The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 08, 1902, Image 3

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Ami froHhest stock count for nomolliing.-prices for
itf much more. Your patronage lins enabled um to
Jiuvo the (Incut grocery ttoro on the count, und wo
keep everything to lo found in a clnm store for
you to select from. . ' . ,
The Morning Astorian
1'UltTLANIi, A Mi ll 7,Wtrit ore
M)ii, Vtem Washington, hor,
Miuilwrly winds; Hasdi'U Oregon, 1 Ju
lia mil Kim i in WiMliliiKlqii, cloudy to
imnly t t.uly, .iuui lo wm wlml.
Gaston soil fed, gruln and liny.
Cuw lor Halo - In hujU condlllun.
liwuiu. ( IMwMvld llauk .
Cull Main di or your vunl require
ment. Older grumpily ailed.
I' It Is our Pr(.i(liiii lirund ,l ky
KI.U J..VH Cult, U' K')J, JulllllwO
lpnn ooJ o( all kind, oheap at
tU Yokohama liasaar, Coiinurelal
Any tlil id buy a wall und a cheap
ly frein us a tin moat itwrleneed
buy?r.Jlmoii tiro
Ladk-a' vormA uuwr. 11W, 23c, 4Vc and
7iu (i l C. II, Cooler's great muslin un
tlir rr sale UlU Week
'i'hie vxpet'l Workmen at lira Occl
tlvlil Harbor Btnlt. 1'orueluln bulbs,
livst boulbluck In iho city,
Vfiti-Furnlhd cottage (or th
summer by omvful tenanL It. 0.
SMITH, Trtscott racking 't'o.
Mis Joan Dumont, lmiMt and
clairvoyant, 1 rstabllaaed in apart
uieni In th l'ago null lla-f .
You will And tht boat lie mtaj la
dm uty at tht HUlntc Hun,
NvJ. (12 Commercial Bt.
If you want box wood, slab wood or
other fir wood, telephone Kelly, tha
transfer man. Pbono I2U black.
lUmlouino trimmed night kowtu In
tli.. Mint yl.j rfom Mo each to 11.41.
at Owner's while aale, now going on.
Mh Conimiwtfuner T. II. Kershaw,
of WIiIhkIim, la rxprcti-d to be In
Astoria today on Uuslnrss Vilth otttvlal
Tor Kale lrgn second honJ Mar
vin nf, In ptrfoot order. Will be
l.1 at half price. Inquire at Ato
rlmi ofllot.
Patronise home Industry by smoking
tha "Prtd of Aslorla" cigars; finest
made. Manufactured by MscFarlan
and Knobel.
r. A. Kantor, in Welch block, will
call for your clothe to cUun, ly, re
pair and ores, and will deliver them.
Hln( up phone, r-d WM.
t'rrw for the logging campa In thl
wrtlun are leaving every day. flev
ci ft I hundred men have already none
mill there are a many more Holng.
llonlyn coal laata loiiner, I cleaner
and mnkei le trouble Hth atove
nnd rhlmney nue than any other.
Ueorge W. Snnuorn, atrent, telephone,
lvclnrnil'in f Intuntlon if cltlnen
dlilp van imule by OI iluniiuii, na
tive of Noiay, nt the county clerk'
oltlt'e yc-ii.'nluy und fliat paper were
For rent iheap. Vann on Jthn ly
river; 30 ncrc open. For further par
tli uUirM write to Prank 1'. Young, care
of Old. Wormian A Klnj, Portland,
Oregon. ' '
t'onie tiitnoriMw and Jut look at the
imialln underwear dbtpluyed at C. H.
t'lKiper'a nnd ec the bargain whether
you buy or not., Every oourtenV will be
Mhown you.
l)r, T, I Hull hiui begun iho con
of Ninth street and HiurUon avnue.
f NlnlliHlr.'.'t And Marrliun avenue
'1'he work will b piinhed a fait a
poMslble. ll Mi
The Defender Mfg. Co.' mualln un
derwear, ituiiranteed perfect In fit;
xtyle and flnlahj no aweatshop work,
on nle thl week at C. H. Cooper'
great mUHlIn underwear aale.
The plant of the White Clover cream
ery I being enlarged, Manager Ekyle
whi over to Deep Klver a few day
iikii and arranged with the ranchmen
there to end their cream here.
On Mmdy morning we will com-m.-'nee
the greatest a)e of ladle and
. children' muslin underwear ever of
fered In AsMnria Come early and e
euii nrnie of the bargain at 0. H.
At lhe court yesterday the demur
rer wa ovorru'od, In the matter of
C. J. Anderson agalnt the dlty. The
time for trial ha not been et yel(
but i awaiting an agreement of the
"While in Portland the other day I
wet a man who given nam waj
Aaron Alfred A fold a local mer-
1 (
chant' yentertliiy. "(lf hi name I not
tlw lop one on the list It I not 1h
(anil of tint perloa who nuimd turn
Musician Cha. lions, who wa ael
dontliy Injured ome time ago, wa
t hi (U'euslimied jst of duly last
night at 7 o'clock.
The man who gave the advice. "Nev
er look backward" probably never fao
d a NUddcn gale of sleet while walk-
ing along the water front.
The funeral of Olio Arthur '..'ciml, Ihe
Infant son of Mr. and Mr. Alfred
Nriml, took plao yi.ieidaj'. inter
otoitl was ut Ureenwood cemetery, i
Julius M, Offer I confined Ui hi bed
M the result of vaccination. Ill ann
I badly swelled and Inflamed but no
erlou trouble 1 expected.
The Htandurd dahce hall wa cloned
yesterday afternoon by attachment,
but the proprietor are In houe of
lenlng In a few day.
Water lonvumer should Uar In
mind that Thursday the tenth will be
the last day on which to pay water
rents In order to avoid the penalty of
IS cents which Is ailways charved
against delinquent.
A new ltch board and position I
being put In at the telephone office
for long distance service. Thl will
greatly Increase the efficiency of the
om and will be In operation in a
few days.
The railroad crew 1 busy at work
driving pile along the track below;
Klmoro' cannery. It I to trengthen
the trestle to Insure safety, a there
I expected a large amount of traffic
the coming summer,
On Eastern flty ha lopu'd novel
but enVvtlve remedy to get rid of
tramp. All person of thl clott are
reijulred upon being found In th city
to submit to vaccination A tramp
can stand a bath, but vaccination la
too much for him They give that city
wide birth
The leather Unit Compay hua
nearly completed work on the steamer
Alarm 6ho la (& feet long over all
and 14 feet beam. Thl ateamer ta
being built for Itristol Hay and wa to
be carried by ship but on acount of
her alse thl cannot be done and she
will go to her destination under her
own steam.
The Anna Dsron I being built for
J. T. Huron, of the Thllnket Packing
Company, of Astoria. Hhe I ii feet
over all, with a It foot beam and ttt
feet deep. The hull la completed and
she wilt probably be ready for comml
slon by May 16th. The Company la
also bnlMIng a SO-foot launch, Hen Hur,
for J, W. and V. Cook, of Blaine, Wn.
Judge ilray revived notice yesterday
that Israel Nelton, who wu commlt-
tel to th Insane hospital lest Janu
ary from tW place and who at the
time bit of th flngr of companion
In Jail, hid been dtachiiriced, but
Hherlff I.lnvllle receive! notice last
evening thut Nelson hod relapsed Into
another violent attack nnd would be
returned to hi cell In the asylum.
At the climax of a drama on the
Uverett atuge lout Saturday, while the
hero was kissing the heroine In the
love scene, the hero' mustache stuck
upon the heroine' cheek and remained
there The audience laughed, and while
the hero ' beheld W mustache mlek
Miff to the heroine' cheek, he under
stood why the audience laughed at so
serious a time, but the heroine did not
learn the tiu'.h until the curtain went
A lo.U newspaper take the Astorian
to task for saying that the street de
partment waa laying 100 feet qf teew
street on Twelfth street, between com
mercial und Bond. While H I .uni
versally kn iwn that Individual pay
for street Improvement abutting their
property, yet It I as equally well
known that 1t I done under the su
pervision of the city street depart
ment, The guest at the Parker House
were treated to a rare entertainment
Sunday . evening, when IS. Parker,
brother of Proprietor Parker, took
down his violin and sung some of the
songs of Old Long Syne. Those who
were from New Hnglflnd anfl had heard
the old song were greatly Impressed.
Tho old man greatly enjoyed furnish
ing the music, and the listener were
greatly Impressed by the aged singer.
He I more than 80 years old and sing
uml play tire song and tunc of his
youthful Jay.
One of the most stirring events In
the history of Antorla 1 the rush xtf
purchaser who are taking advantage
of the phenomenal reduction in price
at More' Department Store. A busy
army of salesmen have been handing
out bargain since the hour the sale
began, and still the rush continues.
Not everybody knows the immense
took carried by Mr. Morse, and no
body ever dreamed that It could be
offered at such prices. '
John M'irgu of South Jlenii, Wash
ington, and Mr, Oertrude llaker were
married In Astoria last evening at the
M. Ii Parsonage, Ilev, Oberg officiat
ing, They will go to tturlr home In
South Itend thl morning.
A heavy mow torm struck tht city
lost night about midnight and covered
the ground In few minute to a
depth of about fin tmfhv Later on,
however,, a thaw came and the white
mantle which had covered the city
melted away,
Today the unpaid lacx on the 1001
roll will become delinquent, when i't
penalty of )0 per cent, with Interest
t the rule of 12 per cent, will be
assessed, The total collection up to
ystrday afternoon wa $1 13,21 94,
causing the Issue of 4JO0 tax receipt,
Pr, Aug. C, Klnnny ay he wlshw
to warn the people sgilniil eating
sausage, ham or any kind of pork
that I not well cooked, a h has lately
seen a patl'int In upper town Afflicted
with the disease called trichnoste
This I a dangerous di ".? although
this patient ha about recovered,
I I caused by eating pork that has
been affected with the same disease,
when the sausage or pork has not
been cooked, Cooking Wills the trichina
Many persons took this sam disease
In Upper Astoria year ago,' " "
Ileglstratlon 1 proceeding very slow
ly; people ntn to b waiting until the
Inst thing and then thvre will )e a
rush. All voter must register thl
year and they might just well do
it now as any tlms. If ih-y W ill un
til the very las; thing Ihey are 'Utile
to find a crowd there and then Jllld
fault that the , clerk doe not have
force enough to handle builnesa Vot
er should rerlster at once. Itemem
ber that the list is nearly (WO smaller
than last year on the same day and
that mean rhit voter will have to
rush If they surpas lust year's registration.
Mr. 8. P. Trood. tulnes manager
of the New York Commercial. 1 In the
city looking after the Interests of hi
pajier. The Oregonlun recently at
tacked the policy of the Commercial
and charged It with bring out strictly
for mercenary purpose; 'tliat for
stipulated price It would boom any
place and condemn another. The Ore
gonlun takes extract from the Com
mercial howlng that It spoke In more
glowing term of the Sound country
than of the CobimMi , Itlvir Ve.ori,
and also charge the taper with- plac-
jink Astoria aheid of P.-nlund a the
seaport of the Columbia. A a con
sequence of these charge the Com
mercial 4 meeting with limited Suc
re this year In Portland. The state
ments of th Oregonian are InconslM
rnt as to Astoria, however. It Is true
that the Commercial elated that As
toria 1 the seaport of the Columbia
and far supe-lar l.i nttinrl a vi nt
agc to Portland, and this wa made
In the face of the fact that Portland
was giving the paper much more pat
ronage at the time than wa Astoria.
The statement wa made by the edi
tor of the patter himself who came and
saw and could not sta'e ntherwise In
the face of the overwhelming evidence
In Astoria' favor.
Fluher' Oopera House wa crowded
wlrh an enthusiastic throng last night,
the occasion being the opening per
formance of the Cooley Company, and
Terry McKcan. The play wa,".The
Mouth of the Cannon," one of the
most Interesting melodramas that ha
been written In recent year . The
character of Chet Carlton could not
have been Improved upon, and Mr:
fteddlck, who has only recently Joined
the Cooley Company, I to be congrat
ulated. As Salvador, Mr. George
Graves had an excUrnt make-up, and
delivered his line faultlessly, while
Harry Pollard, as Nancy Lee' broth
er, wa both efficient and effective.
The role assumed by Terry McKean
wa that of Lopes McGuire, and his
Impersonation of the role left nothing
to be desired, unless It was that ."Our
Terr)'" could have taken charge of a
role requiring a much arreater display
if hlstrlonlo ability. Mis Gladys
KinRsbury played1 Nancy 'Lee, and de
lighted every one present. This evening
the company will present the extrcem
ly conlely, "The Ballet Master," In
which Terry McKean play an Import
ant roje of an entirely different char
acter from that of he assumed last
night. ,' There will doubtless be a very
large house.
lVrMiiinl Mention.
Attorney Allen was at St. Helen
yesterday on business.
S. I. Trood, of Seattle, was In the
city yesterday on business.
! Robert Gray, of Hammond, wa
among the visitors In Astoria yester
day. Mrs. J, W. Lempke, of Bvenseu. was
in town yesterday to have her eyes
treated. , ,
Octavlna 1j. Gammon leaves this
morning on the Columbia for San
iMrs. Victor Washburn, of Brook
vllle, wa in town yesterday calling
on friend.
Mrs. M, Nolen returned from Port
land after several week' visit with
friends in that city.
Little Edward Rloh, son of Captain
and Mr. C. W. Rloh, Is Improving.
It Is thought that he la now out of
Lieutenants Spurr and McBrlde, of
Fort Canby ,came over yesto.-day and
went to Fort Stevens' to lit In & court
marttla trial whlcji take place there
H. T. Voorhees, of Woodburn, was
In town yesterday,
John Crawford, of Vanemiver, I reg
istered at tho Occident.
T. R. Kemhaw ,odf Whltcom, wa In
town yesterday, on business.
O, N. Sullivan, of Aberdeen, Wl 4
here, ,
F. C. Young and Kinney Km 1th, of
Portland, vkn among the visitor In
the visitor In the city yesterday.
It, W. Doane, of Keyoort. came 'In
yesterday and will be In town for a
few day on busine.
George Dallman, of Chicago, is a
guest In th city.
W. V. Pwer and C. M. Rlerson, of
Portland, are at the Occident
Wm. Hadley, H. D. Hadley and wife
and Mr. Frnk Hadley, of Cadot,
Wl., are at the Parker House, on
helr way to Tillamook.
John Wles and family, of Pennsyl
vania, are registered at the Pwrker
House, and will leave for Tillamook
In a few day,
Women Interested. Senator
1'itlton DUciiKseH tlie Slierifl'n
liog'n I'etlljfree,
Astoria will be well r.rsented at
the kennel club meeting In Portland
next week and the animals wllll be
among the best produced. The people
can feel Justly proud of some of the
dog owned by the Individuals of this
city, a each year they have brought
home a lion' share of the awards, and
If they do not thl year It will be be
cause there are some of the finest anl
mul in the world at the exhibition.
The dog owner are making plans to
go to Portland with their dog and
hope to bring tiome ome of the prise.
Among those who will take their dogs
up are Mrs. J. T. Ross, who will take
her bulldog "Beauty;" this 1 one at
the flnest dog In the itate and last
year took three first premium at the
how, C. V. Brown will send W
rorkT spaniel "Nig," and Hayes Ea
tabrook his fox terrier "Babs." Frank
Cook has arranged to send hla.Jrlsh
setter. The three last named animal
have many fine point and will be val
uable addition to the show. P. A.
Stoke ha a very fine pointer called
Printer' Art" by "Printer" Boy."
Thl dog will go from Martin's kennels
st McMlnnville, where . It ha been
trained. Clark Laughery will also send
up a Lewellyn setter thai Is now at
Martin's kennels. These dog are well
bred and are among the flnest In the
state. Will Tallant will send his mag
nificent pup. . Sheriff Linville has also
planned to send up his 'Lewellyn set
ter, which is a remarkably fine pup.
The sheriff Is very much attached to
the dog and 1s proud of It fine ouall-
lies. HI friend say that his dog will
surely get a prize. Senator Fulton,
however, attempts to throw cold water
on the sheriffs ardor for his dog as a
prlxe-wlnner. He says that the dog
will be entered among the "Irish Bad
ger dogs." and. as It hi been 4n ;raln
Ing for two month, will make a good
The senator will not take up his St
Bernard "Major" that has won the
first prlie for the last two meets. Peo
ple here regret that "Major" will not
go up. The senator has offered a cup
as a special prize for St. Bernards.
Astoria will send a good array of
line bred animals to Portland and they
are expected 'to bring home many priz
es. Maud K. and her seven pup, own
ed by William Gibson, of Portland,
which are now In Astoria, will surely
be there and make a good showing.
Mr. Mary McGee has a fine cocker
spaniel which would be, a prize-winner
if taken up. but she. will not enter
It this time.
There are a number of other fine
dogs In the city owned by both women
and men that may be taken to Port
land that have not yet reported. In
fact, Astoria will rival any city in the
Northwest of her size for fine bred
The Republican county central com
mittee moved the furniture Into the
campaign headquarter yesterday aft
ernoon and will be open for work this
morning.. Visitors are always wel
come and Republicans should not be
backward In calling.
People have no idea how
crude and cruel soap can be.
It takes off dirt. So far,
so good, but what else does
it do. '
It cuts the skin and frets
the under-skin; makes red
ness and roughness and
leads to worse. Not soap,
but the alkali in it.
. Pears' Soap has no free, al
kali in it. It neither reddens
nor roughens the skin. It re
sponds to water instantly; wash
esand rinses off in a twinkling; is
as gentle as strong; and the
after-effect is every way good.
Established over too years.
Our Wives, Mothers and Dangh-
ters. ;
Two Many of then arc Nerveless,
Wenk, Tule and Anaemic,
Painc's Celery
IteaeheN the Hoot of Every Fe
male Trouble and Make our
Women Ktroiiir and 1
'- Vigorous.
It is a most regrettable fact, and a
calamity, too, that our women, young
and old, are. numbered amongst the
most unhealthy of females in the
civilised world. For delicacy of beau
ty, Intellectual capacity, and for all
graces that adorn the sex, the stand
peerless; but It 1 doubtful if one In
tea can be found who is functionally
and organically well.
This absence of feminine health and
vigorous vitality 1 due to a neglect
of unerring law. Immediate reforma
tion i necessary if our nation would
have women who will become true
wives end mothers with an offspring
that will prove a strength to the coun
try. . , ".' '
For the special weaknesses to which
women are now victims, Palne's Cel
ery Compound is the surest a. id safest
remedy. The wonderful strengthening
and building-up properties of this mar
velous prescription devised by that
eminent expert. Prof. Edward K.
Phelps, M. D., LL. P., and Its specific
action In correcting disorders of 'he
female organism, are well known to
the medical profession and to the tens
of thousands of women who have been
raised from weakness and disease to
health and physical happiness.
Paine's Celery Compound quickly
gives the true health tint to tallow
and bloodless faces; U give life and
light to the eyes; It gives pure, clean
blood to course through the body; it
gives natural appetite, sweet sleep, and
that blessed cheerfulness that is the
delight of men. Try a bottle or two
of Palne's Celery Compound, dear suf
ferer and run .down sister. Your con.
ditlon, your family Interests, and the
welfare of society demand this effort
on your part
DIAMOND DYES color anything any
color. Never fall! Never fadel
The trolley poles are nearly all
placed along the Bond street exten
sion of the street railroad. The track
bed is completed and rails nearly all
laid. The company will probably
stretch the wire along soon and then-
bus we will be going up over the hill
in metropolitan style.
$ 1 0.00
We know that we have the
On the market. - These
easily sell for much
more, but we were
bound to have Best Ten
Dollai Suits to be had
anywhere. All law and
late cut, neat patterns.
Call and see them ....
S-Danziger & Co,
' Greatest of all'
Curtain Sales
Ever held in Astoria now on at
1.00 Curtains now 75c per Pair
' 1.25 " " 1.00 " '
1.50' ' for 1.19 " .
1.85 " 1.49 ' M
2.00 " 1.69 " ;
2.25 '.' " 1.75 "
' 2.75 " " 2.23 "
3.00 " " 20
3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 ones for 2.75,
3.25, 3.50 and 4.00 . ptr Pair
These are not sampled nor the remnants of other
store but a Genuine Sot Cash Purchase fron the
Largest Eastern Factories in America. . ; . ; , .
See- V About Twine, Lead
Line, Cork Line, Corks, Need
lea, Boat Supplies, Sails, Etc.
We Can Save You Money.
Foard & Stokes
. Rolls Just la. More to Follow ''
Latest Designs ia Exquisite Coloring.
We will sell you BORDER for your rooms at the 8 AM 25 FBIC2B pet
roll as the wall and ceiling. W keep first-class workmen nd guaran
tee our work. Let ua figure on your decorating for 1902.
;IG5-3G7 Commercial Street.
VIcI Kid.
All Styles,
Peterson ft Brown.
Beats all Competition in House Furnishings
Carpets - Rugs - Mattings
See my Displays
' is,8? no cart' '
NEED ft V-i V- Vrl I Slvles and Prices.
H. H.ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
f . ! ! .
: ? J o' e
C, M. CUTB1RTH Astoria, Or.
W. P. FULLER & CO. Afents. .
Andrew Asp,
i ffigM 111, llsttimiti lis Itneiaetr
Special Attention Given to Ship ard
, Steamboat Repairing, General Blaek-
mlfhfn ISiat.PI.M .
I Shoeing, ace
i ' ' I " ''
, Insurance. Commission inl
Agent Wells Fargo and
Faoific Express Comp'ys.
Custom Rouse Broker.
Copper Paint
To preserve
them from
the destructive
effects of
worms and
barnacles and
prevent the
grass and .
other marina