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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1901)
gaihj gtotovtan. J Telephone Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION DA1LT. Beat by mail P" cat by maul, per month Barred by carrier, per moutlv. JIM WEKKLY. Mt by malL Pr yar. advance, $100 Tb Artorlsn gurante to H adver tisers th largest circulation of ny grninpn rohilhed on tbt Columbia OUR LVMBER INDUSTRY. Lumber business is enjoying a period of activity at the present time hlch augur much for that tnJuatry In this atate. local mills are being operated at their fullest capacity In order to meet the demands of the market and In many Instances preperattons are un der way for greatly Increasing the pro ducing capacity of the mills along the lower Columbia. This activity Is not confined to the mills In this section of the state, but Is the rule generally with the mills throughout the state. In a recent review of the trade in the Willamette Valley the Eugene Guard says: "The Booth-Kelly Lumber Com pany's mills In Lane county are all running to their full capacity, filling orders, which are very plentiful. There are plenty of cars on hand now and thousands of feet of the finest lumber In the world Is being stopped by the company every day. One day this week the big Wendllng mill, which has a rated capacity of 150.00 feet per day. turned out 1S0.0OO feet in ten hours, which Is the best run ever made at the mill. Coburg mill Is sawing 1.000.0 feet every eight days, an average of 123.000 feet per day. The Springfield and Saginaw mills are also doing their share of the work. Tom Oillam's big drive of 7.000.0W feet of logs for the Coburg mill waa reecntly Jet out of the boom at the mouth of the Mohawk river Into the McKenxie. Some of the logs are already In the race at the mill and It is expected that within five days from the time they left the boom they will all have reached their destination ready for the saw.' This activity In Oregon lumbering is the result of the rapid decline In the sources of eastern supply and the east ern market has turned its attention to Oregon lumber. It is of a rermanent character and the future of the indus try In this state Is most encouraging. The report of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics shows that American com merce with China suffered more during the disturbances of the pas' year than that of any o'hT country. The report of the bureau says: "Imports Into China from Great Britain n 1C00 ex ceeded those of 1"59 by mor than five million Halkwan taels. thoe from Russia Increased a million Halkwao taels. thoae from Turkey in Asia, Per ala. Egypt. Algiers, etc. showed a considerable increase, and those from Contlnntal Europe, a alight Increase; while from the Cnlted Stales the Im port fell from !2.J8."45 Halkwan taels In im to 16.7N.49J In 190). This was a reduction In ImDorts from the Unit ed States of about 15 tt cent, while the United Kingdom shiw-d an In crease of more than 10 per cent, Rusaia more than K per cent, the Asiatic countries above mentioned 40 per cent, and Continental Europe a alight in crease." Any advertising In order to be con vincing, needs to be apeclflo. It Is not enough to say you have "the best goods for the least money." The ad vertisement reader of today wants to know why your goods are the cheap est and why the prices are the lowest? In other words, you have got to nhow him." If it is tru? that your i?ool are the best and the prc-s the lowt In your town, do not hesitate to s.-iy so. but at the same time do nor neglect to tell exactly at the same time why this Is the rase. And If someone r-l-e sells better good.1- for I-ss money, leave 'he comparison of riuallty and price se . verelr alone. Find something else "Vou can truthfully say about your line and write your advertisements anord Ingly. Confidence is .oday ill key. Btone of trade, and un'ess you a.i ,n-s-plre the buying public with f onfil n' e your success will he doubtful. The persecution of progressive Dem ocrats auch a Senator McLaunn of South Carolina, by certain leaders i.f the southern democracy, Is a strong Indication that a progressive Democrat who believes In the commercial and industrial elevation of the southern people, and so act In his official duties a senator. Is not a proper kind of IVimvrat to be permitted to artllate with the unprogreaslve section of the Democratic party. That the Southern people should continue to endure and follow such leaders of their party as Tillman and others of like stripe Is one of amatcmcnt In these day of com mercial progress and Intellectual ad vancement. Have the Southern people so deteriorated as to be led by mounte banks" Walla Walla Union. Much alarm Is being frit by the j farmers In the vicinity of Dayton over ..... .. ......... .,., ,!. stock that Is thought to bo blackleg. Iee Xlanixrd. a farmer residing five i miles southeast of there, has reported to the authorities that four of his calves have already died from the dis ease and more are sick. The state veterinarian was informed of this In stance, as well as others In the coun try, and the state health department has taken up the matter. Vaccine points for Inoculation have been sent to the county auditor, and every pre caution will be taken to allay the spread of the disease. Kx. The exports of the five principal ar ticles of domestic export In November, aggregating t3..:'.! In value. sh.v an Increase of ll.l$'io, compared with those of the same month last year. Breadstuff show a decrease of l"o$J. provisions an Increase of $.'::!. cotton an Increase of S 1 and mineral oils an Increase of $1 00 :. For the 11 months N v. ni'r J- the value of these exports was $"S exceeding by those for ,, the same months last year. Nearly all of this Increase was furnished by breadstuff. Cotton fell oft HJ.STS.Wl and mineral oils K.S9S.434. "The Pacific Coast States" says the Tacoma News, "undoubtedly fanr free wheat anil wheat flour in the Philip pine tariff schedule." Why not in cludue every commodity produced and manufactured In the raclflc Coast States? In fact, when wv come to imnit or u, u u wumu wnem and flour Interests to have free trade with the Islands, why would It not equally benefit every Industry to have the same privilege? In a r-cent table giving the popula- i tion of various parts of the Orient, the i American possessions In the Philip pines are described a follows; Area in square kilometres. i5 3l; total em ulation. T.""0.'"; population per square kilolmetre, IT. It now transpires that the cuu-e of the downfall of Cashier Fleishman who stole ovr fron the F.irm.-rs t Merchants P.ank of Is Anceles he money throuuh speculatln? in cup. per. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS l c.enerai Alger's physicians atrd last night that there was no hange in the general's condition Rear-Admiral Schley an ' his wife have Just arrived In New York H'y from Washington. They will sjend the holMays with their daughf.-r. Mrs R. M. 9. Wortley. Mr. Perks. M P., ' of the District railway denies a retort that he will leave London for Nrw- y.,rk Immediately after Christmas to con fer with Mr. Yerkes on the question of the electrification of the Inner circle. As the result of his haste to thaw a stick of dynamite. Andrea' Pavlk. a Fairfax (Wash ), miner, was blown to atoms Saturday evening. Pavik's right leg was shattered. Both his arms were blown off and the flesh wa ripped off his feet. According to th New York World. James R. Keene will have one of the best stables of race horses In England next season. It Is announced that he ha just secured the noted Enirtlsh trainer. Felix Iarh. to tnke charge of his string. According to the Sew y,,rk J 'Urnal and Amerl'-an. if Terry Mi'lovern !s successful In hi- coning battle ph Dave ?ij!lvan which Is srhetilwj u, take place on January he v in In all portiabllitv l.ave r;wrg" i' Kid"i Ii'it'ne for the ner' opponent A" an Indi'-ailon thai th" .manage ment of the New y(,rk Baseball ' "luii has der-ideii to go ahead v'Ph the signing of players ile-plt.. the Spaul'l-inir-Freeman mlsunderfoandlng the an nouncement Is made that the New York club hat signed Manly Thurs ton's backstop of 'he D"troi! .Vhl.ti'' ''lu!. aii a catcher. Two vessels have bei-n add'-d to the overdue list at the San I'ran'lsco Mer chants Exchange. They are the Brli-i-li shl. Hlackhaes, 11.1 days out from Table f(ay for Portland, quoted at 10 Ir rent reinsurance and the lirl'lsh bark Earl f'adogan, 1T6 days out from Antwerp for Port Los Angeles, quoted at 10 per cent. The American Bridge Company haa secured the contract for the; D'eel su- pin-structure of the Wabash Railroads big cantilever bridg over the tHilo river at Mingo Junction. Tito con tract l f,,r ov,fr l0A " Inf lation Is made that the work be com pleted before January t. 1JS. The whole cost of the bridge will he 11.000, tHV. Only to bridge of the kind In the world arc greater than Ihta. Japanese advices atate that the Nip pon Yesen Kalsha, or Japan Mall Steamship Co. has divided to build In Japanese shipyards sixteen steamer N't ween now and 107. These steam-i-rs will N- used to augment Its great il.vt now running to America, Au stralia. London and up and down the Asiatic coast. The decision was reach ed to build them thus early that the company may be prepared to meet the crow'" oiupetltlon offered by new ! Kcamcrs of other lines running to the !vlllt,,lt Oh.ules Keploglc, Atwater. O, was in cry bad shajv. He says: '"I suf fered a great deal with my kidneys and was requeued to try Foley's Kid ney Cure. I did o and In four day I was able to g to work acatn, now I am entirely well." Hart's Drugstore. Maud- 1 wish I were an ai-l. A1k Why? Maud -Think of 'he lovely ,hat trimmings I would have every lime my wings moulted' Princeton Tiger. AN EVAN '.BUST S 8TRT. "I suffered for years with a bron chia' or l ing trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain perman ent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure." writes Rev. James Kirkman. evangelist of Belle Kiver. 111. "I have no hesitation In recommending It to all sufferers from ma:.vl:e of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure affords Immediate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung trouble!. For croup i: Is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Very j plens.uu to take, never fails and Is really a favorite with the eh.ldren. iThev Ilk- It. Chas. Rogers, Druggist, i, but True -Mr. Itcnham-Who invented the cornet? Itenham What difference d.-es It make now? It's too late to make him suffer. Hrooklyn Life. SAVED HIS life "I wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepala Cure." writes H. 0. Ohrlstenson, of MayfteM. Minn For three years I waa troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would . - nt j j.-na!V i was confined to my bed. j Doctors ald I could not live. I read lone of your advertisements on Kodol Pvsiwrsla Cure and thought It fit my case an 1 commenced Ita use. I began to Improve from the first bottle. Now . i i ., I . all " I l am cure'! 11111 rc-uiiiii-ii' i m w. pi -,.(, yUr food. Cures all stomach trnuhl.-s. ' has. Rogers. Druggist. Well, the child is gettini,' Us t.eth. Is it" What a pity the ,1-111 doesn't set its t. -th first and its nice after-'l' I'u. k. HEALTH AND BBAI'T Y A poor complexion Is usually the re su't of a torpid liver or Irregular ac ti.m of the bowels. Unless nature's r-f-is curried off It will surely cause im; 'in- Ii1h.. Pimples, bolls and oth ..r i.r,iMin follow This Is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which '.he bowls failed to remove. De- Witt's Little Early Risers are world , famous for remedying this condition. Th.-y stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills, t-haa Rogers, Druggist I Redl-So. he doesn't wear anything but an orf llnary business suit when he goes op the links. Greene How In the worl). then, do they know- by, playing golf Yonkers Statesman. IN FORMATION WANTED. The manufacturers of Banner Salve having always believed that no doc tor or medicine can cure In every case, but never having heard where Banner Salve failed to cure ulcers, sores, tet ter, eciema. or piles, as a matter of curiosity would like to know If there are such cases. If so they will gladly refund the money. Hart's Drugstore. The general worthlessness of advice j is exruoiiea in ine imi:i nm , age man would rather give It than take i. t ife Dur- OF BE-NRCTT TO YOU. f .-' Mitchell. Fulford, Md a long lliness I was troubled with bed .o-es. was advised to try DeWltt's Wpr-h Hazel Salve and did so wllh wonderful results. I was perfectly rured. It is the best salve on the mar ket." Sure cure for piles, sores, burns, p.ew.-re of counterfeits. Chaa. Rogers, Drugjtist. He-It Is a pleasure to meet a wo man who has a sense of humor. She Hut. nally, one doesn't need a sense of humor to laugh at the things you say. Life. Editor Lynch, of the Dally Post, Phllllpsburg, N. J., has tasted the merits of Foley's Honey and Tar with this result: "I have used a great many patent remedies In my family for coughs and colds, end I can hon estly ray your Honey and Tar is th best thing of the kind I have ever user and I cannot w too much In praise of It." Hart's Drugstore. f aC 1 1 Skirts In latest prices. Ptir Collarettes Nothing later or more appro ciat ed asa gift. Sofa Pillows Aro always a luxury which all can afford. We would be pleased to show the Gentlemen our elegant lino of Black Dress Suits and Stylish Hats. C. H. COOPER'S Leading House in Astoria. Practical Holiday Gifts AT HOLIDAY PRICI-S Hasy Rockers, Office Chairs, Center Table, Iron Bedsteads, Pine Matresses and Taney Rurs. Make your selection now nt Robinson's Furniture Store This ain't a freight elevator, said the -rumt,y revator man Yea, It Is. re- I)1(ej b.y with the bundle It ;(.arrtg a big h g up and don all day long Chicago Trlliutie. TO STOP A C.UX After exposure or when you reel a cold coming on, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. It never falls lo stop I I 1 1 nt..n In limn Hart's Drug- u oiiu i .. store. After that. probacy broomstick bandy for any fel might come ulong crying "Nl. apples 'l'U' k. kept a ow who ruling SATISFIED PRoPI.E. Are th" best advertisers for Fob-y'a Honey anil Tar and all who use It agree that It Is a splendid remedy for couKhs. colds or rore lunKl Hart s Drugstore. I have a friend who has kept u cs.k for nearly a year. Is It N,slble? Yes he's jailer.- Philadelphia Evening Mill " A cold, cough or la grippe can be "nipped In the bud, with a dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware of substitutes. Hart i Drugstor. Hewitt Pn you ever go home drurk? ,Jewe.t-My dear boy, when In. drunk ; I'm liable to go anywhere.- Smart bet. J. W. uryan, or uowaer, u., wrue; "My little boy was very low with pneumonia. Unknown to the doctors i we gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. The result was magical and puxtled the doctors, as It Immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly re covered. Hart's Drugstore. Duffer The favorite In the third race yesterday fell In the stretch, and the Jockey was Instantly killed. Buffer Horrible! Duffer I should say It was ; horrible. W Tiy. I had 115 on the horse to win. Chicago News. C. W. Lynch. Winchester, Ind . writes: "I owe the life of my boy to 1 Foley's Honey ann Tar, He had mem ; branous croup, and the first dose gave I him relief. We continued Its use and ' Its soon brought him out of danger." i Hart's Drugstore. Gift Buying Time Has Come We are ready with a complete line of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Early buyers will secure the PICK OF THE BEST We have Toys for the children; clonks for the ladles; Suits for the gentlemen. Underwear, Hosiery Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, H'.lk Muf flerB, Shoes and Umbrellas for everybody. Also a nice line of Sterl ing Silver Trimmed floods and Chlnaware. Horse's Department Store STORE OPEN Styles and at lowest CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meats Pickled Meats Cured Meats Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMERCIAL STREET. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO Sl.Piul, Dululb, Minneapolis, ('blcigo and All Points a:. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALEID. Through Palac and Tourist Hlerpr, Dining sol Iluffst Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland and the Qreal Northern Hy , on sal at O. It. N. Ticket Oftl.-e, Asto'la. or Oreat Northern Ticket OflV l THIRD STREET, PORTLAND. For rat, folders and full Information regarding Eaatern trip, call in i r td dreas A. H. C. DBNNISTON, City Pa. ami Ticket Ag?nt. Portland EVENINGS. BEST0F EVERYTHING In a Word Tlila Tslla of ht l'.tt Service via the Rorlhweslorn line.. Light Trains Dally Ulwn Ml. I'sul anj Chloago, comprising The latest Pullman Weeper, vilea Dining Cars, Ubrary and iibanrviloii Oars, Fr Itecltnliig Cbir Car. The JOth Century Train - Hun Kry Day of lh Vear. The Finest Tram in the Worlo flfdtlc liystta Hratrd THK IIAIHlK'lt HTATK KXPUKSM, e li Fliieat Dally Train Running llrtarrn At. Paul and Chicago, via In rlluvrt Un. Conneollon from the Wet Th. NOHTUMHN I'ACIKIO 11 It HAT NPItTIIHUN AND CANADIAN 1'ACirh HIH. This I lo lh HK9T UNK b-tween Oinalia. HI. I'ul and Mluneapolla All Ag'iil Sell Tlck'U via The Northwestern Line V II M K A t -, llrtlersl Agent. : Aider 8tr.'t. II. I. HiSl.Klt. Trsv Airnl PortUnd. itg"n IVrptit. Fifth iul tav 1 JO m Irving its. Portland Arrlv I I overland Ktpma Train f..r Halem. Kosrburg. Ash land. Sacramento, Cgden. Han Kran clo. Mojav. le Angele. Kl I'aao, New Orelrans and Ui rat. '1 11 a m , JO a m Minn At Woo, burn (dally rlrrpt Hun dav). morning train rounoi-ta with tram for Ml. An gl. Hilverton, II r o ii i 1 1 1 Hprlngfleld. and Natron, and even ing train for alt. Angel and Hllver ton. 7 J0 a m Curralli paen- I i It p 114 W pm Hberldan paMh-n- ! a ITr. Dally llDally ricept Hun.Ur Be bate ticket on le t-'wn Port land. Hacramvntu and fan Frnc, NVI rate IITW Drat cUa. without terth and 114 00 second rlas. Including berth. Hair and tickets t, F(rrn pulnl and Europe. Also Japan. China Honn. lulu and Australia Can be nhiainrd fioni V A. Schilling, Third and Want,. Ington arret. i I YAMHILL DIVISION' Paasetig-r depot ,.f j, rf.-r. ui Ht Iave fir law .-go .Uily ia a. m.; IJ Jo. 1 5'.. 1 :s. i 11. :i a na. II 30 p m and no p m ..-i Hun lay only. Arrlv at Portland dully at M it,. s 30. MO SO in.; I iS. J 11 i .! :o ' T pi. 10 00 p m : 1140 a in lul, . ! -i-pi Monday: 1 JO nd 1" IS a. :u ,,n Hun days unly, I'ie for Dallas dally . icrpt Hun. day at 4.10 p. m. Arrive ai Portland j at 9 in a. m. Pasarngar train lesvea Diltia fir Alrlre Monday. Wednesday nil I Frl- ' I.iva at 3 Ci p. m. It-lot n Tu-slnya. Thuradaya and Saturdays. Kiopt Bu iilay. It II MIl.LKIt. (Irn. Frt and l'a Agt It Travel UXUR10US Th. "Northweatern IJmlVd" train. Ie.rlc lighted throughou'. both inaida and out. and steam heated, are with out ticeptlon, th flnt trains in th world. They emtly the latent. r wei and best Ideas for comfort, eonvrni ire and lotury vr ofTeretl the travelling public, and l together sra th meal complete and splendid prodn.-tlnii i.f rti rar buildtn' art. Tban sphndld Trs'ns Connect Wllh The Great .North era The Northern I'lciDc ind The Canaulao Pacific AT ST. PAUL FoR CHICAGO and the P. AST. No extra charge for thee superior acommodatlona and all I'litun 0f lick ets are available for passige i-r. the trains oa 'hi lint sre proti-.i-d by the Interlocking Hlock Hyitnn. W, H. MWAD, II. L HISLRIt General Agent. TravrUng Ag't. Portland, Oregon. 1MJ Milwaukee" whn going to any point A familiar nam of th Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Ureat Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in tb world." Understand: Connection are mad with all transcontinental line, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, eleclrlo light, steam heat, of a variety equaled by no other line. Bee that your tlckt real via "Th In the United State or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, address, J, W. CA8HY, C. J. RDDY. Trav. Pa. Agt. Oen. Agt , Portland, Ore. Portland. Ore i ma. iW-iH? viiii'tii! iisJ NiiTICK OV I'lHUfATMN, Nolle I tierrby given thai on Tile. tl hour of o clock i. m., at lh City Mall of Altl l Coiinell Cham N'i the Committee un Hlienta and ........ .1'... mi.. I II..Ar.t llf ASM.1U.II ciustltulllig the Itoard of ICllllatlcin . ..t -Alll I.IMMl I.H.I Of ine u ' - . - eiamlne. eoneet and iUalle th as sessment roll No 44. for th Improv. ineiii of Hlth ltel from lb mirth a ...a...lBl alMt f IWlll.t lllie Ol ttllllli-'i .nm ,.il said tllh slreel. when I lis Mill would he lulei seeled by the north Un ,.f block . eltellded wet. All otilecl lo nl l asm-uiiitt must lie made III willing and Hied befor said time II M NI-ll.S N, Aii.tlt"! and IVilco Judge of lb City ,( Asloiln. NiTI'K '!' I'l'lll.H'ATIi-N S,,llce la hereby given, that on Tile . day. Hi Jlt dr of wcmlwr. IWI. ul the hour at 3 i'. l- k i m. at lh rily Mall ill the C.iuiiell limnilx-rs I ho I'oiniiilltee on Htreel uud I'ulillo ttuvi and Hoard of Ae-oi. c.nnll ItilliiK the Hoard of Kpiallsion. will and eiamlne corteel anl 'iualle Ihn aenirnt roll No tl for the lm .iorinriil of Commercial street from Dm weal line of Seventh street to th ...t line i.f HUth tr-- All i'li)ee. in said assessment must he mad in witting and tiled l-ef.r ld ! - II K SKIV.N Auditor and 1'nllc Jul of th I'lljr i.f Asloila OREGON SlIOIT LINE AND Union Pacific TIMF. 4CKD CLr I Fiwn I'.irllaiid t vpart I 'lllOiM I'.irt" 1 Sicial Kill III via Hunt ing!. n Atlsiilli) Kipr (si l in : Hunt ington Hi Paul K: mail i in via Hpokane Arrlr Salt I Jk. DoiiVf r.i i rt. Worth. im h. Karwa City 4 14 pm. Ht U'Ul. Chlcg) and K.t I I Halt lk, lenvr !Ft. Worth. Oma 'ha, Kn ('Ity.'l ti Hi le'Ui. 'h!r" and Vm i Wll "Wafu, ! jlwl.i..n. Bpo. kane Minntapollt H' Paul. Duiotb ' T 0 a, m Mliauk. Chl ragi an,) Bad ?3 h uiri Ptrtland to Chlojg. Nil Chang" of Cam. IH'KAN AM!) HIVKH HCIIKDULJC - From A torts . AH aalllnt datan object to Chang j F ir Han Frsn.-t. j ni vty flv days 7a m ' Columbia Hlvarjta m Dalvn- T Portland ami, etc. crnt Hun. I Way tndlnga. ! M mdar Hm-r Nahcilt lrva All irU on .'I- dally, rt opt HurJay. for I'.wac". n",.-.-.h thrte wllh tra na for Umt I'ra-li. Tl ant North llrach p.ilaia Hrt. lining rr:vra at A(tor s:n n- ng I W l't NSIIIMtltY. Ago't A'b.Ha A I. CHAM liitir-a! r(iirnKf.r Agent, Pot lland. i "-g ui. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILRQtD. I.IMVI I'nliriAMi ol I'ortlaii.l I it on ih-i- i , II iiia m rut AO II Wt I kl r lo f.iltita AM'IIHI r r l'..nlanil . n l W y . II l t I'iOiiU III J p t V 4 ' a iii r. lit i ... nhA- ll'K PIMiplN A.uou nr Waririiiuii, , IKia Cl.trl. Kutl H vr av I III p III llaliiitmnil alet Ailurla ! 1U 1 a UI '.rail'lr fur Warreliliin, 11 So p m rlsi , llatnm ml ."or 1 7 tal p iu l. r i aii. I Al"rla v f i a m tie m ; li a m ! 0, I l.i a in , l Ml . j ai a tn ; Hun-l-4y only. All train maka clui conn' St ilnbl with all Norihtrn Padrlo trains to snd from th klast nd Round poiatt J. c. mato, Oen'l Frtlght and FaOfr Agant. ..Foriland Astoria fyule. STR. 'BAILEY GATZERT." Dally Hound Trips Ricept flundsy. T IMt CARD Leave Portland.. I.'kvi' Astoria... ... 7 a. Ml. ... 7 p. ni. The Dalles Boat STR. M TAHOMA." Itetween Portland, Th Dalle, anl wf Points. TIME CARD leaves Portland. Tudays. Thursdays and Haturdava at 7 a. tn. Arrives Tho Dalle th cam dsy, I P. BB. U.ave, Th Dalle. Bunday. Wdns- Isys and Friday at 7 a. ro. Arrive Portland, lam day, 4 p. m. This route has th granat soenla at traclliiui on earth Landing. Foot of Alder trt. Both 'Phnnrf Main A. J TAYI)Il, Agt. Aatoria. JOHN M. FILLOON. Agt. The DHS. PilATMICIt t BAHNEH, Agt Hood River. Wf iLFoud A WTnilfl. Afls. Whits Halmon. f r. WYATT. Agt. Vanrouvsr. k.. W. CltlCIITON, Aft. Portland. VHolio 21 Mo ; wiims colur