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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1902)
" J .-r-if --w- . , , ,,..,., . t i i - i 1 THE MORNING ASTORIAN. VF.IN1-SIUY, JANUARY 1R. 1902 Second Week SHAMAN'S SLAUGHTER Second Week Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings this week at SACRIFICE PRICKS. Only 23 (twenty threo) days loft in which to closo out our Largo Stock ot Bargains. Those who wish to Make and Save Money should call on us before purchasing elsewhere. Bring your list with you early and avoid tho afternoon daily rush. A Few of our prices tollow: . In Our Big Dry Goods Department. Towel, usually told for Vie. now Apron Ginghams, formerly 19c now ' Outing Flannels, formerly lha now t Shaker Flannel, formerly 7lc now 4 Heavy Blanket, formerly Tic now Extra Heary UOiO Blankets, usual pric I1H now Large. Heary Comforters for Our Regular Sic Drass Plaids, now 14 Our 7Sc Cashmeres (all wool), now 3 Plerola Crepona, formerly U 35. now Heavy Venetians (all colors), now 49 Our 12 French Broadcloth, bow 1 Ladles' and Misses' Near. Ladies' Cotton and Fleeced Lined Hose, now ?b Ladle all Wool Caabemere Hoe, worth 35c a pair, now 1 Ladles Fleeced Underwear (pants to match), for 1 Ladles' House Skirts, lined throughout. Tu W-. now 4 Ladies' $100 Jackets for 1 5 THOSR STORM and RAINY DAT 9KIRT9 we usually sell for B W and 5.W. will be closed out for U 4 and JW Misses' all Wool Hose, regular price iSc. on sale for 12H Our Sic and SSc Waists now 15 Children's Button and Loop Hose Supporters our price J Others charge 15c a pair. TWO LARGE TABLES l MI.IJH,k.k. l.i..W n .S. s. V-S . KacIi Twnl Kerf li Four Fori, sttacfcsd high with rnmnanta and mill ends of t'mw l'wl anj IV msslics These ar marked at pr1ce fur below the cvst of manufacturing SKK WIMiOW lnsri.Ars. Special Announcement Th celebrated "Fish Brand" of 111 Clothing and fWcasrs will bo plac es on our Rargain Counters In Men's Furnishing Ootids I Vpartment Tho foods we warrant to be Waterproof and the prices are lees than factory cwt. A call will sonvlnce you. Lace Curtain Department. Our refular Curtains, nuida extra wide and I yards long, will be ciosed out at $115 a pair, our 13 00 Curtains will be offered at tl 49 pair Fur Department. We offer th following at cut i rl .vs Seal Martin Opossum Collarettes ft $3 t Chinchilla 1 44 Blue Lynn Animal Scurfs fur 1 T4 Oenuine Vartln Collarettes 4 3i. In Our Men and Boys' Furnishing Department. Mens and Hoys' Caps .... I Hoys' Suspenders fr ' Men s Suspenders for Men's Sinks tpalr), for I Men's and Hoys' t'ndi-rwear north Jie. now Men s and Hoys' Sweaters Ho s School Punts Men's nil Wool Pants Men's I) iO Soils for Men s Hals worth Tie. now i. J piece 'ults. now x. Ii-'l Pencils. 1 for Voutlis Suits ill years jpl. now Sleel lto-1 1'nil'iellas. worth je now Men i nil Wool illoves. fnr Men s JV and .f.e Ties for . . Men i aril Hoys' 4 ply I Jim n Ci.ll.n urgilliir price 16cl. for. Mens Fancy Morocco leather Watch i 'lialns . i ; mi 1 1 1 Indian Tan i!ors n.suiitr ptl.e JJci. for 41 l :t in I I ) : 41 i i to I Zi Special Notice. Tlo- l.liu-complete oTere l List week In Notions at 1c. :c. Jc an I 4c srs Delayed in transit 950 copies of the latest and most popular vocal and ii sti viniental Sheet Music, to bo sacrificed at 8c a copy Usual price 25 and 35c. Address 570-580 Commercial Streot. work or rut chamber KI-KNSIAI. KKV1KW BY ikfsiii:nt van di sks. Statist iix Show Tlit the Sound lTukiii": Amii Portlainl'i Wlii'iit Sliippiiii;. Th.- H eiin: ..I revi-w ..t t'' e-;J-nt Van 1jn '. the Ast-rU ..TiimlK-r of Cumm-r- was pr-entfi Monday niuht. Th- ! n um-M n in'.eres'. inu i.r. and f !! '-i -'. ' Wh-n ve a-mblH tw-i ur af . to n-v:.--..' an Cher years w:rk thii , l.j ik iia ,' Twar l ,1 of , ni. w!.l al .nu. do- 8H'.c; m.lh ..T.ti.'.Wl' to a l-'i' ,.)..,.. ..t a! prpei Ity. we haw be-n tturlin ire whai tn-1 for th- lest, us yet our efforts hav- no- l.een crown-l with th- suc..- ar.ticipat-d. -A"-.ri. Is 'h- wml cf.y In the Stat-. h.'A-VT. in popuiauwn ou-J - rn.-r!,.: lmt-irtance. and In g. .4 ii-ji; advancing, try (i ' lai.'- ho .-e-n th fori w - end. re- Onr oun mo: pros- !n.-- kn n in List -ry. As- U- tattin-' ui n herself i.i ..f i..'os;-ri'y. and it b ,- all ;o rut forth ev-ry ef- advance th- int-r-H's "f nihility. 'In ""''7 :,r,d. if v all wnrk topeth- . ,. rr .ur-r! -. es ;h- utmost. t h.-l;. bu' s-'ur- th- l-sne. I hi t off-is 4-xr:a in !.! -rnents :!ilfa''t"ries ,ir I olh-r -n'-r-and. B--I::-' th ti l- of .-rmzra- l'a'-l:ic N..r'hw.-sr. s giit of !h fact -ff-ir 'an foe m. pf 1S--V tioti :'ov. iriir to t " '-ieOi! I not 1 Il;a ' by .10 -i t' . :; .- . u. share-. "I, j 'to- l.t ar the .nimer- 1 ial H'aniat ions of Astoria have li-n; wlih this -ml In vie' an 1 th- pr--nt y-ir should show that their effort'' ar- 'o be met with suc i;s Win- as above sta'ei, v.e have b--n disai.p lirit-d in some of our un dertakings, it may prove a blessfng In disguise and force us to r-new our efforts and energy 'o try and build up our comtiiuniiy by indui l'ii? the cit izens to embark In eni-rpris-H, show Ins; to the outside woi 1 1 that we have confidence in ou: town, and In this way to let them s-e that we are not landing stilt, but are determined to build up a city at the nviuth of the Culumbia, where rail and sail meet, that can handle the commerce of the world. Some of our cltiz-ns have en gaged In the fishing business In Alas kan waters and have met with great iuccchs. The business has greatly add ed to the commercial Importance f our port. "We have been grnt-d .oilmen point rates on lumber, whi' h now puts Astoria on an equality with Port land and the Sound cities In the man ufacture of lumber. Yr.e iuaii: ' f timber In Clatsop county is estimated at IS SO1. .' feet, worth standing ji ir.O.M. and. sawed into lumber, val-u-d at I130.'-.0.000. ' I r-it-rate th- claim so ..f'en made by this hamber that th- mouth -f the Columbia river sh-ul I have equal rat-s on grain and iioir with 'lie Sound and ! r:s ! Wnsh:nt .n. Th- prodU'-ers of 'r-ifon ar- ju-'iy .-nt ill I to hav- sq.-li . mmoii r.iX--. V.- h.r. - m.i'1- .in eff.,r- for P ! termitiil v.-t-t,..und"n-er ra'-s to ai-ply to A st or: 1 l.T n b n ! fu:. W hoql I ...nMiiu- our ef- fo: until !: rat-s ar- obtained. 'A ar-f il'.y pr- ) ite I e-:ur;.T-pi... - 'h- rl s-.ts-.n sain on pack a', j . ;i. . Hes, ies it .". o ton ( nsh. .'-.'n ----:r;i.L' vi ca-s w-r-handl-d by th- -old storage plan's. These fiKUr-s show o'. r '.'" tons of fish wer- raughi and s 1 1 d ;rin th- s-a.on. whi.h. at 0 en'- p-r pound, the acerag- pric-. m-ans ov-r 1.'S'' dintribut- I am.. 111,' the, l.s-sides a large amount tha' has been expended f .r In handling th- rat-h. "I atta.'h a s a'-iri t:' f v-ts-U '1-arel fr .rn the Columbia riv--r f..r for-igo ports, als t a list ..' f.,i--igri ws-li having -nt-rod th iumbi.t river, as w-ll as e .asr-.v. - ves sels that hav- -n'er'd and &ied during tic- year Vi 1 In 'mparlng th- grain "hplm-nts of i'ug-t S..und and the Columbia river ' e find thst .f lii- . rop i'ug- t Sound shiiq.-d .i;.;roxiniat-ly T.'sy.'dO biisru-ls of vh-at. and 'he ''.l 'mbla rver 11.')"' (if th- W crop I'd?" t Hound sbitipe I a;. proximal -iy H.'s 0 :n hu.-i.- ls ar.I tii- '"oliiinbi'i river :7.iMi . is) bushels. During th- y-.a.' lien I'm"-' .-.iir.d s'. d approxiina'.-iv 1 7 ',0i ' 00 liisl.!' and th- ''oiumlia il-.-r T,- '.) If) bushels. "It is very stratifying to te- aid" to stat- thai our s-nators and repr-s-nt-ativ-s ha' e always s- cond-d our ( for' ( and aid-d us In every pos-lbl-manner when called uion. "While the chamber is to be con gratulated upon th- Interest manife-;'-ed during the past two years, we f 1 sure that our membership Is far too small for the work in hand. B'.i-ry man who has the Int-r.-nt of Astoria at heart should be enrolled upon the list of members. In this connection I would recommend that for a period of SK) days our Initiation fee be sus pended and that we make an extra effort to have our number swelled, so we can boast of a membership of at least 200. "In retiring from the chair I wish to thank the officers and members of th- chamU-r and g-ner.illy f-T the support ar.I -n- ..ii-ag-tnen' cued at th-ir Km N I ; lug the last four years. H VAN" I'l'SK.V." NOTICE T TH K ITI'I.IC WILL HI". ClwW'I' I'A iKANT MifiiT was ni:i! Ti:i;r."ii. l,'oiis lleing Mali- f a Hon of King !'Ma.J. I'ed-striins are h-rei.v warned that th- street-car trac n ''..mir.erclal sti t. from T-nth is in danger ous condi'l-n whil- r-p.ins are under nay. an I th- stru- ture Is liable to col-ial- at any t;m-. Th- puten- Is h-re i.v warn-1 f 11 f 'in- k and tbv 'he under- s 'n-1 .'I.: I..- b- r-sponslbe f.r .my .1- 1 !-tr :!; 1. 1 ".'.' -i'- N ,. - m ' i t :. T ' ;. 1 1, p- i -' .a:. - Using . ! r --p ..: a a:-. 1 .able ...... ! ' - 1 - ..f .' ... ii 'he un- l- -o." .t. c !. ! -; ns.b'.e. Ji'.- WiitT. 1 "I w.oild ...iiKh 'learly nil nlgl'.t Man,-" writ, s Mrs i'h. is. -. f AlesandiU. In!, "in I cmil I ha'lly I g. t an sleep I had c .nnm't! s no M W VoltK t, 14 -The return of """ lf ' " " M"k 1 ""''1 M-.W VKK, Jin 14 1.1. r'""n " !,,nigl; frightfully .ml .p.i 1.1 ... I. but. the king and qu-.-n to larlle..ugh j tth,. alI ,,,hl.r ,,. H, f ,.:,., ,i.t. house for th- owning ,,f p.u li.ini' nt ' ! 1111 l.otlo-s i.f 1 r King's 'e-v ov- marks the of ihe f. -tl It i"S j ery wholly emel m- and I iM'iied !. . l olltl Is." It s lll.solul d . d to tbe ..nation. sas A Indon 1 a iiri, ,.,,,, M ,;r,VVr, H.on hi- t.i the Tribune. The kin,-s i.iuncll l,,ni .ni l all Thiol.' .1 ..' I. urn; 'Iron- tig .v-re f .rniaittl. s . Lies Price r,ec mi l 1 l'i I il l.ol'U s t. rti.i.hii.ii' , 'f" ' '" ' " i"'i." '- l.irg-t ii.ei len: to;' '"" " . , 1 NP'.IIT WAS II Kit Tl P.U"H Prompt Deliveries :PRAI;L & COOK TK ANSI I k COMPANY Telions ill. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING I l ( 'iliill i'sl Kfrsli Ullil i'urcil MEATS an. I cabin ' m required f"r t ut' tig ton h-s .,11 the ad diem from tii- thrnii and fol til- arrang. -'ti n s f a- the s . (,.,...,., f.,.Ilin, 111. 1.t. 11 v and pa 1 H ine n' .ry 1 -;' 1 1 ' , r . 1 -r 1 i :.. 1'ie-i.l 11' 11.11 f a 1 lii he I,. I NVtt li..i. r.i'st nf ScrMic I'll' 'III' Mil I II b All g-v.1t aiilpprd tn our Cars Will lte,v (iprebll AtlsntlDR. nil tin in T" II' 1 1 ' I ' V I V ! S pk::. -n a: ..f Pot'lat I. U" ? ' ' .f Bay ''lt l.usin-ss. Mr Pink M KNTI 'S' - s . ... . r K.i' , on. : n-u' t j 'lit, r : Til" ' -r-tlionial lasl ! I."l i-pi a'- I. w ith m "t pag-s s.-j a: ri tg-s an I s., ; .i.ii: v . :n 1 1 1 in- ..., . ..f -Ml- .1- ll- ..:! I'- f "I " I ' o do if i , !:, k .J,i'iKsi coal Is the Ii- '. in -1 s.-.t ' a rj 1 1.. tril I, oil in I '!! 't.i 'I ' veiv ; nVl"' Kid'ho'lreish!' i'.rpay BOSTON MEAT MARKET No t.n 1 ni uio A t m la. I He W S (NkiK. Mgr. I ten T 1131. I'll al 11 lilal and d .11 t foiel Ihe .','',1 st iiti-; at ri . . I t.. .1 - f r In ii ' I rig Olid s , !ir. ' V.ot have hi.. I others, now ..n 1 1 . .1 .1 h - r... 1 11 -ii . I . .11 will I'tt ..I .lie king as lii ..' tii. p.c.y ;(i ... .. ,.,,.r ;,,,, p, .,.. .,.,1. i:n :1c i ii . ' -r 'h , main ''. i .ml w.- will d-IKer 1,1.4 niriii hand and 11. i-.rt I .n : . ".ai in y "i 111 mo ..'aaio.iy .u ' l- t lhi" I I !!! ;.' .1 , .11 of t l.e I in tn- city on .,j,.,, ,,r ii-- m K1. ..1: 1 i; nr.-iu' i upon th two "I'c i.ils w li .all f - in !' 11, - , -1 'ii-. 1 oi- f !' 'i t' 1"' 1 'to: 1 is.-.), i in 'I:- . ,a 11 j 1 ,m r-al dicr-e ..f n. Mi,.,!-,;- . ching (...'is- , Th- link- of l-voi.-l -mU '""' (o ,,!,v', health must ! take, before . , ' , 1. any th- .11. penal . -own ..1 Hi- "i I . m,s-; I,,,,',, The . lnld . an have to , " ',' ' , ; '"' ' stu-. The Maniul-i of Win- r 1 more ..,h!i ilian the iiiotli-r cm. it l.'-tliah -al- ild. Sail a pf illlirient . I . ,. . Ill I , ii 7..n ... .ro'.n 'A j. '.-.. r. I , v l....'MII Is ar in- II . "i ni.iii.i - n .1111. . ...01 -. K ... . ...... . .. I- .' a- r--' .. ' said aliotri.-:' t,i P I THE FIRST STEP TO MAKE ROOM Fur niir liirc stock of S,riti ( iumls ulrciulv ni'.li ii'd frmn tlic Fust is the mil' ivusiiti wliv we iiniiiiiiiii'i) a rciil 1 1 it 1: N' . M V 1.. longs in-t I w 1 1 bav a . n.rn f ' :.- !, tii- best ans ... . r ''ir .or and flil in tid- .11 I n P. r -ill. I,,.rd W.iily "ill !" 'h- gol I s:. k. 'a I.e. ,0 11..,,,. ,.11 h-r.i'.l . : ,U 'ni'i into I Vise I's I, .,11, I ',. III ,.- VOir g'HxR ,, , This gives in- an id a -.,11 H-r,i,i, ' " ' n""' " W.s... .-in' .. , is -o in c h wit , 'heie by Irtu- oi tiad' -n a broa-1 I '-v.i: ..f.-- a : ai l of $, for ! I 11.- h-s' ri. mi- I'.,- my gi-.r .-ir pri'-e m!" Iv.--l 'lia: , a n 1 s 'o may s-tid .11 a siji.-s-Ion ;iii-l - n 'h- j..ii I """" Tll.l ' oil HI V S .It ! U pool . lie il as'. s 111..1 than it save-. Iv oiioiny .11 r-iaiilnir 1. I uky boat may r nil ,1, th- I s ..f th boat. I'.c. ii'.my In 1 -!.. inning l-.n.-s us at Ihe in-icy ..f j tiai 1 ei s. It is the poor, s of 10., n- j ) a-'-ineiit not to ptovld" th- home with , .111 abundance 01 who!, son. ubs'aii ' j Mil m...-rri liteiauirc c'lu-l line ng ( 'h- e.lU.IUOIS of til- 111. Mil el ' of a hoiis- h old, for practical . v-ry day pqi -) p. s.-s. is th- newspaper. Noi th - sen- , 1 a.lonal kind, or 'b-- !oe slo y s .rl. . ' 1. ,1 Hi- paper which a Vies an iitleiest 1, ti... all'airs of go', eminent 11I1111 I y ,t ;i knowledge of wlllll l go- ) n' on at out '.i men i.rmirs 1 our ) ali lhat I" worn, knowing thai chi-erini oi miiiil, aiil cmjow l!n . t ; j v.itti lid 11" :i ,Ji a. al h. il'li ihei-rfnl ,!,-.,s I if , "'V ! j I''"'1 ' 't'V a , j 1 7 ''V' I 1 ' win. had I 'A, 1 - tin.! Ih-iIi i I,,- XQi i " !' - ! V I t ,' '.! " ' -' ' II -. '1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I t t , I f I , 1 Clearance Sale 1 1 ' gg-.t ,)!,. f,,i nam. f r It-''I-.'i,...g .-'., -V ; s. f a lb.. i , , Timnnn an i an j '.U eta . ... I 1 J I I U V I I fl W 1 n ri r; f ir , ; , 1 munouai, jhii. l ' , vol I 1 1 ' I'll Clip. I T" Ciiiiiiiipiiii plnsiial - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , -S'V I'.'". Jrif-i ''S,l!l-itl- , n,. 1, 1 llilll' 'I n it j has '" 'li re I P, any pan ,,f n. y, v, tua. ..,..,, .,.., ,s ,i, ; ,v ' 1 1 - 1 .... .. .1,.... I wt lwiiil t j.ii 11 or hinfrrniL' I nt , v , ifjM WMi'l. iUl'l K'''"-. J"U NJJ HI HUM' I I O ..llh.HJt. ;i Hurpltis of v.i,i!W-,n triHh nr.- r-omrr in jintvsnr a yM.-inmu siif.piv nity, vi that the biilli lioni is t without pain or hiilfcring. I ydves mi;..! and to ',::. I ill iter '.-'igll'-l.) to wad" through to find what vu '...iitit. Huh a paper Is the ml-W-. kly Astorlan, which can be had twice each week for the price of on- good paper, . nly I ao dollars per year. NijTK'IV AP.UIVL.. AT HAVAN ILLK. Masters of s'eam-rs and tug boats, I wit li or wilhoul tows, nr.- asked to go ' under a slow bell as they are pushing 'the British steamship Pembrokeshire, , ''OI)N, ''olombia. Jan i4 The o- 'as the swell raus'-d by the pas lug lomblan, 'jeneral Pinion, has ' boats makes a dangerous swash, en arrived from Havanvllle with 4'4 men : dnngerlng the lives of the divers. The 'under 'leneral rjarra. An advance said masters pas-lng on th other sldo guard of forces of the ''oiomblan 1 of Ihe channel would h-lp mailers jgeneral, '"astro, Is reported to be near very much, JOHN KKNNp;iY, Panama. j Mast-r of PembiokeHhlre. ot llenltlllul llotltlsllltlelll lor the lleailhy cliil.l. It maki s weak woini u slronj; and sick wotiien well There is no alcohol in "Favorite Pre rriition" and il is absolutely ftce from opium, cisaiiic, anil all other uarcotiiK, Sick women arc invitcl lo consult In Pierce by letter free of charge. All cot rcs;niuilencc strictly private and sai rn!!y Address I)r. H. V. Picric, Buffalo, N. V. "1 KlS'lly li-comnipli'l III. I'lf Tie's I'.lvi.llte I'n w niiti.iii " wtiu-s Mm I w. li. Mi-j.ii. a-. Mllii, N.irtliiintl.rrlfiiii Co Vir ! 11 Ih. "1iiIi.ii mytlllt'l llltle tuiv wim liorn I t..k nit ts.til,. Mr u tin- llueiil ifill.l mid lliis ts-ril hutii l.nlh snd I .liff-rr'l vrry Inn. h If up tlliiti I ill. I 1 li.i. in I'lililinenii-iit I uiitirhitaliiiiily iiilms i-x neitnrit iiiolin-rs In I he J .iv.lite I'ii-miii lion '" Ur. Pierce's Pleasnut Pellets arc a pleasant anil ellcctivr laxative iiii'iliriuc. 25 Per Cent Cut on all Clothing 20 Per Cent Cut on Furnishings I. .V W. Ci.IIiii'h mill I'ulls, (III ami Kiil,l i' ( idinl.s Kx'i'iti'i. 'I'll in in u I'.ONA FIDF, SALF fr tlu ri'iisiiii pjven. ''Fvciylliin ors," cx- CI'Jll IIH Hllltcd. OlII' HllM'k llf cllltllill is uiimiriuHW'(l fur nly 1 ami imlity. P, A. STOKES The Clothier