THE MORNING ASTOR1AN. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 19012 Ties Itafa to. tsnoss o mjBucwTTroN. DASLT. hot r p w 0tnd fcy wrrter. Mr moo... , Mat V Mail. rw- i advao'co. W. Tb Artwie urant to U iir ttNN ta kifeet drcuUsloo of sew m-Wkahed on tn ColuiEbi REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. C. W. FULTON. CW.CARNAHAN. A.SCHERNECKAU. uny Judge ' J. II. D. GRAY. Cauu Jesloner CC CLARKE. THGS. LINVILLE. Jlerk- ' J. C. CLINTON. CHAS. IIEILBORN. or T.S. CORNELIUS. Swveyor R.C F. ASTBURY. Carmer ' ''"':':' W.GA.POIIL. Justtoe of the Peace , P.J.GOODMAN. . CoasVtble WM. CEASLEY. RISING AND SETTING SUN, When Patrick Henry and John Ran dolph, of Roanoke,, met in the politl nl arena.' Patrisk Henry was arrow ing old and enfeebled in health, while Randolph was a mere stripling. Pat rick Henry, the orator of the time, was the Idol of hl country, while, Ran dclpb, of Roanoke, was an experiment At first It was thought that no pow er on earth could unseat the great Virginian advocate of liberty, but when he met the young Virginia strip Hug, a great surprise came over the eountry. Patrick Henry represented the old regime of politics under the conditions which early cononlal days had estab lished, while Randolph, of Roanoke.' represented a new era, which modern thnes hal established. They became candidates against each other for a seat in congress. The great orator, Patrick Henry, looked upon his opponent with contempt. But when they nrst met in the public arena a different sentiment arose. Patrick Henry, la thundering tones of . elo sueaee, still advocated the principles " I lingered between life and death." "I think Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden JJedical Dis covery ' the best medi cines in the world." writes Mrs. Amelia Dougherty, of Kerrigan, Wayne Co., , Mo. "I gave birth to a baby last , summer. , After con finement I became verv ill, had the best vhysit cian that could be rot, and he diagnosed my case as uterine trouble tending to dropsy. Medicine seemed to do me no gooU. I lingered between life and death for quite a while, every day growing weaker until I could not walk across the room. My friemls were look ing for my death every minute. A friend wrote and told me about Dr. R.V. Pierce, and I at once wrote to him for medical advice. He replied immediately, giving me full instructions as to what to do. I at once followed his advice, and when I had taken his medicine about a week I fclt a good deal stronger. When I had taken it about one month I felt as strong as I do to-day. I took four bottles of each kind and two vials of ' Pleasant Pellets.', Many thanks for the medicine, It has permanently cured me." . I ih - i FISHER'S OPERA pOUSE b.ESelig, Le&sei d4 ffigr. Week Commencing Monday, April 7 fimnFcooley AsJ tte Gooley Company in Ittir Esportoirc of Es tablished Successes, as Follows. MONDAY The Mcathof theCaaoon TUESDAT The Ballet Master WHDNHSDAT THUR3DAT t I'der TwoFIaSs FRIDAY 1 SATURDAT Sire to Sea .MATIN LIU Rip Van Winkle ADMISSION Reserved seats, S5c; gal lery, adults. 36c; children. 15c; Box seats, 50c. eat sale opens Saturday morning at Griffin ft Reed's. of old, but Randolph spoke on the is sues of the day. Against the peals ot eloquence of the patriot rolled the later reasoning of the youth. He ad vocated the new era, Patrick Henry represented the old. Randolph, of Roa noke, won, Patrick Henry, the old ora tor, lost. Aa Patrick Henry passed out of polltica, and Randolph, of Roanoke, rose in the public mind, the people exclaimed the "Rising and setting Sun." Mark Hanna Is now getting old. As he totters and stoops in his dally walks about the national capital his age was known to be coming on. It was known that the future of the great Hanna was coming to an end, but still the great kader had confidence. But Roosevelt, the Rough Rider, the new American spirit, was in the sad dle and only those who coincided with his views should have power in the affairs of the government. Hanna who was supposed to have ruled the for mer president, has failed, and Roose velt has , won. Is the great Mark Hanna's power gone? Is this an Il lustration of the rising and setting sun? ' . If singleness is bliss ,of course it is folly to be wives. PERFECTION AT LAST. Have you ever tried to get a good shlDgie or roof stain and been suc cessful? The best roof and shingle stain made is now offered to you, and it will give entire satisfaction. The Creosote shingle stain for roofs, orna mental shingles, gables and belt cours es, etc., manufactured by C. M. Cut birth, Astoria, Oregon, is what yon want to use. Put up in eight colors and guaranteed to be absolutely moss proof and durable. Try It and see. The earmarks of a dude standing celluloid collar. PRACTICAXiLl STARVING. "After using a' few bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per fect and permanent relief from a se vere and chronic case of stomach trou ble," says J. R. Holly, real estata insurance and loan agent, . of Macomb, ' I1L "Befors using Ko dal Dyspepsia Cur she could not eat an ordinary meal without Intense suffering. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many reme dies had failed to give relief." Tou don't have to diet Eat aay good food you want, but don't overload the stomach. ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will always digest it for you Charles Rog ers. , . ' A man's thirst Is often due to a lack of spirits. COUGH SETTLED ON HBR LUNGS. "My daughter had a terrible cough which settled on tier lungs," says N, Jackson, of Danville, IH. "W tried a great man remedies without relief, until we gave her Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her." Refuse sub stitutes. Hart's drugstore. CAN'T KSKP A M9CRBT. Tb splendid work i Dr. King's New Lift Pla U dally coming to light No Mob. grand remedy for Liver and Bowel trouble was ever known before. Thousands bteas them for curing Con stipation. Siok Headache. Biliousness, Jaundlo and Indigestion. Try them. tSa at Hart's Drug Stors, young man to bis sweetheart than his attentions to tola mother and sisters. La grippe cough yield quickly to the wonderful curative quattUM of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is noth ing else "Just aa good." Hart's drug store, ..''.-.. March has been very mucn like some of our state senators full of wind. Nothing should better trcommcn a SURGEON'S KNIFE NOT NEEDED. Surgery la no longer necessary to cure piles. De Witt's Vinton Hatet Salve cures such cases at once, remov ing the necessity for painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it is unequalled. Be wars of counterfeits. Charles Rogers drug gist. era nave fallen in love. Many small ains are hatched by the incubator of Idleness, A SEVSRE COLD FOR THREE MONTHS. The foUowtng letter from A. J. Nes oauu, ot Bateeval. lad., tells its own story. "I suffer for three month t with a sever cold. A druggist pre pared me soma medicine, and a physi cian proscribed for ma, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley Honey and Tar, and eight dose cured me." Refuse substitutes. Hart drugstore. PROPOSALS WANTED. . Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., March 4, 1902. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 a m., April 4. 1902, and then opened, for the construction at Vancouver Barracks, Waab., of a subsistence storehouse. For full In formation, plans and specifications ap ply to this office. U. a reserve the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked: Proposals for construction of a subsistence storehouse at Vancouver Barracks, Waah." and addressed to the undersigned. J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M . WOULD SMASH THE CLUB. If .members of the "Hay Fever As sociation" would use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the club would go to pieces, for It always cures this malady and Asthma, the kind that baffles the doctors It wholly drive from the system. Thousands of once-hopeless sufferers from consump tion. Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to It It conquers Grip, save little ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and Is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung trouble 60c, J1.00. Trial bottle free at Hart's Drug Store. One of the chief virtues so often overlooked by youth, is alien :e. FO THE COMPLEXION. The complexion always sufferes from blllioitte4ss or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impuri ties from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions. De Witt's Lit tle Early Risers keep the liver and bowels In healthy condition and re move the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Go., says: "I took De Witt's Little Early Risers tor bil iousness. They were Just what I needed. I am feeling better now than In years." Never grip or distress. Safe thorough and gentle. The very best pills made. CHAS. ROGERS. BESTOF EVERYTHING In a Word This Tells of the Passenger Service via the Sorlhweslera line.. Eight Trains Dally Between 8t. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Car, .Library and Observation Cars, Fre Reclining Chair Cars, The 20th Century Trains Runs luverjr Day of the fear. The Finest Tram in the Worlo Electric Lighted lieittd THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, th Finest Daily Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West Made vis The NORTHERN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN AND. CANADIAN PACIFIC R'TS. This is also the BEST LINE between Omaba, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All Agents Sell Tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, General Agent f ' Trav. Agent US Alder Street. PorUand. Orego... Call at th Occident barber shop for up-to-dat work. Tors ftrst -! car. TO CURB A COLO IN ONE DAT. Takt Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggist refund lbs money It it fall to cur. E. W. Grove s sig nature 1 on each box. No, Foley's Kidney Cur make th kid ney and bladder right Contain noth ing injurious. Hart' drugstore. PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS A COLD. But never follow the use ot Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lung and affords perfect security from an at tack ot pneumonia. ' Refuse substi tutes. Hart s drug store. A Joke of the right sort never needs to be interpreted. THE VICE OF NAGGING. Clouds the happinoas ot the home, but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run down in health that trifles annoy her. 't she Is melancholy, excitable, trou bled with loss ot appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dlssy apeUs, she needs Electric Bitters, the moat wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands ot sufferer from female trouble, nervous trouble, backache and weak kidneys have used It, and become healthy and happy. Try it Only SOa Hart' Drug Store guar antee satisfaction. AU pictures ot earthly happiness are but (transient guests. DANGER OF PNBUM0NIA:. A cold at this time If nsgiected Is liable to cause pneumonia which Is often fatal, and even when the pa tient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development ot con sumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia Hart's drug store. Evil thoughts are never iwrn of true wit. LOCKJAW FROM COBWEB Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the best thing to put on a cut is Buck len's Arnica Salve, the Infallible heal er of Wounds, Ulcer, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Burns, Scalds snd Piles. It cures or no pay. Only lie at Hart's Drug Store. A benevolnt face is But always an easy thing to borrow. SEND IT TO TOUR FRIENDS. The subscription price of the Semi Weekly Astorlan bos been reduced from two dollars to only ONE DOL LAR A TEAR. Tou could not pur chase a more valuable gift for a dol lar than a year's tuhserlpMon to the Astorlan with which to pleaxe feople who are acquainted with Astoria or Clatosp county, or with which to in terest those who are not acquainted. Be honest, not from iKli;y, but from principal. Success without eelf-oppro-bation is a failure in illBguUe. COULD NOT BREATHE Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronch itis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cur Is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and li quifies the mucous, draws out the in flamatlon and removes the cause ot the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "On minute ough Cur will do all that is claimed for it," says Jus tice of the Peace J. Q. Hood Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." Charles Rogers. The successful man keeps his hand on today and his eye on tomorrow, and works In the present while scrut inizing the future. We have Just received a fresh lot of clear Havana cigars, including the American and La Mia goods. Send us your order. FOARD & STOKES CO, Cream pure rye, America's finest whisky. The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L, CARLSON, Sole Agent. PROPOSALS WANTED. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., March 14, 1902. Sealed proposals, la triplicate, will be receiv ed '. here until 11 a. m., April 14, 1902, for furnishing fuel at military posts in this department, for ; fiscal year commencing July 1, 1902. Infor mation furnished here or by quarter masters at posts.' U. S. reserves right to rejec or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Fuel at," addressed, J. W. Jacobs, C. Q. M. RAW OR INFLAMED LUNGS. Yield rapidly to the wonderful cura tive and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. It prevents pneu monia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. Hart's drug store. It time was money, this town would have a lot of rich loafer. .. Some people are born ignorant Oth- G. (0, Barr, dentist ManeU Building. 578 Commercial St., Astoria, Or. TQUSTHONB RED SOU. Eating Is a pleasure which ntig litxs and bring no unpleu ant Dicmoritti if you cut nt The New Style Chop Mouse , On Eleventh Street. The Oucen of Her Profession MISS JEANE DUMONT Palmist and Clairvoyant (f m how to chang vonr life of misery and disappointment to one of SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS Thar is no life ao dreary, no haart ao sad that csnuot be oomforte.l by a visit to this wonderful woman. She advise on love, courtship, iimrrisgf, business, speculation, lawsuits, ami In fact anything pertaluing to human welfare. HER FEE IS WITHIN REACH OF ALL. PARLORS-Booms 25 l Pairs Building. Hours 10 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Daily and Sunday. Palmiatry taught. Medium developed,. Castings We are prepared to make them oa short notice and ot th best materials. Let us give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest price for flrst-claas work. TELEPHONE NO. 2451. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Lopgers. A V. ALLEIN Tenth and Commercial Streets North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popular Product oftlie only brewery In North western Oregon enjoys a vcryj large domtsttlc and ex port Sale. KOPPS BEST bottled or in kegs. Fre City Dellvery. Jjie Finest Restaurant in the City Palace Everything the Commercial St. Market Affords. HQTHL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON i The Only FlrHt-Cla Hotel In Portland Acorn Steel ' S ' ill . vy wiuanip. a LuxoriousTravel Th "Northwestern Umlid train, slsctrto lighted throughout, both lusid ami out, and stsam heated, art with out exception, th finest trains In tb world. They embed r th Utsst, rwt n 1 beat Ids for comfort oonvsnlwc and luxury vr offered tb travelling ouhllo. and altogether r th most complete and spUndld production of rh our buUJsrs' art. The splendid Trains Coansct With...., ,. The Great Northern The Northers I'aclflc sod The Cannttlao I'aclflc AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO n4 the EAST. fv txtra chart tor ths superior scmmodwtloiis and all rUista of tick et ar avsllabls for passtg on th tnln oa this pt ar protectd by th Interlocking I!Uai ystin. W. H. UOAts H. L. SISLEU, General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland, Oregon. A woman who marvelous power ha won for her thpraiMot two ns lions. Why oodiuII a Palmist or Clairvoyant utiles you consult th Iwst. Mis Jeane Da mon! is not to be classed with lb many imitator of her profession, who inttwt th country. She la th only in comparable, suprsm waster ot the bidden fore, tbt coutrol your destiny. No matter how unaucoesstul yon have boon with other, do not despair; she advise yon IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IronO Brass Works Cor. Ituh tud Ftauklln are: Regular Meals, 2." cents, Sutitiay Dinners a Specialty. 1. l Whipple Cook Stove. This is the'reliable Acorn Kt Uook Stove. Bent mads, lasts longer, burn 1m fuel and is made bettor than any other stoej cook stove on earth. For sale in Astoria only by ML J. Scully 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth tod Tenth 1ITE COLLAR LINE Jorlland - Astoria fyuta. STR. 'BAILEY GATZERT." Hull round trti sscfjit Bunaay. ' TIME CARD Lmtvs l'wtlsnil 7 a. m. Loavs Astoria 7 p. n. r.riiu4i PimmIiuuI miuixotlon with shHMiiw Mabwlra from liwaoo and LoiHt Itosfh Point. WMtf Cullsr Lin Ucknt Intsr itiangmtile with O. it. N. Co. snd V. T. ito. tlokou, The Dalles Route STR. "TAH0MA." and "BONITA" lisllf trip i't Honour. TIME CANO Str. "TAH0MV lavs Portland Mm . WVd Krl.. T a. m. Uave !Htw. Tut.. Thur,. But., 7 a m, Str '"IIONITA" l.v. l'rUand Tu, Thur, U., 7 a m. 1,. IVUUmi, Mm.. Wod., m. 1 . m. Undlax at f"t of ALU Wrwt, I'urt land OrvsL. HoUi Ti. Main Kl AOKNTH. J. M. niloon. The lvll, Or. A. J. Taylor, . AtorU. Or. rrai a llwinmn. Hl itivnr, (to. Wolturd Wyer. Wtolt fcUmon, Wn. J. V. Wyalt. Vanoourw, W, a II. Otlfowtfc, Urto- Wn. John M. Tutloo, Mtnvsnsun, Wn. Henry Ohnauwd. Carsnn. Wn. K. W. CIUC1ITON. lUwd Ortoo. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. IJtAVB PORTLAND Aiuta ml rtwUMd Imiou llrnut 7 00 p n I Pur A.lurU and Wj Wp m l I'nittU AHTOHlA TiV (" ? l'urt)ad ud W.y 1 10 p. ii I P.iInU i'liaDsm Uiaipn MtCAtlllK DIVISION It. in j" A.u.rU tty Wurreiium, ' ; 4 00 p U4 luu m II s m 7 W p aa a ri4fw, run m.Ttiw, llkwrauml and Amuru S.uliln Sir M'rniiitun. Ktuvri, llanin ml. fori Hrit ami Alris l a 1 m a hi ) m Sunday only. All trslii mak rtus connctl.n at Gobi with sll Norlhnn l'solflo train to and from th Kail and Sound point. t. C. MA TO, On'l Frlf ht and Pssnrr Aot. Oregon Snotr Line and UisioiN Pacific TIME rtfHSD. Depart Chloiuro Portland Special :00.m. via Hunt ington At'iantlo Express :W p. m, via Hunt tnilon Ht. Paul Fast mall I p. m. via Bpokan ULB8 From Portland.) Pall lAk.Dnvr, Ft, Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City HI. Louis, Chicago Arrtv 4:10 p.m. and Bsst Bait Ik.Dnvr Ft. Worth. Om. ha, Kansas City, :10 a. m Bt. Linuls. Chlosfo and East. Willi Walla. Iywlston, Bpo. kani. Mlnnsanolu Ht. Paul. Dulutb 7:00 a. m Mllwukw, Chi cafo and East 71 hours from Portland to Chfoafv. No Chang ot Cars. OCEAN AND RrVBR SCHEDULE From Astoria All sailing dats subirot to ohangs. For Han FrsnclsJ It. m, M. Monday syerjr flvs day. Columbia Itlvsr 7 a. m. Dallv ( ocot Sun. To Portland and W)rJLandlngB. Bteamir Nahootta leaves Astoria oa tide dally, except Hur.dar. (or Ilwaoo. connecllng there with trains for Long Heacn, Tioga anil North Beb polsta Keturnlng strives at Astoria sam vn Irg. O. W. LOUNSBBItRT, Agwt. Astoria. a. i crtAia. Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portland. Orecon. RATB3 AOAIN IU2DTJCEJD. From All Polnu East. Defone you make dertnlte srrsnre. menu for that trip east let us quota you rsiU-s via th Illinois Central rail- road, Our rates are the lowest tn t had, and It will pay you to writ us. If you hav not time to communicate with us tU th sgont from whom you purchase your ticket that vi. want to travel by way of the Illinois Central, and you will never regret th trip. If any of your relatives or friend, in the Bast are coming wont while th low rate are In effect writ us about them, and we will see that they get the lowest rates with the best service. Through tourUt cars. Dersonallv m. ducted ewurslon cars, fre reclining oimir cars-in fact all th latMf v.n. venlenee known to modern railroad- ing. For particulars regarding rates, time service, stopovers, different connec tion and routes, eto., to., call on or address: B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent, ltt Third Street, Portland, Oregon.