mc Rrlde, X C. MeCua, Dr. Reagles. Dr. Walsh, Lieutenant Weeks, : Gtorge Wirren nnd Captain Reynolds. The regular meeting of the Woman's Club was held at Pane Hall yestert day afternoon,' with Prenirtent Mary H. Elmore presiding. Mrs. Elmore has been absent from the ctty for some time the ladles welcomed her return. The attenadnce was very large and Mrs. Maidock. as chairman, provi.ltd a most excellent program. The sub ject of the afternoon being "Spring." The program was as follows : Chorus ' (a) "When Life Is Brightest" intsud (b) "9weet May" Wek.rlui Piano solo. .Grey's ' "Spring Song" Miss Eva Holmes. Vocal solo, "Spring Has Come"... Weidlinger Gertrude M. Finch. Vocal duet. "The Birds That Sing In May" Streteski Mesdame Maddoek and Spittle. Paper 'Spring" Sirs. Freda Gratks. Vocal soli, "Violets" II. Wright Mrs. Ophelia Oberg. Piano solo, Mendelssohn's Spring Song Mrs. Ora Baker. Trio, "Spring Tide" Bargiels Mesdames Fulton, Maddoek, Spittle. Vocal solo "A Memory" Miss Shively. Chorus . (a) Pretty Red Lipped Daisy, Wekerlln (b) Summer Fancies Mestra Accompanist Mrs. Ora Baker Chorus Mesdames Thompson, George, Virginia Fulton, Gratke, Finch, Bu- sey, Oberg, Cooper, Maddoek, Tut- tle. Wood, Kinney. May Smith, Miss Lottie Bennett. The girls basket ball clifb entertained the boys basket balls dub at the home era' Opera House last evening, aoiut 30 of Terry McKean's friends banquet ed iiim at the Palace restaurant. It was one of those reunions of old times and made a happy evening. It was not such an occasion as Is often In dulged in at private banquets where hilarity reigns, but was a quiet home-like re-union where reason held sway On Monday afternoon Miss FloretU Elmore gave a tea in honor of her guests. Miss MeKee, of Portland and Miss Elmore, of Milwaukee. Mrs. Finch. Miss Bennett, Miss Sutherland, Miss Reed and Miss Hetlborn, assist ed W receiving, and Entertaining th guests. , " Miss Elmore gave a jolly theater party on Monday evening to see the Cooley Company In "The Mouth of the Cannon." ; The guests wore Dr. and Mrs, Finch. Miss iHSmore, Miss McKee and Miss F. Elmore, Messrs. Paget, Her. McLean and Weeks. After the play a supper was given at Miss EI more's home with Mr. Terry McKean as -the guest of honor. On Thursday night a "Dutch-treat theater party was given by sixteen of the young ladles to see" "Under Two Flags." Several suppers were after. wards given among them being one by Miss Hellborn. Her guests were Dr. and Mrs. Finch, Mlas Elmore, Miss McKee, MI3S Tnerese Ileilborn, Mr. McLean, Mr. Heilborn md Captain Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Tobin gave a farewell dinner to Captain Cloke on Thurslay evening at their quarters at Fort Ste vens, the guests being the officers of the garrison and their wives. On Tuesday nisht the- Chaiind Dish Club met with Miss Hm.ire. There were sitxeen members of the club present and a pleasant evening v.sawj Joyed. - v Miss Alice Wood entertained the Thursday Aftemon Quo this wetk. Hearts were played, Miss Cranj and Miss Tallant winning the prizes. R. S. Howard, jr., of Portland, spent several days In Astoria the last of the week. Miss Elinor Elmore, of Milwaukee, returned to her home on Wednesday morning. Miss Annie Qilbert, of San Francis. co, is in the city, the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. A. V. Allen. Miss McKee returned to her home In Portland lat night Captain Cloke left for his new sta tion in California last evening. Marine Xotost, The tug Hercules hi laying at the wharf tier wtth the barge Wahkla kum, which la loaded with atone for the work on the jetty at Grays Harbor. The W. H. Harrison went out yes terday for Sluslaw. Touresdale, British bark, arrived down the river yesterday. She brings a cargo of grain from Europe. Steamer Maria haa reported at Vic toria and will start across the Pacific In few days. The Aberdeen cleared yesterday aad went out for San Francisco. She car ries a cargo of 463,000 feet of lumber and some general merchandise. Surveyor Andrew Hoben finished tl survey of the Vendee, a French bark that has been in port since Marvfc 19. She has undergone considerable repair and is reported to be in fine condl tion. Ship Ernest Legrove waa rffPased from attachmnet yesterday. The cap tain went to Portland as coon aa the ship waa attached and made arrange ments so the athp could leave with her cargo. The Legrove will put to sea as soon as possible. NOTICE! Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has this daV purchased the good will and business of the firm of Kwong On Chong Company, hereto fore doing business at No. S38 Bond street Astoria, Oregon. That tho un dersigned will collect all bills due said firm, and all bills owing by said firm will be paid by the old partners.. Also that I have this day appointed Lee Bin my general agent and manager of said business, to do and transact business, at said address, under the old firm name of Kwong On Chomr Company. LEB LUNG, Dated, Astoria, April 12, mi. J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, EGZEBHA is due to the retention in the system of Uric Acid or otlicr inflammatory poisons which find their way tnto the dickhi, ana are lorccu by tne circulation through the gland, and pores of the skin, causing it to burn like fire, and the inccsaant itching allows no rest night or day. Kczciua appears in a great many different forms, beginning frequently as a mere redness of the skin, fol lowed by little blisters or pimples, from which a clear or straw colored mm matter ootcs, forming into sores, scales commonly called Stilt Rheum, These acid poisons sometimes dry tip the natural oils and the skin becomes hard and dry, often cracking and bleeding and causing intense pain and fearful itching. This form of Eczema is known as Tetter, and oftenettt attacks the hands nnd feet. Unsightly eruptions TEggER itt the shape of pimples nnd blackheads break out upon the face, neck and shoulders as a result of polluted blood, and tins humiliating disease is called Acne. Local remedies afford but scant relief. The blood and system being saturated with ji o hi r thepoison.thediscasecannotbereachedwithwtuShes.snlves, -Wl CNE PwJers or other local spplicatious. S. S, S. restores the deteriorated blood to its normal condition, stimulates the Sluggish organs. and all the waste matter isehminated through the proper channels. S. S. S. makes the blood rich and strong, and nndcr its tonic and invigo rating effects the general health improves, and the skin becomes soft and smooth attain. S. S. S. contains no minerals but is guaranteed purely vegetable. Write us if yon need medical advice; this will cost you nothing, Illustrated book on skin diseases sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlutt, fiv DEMOCRATS WIL.L FUSE. PORTLAND, April 12.-The dele gates to the Democratic city and coun ty convention, an adjourned meeting of which will be held April 19, in cau cus tonight decided to fuse with the faction of the Republican party known as adherents to United Slates Senator Simon. The ticket to be nominated will be composed principally of Democrats and will be called the "citizens' ticket." MACHIAS ARRIVES AT COLON. COLON, Colombia, April 12. The U. 8. gunboat Machlas arrived here to day. She will leave for Bocas Del Toro to safeguard American interests there. LITTLE TRAVEL OVER TRAIL, VANCOUVER, B. C, April 12The steamer Amur arrived this evening from Skagway with a small list of pas sengers. News was brought that the northern trails are breaking up very fast and there Is practically no travel In or out from Dawson. The Frank Cooley Company closed a most successful wee kat Fishers' last night As from the first to the last the opera house waa crowded. There were many reasons for this. The com pany is a good one; it has a fine reper tolre and the talent to bring out any character. Terry McKean, an Astoria boy. who Is with the cwnpany, was a drawing card. He is not snly so be cause he is an Astorian, bat because he Is a good actor. His future is prom ising. While it would b on injustice to speak especially of any member of the company as as touring above an oter, jet It Is proper to state that Mr. Cooley and Miss Gladys Kingsbury are great drawing cards. Manager Selig is to be congratulated for bringing them here. Females of All Ages find these Pills simply invaluable, as a few doses will restore free and regular conditions and effectually remove the causes of much suffer, ing to the sex. Beecham's Pills. Sold Ettryw hoe-In uu Ue. tad Se, CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. Some Inter- esting Facts When people art contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want tbe best strvlce obtainable as far as speed, cemfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES art paid to serve the publio and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. , Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining ear service unexcelled. Meals served a la cart. In order to obtain the (lrst-class ser vice, ask the ticket sgent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will mk direct connections at St Psul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East, For any further informV.IJn -sll on anv ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Art or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. la a Word This Tells of tht PaotMgw Berries via the Northwestern line.. Eight Trains Dally Between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Ptvrlssa Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cart, Fret Reclining Chair Cart, Tht 10th Century Trains rtuns n-vtry utj or ins tear. The Finest Train in the Worio Electric Lighted IteitcJ EAST SOUTH VIA The Foard & Stokes Co. have Just received a shipment of Wilson whisky. This is one of the finest rye whiskies produced in America. Call for it" and you will get the best- Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your order for meats, both FRESH AND S.ALT Will be pwmptlv nt ' atis.'af torliy attended to 3. W. MORTON. Prop. TelerDone No . Leave 8.30 p.m 8:30 a.m Deoot. Fifth nd Irving ats. Portland Overland Express Trains for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land. Sacramento, Ogden, San Fran cisco, Mojave. Los Angeles, El Paso, New Oreleans and tbe East. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules k POSITIVE CURE Yor InflunmstlM or CaUrrb of the Bladder ud DIkm4 Ktdncyi. Ho curs do Cam aotekly nod Pern entlf th worit cm of UoBSrrtKW- and Utrmt, bo suiter of bow lonf iiUad laa. Abaolately hannleM. Sold br drnraiata. Prtoa si. M, or by Bill, postpaid, IL00,SbOXM,2.f(. THE lAITAl-ratll CO, SUSSOMTSINS, OHIO. Sold by Chas. Roger, 459 Commerce al Street, Astoria, Oregon. dyspepticide: Tha greatest aid to DIGESTION. BEST OF EVERYTHING ((I if A familiar nanu of the Chicago. Milwaukee ft Su Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway tunning tbe "Pioneer Limited" trains everyday and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. The only Perfect train In tht world." Understand: Connections art made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam beat, of a variety equaled by no other line. Set that your ticket reads via "Tht Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket asreots tell them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, addsets. J. W, CA8BT, C. 3. EDDT, , Trav, pass. Agt, osn. Age, Portland, Ora ' Portland. Ore, At Woodburn (dally except Sun dav). morning train connects with train for Mt. An gel, Sllverton, Brownsville, Ppringfleld. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Sllverton. 7:30 a.ml Corvallls passen- Eer. 114:5 p. m Sheridan passen- er. Pally ff: Arrive 7Ma.m 7:20 p.m 5: SI p.m 8:2Sa.m Dally pxcgpt Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17.50 first class, without berth and 114.00 second class, including berth. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained v. a. Schilling, Third and Wash ington sreets. TAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, 9:48 a. m.; iz:su, l:&o, 3:z&, 6:15, t;25, 8:06, 11:30 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at '.35, s-an in.Rn m i. lie a-i t on w.wv, sv.vv . . , H.I,, -, W.W, 7-40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m, dally except Moniay; s:30 and 10:46 a. m. on sun days only. Leave for Dallas daily except Sun day at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at :w a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Almee Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 'Except Sunday. R. B. MILLER. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Aft. THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS. th Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from :b West MJ vis The NORTHERN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R'TS. This Is lo the REST LINE betweer Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All Agents Sell Ticket via The Northwestern Line ONE DOLLAR cttrinot be expended to better ndvantngo fui youreolf or absent ftieiuls than in a year's eubscription for the- Semi-Weekly Astorlari It gives nil the city and.county news twice ouch weok foi only one dollar, a year in advance . w. H. MEAD. General Agent. 248 Alder Street. H. L AISLE R, Trav. Agent Portland. Orgo Don't Guess at It But If you art going East write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and . . NOTICE To the BualneBB Men. r To the People. On and after this datt the Morning Astorian will be Issued aa usual, and ae us ual will be tht test mtdlum for tht dissemination of newt of your business tell ing the good people where to trade for their best ad vantage and your profit. This la true bteaust tht As torian reaches tht people. Is read by tht people, and hat tbe confidence aad tup port of tht people. Money spent In Judicious advtrtts. Ing pays targsr returns I haa any other Investment yon can makt. We are justified In Invit ing every cltlsen to sub scribe for tht Morning As torlsn at sixty umi a month, dellvsred, or fifty cents a month by mall, or to subscribe for tht twlc-a-week Astorian at on dollar a year, because we offer you full valut for your coin. You gt all the local news and the espennlve Associa ted Press telegraphlo news from all parts of tht world besides. A clean, reliable pa rer containing these feat ur. t is worthy of support JEW fW Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about your trip as we are in a posi tion to give you some valuable Infor matlon and assistance; 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In tbe world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. J. C. L1NDSET, B. H. TRUilBELL. T. F. & R. A. Com'l Agt 142 Third St.. Portland. Ore. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LEAVE POBTUKU S 00am I Portland Colon Depot 7 00 p a For Aitorla and Way Points Assm 11 10 a m 0pm ASTORIA 7 46am (10pm For Portland and Way Points II 80S! lOSOpi HKAglDK DIVISION 15 m 11 warn saup 415 a m Si sopm Antorla for Warrenton, Flavei, Fort Hierena, Jtammondjind Atorla Seaalde for Warrenton, Flaval, Hammond, fort Bteyeni and Antorls 7 40am 4 00 p tu 5MMin n sop m 7 00 p m 26 am ' Sunday only, AH trains make dost connection at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from tht East and Sound points J. C. MATO. Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent Foley's Kidney Cure t&axa kidneys aad buddcr rent, J ) LXvyo & AND Oregon Shoip line Union Pacific TIME 8CHED- Depart ULE8 Arrive From Portland. Chicago ' Portland Sail Lake, Denver, Special Ft. Worth, Oma- : 00 a.m. ha, Kansas City, i:tt p. m. via Hunt- St. Louis, Chicago Jngton andJDast; At'iantlo Salt Lake, Denver Express Ft. Worth, Oma- 8:50 p. m. he, Kansas City, 1:10 a. m via Hunt- St Louis, Chicago lngton and East. Walla Walla, St. Paul Lewlaton, Bpo Fast mail Kane, Mlnneapolii p. m. St. Paul, Duiutu 7:00 a, m via Milwaukee, Chi-1 Spokane cago and Blast 72 hours from Portland to Chicago No Changs of Cars. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE) From Astoria All sailing date) subject to change, j m ,. For San Francis- 4 co every Ave days, n', 7 a.m. Columbia River Dallrex- To Portland and cept Bun. Way Landings. tide dally, except Sunday, for Ilwaoo. connecting there with trains for Long racn. iioga ana flonn ueacb powta, Returning arrives at Astoria same even-Irg. O, W. L0UN8BERRT, Agent, . : . , Astoria. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. lUNCE COMPANY Of New Zealand VV. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco, UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS' Has bwn Underwriting m tlio Pacific Const ovyi twenty-two yt-iire. SAM UEL KLMOKK A CO., Am-nis, AMorin, Ore, PACIFIC COAST COMPANY GOAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST T.LEPH0NE JIUIN 661 Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Big Deal in Tyoewr iters Austrian Government Orders 1200 Smith Premiers, VIENNA, Fsb. 7,-Ths greatest sin gle purchase of typewritten ever made haa been ordered by tht min istry of justlct, which, after three months of exhaustive competitive tests, has contracted to equip tht en tire ministry with not leas than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying eyery court. Press Dispatch to Portland Oregonlan, February 7th Smith Premier Typewriter Go. L. & M. Alexander & Co., Agents. PORTLAND OFFICE - 122 THIRD STREET - . Pacific Navigation Cemnany Steumcro "5us H. Einore," an J "W. H. HarrUon" OnlyJUns ltoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi Day City, Hobgou villa, Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also tht Astoria A Columbia River R. R, for Ban Francisco, Portland and all points East For freight and passenger rstes ap ply to Samuel Elmore S Co. General Agents, Astoria, Or, ' ' i Agenti-A. A C. R, R. CO., Portland. ...... B, C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. O. R. ft N. CO., Portland.