t V THE MORNING ASTORlAN. SUNDAY. MAROI 9. 1902 M ED b Bosom &ff Psiffn Rheumatism seems to take a fiendish delight in torturing its ixu mouc oi punisnment ever invented by man, or practiced bv devil-mssesswl bodily suffering, such deep, racking pains, as this pitiless ttiacoac. Aueumausm leaves m its trail distorted muscles. viuukcu aim missnapen joints and limbs, and the intense furrowed countenance of the sufferer. Rheumatism makes us grow old and decrepid before our time, and many an rm A in tt full , f 1 lit . . i v it- 7 , , "5" U1 maunooa nas oeen suddenly Stricken DV thlS Tilth IMS rllCMC OnH Tmrt olmncf oo V.11 J J 1 . . , J - rvT iT vr , . , ,7, "v75fc aau uepenaem as an miaut. Chained to the invalid's chair or hobbling about on crutches, and continually tormented with nam. the nahent in desnerntirm wsnrts tn rfc f ...i. i. j.- j. . , , r r.; r . t:a, wmcu ueaaen me pain out lead to ruinous habits. There is no disease so aggressive and stubborn as Rheumatism , " r-wux , ";uT ur uxcu m lIlc system, and no liniment or other external rv- uu uy nunucai gooa. Ktieumatism is not due to outside influences or causes, but is a institutional disease, an internal inflammation produced by p too acid condition of the blood. Waste matter that should have been cast out of the bodv is retained fermentation takes place, Uric, Lactic and other acids form and are absorbed into jiw viivuiaius uiivuu ljic djoicxu every joint, membrane, tissue and nerve is saturated with these corrosive, irritating acids ; when exposure to cold and damp or a spell of indigestion will bring on a fierce attack that almost takes the breath by its suddenness and severity. The parts affected become inflamed and swollen, and every movement is attended with pains that seem to cut like a knife into the tender flesh and nerves. After Rheumatism becomes chronic there is al- W9VQ a CnrPTIACC and nwi1rnaiM r( f Via ,1 throbbing pains in the muscles and joints and an ever increasing stiffness of the lir.ibc. This Demon of Pain attacks the old and young, the strong and the weak no one is exempt, but from middle life to old age is the time when its assaults become most frequent aud sevoro. in.. uitigita ucym iu wuuc, me uicxki grows wcas anu mm, ana is easily chilled, the circulation becomes uncertain and slow and there is scarcely a moment's treedom trom pain m some part of the body. The treatment of Rheumatism must be internal : some remedy that can reach and neutralize the poisonous acids and cleanse the circulation. S. S. S., a purely vegetable lucuitiiic, dv.is promptly ana sureiy m an Kiieumatic cases, puntying and invigorating the .tfWW .MM 1711 Ti1 f 11 C 1 1 tirl T1 , i nrii.of in r-ir nil itmi (ma ih A 1. j j: i. i i sjaicui, anu nuing a stream vi ncn new oiooa to wasil out the irritatimr articles that are cau si up the inflamtimtimi , A o and pains. In chronic cases, or those developing; late in me, o. i. is especially enective ; it warms and enriches the blood, restores nervous energy and stimulates the f:i: : i j j- i uigdus, improves uie appetite anu aigestion, ana builds np the general health, thus fortifying the system against the tortures of Rheumatism. Alkalies, Potash and mineral remedies have an opposite effect, destroying the delicate lining of the stomach and often permanently impairing the constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed entirely vegetable, and a specific in all Rheumatic troubles. Our. Physicians will gladly advise, without charge, all who write them about their case, and we will mail free our special book on Rheumatism THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. REPEATED FAILURES, THEN RELIEF. Mr. Wm. L. Hill, of WlMton, N. C, at ou time trvlinr loimn and well know a in North and South Carolina and Vinriniu, aya: "Two yeart ago my blood was in wrotehod condition, and in addition to other bodily ailment I auiTered severely from Bheuxnatism. After repeated failure?) t aecar relief from the nee of other remedies. I bevan 8. 8. S., and it acted like a charm. The rheumatic paint left and my yenor.il health waa bnilt np as well. I have the hifheat opinion of S. S. S. for it ia t.'io ouly meaicme idm aia me any ffooa. rprwntMtve of tin Are tati Mlnneatrt. South Dakota, Montana. Malm and 'WaMnarton-w ttledral ouraolvea o do aU In our power In lb matter to avert th formation of a trust that would Injur the rrowth and prostrity of the ret Northwewt. And. umW that promise It mlcht be considered the duty of one of the rep- reeMUattvea of the state In the beet position to make the fi-ht, If called upon, to do ao. But there are imt hope that the matter will be eettled permanently In the cae now indln by the government airalmtt the oom- WnatHm known aa th trut." Upon being questioned as to the efforts of the Humes' victory In the recent munlcltHU election at Seattle on the senahrial fiirht. Mr. Stratton had but little to say. We wns certnln, however, that the victory wwa not an. tajrvmlstlc to the Iniereets of Mr. Ires. ton for the senate. The night befure the election, after Mayor Humes had delivered n address to a larve audi enc. Mr. Preston arose nnd entlorsed the entire Humes' ticket and begged his Mends tw support It. The senatorial results will be an un certain quantity. Seattle Is evidently for Preston, overwhelmingly. But Ta coma Is always against Seattle. h would raWwr see an Eastern "Wash. Inghin man In than a Seattle man. On the other hand. John I Wilson would rWher see a Seattle man In than any one eseept John ,U Wilson. An kenny would also rather see a Seattle man In than Wilson, and If he can- not get the senatorohlp himself then he will tight Wilson with the next most available wan. With this th:e. cornered fight the olds seem t be in favor of Preston, of Seattle . KOTTCa. ASTORIA. March 1. 190i-NnUe is hereby given that all tooounta due Mm west Shore Mills uo, and Astoria, Chu Light Co. must be paid by the lth of March. AU persona having accounts against the West Shore U1U) Co. and Astoria Oas Light Co. will pleas ore. sent the same at their office for jay ment p. A. TKULLINQiaR. Seoretary. Veek in Society It Is very evident that the ladies of the Astoria Public Library have In view giving the Astoria public some more genuine fun. and at the same time assist one of the most deserv ing causes to the city. The secretary of the Bachelor's Club is In receipt of the following letter: .Oklahoma, Feb. 14, 1901 To our dear Bachelor Friends of Astoria: At the last regular meeting of the Spinsters' Club, your letter, urgently requesting our speedy return , to Astoria, was ; read. The enthusiasm with wtoioh It was received Is beyond the power of my pen to express. The tender-hearted, sympathetic, clinging maidens find ing it no linger passible to turn a deaf ear to your earnest appeal, and propose to return at an early date. A motion was duly made, seconded and thlrded that our annual convention be held in Astoria, at Flsber's opera bouse, Friday evening, April 4, 1902. The motion was unanimously carried, amid expressions of great Joy. It may ,be well, dear bachelors, to inform you now that the following dear sisters are .taken: Ophelia Arvllla Pitkin is now Countess Ketcbum; Rachel Re becca Short Is Mrs. Malaprop; Jessie ' Juliet Smith is Mrs. Launderstadt, and Anastasla Melissa Hugglns Is ' Mrs. Afraid-of-His-Face; they are , anxious to introduce their husbands to their Astoria friends. In happy anticipation of our meeting, I remain as ever, sympathetically and . clinglngly, , V JEMIMA ANN HIGHFLYER, Secretary. P. S., No. 1 Patience Desire Mann sends her love to G. McB.; If he should be taken, lve it to B. O. P. S., No. 2-Please let me know If S. S. G. and G. O. M. have paid their arrears to the Old Maids' Home, see The Women's Club at Its meeting at Page's Hall yesterday afternoon was an entirely woman's affair although Hon. Harrison Allen eiitsnainel the ladies, In his happiest vein, in an ad dress on "Woman. He treated the subject from a chvialorous standpoint and idealized the sex from the creation of Eve to the grand women whom he addressed, In speaking of the early ; struggles of women to become more than man's slave, he skid: "In Fpite, however, of her legal arid social status in olden, times, the pages of history fairly glow with the name and fame of women f She (has swayed the greatest minds,, dulled the sharpest swords at will until she has made and unmade empires". After picturing the Ifves of some of the greatest women in hlstorjr he concluded by saying: "Man is but half a man until he is married, and Jerary program of mu Interest was men ne is ine poorer nair ot a good i rendered. woman. It is also said that 'a woman Mrs. G. B. Hegardt, of Fort Stev ens, was in the city yesterluy. Captain M. B. Cloke, of Fort Stevens, was in the city yesterday. loves mysteries.' Perhaps that is why she loves man. Man too, is mysteri ous, for he never understands woman as she understands him, He vet has enough of the original Adam in bis malrn ,in n'htnh tins 1 . . . ... .x. uji, tin ,1 uu aiw J i tli rra l I www society, to expect woman to be perfect, j The Thursday Afternoon Club was uiiuiL iu utr Brim-pOTieci. pocieiy enieriainea dv .viss Lottie Honnett. calls him good when he is but half I good. ot so with woman. Man may , STATE DEPARTMENT UNDBCTDED rise or fall with the ride. Woman ttiav j ( fall but once never to rise again. Her (Washington State Officials Have Not ATamnla tamla 4a nn.4-A J . 1. I WILL COME TO WALLA V. ALLA. Montana Baseball flub Will Come to Walla Walla to Practice. BUTTE. Mont.. March 3 A eclat to the Miner from M-l-ia -k,vs the Helena baseball ?bt wl I g. to WtlU Walla for practice before open ing the season. The elub will Itave Helena for Walla Wa'la, April S or 9. MAN VAIN MAN. DIAMONDS All kinds of precious stones, set nntl unset, ut very mod erate prices. TIio latest pro ductions in the jeweler's art in Society Emblems, Pins, Nudges, etc. Solid value nnd guaranteed quality in standard r.atches nnd clocks Fine repairing.v.Y.y.v.w. J. H. SEYMOUR. Castings We are prepared to makt thtra oa short notlc and of the best matsrtaU. IM us give you estimate oa any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest prloes for flri-cls work. TELEPHONE NQ. 3461. IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron 6 Brass Works Cor. Iih l titnUi : COMPANY jpur rnii iiTh mn iiiniTiiiiinn Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS. Mm. 5an Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS litis boon Underwriting on the. Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years, SAMUEL KLMORE A CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore, Insurance, Commission end Sbipplnf. C. J. TRENCHARD, Agent Wells Farijo and l'acillc Kxpress Conip'ys. Custom Rouse Broker- He laughes at women's soda-fount ain habit-nd keeps tha druggist busy handing out cigars -to him. He tells funny stories about how a woman drives a horse and steers his automobile up a telegraph pole. He writes cards to the tapers against problem plys and sivcnrH at the ticket window If he cannot get a front seat when the ballet comes to town. He loves to tnll of the splendid ex ercise of sawing wood but he Is will ing to pay another man to enjoy the exercise. He picks flaws in the lectures of eminent scientists and discovers monu mental wisdom In the lisping r f I is baby. He Is not a seeker after nubile hon or hut he Is always on h.inl r.n hour aheid of time when he Is one of 200 vlce-preilrnt.H nt a political meeting. example tends to soften man and make him better. She stands between the world and sin. She is man's balance wheel. She may, God bless her. have been fashioned from man's rib. but it was the best rib he had." . A delightful luncheon was given on Thursday evening at the Methodist parsonage by four ladies of the Ladies Aid Society, for financial purposes. The table was a dainty and delicious treat though not patronized xtensively enough to serve the Intended purpose. After the luncheon a charming pro gram was rendered, those participating being the Misses Laura Fox, Nellie Bu sey, Anna Nowlen, Mary Whldby and Carrie Bozorth. and the mandolin club, composed of Messrs. Schroder, Hansen, Agren and Johnson. see Mrs. V. Marlen Is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. George Noland. Mrs. Mar len will leave In a few weeks for her new home at Point Roberts, Wash. She was the guest of honor at a num- Ye: Formed Plans for Action on Merger Proportion. "While Attorney General Stratum, of the state of Washington, was only paying Astoria a visit yesterday on legal business of a private nature he was not averse to talking about the attitude of the state of Washington on the questoin of merger Involved In the case of the consolidation of the North ern Pacific and Great Northern rail road companies. He states that the position of the state of Washington Is entirely different from that of the state of Minnesota, in the fact hat the two corporations are non-resident corporations of the state of Washing ton. As he understood the matter from he papers under the recent decision of the United States supreme court that court held that it had no Juris diction in the case from the fact that the Northern Pacific and Great North ern railroad companies were necessary nue wan me guest oi nonor at a num- , uiiiuie were necessary ber of quiet" card parties during the !partlea to the But and they were not past two weeks. imade parties; and should they have been made parties then the court Mrs. F. P. Kendatl writes from Oak- ou,d "tm 'have had no Jurisdiction land, California, that she misses her ,trom ne faet that one of the corpora Astoria friends very much. Mr. and iot" was a resident corporation of the Mrs. Kendall and family expect to ;etate 01 Minnesota and this confined spend next summer's vacation at Sea- lthe Juripdlcrlon of the case to the side. .courts of that state. ' e He says that the constitution of th Mrs. D. K. Warren came over from "tat 'WaaMris-ton con tne case of Warrervton yesterday to attend the rormln tru,rt Hke a blanket, and that meeting of the Woman's Club, and was " Parncul"' case had been In the the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. ,nilnas of tne frameri of the C(JnstItu- Higglns. t,on at 016 Ime they could not have more completely covered l. Put When Wheeler of Kentucky was ronrinit about "truculent sycophancy" he without doubt had In mind the term "truckle," between which and and the word he used there Is no re lation except that both appear In the dictionary. KKPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT ASTORIA In the State ot Oregon, at the close of business, February 25th, 1902: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $242,413 82 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1,44 7J U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12,500 00 Other real estate owned 6,10 46 Due irom National uanks (not reserve agents) 5,173 J9 Due from State Banks and Bankers 39,192 (8 uue irom approved reserve acents M.mu Internal-Revenue Stamps .... 120 00 Checks and other rsuth itmi lis HI Notes of other National Banks 115 00 Nickels and cents 93 62 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Soeoie si(M2nonn Legal-tender notes 450 00 Andrew Asp, Harti lakfr, llarbilli tti fltrmkMr ' FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship art Steamboat Repalrlng.Qennal Black- miming, r irsi-iiass uorae- CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB ( li. ,',,,' W t I V .. . ' .. A i- .. Bath Tubs The lady that cam from ths Huh. Wished to bath In Wler Vh Tub. she cam from the tub look. Ing so chub, Site gave Cupid very hard rub, Those splendid tutw 10 ' ImJ of W. J. Scully i 4JI BOND 5TKEET. Between Ninth and Tenth ! J.A.FASTABEND GHNERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. CHOICE MEATS Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishormcu, Fanners and Loppors, A V ALLEN Tenth tad Commercial Streets Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats' Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen &Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. Redemption fund with TJ. S. .treasurer or circulation) 103.CCO 00 625 00 Mrs. Willard Smith entertained a number of her friends on Friday aft speaking of the action of the state de. partment in the matter, Mr. Stratton ernoon, the occasion being her birth- , at n0 pIans had ve' ben form day. iea for action and that procedure even iwa not yet certain. The action Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Chutter and Dr. brouSht by the United States attor- and Mrs. August C. Kinney are among nev-Seneral recently against the Nor those who have taken apartments at hern SecuriUes Company and the the new Cole house. .Great Northern and Northern Pa ciCc . , ; Jt I mfffh: possibly setup the whole mat- The WnaOUb met at tl rest- I" Tmh?rUy dene of Mrs. Ammon Taylor last Z t Z T t' P,nl!S Mondav ,are. MoTe the c the outcome a Will npnhqMw .1. . . . . . iue mauer per . manently. .', The Friday Club met at the residence "Still ffl.ti.. .u. 1 , ,htj oiLvruey gen of Mrs. E. A. Taylor last week. AMt- leral, "at the recent meeting of the Total 1625.367 W LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 50,000 00 surplus fund 25,000 00 i nn vinpn nrnnrx mi ,rMnc es end taxes paid 30,941 27 jxauonai uank notes out standing 12,500 60 Individual deposits subject to check $400,512 09 Demand certificates of deposit 104,413 64 Certified checks ... 2,000 00 606,925 7S Total 625,367 00 State of Oregon, County of CIatop, as: I, S. 8. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVBL, . JACOB KAMM, w. f. McGregor, Directors. Subscribed and mmvi-n tn tufar this 1st day of. March, 192, C. R. THOMSON, . Notary Public, Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder tteht. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 2J1. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Care win iteceive special Attention. No. 538 Duan BU, Astoria, Ore. W. J. COOK, Mgr Res. Tel. 1131. North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popular Product of the only brewery In Norlli- weeiern Oregon enjoyn m very; lame lmi.c ntic ,,, vx. port Hale. KOPPS BEST bottled or In keH. Prco City Delivery. FOUINDED A. D.I710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE LONDON THK OLDEST I'LKFI.Y I IRK OI KICK IN I III: WORLD. CMh Aal In United Mtatea, .r.io.o,, C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL ACENTS. 215 Sansome Street . San rranclsco, Cl. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS Some Inter esting Faets When MODlS are rontemnli Una trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturallv want th ho., - W , T IV, obtainable as far aa speed, comfort and sarety up concerned. Employes of the TTiowoirn v;iuwtkaIj LINES are paid to serv the nubile and nr rrin. are operated so as to make close con- neotloni With dlvrwln llnu .tl Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair -ars on rnrougn tralna Dining car service unexcelled, Meals arrvcw b is oanc. In order tn nhtnln th .a. " . -.. . . . t i,l-ubh Bvia vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a nonet over... The Wisconsin Central lines and you will mak. direct connections m oi. mui ior mcago, Milwaukee and all DOlnU ICnaf For any further lnf,wmtlm ati mnv uck agont, or correspond with JA3, C. POND. Gen. Piss. AL or JAfl. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. A Kansas street car official hns been fined 15 for having dismissed an em ploye for no other reason than that the latter belonged to a union. It does seem that a thoughtful employer would have waited for a better reason. Philadelphia Ledger: The tariff men In congress would feel better If thev could pass a law to prohibit llabcock from Importing dynamite Into the debate. Canadian have reached the conclu sion that the Chinese immigrant is not wanted. The plan of receiving Mm and shoving him along to the United States Is not popular any more TICKETS TO IX Points East VIA During the twenty-two years on the New York police force Dsvery earned 159,000. out of which he saved over $504,000 to Invest In real estate. Ills wife probably did ber own washing. Chicago Trlbuns (al on These tiny Capsule are superior to Daisam or v.opoio. - Cubebs or Injections sndftrmu CURE IN 48 HOURSUKIOl. the tame diseases with out inconvenience. flAHHEf? thomeet rtelin TS)lv In the world. Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the Jl A . I .3 I ....... 11 1-I , , uiKcHiariis iiu uigcsui mi hious OI food. It gives Jnstunt relief and never falls in niirn lt. nllnnra vnn ,a onf all (he food you want. The moKt hciihI tlve fititmapha nan tolrrt if. Tiff Its iiua ttiann D uvitiwiiu vs vunw iui ' J I i.'j u"w HIUH J thousands' of dyspeptics have been VUIVU HIK1 Vl I J Vl'lUtt V I I'll IUIIVUi AU In unequullwl for all etotuacb troubles. It can't heFp but do you good Prepared only by P.. O. Dk Witt A Do., Chicago Thetl.buuIcoataios2Htini'tthvWc,aUC , W wajr SHORTEST AND QUICKEST Lifts TO St.Paul, Duluth,MlnneapoIls, Chicago and All Points Saj. Through Paiaog and Tourist 8lnr. Dinlnv rniil a-...t, 1 "' Library Cam. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; BER- VTCB AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. For rates, folders nA ,.n i. , regarding Eastern Zlu . lrmll0.n dress T.', , . A. B. C. DlflNNIfJTON, O. ,pi !" r,m.Av, - Bttl.. Wwh.