THE UO&JONG ASTOR1AN. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ,50 1902 Sally otoritw Teiephoa Main tel. TERMS OF BUBwCRIPTION. 1 DAXLT. cot by null, per year Btat by mttl, per moata Btrred by ounit, per month. .1100 . . ' SaMl-WBBKLT. ent by maH, per yew. In advance. U- Tbs Astoria guarantee to It adver tiser the. tercet drculattou ot ur owsppr "Mtab.ed on the Columbia ,A CITT WITHOUT HOMES. In the course ot a discussion In New York on the "Evolution of Capi talism," one ot the speakers eald: "We are fac to taoe with the heav iest Indictment that can be brought against modem Industrial progress." The Indictment which was declare to be to dangerous to the welfare of the commercial metropolis ot the nation was that the evolution of capitalism had produced a city without homes. There are," Maid, the speaker, "tene ments and flats and apartments. There art hotels and (heaters, restaurants and saloons. There are stores, banks, ' museums and churches. But there are do homes in the sense the worl Is used In other cities. This tact is the penalty for Now . Tork's commercial supremacy." A city without homes Is city built on a foundation of sand. It Is a city that Is attractive only as a show. The rich of all the country go to New York with the sole purpose of spend ing their money In pleasures' and dis sipation. It Is a city ot contrasts. Against a thousand millionaires there are 16,50 families dependent upon charitable associations, and 15,990 de pendent children In the city", institu tions. The redeeming feature In this connection is'the liberality wRh which these charitable societies are support ed. While better than giving , Is the creation ot conditions which dispose ' with the obligation to give, there is a hope ot better things from a people who do not permit their sense ot com fort and fondness for luxury to harden their hearts against the suffering of the poor. The erase for show, the desire for excitement, the indulgence in the pleasures which the possession -of practically unlimited wealth makes possible, are features of modem life not confined to New York. In San Francisco as in other rich and prosperous cities, the family house gives way to the Imposing structures which shelter anywhere from one hundred to three hundred families, says the Bulletin of that city. In these suites of rooms are single men, young and old married men, most of whose families consist of a wife, and young women who. are as Independent of home restraints as their male associates. , The underlying principle upon which these Immense caravansaries are conducted Is to eliminate household work from the experience of young women- It Is J nearly as cheap, and much easier, to relegate household duties to China men. That life under such conditions may be clean morally is not disputed. That the family loses individuality, what may be termed family char acteristics, Is a natural consequence. The Intimate association which binds the members of a family into the unit upon which our civilization rests is not possible. GEER AND FURNISH. The Salem Statesman declines to apologize for its gubernatorial atti tude. It desires the renomlnation of Governor Geer and openly announces Its, preference. It asks the opposition , faction to do likewise. The opposition . has been scoring the Statesman for , Its course, but its rejoinder will doubt less quash Its slanderers. The Salem paper says: - ' '" . The statesman's assertion mat tne . . ....... fight for governorship was between Ueer ana j"urnisn is reporiea to oe re sented with much vehemence end bit terness by the leaders of the opposi tion and charcterized as false and . malicious. Geer,' Furnish and Lowell are the only authorized candidates and are the only persons seeking the nomination, as all readers of the newspapers well know. In Eastern Oregon it Is generally admitted that Furnish will be ahead of Lowell, and by far stronger in the convention than his home rival. Newspapers all over the state said that the fight was be- . - .1 n,.HniBll c0 .a..m.a lWn r ,u.u. w other names have been mentioned, without authority, though, in connec- tlon with this nomination. C. A, Johns, one of the number, says he wilt not put straw in the way of Governor Oer's renomlnatlon and will not be a candidate, Henry Ankeny, another, has repeatedly said that his people favor the renomlnatlon of Gov ernor deer, and he has assured his friends that he is pledged to bring that about. J. M. Churv. who has also been named, has declined to be come a candidate, and says he will use his influence to bring the delega tion from Union county to the state convention for Governor Geer. The tight Is between Geer and Fur nish, and no one is as -well assured of this as the men who are denying it. It was decided several months ago that Furnish should have the ; sup port of the MHchell machine; he paid for it, so it Is alleged, by liberal con tributions to the campaign funds, and it Is his property. The leaders of the opposition to Governor Geer know this is true; they know that Furnish has rights they cannot deny. The talk of other candidates Is simply for ef fect. The opposition to Governor Geer has but one candidate, and that is W. J. Furnish. But why should our friends go Into spasms at the mention ot the name of Mr. Furnish 'In the contest? He Is a gentleman and not to be ashamed of. It Republicans are so exceedingly unwise as to nominate Mr. Furnish. the Statesman will support him with every argument available. The States man simply asks the opposition to bring their candidate to the front Bring him from behind the scene into the light Let his record as a cKlsen and a Republican be examined In or der that the party wlH be able to make an Intelligent choice at the primaries. The contest Is between Geer and -Furnish, and the republi cans have a right to know something of the man the opposition proposes to place on the ticket for them to ratify at the polls. 11 .' The merging of the Astoria Electric Company, the West Shore Mills Com pany and the Astoria Gaslight Com pany will be a good thing for the city. It means, what Is best, that an Improved car service will be afforded, giving connecion with the residence sections of the East and West Ends. The East End is particularly veil adapted to the building of homes, and the establishment of Industries in West Astoria will soon render that t ' section desirable for the same pur pose. Astoria needs more homes, and an extended street car line will do more than anything else to Increase the number of residences. The city likewise needs an improved lighting service. This statement is made with out in any manner attempting criti cism ot the service given by the West Shore Mills Company, which has, con sidering the disadvantages under which it has labored, done very well But the city needs a more extensive lighting system, and the merger Just brought about win make this possi ble. The company now in control of the local street-car and lighting sys tems Is a small government in Itself, and, like other great corporations, operating in many cities, must at all times be honest whh the public. There is a natural tendency against monopolies, but In the street-car and lighting business monopolies have been found to be most practicable. The merger and announcement of pro posed Improvements are a gratifying expression of confidence in the future of Astoria, Indicating that men of means regard this as a most favor- able field for Investment Dr. Flinders Petrle, the archaeolo gist, announces that he has deciph ered the cuneiform inscription on a table he excavated In the jlains of Asyrla, and believes that it Is a copy of a prehistoric comic paper. Among 'other Items It contains the following merry Jest, which bears a strangely familiar sound: 'Now, there were ! gathered together at the place of the 1 telling of stories many of 'hem that , have lived long In the land, and one of tfiem lifted up his voice end said: 'Behold it groweth. cold with much ex tremeness." Whereupon another made answer saying: 'Verily, it doth. But let us se perate and get hence, for. here r Cometh Methusalem the aged, and If we tarry he will even tell again cf the spen of e year 40 . And lney got hence with much speed." This Item of news, which appears exclusive ly In the Baltimore American, is not. ; however, accompanied with an affl 1 . , Drouth in two succcesslve years over the same area In ' India almost means depopulation, and that is what is at present threatened. Unless rain fails there during the remaining veek of the present, month the w.irld will have a repetition of last year's dismal tale, with even deeper notes of misery and desolation. Above aU thlngSi d0 ot neg,ect t Those of you who put off this very necessary formality wiU be subjected to great inconvenience to-' wards the last, and win then vainly wish you tiad heeded the advice so often given. Every voter in Astoria can spare the time required, and, as the privilege ot voting Is the greatest enjoyed by cittsens, none should neglect to register. Do so today. - Ranch It and rough h and you'll soon get rid of that weak chest and that hack ing cough." That Is what the doctor safd to a young married man with a wife and child to care for and a modest alary to support them on. He couldn't gp West Love and duty tied htm to his desk in the city. People don't have to travel to cure coughs or strengthen weak lungs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures ob stinate, deep-seated ronirha bronchitis. bleeding of the lungs, weacness, emaciation and disease which if neglected or nnskfll fall treated terminate fatally in con sumption. I win write yos what Or. Merc Ooldea Mcdksl Dtaeomy has fccj 'my Onnt K. Meter, ton' at Dortoa. Pike Ownty. K. TMrttta yi I woawltd kj Ml fc-y I.JSiL bmtk. awl it is iitii easy "! JJ coLk to W K Ud I woald hate to sit apiabtd sUiiffct CmM aottu orslMpMtiaMS; ns til rM dm; could mot work at all. A few smiths u I fcegu using Dr. Hrot'l Goldra Mfctl Ducorn;. Havt aot mmi man thaa twa bottks, mad sow cat, slcwp, ;nd work, udlfeci Ukcaacwaua. I canaot and ward to fuftcintlr recommend Dr. Pincc's Goldra Modkal Discovery, or tell Um good it has done Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent frtt oa receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. The book has I008 pages and over 700 illustrations. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. MILLIONS rUT TO WORK. The wonderful activity of the new century is shown by an enormous de mand for the world's best workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. For Con stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, or any trouble of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys, they're unrivaled. Only 25c at Bart's Drugstore. After a man has been married a year it begins to dawn on him that dhere are a few things he doesn't know about women. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. "I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and In bed half my time," says d Demick, Somervllle, Ind., "I spent about $109 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." You dont live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are realy starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does tbs stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet Eat all you want Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. CHAS. ROGERS. Unusually the man who drinks champagne smokes cheap cigars and economizes on his laundry to make up for it CHILDREN ESPECIALLY LIABLE. Burns, bruises and cuts are extreme ly painful and if neglected often result In blood poisoning. Children are especi ally liable to such mishaps bi-cause not so careful As a remedy DeWltt s Witch Hazel Salve is unequaied. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles. "DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two physicians gave her up, writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind., The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." CIIAS. ROG ERS. Old age Is more beautiful to con template than to live. A LEGACY OF THE GRIP Is often a run-down system. Weak ness, nervousness, lack or appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and Kldnsys often follow an at tack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach, Liver and Kid neys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system, and re store to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only "iOc. Perfeot satisfaction guaranteed by Hart's Drugstore. Being right Is a good deal more fun than doing right A THOUSAND DOLLARS THROWN AWAY. Mr. W. W. Baker, of Plalnvlew, Neb., writes: "My wife had lung trouble for over fifteen . years. We tried a number of doctors and spent over a thousand dollars without any relief. She was very low and I lost all hope, when a friend suggested trying Foley's Honey and Tar, which I did; and thanks be to this great remedy, it saved her life. She is stronger and enjoys better health than she has ever known in ten years. We shall never be without Foley's Honey and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try it Sold by Hart's Drugstore. Mrs. Bargaln-Oh. Ethel! I have Just talked Edward into giving me the money for a new hat! Mr. Bar gainWhich I shall entr In my ac counts as "Hush momy."-drookly Life. DON'T LIVE TOGETHER. Constipation and health never go to gether. DeWltt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels uMinui itiiiNu hin boon trou bled with costliness nine years," says . n . . v.. j, . ureene, uepauw, inn., 1 u tried many renwdloa but Little Early Risers give best results," CHAS. ROGERS. The longer the honeymoon the big ger the reaotlon. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best and most famous com pound In the world to conquer aches and kill pains. Cures Cuts, neaie Burns subdues Inflammation, masters Piles. Millions of boxes sold yearly. Works wonders In Bolls, Ulcers, Fel ons, Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay; 25o at Hart's Drugstore. Smokless powder when blown Into tissue at dose quarters caused less pain and suppuration than black pow der, and the grains are more easily removed. , A NIGHT ALARM. Worse than an alarm of Ore at night is the brassy cough of oroup, which sounds like the children's deatl.' knell and It means death unless something Is done quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar never fafla to give Instant relief and quickly cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. L. Cordler. ot Man nlngton, Ky., writes: "My three year old girl had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live. I got a bottle ot Foley's Honey and Tar, the first does gave quick relief and saved her life." Refuse substitutes. Sold by Hart's Drugstore. In Scandinavia It Is believed that Captain Severdurp ot the Fram, who has been away for forty months, has found the north pole and la now re turning. FAVORITE NEARLY EVERY WHERE. Constipation means dullness, depres sion, headache, generally disordered health. DeWltt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, opens the bowels and relieves the condltons. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. Chas. Rogers, druggist The yield of cranberries for 1S01 was as follows: New England, 249,000 bar rels; New Jersey. 120,009 barrels; the west, 40,009 barrels, a normal crop, CHILD WORTH MILLIONS. "My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harriaburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Mln ut j Cough Cure Is sure cure fo-.- coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cur which acts Immediately. The youngest child can take It with entire safetly. The little one like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Every fam ily should have a ho'U n( On! Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season es pecially it may be needed suddenly. CHAS. ROGERS. The highest of all navigable rivers is the Tsang-Po, which (lows for near ly 1009 miles at an elevation of from 11,000 to 14,000 feet TO CURE GRIP IN TWO DAYS. Laxative Bromo-Quinine removes the cause. E. W. Grove's signature on every box. Price 23 cents. Because of the Kor quality of Rus sian petroleum supplied, the (irecian government has ordered In New York 20,060 gallons. Foley's Honey and Tar Is best for roup and whooping couirfc', contains nd opiates, and cures quickly. Care- ! mothers keep It In the house. Sold by Hart's Drugstore. Don't Guess at It But If you are going East write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; Ml 9 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address. J. C LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBELL, T. F. & R. A, Com'! Agt. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. These tiny Capsules are superior to balsam ot copaiDa, luDeDS or injections onaf urr. CURE IN 48 HOURSlW, the tame disease with out inconvenience. Sold by all PruPfistl. The most reliable preparation tor kidney trouble on the market I Foley Kidney Cur. Bold by Hart Drugstore. 1 PROPOSALS WANTED. Offlce of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., February 10, 1901 Sealed proposal, in triplicate, will b received her until 11 a. m. March 1L IWJ, and then opened for th con struction at Fort Wright, Wash,, of on double barrack building, brick. For full Information, plans and speci fication apply to this office, U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelops containing proposals should be marked: "Proposal for construc tion ot building at Fort Wright, Wash.," and addressed to undersigned. J. W. JAOOR8, O Q. M. Some Inter esting Facts When people r contemplating trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the bsst rvlo obtainable a far a speed, comfort and safety I concerned. Employe of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ar aid to sei-va the publlo and our trains ar operated so as to make close con- aeotloo with diverging line t U Junction point. Pullman Palao Sleeping and Chair Cars on through train. Dining oar servlc unrxoeHtd. Meal serve a la oart. In ordtr to obtain th Arst-clas r vice, ask th ticket ageat to sell you a ticket over Tbe Wisconsin Central Lines and you will mk direct connection at 8t Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and II Mint East. For aay further information all on nv ticket sgent, er correspond with JAS. C. POND, Gen. pass. Art or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. ONE DOLLAR cuniiot be expended to better advantage for yourself or absent friends than in a year's subscription for the Semi-Weekly Astorlan It givea all the city and county news twice each week ' foi only one dollar a year in advance. Pacific Navigation Company Sterner "Sue H. K more," and "VY. M. Harrison" Oiily;Llno-Atorla to Tilkttnook. GuribalJI Buy City. Hobsonvlll. Connecting at Astor.a with th Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria ft Columbia River R. K. for San Francisco, Portland and all points East. For freight and passenger rates ap ply to Samuel Elmore & Co, Gem-mi AgeutM, Astoria, )r. Agents A. ft C. R. It CO., Portland. H. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. O. R. ft N. CO., Portland. Big Deal in Press Dispatch lo Portland Oregosiun, February 7th Smith Premier Typewriter Co. L. & M. Alexander A Co., Agents. " PORTLAND OFFICE - - 122 THIRD STREET HQTGL PORTLAND rfsy PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrett-Clasfi Hotel In Portland PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. on Milwaukee" when going 10 any point A familiar nam of the Chtoago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known il over th Union th Great Railway running th "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night btwen St, Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "Th only pert trJn 10 (n world." Understand: Connections ar mad with all transcontinental lines, securing to passenger th best rvlo known. Luxurlou coaches, leolrlo light, tem heat, of a variety equaled by no other line. 8e that your ticket reaJs via "The In th United State or Canada, All tk'ket asent xil them. For rstvs, pamphlet or other infor mation, address. J, W. CA8EY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt., Portland. Or. Portland. Or. UuxuriousTravel Th, "Northwestern Llml'rfd- train, electrio lighted throughou'. both insid and out, and (team heated, are with out exception, th finest train In th world. They embedy th latest, rcwest nd best Idea far comfort, conveniens and (usury vr offered the travelling nubile, and altogether are th meet complet and splendid production of th car builder' art. These splendid Train Connect With The Gmt Norther Tie Nortberi PiclHc ltd The Cmdlii rtcttlc AT ST, PAUL FOR CHICAGO 101 tbe CAST. No extra charge for the uperjof commodtlon and ll rlassss ot tick ets are available for pass if 00 th train on Nil line r protested by Ik Interlocking Block Bjrittm. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SI8LSR, General Agent, Traveling Ag"t Portland, Oregon. Typewriters Aunlrlan Government Orders 1200 Smith Premier. VIENNA, Feb. 7.-The greatest sin gle purchase of typewrlwer ever made has been ordered by the mln Istry ot justice, which, after three month of exhaustive competitive tests, has contracted to equip the en tire ministry with not less than 12o Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court. TELEPHONE MilN 661 LI fnrlhd - fistoria louts STR. 'BAILEY GATitfcKI . Dally Round WW undy. TIME CARD Uav Portland J Leav Astoria. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAH0MA, Between Portland. Th and wif ruiai. TIMC CARD weaves Portland. Monday Wdndayt m .. i . ..... u . V g n ana rnuy , Arrive in, - ' Leave Th Dallos. Tuesday, Thurs day ana eaiuruajrs - -Arrive Portland, sam day, 4 p. m. This rout. h th rat tlo t- trCUJU on warm. -..... . ---Of Alder irt. W 'Phone Main UL A. J. TATIm, Agt AtorU. JOHN M. HIXOON Agt. Th. Call-. PIIATHBR HEMMAN. Aft., Hoosl WOLPOIID m WTEJUJ. Aft. Salmon. J. C. WTATT. Agt. Vnwuyr. K, W. CRICHTON. Aft. Portland. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA R1YER RAILROAD. LKAVI fOHTUND Aaatvt 1 Point AHTOaiA TSTsT (lOsta nrwVortWsiTtid 1 ratal iittsii UKpsi HKAD1DK DIVISION l.m A.turlaTor Wsrtwio. I fA 11 sn a ssi I rutin, run njwu 4 00 e m tsvpinl ILmmnuil an Anions iu si 11 60 m IN BB litis Koutd for Wsrnnwts, l p at lUmumo. rort SO m! Rta. and Aurl Sunday only. All train mas clns eonneetloo al Ooble with all Northern PaetAo tram to and from th Kail nd Hound P!' J. C. MATO, Oen'l Prelght nd rsngr Afnt, Oregon SflOLT LINE Union Pacific AMD TIME SCHED- Depart Chicago ' Portland ftpeclal :00 a.m. via Hunt ington Atlantle Express H:W n. m. via Hunt ington Bt. Paul Fast mall I p. m. via Bpokan ULKS From Portland. Arrtv Bait lAk,Dnvr, Ft. Worth, Oma ha. Karwa City :Mp.m, St. Louie, Chloagol and mtn. Bait U. Denver PL Worth, om. he. Kansas City, 1 11, a Bt. bnuis, cnioago and Bast. Walla Walla, Lewlaton, Boo kane, Minneapolii Bt. Paul, Duluth Milwaukee, Chi- T:00a, a cagoand East 71 hour from Portlsnd lo Chloago, No Chang ot Car. OCEAN AND RIVEN SCHBD0IJB Prom Astoria All sailing dati aubleot In flhlnn Por Han FranoisJ a. m, eio. Monday so livery Ave day. Columbia " River To Portland and 7 a. m. Daily si- cep Bun. WjfLandlngs. Steamer Naheotta leav Astoria on tld dally, eicept Sunday, for Ilwaoo, connecting there with train for Urn Beach. Tlog and North Beach pohMs, Returning arrive at Astoria sam even ing, ' 0. W. LOUNBBERRT, Agent Astoria. A. 1 CRAIO, General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon. BESTOF EVERYTHING In a Word This Tell of (he Passenger Servlc vl fhe Sorlhwestern line.. Eight Train. Dally Between Bt, Paul aid Chicago, comprising Th Latest Pullman Sleeper Peerles. Dining Can Library and Observation Car Pre Reclining Chair Car, Th 20th Century Traln- -Run. fcver, D,y of th The Finest Tram in the Work Electric Lighted Mted TP.EA, W.PRBSB, th. st Paul .-a p! "unning Between Line. Chicago, via th Short Connection from the We.t Mad. vl The NORTH upm rT,,.t?;i' " QjtBAT NORTH BUN AND All AttPtnim BaIi mi...... The Northwestern Line W, H. MEAD, H. L. Rrsr.wn usnerai Agent, TriTi ' . 28 Alder Street. PorU.nOr,