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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1901)
TUB MOHNINtt ASTORIAN, Tlll-SDAY, DUA.Mimi 17, 1901 They Have Tln luHikcU llint wo liuvi' Ihtii i xitcinK liuvo at lusl lurivixl, ami llicy urn n very niio nii't input. If ymi nr thinking (if milking liny mr I'liiiHCB in t It i it liin tin not wail, iih w mill (juitc a iuiiiiImt yi"l nlay. I'.vrn if yn ! mt in li'inl itir'liti.Hin we MotiM liko you to come in lllld Hc thrill, ROSS, IIIGCJINH & CO. The Morning Astorian THI.KIMIONE Ml. N "TICK T) ADVKUTIHICKfl Chang ol ..( y HUH! r-h Ihc bul n offlVs by n, m. I.i seur sp. poarsii.- In th fnll.mlng nwriin' edition TliU ruin will gvrn nil ) rl levril"iiiril. cvpllng ra.ln I -! TniAV'H vi;atiii:ii. I 'llTI. AM'. ! I" Vilcin Ktr (..a Tu i..,i . iluu.l) Mllli .inbubly lioil III Ihc Ili'l tin-Ill r.'lllnii Waal nil Vnliltlgtill . Willi probably rilmwrn III lllr Iwitllrlll , t i ll Vrl . V u ti Ititit and N.iitlntii Matin, i I. .ii I) ami lilim AKUU.M) town. IViin.l -lltiiuh lit . nit III till I. fTtl I Call main tt f..r your ?' rju!r Bi'tii Ot Iris pr mipily IMlrd A dmishlt-r born mi Huti-lny I.) Hi,, wlli' i.f J.ilill ltatuiiaiii, II"! Ii-i-ll( llll--ltllllg HUM llr- lurn:. (12 I'mninrrcm lrl. I'mroiiUn Ii id Industry n.l buy yur frr I, Imy a ii.l (rain at liaaton' mill. lllsT It-CICNT MKAl. : .UMNO Hl'N UKMTAUIIANT. llirr! HuilHan." Ill flues'. 5-r'nl ci tr n the tirk: Hold everywhere. 011 l Hi iW.-IUnl barber bjp f-'f ui li-.:i w"ik Tlri flral-cl bur lier Hi.11111. r Southern Honey cke it re ilrlp-l-iu Try llirin.- Johnson 111. i Tin- i ' l it ii 1 1 l tin b-f I mil ) Tlllmiiook iu. k mi l oihrr light lu ll, .ii ( ul f :l k'lul". rrimp ' i-i Y k Immi llm-ir, t:Z Connii'-roal sirr.-l. .x iiiirk ..f f.lll.y itniiil. sllital'le f-.i 'hrl-itui;', 1til nnlvi-1 at V"krt li.ituu It.iiuiir l.miif line ..r fn. ,url..i i I ui lit In l..t.i. .1 .ml. ami iiiii'ni;aiiy ''Iiiik II. iil.i.t ii H-m M-uls iluili", ilclilv iii v. . I fmiiica ill In. Inii n-. I III (lie luli l itvlcs ''liii II. III... ill A Hon. Thr Krem-h bark ltnurharle I r. foil-.-I III lln' lifting. Hhc bus I.tii uutal.h' since Krlilny iilitlil. . frriili uiil' of rnniljr tllrvrt from ilic fin'lmy fur our riirlnimu itmlc, jiiI In - Urn. D) you nn.ikf? Try a "ilnil Hul llvnn," the flnei 8-rn i-lfir on ih m.irki'l. finl4 i-vry where. When in doubt visit Dunbar's The A. Dunbar Co. Arrived If ynu wint Imx wiioil, ilb wm4 ur .illiiT flrfwiHMt tdlrplmn Kelly, lh iramfT man. I'h.m. :ni block. Tlin m-himnrr Win n1 'Wint kfl ut Kin river Huinluy fur I'nrlluiiil, nhrrr hit will mi li-run rili nnlvc rcpnlr I Mi -'lirr(iii, m nmlvn of fir.! Ilrllaln. Im Im-kii iiiadr n iltlu-n of tlin I'nlirtl HlBlr by lb runty murl. rlriiilta hmiio tnduairy by mokin itin "I'tli) (if Alirl" l-ar. fitlHIl initio. Manufa.ilurvd by MacKarlan A KiuiIk-I Ymi ( nii'l mukr ( Atnly al h'Hiiit " i ln uply n ynu cn buy It nl llilti-r I'llic lull. lie' lii Aliila, 1 '- In I.", a .,iiniil, lluv Mnir ull unl orrc..,u at llcr in. -in VIi-' bin liirc II" Klvr a tult or (IM-rioM free Willi nvrry 'rn mil ur iivrrrnfcl Oivaiii pu'r rye, Anirrii.ii flu,: wbl'ky. The only pur- . ,i1. eunr ii'cp I iIi'Ii an I iti 'lonr JOHN I. OAltLSnN. H .1. Aii -it. A larijc liipim iit of t tiln rru..n Hum la itiii- M iirihc frmn San r'rnll- Iki.i ,.n i hr ulcainir :ilrr Turairiy in.iriiliiK J.iiii..i Him Jnlm A M. Mil(. 'in ry UK nrwir,t a Imp at III Il"n I Hf". np.1 n prcparp.l In (In all rlaiao of plumliiin; ami tin i Ina- l UiH p.mallil ril- ll'ialyn cil !' b-ncr, I clran. r and make In lr. ul.lo llh ainvo and i hlmnrjr fliir Itian any ulhtr. Orurgr W. ria.ib-irn. anl, in II'I Ituy nf all ilrn-rlpllniia, lm Iu.IIiir MiiicI lr. Aiiiilnaicr nn.l WIHnna Tlx- ani (incut I t lie ln't i-vrr ntunm In Atoila -4'haa llrillMirn Hun. Iljiln fir Uit.r al Hi. r.ila.f llattia. I'rivalK rntran- on all uf bulMI". '( p "pen (in Kiiii.lny in irninfj fur lilni- an.l bath 1U A Curb-It. t!tr. , ji.ii- iviiriir.1 In w.nk ..ii In ll lima furnlal.Pil Sternly in.ik a-iinrniiti-i'il; e ei lenee utinei i-a-amv S,-n. alnmil ciivcl-ii.c I.i Mlia M,-(, ... N,e,, w.irk ! pt . Oi... ( liliiiKii i nir naaiirt nit-m i.f Pieiuien nii ll.-M I llMger i,r ll, l('-. Till- line In- i hi. I. I" ii ii t If il' ! y fmnvd curbon pi tut i, '"pli-a nf nuiNicr pierr. water nil. I nil piilnllnna - i'Iiii. II. Il I.. mi & S.iti I c.iny lint nf It-rT A (1 i-Jct Ivr fume In b t'l- and bulk ,.ili rinm li rerhiin a, lAn' era, Mtybel: unl i-iirni'i,iii; nn i- r:niiil of I,ub'n. ii. Mi l, nierry Ill.rn.nii, Mntauk t.i jn l othTa "-4'haa It v J. Til.' Tnk- Point Oyater llniifie la ne-pan-. I tn an vc Tnniiile nn.l nil kind of Hindi IMi. Kninlllca aupplled with fiitnoii Tnke Point Oyatrra, on abort nmiic KIcK iith atn-et, N-twei-n Hond nd Ooinmcri till. M'hnne STtl. The Ntemner Ijicknie, which arrived ycli.rdiiy from Humlioldt. broiiahl ;.iai,iKi feet of trduo.'d lumber for the The HoiiHim of COUIH'HKKII and PKK PLKXITY is aijiii)iHliiiig. If you cannot ilociili) on a)iroiriato jirosonts, wo can lii-lp you. TIhto is a good Hiiostion in every nook nnd comer of our storo, and tlicrc is not one of tlio "seven njjes of man" or woman, to which wo cannot cater. Watch this simcc for seasonable suggestions. ICnalmn L,iiinlir C-'ompany, Th red wood will i-oiiatltiiie purl uf the (a mo uf an Oriental liner. Inil Olaen, a lieep lilver rani her, In uT HI. Mnry huapltul, recelvlns medli nl treatinent, ll fell from the top i'f bla bullae, n dlatnnce of twenty feet, mid win badly alink.n up. He will anon nKliln be well. It wa reported Inat ivenlnj that Mr. Nenn whnae huaband recently killed hlmri-lf after mi uiiaui'ieaaful al Irinpt to end the life nf hi wife, bad (oirf.Ti-d a relnpae, ami Hint ber condl tlnii wua reiiarded na i rlllcal. AnythlitkT yn wnni at the tuiiiinuK" anle, llixika, nmiiailiica, t.iya, dlahc. hut". hoea, rout a, wulnta, oap, per fumery and novela. Prln-a the low eat, lioimllon will Ik- very 4 rn t-fu lly re reived. Uidlea of M K. ( h.ii'h. The ei nlld eleven of Hie 1 1 lull f. Ilool und the Ki-ow liny nKKHKiiH-.n will piny another tame nf football licit Haturday. Ir an account nf the gumc played lual Hutidny credit wn itlvcn Arthur Van Ihiaen for toui hdnWn, while the wua made by J Zmi The llrltlab alruinahlp ii luni.raiin ahlre lem bed Hull Krl lay Hhe willed from the I'ollliiililii river H-ptcinle-r J'l. Tin- vnyuire then fore Inated 74 i'iiy Hhe ell nr.. I for link wlih .".7 A n-ntala i.r win .it. vuluid nt li'.'.l'l. und l.:i3 leiilnla of biirlcy, nlil-.l nl ll.'H-'i. A l.-lt- r ii liliixnl, ' H.uitii I'liiua, lile.-llllill I." Wll luillnl lit the pnat- inttlie yeatenliiy. r.nlin.iM. 1 Heed ji'p. I.. . I UK' I 'ttcl. ..I.i 1 1 (ll fl'MIl the I of il prnmlni III (I'll. II Til" letter . ci'liiiiliied n I i tl' l for an aliKuu II iWna fm-nur led I-. Hi- In'lnr lio will j d'Hlbtleai '.' tl llt ti e Wiall O? Hie l')' I-. IC'ilUlled Tin- Pi . -in Ii l.atk I hi i lima, lln. I'up Jlnlii ...i -a. i t.-. ii-I seaier lny f..r the 'fulled KltiK'l mi. Hhe to.k .; biiah jela of wh at, worth It',. ',.'7 Tin- Kriin jrnia r.ipM., whlrti l ready for aeu. ul.i cleared She haa l' 'iI'i pi buah .ila of wheal, worth ' while the I'rein Ii bark Helen, nla i for the t'nlt-!--.l KliiKloii. tuk-a 11!.:".? biiahela of j w heal. alip- l lit I'd 1 i The Km-iicIi barka Kiuiunla I'oppe and Heiirleite arrived down the liver (Sunday and are I'uly for aen Hnth lake ac rut ft carK.a ". The Herman ablp Hlri-ne depnt ted Hun lay for the I'nll- d Klllii'lolll. while the Palklan Ibalik lllld achiailler Plllteraon left up. The I'olunibiii nnd Iji' kmc arilved yeater duy iiixl the HrltMi hli Kini-ll" ar rived down Tin- council iret comndtti-e ).- lerday o.eiied the for the Im plnlelliel't of Seventeenth ilreet, from roiiiiner. ml air.-ei t.i Frunklln avenue. The hid w.rc na follow I, ticlx-ck. I.'ai;:".. I'el.-raon l,!ndlierK. I-TS.M. S. iMIn'on A Hon. l.'T'.Mlt. 0. K John Ml. $.r.U ? i. PalmfceiB. $27. tor Johliam a bid w.i I.iwcmI mid It la likely the rniitruit will le award. I in him. The wnva and tin una committee of the council yeatrrday oj en. . bid for 'the iltv pilntini; f"r Ihc y.-ar I'."1:'. The bid of J H Ivihuer was and j the ii.tilliii-l w.i a iiuar.'el tn him. I'n ity on- bid aa received for the city lldVel tl-illl.-. the Hudn. I nfferlnn I" do I the wort; f..r t1 ctni p.-r npiare for l lie Mm liiv. rtl .il and :fl c. nta mt anti.'ire f..r each ulie.Ui'iit Insertion The Kimmlttee r. )ei t. I tin bid. on the around that It :m too hu;h. The Hud pel iiiiiiiiiin.-ed la-.t evenlnc llint. un- leaa It were nwuidcl the cmtriict, le unl ati pa would be taken to compel the ( omiiiU tee to inaUe th" nu ll. I Si attle iliivlcea are to the effect that th.- It'itlah ahlp WH'iiiiiii Mitchell was aluhtc I . the atcann r S. iUnl off 'Tillamook Hock ill luat Kildny. She aliriiiih-d thai ahe ruiHiitiir ahnrt nf pro vlalona nnd that, on :n oiinl of a foul botinm, the aer lea o' a tu; wer' dc aired .-! once. The Tat. man was out Sunday to look the vessel, but she i .iiil not he found, and II la pre nimed fnptaln Staple him run for Him Kinnclaco. The Mtlchell hua been off the river 37 day nnd her mnater will likely have the usual couiptatllt tn register nbnut the mlaerable aer vice rendered by the Columbia river (URhonta. "Aire cannot wither nor cuatom male" the attractions poaaeaaed by that heat of Swedlah diiileot playa "Ole Olaon." Year In and year out, for mor than a decade, "Ole" haa lieen presented to the theater-going public, nnd Ita popularity ha never waned. Other Swedish ehnrnetera have come upon the acene, but none of them can vie with "Olaon'' In the retard of the public and It stnnda unique In Its line like "Hip VanWInkle" and "Uncle Joa. hua Whltcomb." Thia aeaaon Mr. Hen drlcka change in order to give the Play greater attractive qunlltlea and It la Kenernlly conceded that hla com pnny la the beat that haa ever appear ed In thla play. Ita presentation at Fisher's Opera House next Saturday evening will doubles attract a fener. oua attendance. The popular Swedish Indies' quartette will appear with the company. Sent nle opens Friday morning at Grlfllii A Reed's. At Inst nlKht's meeting of the coun cil tbo Clatsop Mill Company present ed a petition asking that the city va cate Twenty-seventh street north of Kxrhnnge, In order Hint now buildings tuny be erected there. The compnny agree to rebuild Its mill If the city will rnnhe the conreHslon. The petition points out that the street cannot well be Improved or used as a highway, and that the Interests of th dty will not auffer by vacation. The petition like- wise contains the statement that there I no threat to leave the city If the concession la not made, Itebuildlnf of the mill will, the letter stabs, occur within a reanonabl time. .Thnatlr ha been referred to the street corn- mil tee. The Alorla Hoi Company also nk ihe vacation of a stril-Thlrty. eighth. In a letter to Ihe Council lust nlghi Manager McCregor said It wua Intended to enlarge the plant and that more room was required. The street committee will report on the matter A brief and uninteresting; meeting of Ihe council was held last evening. Th resignation of f oiincpinan Cook was tendered and accepted, and al an ad journed meeting of the council hi auc Ceor will d'lllhllev be mimed. n ordinance to establish the grade of Thirteenth street between Dunne and Kichange wna paa,d under upen alon of the pile, a was a menaure otiibllahlng the grade of Dunne be tween Twelfth and Thirteenth. A res olution directing the city surveyor to report the grade of Blxteenlh street between 'oinnieri la I and Jerogie was adopted. The assessment f,,r the lm- j provenu-nt of Hlxth and Cotnineri lal street will be equalled Decemla-r SI. , The way and tm-una cmnmlliee recom mended Hint J. H Delllng.-r lie awurd- . id the contract for city priming for; H?. but recommended that the bid of the lludp-t, for advertising, ! reject- , ed Mr. iliatke, proprietor of the Hud- ' get, was present and explained that , the hid was riot unreason ible, that tln-ic wit no t-omhliintl.iri umuug the new .papers as had been Ix ll.-w-d In some quarters, and that lie thought the Itudget was entitled to the contract. The ii'-'lnli if the colnlnlUee n rejei tng ; the bid was siiMlalned and blda will, aiialn ! advertised for. A ( lalui frmn ' I 1, assl,-n-e of the latnle of K. It. Haw i s dec.-as.-d. for alleged to be due for atret plank lug appropriated by the alreet super intendent wait leferred to the street committee and illy attorney. I'nder the new law there Is some question a to the right of the Ity to lumber of thl kind, and the .irea.-nt iae will doubt less result in settlement of a . iiUHii.-d question. i Lis ally there I no knowledge nf any effort on ihe i.m-i ..f c Knrri. i.. reaentallve of the A. Month I'ncklng Company, to tiring almut a ronoIlda iloii of the cannery Interests of the I.ow. r Columbia. Mcniln-r of the Co lumbia lilver Tuckcra' AssiN-iation mated yest -rdiiy that no overtures had been made by Mr. Norrls tn them. "If Mr. Norrl Intend forming a com bination, he hua not yet glen any In timation nf hi desire," said a promi nent i anneryinnn yesterday. ''Doubt less Mr. Norrl would promote a con solidation If the packers t,ave assur ance that the effort would prove sue- ' The old Idea that the body sorne cessful. but o far n I know there times needs a powerful, drastic, purga- has la-en no deMnlt action a yet.' The recent ,ll"etlng if the Cnlumblu lilver Packers Association officials in Portland doubtless gave rlav to the ru- mors of consolidation. This meeting was attended by President A. H. Ham- mond, Vlce-Pr -sl lent Elmore, Seen- X2SS2SS29Q9SS2SS2SSS2SS8poco V Prices Knocked Out Five Hundred Overcoats bought by our San Francisco buyer at less than OE HALF of manufacturers cost. ( ne hun dred have been shipped to my Astoria Store to be closed out. Study This List of Bargains Men's Covert Overcoats, worth $8.T, for 4.75 Men's Blue Beaver Overcoats never sold for Jess than 112.00, for 7.50 Men's Yoke Overcoats, all-wool Cheviot, a bargain at $17.50, for 12.00 Men's Fancy Back Covert Overcoats, n snap at 115.00, for 10.00 Men's Blue Kersey Overcoats, a snap at $15.1)0, for 10.00 Boys' Ulsters, ages 9 to 16, sold at (.00, for 3.50 Children's Cape ('oats, ages 4 to 0 years, regular price 12.75, for 1 15 Mackintoshes at Cut Prices S. DANZIGER ' tary Owrge and Helling Agent T. n M.rfJovern. The mating was merely of Interest to the astlllm and had to do with closing up the affairs of the company for the, present year. Mr. MeOwm has been tha aKK:latlon s agent for some time paat, but, as hh other Interest will hereafter require a very considerable portion of his time, he will not act as the agent for the company In the future. Ilia contract with the aaaocintlnn has Just expired. and the Portland meeting wan purely one of Interest to th company and the ; agent. Th new ag'-nt of the aiaocla- itlon haa not yet been selected, It Is reported. Mr. Nurrls talked with aa- ax-lallnn officials when In Portland a few days ago, but did not Intimate In any manner that he was In the West for the purpose of forming a ronaoll dnt Ion. He told the ranners that he was on his annual trip, ft la bandy !oalhle that Mr. Norrl has some such plan in view, but If this Is really the rase he ha not yet broai h' d the sub ject to th Columblu Hiver Packers' Association. IT DAZZIjKH TUB WORI-D. No discovery In medicine haa ever created one quarter of the excitement that ha been cued by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest i.-sts have been on hopeless victims of Consumption. Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, tboiiaamla of whom It has restored to I rfc. t health. Kor Couch. Colds, Asthma, e.nup. Hay Fever, Hoarse ness and Whooping Cough It is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It Is sold I y Krank Hart who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. 1-arge bott.-s n,i jinn. Triul bodes free. AIA'lMlTISRD I.KTTKUS. Follow ing i a Hat of let u-rs remain ing In the postnfflce at Astoria, tr gn. Niivemher 1. 1901: Alx-ll Frank O. Nellnen. P. Harry. Alex. Habitat. It. Ib-nson. J. 'hung. John ravls. Mra. H. C. Hunsen. Joe Duke. Klale 1,1 Mlkknla. Frank Melnen. J. Palmer, Mrs. Johan Kauma, Andrew Kemppi. Ed. Stall, C. .A. Thompson, Mrs. Ch Trlmwlth. H. Tomlinson. I Wilson, May j FORKK.N'. Carlson. Klas. Hlnch. Mateo ' ''hryon. Win. Taplo, Herman Ochoskl. Tolnn DANK NOTICE. The sixteenth annual inee'lng of the stockholders of the Firs'. National Hank of Astoria, for the election of directors and transaction of other business, will be h.d at the banking olllce, Tuesday. January It 102. at 3 p. m. S. S. ilORDON'. Cashier. MIiWN TO ATOM. live pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, whb h are per fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver .and bowels to expel poisonous matter. cli onse Ihe system and absolutely cure Constipation and Hick H.-ad-uhe. Only j ::.c at Hart's drugstore. c a I Toys If V 0 0 0 0 We commenced our Holiday tiuainess with the intention of Bell ing YOU your pne nta nnd NOT TAKE YOUR LAST CENT. We were successful AND CAN DO IT. Shanahan's Toys useful and ornamental, at 5c, 10c. 15c, 20c, 25c and up. Mechanical Toys, Harrows, Dolls, Doll Muggier, etc. Handkerchiefs in choice styles, Kid (Jloves, Scarfs, Ties, Furs, Fascinators, Table Linens, etc. Toys MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT OfiE WORTHY OF PRESENTATION. A Reliable Stock of Serviceable Goods Fine China Ware. Fancy China Pieces. Fancy Cut Glass, f'ancy Tea Sets. Fancy Fish 6ets. Fancy Single Dishes. Fine Table Cutlery. Fancy Toilet Articles. FOARD & STOKES COMPANY That was a cheeky performance of , Arthur Pryor, the Salt Lake cornetlst, of blowing his own horn before the king. fait Lake Tribune. "Here! What are you doing?" "You you told me to dust every single t'lng in dis offus. an' de other kid said you wa single an' you expected de new kid to dust you." Ex. SZ2U HAVE YOUR PRINTING DONE AT THE Daily Astorian. Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIST. Page Building. Astoria, Ore, J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BCILDER. i tl Mm THE Finest Restaurant in the City PALACE COMMERCIAL ST EVYTIf,G THE COMMERCIAL 5T MARKET AFFORDS py?" o m9 a CD 0 o o a OR The Reliable Safety Raior. Fine Carving Sets. Watches and Clocks. Sterling Silver Ware. Souvenir Dishes. Fancy Lamps. Artistic Designed Glasses. Candy. Nuts, etc. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone til. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 538 Duane St., W. J. COOK. Mgr. Astoria. Ore. Res. TeL 11M. Andrew Asp, Hagsi l.L(r, Blac.naitk ui ItrttUixr FIRST.CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship art Steamboat Repalring.General Black smithing, First-Class Horso Shoelng, etc. CORNER TWELFTH fiND DUAW: STS C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. 573 Commercial St,, ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE. RED 20SL CAUTION ! Before you buy a stove or range examine ttie Royal Charier Oak Better work, less fuel ad la bor, and last longer. Price reasonable. W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET, Between Ninth and Tenth Regular Meals 25 cents Sunday Dinner a Specialty W. W. Whipple Our first shipment of 1902 Wall Ffc per just arrived and more on th way. You Must Look Before you can see our new coloring; and designs, the ideas are as bright as a summer morning, and suited t every kind of room and style of fur niture. There is nothing prettier on caper than these varied designs. Give us a call. C. M. CutbirtH ASTORIA. No. 127 7th street; 'phon 20 1 - .