The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 20, 1902, Image 3

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The genuine Johann Hoft' malt 'extract libat w sell for thirty
wnts a bottle I said to b on of th lit Ttmlo Nutritive g.
tract. For general doMtlty, cough, cold and pulmonary affec
tanb For general debility, In the wesk,'lt has a food rotation.
The Morning Astorian
I'OUTLANI). WVb. lO.-Orcuon. rain
ml euolor In aouihwewt jortlun; fn.1t
along the roust; Waaltlngton, galoa
aluitg llin euast, mln; Jdatio, probably
ruin In northern and wvatern portions,
fair In mmilieaat.
Th French bark Vrallle left up
yesurduy for Portland.
Call Main Ml for your coal require
tnont. Order promptly filled.
A shipment of freah ch sand
wiches Juki In. Job neon Uros.
ratronla heme industry tad buy
your td, bay and grain at Oaetoo'
in I if. (
Typewrit Ing don at raonabl
rate; compoaltloa a specialty. W. C.
Bishop, Central Hotel, Commercial St.
Th Knox Hat fur th spring and
summer of 1903 have arrived ti C. 11.
Call at th Occident barber abop for
up-to-date pork. Three flrst-claas bar
bers. Japan food of all kinds, cheap at
th Yokohama Basaar, HI Commarolal
Ladle d al ring tewing dona by th
day In thlr bom, Inquire at iU,
Fourteenth Bt , .- ...4
Call and the new JCnox Floro
dora Hat, th soft styles for P'lnr,
at C. 11. Cooper'.
It you want box wood, slab wood or
other firewood telephone Kelly, th
transfer man. 'Fhon till black.
For aal Lots ( and I. Mock 34, Me
Clurv's addition. Inquire Frank Fa
bre, Boattle, Wash.
You will And th beet l&o meal In
town at the Rising Bun Restaurant,
No, (12 Commarolal St.
Tire New Slyl Chop Houe rrvs
the best meala In the city, Qlve It a
trial and '. Kleventh street, be.
tweon Commercial and Bond.
Are yu fond of vegetable; If ao,
call and let us tell you about preferred
stock, th beet to b had la tin.
Johnson Bros,
Another shipment of eheaa sand
wlohes, Virginia biscuits, Athena, Ra
mon and Champagne wafara, Just In.
Johnion Bros.
Only about ISO voter hav rcs'ster
rd In the city thus far. Voters are
rwttu rally slow, but there Is steady
registration and It I thought this
year's vote will be built up to that of
last year.
Julius Jitrbe, a native of Germany,
won yesterday granted final paper of
vltlsenshlp In the circuit court, while
Jiienb Dem-k, also a native of Ger
muny, was made a cltlsen In the coun
ty court
.First Showing of
Early Spring Effects
Inspect First, then Dity if you are satisfied.
We do not hesitate to say that our new line
ol Dress Goods, Silks and Satin is the larg
est, best and atrioUy up-to-date ever dis
played in Astoria representing the newest
creation of New York and Paris fashions
now at our Store awaiting your examina
tion. Remember we can give yon what all
the fashionable Indies wear in the
Fashion Centers of the World
6 Commercial Street. . Aitrla'i Popalar Sler
Patronlx home Industry by .smoking
th "Prl'l of Astoria" cigars; finest
mad. Manufactured by MacFarlane
A Knobel.
Roslyn coal last longer, la cleaner
nd make In trouble with stoves and
chimney flue than any other. George
W. Sanborn, agent; telephone 1311.,
Borne very fine sweet and Juicy
Navel Oranges that are grown in the
froatless regions of California can be
had at Johnson Bros.
John At Montgomery, at No. 123 Bond
street, does all kinds of tinning, plumb
ing, gas and steam fitting promptly
and skillfully and at very moderate
Orange are now in th height of
their season. We have just received a
shipment of fine, swt and Juicy na
vels. We guarantee these orange to
tie "the finest on the market. Johnson
The first attempt lo pump the sunk
en bark llenrMte was commenced
yesterday by Hale A Kern during the
low tldea of the morning and evening.
Th work, however, was largely In the
nature of, an experiment and but little
progress waa made.
Deputy Collector McLean yesterday
measured the hull of the gus-illne
srhocmer Ilover. Her dimensions are:
Length. 45.8 feet; beam. 11.30; depth,
3 W. The Hover waa built by O. P.
Graham for Hpencer A Hayes and will
le used as a tndr on up-river sein
ing grounds, .
County Surveyor Astbur has com
plwled the blueprints of a profile of
cn new bridge across the Lewi and
Clark. Jut above Its mourh. which
will be submitted to th war detri
ment. Th bridge, with approaches.
will be jooo feet In length and Will
nave a so-root opening.
Ratification of the merger of local
efcctrlo and gaa companies Is merely
a formality, and th deal can be re
garded as closed. Some of the stock
of the gaa company Is held by Indi
viduals not connected with the elec
tric light concern, and, of course, this
sBoek must fo bouirht In. A hitch In
the negotiations Is very unlikely.
The case of Rlla fleott igalnst the
Astoria A Culuribla River Railroad
Company will bo called In th circuit
court this morning, The action is
brought o recover damage In the aum
if $5000. This la the second hearing
of the case, tire Jury having disagreed
the first time. Fulton Bros, represent
the defendant and Judge Bennett and
Ooite Noland the plaintiff.
In thu circuit court yesterday after
noon the Jury returned a verdict for
the defendant In the case of neld.
Murdmk A Co. vs. the Alaska Fisher
man a Packing Company. The Jury
was out but a short time. In th case
f John Fnx vs. Ada J. Hanthorn, the
demurrer wax argued and the matter
taken under advtaetnent. In the caa
of Jessie L. Fish vs. F, M Fish de
fault was entered. Plaintiff sues for
divorce on the ground of desertion.
Bhe asks lo be allowed to resume her
mil Men name, Jeattl Jewett, A decree
of dlvorc will probably be handed
down this week.
Th regular meeting of th W. C.
T. V. occur this afterr;on at th
hat), comer Bond end Eleventh street.
Friend of tlm union ar Invited to
attend th meeting.
The steamer Alliance, with frelaht
and passenger from eJan Francisco
and way tswls. arrived yesterday and
proredd up to Portland. '
Mayor Buprenant yeirterday signed
the ordinance providing for the con
struction of a new bridge at th In
tersection of Franklin avenue and
Fifth street.
The George W, Elder arrived In
yesterday from Han Francisco after a
rather stormy passag up the coast.
Hire smashed Into th O. 11, A N. (kick
on landing, but did little damage.
Two men arrested at Long Beach1.
Wash., on last Barturday for house
breaking and bound over . to the au
!erlr court In the sum f S0O0 broke
Jail in flwaco last night and are now
at large. Several hnum-s were enter
ed by these culprits and a quantity of
clothing and blankets were titken.
They were' caught In the Eatrbrook
house, but raptured before they had
secured anything from there. It Is
expected they wilt be mmplured to
day, m a posse Is out after them.
The clerks In the wherlffs office ar
very busy making out deeds to proper
ty bought in for delinquent taxes. The
deeds are being execu'.ed lo the coun
ty so ht sale can be made, as was
provided for by the last legislature.
In all there ar more than 100 de
linquent, and that many deed will
have to be made out. The work iwlll
not be finished for some tlm to vome,
as the collection of taxes Is occupying
considerable of the time of the fherlff
and hla force.
The West Bide correspondent of the
Astorian writes that the recent dam
age to the Jetty waa due to lack of
rol-k to hold the superstructure in po
sition. In all. 42 bents, 672 feet In
length, went out during the storm.
This, with what was carried away by
earlier storms of the present winter,
ha destroyed nearly all J he work done
ii'Mi season, a recurrence of thJs dls
sster Is not probable after the win'
ter la over, for government engineers
have found a upjfly of rock.
The Push Club park committee haa
been granted further time In which to
report to th club whether or not Jt
will be possible to acquire one-half the
property recently bonded by It from C.
W. Rhtvely, Mr. Shlvely, now a reeldent
of Portland, will be consulted. The
roads committee has also been granted
further time to report on the cost of
the Nehalem highway, to date, aa It
will be necessary to make careful re-
-areh of the records on file with
County Clerk Wherlty. The committee
is anxious to have the county sawmill
transferred to the Lewis and Clark to
aslst the people there, a, when
I toad master Frye finishes sawing lum
ber at Kroael'a, no more lumber will
be required for somo months. The
committee believes the sawpilll ought
to be kept In operation In the mean
time. K. HouRhton, of Seaside, Is In town
as a circuit court Juror.. Mr. Hough
ton rs very much Interested In the lo
cal movement for a road to Tillamook,
and expresses confidence that th peo
ple of the adjoining county will do
their share to build the proposed high
way. Mr. Houghton recently went
over the southwestern portion of the
county with Southern Pacific engineers
and found that K was possible to se
cure an excellent grade below Arch
Cape. The Push Club rs now at work
on the matter and tire roads commit
tee haa already placed itself In com
munication with one of the Tillamook
merchants. This gentleman has been
away from home and the committee
has as yet received no reply to Its
totter. The Support of Tillamook
county can be depended upon, how
ever, for the plan of co-operation In
noad-bulhUng originated there.
The annual meeting of the Columbia
Conference of Swedish Lutheran
churches began last evening in the
Swedish Lutiheran church. Tbew was
a large attendance, and Rev. U. A.
Anderson preached a very helpful and
able sermon. The ministers piesent
ar; J. W. flkans. Portland; N. J.
W. Nelson, Mosoow, Idaho; W. L. Lar
son, teattle; C. B. Frisk, Tacoma; B.
9, Nystrom, La Conner; L. A. Hocan
xon, Butte. Lay preachers: J. A.
Levin, Everett, Wash.; C. E. Holt,
Portland; A. O. Landell, Towa. Lay
delegate! Oscar Carlson, Portland;
Quataf Lindberg, Tacoma; John Eric-
son, Spokane; P. Staffanson, Powell
Valley, Ore.; A. Mattson, Hoqulam.
The forenoon today will be taken up
with 'business sessions. In the aft
ernoon, beginning at 2:30, brief ad
dresses win be given on selected top
ics, by the pastors of the conference.
In the evening Rev. C. E. . Frisk, of
Taooma, and Mr. C. E. Holt, of Port
land, wll apeak. This service will be
gin at 7:30 and will be entirely In
English. All are Invited.
Before the week is ovr President"
Carnuhan, of the Push Club, will name
a committee to work With a Cham
ber of .Commerce commilte In pub
lishing a handsomely illustrated book
descriptive of Clatsop coutfty, Ap
pointment of the committee was au
thorised at laist night's meeting of the
club. There was considerable discus
sion as to whether or not publip as
sistance should be asked, but It waa
finally decdded to defer action on this
maaitter. Doubtless merchants, manu
facturers and property owners will
be acquainted with the faot that they
can secure copies of the book at a
mall oost, but opinion Is adverse to
any appeal for assistance. The mer
chants and property owners ar par
ticularly Interested in an Increased
population, and If they do not wlh to
assist hi advertising the county the
two commercial bodies wfll do so. It
is the Intention to get out a book that
will be a work of art and something
that will not be of mere temporary
bmflt. The Chamber of Commerce
will meet on Monday night, at which
time President Tallant will be author
ized to name a special commute to
work with the Push Club committee.
At every meeting of th two bodies
numerous requoata for information
ar rewlved from Eastern people, and
th need of some firm-class descrip
tion of local resources Is keenly felt
Of course, the various committee ar
attending to all such requests, but It
Is impossible to send to each Inquirer
all the Information that should be
furnished. It will take fully three
month u Isvue the book. Scenes of
interest will be reproduced. Robert
Wherry, of Elsie, who was at last
night's meeting, said there is a rpruoe
tree 93 feet t inches in circumference
in Gods valley, and appropriately sug
gested that this monster eupposcdly
the largest tree in Clatsop be photo
graphed for publication In the book.
Sheriff Linvllle will commence the
collection of taxes on Monday. It Is
Just possible that the start miv be de
layed a day. The collection this year
will be made In accordance with the
new state law, which provide for
several important changes. The law
was framed as an Inducement to prop
erty owners to promptly settle their
tax accounts, and, while (Ring espec
ially favorable to those who pay
promptly, ts likewise very mere with
the delinquent The property owner
who pays his taxes on or before the
15th of March will be allowed a I
per cent rebate. If the land owner
pay one-half .the amount of hla tax
before April 8. ho will be allowed un
til the first Monday In October to
pay the balance due, and no addition
al costs will be charged against him.
However, if he neglected to settle be
fore the first Monday In October, a
penalty of 10 per cent wn le requir
ed of him, and he will also be charg
ed 12 per cent interest on the amount
of hla taxes from April I (the day fol
lowing Che first Monday in April) to
the time of settlement. The property
owner who pay half his taxes on or
before April 7 of this year and doea
not pay the balance by October 12 will
be considered a del n iJ.Ml so far as
the one-half due la concerned, and the
penalty and Interest will be charged
against hlm Just as If he had neglect
ed to settle In part That feature of
the law which requires a delinquent to
pay 12 per cent Interest has been re'
garded as Irregular v by many land'
owners, as the legal rate of interest
In Oregon Is per cent. The conten
tion waa that the 13 percent charge
constituted usury. However, this opin
ion is erroneous, as the law empowers
the legislature to fix any rate of In
terest It might choose in special acts
of the hind. Taxpayer will find It
to their interest to settle promptly this
year, and already several persons have
paid their taxes. Tire general public
Is requested not to call at the sheriff's
office before next Monday; as arrange
ments for collection have not yet
been completed.
J. A. Fulton to John Dragollch lot S,
block M. Shlvely's Astoria; 330.
John Glaser to Willis H- Gllbert-820
acres In section 25, T. 7 N , R. 8 W.,
and section 4. T. 6 N., "R. 7 W.; 85.
Albert J. Hill and wife to Fred W.
Preston 13 acres in sections 23 and
27. township 8 north, range 10 west;
Six-room 'house, with bath am? all
modern conveniences. Inquire of Geo.
W. Barker, at Astoria National Bank.
The steamer' Mayflower makes regu
lar trips to Deep River as follows;
Leaving Fishers' wharf, Astoria, on
Sundays at 12:30 p. m., and on Tues
days, Thursdays nd Saturdays at
5:30 a. m., and at 2 p. m. Returning
from the headwaters of Deep river at
7:30 . m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Office of C. Q. M Vancouver Bar'
racks, Wash., February 15, 1902. Seal
ed bids proposals, In trlplloate, will
be received at 'the office of the Depot
Quartermaster, Portland, Oregon, until
2:30 p. m., March 5, 1902, and then
opened for the construction of a
steamboat In accordance ' with the
plans and epeclflcatlons on file in the
Depot Quartermaster's dfflce at Port
land, where full Information will be
furnished. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be marked: "Proposals
for Steamboat," and addressed, J. W.
JACOBS. C. Q. M. , .
he ubscrlptlon price of th Seml
Weekly Astorian has been reduced
from two dollars to only ONE DOL
LAR A TEAK. Tou could not pur
chase a more valuable gift for dol
lar than a year's subscription to the
Astorian with which id nleaw reoola
who are acquainted with Astoria; Or
Clatosp county, or with which to in
terest ithos who ere not acquainted.
It goes twice each week tor only en
dollar year.
V. E. Waters, of Forest Grove, Is In
the city. ',9
J, Walter Beaborg Is lu thi city from
Hwaca '. ; r ' l
F. W. Preston, of Warren ton, waa In
the city yesterday.
eutnk-y Glldden, of Chlcigo, is a
visitor In the city,
John Erickson, of BpkMie, anlved
in the city yesterday.
F, W. Petty grove, of San Francisco,
arrived In the city yesterday.
Captain Wallace Stuart, of Voice
Point, Wash., Is In the city.
H. L. Shaffer and wife, of Nal,
Wash., were In the city yesterday.
Miss Elizabeth Olaser, Mrs. John
Closer and Mrs, A. Johnson were in
from the Claskanlne yeaterday.
Captain Ed. McCoy aswimed com
mand of the bar tug Walhila yester
day. Contractor Landon, of Fort Colum
bia, waa doing business In the city
Lieutenant John McBride, Jr., of Fort
Canby, who had . been here in attend
ance at the social session of th Elks
Tuesday night, returned to the fort
Captain Randall, of the steamship
George W. Elder, is quite 111 In Son
Francisco with scarlet fever, having
been taken down with the disease on
the last trip of the Elder to the Bay
City. He I succeeded In command by
First Officer Wallace.
Hon. BenJ. Young left yesterday
morning for Portland to visit Mrs.
Young, who is quite in at a hospital
there with cancer of. the stomach.
Sigfried Young, of Golden, CoL, and
Mrs. F. D. Reamea, of Klamath Falls,
son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Young, ere at the bedslde of tnelr
Mansell Building.
573 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR
Physician and Burgeon.
OMc is KttUcac Pare BalUiif.
Calls answered day or night
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidoT8 and U6ia ttghl.
Hat Sale
Assorted Hats
Bought by Mr. Danziger at a
$1.50 to $2.00
Yonr Choice for
85 cents
S. Danziger & Co.
See Display In Window
f tfr tfr
$ i& Us
$ $ $
Wrappers !
At Shanahan's Special
All 75c wrappers for
All $1.00 wrappers for
All $1.25 wrappers for
All f 1.50 wrappers for
J-5 The best Sewing Machine
made. Buy one while : the
price is reduced
sewing 20 per cent Off
bow Boca nosey you ve
1 BDY mit PAP
15,000 Rolla Justin, More to Follow.
Latest Designs in Exquisite Colorings.
We will sell von BORDElt (or yonr rooms at the SAME PRICE as the
wall and ceiling. We keep first-elsss workmen and guarantee our work.
Let us figure on yonr decorating for 1902.
365367 Commercial St.
We are prepared to m&ks them oa
short notice and of the best materials.
Let us give you estimates on way kind
of eastings or pattern work. Lowest
prices for first-class work. .
The Messenger
. . .
School Shoes
SssKttisf New
Sir! '
and the best
hoe mad, lor
011 to Scbo
Astoria's Leadlaf Shoe Dealers.
to Eat
Is not the important question bnt
how to bave it prepared
to suit you is a poser
The expert
cooks at the
on Eleventh street, can prepare a
meal like your mother used to serv
m&. '
Wrappers !
for three days only.
. . . .
. . . .
. . . 49c.
. . . 98c.
. . $1.25.
570-680 Commercial St.
Scow CaylrcaO
Brass Vtztl
Cot. 18th ud Franklin are;
Central Meat Market
Yonr ordra for
meats, both
Will be promptly aid
saUs.actorlly attended to
fl. W. MORTON, Pres.
TelephonaNo. 321. '
Prices Talk
During the last few weeks I hav
advertised some rare bargains to
, all kinds of
Household Goods
That they are genuine money sav-
, ers Is proved by the fact that they
ing fast
As the carpenters ar now at work
improving my building I must get
rid of more stock to mak room,
so here goes.
Another Cut
This Is the best chance you will
have In 1902 to buy good, cheap
furniture. ;
The House Furnister