Nil- MORNING .VSTORI.VN, WI'DMSI.AY. )IX:i:M IITK II. IW Telrphons Main Ml. TKUM3 OF SUBSCHirTION DAILY. ient by msil. Pr r-r Beat by mail, nxnth Btrvsxd by carrier, per m-mth. ...It 00 ... .50 .. . WEKKl.Y. Brat by mall, per year, in Jvno. Pk Ast.xr'.an guarantees to It lvr it., iirmt elrvulatlon of any triwapaper relished on ths Columbia CITY REPUBLICAN TICKET. To Be VotcJ For Wednesday. IV eemher H. IWl. Mayor. lS.-Jff.PH SIPKEXANT. Treasurer. 14. FRANK J CARXET. Auditor an J Police Judire. 1-H. E. XELSOX. Superintendent of Streets. lT-JAUB F. KEAKXEY. Surveyor. IS A. S. TES. Police Commissioner. 1WOHS W. B ABRIDGE. Councilman, First Ward. 2 E. P. PARK JR. Councilman, Second Ward. 1 LLDVICJ LARSON. Counrllman Third Ward. Jl John Nordstrom. TIMELY TOl'lCR for public works, the cmlnir session will bo remarkable. H tH ,,;ve j The intRv(t.n of the IVst lutolll- other claims as history-making If. j svmvr. that the lnxv to pieveni and ,s !.. sxvms visible, l-rox ll.-n I" ; l,",h "amill 'l'tv ""Vials of , : this or other nation should vmtnin a msde for startlm? the oon-uructlon or . mau. tor clause assigning n henxy (.imliy to the Inter-oceanlc canal. The Inauitur- l,ff,,n,y, f ,mi,j, iy approving such ation of this great xxork xxi'1. 1" I ,!f ;cts after they have tnen committed. N epoch-making and ll cause the gain xx.-lght from an h-cui rvii.e III i Memo n low unvs ago. At a moet- Kifiy sex. nth congress l. member.'.! he lone ic ink of human rlff-inff In that city, the assassin of President McKlnhy xx cheered While tho meeting broke up in row, attl riot was scarcely avert ed, It Is n disgrace to is ns .union cause simrvhension owners and dealers Kn.gllsh coal mine owners h:ixe again taken up th. tight ng:ln-t the export tax uivn coal, and It Is id tho sllua- ,H ,( lt.nKl,t u, nl, ,-tn oiu.iKoin.-nt tlon In that Is such as to to .nory man who I wis murder In his th art of heart, tnat sucn an evont can r'en llsh -ol I ",,n,,u' "'floua iMnssiurne to tho ' ciilltv rartv. Shall thi-s." tartnera In ports hae ,UvnnM lv I'-S.lVsl tons y.rm't, h,1 w,.h., xxhl, urr Wlinl diirinit tht nrt ten ni'Viths of tho tlJlt, hk-axsIhj Ktsuw, without the nrvsnt war and the avers iw nv.niNr ' s'ilrai!. to do such d.ds themselves, of davs rk.s! bv the ..lllerles has ' " ' . , itx- erniltte. to Insist the moral sense, cenerallv fallen off while In most of . avn. rau ibm. n . (il ou,MJ, tn jney, to heap eon- the rrl'IPl districts the supply Is In tuwy on ,n, ffM-Uons, the sorrow exi-ea of the demand. 'and the loyalty of the nation If this mm m Jxlle act can iro unpunlahed and un it now seema prohaMe that there policed of the law. where auill we Ihi- .. i . . will b an lmpr.vement In the mall 'Kin to draw tne line tor criminal or- fences" These are the policies that n-ake convert to the creed of the rd aervlce between the states and Atnka points. ArranKvments have been coin- terror: these are the Immunities that pleted whereby It Is proposed to short- ,lllllk .urate men feel that the eo- en the time lietween Seattle sn.l Nome from days to H .lays The new route Is by way of VaMes Illiamna Pay, Co.k Inlet. St. Micha-I at-d viol ovln. Mails will leave Seattle on the Tth and Joth of each month. pie ith whom they have to reckon are a helpless lot and the government n weakllne Seattle P.-I. . f. . f .Vverva rr': :.'t; M !t:e The present trouble In Coloinbla has tn-en In progress a little over twelve years. It Is a conflict K-tween two political parties of the country, which have existed ever since tho Spanish .'k. was thrown off. V. nciu l.i. Ecu ador, and a number of other Spnnlsh Attieri..!in countries. ar- dlxlded on similar party lines. Thete txo political orsanliatl ms nr.. the clerical or Conservative party and the demot-ratlc or I.lleral party. The Conservatives have been In power in I'o'oniblii since pi. when President Nunei overthrexv the I.l'.wral constitu tion an I practically made hims. If djc tator The Conservative made the church a larite factor In the govern ment, place education entinly In the hands of the Roman Catholic tierny, and exclude the large part of the peo ple, the Liberals allege, from the rlnht of suffrage. The Liberals demand a sld.r th- time and place of the next ( llt.m(V.ratlc Kovernment mo leled after national encampment. i,ha. of ,h1 -n,rA States, with xxllct Andrew rris. colored, of Waco. ! extension of auffrage. public schools Texas who killed Mrs. Emma French and other features of our system. The Dumber 5. by hitting her on the .txxo parties are about e.pial In numlv-r head with a barrel of a target rifle has .-alem Statesman. been sentenced by Julge Seott to b-rfj An in,,m.nt ,,U(1v of m..aKe hange-1 on the fifth of January next j . .. . p.,,,,.. R,,evelf nttl- The fr.ited States crul.r rhll.-l- jtude on the trust question Is decidedly phia has come from the Mare Island .more practical and promising of bene- Navy Yard, where she has been under- iflclal results than one of bllnl oppoal going repairs and is now awaiting or- , tlon and unreasoning demands would ders at San Francisco. It is exr-ct.d have been. He says there is a gen- Th Italian c,t: dete-miioxl -icon Kinlev's dca'h to .- ... t sm- mc that should he a :.itimj . xpr- lon cf pre.-ls.-ty their regard f.r ie d. ad pr. .id.-nt. have flnallv ,!e-1.1--1 fiat tnN mem ri..l should t- a br.-rs- t.ib'et. .!--l.:nc and e,s-uted It.i!ia-.s Wb n coin- t lete. tt Is planned t ! '. . e it It-. ctptfol at Wah'ngt.n. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. The egecutlve committee of National Council of the C. A It. meet in Chicago. Thutsl.iy to the will cn- The election of FRAMC J. CARNEY to the otfice of City Treasurer insures safety of the funds of the city. MR. CARNEY Isatriel officii! an! the citizens fcy whose votes he will te elected today are cot at all willing to run any nnnece sary risk. Vote for No. 14 and safe custody cf public money. TO REPUBLICANS. Before going to the r...lls today to cast your vote the Astorian wants ev ery citizen, taxrayer. and especially every Republican, to c nsid -r the con ditions under which he is askel to cast his ballot. There are two tickets presented to you for your suffrage the city He publican ticket and the Citizens Union ticket. The city Republican ticket is composed of men who need no worls of praise at our hands. They are a'.l well known, honorable, successful business men. None of them are seek ing the office for which theyare candi dates, because of the emoluments at tached thereto, but became candidates at the earnest solicitation of their party and because of their Interest In the welfare of this city. They ask for your suffrage upon their records as cltlrens, and Republicans. They have resorted to none of the wiles of the pol itician to Induce you to cast your bal lot In their fax-or but stand out In the open without any mask and seek your suffrage under their true colors. They stand upon their own merits deigning to hide behind a false Is sue and refusing to appeal to your prejudices. They are all men who, If elected, will without question adminis ter the affairs of the city solely with an eye to the welfare of the city. There Is no reason why they should ' not receive the support of every tax payer of the city and are entl'Ied to the loyal support of every Republican voter. 'hat she xxill go to Panama. Father W. J. OKelly. the c,,. hollo priest w ho Injured his Inn 1. -Me fishing at R kaway Rea.-n a n.onth ago. and who refuse. I until t x late to allow nr.e of hi tl.timl s t t amputated for the r- a-.n put h- ', nr 1 it xv. .uld In'erf-r- wrh l:i w rk as a priest. !s d.-,vl. the re i!' of !:....) (.oisoning. Word has N-en r-c-ivd tv p..- New York "lie fr.'tn I ' :'. S-:-cant MeCuffer'y of hi? a rix:il in . n " ! with William Hoe:pti.-r, whom h- ar rested In Hueiins Avr-s The i..-,., and his pn-.ti'-r w i.l s ..1 ..,. J.f.-r-piiol In a f.-w days H e; pr.-r Is a- ral conviction that In crtaln of their features and tendencies the trusts nr. hurtful to the general welfare This conviction Is not baaed upon envy of xvenlth nor lack of pride In o'ir In lus Mal achievements. Nor does It rest upon a lark of appreciation of the ne cessity of meeting chnnln conditions xuth new methods n -r u-rni Ignorance as to the necessity of cim' Ina'lon of capi'al and effort in orb r to achieve crept tblitrs It Is bns-d 1 1 1 -n n con viction whl.-h In his judgment Is rUht. 'hat combination nnd enr e-t 1 r p h.n hioiM not ) prohlldtel. but vise.l and within reasonable limits controlled. President Roo-evelt do. s not pose, as did Mr. I'.ryan. as a trust Ten years ago a billion dollar con gress furnished a text for the econo mists and Incidentally great political canital for the Democrats. The record for the coming congress will be more nearly two billion dollars, so vast has been the growth of the country and Its needs. If for no other reason than for the liberal expenditures to be made cuse.1 of embezzling l-'.in and U.yv from th- A W. Company. De Wet Is r-por-el to hi- ',..s,. p. Heilborn with :'."00 m-n n n 1 to have come very near s irrounaini; Kit. h--ner's liithtitig s-nuts. un !-r i.'ol. n-l Wilson, says the London -.,rr-s.n-ib-nt of the Trib'in-. 'nl. .nel l.einlng toii. by making a night mar h of 3a miles relieved ViIs.,n an! bo'h umns retired to 11-llborn with a !:. casuulti'-s. Promoters of tb Ir.don an I Rrighton Electric Ftail'.vay rr.ak- th announcement that th-y i-IU'on-.-y passengers the 1? miles m 72 minuies. The sugg'-st-d length of their tunnel ing Is enormous. It Is proposed that there shall be four'een tunn-ls with a total length of nlneeten and one half miles. The scheme Is looked upon as an Interesting but costly experiment. The army transport Hun'Ock Is scheduled to sail from San for Manila on the lth of this month with 1,100 soldiers of the Twenty. Bexenth Infantry who will come from Chicago. The Sheridan will be In readines to sail at the same time but it is as yet undeo!del whether she win be ordered a-.vay so so ,n. Pho Is to carry 1,700 sollders and passengers. A dlspat'h from Tokio to the I(n don Times and New- Yok Times sayH the action against the cabinet, which -.'') smasher If Is not a dangerous .x-Ka'-r tremity like Mrs. Nation, foe Instance. tr. favors Intelligent an-l effective reg ulation. Tacmiia News. Pr-sldent Roosevelt ni'urnllv gives flest place In his message to the con-s-.-ratlon of the great rnb-.mltv which so recently devolved upon him the d'.tl-s of 'he ere"tttve office and forces h'm now- to ad 'res .nn-rress on he state of the nation Ills tribute to Ir..u,eni MeKlntev Is feeling, eloquent and jus'. He gives npproprfnte .ifTlclal err resslon to the grl f of the w bob ration an 1 Its horror of the .lastardly .bed and no less dastnrdlv doctrines in whlih President McKlnley- fell a victim. Turning from the man to the rrot.lem forced upon attention bv his .-issasslnat'on. President Roosevelt de M tes n large shnre of attention to an archy and makes some Important sieclnV recommendations for Its treat ment. He delllerately fnc-s the fact 'hat th responsibility for . anarchist murders does not rest sob-ly upon those who profess anarchist principles, but Is shared bv those who spread th spirit of discontent nnd difania tlon N. T. Tribune. A petition Is already In circulation at Manila asking congress not to re Impose the duties Just mad" Inopera tive by the United States supreme court. This Is well enough In Its way. but It Is not the best way for the thing to be done. Such a petition ought not was apprehend-d from the ch..f poll- u. nary. It Is not for the Isl- tlcal party is now unlikely. The party has adopted a (uloiless tnanifi-s'o, which does not Indicate any hostile In tention and di.savo-.VH ol.Htrij' tion. It is probable that the session of ih- I.ilct will pass off 'iijietly and that the budg et will be adopted without radii ul amendments. The Paris correspond,-!:1 ,,f ,vr. jit,n. don Times and New- Y nl: limes cays that M. I'.oty, the , '.-brat. , (.,, graver has Just c-ent to 'h- n.,xt a -ery fne design for a medal cronc-i, orat ing the centenary of the found.vlon of the Hank of Krutice. ,, Fieprh In stitution, says the Kir-i-: ond-nt has contributed more t th,. fl,.v, loprn'-nt of trade and Industry. In p s (i',' year Its operations totaled 1Mii ,os, franis. The total in 1 -Vi was r"ar:y y.M.. O'A.O'XJ fiati's. HAMDKERCHIEFS 2 In Silk In Linen and Lawn from cts, to Each. Largest assortment in town. 2.50 C. H. COOPER'S Leading House in Astoria. It Isn't every country on tin' face of Ihe globe that could enport J.',M"V mm of gold In a day for foreign n" ! coliimodnlbut without expeiieu a eoimldernble eiiibairmeiit The I'nlte.l Htnlcs seems to be eipml to tho opb-al. however. Iloston lleiald j Tx HTI' .V Col, IV i After exposure or wlii-n )ou feci a ' fold coming on, take ft dose of Foley's i Honey and Tiir It lu-xi-r fall" to '"l j a cold If taken In time Hart's l'ni I store, 1 Itodibk I wonder who III "I oiIkI I naled ''rummage sales"" Van Mberl Probably some limit who xv.-iil to hunt for something In his bureau .naw.-r after bis wife had be. it thiousb II Chlcag.i News NDTICK Notice Is bi-rrbv slvrti to nit paillrs holding C!oi iMiinty wsrisnis en dorsed prior to April Tth I'1, to present the same to the county tress urere nt his iiltlce Pit Tenth street f..r pnxmeiit. tnterest cries after this date. tSlgne l) II C. TH M I'M 'S'. County Tieasiuvr lale.. Astoria. Oregon. Ibis )th day of iv-i-emtwr. lt. NOTICH riMt Ullf There are a few tut keys b ft but they are scared out of a year's growth - New York Commercial Charles t'.cploglc. Atwat.-r. O. was In very bad shai- lie says ''I suf f.rvd a gr.-at deal with my kidneys and Hiis r-.iu'stc,l t i tt Kolcy's Kid ney Cure I did so and In four days I was able to go to oik itk'alti. now I am etitluly well" Harts Prugsture tt may tx- set doixn as certain that If (ioxernor Van Sant should ever cherish presid.-ntlal aspirations he cannot get the railroad Influence to supKrt hint,-Pittsburg llapatch. AN FV.VN .iEI.ISTS 8T I!Y. "I viiT-rvd for years with a bron chia! or l ing trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain perman ent relief until I commenced using un Minute Cough Cur." writes Hev. James Klrkman. evangelist of Helle Hlxer. III. "I have no hesitation In recommending It to all sufferer from maladies of this kind." Un Minute Cough Cure affords Immediate relief for roughs, colds nnd all kinds uf throat and lung troubles. For croup It Is uneiii.illed. Absolutely safe. Very pl.nsatu to take, never falls and Is realty a favorite with the children. Th-y l'ke It. ('has. Rogers. I 'rUKKtnt. Condi wants moic ni 'ii- " What Is .Mr i'ainc;.. doing oil the Unitd of trustees- turf!,i Kxpress i 'I' I'CNlTlT TH Y'l' I ! m. Mitchell Ktilforl. Md "1'ur. I lug a 1 t t: ll'tf-ss I was troul b-d with ! bed sores as A I Isr.l t ' trV I V W 1 1 1 Wit. h Hatcl S.,lve and d d so lth Bo'lt.-l'ul I. -.lilts I Kits perfectly cured is the best salve on the mar ket " Sore cure for plies, sores but lis. It.oxarc of counterfeits ('has Rogers, I 'I II K I t First Walter What are you think ing ntH.ut Second Walter-I'm won dering whether to lay mxself out for a Hp from that man or not I can't tell whether It's his wife or mi actress he s got with hltti-V:xchang. The i oi-oti.itioti is a simple aTair for th- king, bat It will I..- hard on Aii'red Austin - Washing ton Star. p.wi:i ins i .1 i i-: "I wly'i t ' say that 1 fe.-l I .. my life to Ko I d iivsocpsla Cue" wrltca II. 0., uf HayrMd. Mum Kor three y.ars I was troubled xvlth ds-psia so that I could hold nothing on i-ix- ston: ic'i. Many times I would l tin bl- t retain a tnors-d of food Klnallv I uas confine.) to my ld I ). m nll I could n t live I r- ad ot.e of your advertisements on Kodol livs-.-t.sla Cur- and thought It fit my case nn I commenced Its u e I began to Improve from the first buttle Now I am cure I and re. omtn. n I it to all " IiU'-sts your fool Cures all stomach troitbl'S. .'has Rogers. Druggist. What a pleasant thing It would In. If the war-lng Ik-m .. rn'lo factions would swallow -n. h other whole' Chicago Journal. ItrVI.TH ANH P.KACTV. A poor complexion Is usually the re suit of a torpid liver or Irregular nc tlon of the howels. T'nl'-ss nature's ref use N carried off It will surely cause Impure blood. Pimples, bolls nnd oth er eruptions follow. This Is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which the bowls failed to remove. De Witt's Mttlo Knrly Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular nnd healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. Cbas. Rogers, Druggist. Kdttor Lynch, of the Pallv Post. Phllllpsburg N J . has tasted the merits of Foley's Money nnd Tar with this result: "I have used a sreat marv patent remedies In my family for rnti?h and colds and I can hon estly ray your Honey and Tar Is th best thing of the kind I haxe ever used and I cannot r ::oidi In prnlse of t." Hart's (itugstore. A man may not stand much of a show In this world, hut If he Is a tl-.e- ul.-r-g' r be has to stand a g I Iiuiny l s,r shou 'hi ago News S VTISI'ft- IMc'I'M" re the b-st advertisers for Foley's Honey an I Ttr nnd nil w-ho use It ai;re" that It I. a ; I. ndl I remedy for coikIis, cold, or rov lumts Harts I'rugstore Ts.lln-1 e a C HI! pllllle lit for xoii, Iio.a l- tna ' 'li, I'hat Is IP' I Sill" I Sollo bo Iv a I looked like Xoll fief. o F..,. '.., A cold cough or la grippe ran tie "nipped In tin- bud. with a do.e or two of Foley's llotn-v and Tar lb-ware of substitutes ll irts Priigntors Th- Ini -r --.fed Special. ! I, three ! balls nt" In golf, sum-- In bus. ball ' j Th N .Vice Well It Is V llh me i siarf In wl'h three balls and w ln-n I t lose th on all I stop phiyiinf I . . . J. W Itrvan. of Ills, writes' "My little boy was very low with pneumonia I'nknowri to the doctors we gave 1 1 1 r ii Foley's Honey nnd Tar. The result xvas magical nnd puttied the doctors, as It Immediately stopied the rncklng coiikIi nnd he quickly re covered. Hart's Drugstore Now that the Lick observatory has proved that Chicago saw no comet, II Is up to that city to explain what It bad for supper that night. Kansas 'lty Star. ands to entreat mercy and fairness; It j Is for this great nation, 7'.OooV) strong, ale-iundlng In prosperity, to ; deal even generously with fh- Islnnds. j Free trade for the Island Imports In our markets Is everything to the Fill- t plnos. and very little to us Their pro ducts are their all: we have trade ! with the whole world, running Into the hundreds of millions. The pitltry reve nue we can derive from customs on their 'products will only go to swell an already overflowing treasury. Are the Philippines to be made more wel come In English ports than In our own? Oregonlan. INFORMATION WANTF.D. Th" manufacturers of Banner Halve having alxvnys believed that no doc tor or medicine can cure lit every cam;, but never having heard where Runner Salve failed to cure ulcers, sores, let ter, eczema, or plies, as a matter of curiosity would like to know If there are such cases. If so they will gladly refund the money. Hart's Drugstore. Slopi Ihe Couth sod Works Oil the Cold. I-axative Rromo Quinine Tabids cure a cold In one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. 'I suppose,' said tin- physician, smil ing find trying to appear wltiy, while feeling tin- pulse of a lady patient, "I suppose you consider un- nn old hum bug?" Why. doctor,'" replied the lady, "I had no Idea you could ascertain a woman's thoughts by merely feeling her pulse." Chkaao Tribune. Utile ''lurcnre pa, when Nit's wife was turned to salt what did he do? Mr. Callipers It. gan to look for a fresh one, I ptesunie. -iH-eemhcr Hmnrt H.-t. C. W. Lynch, Winchester, Ind., writes "I owe the life of my boy in Foley's Honey and Tar. He had mem branous croup, and the (lrst dose favs hltn relief. We continue.! u use and Its soon brought blm out of danger." Hart's Drugstore. Mrs. Mimn ih. y. s, I suppose I'm a disagreeable thing ., doubt you are sorry you ever saw me Mr Mann I won't go so far ns Hint; I only wish when I dlil see you I bad taken a bet P r look at you,- Huston Transcript. BESTOF EVERYTHING In a Weld This Tolls of ths I'fcMs.igsr Hervlc via Who Northwestern line.. ( Fl lib t Tialiis Pally IUIwssii Hi, Paul sill I'hlcsga, comprising The jtt I'lllllllMil Mlrcp.-r, ! I'c.-iI.'m Inning Curs, i l.itosiy mid uin.-i vailon Cars, I I'rr. Ile.lliiing Chair Cars, The :0ili Century Trains - - Hum Msty Pay of III Year, The Finest Tram in the WoHo rilttflc llyslid fttalfd THK IIAIHIKH HTATK KXrltKMil. th Finsst I'aliy Train Running lltwn Ml. I'sul and Chicago, via Hi Mliurt ten. Ciiunv!oni from :h Wat Ms.U yl Ths NOHTHK.HN I'ACiriO llltfAT NOItTIIWItN AND CANAlIAS PACirh? ll'TH. This la lo ths UKHT UNK txtwas Omaha, Nl. I'sul and MlnnHiis. All Aenia l Ttcktlf via The Northwestern Line Notice la hcichy slx.n Hot up lo Ihe hour of 3 , lock p in on Monday, the Kltl day of Irc.lllt-r. l'"'l tlie coin llllttee on WX and inenlis of Ihe l oin nion Council of ihe I'm of ,, Will Iccel.c s.iil.d Idds foi doing Ihr cm pilnllng for the cm t luds Mllisl npcclfv III.- I'll.e foi p-loMIIK all I. ral blnnka of I, nnd full -lo. 's In .i ,' II nil. I ;.al lots Slid P'OO I ! and Ihe price for printing an I ul!lhiiig .ill l.'ltal notltrs rr-llllted I'X Ihe .1'. In eluding proof of publication t Is- In liolipaiell IX pe 13 lllo to t'.r In. Ii 'I't-.c rli(hl Is reset. r. to r. )-. I an I all bids A S 'lli:i;M'.-. V .-MI X m;l l' p f?:Krit I 'olllinll lee o Will. Slid M. (ie, Nirri.'i: Ti 'NTit A'-p 'i:.- Notice Is heit-hv glxen that up to ihe hour of 3 o clock p m on Monday. Ihe lth day of Is-criiibei I commute on streets nnd nu!!. .f the Common Council ,f the City of Astoria, will Ic-rUc seated I'lds for the tmtrovement of Sex streri from the south line of C.oionri.ini strct to the north line ..f Ft. ink on axciiue. as prox bled to Ihr ci.iinnnce providing for the tune nut manlier of Improving said srti.n of sail sired. approved Ihe plih day of t ' .nil-r. o i' C C7l.!l'lt. I. AOKKN. V J Cis.K Coitinill tee on Streets nnd Put ! Wm V II MKA1 . II I. KlolJCIt. UmieMl Acin Trav Agent. 3(1 AMer Hit--!. I 'artUnJ. txsgoo. ism ti Q ,lW45SAtl tfll fll I IV.ol. Fifth snd I . in Ing ( Pott Un I, Airlx I i 'XrrUnd l:ipisaa I Trains for Kalem. I l(..e,uig. Ash I Uiol Hi ramniia. 'udeii hmi ivsii- (; a 111 rlacn, AI.,JV0 al Angrlr. Kl I'., J Jo a a, . ,srW nirlrniis and ( Ii) p in III luul x 3'. p li., th. w a ) TIDE TABirs. ni.VF.MHEK High Wat.-r PATH ! A M ; P M b in i ft h"tr ft diy .day SCNPA V M. 'lio ay Tuesday We. III.., Thin lav Friday . "..ittinlaV SI N t 'A V M.-ndav . Tip t lav .,n, 'I'll il l 4uv Friday Kitm-iUx' . . . SI'NPAV . Monday .. . Tu lay .. W, ilii.-sd.iy Thursday Fildnv Hiiitndiiy . . HI' N PAY . Monday .... Ti.isduv . W..'n.s.lnr Tlliltsd.lX Frlduv . . stalurd.iv .. SI'NPAV . Tiusd.iy ... Molidsy .. I i e , PO i 5t ! T In l i x pi ! 9 tt 5S II t' I '.'. .' I' I : l ,' .1 -In 3 t: : . .'. 14 x ' 4 x o -, li . t t :. 1 1 ; 1 1 X X s s 0 ' t . i: : .- i : : I. . c; .-: i.'' :i tn .1;. :i n :' . n I i.' s 2?' Vile 3 Ml r. i; 4 :u x I . 4 VI ii i:, ; tt i S I i 4 ; o i X XI 1 I 0 : 4 : n 3 3 Ii 1 xi s . 4 H 4 4 x 4 At W.sothurn I dsn, niortilns ! l-sln . mine. Is and I train Mt An , Milyerlon. I II r o w li v 1 1 1 r, Hprtngfleld. and Nsiri.n. nd srn Ing train for Ml. ' Ati(r and Hlvr- tod ' W a in Corvallla .Meii- I I t4 p n I ger i W p ml Mherbl.n pusvn- ! m i l I 1 Mssilr i I silly ei. ept Hun.tay Itehllt, thk.t, n n r !, , p,. . Ise.l. Macrsttienlu and lui rrsncla.-o Net rate. : fir. I rln.s without l-itli and 114 00 second rls. Iiiclu lltig t- th Untr. M, th-kett to Katcrn p.a,1( ml Furope Al. Jw, Ch,, Hono lulu and Australia Can h. ..biaiiird ' "' v ' m. hlthiig Thli-I and Wa.h ii ctoli r,-. t T V tl 1 1 t.t. MVIHl.tV "' d"!-: f ot of J.ffer.oi St. 1 ' f r 'w -g duly at r ) 4 ' u I ' -. i :t i ti n .. II 1'' p m ,m tw p n, Hun tav y Arroe m p.ttlind dil'y m ji M -p, , , , , ,. , -t t I'l p III . I.' la a m i Illy . v-ept M n '.x J.. ,-, I , , a . Hlll. I lyi otoy l.esie f.,, Pa.l ia daily . scept Sii'i liv a: 4 J" p ,1, Arr v, : I'.irlUn.l ut 11 a m I'.i.. "ger iralM leaves Im Iis f ,r A t;.c Man lays We.ln.adai. an I Trl ' -' P in Iteimtis Tips laya. Tl u s l.i), and M.iluldi)s I "Pt Hii dav it It Mll.l.l lt "'n Frt sad Pis Agl. it 7 4 lx i' 9 :-v 4 4'H 0 :x j i Ii UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL T, ll i:miii-:ii Low Water. I A M P. M PATK h in 1 ft , ! ft. Ht'NDA V .. Monday Tuesday ... Wedtii s,lay Thursday .. Friday H.itiuday .. . SI N PA If .. Monday .... Tuesday Weslncadnv Thursday .. Frulay Saturday ... Mt'NPAY .. Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday ... .II'NPAY .. Monday .... Tuesday WiHlmsilny Thursday .. Friday Maturdav ... Ht'NPAV .. Monday .... Tuesday ... rum' 3' o :y I 2 IS' 4 131 f. H3 f.-; :s 04 7:4" KM :sr, Ss in in I7lll,0 ml I!i! 0:ns 2i)l I II III! 2:1 S:27 4 31 r, 341 i 11I 7 22 s:MI t:0',! r,7l IO:47! 4 11 12 I inl J24! i'lt! 27; 1.311 11 '. I 2 2 1 7 3 2 1 4 23! r, 2 M f. 2 .! 2 9' 7 3 0' 7 3 l II 90S 2 V 2 Nt 9 2 6 10 2 2 11 ...!l2 I ! 1 2 I 3'.' n 0 24' 2 3 3i; 1 3 i r. ,m 1 0 2vl OS 171 00 M' 0 5 M1 n 7 ii'oi r,i t 0 lf.'-o I3l!ll:44 2 41 S 2 2 n 2 I 9 2 0 Ml I s'm I 7 II 34l I :nl-2 0 in'-1 9 47l 1 7 .ml-1 1 Th "N'.irthe.trrn j(lp..,- ir,ns, elect::,- i.ghtel tlir luglnni', both inaltls an I ul. nn I s 'iiii he, ted si with ait i'c. ptlon, I),, nnest trains In ill n irll Th -y eiin,a.v the I ileal, r ew'st Jul bin idcia fu- i-oiiif.irl. 1 niivrnl rus snd lusury rver offered (ho travelling nuhli, , ,m altogether rt ths ni.-sl coupler,. ,in. splendid production if ths cir builders' an. Tliaae i,.enilal Tra ns Citinect Willi The (irtnt Xurthcri The NurthcfB I'mlflc md Tnt Cunadlno I'aclfk' AT T. paui. Ktm ' IhlCACO and the I! AST. i No ntrg rhsrgs fur thin supsrlor acomiiiobitinns and ill cUaas 0f tick ets are avnllahl, for paasig ,.n th linlns iir 'bl Mm, Rr prolei-od by ths Interlocking llluck Hysism. W. II. MHAI), . I.. HIBMfllt. i'neral Agent. Traveling Ag'U I Portland. Oregon. 04 03 I0! "PIIIJ Practical Holiday Gifts AT HOLIDAY PRICES Easy Rockers, Office Chairs, Center Tables, Iron Bedsteads, Fine Matresse and Fancy Rus. Mji ko your selection now id Robinson's Furniture Store Mi) " Milwaukee" when going to any point A famlllsr nam of Hit Chicago, Milwaukee A Bl. I'aul Railway, known "II over the Union ss the lret Hallway running the "pioneer Limited" trains everv day nnd night between fit. I'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In (i world." I'lnb-rstaiirt; Connections are mads wlih all transcontinental lines, securing to passenger Ihe best service known. Luxurious coiirhe, electric light, siosm bent, ,,f varb-ty equaled by 110 othsr line. Bee tin 1 y,mr ticket rea ls via "Tha In Ihe Hulled Htates or Canada. All il. ket nip'iils se them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, address, J. W. CAHICV. C. J. ICDDT. Trav. Pass. Agt. (Ion. Agt.. . Portland, Ore. rurllund. Or.