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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1901)
TI1F, MORNING A3TOKIAN. Wi:i)NTSl)AY, IM:EMHEK 25. 1901 FEASTING TIME la romlng-the Xmits la Whell rveiy American family l vieclad In I'tll In III lima fraallng and mrrif making. Wa are In poeltlon lo lv you a great deal n( aaalalatioe III 111" feaaflng art; run furtileh you II yuu need In way of pro vlal ,ns, fruiii th mammoth TURKEY In III iIkII hIo ib-sacri. Pleaan li'l ua have ymir inter tally; wo kiiI In (Iva you Ilia very best service poasllile. KOSS, IIKHjIINS ti CO. The Morning Astorian TKMaPIIONB Ml. NliTK'K TO APVKIlTIHKlia Chana of copy inuil reach Ilia busl na office by 1 p Ml lo ai'Oura Sp. Mmni' In lb following morning's anion Thla rule will f 'Vurn all l rat atavrllaoini'nla. aavrplliig reading local TODAY WrlATIIKIt 1ilTI.Al. Iif W. alrl II 1 1 r g,ii utiil Wr'iin Vliiiia-iuii-'lnuly, Mllll sliueia Kaa'rlli llrr("!t' I'lrar IIIK Mrallinr I nalrl II Wu alilll I nil cm-It In aoutlirrn portion N'Milimn MhIio-Omnly AKOUND TOWN. Mr.- Hm-Drr for Ice rrram today. Tiv llrwur a lulu, e It's it.- John it llna Nice Naval Oiansra "iay I lied uf J.iIiiix.ii Hr .a Call main Ml for your roal rnulre pnia Ordra prompily flllad tt li-ceni meals Rising fun !( lauraol. (13 Commercial alrtal. patronise h ma Industry and buy your (red. hay an) grain al Oaaton'a mill. HHMT U-CKNT MKAI. m;N iiwmtauiiant. IUH1NU ikneral BullUaO." lha finest t-cenl tigir on Iho mark!. Hold evetjrwbtre. Vl at lha (a-.idenl barbar ahop I f up-n-'la a w. irk. Tlu flrst-claae bar l.ota. Jal'anrae foods t k'nda, cheap al Y .k .hama llasaar. VJ Commercial treet. N. aiovk "f fancy K'la. suitable I'lifislmns, Just a -rived at YokO l.anii llmanr l.atiit line of fni y rl.r chalre In ..,) iMitt ami mahogany Chua llri!l..,rii A Hon. Mori In clmlm rlrhly curved fiamcs, HI liiilMrm.l in Ho- lulrt.i.lyr Oias. A Soil. tM nu mii'kf Tir "r.annal Hill llvin." tha I-"! ilfir on th liiark"'! Hnlil i-vry whara. If y.iu waul b'i wooJ. alah ii ..iiici- fliriv1 Klly. lha irmufT man. l'liono "11 black. Hmifinl 1'iiaMila. ii nitltxi of Hn Inn, I. aa Rriinlril rlniil fliiifnalilp pa. h ra In tin" i-ouniy iviurl yrairnlay aft i-rnoon. I cany a ni of nnrr 4 OnUrt ' funvMt In b t 1 1., ami bulk .alao 1' It-.yul IVrfnina, I An Mara, M,iybfll ,nl (vrna,llo; an artmt of lyiibina, (1,rrlla (tirrrv ll.aaum, MalamkKit anrl ortirra 1iiU Merry Christmas to All... THE A. DUNBAR CO. Wr n'rii'l ini-rry. iniriy I'lirlatmaa lo our many film la kii'l alrona -Jolmaon Uroa Tho a lioonrr Volanl arrlvi-d yraii-r-lay from Han franiix o Mlir v ill lour) lumber al I'orllatnl. Clirraa aamlM Ii lira rt t-nl for ilnlnly turn h. Aak w ali'.ul iln-m Johnaon Hioa. !, rrraiii In .ill llamra nnlrr now fur I'lirlalin.i Iklhorlra ma'li- lo all ,aila of lli i-lly II It llurdrr. rii.,ii r I- iii Iniluairy bjr amuklnl llr "IMtta of AatTla" rlri, flnrtt na-lf alanufa.-lurri by MacTarlant A Knob'l lli.rdrr la ,i- Hm I lo ani (ily fmnlly iiit-r for all fliivora of ! r nrom to ilay (inlria ilrlivrrr.l to my url of thr illy luiln llf alix-iKi- uf Mr Ix-t.ln. ar. Iillr, l. i ' A Hon w ill tx- In rharcr nf lila um, r, 7 nu t I. iU Trllowa litillilliiK You ran i make randy al homo " I'hraply aa you ran buy II at Hor-ft r'. I'urr ran, lira mado In Aalorla. 10c to io.' a I'lUtul. Iluy your ault and ovaroiat al Her man Wtar'a M atorr. Il (Ivra a autl or man-oat fr- wlih avrry 'an aulta or ovarroata. Wr bavr a vrry (Inr ntik of nfw r" nula for 'tirlatniaa Irailr. Clirlal- maa lamllra. llir.-a l.maa for :$r. Joluia..i Proa. Pr. T U Hall baa ramovrd hla 1rn- lal nfflrii fmm Ihr Vnf litll1 tntx to No I'lMiimirrial alrrrl. by Hinltli'a ). Arlry alora Oraam pur ry, Amrriaa i fln.: rhlaky. Tb only ur. -!. uar n!r,l llch an,l m-'low. JOHN U AllloN. HoU Ar-rit. John A Montom ry tin opr', a ahop at 431 HonJ air-?: nr. I II prrparr.l M Jj all i'laa,-a of plumbing and tin i In at lonaat nt-a lino uf all itrmrlntloiia. Ini-luilllia: M.mi-ll,a Ainilnatrra an.l Wlltona Thr nuaortmi-nt la the Iwat t-vrr ahown in Aalorlu 4'tina. Hi-llborn A rVn. Iloalyn r.wl laa a ,,ngrr, la rlran. r and niakra Iraa t rutle o'liri alovra ami rhimnry flura than any olhtr. (laorg" W. Ha iborn. agent; mf II'I Hatha f,T luil.ra al ih, l'.!a,-f llntha. I'rUMir. rntian.i' ,.n !.! of builds. Hhop np" on Holiday mornlngj for lilii.-a and hatha pavla Corb-tt. prprlr!ti Our aaaoriiinnt of rirmrra wan nrvrr largrr or tH-ttrr. Th' llnr In- rludra tHRiillfully frnmnl ourbon prima, coplra of maati-r plnaa, watrr i-olora anil oil pulnllnga -( haa. Hrll txirn k Son. Thr Toka Tnlnl Oyatn llouar In pr parnt to ai-rvr Tomalra and all klmla of ahrll flh. Kamllli-a nipplletl lth famoua Tok Tolnt Oyatrra, on abort notb-f. Klavrnth alrrrt, btwrrn Jtond ml Commi-nlol. 'Phonr Til. Wr hava Juit uprnrd aiiotlirr bar rrl of I hoar fin homr-madi' dill pick rla.-sfohnaon llro. Thr OiTinan bark Hrhlllrr "!ird yi-atrrdny for thr tlnllrd Kingdom, rar rylng (X4W biinhrla uf whrat, Tallird I IW.WXt. Tir Krrnih Imrk Kugmlc Knutrrl alao i Irorrd for yurmatimn, taking 111.001 buahrla of wlii nt, vatiird al IM.WI. I'liniinrniliig Thurailay ayrnlng, Vr- (i-nilirr U. all atorra ami'loyliiM union cli-rka will bv rloai at ( oYlock, r rpt un Hulurdiiy. Thla la In aironl- amr wlih Ihr agrrnnnit lirmtofora intrrnl Inlo Iwiwirri rin.oyi-ra ami Ihr ili-rkn' union. I'iaimiiair ltri anno'ini'ra that Ilia g nrial di-llvrry wimlow Mill br otx-n liKlny ln-twrrn On' boiira of t! In nlul I .'IK p. in, whlln thr rrgUlry window will In- own lirtwnn Ihr ramr Imura only for Mir d. llvrry of . ruia'rrrd pm kiigra Thrrr will lir no lrvrrlra by Ihr larnrra In liny portion or Ilia city. Thr HrlUhh ahlp Wnidiir airlvcil In port yrati-nluy from Valparalao Th ahlp aa aalln) In, Ihr pilot rvhlrliMy bring of thr lo ll, f that hr would rr. main In Ihr ottlng long lliur If hr walli-d for Ihr tux to plik hi ill Up. Thr Wrtnlur brlnga Jut lona nf roal, thr proH-rty of h' r inuati r. Captain Nh hoi. "Thr Criaia " a popular work. I not alt riillon to a pr.'iiiui. lit r. ald. nl af I hi illy, who wna tior,l in i hit I pari i.f ihr i.ointrv wlih alilili thr Inn k loia to d... Nraily u 1 1 Ihr i hnrui-lrra iirrr .ri.oitully kron by thr Aato i in ii. uh.i at on. r r-i oxmi' 1 th'- mn it fi-rrrd to l.y thr n tit hm a ili-iTl.tloii. A frw of thr i Itmai h-in air known in thr at"iy tiy thrlr tru nnnoa Whin Mrwaitl Itamlpa" Ivnn of llir I'oimni ri Inl ilul, wnil Into thr rnrption rinon luat night ii liitga at.nklng auaH-ndr, fn in .i ihamlallrr Bttriotrd hla attt-ntn.n t nr.-fully ax anilnliig thr a, kiik' thr atrward foinnl a -ry attrai tlvr amoklng Jai k rt. thr gift of nu-llitirr, ho laid rr. inniitn-rrd Mr iN-nn many fclndnrrara and hla rfforla grnrrully lo make thing" plraagnt. Wink on thr Nrhali-ni rond li I n u"-rid.-.l for a rhorl llln. In or-drr that thr nun may 1 afforuVd an ap- lirttinliy of nliarrvlng I'hnatmna To morrow (hr loggrr will tuntlniir thr work of grtting out hr for thr mill whli h will m- ahut down for a abort ilmr AImiiii Iid.ono f. t of lunit-vr will In- Bunrd l inmplftr that portion of thr wotk whh h la to In nnlalint In-forr thr gni"ial um r.l.,n i ? uM-rBtl na. I'll.- Hi it l-h hti Irt.y which i.rilvr.1 M.inilnv from Km. mnnlli-. w yrt-r- lay fliii-l 'ai l.y th.- I,., ol rtiMoma oltlrlnla for fiillnir to , ,- iri' ii ronau- Inr lilll of hrnlth til t.itn Ijiw, of tin- Ittiy, uya hr I. ft ilo- nmttrr to hla Kri-'iiiiintli- acrlit and thnt In- nr-gli-rlrd to pri.vlt- lilin wPh thr pa- pi-ra. Thr nmttrr him lr. PMrtril tn thr trrnsury ilt-puitnirtil. and II l llkily thr flnr Mill Ii- i-mltti-d I'oMrrtor Kox r.l.iy i-i-i lr, no tlrr from Si i r tar. of Kilul'unf that, on ni, ou'it i f tin- pr- ali-iu-t' of u ii I nil I dik. .,ar In tin- Phil ippine, no anltimls would to prrinlt- trd to rntir Il ls i tmlry or Hawaii until further n.'lnv Ttir nUinnn atv aurni. affiM'tlng !iora. i-nttlr, nuilt-a. iloga, api-a . t.'.. foot aiiil nioutti illa nwllli'. a.T. i tltiK horara. i attic and mi Inr, um) rlndi-r pi t. uffvcilug neat cattle nn, other runilnniitn. The budget prlntrd a ivmuikiibly Intrrratlng t'hrlatmna fdition Inn even ing. Among thr contributor air I'rofeawir II. H. l,ymfin. Judge J VJ. A. Ilowlby. Ir. Augiiat C. Kinney and lr. (I. II. Katra. ho" nrtlelea ion! with aubjeots of particular Importance to Aatorln and the Iower i'l'lunildn rlv- rr rifloil. Tl.ogrphUlilly. the eitl- llim If by far thr moat ttiurilvi apeelul numbrr rvrr luaued In thh i-lty. and Jill-Ruin. Cirntke, Kern and l.ce are to be rotiKrntulntrd on thr rucceaa of their rfforta Commencing next Monday evening Ihr Flacher A Van Clove Conn any of plnyrra will open a alx-nlghta' i-ngnicr-mrnt at nahrr'ii opera house. The rompnny la very well apoken of wher ever they have appeared. They carry a challenge band and orcheKtra of !0 people and the price. ar populnr. namely, lor, V and 3(k'. The open ing Play will be Ihe Inughuble comedy drama entitled, "Jerry, the Tramp," or The Convict' Iimighter." Seat anle open next Saturday morning at Orlf- fln A Heed's. 'hrlttnna aervlce will be held at St. Mary church today at I and 10:80 a. m. A apodal musical proK"lrn WH lie rendered by the children'" choir at the early aervlce and at tha high mass the paatnrnl hymn. "Adcat Fldeleg," will be rendered, with Mm Feeley at the organ. Rev. Father I,ane will of ficiate and will deliver the iermon. the subject being, "The Good Tiding1 of Great Joy." Benediction will b held In the hospital chapel at 3 p. m.. and Ihe day will close with a Chrlstmaa festivity for the Inmates of the hos pital. Steps looking to the location here of a revenue cutter were taken at the meeting of the Chamber of Comimsrce held Monday night, when the commit' tee on commerce nnd navigation waa Instructed to correspond with the treasury department regarding the matter. The need of a cutter at this port has been felt for a Ion time, particularly during the -vlnter monihs. when vessels frequently re In need of aaalstanee. Il la'tha wlah of thr cham ber that a powerful cutler lie located hrre, so that sh may patrol Ihe coast during; stormy weather and aaalat va acl In dlstreaa. It la hoped by the membra of tha chamber that th dr. pariitn-nt will grant Ihe iiu-at. Judg" Mi'Hrld" held a 'ilrf m lalon of the rliciill rouit yeaie-day. In the car of John Fo a Id.i J. ffanthorn, J. It. A. Ilrnnell was nam.-d as receiv er and hi bond plarrd al $200. The eomplalnt rrclK-a thnt plaintiff recrntly lecelvril a Judgment rgalnat J. f. Haiithnrn ror $10,473."., and that to imiixfy thr Judgment ITaat Knd j. op. my waa add The land Included Iota ' S. 7 nnd II libwk It on which thr llmiihorn rmldnirr atand It waa al Irprl that, aft-r hr lodnirrit wu nndered. Mr llnnthorii tnrnaf -rrrd thr f.nir lots mriitl.iiird P. hla wife. Now plaintiff bring cult to havr a ireelvrr appointed, a thr priM-rly ' bringing In a month rental, and alao for a dr rir. gwlng to plain' Iff u'l title to the land. The rrrrvr a 1 ppolnted M.intlng final il-.-"-it nf thr ault i In the cnar of ft. W. Cllliert va An- drew- Johnaton a decree by default wa entered Thr action waa brought lo I r.Torr $:il due on a promlsaory note. I MovithI other minor ord. ra were rn- i t.rrd y.-Bterdiiy. nnd court waa hd- 1 joun.e.l until the third Monday In Feb- rti.irt. wh In- held. the regular session will At the i 'b u ii i In r of fninivr meit- , tng Monday night. -Jin Int-? i uln-; d ciisslon took place with r fcrem t" ' I lie Oiling up "f the rivrr and Ihr en-.. Janira W. Welch mid l'n.' 'te ' onie suw alxie.-n large ri.s moored-In-id., thr ii K A- N d -i-'i. where e ! n h will now grout d ut low w.ii.r , Mr Webb aald hr v,a ratlail.J thai th.. altered condition r.i lu- 'o Ihe 1 throwing of anwdust Inti the r'" I I I yplaltird that th sawdust 'Iwi.aj o iii. a short distance and that in Me emme .f several year enough refuse j come from a mill to appiccMMy : I- I feci even as largu a trram aa the Co- ! Iiimbln Mr Wrlch Is of thr hfllcf I that sluicing also has a detrimental ' efTect. for the reason that much of the I slit 1 carried Into the river, narrow ing the channel. There aa alao an Intrrratlng discussion it the mrrllng with regard to the construction of a seawall. Judge llowlhy, chairman of the rcnmnlttee on commerce and nav igation, believed the chamber could aecure an appropriation l.r.m congress to assist In building a :rawnll. as the wall would be necessary to protect the k - nr ik. ' 11 Ii una ,.... v.i . .... .. alKKit. would ie mucn less man is grnrrully thought. This matter Is lo lie taken up by the chamber, with a view to securing un appropriation. I.. K Scllg has received tt copy of the San Franclsc.i Dramatic Review containing the following Interesting story of the origin of a expres sion: "The opular phrase 'Cm 'way back and sit down' hns been credited to many sources," s.tld v mrslc pub lisher, "but the true story has never a SW" mm erry Christmas AND A Happy New Year To All S. DANZIGER been printed. One night atout a year ago, aevsral colored port gathered Id a saloon In the tenderloin ot New Turk, which was owned by a negro, end pat ronlwd chiefly by men of Ida own race. In the party were Bmllhy, the tenor, and Dully, ihe tout. Hinltny rsme from the "West, and .Ireaaed In the height nf faahlon. while 111111" home waa In the Mouth, Dully had had quite a turn of III lurk, an I h'a attire auf-f'-r'd In ronarqurnc. Smithy began kidding him about It. Finally Dully got angry. Jlr sled Hinltny up from head to foot for a few m-cond and then sailed In: 'Yo' am er dude, yo' am,' hr began, contemi'iuoualy. 'Yo done come 'round here i n' try t' let de folks know ditt yo' am llvin' on enay atrrrt. Don't yo' fink, man, dat dem honu-K am a gwlne t run fo' yo' In dr anow dla winter? Yo' ain't no rstrel rml Yo' kin kit broke, Bay nigger, do y are dat chair yonder by I dm alow? Take man hdvlcr. an go I way tine kand alt down, in' w'en yo' ;glt herr slay derr an' don't come back no more f night I'nderaland, honey? Fmlthy did go 'way bark and sit down and wna not heard of the rrat of the night. Al Johna, a colored mi.alclan, who waa prewnt, thought the phrase wa unique, and the netx day told El mer liowman. a nrgro song writer, It would msk a good tltli for a song, so Down-can wrote some vrisee which John put to music. In the story of J the aomr. liowman cluck to ihe Incl u.b ..I...... In Ih- ni.1 win thai ; ,,ui,ilsh- d Ii at on. r Ix-came rfpular. Tne t hra. wtis used a go:d dial t-y the ipposit.. polplcal parti' In the last ampalKti ' .siiU-IKIlS WILL i-KLrjlUtATK. Thirty .r'.,urth Company to Have Danqiiet at Fort ttevens. Wh.-n ihe nugle sound, "soupey. soui4-y. foup. soup, without a single bean." -tr . nt the artillery barracks j at Fort Stevens at noon loday. t'n- j cle Pam's Isiys In blur will say, "Guess ; sgaln." as they march In to a festive board lined with viands and luxuries that Midler, as a rule, think are serv ed only on the other side of the Jor dan. The dining rooms of the Thirty fourth company oarracks have been artistically decorated with holy, ever greens and the Stars and tftrlpos, 1 long tables have been arranged from end to end. each dec irated with flow rrs. evergreens and flags. The following menu on tittle cards . u ..Min.'a nliM sliASf. thr list af delicacies and luxuries outside the ... i. i k..... i,irh HaI. ran..,, v. ..... o.e, My constitute) :h far? of X'ncle Sam's j i ' s.,idlers MBNT. Celerv Puree a In Artlllerl". Poinu Raw. tillves. Ct-lery. Peanuts. Royal Chinook Baked YTlh Caper Sauce. Clatsop County Turkey Baked, and Stuffed With Oysters Mucha Bueno. Potatoes a la Mastic. Fresh Corn (Fresh from the Can.) Clreen Pease (by the N'umbers.) Rookie Croquets with H 11 Sauce Mince Pie dike Mother Used to Make.) Plumb Pudding ML Fruits, .Nuts. etc. Cigars. Coffee. A D. SHANAHAN And his clerka beg to offer to the store's customer! the Seaaon'a Greet ing, and a wish that their Christmas may be merry and the New Year happy and prosperous to each and all of you. We sold out all the Toys, but look for a good trade to follow by the power of LOU PRICES For all kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions Full Stock. Fair Dealing. Lowest Prices. D. SHANAHAN WE WISH ALL OF OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A Merry AND A Happy FOARD & STOKES COMPANY And so Prince Charming and Prin cess Brighteyes got married, and he hit her with a chair, and sh would ;" -We him any mon.y i debts and keep up his string of roiscs. And the- rot . dVorc, a,i i,ved happily ever after, can. -Baltimore Ameri- CHRISTMA3 AID FOR TUB POOR. That there are famtllea In our city who are actually In need, and will deeply appreciate help at this time there Is no doubt. The Salvation Army has laid plans to send sufficient to each for a Christmas dinner. To this end jthey need donations of tea. coffee, iu- gar, butter, pol'toes, meat fruit and U .f.M. Tr. ehrer the hearts Of the children they need nuts, candy, toys ' and dolls. Send word to the officer In charge of Salvation Army and dona- Hons will be called for. Or. they may be sent to the Salvation Army hall. Dr. T. U. Ball DENTIST- Page Bulldlag, Aatorla. Ore, J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER annfiAuuvuriAnfinfUuvnjiririn pltr mm I THE Finest Restaurant PAIACE M . ess EVERYTIING C MARKET AFFORDS ahnivrwuwuiruuwuvrvinnnniM Christmas New Year PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone SL D RAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. I3i Duane 8l, Astoria, Ore. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Rea. TeL VSL Andrew Asp, firti I.ker, ElicLuiitk hi Itnttketr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship at Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black smhhing. Flrst-Class Horse Shoeing, etc. COSHER TWELFTH BHD DUflfU: STS C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell BuHdlnsT. 5TJ Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 20L CAUTION ! Before you buy a stove or range examine e Royal Charier Oak Better work, lees fuel and la bor, and lost longer. Prices reasonable. W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET. Between Math iad Tenth ruinin Anuuwtn via in the City j Regular Meals 25 cents Sunday Dinner a Specialty TIE W. W. Whipple Our first shipment ef INI Wall Pa per Just arrived and more oa th way. You Must L,ook Before you can see our new coloring and designs, the ldeaa are as bright as a summer morning, and suited tM every kind of room and style of fur niture. There Is nothing prettier on paper than these varied designs. Give us a call. C. M. CutblrtH ASTORIA. Xo. 127 7th street; 'phone 1064.