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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1901)
,4 j. - - t 11.1 ...... in 5 1 1 J t3 .1 Fiocifitv Events . - ..-.-l-a of ilAnClUK I'lll- . . ... ....... .- m nm " - .... . Um be Riven p ' Y." ..... lie given V tli- oliiil.m v i" W held l "" "I renlng. AWul oou,,.. u , VI' - .... ..i ..on., eniov- cd and IV nttair pco.... -i - able. The iVlumhla e-rhcv-stra funds -rd must.-. Th.vse present w'"': Miss Minerva l.Uhter. f Ml Petersen, of IWrtland: Mis Kiii.ii-. .1. of Tokoland. Ml" Klmor,-. Miss Flor.UA Miss M:y arin. Miss Sadie i'r. M'" MiM Horlha Hobson. Mim Lou Co!.-. Miss XolUo UJW.-1I. M'--" Itnfrli-t Tl tant, Mi.s Sa.llo Sulhcrlaiul. Mls Mi.a rreiltri. kson. Mr. n l Mr. O. Kullon. v,r- ,, Mrs. V. T. ClniU.T. Pr. anl Mrs. A. A. Kini h. Mr. ami Mr. Frank Siilitl. .-hirl.s I'al'n'iiili'r. Mr. .nri Mra K. iL Tra.-l. Mr. ami Mrs. T A Fish.-r. Mr. anJ Mrs. T. A. Stokra. Mrs. O. F. HolUm, Mrs. Jay Tutih-. Mrs. r. J. Trenchant. ti. U Mills. .'harU-s Jlellborn, Jay Tuitle. r : 0.wiw M. OWor. P. A. Lean. K M.-TaV. - St ml. A. O. Oallan, GftW MoMaih. Jam.-a IX Tay lor. Frank IVtewn. Harry Cherry. J. P. na.tollet. Hiirr slurn. H. T. F!nfl tav. Frank 0.r.n.ui!h. Alti-.l Funse. Kan.'.all Hee,l. ('..orf Warrvn. C.Mrsc Bark.-r. Feri Orilfith. Thanes HaKl.T nian. Frank Wo.Htfl.-U. Carta In Her ni.IJs: Captain Cloke and Lieutenant Veek. of Fort Slexena. The .te.-irali-ns at ihe hall were en linlv in re,l an.i .hiring H- evenins punch as wrv.M. Th. tu-xt rtan.-e of the Totilllon Club wi:l K- h-M TV-i-.'m-b-r :o. Caftain CloKe ctiarmtnciy entertain ed in his ba.helor .-.uarters a tevv of his frien.! at rr. Rr.'s.sive etl.-fter ?at Thurs'lay evenlnc in honor of Car-lam Haines. The steamer Miter rnv?.vl the party to an t from Fort Stevens who enjoye-l Ca;'tn:n .'l -ke s Wl-itality were: Mrs. Huroihrey. Mrs. A. A. Finch. Miss Elmore. M ss Reed. Miss Tranc. Mis M.-Uan. Miss Humphreys. Miss Floretta F.lmore. Miss May Nickerson. Major Humph reys. Captain Haines. Lieutenants T -Wn Furv. Brewster ant Weeks. Messrs. McLean. Hen, l?.-nr.ett anJ Flndlav. Mr. Edward ?aKerstrom and Miss .i isnnai- h.ih of this citv. were marrie.1 last eenine at the Phanahan buildine. Hev. W. S. Short offlelatinK A few Intimate friends of the con tracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. Pa(terstr.m will reside In this eitr. v. .... ... The laities ot in n. . Thurs.lay afternoon makinr dolls for the rupils of Miss Violet Bowlby. who is teaehini: .-h,l at tSkamokawa. Doubtless the hritmas Rifts will be appreciated by the little ones, who as ret have no intimation of the surprise In store for them. The first annual rereptinn of the Compieroiui ciuh will take place on Wednesday night, when the lyiwlln? alleys will he formally opened.. Mem- tiers and their lady fri-nls will be iruests of the new ly el-i-te l or!.-ers o' the r-lub. Senator Fulton r-turn-d hom. Tit dav evenins f"""i an .-t.-n-!.-! 0Vr the -in'- While in j: ,s. l y tteliv-r-d nu ntoriat. a ilf. th.- I I'. Tru'Mr-.-as li-en in 'h Mr. Teiillimr-r is John ''. Tru'tini:. r,ani-d I V hi line ' als-i Nt - ,!!! ' the br -I'.-r of ' -. II- wns r l'..o.i:,1o, '- va:ni;i:i. r T-u'- '"a'-'a'n John H.i (.. of F - " ''-.-ntly --''-r-l t.. s t,--' sta-t n ! F'M-.-n." h' vv., s r" MattH.-t, leavw for hi' evenirir ll- haK rt tit tinv .- ar ' M il! s; the tie.- vi'h It-I-'-T: - e, .,,.!!. I.-.-.-.-nd a t - T n f f ... f-...,-.., I.,,,-.. I. aviriL.- f ,r Kutot '-. Hi- K'.'e..; trio will be mad- by easy s'ai'.-s and i'' Inf lU'l- to th- prin. i; a! iiti-s. 'ap'a:n Hadi--- l.i" mativ friends in Astorit... fr-tn th- a ill -era h' d- Mr. and M-s. Wo!' Poefiand du'ine the r.of-s -k. Mrs. J '. 'lo.-m-n and fr. T. B. Ha'-ikltif. of Il ia, roi Fri'biv. -re in Astoria Milton P,. Ilozarth. now of .Southern fr-sron. was in the city this week, arts, itiiiu with relatives. a a a Miss Minera I.k'hter is spending a few days in Astoria, th- gu. st of Miss KIsie Klniore. a a a Mrs Robert Wilson entertained the Thursday Afternoon '!ub at. her cozy Utile home on Fourteenth street. a a Miss Mija Frr.dricksnti was hostess last Thurwlnv evening when she en- tertained a f-w of h r ftlneda in honor of Miss I.ifhter, of fortland. Ifrerit. but it will be Iner-ny-d jm , f . ' Ihe main body of mal is reached At Astoria soci'-'.i' Is clad to welcome present fi"e separate layers are to )e Miss Floretta Elmore home after a seen, an.l exta-rts "".rt that nil five three-months may In San Francisco, will be found to Join. The company has !?, acres of land there and the Mrs. Charles Callender and son, Mel- stockholders are satisfied that great Tllle, have been visfiriK In the city the fortunes are In store for them. All past week. ,ne '-'""' w'" n" tirought out tiy way a of Astoria, and w 111 make this a coal Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shields are ex- In port for all the large steamships ported In the city Monday to make plying across the Pacific. An exten thelr home for the winter. sion -of seventeen miles will afford , a a rail connection between the fields and Miss Maud Stone left during the Astoria. ! hum h r ;it I .... rt -t.or ,o n.'r --. ' " ....... ..,., ! !". . a t i , ,..,KOt- f Portland, has ac- . f ... Klm.nv v'.'. Mi' ' -i''' " the oily i'n Monday. The .Lilly X.-ls'ihois entertain' !K the H.vk. I ilur- Mis Halsi.-a.t an.t Ms lta!s!ea 1 let ,lurlnc the e.k for l.o" .iip-l"'-. Mr. ami Mrs Harrison T. HamMe are In S. attle. on a visit t Mr. Will Tallant is .:siil'ik- in Seat tic Astor Clnh will Sive a .lan.-lni; some time .liirlu.: the vri'sent The la.ty month. ... F. Prael has n-fivnel frn ' to INMtlan.l H. trip .-harles M Celler has returne,t from an Fratieis.-. "here V "P- "! Thanks giving t'h felen.t. fVnator an.t Mrs J C MeW have cone fi'r the inter. Mrs. Norman A. Marrs. . ho has Ken ill ii. ivrholit. is now almost an.l has -been taken t. her honi- frm Si. Mary s hosital. raf tain Morse a.' t- rilay. Keyn.' il.nvn ff of th Harry ..itl v-s- Wafer aNri! was over from t'.' , yesterday . The a few -lays o iln-t an i'-'tn statins t'-a. tK- F- a! .vul'-.att was th- tlr-t ratiora'lty t- meet dis-c-ast. Hon. J 'hn llahn Ast.'t-an .::!.''' I-'"' . 1 ere of that ast-r on th, ca'l.d nt th. in: 'vi'h th v. as partly .... st.ivm, nt that etr-ineou. 'n -'' ..l-'tit in is?: or 1:? he says that essel ft-m t.or le.TJY eii:. 1 '-as s-n ab-'Ut p.on In 'ii- ihristiiias a F-ereh the ?el ty .oTt.n.- She ntt.-mft-d to ent' the harNr with-ut a pil-'t. t.ikinir the N.irth channel. The captain so! W-vvildere-l and saw a .tea- expanse of water towards the south. He heal-i his vess-1 In thav Jir- tion an.l ' ".m on,., .'latsop spit amonu- the break. -rs (Juns of distress w ere nre -i an i r am s tuc went out to the vessel's a-.-is an, e The captain of the tuc .lemanV-I j.i for the work of pulKni her ff Into deep water. This sum the Fr-r. h man refus.'d to pay. off-rinj th.. tu: eantain Jb"V so the vess-1 was l.ft there and abandon.-! by th- ,-remain-it In the san'e fosit; umil the following summer to all a; uninjured, wh-n she was s..i l bv the underwriters f -r !!V1 to a Portland firm. Th- new ..wners at onee went to work to save the vessel and due a trench or charm-1, tht'-iiith w hi. h she was :..a,- l ir.'o !,-. w at er in I'nk.-r's bav an-1 af-rw ar N r-- i-air-l and re. hris'en-1 th Mr. Hahn a the Si-h - S- a Waif -is a 1. staun-h v.-s-l an-1 bti:!t -f -.iKi'- ok Sh" has ai'vnes sin-.- th-n s.t 1 ,1-r I'll" i- an flair ar: ! hns th- riv-r was r.,n ITihr .V! h- t -d af'-t - that ;:it,,vi. riv- ,i li- liv fro N-h.,! -ti ,.',., i' h v. as t "f the ' Ir k. by . v. 'eHdinif s ind br:-!.' ;rt I s-.f" fl IV-" e-rta I any that i' M-mb. I.- I iv it is t I r, s in. the I'll. 'f'l i-r ' ' ti'ains I Is : i ' '. hi!- r-Tif I Th - heal xt sat -h 4 ' t- ,d Ni.'t "Pi: at, I--r - nt I-ef ts to supply tl, X- hal-m f oal by r, ,, m-ni work has already b -n ' ".lumen-. -1 sin.j u jii t,,. ,r ciiie-l -..i'li ; viifor. Th" fnmpanv has ,!necd J".o - 1 iter, ivortti of st,K k 'ri th,- mark.", of j ,i t'fUa-m has already h-n lak.-n. All the sioekl,,,;.. rs. with a :-irir!- ! 't-tion. are Aslorians. Th- -xp'-rt .-rieed to examine the foa! f,-!ds r---:-orted to th- eomptiny that th-re .' -ie ,7,ni,,frfi tons of rnal In sluht. and -pr-ss'-l the ,on-eton that the jimoun' if eniii in th- holdings of the r,,ni-t-ativ v.ou! .-Ydd ."..nfial tons. At -.i ho. -sal- this coal would lie worth 'ori dd-rahly iwn'- 'han tl.'.'SjO.Wil. Il is th- Intention of th- company to In stall a i .l.i ri t which vH have a dally out nut of not t exf-eed -la liti, al Mhi h rate it will refulre twelve years to take out the 1.7"o.'.mV) tons in h i e t At the tx-Klnrilng the r.utput will n"t Wll.HIKI.MlN ! TII'VIH V. Hours 1IT Kooni t:V YOKK. IV, I'tln. tlcni v has not ni'ivixvii l pui'iic i' m ,vtn d'si-lositrca In regard to th-' it'-Oil.- ItVUhh l llli' court of (In i-!lii r!iU Is. K ho ill. I In- v. mi l ''' lain'.v W" inobNd. av the !'-- t. -i i I .. the World t TV Hague. Ills p'l Itm- hl lieell . Itll ti :l 'I rni th- ktnim-.fiuh evMlilii.-i'.s In ,!,, MiihIo halls thnnmhiHlt Ho'.'aiil ,.,Min . the tlety .l;-iionsiraUi!M .rn: it r.'kisl P tits'. rint-'t rti-.-'isatl'Mis aii't run. Henry aiip-iuv.! in ihe K!i. m-h l..-iileT,ni! V IMitih ft.mtVr. II,- ..s i hare.l I'lunlly ith ii' :' .i l l .1. nnkenness. ll"in''!o siill k-'l III'. tr.iilit..'nal ili iMiaii military set ii( junior I'.i'.Hil'. in the .Oil. vr. i.'h whim l'llmo lleniv K- a tM.U. 'I an-1 saw svt t.v. They think It !:' il;,. ii- nianlml to K-t h.'ti-le-lv .trunk at ilinu. r an.l the I'.ertuan n. wsfaiv-is aiVii-el Vjue. n W illiemina s luisl an l fi-iir-i-ntly iiKs.M-vini; this m-nlal i usti'in after his niari lace. Tin- iuiip! .liieen Vi' t.,fi:e the I'luk ,.f act"" ffrai.ful. rolnisi v.oniauli I n, . l.M.ka shiH-kinsly I I'I It Is ai.l she shu's ti.-rs.ilf (, ui,.,!.- (,.r li..ui Hi her aartmeni w lie.l It Is bell. . I he passes the time . iaiiii; .er In i lii Ul'li-s. but lio one has over u her . . . in imbllo. Her .i-t.le l ovnna.t ii,!'..; Those uho uiv ,u . i'h I-, r character an.t t mi"'! anient 1-- I iiv sh.i will never foriilvi- her has hainl an.l will Ions en. lure h. r IT-S-'lll IHisitioII. w s a KAti.rr.i' :-lo-ts Vuinst Al-'fi-'n liathmann ilun WAtslUNV.Ti'N. 1 '. : -I'll- t'l'"'. ,f the mixed army and tiny l-,.i: I. l.,..i..s by Major Witu-ht. corps -f -miieers. at p'inte.t un.U-r tlie terms of -f an :..t of Cnnte-s. to i. -.t th.' '..ithntauii jtun tuis Kan l.u I l-f -t- . otisr.-ss by Secretary loot The f tort Is acvsitni ani-l by a n.:'.t- i fh.tsr;ihs shvYln the e"fe. ts of th-' -'i--.s tlr-d at th- .luting at Sandy llu..k o'l N-'v-m'.i ; T!' - r-i-'t t ilesorllvs In .1. tall the :' f..,-t of each of the shots .If -I ft -m the ilathn-.ann sun an 1 ff,,m th- !.' ,'.,!'. artv.y serv . e n't.-. Tin' b.-ir.l e.i' ls that none of th.- It; pacts from the 'lathmanti kuii would have a m-xlern bat'lishlp that the tlathtnann system Is not eff. i tie as a means of attackitiK, i-s-,-ls. and that any one of the shots from the 1 inch army service ri'le would have wrought sever- injury to a modern battleship as regards its buoyancy, the interior mechanism and the armament an.t the personnel. The d-st nil live effevt of the 12 In h army ..r,-, ,- t i!lc surpasses anvthti'j; hi'h-r- to olitllne.l fr.oi urn- 'J". Si. far as ihe boanl has any know !-d-". r as the show. There Is no'hinK in ; tthmann's system, the t-'.ird says. t r-ommend its adopth'ti In the Service nf the fnli.-l States warrant further eXieriments. pllbli. HTflSKS MKSHA'li:. -rpian I'res I ls,l-as.-d I.,.'iimont .,ti th- T at Ton.. rai-.-.l in i a l 'I ' r .-, .riis'S bv M s on t h- fih'- ' ir- .-lli-s i t. f. e-. It's Ml t I th- s i,i.,,rt. rs n 'i'i. k t-. i 'i '.! In th- f .i-'ioi.t ..f Mr in , N-v- rtf.-'.ess "is ,1'd-iit, th- o; '. rvi i ; ' ' . . - t h- K-fi' I .. ' t ' "f ! I - K'-ii .-it'rie', in ;. r. hitter IrofiV. S.lVS I'l-i-.-l t ' as to uli.-' in an .'e'-f:uv-nt to annihtl.r- t - of trusts, ii'ld to ' le. .,' !! of urnt.Tt Ion." Tli." s th- Kf-tiz Z'-if une. ha-, l-d by th- i,r-sld--nrs m, b. en d: AMl'.l:I'.'A'S i . rtKATKST f.A 1 LR. A 1 Aineilca Is the po of ih- b-st i.-iilroads Itl the World, and while this n ay s.-em a broad statement. I' is ab solulely true. Stl'-h rank .-in only be gained by establishing a system that stands for perfection. This Is also line about medicine. About fifty years ago a remedy was first introduced for stomach, liver and bowel complaints, and during those years has been rec ognized as the limit of science In pie senting a perfect tn.dicin-. VA'e ilr to IfoSlett'-r's S'omaeh Hitlers. Wh-n your stomach becomes d'.-iinifc'.-d mid you suffer from Indigestion, dy-pepsia, i'atulency. nervousness or insomnia, you will make no mistake in trying this remedy. It will strengthen your stomach, purify the blood and prevent miliaria, fever nnd ague. If will surely do you good. Avoid substltijtes. WH MAT M A I : K BT. SAN FRAN'i"IH,'0, D'-c. 7. .ash. 103-Va. -Wheat, PORTLAND, Dec 7. Wheat, Walla Walla, 6P&62; bluestem, 6!1. TA.'OMA. Dec. 7. Wheat, bluestem, 2; club, 61. XKW Y"i:K. I .; Th- It- t ti orr-sp ,r.d..nt of th- I. -n l -n i'.. I N'.".i Y.ek Times s ,v.s l'.--il- i:t ?; ---..! t 's iiies.-a- to ,,-n ." h is I . ti uiiltz- I t.v the -'I-., " -!. a-i-'f Mil .- r ------1 1 atv it i- ' ;. I - f ' or. Tt- I. - mvst ixi'ismvsk im'tv Increase III riilncso Import P-ntl. illllv Solution of I'lnan. I ll lUmVnlil.-s V!:V YOliK I'.-e .' ll I lllei.iis IikIi api aii'lil. sass tin- Shanghai e.r-i-, s.,.n,li'iH .if th. t..ii..iii Times an. I York Tim. s that tVie .-an W no inn.- li ie ..hill. m .if ihe . M 'tini! illf :, n'l'.'s hi i. K U'l to .'h.n.'s.. iiii.v unli'.s ttii- ....t. ,. a -iit m. ieasii ,.f iti.- Iniim I taiHT I ii ivmii ii f.r ilrs i'i.- i'!i'ii -e v,.ii ii n ,. -HI l-liil.C'l. w .-tit 1 a'.ie- t. the '. l a ill i itl ii of (h.- I'.liin .nr'i's mi l. i 11:1 .. .I'll sy.M' I o I of .H i''' . .-ii ..f ti.. Hon.; ! i , ..f v T-.. . 'i -.i l-t .1 r.ils.. I'..- Il,'i. ii:l 1 1. 1 .i in n . .ncastin.s 1 la ... I. i n.i.. la ! .-( ..11,! Ml I 1 111 .'S .1 .11. 1 .ll'. ll. a i : .I ' hir 1K- lli'l'l'l'l'l. '. eln K. c. ll Hn c; VI I" S,.uili Vi'r'.a Piu'.l .h KV YiiKK 1 i 'ule lias ihi-ii- l" i li-.-litiii with ii cat , ; N..t f.'i n -il. It an -.i-llnils-1 I i.i Ihe wai V s a I on Ion -l;i at, h I l'..i In. -,'.i-i t utnoi s . ti..!is have l'.iil .ii- ri.r I s ar I '. In ha pin 1 l.i I" I Kit . ..n .'l '. t 'll i'f t ti.' Ti item. n , 1 ii , 1 1 ' a I - a, I l.lll'-ll'i , en ,hs r h . 'nt, ial n I a , :. i ".ll 'eel- "I It :u" il 'U the Ti .ii ;!'! i .-' t t -1 1 ll I a! s. - l.i I I..-.-.I . .if- a.l'.. I'hl. 111.--1 I, (.. I. li- l-'"ll V. -vimf-oii il.;.- Ii in Hint; f ' ,.u- , ' i i ' --.l I 'I ,.f Ma ,t i'!v un I 1 -I . i-i ! - 1 v. h ! 1' 1 1 a:', inn fiT'tS- I ! .I H.if ' : w i'.i, ., is-i-il, -I 111 ruved '.. I- in MaiiTa do I. I'll '.lit: .- i iltU I'l- - .u iv it; I .!... ir.K' in- ' t---t W !ie:i Mf ''.a"-.' vv. :i .r-i,-:. th-fni'.-l S-.t'- vv ih M !!:.. I'J. k th- eelel.ra'e I et-o ll.llll to- 'U- even Silt; w IS W.I, III In tils I'lll io l' .' ho. I'll. .lit es and -o 'a.l't-. "f t h mother ' untrv pi ,.in r If si 111 s he I-'1 I .-f Ihe Kil-.ian-l I'Utli h I"'" I w ho h on ti e . hrisi-ntinc "f ih- y-i uu- inai-irs w.i.s I, mf s., urii that a small I---I! was a- "lal'v set s.utlnk' ur "ll It a u ho lad - I o,,t h, 1 (-ii.-ss " sal-l one ,,f the 'Ives t-n -i ti w I tha' u I l stnasli. for at . . i s ,-hr:trnimt I'-'W I '"a In v hi. h li'!i.r company. ;hat l.ioth . -o ,le., h-n . .- yoiin ; uns --'Id H am t eii,.iii;h fith r s. nt a man d .an .uu !; '- -in 'ii' tin- at Itl ' tie In l,..t No External arsa T:. b -I role. . no Hon, sktti ' J" - ' c: ; t -' . T, i.tri.iM-l :!!..,!; f !'.. f t'l- i . -I I,.,; thill , -i t!,.,t , ,.- ;, the; U!.iri: ll." I-i v: i- '"-.y it -7 I 1 i'i . i,"-r, t i tie t cf ol! al you v.ili ;.; ;s-litc it:i-ni-r.strentftli 'S . I th '(:, at return';, ain! r,. tvoiism 'a atii ,nes in new rictt T.'ir" 1 I ss! f.tiic iiK.ri! rirculatii throt:;;lt t ar' , i f the f-jsu-m. S. S. S. ii the only Jjtirtly vegetable Mocd imriiirr hnowti. It ciiit.iiin no min erals wh.-tt'-vi r. f,t t' l for fitr free Ik -.1: onl e l ; :: '. '..iu oi t. i.x-5 ati'l write our ply. ician-, f-.r :.r.' r;ii..'.ii n r .'.''.vice want"! .",;,-.' -r toc'.icul n.Ivicc. THE SWIFT tcICtn: O., f-TH'.II, CA. Pleasing the Ladies lliirln the long winter evetiliurs the smoker sh.iul.l rein.-irile r th lada-s and the after tlbets ol the rlgrr We ell elgani that sre plea. lug a..d riiraut, ninny of our en stonier flu-l ej t rs ph-anii'-In tlielr evening lioine .moke. I hey e.t i.o more thaa Infe nr I, i i, and rave msny K i. as wild' Yon ny a lm WILL MADISON. POLITICAL ANNOl'NCLMLNIS. What They Think cf It THIO. HOOSt.VlU ABHAI1AM III Wil I JOIIIN WANN4MAKIH i'i in rh-'.i i: -!. it i" Ihe .llltv of . Oil Ito.'.l fill " ! n' fit ih.- i'I'.ih -in I'nloii Hi k, i laiu ni. ii. -houl I s, im' a a heuil'l 'v ,,-,, ',- io th vv h ii.lioi ate pi' ilfan h , in ih-- a liiiii'hiiallon . f munlcl ! il ,i!V if s ' S ll--ii I I. It 'll. 'li'-l s ih,' f"ie ,..,, . Iil-.. ii .1 Nor V.' Ik 'I tall t.i -,, i- hi l-al fio esii of le.m inlllti tin ) , ., Lai in.- ' it of the I any M l-'l I i.. 1 ammany is iif.... ouii 1 th it .whenever Tai'irmnv. 111.- c 1 1 lit - u I'I- . ! m, i, its I.-1I lel c nsl-lel' mi, s us M'.uls w hi- h b 1 l.vtht be! 'IK t ' I ' H l.a.lei" 'l'v v ,-iiinii-i.l I . a biisiii- ! fioi-osliloti an.l h. w hi aff. ats to the artlan s-n It ,t ii,, ,..,,;e iii a city i i.ti i ,,,,( I .-,..! illlMl" John aneain ik r ' Have ihe I - i le of Phi! i.l h'hla lost all civic filte ' ll hut Imllll'V till If l here te un ill" this community who fitly follilcn In ! ,,, I, ,1 ll,e,t .to I l. the. ,I,iii.. t o ntihi ,11 , .Ulll -t s, . ,i I T ill I. ,u ' a .'k f. rnii I " tl, it s, ill ill 6- n In e u ha! . lea ' ruliiti- :..!' Ll -1 . ill ' only those It a.Uocate w ho this If. lSiidt Ccrj,man . i i i . I--.NS nmi.-i:i: I-. M VY' tt Joseph Suprcnant Kr.lTl.l.l.'AN Ni.MlNKi: . i r ti,;:a-i unit frank J. Carney ui:ri'iii.ii' in n 'MiNi'-i: i- ...t i: ,-i m w -si ni i: H. J. Cook . 1 1 i.i:n.s - .mi s rt: A FEW INTERESTING FACTS W hen people ire , uit-tnpl itm I trip. iv.'ir;h'-r n h,n;nm ,:r pirnure, th.-jf natural y ivjti: i.e bets TVir obtainable .is far an . mf-rt an I safe y c-n-etn-.l Ktnpl v. of th WISi'i S.SN i KSTII tl. LINKS ar pa, I : rv ihe pub. o and "ir tra.m .ir-.. ,.f,a i-t to in ike t l,i i-,,n. i ,.,..,,,, w,.h j;v-rg n lln'i at :) 'junction points 1 fiiilitiaa f ila-, 9 reptng an.t Chaif intiiti cir serv'.,- tin.-x rl'-.l, M-a, I urn-til U can'. 1 in Vie. tf Ii oh a n tie fl-st.chsa er. ajik the ; ekel ,l !K f. sell ynu Y I i-k rhe Wisconsin Central lines an I V"i l I m ik- ! fio f. I", ' i- -nne.-dofii Ml i ,ni' an I ' ti's i:a: - ir.y f ir Iter ! f it-n i !!. k-: lit'! '. r -i al! on i I ivl l' JA-jA-t i'. I'ON'Ji i :-!' I', , , .'i,'""-: m -a in in r i! Ak n'. Aa'l. ' W. Til! Ill -'!'i .V ;,U ,t. i n v i ! S T 1 : 1 1 S HMI.WAV GO EAST V'A SHuRTfST fNO QUICKEST LiJiE TO St.l'aiil. lJiiliiii.Mliii!inin!is,rtili'aj;ii and All I' . is:. DAILY TRAIN'.,, KAHT TIMK; KhII VI" IC AND .-tt'KN'KKY I'N- i;j i : .v i.i-. i Through Palm-,, ami Tour : .'ieepert Dining ii n I i'.iine; Sniokaig latitat y Cars. Tickets to points Kant via Portland and th- (ir-at Noriii.-rn lly., on iale at O. It. N Tl. ker oltl -. Ailrrla. or (ir'at Northern 'licksi Olllca 111 rill-l SIRI hT, POllTDAND. For rales, folders and full Information regarding Kastirn trip, c ill in ,r td dresa A. Ii. 0. DICNNISTDN, City Pass, and Ticket Ag.-nt, Portland DYSPEPTICIDE Th arautaat aid to DIGESTION. fl A FINER fLALVEj th most healing ealv In tha worlrf ClilZLNS' TICkl-T. I lk VuU'.l (i iMiusil,i.v. Ik vvinl'vr II, I'-ii'l IS ,' lll'.KilM VN' I',, Ih e '.iinniUsioiiei - W J. t'lMilv tinl I'liller JiUke - II ll. N'lil.soN TII.'M IMMIIY Sll. el Mllliel lllti'll letll J AM IN V ll?AltNKV. ,-,,ltlli llmall. I'll it Will. I .Vi lli .' JAIII-Kllli'M , oiiin llmall. Secnn.l Want tU'.'HtiH: MillT"N' .'ouii. Iliniiii. Thlr.t Want F i' lllll'.IV ! Klil?"rtN Nol'I' K Notice Is hereby slveii. that on Ih" llth day f lv.-inb.-r. t''t. gciieiul ,-lecil.m for the -lly of Asiorla will lx held at which ele, tl-.n th- following named ottl. eis will I lecle l. to lt Mn).e. for a period r term of two vrars 'i",it the first Mom lav In Jami uiv. lf'.' Auditor and I'oll.e Jude. f"r peilo.t or 11 in of t" years fiom Ihe rttst M .ii lav :n Januaiy. t1? Superltll 'lldellt of Streets f.'r perlOil or teltll of l. yis fl " lit t M-lidav in Jutiunl I)-' I'lty Surveyor for a period or trim f vrais fiom the ntst M-tnluy Itl Jatiumy t'- ltv Tl'aurei f.r the peilo.1 iT . . l. llr.l Yl.,11. term or iwo" i"'" ' .lav 111 January. W j i.tie I'nllce i'omtnb.lotler. for a j,i.l ..r t.-'in of U vears from ll,.- itlrnt M..M.I..V Itl Januaiy i' ; un- ...uu, 1 1 1 1 1 a n f 'i th- i.rt War! ; f, a term of thr. e years from Ihe ; Hi -t M-H 'av In J.iiuiarv. !'.'. I un.- , 'oiitu l n .an. f r lb r n I Maid f 'l the t. UU i'f thi.e r,u f.!ll I'le fll t V.,.. ,1 111 J.n.uai 1 I , if. I'.nm. Itnian f.x the Thli d Wal l. f,,i th- term of iluee rats fr-tn the t'.tsl Monday In J,itiu.,ty. 1 "' That the p..!l for ald etc. tton "hull j ' be opened lit Hie hour of 9 .'' !" k tt j in un I shall remain "i.-n to the hour j ,,f I . k p tn. on sai l day. at hl- 'I ' time tln-y shall ! Io" I ' ', That the follow Inn are the places 1 . .kna'cd In ea, h ward for h-MlntC ' (he eh.-tlon therein and th- Judges I . , ........ ....I.,.. I lt,e till, I CUIUS llp II" 1 ,- . fame, to wit. ll-Klsit.i'.lon mid polllnu pteclli-t No j I. In Wai l No 1 shall Include all lhat poitloti .if the i'lty of Astoria lilnic 111 rat of lie 'V-t Pile "f Me 'lie's Aalorla i-tvelided a sultl- lent dlstulice north alid toultj io Int. i s the north .linl .otnh boiinaary un. oi ii""r of Astoria mil Ihe poiunif place i -r , ..-....-i t,-e hrill Ih- S'lom.i Mall The '...,.,. ,,,,.. ., . f,. ,,.pl ,,..imi place -hull lie Th.iinu M...fc.i. irmrlii W.I "!"'" T.uui.,-.-r n.i n.e ,.1,-iks .hull b- J A. r.istubv-t an, I I, dm ii Tib-tK lic-is'taiion mil pollitiK pi. .Iii.t No .'. In Ward No I. mil In- hide al' ihal ! portion of tin- i'lty of Vstona lyiiiK , ,eteell the east boundary I, tie of pi" elllit N" I. Olid th- ..'tiler line of ' -x I -n l. il a sun ni .H o ni- - holm j 'and'h to Int-ts.-.t th- north and j i ...nili hound iry In. a ..f the " I ' y f j Vst, I,,, and the pollln pl.o e r r i.,l I pie. Inct nhall b- i iikiii j I hoii.-- NV I. nt th me f v. in b , laud .',1111111.1.1111 i.lf-.-is The Jiidi;.-, J ,,f elerlloli at said polllliK lo- shall! be f. J lioodinan IIioiiiiis I i ullitieer i 'and i te.irije Noland. nil I the . iks. ' i . M Si unit n nd I'niil fad .'let. ! j f. k I -1 1 ii'l-.n and pollitn; fl- no t No j , m W'.nd No 1, tt In. In a- VI lhat 1 to ill 1 .11 of Hie ' 1'V ol -1 '"!!. I llllilt '.. tn. , n Ih.- "list ,o un hit y line of pi cln. ; p.. ! tan t. s'o J r. nt th- cent r bn- of ifll, Stl. e) extended Hil!. . til .!!'!- e north and south I" Int. r t tin- inn ih tied south hoiindai -, lit. of Ho rny of Astoria, and th- p l 1 1 1 : . I : . e of said pte, lint shall be engine li-lis. o til lb.' I'llv II'. II "11 th r-ttier of I - in I li and i 'otniii-ri l-il Mil-in. Till- Jll'lge t of ehctlotl fit' Sail polling place 'ihall be lleiman Wis-. '. II. stlockliii and II t: .Hughes, mid the cle r It t shall be Arthur I'lillnm ami II F. Allen. Ileglt'l ration and polling pn cli ct No. I, In Ward No. 2. shall Include all that porilon of Ihe 'lty of Astoria lyinir between the east boundary line nf nre clncl No. 3 and Ihe center line of Twenty-first street extended a sillllcl- ent distance north and south In In tersect the north and south boundary lines of said city, and the polling place for said precinct shnll be the roefti at ,nj0i Commercial street, In the Web-h block. The Judges of election for said polling place shall be C. It. Thompson, C. J. I'urtls and l. T. ier des and the clerks, Harry Oniy and John K. Oralko. Ileglslralloti and polling uei Inu Nu. In Ward No. 2, shall Include nil thai portion of the City of Asloilu lying between the east boundary line nf pre cinct No. 4 ami the east line of Ihe J. M. Hhlv"ly Donation Ijind f'lalm ex tended a stilllclent dlslnnce north and south to Intersect the north ntul smith boundary lines of the 'lty of Aslorlii, and the polling place for snld precinct shall be engine house No. X The Judges of election for said polling place shall be Carl Uocntgcn, Henry Hoc and I...., nil, I I tl. 1'1,-IR", .mini ,.1 III I III K..i. jr. nii't A.bilfli J"lin'"i llejUliallon mii.I I'ollliiK in-ciuel N'o, il In Wat I N I'"'1'"1" 1111 "",t ,. of Cltv of .tit... la IM 1,,-tw , Urn eanl hoiili.laiy Unn of m- .Hi,-,. No t mil 'he if bouii'bitV "f lli I'Hy of AhI.h In nlt l Hi" I'.'Ulult fla.r III .'al l I Ill' I "llall "' I , , h.'ime III A. bill AnH'llll. 1 ho lii'U. of election for aal.l foiling flue I .hull bellu-l ll 'lniea. i'i e.l Wi tin.t i ltiiil... lii.l lai.l. an.t the .I'lH" I. H, bollel l ull.t t'le H l'l"ll The Jii,Ik' (til iiienilon. .1 for ra. lt pollltii; l-liice hall be i halrniati uf I lm Ju.lii." i:.i,h elector ur the illy "hall vl oiilv wllhln the fieelucl In which lis i,.l..i an, I In which he l r.altrir.t a a hereinafter frovl.le.t II i: N'Kt.inV. Aiiilltor an.t I'nllee Ju,tgA. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA KIV1R HAILK0D. m.w IMKVIAMI s IK Ml !'' lirtl,-l I ii on I n-i t : i i in I Ki,r a. I it ii. I W I I II le a m 1 v w p in A V . I II I 4 at t i I'-rtUnil i.d vv y n to . , I'e into ii t' i i lu a p i K .- Il' l'l I'luN ft. tit .lnri.f-r W ti ,, -iti. tn. it. want, .iti si Mini. .v i',-,i It sin iitoiiil and A.itiiia f l'. a nt i a.1.1.' ho A arreiitoh, i Wan.. lai a . Ilainm "d lot V ' a III ' str.r and A.t.'tia s Hutiday o'ly. H'la I iv m In t m I ) (si l m ' isl p in v a m All Iral-a niaka cl.uia conn.-ll n at i), i tiia wuii a l Nor i hat n I'si-lltn trains to and from Ilia I.d at and Mount poinli J f M A T ' . tl-n'l Fta'shi and faasangar Anl. .Portland - Asioria Hodc. STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." I .illy It utid Trlpa fi-epl Hiinday. riMt C AMD f rfati l - Atoi a 7 a T P in. m. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAIIOMA." H ; ,,- f .r'lun.l. The liailca and was r.'itr.s lIMk CAItO le-av.s I'ortlatiJ. Tusday. Thursday and Hi u dai a at 7 a. in. i Arr.iva Tb Isvllrs hi tain. dy. Ip HI ! I -e. . o .... i,. - I.... i-,.n ilia I'uiiri. nuniajra. .1 v iiiw .Ian ", Kri.Hy, al J a in. Arr ve, I'ortlAii l. asm .lay, i p. nv Tti.i r uto haa t'i (randeat avenlc al lis, tl 'tis on earth In lln Foot of Ai.b-r airrsp llolh fh lira Main lit. A J T A Yt Ml Ast Antorla v'Vllil' ii. riJ-l.""N. A-!. Tha Hall. I fit a ril i! li i rt A TiN KM. Afts l.4 liiv-er I Wi il.."i lti A WTKItft. Ads Whl'S Ha i in n. J r IWITT. Al Vanv.ajvsr. ! y. W t Itl'MI I'n.N, At I'orllaml. I OREGON Shot Line and uriior Pacific iTIM i: in:i) I "pari t'l.ltH Arrlvi Portland I hlc iif o I'-nlan I H;-" ill li "a a iii. Salt I rik- I env.-r. I'I, Worth, i una , hi. K mi as i '.! I 3D p in. St l.oina, I lilceg ii nd l'!.it I S lit I. ik-. lietiv-i Kt. Worth, lima ha, Katmaa "I t jr. HID a. in Mi le'tm, i 'ha- g i itid Kasi. Wall t Wall" lliiUioti, H(.i. ,kane Miiio-npoll, H' Paul. Dilliilh 7 00 a. m MH lllkee. ('hi-: cngo an, ICasi ' I v it Until- lllKtotl All.intl,-lipr.-sa v ..a , tn vi i 1 1 nut -'liKt-n : Hi, Paul 1 l'"a'i mail tl p in. via Hiokti. 72 hunts from Ponland Io Chlo-Hi). Nu ('hang,! of Cars. Oi'KAN AND IllVICn HCIIIOUULB From Aniorlii All ailing' da'- " subjeel to change 1 K,,r Han Francis. ' ro every five days 7 a m. . ('oliiinhla Itlv.r 4 u. in. Dadvrx- .To Portland and mc ct'iil Hun. J Way Ijindlnga. ! Monday Hieamer Nnholta leaves Aslnrta on tide dally, except, for Ilwaeo, ciitie.-tltig lltere with trains for Ioni lliiich. Tlogu and North llnich polsl. Itt iiii iilng arrives nt Astoria same even lug. (1. W. I)l!NHIIKHItY, Agent. Astoria. A I. CUAIO. iletietiii Passenger Agent, I'orllind, Oregon, I heto tiny Cipiulei ire tuporiot to Haltam ol (.opaiua. . Cubeb or Injoctiona nilMirr CURE IN 48 HOURSVUr tha tame disease! with- out inconvonienca. il 1