THE MORNING ASTORIAN. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1902 akes Old Age Vigorous Pake's Celery Compound the Greatest Nerve Tonic Palna'a Celery Compound U the g-rwuteat nerve tonic ever given to the warkl. It li Mrtlcularly effective . when the system Is gradually t Ing away in old age, and when each- separate organ Is predisposed to de feneration. ' Faine's Celery Compound render vlirnroua old ajre possible. It keeps the nervous system In a normal con dition of health; it keeps the digestive nmns in Derfect condition; It keeps the lWer and kidneys active and In nerfect healtA It nourishes nerve n bers. as well as muscle fibres and oth- !.. it kmna the nerve force strong; It aids digestion; wakes rich, purs Wood and gives strength and health to those in whom toe en ergies of the human body have begun to wane. f the treatment of the Infirmities common to old age, Palne's Celery Compound l lh world's greatest remedy. - '. ' WllHara P. Snowden and his family we the first white settlers of the town that is now the city of Omaha. He has had along and eventful lire. His trade was that of a brlckmaker. He fought wRh the army of the North from IS61 to 1S64. He had pre viously seen service In the Mexican War la the forties. He has held many local offices of trust and there Is no better known wan In Nebraska today, It gives me great pleasure.- he wrote In a letter on Oct U last, "to attest the good qualities of Paine Celery Compound. I nave used It for years, and It has never failed to help me. While I am perhaps, the oldest resident of this city. I am In good health. I have never found It neces sary to take any other medicine." Nothing has ever approached Palne'a Celery Compound In Its power of building up -weakened nerve Hasues and giving strength to the tired body. In severe cases of ' persistent head aches, dyspepsia, neuralgia and sleep lessness, due to nervous feebleness, Palne'a Celery Compound has a rec ord of rapid and tasting cures that embraces every city tnd town In the wide sweep of the United States. Mrs. Emyle Hyde Grlnneil. at the age of W years, writes to the pro prietors of Palne's Celery Compound. 'I can recommend Palne's Celery Compound to every one. It has been my health preserver during the last few years. Few women, even though much younger than I, enjoy as good health, for my appetite is natural, my sleep refreshing, and I can walk quite a distance without feeling tired. Peo ple are surprised at my vigorous ap pearance and activity, which I believe Is the result of my using Palne's Cel ery Compound. It Is a great help to Ifttll me, and I hope every old person will use it and be saved sickness and suf fering." Give the nerves a chance to recover, and the entire body will regain Its health and strength. Palne's Celery Compound Is nature's food for the nerves. "UBBRTrS TORCH." Out with the torch! Out "with the Doroh! that burns In Liberty's hand; No more a beacon of light shall It be. It's alien and waste to the land. Oh! freeman brave who bled and fought oh! daughters and mothers true, rw,nn awit tha Uirht nn Ttmllnw'a isle. but support and maintain it, da Oh! men of sires by valor crowned. oh! men of right might and truth. Is this the new verdict you give? the new lesson you teach to youth? Money to spare for crownirig kings, and freemen to bend the knees? But none for the light on Bedlow's isle, and It's gospel that men are free? On Bedlow's iBle stands Liberty's Ught, Liberty lighting the world; Shall it by March in darkness be? if no have we not been churled? Millions to spend on Asiatic strand, and thousands crowning king; But not one cent for Liberty's torch; what results will such actions bring? J. WALTER SEABERG. Ilwaco, Wash., February 27, 1902. The ladles of a fashionable Chicago suburb have invited their servant girls to a pink tea and other mutual Im provements.. It is a long step in the rlgfit direction. When employers and employed meet on such terms the vexatious problem of domestic ser vice Is in a fair way to be solved. CITY NOT LIABLE. Case of Importance to Galveston De cided by Court of Appeals. SAN ANTOXIA, Tex.. Feb. 27.-By a decision of the court of civil appeals, the City of Galveston Is relieved of re sponsibility for prorate property seis ed for public purposes during the storm of 1900. The decision Is of great Importance to the city as .following the storm property of considerable value was pressed into public service by the city authorities and if the city were financially responsible for the same an obligation would be created which would cost the stricken city hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the case in point a pair of horses be longing to A. A. Brown were seized by the mayor and chief of police and were driven until dead. Brown filed suit for $200, the alleged value, and the court found for him. The court of appeals finds that the seizure was without authority of the city council and the eriy is not liable. MRS. HTJNTINGTON"S HONESTT, Mads No Effort to Bilk Uncle Sam Out of Duty. - NOW YORK. Feb. tf.-Mra. Arabella D. Huntington, widow of , Collls P. Huntington, has paid JJ1.RO0 In cash as customs duty. Officials who frequent ty have to haggle with women ovtr the tribute to Uncle Sara declared that she was a paragon of travellers. Mrs. Huntington, who returned from a trip to Europe on the Oceanic with her son, Archer Huntington, and Mrs. Archer. Huntington, staggered the young man who, as acting deputy col lector asked her to make a declaration of her purchases abroad. It was on board the steamer com ing up the bay. Tvung Huntington had the list carefully prepared. The sum total or nts mot tiers purchases abroad was $75,000, the largest amount ever declared by a traveler In the port of New York and probably In the world. The duty was the largest ever paid. There was a score of large flat trunks containing rich gowns bought In Parts, London and Berlin. Most of the tax paid by Mrs. Huntington was SO per cent on made-up gowns of linen, silk and woolen. Thert was a large amount of jewelry and precious stones on which she paid 60 per cent. On a lot of perfumery 60 per cent ad valorem was paid. Her rugs were taxed at 10 cents per square foot and 40 per cent on their value. WANTS THB BIO FIGHT. Los Angeles Will Offer Purse of $20, i 000 to- Fits and Jeff. LOS ANGELES, Feb. i7.-The Ctn tury Athletic Club, of this city, has decided to make a bid of $20.00 for the Jeffries-Fltaslmmons light, the con test to take place during the fiesta celebration In this city on May I. 2 and 3. The club has ample financial back ing and expects Its bkt to receive ser ious consideration by the two pugilists. MURDER AT ARLINGTON. R. R. Hanklna Shot and Killed F. D. Sweeten Yesterday. Portland. Feb. 17. A special to the Oregonian from ArHngton says; In the postoffloe today R. R. Han klna was shot and kilted by F. D. Sweeten. Both hav ilvd her mm years. Bystanders say Hanklns fired the first shot The cause of the trou ble has not 'been learned. BIG DIAMOND SEIZURE. NEW YORK. Feb. 2T.-Btght parcels of diamonds, valued at $104,000 have been confiscated and ordered sold by Federal Judge Wheoler, says a Bur lington, Vt special to the Times. The stones were seised at St. Albans. Hlat Stavitsky was arrested with the jewel conccaHl In the tleeves uf his undershirt, claims he was hired to 'take the diamonds from Montreal to New York by a linn In the latter city. ENTERTAINED BY RULERS, PEK1N. Fob. ST.-The foreign ladles had a second audience today with the dowager empress and emperor, who conducted them through the private apartments of the palace. This recep tion given was mors democratic than the first, which occurred February 1. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. Leslie M. Shaw, the new secretary of the treasury Is In the city to attend the annual ban quet of the National business league hi the auditorium this evening where he will make Ms maiden speech since entering President Roosevelt's cabinet. On that occasion he will discuss "Commerce and Industries of the West." In nn interview he spoke with considerable enthusiasm concerning thevislt of Prince Henry of Prussia and expressed 'the Vlief that tl would go far toward cementing the friend ship of the two countries. If Benjamin Daniels of Arizona has been a law-abiding citizen for many years It Is rather hard lines that im prisonment for larceny in his youth should disqualify him. for the office of marshal now. Virtue out of a job is always called upon to pay its board bill in advance. Milwaukee Sentinel. If Mr. Wheeler of Kentucky will write to tbe press clipping bureaus he will learn something to his ad vantage. LAST OF THE BOOTHS. Brother of Actor and Lincoln's Slayer Has Passed Away. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.-In the death of Dr. John Booth, at his residence in this city, the last of the four sons of Junius Brutus Booth, tbe elder, passed away. Dr. Booth was a younger brother of Edwin, Junius Brutus, jr., and John Wilkes Booth. He lived a quiet life, compared with that of his brothers, and members of the theatrical profes sion who know Edwin Booth well were unacquainted with Dr. Booth. .Baltimore American: Fehiuary seems to be offering fine bargains In I assorted blizzards. FOUNDED A.D.I710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OR LONDON , THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. CMh Atieta, - m ' Caah Amti In United BWtCs, a.616,935 ' C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 215 Sansome Street - - Sao Pranclsco, Cal. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS PASPINO OF THE CABLE CAR. A few years ago the cable system of street car propulsion was consid ered decidedly 'the best, but since the invention of the trolley system the cable car Is being rapidly replaced, and many experts now claim that com pressed air will eventually be the street car power of the future. In all lines of Industry we see Improve ments being made, but In medicine there is one remedy that Is Impossi ble to improve upon, and that Is Hos teller's Stomach Bitters. It will not fail to cure dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, constipation, liver and kid ney troubles, or malaria, fever and ague. Take It at the first symptoms of any of these diseases and It will give prompt relief. Be sure to get the eenulne. England is going right on building warships, and the powers who do no' like it have the privilege of doing likewise. DR. fflATTflEW PATTOfl Physician and Surgeoa. Office sad Retldcstt Pap Bandltf. Calif answered day or night Iniuranc. CobbImIoi tai Sfcirpiof. C. J. TRENCHARD, Agent Weill Farm and PaclBo Ktpreai Oomp'ts. Custom Route Broker Prompt Deliveries Of Choicest Fresh and Cured MEATS BOSTON MEAT MARKET New Shop. Best of Service FhonoMninfil. 1 L Latest Importations la TEA, 1UCB and all kinds of CHINA afBRCHAKDIBBL Contractors for Chinese LABOR Dr.T. U. Ball DENTIST. 52t Commercial fet.. Astoria, Ore. We lead, others follow. quit paying rent Own your own home Don't pay Interest. The Oregon potual Rome Society Will buy you a home for 11000. or pay your mortgage for the same amount You can repay them at 15.36 per month, without Interest. Send for leaflet ex plaining our plan. Home Office, toa Commercial Bldg., Portland. Ore. Tel. South 1091. Local agents wanted In every town In the state. Contract matured as follows: December 21. 1901. No. 1. January IS. 1902. No. I. Branch Office; 424 Commercial St Don't Guess at It But If you are going Cast write us for our rates and let us tell you about the servltfe and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and St. Louis Globe Democrat: A con temporary prints an article on how to care for goldfish. Most people care most for lake trout. SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. The subscription price of the Semi Weekly Astortan has been reduced from two dollars to only ONE DOL LAR A TEAR. You could not pur chase a more valuable gift for a dol lar than a year's subscription to the Astorlan with which to please reopl who are acquainted with Astoria or Clatosp county, or with which to In terest those who are not acquainted. GUARDIAN SALE OF REAL TATE. ES- Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei- twenty-two years .- - SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore. " By virtue of a license granted by the Oountv Court of the State of Ore gon for Clatsop County, duly rendered and entered on the third day of Feb ruary, A D. 1902, authorizing and commanding the undersigned guardian of the person and estate of Carl H. isakson, a minor, to sell, an 01 ins real estate herlnafter described, and belonging to said minor, at pri vate sale for cash In hand at time of sale, subject to confirmation thereof by said County Court: Notice is herehv elven. that the un dersigned guardian of the person and estate of said minor Carl H. I salmon, pursuant to the license aforesaid, will from and after the 24lh day of Marcfc, A. D. 1902, proceed to sell at private sale, for rah In hand subject to the confirmation thereof by said County Court, all and singular the following described real estate belonging to said minor, Carl H. Isakson, and situated In the County of Clatsop,.. State of Oregon, to wit: Lot No. 16, In section No. 7: lot No. 1, In section No. 18, in township No. 4, north of range No. 7, west of Willamette Meridian? Also lot No. 17, la section No. 12, and lots Nos. 6 and 13, In section No. 13, in township No. 4, north of range No 8, west of the Willamette Merlin, to gether with the tenements heredita ments and appertenance belonging or in any wise appertaining tnereunto. Dated 'his 18th day of Fibrua.J, A. D. 1902 FRANK R STOK1M, Guardian of the person and es:vte of Carl H. Isakson, a minor. . Hop Hing Lung & Co Some Inter esting Facts When people ar contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want lbs best ttrvlos obtainable aavfar as speed, comfort and safety la concerned. Employe of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES art paid to serv the pubUo and our trains are operated to aa to make close con nection! with diverging lints at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Cbalr Cart on through trains. Dining car service unnoelled. Heals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class son vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central llns and you will mt direct connections) at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all Mints Bast, For any further InformtUm 'all on tnv ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Ag"t, or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. No Article of Dress U no Comfortable, so dressy, hrntthy unit no fouvenU'ut. WEATER JUST ARRIVED In areatest Variety and Best Grades Ever In Astoria. Bowling Riding Driving Hunting Yachting Football Ladies Gents Children School Street House Anybody Everybody Seen Sweaters Anybody nu wear n sweater. A I way k u (It iiimI are nl wnys appropriate. P. A. ST0-HE The Clothier. SWEATERS Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about your trip as we are In a posl tlon to give you some valuable Infor matlon and assistance; 5319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. J. C LINDSET. B. H. TRUMBULL, T. F. & R. A. Coml Agt 142 Third St, Portland, Ore. TICKETS TO ALL Points East vu SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LljlE TO St.Panl, Dulutb, Minneapolis, Chicago and An Points 5aai Through Paiave and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cam. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY 1JN EQUALKD. For rates, folders and full Information regarding Eastern trip, sail on rr ad-dress ' - H. DICKSON, X VT. PHALOfN, City Ticket Ag"t. Trav. Pass. Ag t Portland. A. B. C. DE3NNI9TON, O. W. P. A. 612 First Ave. ".' . Seattle, Wash. O OSKMHSOJ Jl EAST , SOUfll Leave 8:30 p.mj 1:30 a.m Depot, Fifth and Irving tts. Portland Overland Express Trains for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Ogden. 8an Fran cisco, Mojave. Los Anklet, El Paso, New Oreleans and the East. At Wosdburn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with tram tor ML An gol, Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt Angel and Silver-ton. 7:30 a.m Corvallls sassen- M:o p.mi etnerldan passen- Arrlvt a.m 7:20 p.m fttally except Sunday. 5 6 p.m l8:26a.m Rebate tickets on sals between Port- iana, oacramento and San Franolsco. net rates 117.60 first e aaa without berth and 114.00 second class, Including uvriu . Ratet and tickets to Bastern nninta nd Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained 'mm V. A. Schilling, Third and Wash ington sreeta. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferaon St. Leave fop Oswego dally at 7:20, i:H a, m.: 12:30. 1:55. 2:25. 6:15 6:26 11:06. 11:30 p. m. and 4:00 p. m. on Sunday only. Arrlvt at Portland dafly at 6:5, 6:30, '10:50 a. m.; 1:35, 3:18. 4:30, 6:20, 7-40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a. m. dally except Monday; 8:30 and 10:45 a. m. oa Sun days only. Leave for i Dallas datlv oxceol Run. day at 4:30 p. m. Arrlvt at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passens-er train leaves Dallas fnr Alrlee Mondays, Wednesdayi and Fri day g at 2:45 p. m. Return Tuesday t, Thursdayi and Saturdays, Except Sunday. R. B. (MILLER, Oen. Frt. and Pass. Act D ECORATE! rienmint and artistic interiors uixl attractive ex teriors mako !if brighter ami lmjjirr. Puiut nnJ paj cr arc clieup. I Setter Cheer Up The Home by putting some new bright paper ami paints on the walk It will hn more pleasant a itl inoro healthful. Intent ami prettiest si Kh nmv received. Call ami g:l estimatcx. C. ill. CUTBIRTII 127 .Seventh Street , . . . I'lioue um tv m These tiny Captulsi art superior to tfaitam ot lopaea, vuDeoi or injection anarijiMu CURE IN 48 HOURSlnl th samt diseases with out inconvenience. A Hold Up We hold up our line or Btovts and Ranges to the public for In tpectlon. Prices on all lUatlng Stoves wo have thot to Meets. W. J. Scully 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. ' At Ve AkwaUBN Tenth and Commtrvlal Streets North Pacific Brewery. JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. The Popular Product of the only hrewerv In North- western Uregon enjoya a very large domtntlc port Sale. and ex- KOPPS BEST bottled or Jn kega. Free City Delivery,