: HIE MORXLNG ASTORUN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY i3 1902 ' Tatepfeoo Mala ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION DAILY. lut y sasU, Pf jrw . Stat by snail, per month ff.00 ,so arrd by sarrier. pr month ', 8BMI-WEEKI.Y. eat by mail, per yw, in advance. $1. Ths Astorlan guarJites to tti adrar Ikters ths largest circulation of any sxvspaper lltahM on th Cslumbla COST OP THE BOER WAR. But for the iscovertea of fold in the Wltwatsrsraiid a, Ssw rra ago the Boers yfwM dtoubtlesa have been left tn tbe undisputed possession and swle anjoyrnent of the Sooth Africa veldt north of the VaaJ river. There m Main e! to atract forsgnrs so the Transvaal a country wlthw e ooaat, aeml-artd and naturally fcamo. Those water course were al tsrnsrtely swollen to torrent and left atmoat dry. and whoae summer storms wen uncaae of saod. The Dutch urg bera wfco had trekked out of Cape Coloey to get away trow the QigHsa were satisfied to Uve In such an un interesting country on he fruits of ths labor of their Kaffir dependents, passing Hrea of careless tndolenee when not In the saddle. WW no am biUon and MtUe or no education, the Transvaal Boer was, an anachron ism and would doubtless have been among the las people on earth to feel the Influences of the strenuous Mfe of the civilised world of the day but for the Invasion of hla country by the told seekers within the last fifteen years. Even then the Boers did not avail themselves of the opportunity to grow rich by digging the gold out of the Rand, but contented themselves with exadtmg tribute from the people who actually developed the goM mlninr in dustry In and about Johannesburg. It was their exactions in the form of ex cessive taxation, the dynamite mo nopoly, etc, and the denial of a voice In the government to the TJitlandera, or foreigners, who werV actually In the majority, but powerless to Yemedy the glaring abuses in the government of Che wily old Kruger. which led to the war. It was thought that the struggle would soon be over and that the rich prise of the most productive gold mining district in the world would soon be in the possession of the British empire, but the realization of these expectations has been long de ferred and in the meantime the cost has been infinitely greater than it would have been to bear the burdens - " ibrella. and he rather suspected that gold mining companies so bitterly!.,. r,.., . ' Its appropriation by another had not 00mplalne5- been altogether accidental. He thre- Wlmt the Boer war has meant to if, .. iiore used the story to point a moral the gold mines of the Rand 'and the . . . . . . n a sermon in the cathedral, adding holders of "Kaffir" stocks in Europe. tt u. . at if its present possessor would especially in England, may be srar- H. ,.. .. .... (drop it over the wall of the deanery mised from the fact that the output rj jj .. . , . , , garden during that night he would say of the mines for two years past has ,, . . . no more about it. Next morning he been only trifling in amount. From I .,.,. . I repaired to the srot and found his own 1S90 to t?98 there was a constant in- ..i,-.!,, . . j umbrella and forty-five others, crease In the output of gold from the Rand, from about JS.5O0.O00 In value The Lord Mayor of Lond.T has re in 18W to something like 75,OOO,0O In JeoivH a letter from W. A. Aldrlch, 1S98. In October of the following year , of Spokane. Wash., inclosing 7.fr) the war broke out and stopped opera- from a Londoner who died in a hos tions at the mines, the output for the pital in that place and wanted the year 189 having), however, reached a . balance of his money, after the pay total of about J70.000.0.j. The Britih ;ment of the funeral expense, to be were In possesion of Johannesburg ' ( to England for the benefit of early in the summer of 1900. but the 'Tommy Atkins." total gold production of the Transvaal for that year was only, about J7.00rt.000, and laeft year it was only J5.5O0.WO ' A dozen active Kaffir stocks which In 1898 "paid dividends ranging from 10 to 150 per cent each on the par value of the shares, declared not a single dividend In the year 1901, and only one of them paid a dividend in 1900. This Is an Indication of the effect of the war upon thousands of Investors 1n these gold mining companies Which is not as a rule alluded to in estimating the cost of the con flirt- In noi.no tr. ling, 10 wy Mvui'ng 01 ine com; in Uvea But the gold is there and when peace i? established the output will be I A gtran?e woman ha f.hucked Rus enormous. Tt is estimated that gold sell Sage under the chin without to the amount of JTO.000,000 a year can j charging him a cent. Uncle Sage was be taken from the Rand mine for fifty i tkkle'1 Blth th" wnole performance that he shaves all round the spot in years to come wlthput exhausting the loraer t0 pre8erve the sensation, supply. But Great Britain has already! spent one-fifth of that total for fifty . K,dney .plaint kills more people years in trying to whip the Boers. j than any other disease. This Is due .' m , 1 I Jto the disease being s Insldous that Leading merchants of Mexico ere : 11 getB gwi hol1 on the system be h,.,g. If not actually Png. for the " establishment of the gold bads In the fatj disease lf taken , Umei gold by currency of that country. And, singu- Hart's Drugstore. larly enough, the annoyance and em barrassment to which these Mexican merchants haw recently been subject ed by reason of the fluctuations In th value v' the peso may with fairness be laid at the door of the United States government; fr K has per mitted the peso to circulate without check In the Philippines, thereby causing an additional artificial value to attach to that cheap and discredited cdln," Fluctuations in the value of the Mexican silver peso have been unusu ally wide; since last July. According to our diplomatic representative at Monterey, CVnsul-Oeneral Hanna. the bankers there attribute this largely to the existing uncertainty as to the course of our government In the use of the peso in the Philippines. During July last K took l.tt pesos to purchase an American dollar In Mexico, but when a little later there were rumors there that American coin and paper money would soon become the only currency that would "pass" tn the Philippines at .the rate of only 11 for one American dollar, the peso has steadily advanced in value In Mexico. These ups and downs have caused no end of embarrassment to Mexican business houses that purchase large quantities of goods in the United States and Europe, as such goods are paid for on a gold basis and sold la Mexico for silver. Almost every day that passes furnishes additional rea son for putting the remaining s3ver nations onto the gold basts. A distinguished foreigner has said that if women were made eligible to the office now restricted to men they would be more Just to accused persona of their sex than male persons are. The inference that may fairly he drawn from the remark Is that the in terests of women would be subserved by the admission of women to the jury box. There Is at least one woman la the State of Iowa who would hardly subscribe to this doctrine. Tfcls is a young woman who has heel awarded 1000 damages because th? man to whom she had promised to many died before the date set for the martUge. It was not pleaded that the other party to the engagement was in any respect at fault. There was cc Inti mation that he would not have ful filled the conditions :t th; enjvr.7ent If death had not interfered. But a male Jury gallantly hell that at the young woman would, In th eent of marriage, have been en'itled to an equal share of the ?sta:e owned by the deceased, it was but J :st that the loss she had suffered should be made good, as far as the power to make it good rested with them. .Vow. th? conun drum In t&is proposition is if a wo man Jury would have been as gener ous to the young womin a a male jury was? A well-known English dean recently hail V . . . '"'J mraianune 10 lose nim nm SAVED HER CHILD'S LIFE. "In 'three weeks our chubby fettle boy was changed by Pneumonia, al most to a skeleton." writes Mrs. W. Watkins, of Pleasant City. o. "A terrble cough set in, that, in pKe of a good doctor's treatment for several weeks, grew worse every day. We then used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and well. We are sure this grana meaitine saved his life." Mll- j Krng know 'y ""re cure for r '- " ung omeases. ! Hart's Druirstore tlon, oOc, JIM I Trial bottles free. When a woman gives up it is because the has rone to the utmost limit of strength and endurance. It is a marv el how women will stairger on under the daily household burden when the whole bodv is racked with pain. For the nervous, run-down comlitiou which so many women experience, as result of overstrain in housrholtl cares, there is no metlicine can equal Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It strengthens the weak stomach by cur ing diseases of the organs of tliirestion ana nutrition. It purines the blood of poisons which cause rheumatism and other painful diseases. It nourishes the nerves, and builds up the body aith sound, healthy flesh. There is no alcohol in "Golden Med ical Inscovcrr" and it is entirely tree from opium, cocaine and all other nar cotics. Accept no substitute for the "Discov ery. There is nothing "just as goi for weaint., nervousness and debility. I tot ibf whole world to kaow what Or. rferor' J'cin ha doo for writes Km Hrtca hurqrnx. of Bwgx Knoa Co., U., I had manv ui I he ill of woranl Uat, My teas aad thtt traoWcd M braidea, aad t had taromitwa. Aboat a t sco I hod to ti ro work I u ao bad. I sad heard Much noot voar mcdkiM I UtoatM 1 ntd try it. I took low tu tie of r UaMra Medkal ti onty ' ai -iu,' sad by ta Uait I bad takes kalfof the tr bottle I befaa to is, aod kept niaa bntcT. Aad .' I h m bm ol my old aUwr.tx and eatlrrly rand of rbca aa, I fed tik a a ran,' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent frt on receipt of tump to pay expense of mailing only. Send at one -cent stamps tor the oook in IS iper covers, or stamps Tor cloth ndin?. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Bul- talo, N. V. THOUSAND DOLLARS THROWN A WAT.. Mr. W. W. Baker, of Plain view, Neb., writes; "My wife, had lung (rouble for over fifteen years. We tried a number of doctors and spent over a thousand dollars without any relief. She was very low and I lost all hope, when a friend suggested trying Foley's Honey and Tar, which I did; and thanks be to this great remedy. It saved her Ufa. She Is stronger and enjoys better health than she has ever known la ten years. We stall never bt without Foley's Honey and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try it. Bold by Hart's Drugstore. In Mexico graves are rented. When relatives do not think enough of the departed to keep up payments the tenant Is evicted and gladness enters the heart of the proprietor of the bouse-for-rent column of the local paper. MILLIONS PUT TO WORK. The wonderful activity of the new century is shown by an enormous de mand for the world's best workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. For Con stipation. Sick Headache, Biliousness, or any trouble of 6 to roach. Liver or Kidneys, they're unrivaled. Only 25c at Hart's Drugstore. Minister Wu confesses he is con vinced that he admires American wo men exceedingly. We all admire Minister Wu for the courage of Ms convictions, especially those of us who are afraid to say anything else. A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. "I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and In bed Kaif my time," says K. Demick, 8omerv!lie. Ind., "I spent about flow and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." You don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are realy starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does tba stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet Eat all you wane Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. CHAS. ROGERS. She "I suppose you think every woman wants a husband?" He "Oh, no; some, already have husbands, want the earth." Philadelphia Rec ord. DON'T LIVE TOGETHER. Constipation and health never go to gether. DeWitt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress. "I have been trou bled with costlveness nine years," says J. O. Greene, Depauw, Ind., "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." CHAS. ROGERS. La Montt "They say that some of that barber's little talks are very In t.ereming." La Moyne "iNo wonder! he illustrates them with cuts." Phila delphia Record. TO CURE GRIP IN TWO DATS. Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne removes the cause. E. W. Grove's signature on every box. Price 25 cents. It is also to be observed that Ed. Biddle was a poet. And to give the devil his due, he staged and acted his epic like a master. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best and most famous com pound In the world to conquer aches and kill pains. Cures Cuts, heals Burns subdues Inflammation, masters Piles. Millions of boxes sold yearly. Works wonders in Bolls, Ulcers, Fel ons, Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay; 25c at Hart's Drugstore. V Th most reliable preparation ,0 kidney troubles on .the market is Foley's Ktduey Cure. Sold by Hart s Drugstore. An ex-cabluet olncer and a few friends plotted to drink Minister Wu under the table. With a sweet, sad, sober smile Wu helped each and every one of thcin to bed. Here is the only Vellow Peril" worth worrying about. CHILD Rl-IN ESPECIALLY LIABLE. ' Bums, bruises and cuts are extreme ly painful and If neglected often result In blood poisoning. Children are especi ally liable to such mishaps brcauss not so careful. As a remedy UeWlu's Witch Hasel Salve is unequated. Draws out the tire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of countorfclta Sure cure for pilea "DeWitt's Witch Hatel Salve cured my baby of ecaeroa after two physicians av her up," writes James Mock, N. Wtbater. Ind., "The sores were bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." C11AS. ROG ERS. "This Is indeed a god!" shouted th Austrian burghers as they heard young Mr. Schwab order up a special train with the same nonhcalasoe that Emperor Francis Joseph exhibits when he marches to the ticket office window. A NIOHT ALARM. Worse than an alarm of fir at night Is the brassy cough of croup, which sounds Hk th children's deatb knell and It means death unless -something Is dons quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar never falls to give Instant relief and quickly cures th worst forms of croup Mrs. P. L Cordler. of Man nlngton, Ky writes: "My three year old girl had a sever case of croup; th doctor said she could not live. I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, the first does gave quick relief and saved her life." Refuse substitutes. Sold by Hart's Drugstore. England needn't lose any sleep about her food supply in time of war. Business is business, and even the terrible Napoleui) bought his soldiers' uniforms from the "nation of shop keepers" he tried so hard to strangle. A LEGACY OF THE- GRIP Is often a run-down system. 'Weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and Kidneys often follow an at tack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then Is Electric Bittern, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach, liver and Kid neys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system, and re store to health and good spirits after an adtack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 10c. "erfeot satisfaction guaranteed by Han's Drugstore. An Iowa woman has sued a dead man for breach of promise of marri age and recovered J 0000 damages. The poor fellow Is left with only a small balance of 50 cents to start house-keeping In the present location. CHILD WORTH MILLIONS. "My child Is worth millions to me." says Mrs. Mary . Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Min- Ut5 Cough Cure Is sure cure fo.-coughs. croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cur which acts Immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safetly. Th little ones like the taste and remember how often-It-helped them. Every fam ily should have a hot f One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season es pecially It may be needed suddenly. CHAS. ROGERS. So fast does Representative Little field of Maine talk to tlw house that the official stenographers are stttlsfled whenever they succeed In snatching a tail feather from the flying verb. SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. The subscription price of the Semi Weekly Aatortan has been reduced from two dollars to only ONE DOL LAR A YEAR. You could not pur chase a more valuable gift for a dol lar than a year's subscription to the Astorlan with which to please leople who are acquainted with Astoria or Clatosp county, or with which to in terest those who are not acquainted. It goes twice each week for only one dollar a year. Why Bhould Lo be shorn of his mane when, poets, musicians and oth er Irreclaimable are allowed to run at large with long and oily locks? . FAVORITE NEARLT EVERY WHERE. Constipation means dullness, depres sion, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, opens th bowels and relieves the conditons. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. Chas. Rogers, druggist "George has an automobile In view." "Who, George? He couldn't buy the tire for one wheel." "Tt belongs to the one he would flke to marry." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Foley's Honey and Tar Is best for croup and whooping couglv, contains no opiates, and cures quickly. Care ful mothers keep It In th house. Bold by Hart's Drugstore. CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats . Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. Some Inter esting Facts When paopis ar eon tempi t ting t trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally wtnt th best strvtce obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is eoncsrsed. Employ of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES art said to strvo th puhUe snd our train ar operated so a to mak clos con Motions with diverging lines at all Junetioa points. Pullman Paiao Bletpl&g and Chair Cars oa through trains. Dining ear service uuexosned, Maals served a la carta In order to obtain th flrst-elaas ser vice, ssk th ticket agent lo sU you a tiekti ovr The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will makt direct connections at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all oolnti Bast. For any further Information call on anr ticket agent, er oorresoond with JAS. C. POND. Qn. Pass. Agt or JAS. A CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wla ONE DOLLAR cannot be expended to better advantage for yourself or absent fiienda than in a year's subscription for the Semi-Weekly Astorlan It gives all the city and county news twice each week foi only one dollar a year in advance. Pacific Navigation Company Steamers "Sue H. E more," apd "W. H. Harrhon" OnlyiLlnc-Astoria to Tlltamook, Garibal ll Buy City, llubsonvllls. Connecting at Astor.a with ths Orewoii Railroad tt Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for San Francisco, Portland snd all points East. For freight and paattnger rates ap ply to Samuel Blmore 6k Co Utnerul AireiitM, Astoria, Or. Agents A. tt C. ft. R. CO., Portland. R. C. LAMB. Tillamook, Or. O. R. ft N. CO., Portland. Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AgentsAstoria, Ore. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON ; , ' The Only PCrtt-Clasa Hotel In Portland PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Lse Orders Promptly Executed DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. D Milwaukee" whn going to any point A familiar nam of th Chicago, Milwaukee St. I'aul Railway, known all over th Union as th Oreat Railway running th "Pioneer Limited" train vrv day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "Th only serfm train In th world." Understand: Connection ar mod with all transcontinental lines, securing to passenger th beat srvlc known. Luxurious ooschea, leotrio light, attain heat, of a variety equaled by no othtr tin. Be that your ticket rea.lt via "Th In th UnltM State or Caaad. All ticket atents sell thttn. For rates, pamphltt or other infor mation, address, J, W. CA8MY, C. J. EDDY. Trav. Pats. Agt. Oen. Aft.. Portland. Or. Purtland. Or. IiuxuriousTravel . Th HNorthwtrn Llml'td ' iralns. electric lighted throughou', both insid and out, and steam heated, ar with out sorption, th finest trains tn th world. They embed y th latest, rewest and best Ideas for comfort, eonvtniao and luxury ver offered lb travelling public and altogthr ar th meat oompltt and splendid production of th ear builders' art. Th splendid Trains Connect With The Grtt Northeri The Northers Piclflc n The Ciiidlsi ficlflc AT ST. PATJL FOR CHICAGO .od the CAST. No sitra charts for these superior acommodationa and all rlaasi of tick ets ar available for passtgs en th trains oa tnt lint ar protecltd by th interlocking Hiocg system. W. H. MIOAD, 11. L SISLER. General Agent, TrevtUng Aft roruana. Oregon. OF SHAREHOLDERS TELEPHONE M4IN 661 WHITE I A I I I II I 1111,1 ..? ortland - Astoria oate. STR. ''BAILEY CiATZtltT. Dally Round Trip BsoPt undsy. TIME CARD Uav Portland J " Leav Asturl T The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA." Dtwwn Portland. Th PN W4 wy TIME CAHO xavss rorilnnd. Mondays Wsdnssdats ana r riuy ' . . Arrlvs Ths XMIIpsi lh sains flay, m. Uavrs Ths Pall". Tudays, Thar. days ana naiuruay" -. - Arrlvts Portland, sains day, P. m. This routs has ths irsnflsst sosaloj at. IracUJoa on rn " ,t of Ald.tr iirt. Bow Thou Mais tU. JcSh'n M HUlooN, At. Ths Dallas. I'llAT 1 1 BR ll II K M M A H, Aft., llsod woumr'uj WTDOl Afta WWW J, fTwTATT. All. Vastest " ' ' . . . . y, . a m Im sail OREGON SH0RJ LINE UNION PACIFIC AMD itimk naretK ' ttf trti Arrtvs rrum rwuai Chlasx Portland Btwrlal IMs.ro. via Hunt- Inflon Atlantlo"" Express l:M t. m. la Hunt- Inftoa St. Paul PastmaU I p. in. via Bpokans Halt Uk.Davr. Pl. worts, Oma ha Kama City i;Mp.aa, fit. Loult Chtoaf o and Ktst. Rail Uk.Dw vi Worth, oma- h. Kansas Clir. 1:11a, 81. Uula, CBieaco and Bast, , Wait. Walla. ti.inn Bps- kjins, MiRflMpoll 81 patti. fttiutm MUwsukw, Cbl' eafn tad But T:Na m 71 hours from Portland to Ofaloat. No Changs of Cars. OCEAN AND RIVCR saifiDUXJi Proa Astoria All aalUni data subjsot (o ehanfe Pur Ban PrsaJs to tvsry fljt dsya "CoiumWa WW t a. sa, ssa. Moaday Tarn. Dallr ss ototBun. Tn Portland and Way lndlnfa. Btsamor Naheotia Iimhtm Astoria so l Ms dally, cicpt Hueday, for llwaflo, connsctlna Ikrrs with trains (or Uxtg Iirach. Tioga and Nurtb Hah poMa, Returning arrives at Astoria sams tvso ing. 0. W. LOU.VSBCRIir, AgsnV Astoria. A. L. CIU40, Ocnsral Paawnsar Asant, Porllitnil. (Xrafon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UAVK fOKTUNI) Aaairs ; mm in i i.riiuil i n on IKrpt.t I II 10 a M AHTtlHIA eiopmi I'oiiiu lioaipsi hkamiikiuvimiom" At,.rl uf W.rmiUm, Klil, Kurt H .n "ni'UMl'l inl Anliirl Sf.l,rh,t Wtrrtatiia, uii isitil AiUirlt s lft m Ituftsa so p m 1 "a inpm 10 iai m 11 sop m ' o p m sa 16 a m a w p in Ms m ' Bunduy only. All trains mak clns connMUon at dobls with all Northsrn I'aolAo trains to snd from tli K.t and Bound polaU. sf C ATOa Oen'l Prelght and PisMngr AfVoU In a Word This Tells of iht PaoM.igsr Ssrvlc via the loflhweslern ftineJ Eight Trains Dally Bstwtn 8t. Paul ssd Chicago, ecmiprliing Library and tlMrvilun Cars ' Pre. inclining fibalr Cars. Ths 20th Century. Tralns- ,y.rr Bay of th Tsar. I fie Finest Tram in the Worfo Elctrlc Liuhted nwt4 XesBtAI.E?'H8. ,h. Bt Paul n,i V.M "u,lnln uetwssn Un. "J Chl,,u- vl hs Short Connections from th. West M.u The NOIITHRrv o!," OK BAT NORTH KIRK I AND All Agent. Bn lrll..T., 11 va ine . . The Northwestern Line wirs.t, PorUaao, OrsgS