The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 06, 1902, Image 3

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    rv ..
If, you want the frtnhct and hunt there i, in
Groceries mul Meuts. It all depends on you.
Wo liavo the goods. . . , .' , . ' t: , ,
'The Morning Astorian
flUT-LAND, Arll S.-Oivgurt and
AViiinirion ami Idaho, cloudy, show
it, wind mostly southerly,
Qaaton sell feed, grain and hay.
Giv for 8ale,-ln
lOHUllv Htllultk'U
good condition.
4 Uuuk. ;
Cull Main tiiil (or your coal require
ment, ordor promptly Oiled.
I' It h our rerf.iolloii llrund M m
ud cofti't, u'l g'ljj -Johinon
Japanese geoda of tli kinds, cboap at
lh Yokohama iiusaar, Cotninarolal
Tli fum-ial o( MaW Wtrkal will
Uke place nt Pohl'a undertaking room
Mt IHHIU tdllttV. '
Any child buy aa will and a cheap
ly frsm u a tlx moot s.perloaod
.buycr.-Johiioii Uroa.
' ImiXW' t'orn cover, fie, 4!y and
ki C, II. Cooper' m'it luunlln uu
lr wr ula thin week
'J'lttve expert at the Occl
di'tu lUrber Bhopt. Porcelain bath.
Ileal tootbuu'k In the city.
Don't r Di got the great ttuuday din.
m-r at the New tit y l Chop House to
day on Klevriitb street.
Wantrd-Furaiahed oltag for lb
summer by ourvtul tenant. U. 0.
BMIT1I. TrtK-ott racking Co.
Hit Jano Dumont, palmist and
clairvoyant, If .stabllMed '.n rrt
went In the I'ag null ltd,
' Tod" will And tha boat Uo meal lis
iu uty at tlit Rising Hun Restaurant,
Nu. 112 Commercial 8t
If you want box wood, alab wood or
other nreasod, telephone Katly, tli
transfer man. I'hon 1111 black.
HaiuWna trimmed night kowoa In
the latest y. rfom 'Uc each to $1.48.
at tNiotM-r'a white sale, now going mi.
For Hale.--I.arg woond-hanJ Mar
vin !, In perfect order. Will bo
1,1 at tin If price. Inquire at Ato
run ortioe,
1'atronlie hoiua Induatrjr by moklng
the "Frlde of Aatorla" cigar; flnaat
mad. Manufactured by MacFarlano
and Knobal. 1
Notlrp la hiMwby g-lven that m bllla
will Im- pah by the Aatorlnn PutillNh
Init Coinpuny unl.aa Inourrvd by writ
Ipii ordrr (rum tho olTlow.
P. A. Kantor. In Wolch block, will
cull (or your clothaa to elaun, dya, re
pair and proaa, and will deliver them.
King up phone, red 2M4. m
Itonlyn coal bat longer, la cleaner
And muka li-Mi trouble with atovea
and chlmnpy nu than any. other,
di-orge W, Sniiborn, ment, Itlopltone,
The hi reel di'partment laid about a
huudivd fi'ft of new plonking on ihe
v't lili of Twelfth atreot," botween
t'ommvivlul and tlund afreet yeater-
IUvhi" M-rvlcea will be held today a
iiHiiitl, morning and evening, In the
First Irfithernu church, Uppertown.
Hev. Oacar Owlnwn, the pa 11 tor, will
pivtti'h. .
For r'nt theap. Farm 011 John Aay
ilxirj 30 acre open. Tor furrher par
tlcuittr wrrte to Frank P. Young, rare
of Old. )Vortnian & Klnj, Portland,
Oregon. .
t'lMtv, tomorri'W nd Jtyt look M tb
immUn underwear dlp1itytd at C. H.
t'oi)r' und ace the liargnlnii whcllsr
you' buy or not. Kvery courteny will be
Ntmwn you. ' ' , '
Tho Di'fi'nl.-r Mfg. Co.'i munHn un
dcrwenr, gu.imnteert p(eot In fit;
atyln und finish; no aweatalrop work,
on ali thla weak at C, Ji.' t'oopcr'a
grcftt munlln underwear ale.
Tim Uuoodft tow mill will begin
oKmitlon next Monday under the man
agement of Whipple and Hutaer. Mr.
Whrtpplo, who ts In the Bound country,
la expected to riurn home tfmiorroiw.
On Monday morning we will com
incnce the greatest wile of ladle and
rhlldren'' inualln underwear ever of
fered in Artoila Come early and
'un mim? of the bargain at C.-H.
t'ooper'. , ; , .
Seventy-five CMnamen cam up on
the Oilumbla from San Franclaoo ya
iterdny to alvlp aboard tha St.- Nloho
lan for A)aka. There la a great num
ber of OHentuJ going 'to Alaska thla
aeaaon; every day tiring" car and boat
load of them to Aatorla, from which
port they hlj. . ' "X -"ii
Oom To
Hanaen at
girl baby.
Mr and Mr, Jen H.
U o'cliK)k laat night, a
Vr, Ete reported tha
The county court adjourned until
Uw 2Cth of rhla iimiHh. Judge Cray
will take a fw duya' bualneaa trip out
of town. . ' ..
A very pleaaant dunce waa held at
the No, 3 engine houae 1 11 at night by
the fire boya. MUxlc wa furnlahd by
Mr. Caarna, and , about iO I'ouplc
Wen- preaent.
K, M, Oitatoti inleiida
a to (lart at onea
a month' trip for the uui wiae of
Invwatlng In live atink, rodUl. etc.,
which b will ahlp tu hi Atorl Inaid.
quarter for Ml. - ' '
The aurveyiir and atrsel aupwlntend
ent have algned thWr acceptance of
Mi Improvement to the bridge p
1'roaeh on Fifth atreek and Franklin
avenue and filed H with th cltjr clerk.
ldy to travel In Oregon; &B monthly
and al expen- lo at art; permanent
poaltlon. Jteferencw requlwd. Bend
addrad envelope for reply, Addrea
Treaaurer Mac llrody, 352 Dearborn
St., Chlouga. .
We are plead to report (ha4 Carl
Johnaon, unaucceaaful wendldata for
county commiaaloner at tha KjnUbl1
can convention, who 1a belnv tnainii
for Inaanlty la Improving and a apeedy contl,I"' W ih Flnnlah Evangelical
recovery la expected. ' jl-urheran Congregation In Wet Aato-
, irla will lie dedicated today at 2:S0 p.
Orator fHwcn. tha aoclaHat, held'.m. The building I 36xJ feet In aUe,
fort at New Aatorla a few night ago with 22 feet celling, la well flnlahed
In the Intereat of a cejnpolgn onmn- '.and furnlahed. and I a credit to the
tnitlon. The aoclallat
are moving
will make a
around pretty faat and
fight thla aummer.
A telegram received here today by
J. Urlbler from hi partner, Mr. Kln
iwy, who wa caked to Han Franciaco
on account of the alckneaa ot hi
mother. Mating that he would pn
ably Im? horn Monday and that nl
mother la much improved.
I.lttle Klmer Wage, the 3-year -old
on of P. O. Wag, whoae Ug waa
atnputaind Juat abova the knee yeater-
day at Hi. Mary'a hoapital wa doing
well laat nlirtrt. He rallied from the
aneathetlc at an early hour and trated
Judge flray appointed C .R. Thomp
son oa admlnlMtrator of the eatate
of fail Sillier. The eatate la peraonal
and valued at t!00. He lao appoint
ed Sarah Toraelaon administratrix of
the eatate ff Lar Torketoon. which ia
valued at $430
Today Hev. Harold Oberg will ' pre
sent to hi congwgmlona t the Meth
ollat church the following theme: At
11 a. m., "Burning Buahe-a." Al 7:30
p. m.. "The Bhrlne of ImmortaJMy."
t)ther aervleca aa usual. A warm wel
come for all who amend.
The funeral of Second Mate Sween
ey, who died a few daya ago. took
place at PoM'a undertaking: room yea-
terday morning. The body waa token
on the H;30 train to the ;ty cemetery
for burial. The captain of the ahlp
aecured the county against the ex.
penae of the funeral,
The registration list la crowlna
a'owly though it look ovor'uoo of what
It waa same day laat year when there
waa a itotal of 159S nirai'i, For some
reason jieople are negUvMng to regis
ter, but at the clerk a ofllce .nvy are
xpectln a grand rush to begin t,on.
There are 1037 mimes already on the
An order waa laaued by the county
commlaslonera' court yeaterday, la
st cue ting the road mooter to commence
Hearing the right of way and grad
ing for the Nnlialcm road from the
aoutii end of the proposed cemetery
dyke In the direction of Olney. If he
cannon got the ateam engine from the
Lewis and Clark road he la to uae the
portable engine with the aw mill.
The flHhcrmen are ""repairing their
nut for the aeaaon, which begin
April 15. Thl work generally occu
pies about a month of their time and
cauaes an oiitluy of about $'.100 to each
owner. The nets have to bo repaired
by hand and carfuJy gone over In
order to get every fish poaslble. Fish
ermen generally use the small mesh net
the first of the season, as the run Is
smaller than later on.
Mr. N, H. Larrtbson. slate comman
der of the Maccabees, left for horn? on
the evening train yeaterday. She has
been on a tour of Inspection of the lo
cal hlvea and report them all In a
moat flourishing condition. She, with
Mra, A. It. Syru. of Astoria, vlsdted
the hive nt Beoalde, Friday, and found
It prosperous. Thla hive waa organ
Ixed about alx week ago nd ha' 18
member1 already; addition are being
made at every meeting and the future
Ih exceptionally bright. Mr. Lamb
son will visit the 'hive e4 Albany next
week, ( j
Captain Harold K. Cloke, who for the
past three year ha been stationed
at Fort Steven, ha been assigned to
the 8ixty-Firt Company. Ooaat Ar-
tlilary, Han (Fraaolaco,' and will leave
Tot hi new command In about two
wek. During tha arevlca at Fort 0t-
vena ha hua not ondy made many
friend among , tho, olaMra, but baa
made a large number of friend In tha
City of AaWla, , who will regret to
e him lenva. He; I not only one
of tha moat pQpuiffr officer ever ata-
1 li ned at the mouth at tha Columbia,
but I unlvcraally liked b tha public.
Tha city leachera'.mcvtlng at Ada4r
yeaterday waa well attended and eon-
aldarable enthualaam wa arouaed, In
the dlaruMloii of qucwtlon brought up.
At Art the grade meutlng were twld
and at 10:45 all ambled to dlacuaa
auhject of general welfare. Th UwclT
er are adwaya looking for ' mathoda
of lmirovemeiit in the work and tliee
meeting are of 1neatlmatl valufr
They together dlacuaaed aulijcuta und
give Individual experience In vaiioua
way. . From the individual , Mean
they can, dcrtva roethoda of ; general
good. The teailK-r are bound to make
tha Aatorla echoola a near perfect aa
From appeartmcee of the bog aheet
Flbor' Opra Houae will b crowd
ed to the door tomorrow night, whan
1 lie curtain ralae on the flrat act of
"The Muth of the Cannon," produced
by the Frank Coolcy Company,
ainommt whom are u fellow towns
man Terry McKcun, who la aure to
receive a giand ovation on hi ap
pearance aa a profeaalonal before the
f.HUlghla for tho flrat time to Aato
rlan. Of coui-m he (our Terry) ha
appeared aa an amateur for all char
I: lea during the laat 10 year In Aa
torla, and oil are vicing with-each
other to how their appreciation and
the company one and all win give a
perfornnaive worthy of the popular
prlri charged, namely IS, 23, 33 and
60 rent. He ta now aelling m (irif
fin A Iteed'i.
I Tha handanme church edifice Juat
city. For four year It member
have been diligently working to pro
vide the funda, and tomorrow' dedi
cation will chuwn with aucceaa their
long and faithful effort. The bulld-
jlng ha cunt 12350. fbeMdea. the large
! amount of labor genroualy donated
,by memU'ra and friend. There re
malna to be provjled for. an Indebted
neaa of about 1700. The dedicatory
aervlce will (be 1n charge of the Rev.
I Mft Bakimtn. of tht aghteenth-etrect
Flnnlah Lutheran church. V cordial
. Invitation la given to all to attend.
IVrvMinl Mfittion.
T. Hall la here from MonTina,
Haradon, of Portland, ia
R. J. Morrison, of Sklpanon, wa here
F. ilrlne, of Seat lie ,1s stopping at
the Parker Houae.
O. C. Hansel, Ocean Park, will spend
Wunday In the city.
N. H. Anderson, of Portland, Is reg
tatervd at the Occident.
J. Walter Beaborg and Ernest A.
feoiborg are In the city over Sunday.
John Kopp will go to Portland to
night for a few days bualneaa trip. -
Alexon Anderson, of-C-hadwpll, wa
among the vlsltora in town yesterday.
Joseph Heckard. of Chad well, at
tended the Democratic county' conven
tion yeatetrday.
H. A. Bale came to town from Young
River yesterday, He report every.
thing booming there.
Cart Boeuther, collector (or the
North Pacific brewery, went to Ilwaco
yesterday on bualneaa.
Mr. B.' Rober returned from ilwaco
last evening, where ahe had been at
tending the bedside of Mra. Lexoy, of
that place.
William Carlson, who' haa been at
tending the Portland business college,
ha returned to thla city and wll go
to Alaska In a few days.
Charles E. Lander was . about toam
yeaterday and " report that werk Is
rapidly progressing on Jhe new plank
ing on the Lewis and Clark road.
Henry Hpellmelr waa called to Seat
tle !at evening by itelegmm to attend
the bedside of W. J. Ovens, his son-in-law,
who la very alck at the hos
pital In that city, " '' '
Frank Sllnger, Theo St. Tljomas,
Fred Mattson. Wm. St. Thomas and
Benjamin SweH all timber cruisers
from rortland, arrived, on the late
train last night, and registered at the
Parker House. '
A number ot Ilwacans came over on
the Nahcotta yesterday afternoon.
George L. Colwoll, A. N. Bohn and J.
A. Howerton were among the number.
Mr. Colwell left for Portland on busi
ness last night and Editor Bohn and
Mr. Howerton left for Everett, 'to at
tendVithe grand lodge of A. O. V. W.,
which corivenea In Everett April 9.
Rate for reinsurance on the Red
Rock, 'a British ahlp, have been ralaed
to 3 per cent on account ot finding a,
buoy and1 soma salmon on the North
ern coast, She has been 128 days out
from Fraser river for London. It Is
supposed that she went' down In the
same gale as the warship Condor and
thla supposition has Caused uneasiness
and the raise In the rate.
Hale & Kern, who purchased the
French bark , Henrietta -which iwa
sunk In (he rlv some time ago, have
ralaed Jier and ahe I undergoing tem
porary repair at F1hr Landlnc
near Vancouver, Waah. Two tfracka
wera found aero hor bottom about
mldahlp, one of UieM three frt long.
She will be .towed to Pugot Bound (or
overhauling. '1 :
Tha C F. Bargent, Antelope-, North-
King and Marlon Ughtbody will tea
today If the condition are favorable.
They have been ready for a 'aw day
and are only awohlng tha weather.
The Star of 0rmany and Inchcaje
Rock, both Drltlah Mpa, went to aea
yeaterday. V -
Hluxionera John A. and IJzzle Vane
went up tha river yeaterday to load
lumber for San Franclaoo. 1
The union aoMor employed on eafl-
Ing veael between thla cooat and the
Hawaiian laland have received a ralae
In -wag from $35 to per month.
The Bcke, wWch came fii yeaterday!
I one of he large ahlpa that vtrtk
the Columbia, Hh register 2712 ton.
Hhe I unchartered.
The tug impaon will be put Into
commlaolon tomorrow, with Captain
8am Bandall a maator,
The bark Harry Morae, loading can
nery aupplle for Alaska, will aall rn
middle of next week. a v
The Hrltlah h1p flpeke, Slott, master,
from. Adeiald,; Auatraila, nd the
achoonef Alcalde, from San Franclaro,
came Into port, yeaterday In ballast.
(Continued from Page one.
TAunderstadt Mr. Prael
Cleopatra Belle Brown Hopklnson
Ml Pearl Cole
Nerlsaa Erhel Bodkin Wlreworker
Mia LIrile' McCann
Jemima Ann Highflyer
Miss Kathryn Khlvely
Anlataala Melllaa Slocum Afraid
of HI Face Mra. Van Dusen
Penelope Gertrude Doollttle
Miss Olga Heilborn
Btsy Bobblt : Mr. BpHtle
Tlnah Ann Robinson
Miss Eva Holme
Young Man Afraid of Hta Face..
Frank WoodnVld
Prof. Manteaux Captain Cloke
Assistant L. I- Hers
Count Ketchum Harry Cherry
Best of Men Prescott Wright
Evergreen Van Taaael Bpooken-
dyke's children:
Jehosophat Allan Fulton
Betsy Ann Maud Ross
Nathaniel Isaac Iver Ross
Peggy Maria Ethel Eta worth
Samantba Jane Mat tie Gregory
John Jacob Aator Merry n Troyer
Aa a result of the enterprise and
work of the promoters and participants
la a pleasure which satis
fies and brings no unpleas
ant memories if you eat at
New Style
Chop House
On Eleventh Street.
Dr. T. It. Ball
324 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore.
G. 01. Baff, Dentist
. Mansell Building.
578 Commercial St, Astoria, Or.
Central Meat Market
Your orders far
meats, both
- ' ;
. Will be promptly and
aatisiacVorlly atteuded to ,
3. W. MORTON, Prop.
TelerHone No m.
, Fresh Meats
Pickled Meats
Cored Meats
Prompt Deliveries
Lowest Prices
Christensen & Co.,
the library (und wHI be increased
about $150. Mra. p. A. Stoke, Urn. C.
W. Fulton and Mr. Alfred Tee deserve
great credit for th success of the af
fair, a It 1 through their untiring ef
fort and enterprise that it ha been
guided to. such a happy termination,
They have worked unceasingly and
may feel justly proud of the result.
All who took jart, however, deserve
a full share of credit.
There was a good attendance at the
Democratic county convention yester
day afternoon from over the county
and the buxtnea was done with dis
patch. Perfect harmony prevailed
and In the election of delegates to
the tt and congressional conven
tions there was but tittle content,
Dr. II. I Henderson acted aa chair-
man and Herman Wise a secretary.
A. M. Smith, P. B. Sovey and Dr.
Barr were appointed a the commit
tee on order of business and made a
majority report In favor of a non-partisan
movement, which ;was adopted.
Oswald West, iW. J. Cook, . A. M.
Smith,, Herman Wise and II. A. Mat
thews were chosen . delegates to tha
state convention, and Dr. Barr, P. B.
Sovey, John F. Nowlen, Perry Trullln
ger and Andrew Young were selected
as delegates to the congressional con-.
k-entlon. The convention declared In
favor of George E. Chamberlain (or
governor. ,
Although Germany has been making
special effort to establish herself In
the first rank aa a naval constructor,
yet when the emperor wanted a yacht
combining the best modern idea he
placed the order In America. Thl 1
surely recognition of American abil
ity and superior workmanship. Our
country alo excels alt others in medi
cine. Take Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters for Instance. It has been over SO
years since it was flrat introduced, and
It record of cure during that time
haa placed It in the tlrst rank among
medicines. It - la rceommendel tlf
many prominent physicians a an ex
cellent spring tonic and blood purifier;
also to cure heartburn, Indigestion,
dyspepsia, constipation, la grippe and
malaria. A trial will convince you of
It. value. . . .
Robt. J. Miller, proprietor of the
Read Houae Drug Store of Chattanoo
ga, Tenn., writes: "There ia more
merit In Foley's Honey and Tar than
any other cough syrup. The calls for
H multiply wonderfllly and we sell
more of it than ail other cough syr
ups combined."
Wanted teamsters, laborers, rock
men, tunnelmen, muckers, outside la
borers, long job. Special transporta
tion from C. R- Hansen Co., Port
land. Oregon, 24 N. Second St.
$ I O.00
We know that we have the
On the market. These
easily sell for much
more, but we were
bound to have Best Ten
Dollaj Suits to be had
anywhere. All ntw arid
, late cut, neat patterns.
Call and see them ....
S. Danjiger & Co.
Greatest of all '
C14 r tarn jf' Sal es
"' Ever held in Astoria now on at ,
4.00, 4.50,
3.50 and
These are not samples nor the remnants of other
; stores , but a Genuine Sjiot Cash Purchase fron the
y Largest Eastern Factories in America. f . . . .
' ' Bee V Abont Twine, Lead
Line, Cork Line, Cork, Jfecd
les Boat Supplies, Sails, Etc.
We Can Save You Money. '
Foard 6t Stokes Co,
15,000 Rolls Just la. Mora to Follow
Latest Designs in Exquisite Colorings.
We will sell you BORDER for your room at the SAME PRICE per
roll as tha wall and celling. We keep first-dais workmen and guaran
tee our work. Let us figure on your decorating for 1901 .
.'(S.V307 Commercial Street.
VIci KM,
All Styles,
SSP Lowest
W Prices;
Peterson & Brown.
Beats all Competition in Houso Furnishings : .
Carpets - Rugs - Mattings
'-.. . ' - V - 1 i
See my Displays ,
HEED A VJ J V t 1 1 Styles and ?rioe.
H; H; ZAPF; The' House Furnisher.
...... - , I - : : i
C. M. CUTBIRTH - Astoria, Or.
W. P. FULLER & CO. Agents.
now 7-jc per Fair
" 1.00
for 1.19
M .
5.00 ones for 2.75,
4.00 per fair
Andrew Asp,
Wares. laktr, Blartnitk iii ItrHskstr
Special Attention Given to Ship ard
1 Steamboat Repairing;, General Black-
smithing, Flrst-Cteia Horse- '
Shoeing, ate.
Insurance. Commission inl .
Shlpplnf .
Agent Well Fargo and
Pacific Ki press Comp'ys.
Custom House Broker
Copper Paint
To preserve
them from
the destructive
effects of
worma and -barnacles
prevent the
accumulation -of
grass and
other marine