THE MORNING ASTORIAN. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1902 1 nOOn Wcr mtt fiaw tvrtfi exnttlttiee 7J 16 - r be a good fudge for she too must have experience and learning or she may think that the soaps made to look like Ivory Soap are just as good. With experience she will know that they lack the remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ivory Soap 94i per cent. pure. PEATH IN A DANCE HALL .CARL. MILLER SALOOSMAS NO 3ioiti:. Was He Killed or Did He Iieof Apoplexy is the Questiou? Inquest Today. The sudden death of Carl Miller oc curred in tbe Standard Dance Hall about 4 o'clock last afternoon. The manner of his death haa caused con siderable speculation. It Is claimed that he struck at May Collins, an In mate of one of the dance halls, and with bom he had been associating, and that, missing her. he fell to the floor, Striking his bead severely against the floor and probably against an Iron railing around a stove in the vicinity of -w here he, fell. His body was picked up form the floor and plac ed in a sitting position, but It after wards developed that he was dead. Just when the breath left him is not known.. W. A. Weft, manager of the Music Dance HaB and of which Miller was one of the proprietors, heard that Mil ler was over at the Standard, drunk and giving tmuWe. He went'over and found Miller sitting in a chair in what he thought was a drunken stupor. He attempted to arouse him, but, falling, called fro assistance and took hint to his room. When he reached the room about a block away and placed Mil ler on his bed he discovered that he was possibly dead. He rushed for Dr. ' Estes and the coroner was also sent for about the same time: Upon the arrival of the doctor he pronounced Miller dead, but as the body was still warm It was evident that he had not ben dead long. Coroner, Pohl took Immediate charge of the body and had it sent to his undertaking parlors, where an inquest will be held about 18-30 this morning. In the excitement there was consid erable speculation about the .cause of Miller's death and there were various rumors and statements, .' It was claim ed that Miller had been drunk all day and had trouble with the Collins wom an. The skin was broken on , his knuckles when found and it was claim ed that in striking at' the woman be had missed her and struck some ob ject, making, hf; wound. The state-, tnent was also made that while he and the woman were scuffling, and he was attempting to punish her, some ' one ran up and seised him to save the woman and gave him a severe swing across the room, striking' his, head against the railing around &e stove and against the floor. Others stated that some one struck htm and knock ed him down against the hard floor, his head striking and causing his dath ; An Astorian reporter saw Mr. H. A. ' B'rnard. a barkeeper at the Standard, : where the trouble occurred, an J he stated that Miller was scuffling with the woman and fell to the floor. Mil ler had been drunk all day. and Ber nard, who went and picked him up from the floor after he fell thought he was merely maudlin drunk, and set him in the chair from which he was afterward taken dead. May Col. lins, the woman with whom he had had the trouble, was very much grief stricken and refused to talk about the master last evening. Dr. Estes, who examined the body, is positive that the man did not die from heart disease. He examined Mm about two weeks ago on an application to Joia the local lodge of Eagles' and the doctor says he -vd a fine physt cal examination and there was no sign of heart disease. The doctor is of the opinion that the deceased died from epilepsy caused from a rupture of a blood vessel In the brain. He thinks that the deceased received a severe shock and that this caused the rup ture of a blood vessel. When the evi dence Is heard this morning there will be more light pn the case and then K will be determined whether or not It is necessary to hold an tutopsy. It appears that there were only two or three persons witnesse to the transac tlon and some of them being excited it may be necessary to hold the au? topsy to verify the real cause of his death. Miller was about 25 years old. He came here from Bavaria about JO years ago and worked at Kopp's brewery. He has been In co-partnership with Mr. Anderson In running the Music Hall saloon for about six months. He Js well known about town and had Joined the local lodge of Eagles about two Weeks ago. He was also a mem ber of the Red Men's lodge at Ham mono;, Miner had a wife and two children in BavarJa. CONVENTION AD.IOIRNK1I (Continued from Pago one. election of Clarke la now assured. ?ears' - A touch is enough for 'cleanliness. That is .why Pears' soap lasts so. Pears' shaving soap ". is the best in all the world. Established ow io years, 5 nTnr The crutch is a poor substitute for legs, and affords a venr inconvenient and tiresome mode of locomotion there is no more pathetic sight than a person slowly and painfully moving along the street supported by these artificial limbs.. When Rheumatism settles in the bones and muscles of the legs, it is safe to predict that the victim will eventually become helpless and crutch-bound. The corrosive, irritating matter that is deposited in the joints and muscles causes the most intense pain, the knees and ankles swell, and when the natural oils and fluids that lubricate these parts are completely destroyed the joints become locked and the muscles drawn and stiff, and crutches a necessity. The acid poisons that produce rheumatic pains form in the blood, and are distributed through the system, and lodged in the arms, shoulders, hands, back and feet, or other parts of the body resulting often in total disability. A permanent cure of Rhettmatism can be effected only by a complete cleans ing of the blood, and no other remedy so surely accomplishes this as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acid effects, purifies and invigorates the stagnant blood, by the new rich blood, and relief comes to the pain-racked sufferer. S. S. S. leaves no morbid, irritating matter in the blood to reunite and produce another attack, but expels every atoni of it from the system. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, and does not impair the digestion or general health like alkali or potash, remedies, t Write for our special free book on Rheumatism, and if any medical advice or other information is wanted, our physicians will gladly furnish it without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. IN COLORADO. DENVER, April 1-Kleotlons In many Colorado towns of the minor ctasa were held yesterday. Keglstra- tlon in most places was light Oli par ties cut little figure In nomination, and in many places tout one ticket was In the ftVld. IN NEW MEXICO. , AUBUXJU BRQlTRi N. M., April S.- The Republican ticket gained a sweep ing victory In the city election here yesterday. 5tl4" The Toun Men's Institute will rive a dance at Hanthorn'a hall this evening. The Foresters gave a very enjoyable entertainment at Odd Fellows hall last evening. On account of lack of space the program it omitted. Considerable alarm was fett last evening for the V. & quarantine sta tion at Knappa, as a bu-g firs -was seen raging there a little after dark. The quarantine vessel Electro made the trip over to ascertain the cause and found that the lira was In some brash that had caught Ore near the place. Foley's Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladder right Don't delay taking. DREADFUL ATTACK OF WHOOP ING COUGH. Mrs. Ellen HarHson, of 300 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes as fol lows: "Our two children had a severe attack of whooping cough. one of them In the paroxysm of cough ing would often faint and bleed at the nose. We tried everything we heard of without getting relief. We then called In our family doctor who prescribed Foley's Honey and Tar. With the very first dose they btgan to Improve and we feel that it has saved their lives. Refuse substitutes. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates, and will not constipate like nearly all other cough medicines. Re fuse substitutes. l , Insurance. Commission and Sh'pplntr. C. J. TRENCHARD, Agent Wells Farad mid Pacific Express Conip'ys. Custom House Broker- Don't Guess at It , Hut It you are going East writs us for our rates and lt us tell you about ( clie service and aocommodittlons offer ed by the IUJN013 CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars Via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL 1 from PACIFIC COAST to Chleugo and CHOICE MEATS J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Dr. T. It. Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Yonr orders for meats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly ard saliafac'urlly atteudtd to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telepnone No 321. 'DIAMONDS. All kinds of precious stories, set and unset, ut very mod erate prices. The latest pro ductions in the jeweler's art in Society Emblems, Pins, Badges, etc. Solid value and guaranteed quality in standard matches and clocks Fine repairing.v.v.v.v.w. J. H. SEYMOUR. Some Inter esting faets When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best etrvlce obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Steeping and Chair Care on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals served a la cartt. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East, For any further Information rait on any ticket agent, or correspond with J AS C, POND, CKn. Pass. Agt or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cored Meats' Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a post tlon to give you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; UK miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. J. C L1NDSET. a H. TR.UMBELL, T. F. A R. A. Coral Agt 141 Third St., Portland. Ore. FOUNDED A.D.I710 SUN.INSURANCE OFFICE 0 LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash AaaOtav, . . Caah Aet In United matoa, a.e.A,j$ C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansomc Street San I'rtmelsco. Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO.. GEINT5 1 JOB PRINTING Of all kinds from n visiting card to a daily ih w-sjuiimt or a look. OUR LINOTYPE Typesetting Maeliine in tlin hands of competent operators enables us to turn out work requiring a largo amount of typesetting on short notice and at prices away below competitors. N6 Job too Large or too Small FAST PRESSES Three of them at the service of our increasing patronage. ARTISTIC WORK We are ready to undertake work requiring artistic finish. We are better prepared than heretofore for this class of work. PAPER STOCK. i We carry a large and select stock of the very best and medium grades of paper and printing stationery. We can please you as to quality and nnee. A trial order so heiterl i. , ...J Telephone Main 6C1. ASTORIAH JOB FFIGE ONE DOLLAR cannot bo expended to better itdvuntngo foi yourself or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the- Sotnl-Weekly Astorlorr It gives all the city and county "ews twice each week foi only ono dollar a year in ad vaueo. ..NOTICE . . To the Business Men, f To the People. Oa sd site this 4t the Morning Astortaa will be issued as usual, and as us ual win be the tMMt medium for the dlssemtnMtoSi of fuma of your buainesswtell tng ths good people where to trade for their best sd vantage sod your profit. Tala Is true because the As torlaa reaches the , people. Is rrad fcy the people, and has the confidence and ui port of the people. Money spent in Judicious advertis Ing pajra larcsr returns than any other investment you onn make. We are justified In Invit ing every clHsen to tub scribe for the Morning As torlsn at sixty vrnts a month, delivered, or fifty eents a month by mull, or to suNerltMt for the lwi. i-a-wi( Astorlnn at onn dollar a year. b-"un we offr yon full vaiuw for your coin, Ton Kt all Ih loval news smt the xinatve Associa ted rr telitrRiihla news from all parts of the world beside A clan, reliable ia irr containing these feat, uivs is worthy of support r rn ,i mum in? m mil, iMuiiMifj jmm a Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS litis been Underwriting on the Pacific Const ovei twenty-two years. SAMUEL KLMohK it CO., A nts, Anoriii, Ora , PACIFIC COAST COSIPANV COAX For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST T LEPHONE AUI.N 661 Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Big Deal in Typewriters Austrian Government Orders 1204 I Bmltb Premiers. j VIENNA. Feb. l-The greatest sin- tie purchase of typewiitters ever I maae nas seen oraorea oy tne min istry of justice, which, after three months of exhausUvs competitive tests, has contracted to equip the en tire ministry with not less than 1100 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court. Press Disitch to Portland Onwonian, February 7th Smith Premier Typewriter Co. L. A M. Alexander A (!o., Agents. PORTLAND OFFICE - - 122 THIRD STREET Pacific Navigation Company Steumcri "Sue H. Emorc," and "W. H, HarrlHon" Only iLlne-Atoiia to Tillamook, Garibaldi Buy City, IIobnonvills Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Hall road & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria ft Columbia River K. R. for Ban Francisco, Portland and all points East. For freight and passenger rstes ap ply to - Samuel Elmore S Co. General Auciitu, utorla, )r. Agents A. ft C. R. R. CO., Portland. ' B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. 0. R. ft N. CO., Portland.