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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1901)
. I v I ' : noli..iK M-v i.'it"' ' Hicltol:"!.. 1'. m it'i t '', . , l I ""' Ik h.iblo to prob p KvKy (2 VOL. I.IV ASTORIA. OKIX.ON, WliDMlSDAY, DliCK.MIJIiR 23. NO. m If . . f IK. rift Lest You Forget! HKKMAN WISKuiveVu ticket nillM Vory Muu'h and Hoys' Suit or Overcoat. Out of every ti'ii Suit r Over coats one customer will pt u Suit or Overcoat free. Iruwiii( fur tlic free Suil-i :tnl Overeoiitt takes place January -. We have lil over 10 Mm Siiit.i ami Ovtrcoal.i n i ! iicnilv .'Id lloV Suiit a 1 1 1 Overcoatn, tluriiij; tin' laxl few ilnys. We linjie mi w ill In- one of tile lllikv olui, SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Drop Head Sewing machines FISHER BROS. $17.50 ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Stcainf ittci s MOLE AC1EINTB POIt rl7 AitiLrTsy 1 SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES B27 BOND STREET BooliH Wii have a well selected stock In nil atylon of bindings, pretty and Inexpensive. We also have nil tlio Into and popular fiction of the day. Calendars A nice assortment, nil shapes and sixes, neat and pretty. Picture nnd Medallions A large assortment neatly framed, at reasonable prlrei. Albums The. beat line In the city. We have other goodi too numerous to mention. Including. Toilet Cunca, Work-boxes, Manloure Bat, Sterling Silver Novelties, Leather Qoods, sto. We aak you to oall and look ui over. GRIFFIN & REED, WMMEER5; ORE. FILIPINO GENERAL LAYS DOWN ARMS Surrenders All Chiefs on Island ol Bohol With 28 Cannon and 45 Guns. AMERICAN TROOPS IN LAGINA Column I'mlcr Coloucl Dough rrty Mukliifr 'luu Mweep of rrolnee, IttirnliiK Hitr rueka lllltl Hamlets. MANILA. Inc. 2.-The Filipino Cm ral Samson Mini nil other Insurgent hlrfs uii I he Inland nf Hohol hit vi- sur- n-nili'M-it HM .'S miiiKni nnd 41 gun. During an engagement in Hatangas provuoe between Insurgcnta i-inl a do tin hinent nf the T ml y Hi t infantry under Lieutenant Edgar T lotilcy. in- iiii-riiBii private .,s limlly Injur I. A large ihmiiIh r of thr rrictny were k 1 11. .1 Tl- i "luinii mi !.i r.ilon-l IhiiiKhtity hoiking a i leiin nMf'- if I.jikuiiu pnoliue horning nil lln- liiMiigrnt l iu i ii k Unit Hie found Mini ii nuinls-r of iiuilvi- hamlets Colonel Dougherty linn liiki-n liiaiiy ir I ! r-M end the In- "Urgent lonn lllirltig Ills riM- u 1 1' -tin I'll Im-i-ii heavy. who la a prisoner In the fortress of Puero Cabellfi. 11m Insurrrc'lon has spread eastward toward IUUlaliiieio, In the mate fif Lara, and toward the slate of Fuleon. The lnaurnta mt will armed, and are alMiut to n-o-hf a furthi-r upily of run. rlnYa and ammunition. The Vem iurlun warahlp itvaiaurador has arrlveil here to watch for and try to Intercept (he aiearnrr ahli-h la bringing theae inunltlona of wur fr the revolutlonlata. The wamhlp Cren po, whlrh arrived here recently. i-ft very aoon afterward without 1Iik lin ing her deatlnatlnn. Jenrl Mm tm, one of the revolution ary leaders, haa Juet reached here HAl'ID TIU.NSIT New IJne Will Mk Ti.riy- rn Mili-a In Thirty Mlnutm SKVT TIIK. IW. -ranter even limn the trnln err vice between I'hlla delphla mil I Atlunlli- (It)'. N. J . will Ix- thin whlrh It In lntendi-1 to wain lulu on the proHied eleotrlo railway fn-iii to Krlabtnn, (lower to 'oimtriiit whlrh will he applied for at the next .-nlon In parliament, naya i he Ignition iiirreimndent of the Her ald. The mad will be 47 mid a long and the iiuIiik an- to make the dlmatx-e in .10 nilmitre. It la pmpoeed to run a ! Mi I nil I e nervier each from I oilmk In the morning until midnight. The ln- ilnn termlnua will be at I.upun nln-et. Weatmtnater. and the traln.i on leav ing the atntlon will rroaa the Thami-a hy an Iron bridge and proeeed on a truatle way to 1teIillngtnn. There the road enters a tunnel for part of the nine miles to Hed Hill. The rent of the way la prartlrally In the nien to Hrlghlon. The i-arrlHgea it to be of the I'ullmnn type. Ht'LTAN orUKCTS. N'aturallsw C'ltlgena of Vnlted Btates Not Wanted In Ills Uomaln. I.VM.A, Tel.. Der. H.-The News has rei-elved a dispatch from Waco, Texas, whlrh says: Several eltlx-ns of Warn, f.irmi-rly of lleypiut. Hyrla, who went to their childhood's home . visit friends have i allied here fur transportation bark to Texas, having learned that the TurkNh govrrnmrnt object to thHr prcei-nr-e In that portion of the njitnn's domain unless they an- willing to renew their nllegliim to Tinki-y mi l aban Ion tlu-lr rU-hts as naturullx-d cmi-tn of the I'tilt.d Stntrs. Tin- Syrian ndony hen- Is i oini-o-i-.l of fubstun'liil i Itl letn anl they protnptly met r! ne. mimds of ihelr eou-'tr) men mrss the oiean by sending transorta'.lmi us de lre. The h-udlng Hyrluti" hen- say the sulian will slirlilly enforce his or der and will deal hurshly with his former Mibjei ts unb-ns the I'tllll'd Stutis Interferes in their Ix-half. MODERN WARFARE FORCES CHANGES British War Office Announces Volunteers Musi Become Ef ficient in Square Drill. WILL WITHDRAW ARTILLERY Prewnt oiKtltloiia or (itierllla tVurfare Kender (ilinH of l.lttle 1st in South Africa. I llndfolded chess player of the world were prominent athletes, bunkers, law yers, and railroad men. At one table waa ColonH James ft. flranrh, treas urer of the Hankers Asaoeiatl m. His table was No. 1 and against him fills bury made ruy lopes opening. At another table was F ft. Gibson, treasuerer of the Illinola Central Rail road. Against him Plllsbory began the game with the "four knights" opening, f'lllsbury won nearly every game. NOT YET DECrDRD. Governor Shaw Still Considering Ac ceptance of Treasury Portfolio. INEFFICIENCY OF SERVICE THE CAUSE Railroad Managers Allege for Congested Condition of Traffic in General GENERAL INCREASE IN WAGES M ill Do Much Toward SUmuIat Inff Them to Ik-tter Work And Help to Itelieve Nittiatiou II 1-oNIsiN. r-c :t-An aimy eider Issued tonight announces that volun teers will b. ui ei,.l in the future vh i km- only able :o devote In train ing purposes til- tim,. reulix-d for ele mentary bairark nuare drill. The com mander In chief polms out In this con l.i'tlon modern warfare has so ;''' :''''. -h,t l order that J Arg.,lll!le.rnll. w Be Am. th. v sbal, 1.- e-r. . ve It is not Impera- j tat).y tl.- tliiit n.hiM.-ers attend annual In- j mi union t amps an I lit id maneuvers It Is g-ner.illy Ull. v.d that this or- l-r will wli- oui a lar it the present volunteers. The war of tl.e derided to vilthdrAw twenty DES MOINE3, la., Dec. tt.-Gover- Leslie If. Phaw was seen by an Asso ciated Press representative tonight re garding his attitude concerning the secretaryship of the treasury. He said: "Trie appointment of secretary of j the treasury has not been formally ten- J' dered to rne by the president. I havi been askd If I would accept the p"'- ' rH,''AOO, Dec. 24. At a special sulon If su'-h a tender were made. I j meeting of the General Managers Ai shall consider the matter somewhat i "elation held here today a movement further anil decide it without unneces- was started which may result In a sary delay. i general increase In the wages of trainmen, enginemen, firemen and I "N DKIISTA XD I N; flBACHED. sw itchmen on all big railroad systems least of Chicago. Ti: 1 1 Kolt I?,m CIT IZ UN S Virginia Town "Phot tTp" by Iteckless Mountaineers. WILLIAMSON. Va., tVc. 14 --Several Logan county men rode Into Dtngesa, a few miles west of here toduy and while ntoxlcated "shot up the town." The Itltens ttcd In terror as plate glass windows were cracked by flying hul- li-is. In the party were Waller Adams and John Mulllns. hnlf brother Con stable John Ulllon was sent for and half an hour later arrived and attempt ed to arrest the men, when a' regular street duel occurred, probably a) shots being fired. Constable Dillon Bnd John Mulllns were killed instantly, and Adams was slightly wounded. The litter mounted his horse nnd nxle rnp- lly to the Intorlor. ItEMKMHCRKD I1T PRKSIPKNT i "live Neck Sch-il Children IN-cehe Presents r'mm President Uimsevelt. XKW YoltK. fec :4.MlsN Sarah Provost, teacher at a small district school at Cove Neck. U I., near Oys ter Hay. President Hoosevrlt's home, received a generous check from the president today. The check Is to tie used for the purchase of Christmas presents for the pupils. Mr. Roosevelt's children formerly attended Cove Neck school, and before he became gover nor It was his custom every year to play Santa n,ius and present gifts to all the pupils In icrsons. CHACNCY AT NICK. Will He Married to Miss Palmer i'-mie Time This Week. XHW YORK, IVc. 24. I'nlted Suites Senator Chauney M. lView has ar rived at Nice, iFj-aoce, cables tho corre spondent of the World at thnt pliiee. Miss May Palmer, his brlde-olcet, ar- Ived today. The wedding day has not ven yet been definitely announced. It will be either Thursday, Friday or Saturday of this week. Rector Adam- NHC.RO ACQtMTTED. Tried for Murder of Club Kmployes at Mount Vernon. N. Y. XKW YiUK. !c. 24 -Warner Sims, a negro, has Just been tried at White Plains. N. Y.. for the murder nf Pn- vld J. Scut t and John Stevens, em ployes of the Slwanoy Coif Club. Mount Vernon. September 1 last. The Jury found Sims not guilty and It Is doubt ful If the iM-rpetrntttors of the crime will ever tie discovered. Scott was the steward and Steven the head waiter of the club. After they were slain the club house was robbed. ),it;.-i ii s ,.f tir lllerv, from f-outh Afri ca at once. TU anion is taken on the ground uni. r the present ii-ndltlotis of guerilla warfare, guns are of little u". and are ra:h-r a hin drance of mobility and o.clslve action. ItfKNOS AY RES. Dec, 24.-S.mor Ali-orta. Argentine minister of foreiirn I .ajorlty ,urrHir h:.a n ,.in...ik r.,, nlealion to Flon-nrlo L. Domlngui-i, minister of Argentine to Gnat lirltaln, In which he Informs tho latter of the renewal of conrllatory negotiations be- The meeting was called at the re quest of the Pennsylvania Company, the cause being the coal shortage In Chicago and other cities, shortage of cars, and the congested condition of the traffic In general. In the opinion of a majority of the general managers the general conges tion Is due in a measure to the Ineffi ciency of the service rendered by em ployes. ' It was generally agreed that DAMAGED HY WT.S'D. Colorado Suffers From Terrific Wind Storm. DENVER. Dec. 24.-A terrific gale, approaching In places the severity of a tornado, visited the foothlls along the Rocky Mountain-rom Cheyenne to Pike's Peak. At Golden, where the storm was most Severe, the old city hull building was blown down and a residence next d.wr crushed beneath It. The occupants barely escaped with their lives. In the Houlder district four oil derricks were destroyed and many buildings (down down, and scores of chimneys toppled over. tween Argentine and Chile. I The documents putting an end to the a rai In the wages of employes would ..... ... .r..i .ni i.i..;do much toward stlumlatlnir them to I W ,1 1 niou 1' L B1B win piuuuijr : be signed by representatites of both . better work- whlch ln turn rou,J heP Argentine and Chile at Santiago De : the congested conditions as well Chile tonlnht. i lo Prevent mem. 11. IVRTLAXD HOY WoX. 11. Freeman Wins 23-Mlle Oiien Hlcycle Race at Hoston. HOSTON, IVc. 24 II. R Freeman. of Portland, Oregon, won the 25-mlle oien professional bicycle race today In 1 O8:0S. STORY WAS LfOlDED IIAMIU 1KS-AMKKH AN LINK not iTr.iu:sTi:i. Did not Secure ('tiiieessioiis Cliiiiued hj I'aeille Traii.Hur tutioii Co. in NiearaKtia. NEW YORK. Dec. 24 -dCmt! U Roas. general agent of the Hamburg-Ameri can line, who has been In Europe ar ranging for a line of steamers to the son w ill conduct the marriage eere- Levant and w ho has Just returned, said mony. There will be a musical service, ut no hymn. No publication of the iiinns has been made nt the American onsulnte. REVOLUTION IS SERIOUS. 'romlnent General Now Marching Up on Iji Victoria, an Imortant City. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. The revolu tion against the Castro government hlch has broken out In V.meiucla is serious affair, according 'ri the Fort lie France, Martinique, correspondent f the Herald. The first leaders to rise gainst the president were Generals .uclano Mendoia and Cedeno. den ral Mendoia Is president of 'he state if Arasuu and General Cedeno la direc tor of customs at Puerto Cabello. General Mondota Is now marching upon I Victoria, an Important Klnt In the vicinity of Caracas. General edeno wishes to rescue General Tla- mon Ouerra, formerly minister of war, of the report that by reason of the purchase of the Atlas line, the Hamburg-American line claimed some rights In the Nicaragua district: "There is nothing In the story. Indeed It was specllleally stated In the con tract of purchase with the Atlas Company that It did not secure certain concessions claimed by the Pacific Transportation Company, which runs a line of steamers from Greytown." MILES RETICENT. Refuses to Discuss Reprimand Given by Secretary of War. WASHINGTON. Dec. S4.-Lleuten-ant General Miles returned to the city today from New York. The general declined to discuss the question of the reprimand given him by the secretary of war. He did say, however, that the report that he would apply for a court of enquiry was entirely unauthorised. A JUST PUNISHMENT. Senor Lnjiei. a Filipino, Pays Penalty of His Perfidy. MANILA. Dee. 24. Senor Lopei. who was arrested in Hatangas Province for a treasonable communication v 1th the insurgents, has been hanged. He was a brother of Sixto Lopei. Aguinaldo's European representative snd a wealthy merchant in Manila and Ilatangas. In Lwei. 173 Spanish prisoners were handed over to Senor Lopei. who waa j to conduct them to a place cf safe ty. He ordered the entire party to be cut down with bolos. It Is alleged, and personally assisted in the slaugh ter. He Is said to have robbed the dead bodies. Only thirty Spaniards escaed. WRECKED BY DYNAMITE. PLUNGED DOWN HILL. Totem Club of Seattle Blown Up and San Francisco Electric Car Runs Away Seven Inmates Injured. with Fatal Results. SEATTLE. Dec. 24.-An explosion of SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 24.-One per dynamlte, believed to have been placed on waa killed and nine others Injured either for the purpose of robbery or 1 in a peculiar accident on the Fillmore else by some crank, wrecked the Totem j street electric car line last night. The Club, the largest gambling house In dead are: this city, this evening. The dealers j Mrs. Mary Phelan, domsstlc. taken and players were lifted from their to Railroad hospital; died from frac- feet by th force of the concussion. J. ture of skull M. Slasou. Jack Colts and Soren Nel son were Injured by flying bits of copper. Injured: Mrs. M. K. Mansle, wife of William Mansle. foot crushed and scalp wounds: will recover. Mrs. Mary Kelly, domestic, contu sions and suffering from shock. Robert Keller, sprain of right thumb and contusions of knee. Robert Rodgers, -cut over the eye and contusions. Miss Josephine Rigley, contused cut over forehead and bruises on back of head. I iir. rurner, contusions and snocs. British yeomen, defended the kopje , Mrs. O'Connor, Injuries very slight, against Colonel Damant's advance j A. j. Dautchman. motorman. sltght- LOSSES WERE HEAVY. Damant'a Force Lose Heavily in Ta- I felkop Engagement. f LONDON. Dec. 24. The list of cas- ' ualties In the engagement fought by j Colonel Damant's force at Tafelkop. Orange River Colony, on December 20. when the Boers, who were dressed as . zuard, Is heavier than was at first reported by Lord Kitchener. It now appears that the British lost three of ficers and 29 men killed, and had Ave oiricers and 35 men wounded. REPORT PREMATURE. Germany Has Not Yet Sent Ultimitum to Venexuela. BERLIN. Dec. 24 The announce ment that Germany had sent an ul timatum to the Venezuelan govern ment has been conspicuously printed In the press here. Those newspapers maintaining the closest relations with the government affirm that the news Is premature. While the ultimatum has not yet been delivered to Veneiuela, they said the step will be soon taken unless Veneiuela yields to what are deemed the reasonable demands of Germany. FINES REMITTED. Nome Steamers Are Relieved From Paying Amounts Assessed. , PORT TOWNSBND. Dec. 24.-The last of the heavy fines Imposed upon Nome steamers for carrying an ex cessive number of passengers was re mitted today according to advices re ceived from Washington by Collector lluestls Informing him that the fine Imposed on the steamer Portland of $6tw0 for bringing from Nome 133 more passengers than was permitted by her license was remitted. SIXTEEN TO ONE. Plllsbury Plays 16 Games of Chess at One Time. NEW YORK, Dec. 24.-The chess expert, H. N. Plllsbury, at the New York Athletic Club last night, played 16 games of cheas simultaneously, on boards which he did not see they be ing all behind him and gave the chess experts of the club a lively three hours. Arrayed against the champion PARDONED BY GOVERNOR GEER. ; SALEM. Ore.. Dec. 24. Governor Geer today pardoned J. C. Lurhman. snitenced from Baker county, for 13 years, for manslaughter. MACLAV IS DISCHARGED SEC'ItETAKY LOX(i FIUFS SI.ANDEItEIt OF SC 1II.EY. ly hurt. Roy Phelps, conductor, Injured very slight. For four blocks south of Union street the grade is so steep that the cars have i to be pulled up the hill by special ma chinery. As a car containing fifteen people had nearly reached the top of the hill It broke loose In some manner and rushed dow n the grade with frlght ' ful speed. It kept the track until Union street was reached. Here there stood an empty car waiting to be hauled to the summit. This obstruc tion was crashed Into and wrecked by the runaway car which then Jumped the rails and was brought to a stand still by a telegraph pole which It struck and scattering Its occupants ln all di rections. Help wa. at hand and the Injured passengers were given Immedi ate care. Action Wa Taken Hy Direction of President I'pon Refusal to Tender lCesimition. ! AGRICULTURE IN PHILIPPINES. WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. -Secretary-Long has discharged Edgar Stanton Maclay from his poslton as a tkllled laborer In the Brooklyn navy yard, Maclay having refused to resign when requested to do so. Maclay criticised Admiral Schley ln his navy history as ''caitiff, poltroon and toward." Secretary Long's action was taken by direction of the president. Although the civil service rules gives employes of the service an opportunity of ans wering charges that may te preferred against them, the president exercised his prerogatives In the present Inci dent and directed Maclay's removal, it being held that the latter was aware unofficially. If not officially, of the rea sons which actuated the executive In taking the course determined upon. Secretary Long said the action taken today would dispose of the case finally. Secretary Long's dispatch to Rear Admiral Barker directing Maclay's re moval was as follows: "Washington, Dec. 24. -Rear-Admiral Barker, U. 8. N., Commandant Navy Yard, New York: By direction of the president, Edgar S. Maclay is dis charged. Notify him. LONG." Experimental Stations to He Installed by Government BERKELEY, Cal., Dec. 24. -The Uni versity of California has been asked to recommend to the Philippine commis sion several men qualified by erperl- I ence and scientific, training to take I charge of agricultural experiment sta I tions ln the Philippines. The commls l sion believes that there Is no other ! place ln the world where agricultural skill would produce such a transforma tion as in the Philippines. BROKE WORLD'S RECORD. CHICAGO, Dec. 24. Captain Louis Sarcho tonight broke the world's rec ord for remaining under water ln div ing suit. In a big tank at the Colis eum he lay Immersed under 10 feet of water for nine hours. Best previous achievement of the kind was hours and 30 minutes. WILL INCREASE WAGES. ' PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 24. The Un ion Traction Company, which controls every street-car line in this city, and employes upwards of 50,000 motermen and conductors, ' will Increase these men's wages from 18 to 19 cents an hour January 1.