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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1901)
THE MORNING ASTOKIAN. WEDNISDAY. lWCKMIIKK i!S. IIMM NOI QUESTION OF PINTS OR QUARTS Ministers Object to Use of Beer t Students' "Smokers" at Institute of Technology. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE Deplore Stop Wliivh SwW to Establish Antony; Students Bwr Drinking Habit s of (irrman ruiversitios. BOSTON, Dec. :. Recent tvrorts of the inauguration of "Kommers" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy, having aroused th clergymen of various denominations, th matter was considered formally by Baptist, Metho etat anil Congregalionallst ministers. At the Methodist preach meeting, Rv. Dr. W. T. Worth, of Auburndalc. reported for the Investigating com mittee saying that Dr. Pritohett, the president of the Massachusetts insti tute of Technology, wrote the commit tee a letter in which he said the amount of beer drank at the "Student Smoker" was only St pints for 9? men, and that he allowed gatherings of classes on the property of the institu tion, where a simple lunch was fur bished, to have a moderate amount of beer, rather than have the students meet at hotels and restaurants. The investigating committee declares that it Is not a question of pints and quarts but a question of principle. Resolu tions were adopted by this body and somewhat similar ours presented t5 Her. Dr. A. O. DWon at the Baptist meeting, deploring the step taken which seeks to establish among stud ents the beer drinking nabits of tier man university life." A resolution offered at the Congraiionalist minis ters' meeting was tabled and President Iritchett Invited to address that body est Monday on the etuients problem. BIO PRl'NE SALE. Two Hundred Carloads Sold to J. K. . Armsby Company. SAN JO&E. Cal.. Dec. I4.Th Cali fornia Cured Fruit Association has Just sold 200 carloads of prunes to the J. K. Armsby Company. This In connec tion with the brisk sales f the past It days leaves not more than 1(X) car loads of last year's crop and a very limited supply of this year's pack In the association's warehouse. !t is stated that the balance of the crop will be disposed of within S4 days. ttO.000 GIFT. NSW HAVEN, Conn.. Dec. 14. Tale University has received a gift of 130, Mi from Robert K. Smith, Melessia A. Smith and Ernest W. Smith, of JJew Tork, to carry out the intention of the tot Rev. Edward A. Smith. Tale. m. formerly a member of the corporation of the university to esablish a fund in memory of his father, the late Isaac E. Smith, of New Tork. The Ir.come of the fund is to be applied to the ' current expense of the academical de partment. OIL FCR Fl'KL FiP. LTkCC.M'JTIVEP. ! One of the railr.sads on the Pacific j coast has been experimenting with oil ; as fuel fur their locomotives In place j of coal, and if it proves a succoes will be adopted. While there may lie some ' doubt as to the success of this new ( fuel, there is none concerning the cur- ' atiTe value of Hostetter's Stomach 1 Bitters. It has been given a thorough trial during the past fifty years and has never disappointed any sufferer ! from dy.-pepsia, indigestion, constlpa- j tlon or biliousness who has given It a ' fair trial. What It has done for oth- 1 rs In the past It will certainly do for , you now. . Try a bottle and you will be convinced. The genuine has our pri vate die stamp over the neck of the i bottle. ; Pl'PILS PRESENT PLAT. Infr'-sting Feature of Adair Christmas Exercis. School The entertainment given Monday evening by the pupils of Adair , school was a splendid success n evtry way, and reflected great cie i: on tea'hers nnd pupils alilie. The ain bly hall was cron-.Kd to tho i' x rs when the curtain rot? f'e the first act, ' The piece presented .vas a children's ' comedy In three acts, entitled, "The , Widow Mullins' Christmas,' and to say that the lar?e gathering jf pitron of the school was pl-ar;d with the effoits ef the children is ,iuting it Vi ey mildly. ; . The first act represented the study room of two well-to-J.) boy students, Guy and Swy Millitigtu.s. -vho planed to surprise the Widow- Mullins, a god woman of the neighborliood, who vis troubles in more Than on; way by the care of thirteen chlllren. The boys plan to dress up as Santa Claus, come down the chimney of the widow-' home, loaded with ioo l things for the children, and thus enlien the widow's Christmas. The second act repr:ertei the wld ew's cottage, the ohllJren making ready for school, and was replete wlih laughable Incident and enlivened by a number of pretty scn;rs rvttn, tlons. The widow's son. Peter, always hungry, was it laujli to look nt him and a source of gusl amusement to the audience. The thud act represented the v I low's cottagv on Christmas ve, the , .tilldrn cngagid In playing games, popping corn, etc., and the widow telling the ilmc-honntvd story of Santa Oaus. The chlldrvn retiring and the oldest daughter fall ing asleep while rocking ihe, a chorus of pretty little fairi. appears and heralds the advent of Si.nta Claus, who soon apivars from the chimney place, accompanied ly his assistant. Zero. The children. In re turning to hang up their stockings, catch the old fellow and a merry time follow , In which the .-hi! Iron twelve their presents. The little rlay was very well present ed and the P'ipils arc to be congratu lated on the success of their entertain ment. The cast of characters was as follow s : Ouv Milltngton, Student nd Santa Vlaus Morris Adair Swv Mllllngton. his oungvr Brother Victor Agrvn Widow Mulllns Clara Larson Marv Ann Mullins. ..Martha Paldamus Sarah Ann Mullins Kva Mellhohm Maria Louise Mullins Mamie Wilson Kaith Mullins Wihna Voung Hop Mullins Clara Seafeldt Charity Mullins Mabel Utrson Peter Mullins l?yron Cornelius Tom Mullins Tony Mercuna I Harry Mullins Willie Morton John Mullins Albert Porter I James .Mullins Louts Malagamha Dick Mullins Oeorge I'aysky Fairy Chorus Children PERSONAL MBXTION. Miss Barth. of Portland, Is In the city. I Arthur C. Callan is in Portland f..r ' the holidays. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Noon.m were owr l from McOowan yesterday. Will Madison left last night for In dependence, to spend Christmas with his parents. Mrs. Madison Is also at Independent. Mr. and Mrs Robert C Wright, of Portland, are In the city visiting with M-T. Wright's parents. Julge and Mrs 'J. H D. 3ray. Misa Susie Kirwin. of the Wilbur Kirwiu Opera Company, came down yesterday afternoon on the ilanert. the guest of Mrs. John Talbot. Miss Klr win returned last erenlng. IT rAZZIft3 THE WORLD No discovery In medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests hare been on hopeless victims of Consumption. Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom It has restored to perfect health. For Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Croup, Hay Tevr, Hoarse ness and Whooping Cough It Is the quickest, surest cure In the world. It Is sold by Prank Hart who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 60c and Trial bottles free. A GLOOMY CHRISTMAS I.OMM)N FKKLS EFKWTSOK W AU AMI B l WKATIIKH ( HMlaltv Culls Korlli Kv jir'iioii of Ijri'f I'rom I.finliii"; iliMiriiiils. LONDON, Dec. 23. "Christmas for the third year In succession Pnds this country engaged in war." is the burden of editorials In London papers this morning, and regrets are - xpressed that the casualty list issued today to tals 49 killed and Tl wounded. Sat isfaction, however, Is found In the fat that the process of attrition brings the end of the strugle pereept ily nearer. In London wretched weathr threw a gloom over the festivities. Shopkeep ers suffered heavily as the down-pour kept thousands of people indoors. Among the great cities of the world New York Is regarded ns having the greatest cause to rejoice for material prosperity. Rome and at. Petersburg are fairly prosperous, but Paris. Pur lin and Vienna are all suffering from bad trade conditions. STP.IKES A RICH FIND "I was troubled for seTeral years with chronic Indigestion and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Lan caster, N. H "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health fsr years. She says Electric Bitters are Jut splendid for femal trochlea; that they ar a grand tonic and Invlgorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take Its place in our fam ily." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfac tion guaranteed by Heart s Drugstore. SALMON NOTES. (Seattle Trade Register.) Falrhaven had a salmon sensation last wek over about 20,000 cases of salmon which R. W. Huntoon, local manager for the P. P. & N. Co. locked up in a warehouse to prevent the Na tional Storage Co. getting possession, the latter concern claiming it had not released the salmon, which Is stored with It as canned and receipts Issued, sent to New York and when negotiated ar returned. The tendon tlrocers' Oagelte of No vember Sti says of the tendon market: "Dullness prevails In every depart ment of the canned good market, and, as far as first-hand transactions are concerned. salm.m meet but little de niand. Consumptive- demand Is, for the season, apparently gxwd through out the country." The Liverpool re iit says "Canned goods generally hae been quiet In consequence, no doubt, of many of the buyers engaged In dried fruit Salmon continues, how ever. In good Inquiry, with a large consumptive demand. Prices are steady." The Alaska Packers Aso latton has pla.vd orders for 1M pile to te de livered FVb. I for the new cannery at the entrance of the At'arortes harbor, where the company has Increased It holdings to acres The fnwnl buildings will he used as warehouses and the new cannery will be a very large one. with the latest machinery The present cannery put lip . ease this yar. The six canneries at Ana ones this year packed nearly !.tW. v worth of salmon, or say WO.eOrt cases. The P. P. N. . has bought W feet of Anaoortes waterfront and it is believed the company w-lll also build another cannery there. While the Increase pack this year Is enormous, the present low price will stimulate the demand at home and : abroad and it must be remembered that ! the demand for canned salmon Is In creasing yearly aside from the growth ' In population. It may be urged that the demands for troops In the Phlllp 1 pines and South Africa led to an un usual demand last year which Is true, but the Trade Register thinks the gov ernment is likely to make further re quisition for (his fiol this year that : will withdraw considerable for con sumption Just nou the demand for canned salmon In the east I slow and If pressure were made t.i supply other than stock filling requirement there would prolvnhly have to W further con-c-s!..n with Mies. niWX TV) A TV. rs. The old idea that the body some times needs a i-owerful. drastic, purga tive pill has been enploded. for I'r. King's New Life Pills, whli h are ;er fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system nnd absulultly cure . Constipation and Sick Headache. Only ' !.' at Hart's drugstore. I i Feet The clergyman did not alto gether forget the spirit of hi stern I old theology. I am a worm, he pro , tested. Intensely, but I am no centi pede! In these words did he find voice for the thoughts that surged up In his j breast, as he contemplated the 34 pairs ' of rarjiet slippers which the Christmas ' donation party had left. Puck. I Scandal Spoiled Did you hear that , Mrs. t'pperstreet was separated from i her husband? Mercy, no! Tell me 'about It. Well, they wer down town 1 ahopplng together yesterday, and they got separated In the crowd. Philadel phia Evening Bulletin. I I I Steps the loofb tss worki Oil 1st Csls. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure 1 a cold In one day. No cure, No Pay. , Price 13 cents. r Suit Gases Smoking Jackets ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Men's and Boys' Goods In Large Assortment nml nt Prices to Suit. P. A. STOCiES THE CLOTHIER Agent for Hart, Schallncr & Marx Crouse, Brandegee & Co. Fine Tailor Made Suits Carried in stock. SI 1 Neckwear fasjrjrsxsisisjjjggBZSi THE JOYS OP CHRISTMAS. Uy T. IV Witt Talimvge, D. l ) Song greeted the bltih of our Savior. Angelic tongues with living Ore sang the Incarnation as they hov ered over the hills of Judea. The mu sic was remnant with Joy. From the hour that the virgin laid her baby on poiilow of straw In the manger, all Christendom has since that time made the anniversary of (hl Natal I'ay a season of gladness a season of tin -iHHIIldcd Joy! Wreathe the laurel, twin the bay. Christ was born on i'Iu Istmas I'ay -There were svlal reasons for these heavenly songs sung by the celestial chorus, for there was Joy In ilod's great heart - Joy among the first-burn sons of light. Joy thrilling all the heavenly em; Ire - Joy that Is yet to be put In the new song sung by re deemed millions around the throne of "the Uinib slain from the foundation of the world." It was the music of Ijlverty When these heavenly hosts sang tin lr illorla in Kxcclsls the whole wot Id as rest Ing under galling yokes of oppression. Slavery was universal. T.iskmasiers were everywhere severe to those In servitude. Citvece, Itume. and Pales tine heard dally the gtvana of those In blindage. The world was In chains. But the song of the angels rang the death knell of bon lane The bill was Ood's emancipation. Ills distinctive mission was to set nt liberty the cap tives nnd pnvlalni deliverance to the bruised and crushed sons of toll. I'n der the mild and genial Influence of our holy Christianity, fetteis fall off everywhere, until now In this morning of our new century there .ire few na tions to be found that hold serfs Olorlous frvedom' Triumphant .iclilev Intent of the Cross, wherever It Is lifted chain are broken an I lrlui il enmn jcipatlon Is proclaimed It was the music . f ho " I'n'.il ' Jesus appeared till the atKient r.-linlon" 'had offered only a no'ssatt'- of .lispair I No light f.-ll Ufon th- gisi or I'Iu 'mined the vast lonl I' I reigned In supreme, sull'-fi mu) lic. land not a single .if hope gilded the future Th- grav was in ternal prison. Hut the songs sum.; Io the I heavenly choristers on that eventful night heralded hope to a lost worl.l Into the soul of sinning humanity came the sw.vt my of Jov and h-.i,.- and blessedness, an I Loklng down Into the grave all fear had vanished, for sin. the sting of death was gone, and can celled by a glorious Chrit the Ird They looked and beheld - On th (Nild eheek of death smiles and ruses arv blending, And beauty Unmoral awakes from the tomb. And this Is our Chrlstmssj Joy that Jesus has lifted Into Immortal hope the grav of all our belnsred friends who sl'p In him. It was the music of Victory. When Jesus came the great mas" of human ity were In surfed.mi and the dignity of latsir was not comprehended. Toll was regarded as a degradation. !a borers were despUed. and fit forms of nmniiiil IndustrV held 10 lie a dls- l grace. But the Son of Mary and Joseph rame to teach the world a new philosophy, and by honorable Industry he proclaimed the dignity of labor, and taught that The honest man tho' ere ae poor Is king of men for a' that Jeits counts the beads of swiat upon the brow of every son of toll. H" 1 n 1 1 CELEBRATED CLOTHING a ...... e i llmlWIIac I UIIIUI VillUO notes nil Injustice done Hie labeling i lasses - and only a his spirit ivalls turning men will the great cnullcl between lalior and capital i.nie I 'ill that day I coining ere long the glml cltilsluias of the ages - When man to man the wide world o'er Shall brothers lie and ' that ll It Ihn lllllflln of i-onti lele lie- ilemptlon The value of human soul, the Infinite greatness of man ait ! h.'lr to Immortality had not dawned ' on the conception of the world N-fore 'the song of the angels was sung above judea' hills The Incarnation meant 'the redemption of the Individual man regenerating the heart, and elevat 'lug him to communion wlih ()d. and 1 companionship with the angles It 'links eanh to heaven, and proclaims .n lint scepticism, agnosticism, intldel ' It y nnd false science n?ver whispered, jthat Joy and peace flowing from a full pardon of sin was possible for all men 'when the song of song was sung - To you Is bom In th City of Pavld ix Saviour. Christ the lord" Christianity Is a religion of song Agnosticism lias no gloria Confucian ism mid llnihiiiaiilsin have no inspir ing anthems or soulful hallelujahs Prearv. weird dirges reveal no glad hoie for the present or future to Ileal lien nations. Moral nirlodlcn are generated the Instant Christ Is known, for Ills loe Is the source and soul of praise. Kaith In awukens glad ness and create a frenness fulness, and depth of songfulness thai the great que.ilon with a l-lleer is " Hon can I keep from singing " Christian hope glics birth to a gn-St Uplift of cheerful optimism, t'hrl"t leads the worlds great orchestra toiav for e ,i-l soul he has redeemed rvjolccs III a .hope of glory The Wellcier's face Is I radiant wlih gladness and Ills speech Inevllabtv flows Into chant j. an'liems and glorious inelo.ll.s While false religions haie any music It Is k-. n.oalH found to he what one has mos! iruiti ' fully called "plagiarlied praise The cruel launi of intldeliM nun the religion of Jesus Is onlv f r the mournful, defeated mi. I .tsc..ris.ilale' has lieen disproved f..r On IsllAllll v Is Jubilant, and has given I tti worl.l the sul'liinest .il.. which are peerless III their lllllllttlit spirit sill h.q.- of triumphant conquest The literature of today Is full of we,. l rlcs an. I th-i Christian musicians the masters of sacred song the world over, are endeavoring to lav fn-sh laurels around the cradle of the Infant !! de.iner Paganism Is bankrupt of NV..rv scepticism Is onles materi alism knows nothing nf soul. stirring melinites. Hut when Jenus was Isirn In llelhlehem and was Incarnated, he put In'o the henrt of humunlty mu sical Whrtllotis thai will never cease j but roll out thrlr harnionles long aft- Ttie sun grows c.ld. and the slars grow old. And the leaves of the Judgment book unfold. King out your songs nf praise to our Infant King, for his sceptre shall soon le swayed over all the world In that promised "ge of gold." When peace shall over all the earth Its Una! splendors fling. And the whole world send ta. k the Which now the angels sing' IT tllltHLKS TIIH UIXIE. The fame of ltuckten's Arnica Salve, us the Is st In the world, extends round the ear'h It's the one healer of Cuts, Corns, llurns, Hrulses, Sores, ' Si aids, Hulls. I'leers. Felons, Aches, ! Pains and nil Skin Kruptlons. nnly ' Infallible pile cure. : a l.x at Hart's : Drugstore. I i Fisher's Opera House j I., K. srl lo, LriHie sail Miif.r. i Six Nights, t.'ninnienilng. MONDAY OA mu Dec. V iFischer & VanCleve's t'liiniany of I'lavi-rs i Opening erfirmuii('H, the Fmir-A' t ' t'.mi'idy I'ratna. ! JERRY, THE TRAMP I filling" rf IVrfniiiiaiiie Nlghtly-Nrw : S.ecillles. I HI reel I'iinide and lliind ''.ui.eii dally. I IH ffirS - Inc. "'iic and S'ic. Sent sale j open Hiittirdity iniunlng at Drlltln ft Iteed'S. Cigars for Christmas There Is no more acceptable CbrlHtmns present than a box of floe Cigars. I have Just received an especially assorted stork, In boxes containing from twelve to 100 Cigars Just the thing for a friend who smokes. A fine line of pipes, sulta able for gifts, has also been received. WILL MADISON. eseqp tijsM.sS1 ii..Ji! Nothing Miikos n nunc u woll oIhmumi Kl.t.ny (ukIs, Cut i!in. or ii lino Silk I in 1.o11m. Kvt'i v I'iivp in stork is ol'Kiiniiiiitwil ti.iility ti nil v til ii u. J. H. SliYHOUR. a wi'i '" r Tnr '' TV m i-n Mr Hi) an piafse to lie entirely cured of Ihe presidential fever. If he 1st I, It certainly I not on account of a lack of diasllc treatment for It. -Chicago Tllbuue. NOTIO:! Ill, Is for the purchase of hull, mast and standing rigging. In on lot and Ihe eiiulpaienl and sail, running gear, boat, furniture, tools, etc., in sooosul tot, of the HVeneh baruus "Krneat teer," now strandsd at the mouth of the vjiilimult River. Stale of Woahli.r tiin. will 1st re-eled t th oltlcs of the undersigned at Portland. ergon. not later Ihsn 3 p m of the :fth Inst 1IKNUV H KWKTT. IJoyds Agent, IV.ilUnd Oteg . live. 31, W. NOTICE The annual meeting of the stochhol lets of the Asl.nla Iron Works will I held at their office on January 1. !!, at ' JO p in. for the purpose of elect ing directors for the ensuing year and ihe transaction of such other luialniss as may properly com tiefore the meet In iv older of the hoard of dliectors J.iIlN KnX. Pr.sid. nl Vttest - W J IllSniOU. S.cntaiy stotla Oteg, IV.- l 1. ..r iiiw cu hap. I'i'T ii'v ncsdv 'oal Is not a luxury-It Is -in W hen the householder buys coal lie wants coal that will bum. not coal will "burn hi money only. Wy oming coal, from the celebrated Itock Sitings mines. Is the very best to 11 had for family ue. It produce th iiiavlimim of heat and the minimum of .Hit and a he In price It la within the reach of all. Olve It a trial. Tele phone l 8 ELM" 'KB . Agsnl. AltK Y f (k'INO TO ALASKA Any r-rson going lo Nushngak river or Nome about th Ulh of next Jan uary and desiring a companion, should call on or address Kmll Andsrson.ilra) lllver. Wash., or Kotr' Kxrhang, Astoria. Isg learn will Im furnished at Mushngak IUvr and on to Nome If necsary. HeNrenee glvn. We Rent New a if . : ; ninny new "BSC A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific Ilrewery, of whl. n Ur. John Kopp Is proprlstor, makes beer for dumssllo sad eiport trade. Ilottled beer for family us or kef brer supplied al any Unit. Delivery ID :he city free. North Pacific Brewery The Morning Astorlon Sixty CctitH Delivered at C. J TRENCHAPD, ommlssion. Brokerage, Insurance and ShiDDlng. HQTEiL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON TheOnly I'lrMt-Clnnr Hotel In Portland Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowt'ot ratofl, for fiHliermon, Farmers and Iggorn. , V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets ssj,sffl sss ngmm Wes .-Si's hiViniiijr Iunililo tlian iirlu'lo of Jt-wtlry, Silvcnvaro, UKIMIIT or TJtK tNMTIiN OK TIIW I IKST NATIONAL HANK. fir AUTOIUA. At Astoria. In lh Dial of 'rgoa. at Ih alas of business. Inilir 10th, ll; HrWuIMWHH laians and Discounts 0,tr4 M ttverdrafts. ecured and un secured II I' K Itond to secure circula tion ll.oo Stock, securltie. sic 114 SU 74 other real ratal owned t.lW it Due from National Hanks (not rraerv agent) HH M Due from Hints Hank and Hankers M.NI t I'ue from approvsd reserre agent 3.Kii as Intel nal Hevrnue f lamp .... I W Notes of other .National Hank H W Nickels and cent luO II lawful Money Itrseive IB Hank, vis: Specie til (W ia gal tender Note l.uvO v lit UW 00 Kedelllptloll fund with f S Treasurer tJ' Ciculallont . i.i ( Itlt.I.'O It t'otal .. . I.IA1HL1TIKH npiul slock paid In . W ofsJ 00 Surplus fund :i 000 00 tndivlde.l pi. .(lis. less p.ns.s and laves paid J1 H 70 National Hank notes oul- standing IS SoO 00 I 'He to Stale Hanks and Hankers I1 & Individual deposits subject to i he. k Ht lJ tvttmnd e.-rtlflcates nf deposit ... 1.-0.IU u ui. in Total IIIS.S.O St si'ATK or ORMJON County of i'lsts..p I, 8 ) (lordon. cashier .f ihe abovc-nainsd bank, do nUciiB ir swrsr that th abov sistemsnt Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief 8 OoltlHN. trashier. Hubai-rllie.l and sworn lo before m. this Itth day of Iwcmlr. It-d. C. IL Tlt M I1 Notary l"ubilc. Correct Attest- KAMM. W. r. M OllK'HMt, OKO. C. FIAVHU I'M rectors. Typewriters. i . . I I... I iiiijnioiiiciiut buhisi, W our Ilium No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalngoe Krv . , . L- M. ALEXAMDEK I CO Kiolnsive I'arilic (Vel lksnera aSHtark Si, Portland, Ore, K . M'KKt IINIK, Agml. Per Month Your RchIcIciicc. Cuatom Houna Hroksr, - ASTORIA, ORE Anil W. r.l). ui HuilSr Ksrrsu Oo s. ii i ii