THE MORNING ASTORIAN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1902 TO THE MAN WHO THINKS. OOK yourself squarely in the face and see if you are not half ashamed to be without Ivory Soap in your house. Worse than this, your wife is without it It is bad enough for a man, though a man often doesn't care how his comfort is mis-spelled. But a woman misses all these little helps to housekeeping. And Ivory Soap is one; its great potency makes it actually cheaper than yellow soap for general work. It floats. ; QUEEN RBSENTS RECEPTION. MADRID, Feb. 1.-The queen re gent of Spain held tar final official rerentton here Saturday when th president of the senate and the cham ber of deputies presented to her 'ad dresses of gratitude from the country 5 for her nobility .and expressed the best wishes for the (success of the young king. The replies of the queen regent were coached in touching terms. King Alfonso was present at the re ception. POSTMASTER AT LA GRANDE. . WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-The pres ident today nominated John C Ardroy ' postmaster at La Grande, Oregon. I The burglars ougtht to be ashamed of themselves to annoy the police so much. 'I ' BURGLARS FEASTED ON WINE " CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Thieves entered the residence of W. B. Leeds, presi dent of the Rock Island railroad and carried off several hundred dollars worth of stiver. Before looting the place the burglars helped themselves to wine and the best the larder af forded, the servants In the morning finding several empty bottles and other remains of the feast The family were asleep. el' .. . I OUR ARMY THE BEST. Our army is the most effective and efficient organization In the world. The reason for this is the men are well-paid as well as well fed. Good feed" and good pay, however, will not alone make a good soldier. He must have steady nerves, a good digestion and a strong constitution. To fight disease it is also necessary to have the same requirements, but if you are weak and nervous, there is a medi cine that will strengthen your system. We refer to Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. For fifty years it has been mak ing weak people strong and sickly people well. We therefore urge you to try a bottle and satisfy yourself. It is a specific remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, flatulency, nervousness, and malaria, fever and ague. The Filipinos need mule. Now Is the time to supply them, after at lit tle longer contact with civilization they will be demanding automobiles. Tr! rears What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean : and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. . This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure ; no free alkali. You can ' trust a soar) (hat has ho biting in it, that's Pears'. - Established over loo years. , What for? If you ask her she will tell you she doesn't know. She just feels have very little sympathy with this con dition in his wife. He can't see any earthly reason why she should cry. She has plenty to eat, plenty to wear, and he does everything he can, he thinks, to make her happy ; and in spite of that, she sits down and cries softly to herself, apparently without any cause or reason. But there is a cause, and that cause is some disorder or disease of the delicate womanly organism. Unhealthy drains have taken away the vital force. Inflam mation is fretting the nerves of the whole body. If women did but under stand the intimate relation of the gen eral health to the local health of the delicate womanly organs, they would realize that the auick way to establish the general health is to cure the local disorders. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription dries the drains that enfeeble women, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and cures female weakness. It is a medicine that can absolutely be relied upon to make weak women strong and sick women well. It contains so alco hol, and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. Women suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free of charge. Dr. Pierce, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has in a little over thirty years treated and cured more than half a million sick and ailing women. All correspondence is strictly private and sacredly confidential. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. . OOUID SO Am ELY WALK. For the lake of poor, suffering women, I feel it my duty to inform yo of the put benefit jroor medicine has gim me," writes Mr. Csllie Bowie, of Watts, IredcU Co.. N.C 1 wu in miserable condition when I wrote to yon. I hid uterine diacase so hod I could scarcely walk nd ainered such dreadful misery I hoped to be relieved by death. Yoa wrote to me to take your FtTorite Prescription ' and I have taken eleven bottles of it, and two of your Pleasant Pellets. I am entirely well and feci like a new woman. I feel thankful to Cod and to Doctor Pierce for the blessings I now enjoy. I have fine, big boy, two months old and serer got along as well in my life. I can't praise your medicines enough." MO USE FOR DOCTORS. About five years ago I had very poor health, writes Mrs. 8. E. Whalen, of Holden, Johnson Co., Missouri. "After doctoring four years with our town doctors they gave my case np; said they had done all they could. I had been con fined to my bed half my time; the other half could hardly drag around. I had such pains in my back and abdomen I could not stand on my feet tor more than a few minutes. My feet were cold or burning, and my periods came too often. The doctors said it was change of life, so, as I had heard of lit. Pierce's medicines, my husband got tup a bottle of ' Favorite Prescrip tion.' 1 took it snd it helped me in some ways, so I wrote to you and followed your advice, I commenced 'Favorite Prescription,' 'Golden Medical Discovery' and the 'Pleasant Pellets,' as I was so constipated all the time and pills woukrweaken me so that I would have to go to bed. To the great surprise of everybody I got well, and when I met my friends they would ssy, 'I never thought you would be here now.' But I can say it was your medicine, which no doubt is the best in the world. Have had no use for doctors since I tried your medicine." - Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are an effective medicine for the bowels snd liver. They do not re-act upon the system. ..... ,. ..,.- GREEK MF3ET8 GREEK. 'Fierce Fight Between Rival Factions of Greek Orthodox Church. CHICAGO, Feb. 16, Rival factions of the Greek Orthodox church had fierce fight during meeting and when the trouble was over one police man was among the Injured, while several Greeks suffered from bruise Knives were flashed and fierce threats were made during the encoun ter. When the trouble began tJu-ee pollcmen attempted to stop It but the officers were pushed . and nearly S00 men were fighting. On policeman was struck by a chair and knocked down stairs. A riot call was turned In and on the appearance of a large body of policemen the rioters were panic stricken and Jumped out of windows and down stairways. The police charged Into the -crowd and, after sev eral minutes of fighting, succeeded in restoring order. OF BUT LITTLE VALUE. Montana Cfepphlre May Be Found In Barrels Full. BUTTE, Feb. 10. State Senaor Hob- son, who Is largely Interested in the sapphire diggings In Fergus county, says the story in circulation through out the East of the .many diamonds being found in ttrts state is a myth. The stone that 1 creating all the furore Is a white sapphire, very hard but of comparatively Bttle worth. Hobson has made special trips to New Tor and London, where he has In terviewed well known lapldlsts with1 reference to the Montant stone. In veins extending for miles along the creek bed, Hotwon says these white stones can be found by the barrel. PLEA FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY. NEW YORK, Feb. W.-In Ws ser mon at the Collegiate church. Dr. Don ald B. Mackay, talking on "A Plea for Christian Unity," expressed the be lief that his goal can be reached only along the line of interdenominational co-operation. It Is a dream, he said that all Christendom can be made In one creed, the doctrine and ceremoh ai The former plan, however, he considers feasible and he presented in his sermon a basis on which he thought it could be accomplished. ENGINEER INSTANTLY KILLED, SEATTLE, Feb. 10.-U E. Wi, marine engineer and an old resident of this ctty, was Instantly killed yester day by falling down an open hatch way on the steamer WTamette. He fell 30 feet and struck on his head. Hardly a bone in his body was left unbroken. Dlx stumbled over a coll ot rope beside the open hatch. He leaves a wife and two children. Prompt Deliveries'. Of Choicest Fresh and Cured MEATS New Shop. " , Best of Service Phone Main 61. BOSTON MEAT MARKET "Ws lead, others follow. QU1TPAYING RENT Own your own home Don't pay Interest The Oregon Mutual Rome Society Will buy yeu a home for 11000, or pay your mortgage for the same amount You can repay them at 15.35 per month, without Interest Send lor leaflet ex plaining our clan. Home Office, 60S Commercial Bldg., Portland, Ore. Tel. south KWl. Local agents wanted In every town in the state. Contracts matured as follows: December 21, 1!U No. 1. January 18, 1902, No. 8. Branch Office: 424 Commercial St t Pay Yon... to write for our rates before you pur chase a ticket to any point in the EAST. Through Tourist Cars from the Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati connecting with through trains for alt points In the far EAST, SOUTH or SOUTHEAST. Fast and handsomely equipped steam-heated trains Dining Cars, Buffet Library Cars, Sleeping Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars throughout the following states: IOWA. INDIANA. WISCONSIN. MIS SOURI, TENNESSEE, LOUISIANA, ILLINOIS, MINNESOTA, SOUTH DA KOTA, ARKANSAS, KENTUCKY and MISSISSIPPI. Fur particulars regarding freight or passenger rates and service call on or address, J. C. LENDS BY, T. F. m P. A B. H. TRUMBULL,' Com'l Agent, 143 Third St., PORTLAND. ORBOON. 01 VIWS ADVICE TO MOTHER. Immediate Belief from the Use of Paine s Celery Compound. B03T05, J.n. 13, 1902. TO THE SuTFERHTB PUBLIC i It ia with a feeling of extreme gratU tuck and thankfulness and a humane desire to benefit others that I write oat my own experience in the use of Prof. Edward E Phelps wondorf ul prepara tion, called 'Talne'a Celery Compound." Owing to a fall from a bono several years ago, I became a nervous invalid, and last year I entered a hospital ai a patient, when I wu operated on by a famous Hew York inrgeon. The largioal operation was inooeeaful, bat nervom proitrition followed. A summer in Newport, with the best medical attend&noe, failed to restore my nerves to their normal condition. I wu absolutely unable to digest any aolid food, and this weak condition of my digestive organs, combined with insomnia, caused the deepest depression. A constant tenderness and soreness in the region of my stomach, with a dull headache and extreme weakness, created a feeling of hopelessness, from which I was nnable to rise. It was in this melancholy frame of mind that I ohanoed to meet a Boston lawyer, who said to me, "I was in almost the condition that yon are now in, and after spending hundreds of dollars without receiving any benefit I was induoed by a friend to give Paine's Celery Compound a trial,' which I did, and it cured me completely when everything else had failed." I was rather skeptical about trying a prepared medicine, but I ordered a Dottle from my druggist and began to take it according to directions. Mnoh to my surprise I slept soundly at night and did not wake in the morning with the usual dull headaone. laen, too, l developed an appetite lor solid loou ana soon I was able to digest a course dinner without any uupleasant sensations, I am now completely restored to health after about two months' use of the Compound. Sympathizing deeply with all who may be suffering as I did, I take this method of reaching strangers, after writing personal letters to my particular mends. With the sincere hope that others may be benefited as I have been by the use of raine I Uelery Compound, 1 am Very truly yours, 382 Hewbory Bt MBS. FBA50ES L BEMHABDT. Hotel PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON Th Otify PlrtC1as Hotel In Portland COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST TELEPHONE M4IN 661 Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. Andrew Asp. Wsgti laker, Blactwith aal Iirwikser FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Brscial Attention Oivsn to Ship aid 8tamboat Kapainng-.osnerai BiacK smlthlng, First-class Horss Shoeing. sto. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANfl PRAEL& COOK TRANSFER COMPANY . Telephone ZZL . : Graying and expressing All 'Ws shipped to our. Cars Will" Rsoelvs Special Attention. No. S3S Duane St. W, X COOK, Mgr Astoria. on. ties. Tn. lm.,, Dr. T. L,. Ball DBNTI8T. 1X4 Commercial 6t., Astoria, Ore. ..TEAS... Latest Importations in TEA, RICB end, all kinds of CHINA MBRCKANDI6B. ,,: j. ' , Contractors for Chinese LABOR P. A. STOKES Oxy Stand tbe Strain cf Active Service 1 SwdWfh'DMibtt-StftngfhSin Z I il hTS ACi -Buttons Strongly Fstnth-Un. i 8 L.l.'Jf"ssV IkX. r fin new imaei tmun ) ISSZ nxM tht Stylish Curicfltotnd "J tz Ufa Wvriunt a PERFECT i If L Mars SWu S Coasts Anurummi lisfa. p. A. STOKES Astoria - - Ofttot 'THE CLOTHIER Hop Hing Lung & Co KOPP'S BEST ADelicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure Ttas Northern PacMo Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer for domestic snd export trade. Bottled beer for family us, or kef beer supplied at toy time. Delivery in the c!trr. North Pacific, Brewery Our Brut shipment of 1901 Wall Pa per Just arrived and more on the way. You Must Look Before you can see our new coloring and designs, the Ideas are as bright as a summer morning, and suited to very kind of room and style ot fur niture. There Is nothing prettier on paper than these varied designs, Olvs us a call. C. M. Cutblrth ASTORIA. No. 127 7th street; 'phons 1088.' A Hold Up We held up our line of Stove, and Ranges to the publlo for In spection. Prices on all Heating Stoves we have shot to pieces. W. J. Scully 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. As Ve ALLBIN Tenth and Commercial Streets