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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1901)
NOTIORI Dooks, Periodicals, Mafcarlnefi, tc , Are Not to bo Taken From The Library without p'.'rmission. Any uiily of such offense. 5? lo to prottrtTDtion. v 0fM VOL. MV ASTOIUA. OKIftON, T('1I)AV. DKCK.MIIKK 17. !M)1. NO. 130 mm il 0 Lest You Forget! 1 1 HUMAN WISK fc'iv.ulickrt with tvtrv Muii'h niul IIovh' Suit or ( )vi;ivut. Out of ovn y Uhi Suits or Over malM one niMlniin r will fj' l " or ( vi rcint free Ihawiun fr tin- free Suits ami Ovrrriqits takes jiliice Jiuuiiiry Wo IlllVt' sold oVc. 10 MrllV Suits ami Ovt muits ami mui ly III! Ili.vs' Suits Hint Overcoats, during tin1 Inst few days. Wc lii'jn' you will v one of tin lull V Olll'S. trr- j;tiu!(ffit tit INGERSOL WATCHES $1.00 Remember ONLY ONE DOLLAR at FisHcr Brothers' ECLiPSEJHjjjf CO. Plumbers Steamfitters HOLH AC1I2NTH FOU SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES B27 BOND STREET BooliH We hnva a wull selected stock In all tttylcn of binding, pretty and Inexpensive. Wu also linve all the Into and popular notions of the day. Calendars A nice assortment, all shapes ami alien, neat and pretty. Pictures nnd Medallions A large assortment ntatly franii'il, at reasonable prices. AlbtimH The best lino In the city. Wo have other goods too numerous to mention. Including, Toilet Cases, Work-boxes, Manlcuro Sets, Sterling Ullver isoveiiies, jjeiiiurr uoous, etc. We ask you to call and look us over. GRIFFIN & REGD, CMTO;KB. SENATE RATIFIES CANAL TREATY Senator Teller Made Principal Speech cl the Day in 0p position to Measure. ONLY SIX SENATORS VOTE NO llucon, llliickhiirn, Ciilhcron, Mai' lory, Idler mid iillinun (o on Record AKiilnct lluy I'aimcefote Document. WASHINGTON, !. 16 -The senate today rntlfled the lliiyl'iiimccfolii iNllimlnn in rut I treaty hy tin- decisive sole nf 73 to I The prm. Ipul iimh of tin- iluy wn made ly Senator Te. I.r In oppodllon In the treaty. The vote on ratification of the treaty w an follow: Vrim - Aldrlch, Allison. Hard, Hate, lurry. Itev.i htice. Iliiriiham. IliirroK. Utiiton, I'uimark. ''Iitpp. ''lark (Mon tana), t'lnrk t WyoinliiK, 'lay. (ck rell. iilloin. I -t.M, plctrl. h. Inlllng limn, tNilllvrr, Dul.osc. rulrhiinkii. For ttker. Kotrr (Alabama), l'osi.-r iWimh IIIKtonl. Kl)e, Galllnger, CftUllde, Gib son. Mule, I liiioth rough Harris. Ilu-.- Il. ltf. l l. Il inr J.. -s I Arkansas!. K.itn. Iv-iinm K it 1 1 1-! K'-. Je.dge. Me- 'VlMaH, Me' '..Mllx-r. Mel'lirrlli-)', Me. I.niinn i MiMt'.st.ii). Meli irln I. Car .ililun M Mlllati Martin. Man-in. Mil laid Mit.-ti.-!1. Miimy. MnrKnn. Nel"n Iviiriiw. 1'i-rklripi, 1Vitu, I'lutt C'onn ). I'latt iN V ). I'rltehnrd rrortor. ijnnrleH, Si-ott. fitiimoiis. Pinion. Sir. vuit, Ski m. r. Tallliifar o, Turin r. Vi nt Wiitn u. Wi lling' .n, W.-tim re Num. Ha. mi. I U in k tm rn. ( ullx riton. Mnlli.iv. T.ll.r. Tlllmnn-. luiil.y mm pnln-it with In-jh-w and Kikiiin Itauliiiii pulrrd with Man na and Seunll. Thone w ho ill 1 not vote and for whom no . u 1 1 n were nniiotinri-d are; I'atilel, Jon.- i Nevada), 1'utti-raon and gutty. KN. HNFIKMK.l. WASIIINiJTt'X, IVe t',. -Just b. forv adjournuiritt tonlKht the senate' eoiithine.) the iioiiiinutlon 01' I'liiUindi r ii-rnlly true of the n w rill- hlh Koverna the ehurnea t.i la- mni Mil load Hhliineiils, aeexidll K l' the length -if the ear. This r-Kulullon, It i i'laliio-'l. was iut In Ih rUsillleutlun so at to yield a lr(i-r revenue to the lallroads on sui h tt I n ii-n t n. To II lustniie, when the minimum iarloml uelichl provided In the i lul'li ullon Is. nay ;o si Hiund, and a ur f-et Ioiik Is furnished, the tllroa.l will :tnru' for not less I hurt H'fn pounts; If the ear Is IH feet Ionic the chance will be for Hot less than M.QUI pounds nnd si on. Many articles have be.-n made sul.J.-i I to this rule, mie.iiK tln in aifrli ullural Itiipletnents unl part thereof, apple or fruit hutt'-r, churns, eoik ships and cork wood, le-iry t tales, ereiimei hs and coolers, tr.icilon en vines., Hi kins and kits, furniture and Vehicle. Another pia'lliully new provNIon, hli h a Tens laeklnir house pr.xluits nnd other articles, Is us follow: "When any of the following; siene.J iirlli h-s are shlpiied by one packer or uwrier at one time to one consiicriee and destination In either straUht or i nilsed carloads, and RECEDING WATERS. REVEAL DAMAGE Hoods in Eastern Pennsylvania Subsiding and Communica tion Being Restored. MANY INDUSTRIES SUSPEND It Is Kntiiuutctl I hut More Than Forty lliotiHiinJ I'crsons Have Keen Thrown Out of l inplo) incut. IHlKAII3IJ'irlA. lc. 16 Advice the NKKrek-ate I 'r"m "'ton of the eastern half of welKht of the entire shipment Is IS,. I Pennsylvania over which area, Satur- isl .unds, or more, the carload rste l" nlhf storm raged furiously, are for loo -unds applying; on each artl- ! '" the ,ht he waters covering ele shall e cl arKed." I ,n t'AA districts are re-wdlng and Then follow the list of article af- ,hal rallroa l and telegraphic commu feete.1. sueh as beef and rk and pro- 'nl.-a.tlon are slowly being restored, duets thereof. "If the aKgr.-gute . rom Towanda tonight the an- eii(ht of these artl. ls." the rule con- tlnii'S. dm not e iual the required tiilnlmum of 2i.0x un Is, sutllclent hall Im- add.-d to the weight thereof nouneernent of three death cause by the fl.eel and that two other will die from exposure. The damage to prop erty and pecuniary los from tnforc- to make up the deficiency. Any other I'" suspension or many Industrie win arthles loa I. d In the fain- car with "'an' nunnreiis or tnouaanns cr .le. ritx-l w ill l charged dollm-s. Ioxens of coal mines are flood au- r at th" less than carload rate thorli.-d for sueh arilel.-s and Ik'ht thereof shall not l.e applied to jed along with hundred of Industrial the n r l ImlH uirowing inousanus 01 linen out of employment. It is estl- nrls making up the required mini- iinim w.-lght of pouiidi. " i inate.l that more than tO.i) rsons i have u-en rendered Idle. AAIX VISITKD. ('. Knoi to Im attorney it-le of the I'nlted State S f T 1 1 1 J 1 1 N A I ' I Ml X TAI I ; N T S . WASIllNliToX. Ih-c. H - President Hoosevelt Is adopting a plan of se- i-urlng Information from Ivmocratlc senators and representative regarding applicants for otll.e In th- South. To day, by appointment, he consulted Senators Foster and M. -Knerney and ilepresetitatlve llrosard. of Umls lami. regarding Ioulslina appoint ments. lie had a list of about Cei applica tions for place from collet tor of the Port of New Orleans down to minor nttlcers concerning whom he request ed Information. President Konsevelt also consulted HeprcKentiitlve 1'lnyton, Thompson and Wiley, of Alabama, almul some appointments In that state. NAM K D HY l'UKS I PRNT. VASIIIXtlTlN. lVo. IS. I'rildent Itoosevelt today sent the following nominations to the senate: To be sur veyor of ctiHtoin for the district of Pan Krnnclsi'o, Joseph S. Spear, Jr. To be collector of customs for the district of, California, Sterl ing A. Campbell. PoHtninsters (forge 11 HoU-rls, Jr., Ilrooklyn. X. Y.; Clayton M. Michael. Philadelphia. A(THX IWrNKD. WASlllXinMN. ive. 16 Lute today Secretary Long ncknouledged In an Informal letter the receipt of the re quest from Admiral Schley for permis sion to tile a bill of objections. The secretary granted the request nnd al lowed until Friday next In which to submit a bill. 'WUliotna Territory Vlslie.) t.y Another Hliixard. (iPTIIKIK. . T.. Dec. Another cold wave struck Oklahoma this even ing and following so cl.x-ly or. the (list. It will do great damage to the extensive cattle interest of the terri tory. It.-ports from ranges state that stoi k Is f rlshing, weakened by lack of feed. Tin iK OATH OK OFFICK. XKW YolUC. IVc. 16 S.-th Low- took the oath of ollice as mayor of New i ! Tin; p-tusn ql'kst r x. I I bate in Herman lU'lchstag Luuwa I Lively Press Discuss! jit. i M:V YiU'.K. Ie-. H The lierlln eorresion lent ..f the Iy.nlon Times and Xew York Tim.'s says the debate j on the Polish uu- s'lon In the Helen I stag is still a subj-ct of lively press discussion. The National Z.itung prints a let ter from Poen alleging thut the Pol h movement Is n ivv i arrled on by Well-to-do lawyers. J.;-Mrs and me chanlcs. When the plac of a law yer or chemist Is free a Pole steps In: i when land Is for ca'.e Polish money Is States l requested to cause this res olution lo be comrnunbated to Rear Admlrnl H.hley and through him to the ..Ulcers and men undr hi com mand." Without comment the resolution wa referred to the committee on naval af fair. WASUIxriTOX, I-c. J. At the con ference between Admiral tVhley and his connI to lay It was decided to ask Secretary to wlihhold his approval of the finding of the court f Inquiry until such time as the ad miral, through his counsel, ran file an objection thereto. The request win delivered to Secretary Long an.J whllu he has not yet answered the commu nication It Is unlerstood in? request will be granted. MILES M RIGHT. CINCINNATI. O.. Doc. V.. -General Nelson A. Miles, speaking i f the find ings of the Schley court of Inquiry, said: "I am willing to take the Judg ment of Admiral Dewey in the mat-UT." MINISTRY SCORED BY LORD ROSEBERY Former Premier Attacked the Manner in W hich the War Has Been Condjcted. TO gl'PPIire.S BRICJANDAGE. Austro-Hungarian Governmint Crgf Action. CAUTIONED THE LIBERALS Kcftm J to KetardeU Commercial Ucvelofitncnt and Advo cated Consideration of Peace Overtures). THE STORM COMIMJES1 wyomim; iikmi.y iiii.d Itl-IZAKD'S CI.I ICII. IN; ...... , . ortereq ior it. inis money, u is saia, lork in the supreme court today. Mr. ' , ' , . stn-ams into the country from secret .nil' l I I Mri4llt.wt hn ..n.-.. Inmiarv 1 ' ' source. The German, as the weaker party, forsakes the country There was a Polish demonstration at P.erlln I'nlversity recently. ?tudents. male and female, shouted down Prof. Schlemann. who was lecturing on "The Polish Question In the Nineteenth Cen tury. A disturbance between the Pol ish nnd German students was threat . ned but an official appeared and the demonstrators left the lecture room. The Times' correspondent says the Pan-Germans are endeavoring to outdo the Poles In recklessness and violence. The Pan-Germanic League has Just passed a resolution requesting the Im perial chancellor to reply to the Brlt- , Ish agitation by abolishing the parity CHh'YKNXK. Wyo . IVc. 16 The of treatment for Polish subjects. storm that set In Inst Tuesday night Sheep lliisiiiess of Southern Part of State Demoralized - Cold In Nebraska. has increased to a bllxxard and at many point In the state business Is almost entirely susiiended. Reports received from the ranges In Southern Wyoming tell of th I'enioral Izatlon of the sheep busln. ss, flicks being scattered In al directions and herders dead and missing. ABANDON PROJECT. i Interests in Schley With Naval Arch Case Interferes Subset lpt Ions. NKW YORK. Dec. 16 Park Henja niln, president of the naval arch com mission, which has charge of the pro- I posed naval arch and water gate at TX NKItRASKA. j the battery In this city, announced to- OM AHA, Neb., IH-c. It!. Another I day that the project has been tempo- storm struck Northern and Western I rarlly given up. The arch and gate was FRUfGHT OIjASS! FICaTION. Trunk Line Roads Adopt New Rules, Soon to lie Made Public. NKW YORK. Dec. 16.-Changes In the official freight classification, affect ing several hundred articles, have been adopted by the trunk line rail roads and will take effect tm January 1. Th" classification committee of the trunk lines some time ago took up the annual revision of the schedule. The work has now been completed and the lasslficatlon will aoon be made public. Mont of the changes do not alter the previous classification; they consist principally of the addition or ('limita tion of specifications as to how the merchandise affected shall be packed, etc., of change In the minimum enr load weights, and of the application of certain new rules. All of these hanges, however, refer, In a greater or less extent, to the rates, This Is Nebraska this afternoon an I in some parts of the state Is the worst ex perienced since the great billiard of ls. Tonight It Is 10 degrees btlow U'l'O. to have cost 1,3iHiW and ti'-O.OOO Is pledged. lienjnniin said the Schley controversy had destroyed public In terest in the undertaking. WORK OF WRHCKERS. SIVKANi:. IVc. 1G. It is now be lieved the fatal train wreck near Es sex, Montana, yesterday, was not an accident, but a crime. A telegram has been received from II. A. Kennedy, as sistant general superintendent of the Great Northern, who has visited the wreck. He wires: "There is not the slightest doubt but Uo. i was deliber ately wrecked by parties unknown. I think It was discharged employes." CHILE INVADED. SANTIAGO, De Chile. Dec. 16.-A re port hns been received here of anoth t r Invasion of Southern Chile by Ar gentine troops. Should this be true It will create new differences between the two countries. ARGENTINE NOTE TO CHIUB. 1U-ENOS AY UBS, Doc. 16.-The re ply of the governor of Argentine to the Chilean note was dispatched to day. This reply Is conceived In terms which leave no doubt as to Its ac ceptance by Chile. PRICE OF SILVTUrt. NEW YORK, Dec. 16. Silver. 65Vi- GOVERNOR GREGORY DEAD. WICKFORP. R. I.. Dec. 16-Gover-nor Wm. Gregory, of Rhode Island, died today. RESOLUTION Of THANKS THE SCHLEY CASE APPEARS IN THE SENATE Thanks of Congress and Ameri can People to lie Tendered Hero of Santiago. WASHINGTON. Dec. 16.-At the opening of today's session of the sen ate Mr. Jones (Ark.) Introduced a Joint resolution as follows: "That the thanks of congress and the American people are hereby ten dered to Rear-Admiral Winlleld Scotl Schley and officers and men under his command for highly distinguished con duct In conflict with the enemy, as displayed by them In the destruction of the Spanish fleet oft the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, July 3, 1S9S. "That the president of the United CHESTERFIELD. Eng.. Dec. It Lord Rosebery's Ions; expected and much heralded speech, delivered hero tonight, was received With marked en thusiasm by an Immense crowd. It r-an lia.tlv ka .A l. NEW YORK. Dec. which ' u..u. have been received here In on official ,much "Kht lon h Pathway of quarter from Vienna Indicite mat the fthe Liberal party. That the speech Austro-Hungarian government I mak- wu 4 finished oratorical effort waa ing trong represeitatl ma t loth amply attested by the frequent ap Tuikey and Bulgaria with the otje.t 'plause with which the speaker waa ln of inducing those countrUs to take ! tcrnipted, but It Is doubtful If when suitable and effective steps to put I ne ad finished his most admiring Its down the state of outlawry and brig- I tener could have given any Justlflca andage on their borders, i-ay the Trlb- tion for his enthusiasm save that It une's London corivapond-.-nt. 's Lord Rosebery. It Is believed that this aitloa of the ! Resolved Into Its elements the speech Austro-Hungarian jov-rnm-nt :a the merely ald: "Get together." The result of frequent coni'i.enc; which speaker himself confessed that he did the American mln!str In lenn i ha not pretend to say how this cohesion recently had with Count oljchowskl should be accomplished. In urging; hla in reference to Miss Ston;. j fyjlow Liberals to reorganize. Lord Rosebery quoted the following words I from the message of President Roose i velt: I "We have to keep going by slow jsteps, not by bounds. We must keep ious eye on the stars, but we must also remember that our feet are on the ground." Following waa the tenor" HEAVY SNOWFALL. Scotland Visited by Record Breaking Snow Storm. LONDON. Dec. 16.-The fad of snow j in l-uiiujiu is Heavier inaJi mi any . - .u . time in 60 years. Several game keep- t"1. P'"" careiuieech: ers and shepherds are missing and the ! . C, Th Z D' destruction of sheep In snow drifts. ! P6'8 fOUl1 CntUl bW which range from 10 to iO feet is un X. ' a ui mug irora ine immediate out- precedented. Farts of England are suf fering almost equally from heavy snow. The storm appears to be general all over Europe. There has been a vio lent snow storm at Rome. GIVEN LARGE JUDGMENT AGAINST THE PAIL TR ASPORTATION LINK. Contractors Who Constructed the Road Around Palis at I lie Dalles Awarded SM.OOO. break of the war. Lord Rosebery touch ed upon education, in which he said. Great Britain waa woefully behind her sister nation. Her commercial devel opment was also atrophied and the time would soon come when Great Britain would be forced to fight for trade supremacy. She would then be as helpless as though armed with bowa and arrows. I Concerning the government's conduct ,. ...Dlc( the war. Lord Rosebery was se .'lOHK , ,,., ; phatic on the necessity of vigorously I prosecuting the war and expressing the i fullest confidence In Lord Kitchener, j Lord Rosebery said that he thought the government should be prepared to i listen to peace overtures. No sane ! Boer now hoped for anything but an j nexatlon. he said, and for many rea j sons it was urged that the war should be ended. To Boers swearing allegi ance he said he would give the larg est possible amnesty and the fullest Scornfully rejecting the idea that such an empire as Great Britain could not provide an alterna tive government to the existing min istry'. Lord Rosebery said that If It were true the nation waa more fitted to control a cabbage garden than an empire. in conclusion Lord Rosebery declar- SIMKANE. Wash.. Dec. K-The troubles of the Paul Mohr transporta tion line from Spokane to Portland civil rights. have assumed a new phase. Contrac tors .Winters and Chapman have been awarded Judgment for J30.000 against the Central Navigation and Construc tion Company, which built the road around the falls at The Dalles, the In tervening suit of A. A. Hutchinson for ..U I T , 1- . . V. . . I. -- (VYl ow.wv mm jooepit auiuuiii iui ji.vw , as holders of bonds issued by Mohr's t ed that his services were at the dis former company have been dismissed. posal In anything he could do to fur- It is probable, however, that the sale ther the point he had Just expounded. of the road to satisfy Winters" and i He said it was not to the party that he Chapmans' Judgment will be postponed applied, but to the tribunal of public pending an appeal. opinion and common sense. You may Snap your Fingers ai Dyspepsia. There is a quality in Royal Bak ing Powder, coming from the purity and wholesomeness of its ingre dients, which promotes digestion. Food raised by it will not distress. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by hygienists and physicians, and they accordingly recommend it in the preparation of food, espe cially for those of delicate digestion. ROYAL.BAKINQ POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK.