ONLY SOAP. Tho Golden SUr, a wmp, ordinurily Holla I'nce, 85 cento ....... ROSS, The Morning Astorian TI3IJ3P1IONB m. TODAY'S WEATHER, l'OUTl.AM. Maivh SS-Oreicon and Wiuthlnirlou, fair Manner, exvopt amu llw (smut, ifHliwcatorly wind; Idaho, fnlr mij wgniirr, westerly wlmU. CMituti sella rv4. KmlD and bay, Call aluln Ml fur your coal require ments, order promptly oiled. Jto'a good biWktaat mub try our Cream llutled Oats.-Juhnaon htm V it It our Perfection Drand M-fta and Juva cofTet, it's fosd-Johnum Mm. Call at tbt Occident barber shop tor up-tot work. Thrta nrt-clsa bar. bara. Any child buy aa wall and aa cheap ly from ui aa tba moal sipartonoed buyar.-Jobnaon llroa. Japan's loods or all kind, cheap at th Yokohama Baaaar, 123 Commercial eireet. Wantrd Furnished cottage for Um auimner by eamful tenant. 11. O. BMITK. Treason racking Co. Tou will And th btat tto maal In tue tliy at tli Hlsing Hun Restaurant, No. 11 Commercial St lr 1'alion. Page building, haa Just received a new supply of vaccina ma larial; guaranteed abolutly pure. It you want box wood, ilab wood or other firewood, telephon Kelly, tba traaafar man. Phone nil black. A larie Una of Tor Rant, For Bala, Furnished Room and other outplay card ar for sale at tha Aatortan of flc. Patronise bom Industry by amoklng the "Pride of Astoria" cigar; finest mad. Manufactured by MaoFarlan and Kaobel.' P. A. Kant.w. in Welch block, will Coll for your dothee to olean, dya, re pair and press, and will deliver thenv King up phona, red tM. A aiN-lHl dunce will be given by the Ordr of IVnda on Monday avanlng, March 31, W, at Foard A Blokes' hall. Ailmlwlun gentlemen, fl; ladloa fre. Tha Young Men' Inatltut will glv a grand ball at llanthorn'a hall on tha evening of Thursday, April 3, 150J. Admission, gentlemen Hoc. litdli-s fre. Koalyn coal laat longer, I cleaner and makes lent trouble with atovea and ihlmney fluen than any other. George W, Sanborn, agent; telephone 1311, Kdwanl Moore niul family of thla iiy leave for Malm' In a few day. Mr. Mcxirn hu elusive I nit-rent In Idaho, ami expert to make It Ma fu Inn1 hcmiB. Thrve vrwM'lN and a ateamahlp c!or i'il out yesterday. It wan a tine day n th? bar. The vel were taken nut Nuifiilly, though Die tide waa unusually low. I .ik lira wanted Ui work on aofa pil lows; material furnished; Meanly work gunmnleMl .experience unnecessary. Hend stumped i-nvelope to Mlaa Mcflee, Nneillewiirk IVpartment, Ideal Com pany, (.'hk'UKo. The city health authorities report llutrlcy who la confined In thw peat hoiiHf with ainallpox 1o be doing well, It la nliwi fWitml poalllvely that no new fawn hnve d-vt'loMl, and the author. Itln hiv hiKful that itHcre wilt be none, Two Hwhco achool girls, while play ing, bpcnme rntangled and had to send fur a phyrli'lun to gt aeparatod. The diwa hook of (uio-cauglit In tho ntia trll of thn other and It could not be relrwMHl without the aid of the local phyahlnn. The Republican county ceivljal com mittee haa rented rooms In tho Ful- ton-Dement tiulldlng on Commercial Hirwt and will open tieadauarteni at .m..a ThA tiiinnt..rB will llut A.rannwl by Monday and regular campaign n 111 be Itutugurated. The old problem of providing a suit able water aupply for Fort Stevens Kcenis now about to be aolved. A par ty of engineer olllceri have been mag Ing surveys and estimate during paat month for a pip line to bring waiter from the 'Lewis and dark at a point above the canon, where a never falling (tow of the pure cold fluid can be drawn from. Indications point to the conrftructon of th plant at an afy date. Toung Waud, who la atlll at 8t. Mary'a hospHai; la reported ta be do ing well. The bullet ha not yet been high grado, pruaaod iaiy for $1.10 a box. Our i HIOOINS & CO. located, however, and thera la soma diuh of at attil being n hi Ixaly. It U thought that ha may have awal low It or aplt It out at th llme.'un d. th 4hory that It fell loosely Into hi mouth aft.-r It had paaaed through lh upper gum. Th Inmutaa of the Aator Houwi arc at liberty, the quarantlna being raised yesterday morning. While 4her haa possllily ei.n no great dangnr of con tuglon on account of the man Ilagley having ali pt there, alnc the place wua tttnilgaled, atlll audi precautlona ar neccawry to make sure. Th hotel U aaaln open for bus! ties and there la no wiMlblv danger from It. The Chun will all b decorated today and Kaator aervloea will be held generaly, and of course the proverbial hat will be In avldenca. Th design thla year am unusually handsome and If the waaiher la good today the crlt Ica will Im kept busy, aa well aa tboae a'ho juat look on becaua they admire a thing because ft la a "beauty and Joy forever." The member of the local lodgw of tfeta ar preparing for an Easter aoclable thla afternoon. Tha orchjtraJ of tha order haa been rehearsing for several daya and one of tha feature of lite entertainment will be the muwlc Of course, tbe refrwhrnents will bt of th heat, and, a the Ragtra aoar high, thla entertainment will not fall short of a great ucct. HI nee the Alaska fUhertnen'a strike In Han Francisco haa been declared off. the matter will also be dropped by th interested parties In Ibis city, aa tha fishermen thought It not ad visable to hold out for tba ralae In the prices alter tha Pan Francisco men had agreed to work for the old rates). They hope, however, to effect aotne modification In th form of contract now offered by the companies befora the season opens. Winter Ilober. tho 17-year-old aon of Uert Itober. the engineer of the Nah- cotta, who haa been sick . for some lime, ran the Nahrotta to Ilwaco and back on one of her trla thla week. Mr. O'Dell, the engineer who Una been taking F.nglneer llober'a place, waa called away to Portland, and H looked aa If the Nnhcotti would not be able to make the trip. Rmrlneer Itober waa carried nlxwrd the veasel and under hi dlreotlon the boy did all of the work on the trip. The tuttboat Oeo. It. Voanburg. V Uill, captain, which arrived In port Friday night from Tillamook, waa fined $.W0 yestwday by Collector of Cuatoms Fox for vlulatlng section U6S of the United 8tatea Ucvtacd Statute in carrying more paaxengora than per mlrtuHl nniler the tsiat's certificate. Al though lite bfwit I permitted to curry 12 paseengers when ahe arrived In port there wre i on board. Huch flagrant violation of the law re licet tittle cred it on the management of the vessel or the discretion of her ofttuera. A short time ago ahe crosaed tha bar when a storm was raging and It waa unsafe, to make the trip, It Is reported that the sea was o high that water act ually went down her smokealack. Speaking of the regatta question yes terday Mr. W. .T. Chutter aold that ho waa mtt in favor of postponing the re gatta for a single season. He aaid that tha people over the country were ex pecting the regatta; that If It waa once postponed they would took to other points for amusement, ,and that to take the regatta up again after let ting It drop for a while would be like beginning anew, and much of the work would have to be done over again. Thla applies eapeolally to advertlalng. Aa It la, It Is already advertised, and the public begin to expect It at Us, regular time. He la heartily In faver of making the regatta a permanent In atttutloiv Like many others, he claim that the. money expended flnda Its way back to them with Interest, and that it Is In every way beneficial to th city, and In no way detrimental. Secretary, of State F. I. Dunbar waa In the city yesterday and returned to Halem by the evening train. The sec retary waa kept busy while tvere shak ing hands with old friends, and while 'he had nothing of a public nature to say on state politics, he waa delight ed at the local situation. Ha found everything harmonious here; in fact, It la atated that It waa the moat har monious convention that haa been held in Clatsop county In the paat 1ft yeara No objeotlon la raised to any of the nominees, and the statement la uni versally made that It la a good .ticket from top to bottom, tie -was also glad to receive the unanimous endorsement of hla home people. (While no opposi tion has risen against Mr. Dunbar 1n this state,, there la no 'better recom mendation than ithe foot that his home people are for him to a man. The trial of Mat Jairvl, oharged with the murder of hla father, waa cohcludt d before the examining court yester day afternoon." Jar vl himself went on th aland add told all about th killing, II ald that hla father had not been living at noma for om Urn rrgu larly, and that whan h got drunk b cam to tha house and gava them trou ble, On th night of tha killing the boy heard hla father raising the dis turbance down stairs, and ha got up ad took th pistol, whlofc he thought waa not loaded, and want down to frighten hla father away. When, he opened th door and presented the revolver, Ma father grabbed at It, and In tha excitement th revolver waa discharged. Young Jarvl claims that he doe not know in what manner It was discharged, but eaya it was ac cidental. Hla ball waa act at 2000, but a the hour waa lata no attempt was mad to make tha bond teat even ing, Hla attorney aaya he people of Unlontown generally are In aympatby wlthr young Jarvl, and that he thinks they will make the bond for him. INtnoiihI Mention. Captain Oeorge Tyler, of Heat tie, la at the Occident. K'. C. Iloweratock, of Itlock Houae, Is at 1h I'arker House. K. J. O'Connur, of 1'ortlandi came down on the night train. , Ix-xon Anderson was In from the Lewis and Clark ycanerday. Mia Corlnne Hanson la visiting Mlas Anita Trenchard In thla dty. W. W. Itldehalgh and family return ed from Portland last evening. Mlsa Nellie Sherman, of McOowan, la sending Easter with Mr. A. Dun bar. Theo. Fesaler, Ph. l, late of Port land, has accepted a position In Hart'e drugstore. it. E. Davla and Irwin Burke, of Anacortes, Wash., are In the city and staying at the Occident. Mr. V. Karri and children of Ore gon City visited Mr. Harrta' father, Mr. J. W. Conn, during th week. Theodore Tessler, who left Astoria five year ago, and haa since resided on the Sound and In Portland, return ed yesterday to remain. He will be Joined by Mr. Fessler In a few day. Frank Hart expect to leave soon for an extended visit in California. Ob servations as to Ms further Intentions are a yet unuuthoslxed. GLASS BLOWHr.8, Will Iteinaln !n Asto.Ma a Few Day LsngpV. Owens" Olas Itlower In tli Kinney building, Commercial street, are at taining larce .-rowda Many people witnessed .their exhibition last week. They will remain but a few day longer. Those t-ontomplatin paylnj them a vlalt -hmild avail iheinsclv of the opportunity at once. The ad mission la but 15 cental and every via Itor receives a gUas present. THH ASTOIt HOfSK yi'AIlANTINE. Kdltor Morning Aatorlin: In Nhe Evening News, of Saturday, apiaar worthy suggestion from our n-idltal fraternity as to what sliojld have been done concerning the Aatur House case. corroalve bathe, etc. Permit me to aay that good eo.ip baths are at a premium In many parts of this city, and our sterilising apparatus Is somewhat brok en down. Aa to the house being quor anilned for IS or 20 days after the people directly exposed had escaped and the house ithoroughly fumigated, especially the room occupied by the diseased, it was hardly necesary, more especially when the nldu of Infection did not effect there any more than any other part of the city, for he covered the city pretty well before he waa cooped. However, if these eminent phyelctana will leave their namea at my office the Rnrd of Health will thank them In detail. C. A. CORMNER. City 'Physician. BID9 FOR WOOD. ItkU will be received by School Dla- trlct No. 1, at the office of the achool clerk, until April ISth. 1902, for 200 cords or more of Bark Slabs, or Hem lock, tout -foot wood, to be delivered to the different school buildings of the district, a may be required, on or be fore the 15th day' of July, 1902. Right reserved to reject any and all bhls. By order of the board, E. Z. FERGUSON, Clerk. COULD NOT BREATHE. Cough, cold, croup, grip, bronch- Itl. other throat and lung trouble ar quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Oough Cur Is not a mere expectorant, which give only temporary relief. It oftn and li quifies tha mucous, draw out the In flamatlon and remove tha causa of the disease. Absolutely aafa. Acta at once. "One minute ough Cur will do all that Is claimed for it," aaya Jus- rice of the Peace J. Q. Hood Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and waa relieved by th first dose. It haa been a benefit to all my family." Charlea Roger. Pears' Only those who use it know the luxury of it. Pears' is the purest and best toilet soap in all the world. XatabUsbedever my! THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. ;, The candidate nominated at tha Republican county convention laat Fri day do not need any individual Intro duction to the pubHc. They art all well known, and, a atated by alt who have expressed (hemaetve on the sub ject, not a mistake waa made In the excitement , of poll Ilea and personal ambition and destre men .are some times nominated by a convention com posed of good citizen, who ar Justly unsatisfactory to the party and the public. In what Is called "trading a favorite In" faction aometime get men nominated for a purpose and not because of their Individual qualifica tion. Rut in laat Friday' convention there waa plenty of good material to select from and the content never reartied beyond the point of good Judg ment There la but one excuse for not sup porting every man on the ticket, and that will b on political ground. If other parlle put out a ticket then non-Republican would naturally be expected to vote the other ticket on political grounds, in many cases. But from, a standpoint of honesty and cap ability the ticket worthy the sup port of every voter tn the county, and It Is safe to aay that should another ticket be placed In the1 field this will still draw a large aupport from men who may not believe m the principle of the party of Lincoln and Oarfleld and McKmtey. Many of the candidates have been tried, and their stewardship waa strongly Instrumental In placing them before the people again. The other are equally known In prtvale life for their honeety and ability. It I from men who poseeaa the right quallflca tDon here that w select our public. eervanta. Not a charge can be regis tered against either of them, those who are In office already, or those who are about to be tried for the first time- It la aald tout If a man haa ever done anything out of the Hoe of right it will be found mtt If he run for office. It I claimed that thmgs are often found of which the candidate 1 Ig norant himself, and H la further claim ed that the allegations are generally proved, but In the case of this ticket nothing ha been charged, and it t presumed that It 1 an exreptloual one all the way through. Frlday'a convention did good work. It Is such a convention aa I good for a party. It waa not only a harmonloua meeting, -without strife at the time, but the effects have proved harmonlx ing. It waa a ewt of re-unlon aa well aa a working body. Under paat con ditions some dlfferece of opinion had arisen between prominent members of the party .which had resulted in no good for the party. But Jast Friday they all met together and their work haa brought harmony all along the line. Thla harmony give strength to the party and ticket, not only within the party, on account of the general confidence, but it seta a strong exam ple to outaldera, and will not have a tendency to drive them away. It haa been atated that the work ha made vote that have never bien obtained before. ' It Is well. The candidates are good enough for anybody. If they are elect ed the public may rest assured that they will perform ihelr duty to the best Interest of the country from the highest to the lowest office. GRAND OPENING. AT HOEFLBR'S. Commencing Saturday, March 29, we will open our elegant soda fountain and Ice cream parlor to the public. All flavor of aoda; several flavor of lee cream PRBSI DENT'S FIRST MESSAGE. The president's first message wa considered by everyone, regardless of political differences, to be a wonder ful literary production, and waa of such a character aa would tend to raise the author much higher In tha estimation of the people of the United States. In selecting a medicine moat aulted for family needs it Is always wise to choose one that Is held In high esteem by thousands of people who know Its value from personal exper ience. Such a medicine la Hoatetter's atomach Blttera. No other remedy can take Its place aa a cure for belch ing, heartburn, : dliilneas, headache, nervousness, Indignation or constipa tion. We would, therefore, urge every sufferer to try It It la also a splen did spring tonlo and preventive of la grtppe, malaria, fever and ague. RATES AGAIN REDUCED. """" From All Points East. Before you make definite arrange ments for that trip east let us quota you rates via the Illinois Central rail road. Our ratea ar the lowest to be had, and It will pay' you to write us. If you have not time to communicate with us tell the agent from whom you purchase your ticket that you want to travel by way of the Illinois Central, and you will never regret the trip. If any of your relatives or friend in the East are coming west while the low rates are In effect writs us about them, and we will see that they get the lowest rates with the best service. Through tourist cars, personally con ducted excursion cars, free reclining chair cars in fact all tha, latest con veniences known to modern railroad ing. For particular regarding rates, time service, stopover, different connec tions and routes, etc., eta, call on or address: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent lil Third Street, Portland. Oregon. Thoro'o Nothing "Just 38 Good" K A Dr. Pierce' Favorite Preacriptio) for womanly diseases. - No one know this better than the woman who baa tried local doctors and many medicine and found no cure until she began the use of Favorite Prescription." It establishes regularity, stop weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and cure female weakness. It make weak womtn strong and aick women well. - I wu troubled for three ynmrttb alcers tlon and frnule vnkwa tnt air doctor gave me but little relief wrilra Mra. Lulu Hunter, of Attrition. Ht. Co., Mo. I asw aa sdrertiaetnrirt in the paper of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Preacription. I began the me of It about a year ago. I took kit bottle of U, and one bottle of ' tkiklrn MnlksJ Discovery,' and my health is brtler uiw than it waa for years. I nave alao rerutnnv-niled time medicines to some of my frimda. -.ho auflrrrd from female wtakaeaa, and good fvaulta have followed. Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of at one cent stamp to pay expense of mailing only. ' Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. V , , The Foard at Stokes Co. have Juat received a shipment of Wilson whisky. Thla Is one of the finest rye whiskies produced in America. Call for it and you will get the beat. Cream pure rye, America's . finest wbisky. The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CARLSON, Sole Agent ICE CREAM. ' For Easter dinner. Any flavor de sired. In molds, packed well In Ice. Delivered to' any part of the city1 free .Hoefier, phona 132L ' We have just received a fresh lot of clear Havana cigars, including the American and La Mia goods- Send us your order. FOARD & STOKES CO, Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kid neya and bladder right Contain noth ing Injurious. Hart's drugstore. The man who entertains bis thoughts would htte dreadfully bad for his neighbors to see his guests sometimes. Dp. lattheto Patton Physician and Surgeon. . OfflM aid Resieeic Pag BaiMIsr. Calls answered day and night C. ffl, Baff, Dentist Man sell Building. 78 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore. ' TELEPHONE RED 206L : . $ 1 0.00 We know that we have the BEST TEH DOItMH SUIT On the market. These easily sell for much more, but we we're bound to have Be6t Ten Dollaj Suits to be had anywhere. All ntw and late cut, neat patterns. Call and see them . . . . S. Danziger & Co. V 1 OUR SUTS 'Have your pui5e REGULATE your buying, But tell It the PURCHASE must be made at SHANAHAN'S! SPECIAL FOR Childrens Dresses Just arrived, Fifty doz en of the latest styles in Childrens' Dresses. Sizes from one year to fiteenJ years inclusive. Prices 35, 45, 50, m, 75, 1.00 and 1.2-5. At SHANAHAN'S All these SHANAHAN'S i Fishermen! See Ua About Twine, Lead Line, Cork Line, Corks, Need le, Boat Supplier, Sails, Etc. We Can Save You Money. Foard 6t Stokes Co. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY WALL PAPEi! Rolls Juat la. Mora to Follow , Litest Designs ia Exquisite Colorings. ' W will sell you BORDER for roar rooms at the SAM3 PRICE per roll aa tba wall and ceiling. We keep first-class workmen and fuaran- tee our work. Let us figure oa four decorating for 1901 " B. F ALLEN & SON. 305-967 Commercial Street. SPRING SHOES Oxfords. Patent Leathers. Vic! Kid, Latest. Swellest. All Styles', Lowest Prices Peterson & Brown. Just Arrived A Splendid Assortment of Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares and Mattings. Latest Popular Styles and Best Qualities. H. H. ZAPF, He House Farnisher. Cutbirths's FOR THE .' ' BOTTOMS OP BOATS I AND VESSELS. rtANUFACTURED BY C. M. CUTBIRTH - Astoria, Or. W. P. FULLER & CO. Agests. TWO DAYS ONLV Ladies' Gloves Visit out glove depart ment and be convinced of the extraordinary values we are offering; for two days only. 1.75 gloves for 1.50; 1.50 ones for 1.25; 75c ones 50c; 50c ones 25c At SHANAHAN'S Values at Andrew Asp, j VigH IiltT. Blarkuritk ui Itnetketr j FIRST-CLASS WORK AT i REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship ard j Steamboat Repalrinaj.Genera! Blaek- , smithing. First-class Horae- I Shoeing, ' me. v ' L CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPidsSIKC AH goods shipped to our care Will receive special attention. No. 53S Duane St W. J. COOK. Mgr. I a . r t Ma ASLiiui vie. ntn. xeio ujx. Ve"-V t Copper Paint To preserve them from the destructive effects of worms and barnacles and prevent tha accumulation of sea grass and other marine aubstances. . . i