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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1901)
Telephone Main Ml. TERMS OF SUBSOIUPTION DAILY. test by mill, per year Beet by mall, per month ervJ by carriet, per month .. . .. WEF.Kl.Y. Bent by mull, per year. In advance, IJ.OO Th! Artortan iruaj-anteea to Its adver tise the larrest circulation of nv newspaper i"hliahed on 'h, Columbia rtrer. CrBAN ANNFXATI ,"N'. A the time approaches for the t'nlt ed State to turn over the fovern ment of Cur to the Oubins them elves, the question of annexation of the island to the 1'nlted State is attain occupying the attention of the press anil the public. Through all this discussion runs the thouRht that an nexation Is the ultimate solution of the destiny of the island. In fact It Is unquestioned that but for the fact that this government declared at the open ing of hostilities with tsp-sln that it had no Intention of acqitlrlm owner ship of the Island, that Oil a v. out! today be a part arid parcel of the ter ritory of the I'nlted Stabs. In n short time the people of Cuba Mill by popular ballot choose a set of officers to take the reins of povern ment. and when that i done the Vnited States will surrender ov.-r-elgnty over the Islan 1 and th Cubans will have an opportunity to demon strate whether they are capable of self-Tivernment. "Piat they are not is morally certain. They are of the s-nme stock as other Ivitin-Amerl -an and are only content when in a state of revolution. They are not sufficiently schooled In self-rovernment to peace ably submit to the rule of the ma jority, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that they will lie quick to re sort to the arbitrament of the sword upon the least excuse. Turmoil will doubtless mark every step of the new government and a condition will result for which the only escape will be in ecomlnft a part of the t'nlted States. There is at this time many vuoans ( who would hail annexation with de light. These are the intelligent busi ness men of the island who reallre the uncertainties of the future of I'uba In the hands of those who are clam oring for an Independent government. This senttmeit fr arinexatl n Is i galnin? new converts in th-' Inland ; from day to day, and will doubtless be sufficiently strong t' meet th- cri-is j when self-government shaii have b-- ! torn a f.ii'.u-e to rightly shape the fu- : ture destiny of the i-lat.d an 1 t.rinz ! It beneath the pr..t ting and b-m-S- c-nt fold-" of i.ild Glory." I The I'ni-.-d Stat-s i- r-.idv an 1 " ill- ' i ing for anr.axt:on the initiative j must cm" ffo'n the Cubans tbeiu- j selves. i I Ir. the prese. urion ' the of the Webb -'ity A'hV'e swindling by tnTiir of fag the .syst-.-m l.y wh eh t' e 5 vvork.-d has b'-n ma ! plan of the swin ll-rs v. as pie. Thf-y t.rganized what to t-rm th- Webb pr ";-: r "lib f f . rnes ! h :re - as h'i' The i very sirn- th-y were 'i'v Ath- h-tic Club, and pave thems-l.'-s titles a.- r.fflcers. Wh.-n a victim -.''..s s.-I-ct-ed he was apprr.a' he 1 wlrh a I roposi tion to crime to Webb "'ity and b-t the money ,f the oTicers of their ( ub up on a foot race. It was explain 1 to him that it was a ' sure thing," but that .suspicion would be created If the officers of the dub did the betting. He was offered J1000 If he -oiild bet t',000 for the men who had fixed the race. Afir the arrival of the victim at Webb City he was told that it would be best for him to deposite S'eW) In the bank, the cashier of whi h is among those Implicated In the swindle. When he had done this, simply to dl.-'itm suspicion, the swindlers hand' 1 Mm J3000 which he found no trout in bet ting. It was always go brought scout, however, that after having bet this $.VjO0 the victim would de. 1 1- to bet a little for him-self, and -e cai. u n aliy induced to bet all th- iii.r y le had deposited In the Webb Citv 1. 1 ok. Counsul-Oeneral Hugh" of C. burg, says: "According to a geml -official re port the Chilean .senate has passed a law by which the administration l.a.s at Its disposal 1I,1;0,(MI ;esos (M169, 7.VD. to be drawn within four years, f .r the purchase r,' engines and cars; also, fur the building or enlargement of repair shops, as well as for the riaiatep.aiito (Jf the railroad lines, 'he bridge and other farts of the pivorn nent railroad. It I" fur her staled by this law that the I'hdvan kcv o lucent Is not bound to buy Its supplies entire ly from the Inland workshops Thl! leaves an opening for out i l-r. of vv hlch our mauufacUii m lake advantage." n.i.M , When the Isthmian canal. Is com pleted the 1'nllcd State ull h d a position In respect to the canal lira, h like that Great Hrnala holds to the Sues canal. The Tacitl,- i Vast will be f,w the India of Oreat Britain. It is absolutely essential to the defense of the Faci'lc "oost that the canal should not bo open to the vessels of a belligerent to pass to and fro at will between the Atlantic and memc 1 i-ieltl oceans. It d.vs not follow, however. that the treaty should not be ratified and the canal constructed under the rules sot forth In the treaty. The United States can easily become the dominant power on the Inland Amerl- can sea. and thus keep the warships of a belligerent out of the canal --S. F. ' in,'"n- i The facility with which ra droad corporation attorneys deus.- r at s by which these public Instit fl-rs wet anmnd all laws passed for h1 -vn ,r f hoi line thein un '.er th- t-o i te,,- of eheek is driv ing the thmk'.n.t eo ple of the country to th con. I.:leti that the simples: reth.d of s-'v'g th .;uesi'o:i ts to b l'g th-' .r.": t t' jHrtaon business of the .-..n rv ir! the ow nership of th- i. '. : vu p.: The American p's.l.- use 'o. to make radical charges but n th-v decide ut'ori a cou-s. ,.f ;. -i .-i it is always safe to eP'.'t t a', 'h '! he "Siimethine .1 ing." Yh.'n th-- final tes1 -on. :t will doubtless develop that a greit deal of the supts'sod t h' Niea-r:-gu.t route for th- c.cnil t y s, rs who favor the Panama mi e. Is noth ing more than the cloak of a laid coterie of lobbyists In employ of the Panama Canal Company. Iti con sidering the projpeet of legislation It l to be remembered that there is al ways more talk of opposition, especial ly when a mea-s.ire has reat p-'pu- larity. than develops -vh-n the test comen . New Tvrk state enjoys the dis'lnc lin of havins as a resident the old est office-holder in the i,,un'.ry. He Is P.osewell IVarls'.ey. 'ost-mast.r at North Imsine. N". T. Mr ite.irdsl.-y re,--ived his appointment itn Pr- si- d-nt J-hn Quinry Adar: s a-d has held the position ever sine - PL's. H- is W year- of a?e and vv-i'es h.; v.-pT's r-rularly every month to 'he d-iar:--..ep.t a' Was bin ?t or.. Tr.-n.-'l'V ..'.rials h v l' -v. that a r-2"l '.r sys . re ..f se.iu'-lin. l-ins iarri1 on l.y th-pl-.y-s .f th.- tra .s-Atlar,':'- ... -hips plyir.e t.-r .. ... n N'.- e Y and for-ign p-rts. A visr.-'-ti '' -r l.-:r..' m:e!e t . !'r-ak the sire up : ;! is pp..;!1.!.- niary N-'.'. Y -rk ti . l.nn-s v ,1! 1 e j.n Jb a-el 1 ' l-'l----' i en 1 1. -. 1 .. ' ' : I r' ,. ,. t Th- firs- bill of the Fifv-s e..r.trre. to ! iirn- i by ; I;, ..' ...a the ri'.akini: pr '" f..- the 'rar.sfer c if f-t n !i I'l-s fr-n th Pan-American !.ibi-ion .f !1 i"fa'" t- th . Th no Ir'-r- r n t -- ar.l W -t Inli.-n h'oi'i-.n in 'harl-st. n o'ith '"a "..lina. With the two row at ilv assms r.r young Morr .' ron'-;"e 1 .in l the .last ardlv wrecker of an o. P.. ,v N train In th- enter of the field and ' uriha, advancing from the liner, apoke In a having confessed his guilt dure Is ,iU,, ,1)nA ,0 the umplre. Carter re work ahead for Oregon .henfN. 'he fused to listen to Cunha. telling him to g-t off the field or he would ult his speedy performance of which will be j,ltl lls umpire. Cunha had been ruled hlehly gratifying to the people cf this state. American capitalists ar examining the pyriaif-rous lands in Iceland, with the view of purchasing or leasing th-m : from the government These proper- lies were f o-m-rl v leas..,) by an Fng- : lish synd.rate whose c'inr-e.suons w.-r ... .. ... revoked because ,he rent was not paid The financial sl-ua-lon Ii U.e Phil- ippine islands is causing mn:-i l"t ibl- anxiety, and it is probabl- th.-r- will le an alteration In the immediate fu- ture of the present government parity ' t. parity ne i,ld of two Mexican dollars for dollar. I lulus. Tony Marcallino took bis College football has made lis appear- ,r,,!r,cr' place, made several small ance In the Hawaiian Islands Who falnr and secured a touchdown. Soper 1 kl. k'd goal again. says the work of educating the rising The game was drawing to a close generation of our new pos.-ions island the Punahou boya aa. the neces sity for fpilck work if they were to not going forward with Laps and I s. cure another touchdown. Iing kick boun is. TO CLPK A COI.f) IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Firorno Oninlne Tablets. All druggists the money if it fails to cure. K. U". rjrove h signature is on each box. 'i7,r. 1111. MOKMMi T1MKI.Y TOPIi'S. Hut the Japanese who come to this country are .iiiliely different t eople from the Chinese The people of Ta- ,..ima have not tolem'cl a i ' tv- , ident for many years. Theie arc large ' iHimt'Wj or J:iw:rw nei-v iuh .... k 'them are manv who are highly ve- sivcled. Japan has been op n t for eign Int'uiemvs for only a few decades, but the rise of .la' an to a position of eminence among the clvlMtet nations of the earth has been tnt'ld and the high destiny of the country Is as sure ? T'c Japanese have n keen ap preciation o' the b tie 'ts of education. .. or the eoiufor of civilian- I tion The Japanese is not a ch-ap man He Is In an entirely dloVre,,. class f'-om the cneap mw. i""'""1 News It Is a gloomy picture, the one our , ici..hi... IMTllll n'lirsp'ioii oi mon(h!( Rgyy ht. remarks, trade of ,1( kinds In Germany was Flourishing, the ivrlln IWrse presented a some of almost unirallele,l .animation; banks were compelled "o enlarge their pwm,w , (m,,.r , hllni ,hf ,mwm. ot) j,,., f ,,Usinesa. while wages Were higher and work was plentiful. Today the pendulum ha swung to the opposite extreme. rraue nas come u ; virtual standstill, the Uoerse Is llf,- less, th- linking business is itagnant. .......;.... .lulu 11. d li Vitliime nn.t " 1 1 ' th;r:v -'Iv plovmcnt thousand men out of em A. 'cording to the opinions 1 l.y the II ral i s correspond- eeu'atl .n. particularly In es has Io n the main fac- o. ri.tirl -g ah fit this slump " .. ( . , .,v,i .-, er Is obvious I ut . '. a' Th i'.uk-'i tin h'llbte Uv , i .'..per than In even wiliest .... o jn ;lf,y fo-m of s'oeks ' ''a -t Is Ge'inattv f rg 'd .. ' t . fist. She tried t run whi'e ' ... i-er walking ,ig- unl Is n -w I e-i il'v N Y I. o.v.ti; vt I. IV iioNoi.ri.r T' T'-. t ."o'.v.fg taken from the ac ,.. : the Honolulu Hull In "f the Thank-ittv-ng day game of foothall !. two. ii a college and Athl-ti-- Club ... ai-i of H .t'.o'.ulu. show a Inn ipiickly tv y ...iik .-..'lege ntub nts of the s. ari ls hue taken ui American Ideas Th:s w u!d read very well as an ae ,o.m' of many games plaved by e l ! k-' teams of the states. The Hull, nil says The football game on the rampaa at iahu Collage yesterday afternoon. while not up to me mam in me mi- . . ..I........ Klrt.fnl of ..Teitlllir events that certainly ma.l- the two thousand or more peCiatoi reel inai .tp.y had receive.1 their money's worth The Punahous won from the Honolulu Athletic Club by the score of 2) to 6 I Th- Honolulu scored one touchdown ir th- nr-t nan. .i. u-'ii . .. ...i. i . .. .-.r n ni.ri' i. . I . . r.T...l l.v Hlalsdell. full back. This ,h ,, ,,ay l)f ,he day and the ! !! -,u w i i. n e - .; -r uu ..........-.- In s.-.. Punahous goal. Th- came started promptly at 3 .'. .'. ! k The Punah.iu team had th- Kv.a i!" ti and the Honolulu the ; r kl.-k.-l off and the ball '' ... ... , .........l. I, .. Prollu-ht So.'k and there was another ki.'k-oT. Tms ij.r.e ttlaindell brought it ba. k t ' '.. .''.-vir l line Sh .niv -iff-r this. M" '- - touchdown for the .!;.. is !.ut the Honolulu prot-st.-d y c..-.eislv ..n the ground that th- imi'.r Is i I raised his Htlrk If pel j .to p.g:n but had fa'I'-.l to i.i-.w ins w -, s i- ..n a -cunt f an oif -si I- play ,.;i rh- tart ..f the Ilonolulus Th- tint- a l'.-.i.-l th- touchdown and th- H"!i ..lulus . or.ilnu.-l the g. me under ,t. si. p was n -t long 10.1 was pm " th- i. i I fo- u foul t.lav. II" pi"- ...Jt...i v'.....r..iislv. but the amplr- was i'.ri ;,.,.! V:da got out. His phi' was .ak- r l.v Murrv. Hlalsdell t tt.-l .. hall "n the -to-vard line and kc.iball -n bis head'. The , r..wd began - f.,: the removal of Kimball but the 'linpi e would not take ,iny a-'t ion i-1 iv was continued. A lew- mimno . m o- an I .'nnha was put off the tl-'l I bv the uniplr- f..r slugging. His .la. - j 1. 1... t-nij 1..1. tii ir-ain was 1 .-r much weakened and It look-1 line , at... I.h .It. II 1 alk over i..r i- ' ' .. 1 . .. I.. .1 I. fo rv.. ' in'ik.. second half Kills kicked off f-.r the H..11..I11I1IS and Hlalsdell r-turn- .1 by Williamson. Honolulu kept l.siri.- Kr'Und on off -able ptays. 1 Hon-onius got tne d.iu 011 a iuin...e ' roskett rarrie.j u ten aron .m h.. i.oint ih-re was trouble of some kind out of the game ana nai no ngni 10 Interfere. I'arter called to Deputy Sheriff Chllllngworth to remove the objectionable party ana mi otneer. advancing with Ueut. Leslie of the mounted patrol, eacorted Cunha from tri1 fipj. Th" Punahou boya got the ball on downs and soon had it at the 2s-yard jr)H 0f , ne Honolulu team. At thla P"lnt. Cunha again M l - trum ih lines and th' umpire a whlsile blew for the game to stop. Carter cried out to 'unha to get off the field Hnd outside J" ftn, tnen ln(f ,hllt np would not obey, atarted over towards him. He grasped the big man by the arm and forced him to the ropes. The ,.row, gathered around uul'-kly and It ' 'a'' ,,hat t,mx:"?: , 'i",,1 rrU' rl . Uriel, . ill m - !' f)M,) an, K;ii, he wanted fair play ' '".L o ,ri i.-u n rt a j . m .- - -- I the field Play continued nnd another off-side t.lav was decided against the no- ed off for the. Ilonolulus and the ball was secured by Waterhouse who planted il on the fl-yard line. made a touchdown nut nop.-r laii'-i 10 kir k E'ial. The ball was token back to th- renter of the field nnd th" Hono lulu's kicked ofT. Shortly after this, the v.hiMile blew and the exciting game was over. ASTOKIAN. Tl'IDAY, Mr. Itcnuek umislnglyi I wonder why it woman never gives her husband the kind of a Vhrlsdn.-is present he want Mis lleiiuypeck iscveiclvl -llecniise she doesn't try to'. She give hltti the present he ought lo want, Tuck. Glurle U.'i'lovili'. Atvvalcr, G . vvus in very bad shape. He savs '' suf feivd a great deal with my kidney, and was requested to try Kolev's Kid ney Gutv, 1 did so and III four days I was able lo go to woik again, now- I am entirely well " Hart's Prugslorv. Judge- You say the def. n oant turned and whistled to the dog What follow ed Intelligent Witness T' e dog. -Stray stories AN KVN !K1 IST S ST.MiY. "1 suffered for years with a bron chlul or lung trouble and tried arlous reme.Ues but did not obtain perman ent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure." write ltev. James Klrkman. evangelist of Hello Klver. III. "t have no hesitation In recommending It to alt sufferers from maladies of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure afford Immediate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles For croup It Is unequalled. Absolutely safe Very pleasant to take, never falls and Is really a favorite with the children They like ll Cluis. Itogers. Prugglst. lhd you hear the thunder lasi night. Kmllle" No 'IM I It Ihiinde: ? Yes 'frightfully. Then why didn't y ti wa' me You know can't 1 1 op in ' Ihtiiiderstonn' llx SAVI'P IIIS l.llMl j "1 wish t say th it I feel 1 owe my j li- to Kola 'vs... s a Cipe " write i 'I i ''I 'le n. n: llay'l.l.i Main ' For 'hf-e years was troubl. d with ds-.,;s-a so that I could hoi I nothing j . -i niv stomaeli. Mjmv tlin.-a I would P.. . pi., fo re'alti n hioih f f... I . Kinallv I was eoi:!'.n.-,l to my ).. d. I Poet .rs :l!d I colli I not live 1 read I one of your adv.-'t. -omen;;! on Kod"l , I .ysn .i.sla Cure and thought It fit my : ease nri l comm. need its uo I began j to Improve from the first bottl - Now .I art cure I and re. It to all" , PL-ests your I. Cures nil iromuoh i troubled. i 'h.i. Ib.g. rs, PrUgglat. TV- Se.-eet of SU.C S.S " al I the I'll man mipr. ssi elv . "is hard work " Just so " said his son. suppressing a yawn; "but I vvasn' exactly looking for the necret of suie.-ss, t :i.s trying to nKr,vM,. ubs: Itute.' -I'm k I HKAl.Tll A.N'P ItHVI'TT. A poor comtdcTlon Is usually the re- of ft ,( ,lv(,r nf ,rrn.,llllr r. tlon of the Iwwels. T'nless nature's n-f' rilrrll.,, ,ur..,y . mrre bio.. I Pimples, bolls and oth- ! er eruptions follow This s nature's j method of throwing off the t Woiis whtch fie tmwla f.,e. t., remove !-. Wltf I.ltt'e Fir'y P.iser- nr.. world , , famous fo- r.-medvlng this e..n!ltion. ; Th-v stlmiibite the lH . r an I promote r.-lt, i '. , r ,,,,. nbhv anion f the , , , i els but n-ve, cause griping. ' . ra-ips or lls.r.-ss snf- Ills Ci.ii !,, ., )r;lir!,t . ,....., . s h-s a g, ... , ., ... .! ' '"l"- '" 'l""-lf mark.- I Me M .-- it s V. ! ''' "' ' ! i . r-l I.. Pi la i. ,-! i ' (-. at. air ' niv -. h. :. .- k i-. " -W i.-hii.i:-. .ii .gt i - IVFO::M Tb 'N WANTrP t 1 , Th- mann'iet 1 ..f I! inn-r Pa j .fl, .. ,,...nvs !,. lieved that no doc r m,.,..,n. riln rilr,. , ,.v,.rv , ,ls... .,,,. ; '? n-r-r having heard where Ibinner ; .-'alve fail.-l to cure u!c rs, sores, tet- ,,.r ,,r t,M n n,;,u,.r f eurioMty would like to know- If there are such c.-,es. If so they will gladly refund th- moii' y. Harts pugstore. Well. I've lust seen I I- li'.C'l n-st "-in. What .1,1 be d II- got 11 half far- ti. k.-t. to I'.ufTalo abou,' a inonib .-h;.,. ,) ,,,,..1 he's kl. king .v-aiis.. the I railroad iiipanl.-s ha'.e 1 'dU'-ed Ih- rate so that everybody else ( an go f..r Just about what It costs him. -'hleago Record-Herald. OF liENITFIT TO TOI7. D. 3. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: "Pur- Ing a long Mines. I was troubled with tied sores, was advised to try PeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve nnd did ao with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It Is the best salve on Ihe. mar ket," Sure cure for piles, sore, burns, Heware of counterfeit. Chas. Itogera, Druggist. A child, upon being asked to write a little story about the rain, after de clarlng his Inability to do so, produced the following: "What does the rain say to the dust? 'I am on to you and your name Is mud" "Huston Tran script. Ivlltor Lynch, of Ihe Pally Tost, : Phllllpsburg, N. J., has lasted the merits of Foley's Honey and Tar with j this result: "I have used a great many patent remedies In my family for coughs and colds, nnd I ran hon estly say your Honey and Tar Is the. best thing of the kind I have ever used nnd I cannot sa- ' 1 much In praise of It." Hart's Prngstore, Sam Parkton-Pat chicken bad ' fo' dinnah vvuz hatched by nn iti'ii- balah till right, Mosc. Mow Vallorby j - How does yo' know? 9:im Iiaikton j N'o chicken ebah knowed 11 moth- 1 all's care would 'a' turned out ns ' tough as dat one vvuz-Pink. I nr.C.OUtl.K 17. HUM HANDKERCHIEFS Iii Silk Iii Linen and Lawn from 2 cts. to Each. Largest assortment In town. C. H. COOPER'S Leading House In Astoria. Practical Holiday Gifts AT HOLIDAY PRICKS I:asy Rockers. Office Chnlrs, Center Tables, Iron Hevl.stciuls, Hne Alatresscs ami Taney Rurs. MAc ymir N-livtinit now at Robinson's Furniture Store Harder Your hair will ! gray If ' It keeps on S.untyloekn Well. h,j.e II will keep on. -Ihiltlmor World TO STxI" A CoI.P After exposure or when you feel a cold romlng on, take a doc of Kotry'a Honey an.l Tar It nver fall" to stop a cold If taken In time Hart's Iriig- Store. your husband a r. ally at ..ik II i il hates vv..rk ho It won't last luig' , fr a , lhr, in-uith . all right lit SATWIKP im:pi.c Vre tlie tw-st advertisers for Ki.. y's ll'.n.-y an I Tar nnd all who use It ngr that It Is a i l.-ndl I r. me 1' f .r cu.ttis cold i or "O . lunsi Harts I 1 ugslore. Mr Mv.-s That la I", IK. . Jl.ll! Mis S:)l.s ill bus . fa.- l-...k v.iv shoil That's funny p mad- f o - I... .Ii long - St rai St .1 i' n V eld. i.iMir'i or la gilppe can be i iple 1 in tb bud. with a do-... or two ..f I'ohv's II. .toy and Tar I tew are of substituei H.irtt Prugatoro 'M 111. "ti. y lulks for nie," -.: I the gentleman In tip' gn- ti pl.u l sun ultli the bug- .1, anion I In his t Wli.-r." at the a I :e poll, em Ul sm le I ei.'llll) k,mmw. r,lM ,.n ,,,, ,, M,lMv ,,, ttM,.h ,,. ,,..ri.. ,;, ,. 1, ,- . p,i., ,,.. Amerl. an .1 W Pryan. of Iiwd.-r. Ills, writes; "My little l,..y was wry low with pneumonia. I'nknown to the doctors we gave him Foley's Honey mil Tar. The result was magical and puzzl. d , the doctors, as It Immediately stopped jthe rni klng cough nnd he quickly re ! covered. Hart's Priigslore. I Mistress I am not ciulte niilsil.-d Jwl,n y,,ur '"'"'"nces Applbant-Nay. ln,-r nm ' mum; '"" ,h' y'" "'" ''" 1 could get. Pin k. C. W. Lynch, Winchester, Ind writes: "I owe the life of my boy to Foley's Honey and Tar. He had mem branoiis croup, and Ihe first dose gave him relief. We continued Its use and Its soon brought him out of danger." Hnrt'a Drugstore. Gift Buying Time Has Come We are ready with a complete, lino of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS F.arly buyen will aecurc the PICK OF THE BEST We have Toys for the children; Honk for the ladlea; Bulla for the gentlemen. ITndcrwcar, Hosiery Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, P!lk Muf flers, Shoes nnd nmbrellaa for everybody. Also a nice line of Sterl ing Silver Trimmed floods nnd Chinaware. Horse's Department Store STOIIK OPKN 2.50 CHOICE MEATS Fresh Meals Pickled Meats Cured Meals Prompt Deliveries Lowest Prices Christensen & Co., 518 COMMIPCIAL STHCtT. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICHEST TO Sl.I'aul, Dululh.MiniifapiilK.l'liIra. 1 and All Polnia 'vis:. PAII.Y TIIAINS, FAST TIMI1, b'l'.lt VICK AN 1 1 WCKNKIIY UN HAL. KP. riir.nigh Talac, "and TotirUt Hleeprra, Inning an I Muff"! Hm.iklni Ubrary Can. Tloketi to point Baat via PoriUnd ami the (Irtat Northern Ity., on aala at O. It. fc N. Ticket OfM., Ailo'la. or Great Northarn Tlokti (ifTU-, 111 TIIIHO 5TREET, PORTLAND. For ratf, folder and full Information regarding Eastern trip, call on ir ad draa A. B. C. DHNNISTON, City Pa. and Ticket Agwit. Pnrlland. F.VKNtNfJfl. BESTOF LVERYTHING In a Woid Tins T.ils of ihs l'vi.or Hervl.s via fho Northwestern feino.. Illghl T'lns,,,ly Hl Ht. i'JUl mil Chicago. i"iinrllng The Mie I'lllllli'tii, I'wiles pining Curt, l.lliiaiy mil i 'Ixcrv iiIjii Cars, Kr 11-. lining Clisir I'ars. The :nih I 'cut my Trains - Huns l-.vor j. lix of Ihs Yoar. The Fiiivst Tntm In the Worla r tret 1 1 liijtiitH flrslrd TIIK IIAlHlKlt MTATK KXI'ltK.IM, th Klnest Pally Train llunning lltwn HI I'sul an I I' via lh Bliort in CoiiiKellmis from ths West via Tim NdllTIIMIlN I'ACiKIC OldCAT NOKTIIHItN AND CANAPIAN CACirK? It'tS. This Is also tli IIKHT LINK b(.sj (iinstia. Ht Taul and UlunMls. AM Agnta 8rl Tlckla via The Northwestern Line W II MI1AP lrlrrj Ag llt ;t1 Aider Htr- II I. HIKI.KH. Trav Ag'lll I'lirlUnd, it ui, QCO4 vuaA si' I U-pol. Fifth snd l 1 .10' .Mvtng hi Ionian. l, A. Ill I iv erland I'liprrM 1 1 aim for Halnu, I llo, Puis Asll I land fa. ramniM. v J' p in. 1 'g ten Man Kibii-cU.-o, Mojave Isi I Algelrs l. Po. ti a in V j.) it 111 New Ulrlrulll and :o p m tn l ast. A 1 Won.ihurn (dally m.-pt Hun-in-rnli. train eoiilie.-ls wp.h train for Ml. An- I Hllvrrtoll. I II r 11 II V I I I r. MprlnftleM. nd Natmn. and tven. leg tram for Ml. Angel nd Hllvrr ton .' Jo a tnj ''..rvallu paixn I (er 1 A 10 i ml Nheridun prii I ft I '-t t n Illy I I .ally rl. rpt Huti.Uv llcbat tl, krta en aalr -een Port. I land. Haeran-iit and Han Fr ain-laci, j .-t rates ll.'fsi fiist ela. wl.tioin --rth and IHW a. coiid iIbm. In. lu llnj l-rth. llot. a an t II, lint, Kaaiarti point , and Kurupe Al.i Japan. 1 'blna llono 1 lulu and A.mralu i'an be ..biainrd .'in V S. hillnig 1 lncnn sre.-'s I TWIIll.l. PIVIMMV '-'- '' ; " I 01 of J -tTert -n Hi l-lie I , ...a ( i.,.l, ; ;, ..) , 111 i- 1 '. 1 ' ;i. 1 ii. .". 1. j H P m I i. p m Mm lay ll r' .! C r'! Hot ,:,.y Ji, '' '' " 1 " 1 si : 11 ' .. .'o. ' I" 1,1 I Mi . I.' M 1 111 In;, . , rpt ! M ti 'av ip a-, 1 p. c, . m,im. lay. 01 y I lartie f r Palis It 1 ) ,'pl Sun. 1 ,v ' ' p 111 A. 1 1 , r .1 imii I II' ' -t'1 : III I l'l '1.--: trilll t-air, I I ill, f.,r 1 Vat e M l iy. Wr tn - u, , in I Fri ' P111 it . .' I . p ni lielu, ti, Tu . ,iyi. j T'.u S'l.n 1 n J ilur I 11 . j h i M.i Hi ll II Mil I.I II. Urn I n 1.1I l'4 Agl. liuXURIOUS T RAVEL C l I p'll r. a. 1 I i 1 LIKE. Th, N..rt,, I, it,i ..) t, ..I,,,, i'e. tnc lighted t Ii r 'Ugh, ni', l.o'.li I'ihIiI, n I !. .in I .on hritid -i.h. out rie.p.,iu, i;,r nnrti trains In the " T";v '"'1 '"i.'--:. . i b i r .r e.iinf n t . imenl'i,' iiiei unary rvr .tftere I ihe 'riveMIng t'Uhll.- .ml nl ..rt lie, lr. i . ! i-.inpl -'e and p!rndi, prudu.'tl.iii ,f lh , c ir Lull b rs' art. T.'.ss.. splrndid Tu na Cuiiifet Wllh The Crtnt Northern The Nurlhcrn I'urlflc and The Canoillon radflc AT ht. paui. ron thICACO and the EAST. No ntra char; for the, iiir,r i-.mmo.lnllon and all cUssa of tick, ets are available for paasiga cn th! Iraliui na -hi Una are pro!ep;d by lb InirrlockliiR- Hlock Hytm. W. It. Ml) A P. SIHI.Brt, (I'tieral Agent, TraveUn AfX Portland, ( Milwaukee" when (.ln( (0 any point A familiar nam, of the Chlcato, Milwaukee At Bt. Puul Railway, known all over Ihe Union a the (Irmt Hallway runnliiK the "Pioneer I'mCl" train! every day and n!fh bdween Hi. Paul and riilcago, and Omaha and Chlca. The only perfect train in the world." Understand; (ainnertlun are mid! wllh all transcontinental llnea, securlnf to passenKer thn best tervlce known. PuxiirloiiH ruachea, eleclrle llicht, ateam heal, of variety erpialed by no other line. Bee Hint your ticket reala via "Tha ;ln the United fliales nr Canada. All iickci au.Tts s. ll ihetn. Fur rales, pamplili'ts or other infor, address, J. W. f'ABKV. C. J. KDDT. Trnv. Pass. Aut. Orn. At., Poriliind. Ore. Pnrlland. Or.