1 hlE HORNING ASTORUN. SUNDAY. MAROI.! 9. 192 Qa station. TsUphoM Mala Ml. nanus oar wjbwcription. DAILT. Hen, y H. c year tat by moll. P month so Barred by cutler, per month.. ... 8BVI-WREKLT. sent by mail, per year, la advancj. Jl. The Astorian guarantees to Its adver tisers th largest drculatfcro of any eewepapT ftiilshed on the Columbia rrtar. COAST SALMON TACK. The following revMwd statement of ibe 191 salmon paca for the Paclflo Coast Is from the Seattle Trade Regis ter; . ;. Districts Cases. Pugei Sound M10.MI Washington Coast W,vl Columbia River, Washington aide WW Colombia River, Oregon side 12,4O0 Oregon Coast W Alaska. rraaer River, B. C ... B. C northern nvers California rtvera Total, 1901 ....... Total. 190 ..S.0H53S Increase for 1901 Compared with the 1900 paoic Alaska chows an Increase In its record pack last season of 4J4.958 cases. Puget Sound shows an Increase in its record pack of 904.T57 cases over 1900, the greatest previous pack teing $92,311 eases In 1S99. The Columbia River shows a decrease of 118,172 cases com pared with 1900, the record pack being 129,400 cases in 1883. As for the barreled salmon, it Is al most impossible to gain anything like a probable statement of the. output. The arrivals for last season at San JYanciseo from Alaska were 15,114 barrels, and possibly 5000 barrels ban died at Seattle, making a total of 23, 214 barrels for 191 against a total of 27.S3J barels for the Coast hi 1900, of which San Francisco received 20.2W barrels. The FTaser river was credit ed with 3000 barrels for 1900, which were handled at Seattle, but we have no figures for that district for 1901, but believe it to be very much larger. The Japanese have been very active there In pickling and shipping salmon to the Orient. Iuring the past year in our weekly reports we have noted the Intentions of many concerns to add new canneries on Puget Sound and in Alaska, but it is safe to say that they will not all materialize. There may possibly be a dozen new canneries built and a half dozen enlarged, some to double their capacity. While the pack has been phenome nally large, there has-been an unus ual amount of poor fish packed, some of which found its way to New York and a large amount to England. This The lost child, who presently finds Ms way home in the policeman's protecting anus, is hugged to his mother's heart with a new joy. But the mother's heart is empty as her arms w hen her children are lost for life. How many a woman goes through such an experience, ap pealing in vain tor ncip to local doctors, who con fess that they are "puz zled" to understand the cause of the trouble. In similar rases Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription has been used with such success that tits record com mends it to every woman whose chil dren fail of vital- " Favorite Prescrip i eives the mother strength to give her i child. It strengthens female organism. giving great elasticity i the organs ot mater nity, and making the baby 's adventpractically painless. It it the true woman's medicine, es tablishing regularity, drying weakening drains, and healing inflammation. Icaa chwrfully recommend Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription as the bwt medicine for women." write Mm. Mry Murdock, of Taylor St., Tojieka, Kansas. 1 m the mother of ten children and only one living-tb tenth one. She i one vear old and it well and hearty aa can be. She is a beauty. Of my other babiea, some were born at right time, but det-d. other were premature birtha; one lived to be one year old, but ahe waa always feeble. I tried different doctor but none or them could tell what m trouble waa. Tbev aaid I waa well and wrong. I waa examined by surgeon, but they Juuadnothiug wrong, and they were puuled to know what my trouble waa. I did not know what to do, so I thought thia lait time I would try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took it the entire nine months and now I nave a fine baby girl, and I cannot praise your medicine enough for the good it did me." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. 1022.704 1 FT f 1 I J may account for th fact that the B. C. Packers' Association recently shad ed prices on tht Fraser salmon now on the way to London. The low prices made In San Francisco on red waa en tirely due to the low quality of the salmon, which passed through two or three hands before going forward to Europe. It is safe to say that there Is not over 60,000 cases of Alaska red salmon available In first hands. It Is unmistakably a fact that the salmon market Is In first-class condition, and our forecast, when the pack was dos ing. Is well borne out. that the con sumption 'has more than kept pac wtth production of even a phenonvnal pack aa that of last season. NOTICE! Plans for a school house to be erect ed In Uniontown four or six rooms, two rooms finished to cost not to exceed tSSJO, will be received at office of school clerk until March 18, 1903. Accepted plans only will be paid (or. By order of board. E. Z. FERGUSON. Clerk. SEND IT TO TOUR FRIENDS. The subscription price of the Semi- Weekly Astorian has been reduced from two dollars to only ONE DOL LAR A TEAR. Tou could not pur chase a more valuable gift for a dol lar than a year's subscription to the Astorian with which to please reople who are acquainted with Astoria er Clatoap county, or with which to in terest those who are net acquainted. Presbyterian pastors of St Louis are talking about discharging from their choirs all singers who are not Chris tians. The average congregation would not severely criticise spiritual short comings If the warblers would warble in a manner to make the words intel ligible. Exchange. CAN'T KEEP A SECRET. The splendid work of Dr. King's New Life Pills is dally coming to light No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con stipation, Sick Headache, BilUousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them. 25c at Hart's Drug Store. -A Boston paper refers to an inven tor of that city as "The Father of the Monkey Wrench." The population of Boston is getting sadly mixed. POLET'3 HONET AND TAR. Cures coughs and colds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. Cures croup and whooping cough. Cures hoarseness and bronchial trou bles. Cures pneumonia and la grippe. Hart's drugstore. The young man who would win must plunge Into the current of events. He must keep step with the march of pro gress, or he will soon be In the rear. A SEVERE COLD FOR THREE MONTHS. The following letter from A. J. Nus- baum, of Batesvllle, Ind., tells its own story. "I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist pre pared me some medicine, and a physi cian prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey and Tar, and eight doses cured me." Refuse substitutes. Hart's drugstore. Brooding over the evil that you have done will never correct that evil. Rather will It make possible a repeti tion of the thing dwelt on. Set your mind the other way. Think honest, pure, kind, courageous thoughts all the time, and your mind will have no time for their opposite. WOULD SMASH THE CLUB. If members of the "Hay Fever As sociation" would ue Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the club would go to pieces, for it always cures this malady and Asthma, the kind that baffles the doctors it wholly drives from the system. Thousands of once-hopeless sufferers from consump tion. Pneumonia, Bronchitis owe their lives and health to it. It conquers Grip, saves little ones from Croup and Whooping Cough and is positively guaranteed for all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c, J1.00. Trial bottle free at Hart'a Drug Store. One of the happiest effects of know ing that others have confidence In us is the tendency it has to strengthen belief In our own ability. COULD NOT BREATHE. Cough, colds, croup, grip, bronch itis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and li quifies the mucous, draws out the in fiamatlon and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One minute ough Cure will do all that Is claimed for It," says Jus tice of the Peace J. Q. Hood Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." Charles Rogers. FO TH COMPLEXION. ' The complexion always sutteres from fcUHousaesss or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept opea the Impuri ties from the body appear In the form of unsightly eruption. De Witt' Lit tle Early Riser keep the liver and bowels In stealthy condition and re move the cause of such trouble. C. H. Hooper, Albany, Qa,, says: "I took De Witt's Little Early Risers for bil iousness. They were Just what I needed. I am fee Bug better now than in years." Never grip or distress. Safe thorough and gentle. The very best pills made. CHA& ROGERS, Tho man who wakes In the morning and finds the world shouting his praise you may depend upon It, did a long, hard day work before he lay down to undisturbed slumber the night be fore. Succesa COUGH SETTLED ON HER LUNGS, j My daughter had a terrible cough which settled on her lungs," says N Jackson, of Danville, 1U. "We tried a great many remedies without relief, until we gave her Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her." Refuse sub stitute. Hart's drugstore. It is not an easy matter to gain the applause of the world, but It Is Infi nitely easier than to gain the unquali fied approval ot oneself. Tet no man can be accounted successful until h haa won his own respect the approval of his conscience. Success. SURGEON'S KNIFE NOT NEEDED. Surgery I no longer necessary to cure 'piles. De Witt's Wltoh Hasel Salve cures such case at once, remov ing the necessity for painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, bums, wounds, bruises, sore and skin diseases It is unequalled. Beware ot counterfeits. Charles Rogers drug gist In a piece of reprint that appeared reecntly there was mention made of the Old Sleuth church of Boston. A sub scriber kicks and wants an explana tion. There is none, unless the Item was written by a reporter. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kid neys and bladder right. Contains noth ing injurious. Hart's drugstore. Minneapolis journal: A St. Louis man declares that a successful flying machine can be built for $300. Almost any St Louis man goes right up in the air when you mention Chicago's In terference with his drinking water. LOCKJAW FROM COBWEB' Cobwebs put on a cut lately gave a woman lockjaw. Millions know that the beet thing to put on a cut Is Buck len's Arnica Salve, the Infallible heal er of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Burns, Scalds and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c at Hart's Drug Store. Another man has discovered the se cret of hardening copper. It seems strange that somebody does not hard en a little copper and get out of the discovery business. RAW OR INFLAMED LUNGS. Yield rapidly to the wonderful cura tive and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. It prevents pneu monia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. Hart's drug store. ' Pennsylvania has floods and the Rocky Mountain region has been har assed by snowslides. People of this re gion, where such things do not happen, are ready with their sympathy. La grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There Is noth ing else "Just as good." Hart's drug store. San Francisco street railways nave been sold and the sum, amounting to more than twenty millions, must be paid In gold. Tet Bryan thought he had converted California to Silver. PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS A COLD. But never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and affords perfect security from an at tack of pneumonia. Refuse substi tutes. Hart's drug store. Governor Taft says that 90 per cent of the Filipinos are too ignorant to sit on a jury. Still, no jury Is In shape to render an Intelligent verdict after It has been sat on by ninety fellow citi zens. THE VICE OF NAGGING. Clouds the happiness of the home, but a nagging woman often needs help. She may be so nervous and run down in health that trifles annoy her. 'f she is melancholy, excTtable, trou bled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dlzxy spells, she needs Electric Bitters, the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used it and become healthy and happy. Try It. Only 50c. Hart's Drug Store guar antee satisiiuotlon. Mr. Schwab enjoys the distinction of being one of the very few persons who has refused to grant a second In terview to an emperor. Mr, Schwab knows how to take care of our dignity as well as his own. PRACTICAL!,! STARVING. SasjssssiSk ,''' After using a few bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wire received per fect and permanent relief from a se vere and chronic case ot stomach trou ble," say J. R. Holly, real estate Insurance and loan agent, ot Macomb, III. "Before . using Ko dal Dyspepsia Cur sit could not eat aa ordinary meal without Intense suffering. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many rem. die had failed (0 give rettef." You don't have to diet Eat any good food you want, but don't overload th stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will always digest it for you. Charles Roger. Mr! Slaaon Thompson seems to Captain Itobson has Wn praising Rear-Admiral Schley. Evidently Hob son has recovered from the effect of reading Maclay's "history." DANGER OF PNEUMONIA:. A cold ot this time If neglected Is liuble to cause pneumonia which Is so often fatal, and even when the ra ttent has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development ot con sumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs aud prevent pneumonia. Hart's drug store. PROPOSALS WANTED. t Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks. Wash., March . 1901 Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 A. M., April 4, 1103 and then opned (or th construc tor, at Vancouver Its.-ru-k. Wash., of a subsistence storehouse. For full in formation, plans and specifications ap ply to this office. U. S. reserves the right to reject or accent any or nil pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be mark ed: "Proposals for construction ot a subsistence storehouse at Vancouver Barracks, Wash." and addressed to the undersigned J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. PROPOSALS WANTED. Sealed proposals will be received at the office at the office ot the light house Inspector, Marquam building, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock m. March 13, 1902, and then opened, for furnishing fuel and provisions for ves sels and stations In the 13th light house district for the fiscal year to end June 30, 1903, In accordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information, may be had upon application to Com mander W. P. Day, U. S. N.. PROPOSALS WANTED. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., February 10, 1903. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here tfirtll 11 a. m. March 1L 1902, and tnen opened for the con struction at Fort Wright Wash., ot one double barrack building, brick. For full Information, plans and speci fications apply to this office. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelops containing proposals should be markel: "Proposals for construc tion of building at Fort Wright Wash.," and addressed to undersigned. J. W. JACOBS. CUM. The versatile kaiser Is liable any day to order all officers to be vaccinated against the dueling disease. EAST SOUTH VIA Depot. Fifth ind Leave 8:30 p.m Irving sts. Portland Arrive Overland Express Trains for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Ogden, Ban Fran cisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Oreleans and the East 7:4S a.m 8:30 a.m 7:20 p.m At Wood bum (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with tram for Mt An gel, Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt Angel and Silver ton. 7:30 a.m Corvallis pa sen- ( S:N p.m rer. 114:6 p.m Sheridan paen- 1 Il8:25a.m ger. PallZ. "Pally except guudfly. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates $17.50 first class, without berth and 114.00 second class, Including berth. - ' Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia Can be obtained V. A. Schilling, Third and Wash ington greets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, t:t a m.; 12:30, 1:55, 8:26, 6:15, :26, 8:06, 11:30 p. m. and 9:00 p. m, nn Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at 6:35, 8:30, 10:50 a. m.; 1:35, 3:16. :3t, 6:20, 7-40, 10:00 p. m.; 13:40 a. m, dally except Monday: 8:30 and 10:46 a. m. on Sun days only. Leave for Dallas dally except Sun day at 4:30 p, m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Airlee Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Return Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. B. 'MILLER, Gen. Frt and Pass. Aft, (O aaxNsMAstki-: A Ws lead, others follow. QUIT PAYINO RENT 1 ' 1 . - ' ,. Own your own horn Don't pay Interest T. Orefoi Mutual Horn Society Will buy you a home for 11000. or pay your mortgage for th same amount Tou can repay them at 15 per month, without Interest. Send for leanot ex plaining our plan. , Home Office, M Commercial Bids;., Portland. Ore. Tel. South 1091. Local agents wanted In every town In the stat. Contracts matured as follows: December 11. Wl. No. 1. January IS, 1901, No. I. Bunch Office: 424 CommerclilSt Don't Guess at It Hul If you are going East write us for our rates and lot us toll you about the service and accommodation offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via th ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to writ us about your trip as w are In a posi tion to give you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; Ulf miles ot track over which are operated some ot the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. J. C. L1NDSBT. B. H. TRUMBELL, T. F. R. A. Coml Agt 142 Third St, Portland. Ore. Mm ONE DOLLAR cannot be exiwndetl to bettor advantage for (yourself or absent fiiends than in a year's subscription for the Semi-Weekly Astorian It gives all the city nnd'eounty news twice each week foi only one dollar a year in advance. - Pacific Navigation Company Summers "Sue H. Umore," and "W. M. tlirrlMon" 0ily Li(M-ttoriu to Tllluniix.k, GarlbitlJl Hay City, Itonsouville Connecting at Astor.a with the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co, and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland and all po'nts East For freight and passenger rates ap ply to Samuel Elmore Sc Cos (it iH iiil Ag;tiitN, Aatorhi, r. Agents A. A C. K. R. CO., Portland. H. C. LAMB, Tillamook. Or. O. R. N. CO.. Portland. Big Deal in Typewriters Austrian Government Orders 1200 Press Dispatch lo Portland OreouiitD, February 7th Smith Premier Typewriter Co. L. & M. Alexander it Co., Agents.' PORTLAND OFFICE - - 122 THIRD STREET H otrl PORTLAND PORTLAND, OFKGDN The Only Plrett-Clatsts Hotel In Portland PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. & f.wltU. skstsM. As fths. PKlAsUsFtV Milwaukee St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as th Oreat Railway running th "Pioneer Limited" trains A jai miwH, kitwaiA At. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Tn only perreoc tram in in wt. Understand: Oonneotions art made illh all tranaAoMttnantal llrhM. aeourllM to passenger th beat rvlc known. LiUxurlou cuaenst, iieoino ugni, sisain heat, ot a variety equaled by no otbar line. See that your ticket read via "Th Milwaukee" when going to any point In th United State or Canada. All tk'Mt ssenl sell them. For rate, pamphlet or other infor mation, address. J, W. CA8I3T, ' C. J. BDDT, Trav. P. Aft. Oen. Aft, Portland. Of. Portland. t)r, IiuxokiousTravel Th. "Northwestern Liml'd" trains. tlectrtc lighted throughou', both )nid and out. and steam heated, are with out exception, tha flnt train In th world. Tliev embed th latest. rwl and btt Ideas for comfort. convnlo and luxury vor offered th travelling public, and altogether are th most complete and splendid production of th car builders' art These splendid Trains Connect With Tbe Greet Nortliere The Northera Pacific end The Caaadlao faclflc AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO aa. the CAST. No extra chart, for thes superior acommodotions and all rls of tick ts are available for passig cn th trains oa this line are protected by th Interlocking Block Systttn. W. H. MHAD. II. L. RIBLBR, General Agent Traveling Aft Portland, Oregon. Smith Premiers. VIENNA. Feb. 7.-The greatest sin gle purchase ot typewriter ever made haa been ordered by tha min istry of justice, which, after three months of exhaustive competitive tests, has contracted to equip the en tire ministry with not less than 120 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court TELEPHONE JUIN 661 LI Portland - Astoria ?ou!8. STR. '"BAILEY CATZERT. Dally Bound Trips KioPt flundst . TIME CARD Usvt Portland J Lsavs Astoria....... The Dalles Boat STR. M TAH0MA," Utwn Portland. Th DUs and wf 1'otats. TIME CARD ave Tortland, Mondays Wtlnso7S .,M KVI.Iava .1 T L 1U. Inlu.. Vhrn Italic IK 441IM daf. I P. HI. Insures Th Dallrii. Tunsdays, Thurs days and naturuays at ( Arrive 1'ortland, asms ily. P. " This rout has th grnat enlo U tractions on ann, uaniimn, r. of Aldur I,a,h 'I'hoties Vlaln 3fL. A. J, TAYIm, At AatorU. IiMIU XI lt tftitM A tfl Th DM 1 10 rUATlllSH ft HEMMAN. Afla. Hoosl iiivvr, WOLTOHD WTER8. Agt. VfWtS J, 0. WTATT. Agl. Vsnvouvr K. W. C1UCHTUN, ASl. rai, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD. UtAVK 'tou a m I 7 00 p aa I rOHTUNt) A aaits i'urUanl Omou Ifepoi I II a m tot Aaurli and War P ruin! I A8TVHIA Tibial For Portland' sutl Way ll3l WW pi ( 10 p at I PuluU KKAtMllK DIVISION Anlurta Anr wioloo, rtatal. Kurt matsaja, llanimoml and Aitorla Ktwaldc fur Wamnkm, Klavsl, llanmond. Ton ami AiUirla Slits m a 409pm I0a si I i 0 p 1 uu p m St s M iiiBs) taopm IDia s so p m Warn Sunday only. All trains matt etas connciln at Gobi with all Northern I'aoino trains to and from (lis East snd 8ounl points. J. C. MAVO, Oen'l might and Pssscsgtr Agnu OREGON Siiotyr Lime Union Pacific ITIUE ACHED Dtpart Chicago" Portland SpoeuU 1:00 a. m. via Hunt ington Atiantlo Esprvss 8:60 P. m. via Hunt tngion uiw Arnv rromPortland. Bait laks.Dsnvtr, Ft. Worth, Oma-j ha. Kansas City 4: Jo p. m, Ht. Louis, Chicago; and East. Bait lhilrivtirf Ft, Worth, Oma. ha, Kansas Clty.i 1:19 a. ffl St. Louis, cniougo snd East; j Walla Walla, j fit. Paul Fast mall p. rn. vis Bpokan tjRwtslon, Boo.! kuno. Mlnnaapulli! Ht. Paul. Dulutti;?:00a. m Milwaukee, Chi cago and East I 71 hours from Portland to Oiloago. No Chang ot Cars. OCEAN AND RIVICR HCUEDULK From Astoria All sailing data; subject to change. For Ban Francis no every flv days. Columbia' River To Portland and JPTa Landings. it, n, eio. Monday 7 a. m. Dallv s oept Bun. Steamer Nahootta leave Astoria oa tld dally, except Sunday, for Uwaoo, connecting there with trains for Long Beach. Tioga and North Deach poksts. Returning strives st Astoria same even Ing. O. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent Astoria. A. L. CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oresron. BEST0F EVERYTHING In a Word This Tells of the Paos.iger Service via fir Sorthweslern tine.. Eight Trains Dally Between Sc. Paul sad Chicago, oomprlslng The Latest Pullman Sleepers, rtrcnese Liming cars, Library and Observation Cars, Pre Reclining Chair Cars, The 20th Century Trains nuns a,?ery uay of th. Tear. The Finest Tram in the Worla Ekctrlc Lighted nested THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the rmmt uany irain Kunning Between St. Paul and Chicago, via th Short Line, Connections from the West Mad. vis ins HOHl'HKHN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R'TS. Thla la a Ian tha RRHT T.I kin - u'lffoju Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. aii Agent, eeii Tiogets via The Northwestern Line W, H. MEAD, H, L. SIBLBR, General Agent Trav. Agent. Hi Alder Strut, Portland, Oregon.