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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1901)
Till: MOKNINC; ASTOKIAN, Sl'NDAV, DU.MUHM 8. 1!K)1 A TREAT FOR EPICURES Wit ifi..f.l it xlill iix iil lnluy fnun lli Niillniiul III., nil r . . n. niKiiiiu ..r iiK'ii ri n I ' n (. I M.i.lll III, nil, il ii Hiiiii, I I) Nil' l'l lH. .IhIiIIih i'i. Minx, II l'l. 'l'l Wt.l.'.., I i ii Ui'i' Null, i.m i.r him ViiHt-v, A hii-iiI itiitiiv if (In.' if if hi I i'IIih r hu ,.il 11,111 , if.,. Ill mil.-i l,i i,f,'i ,ni all lii'liin' tin HI l,i i, in ,. . t hi in p (JOIN(i TO VIlKllllll, Ml I'll I, hlu- ii i ,n k in, '' . 'IIiiii 'l'i ii, AIImmIh mill Aiinw IIhiiIn. ,in I TUB HUM. Unccdit SocIii'm ii Zu Hiuipn 1111(1 OvMtcrct tCM, for I',' I .u. ktiK" I',, n't ntlaa I lilx i ..,,i I ii ii 1 1 v ROSS, IIICJCJIMS tt CO. 5 Cts The Morning Astorian TKMOPIION HI. NtfTIi K TO AIVRKTIHKIIH. - Chang of r,v inuat rxch the bual nr olfir by I i m. to our p imiraiii' In lite following morninf dlllon. TliU ruin will g.ivarn nil I" mi tvrll'iiirn!. ei-rp!ltt; r,ln TOIAV'H WBATIIKH. MHTI.N'I, In-i- 7. f-K"ii ait'1 W'nnhliiKi,.ii. nliiiMrra, Idaho, ahowi-ta In Ihn nurtliTii iHirllmi awl iln "t kitou In IIk- a.iiillui ii 'ifl AROUND TOWN. Call in at ii Ml fr your fl ril!r Diclila tr.m:ly lmi IS-,iu iiijI --Idalng Hun laurani. U ' --nimn ri-UI lrl- lira- 'air,nU It 'lit" lii.luatrjr an I buy your In. I, hay an.) grain al Oaalnu'a mill. HKHT IM'KNT MKAI. : HI'S IlKHTAUHANT. IIISINU "I Jriinal i I ir nit I'ull at up -t.- la lirra HuUlvan." (lip matke: Ilia flnrat leant H,,, eryht t!i IV I.n-nt brbr ah'p f-r Three flral-c'.aaa tar- II l ay In udvrrtlar," aiiyaMr, II, -r- man Vlai Kip ,,ulnr , l,,ihl,-r f ihla lly. 'I ran . iIip iIIi.m-i H-tuma from II In my Inrrraapil 1,11 1, within Hip laal inulith." Tmlny Hpv. ar Oat rum will ,irm h In Hip Klial Lullirinli cliur, Ii, Knat Aalmla TIip limmlng rrvir Mill ip III Hwmliali unit In Ihp rwtilng In Kng-llah. TIip A K C. Ipvpii furl Mti-vnia Imin m nftrrri-Miu In a rxturn t-ruM.I ulll go m-pr on ih I'Iip gntttt I'mtiiliN-a t,i u- Will IIH-(-t llP 1 In- -il ihla mal.-li. TIip nxin Irnln, f lntt-i.nt TIip rVinh lnil ..ti!a Tmtriu, i'ii,iiilti T'H f r In. .ntr,.-. ,t. n id, llur y. mi nluy S. tmn 11 It.) t,ul r' ,,f iili-ut fur n- T..n S.,mli ,f,. ,n, nlu,-, nt I'D If, (hIipii ,i Hip Kliuii v v,!.""' li-ro aoitio ilul.illi Mill In- 'Irlvi-n fur Hip Co IhiiiMii lllipr I'ii' Iu'im An liitl'in, V,-.ii,.,iiy wim phi I 'lliiKly n, mi, I 1I111I11K Hip iiuly i-vi-iilni? lln-ri' win nil I111 -biii1 il,r,wi,,iiir I'-.r l.alf nil li.iiir iIip rnln uiiiu- il., .n In n iinm iht Mini Imlli iili 'l 11 il-!un in, 'I v, 11 n. I Al''luna rpKunh-d lln- uli-in-r llli lnpi(l. iKTi-mlxr ,tuiiim-M In lip h ii t. l,niiliir In ill" innilir i,f ,l I IllllllH'lll, "Hi lllllll-lll '1!!' I' w 1 J. .Ini"-. 11 la 'l Mil, ti I III n- : f 11, ,-ii,!iikI) '. Tin- r-iiimy Kiurt lina i,nf yp ap ,iilni'"l 11 in p',r tn Juail. p nt iIip 'i , p llinwi-r, wli'i fpn,, ti-, I1I1 rplf null, in 11 fi-tv iliiya nu'i. In lilx ii rlKim i,, 11 Ju.lifp ii'i'r r,l"tn Unit liu nlll Iip nlmi nt In H.iiithi tii Or-K'l 1ur I11K tin- (in-iilpr putt of Hi" ii' ' thnP ni,,illia. unit iip rriin-alp,1 tluit Ma am tpaanr Im- Iiiiip'I at oil)' IrlM '-'l n IH 1 1" Imril lin k on tirr Inxt trip 11ml Iiiik Iippii lifM up pfii'lln-j j lli-lni-lil of Hip lull 1 1, l'. Win 11 aim aiill- j p'l fr',111 III" il" Juii'lro Ciipliiln Julin ,,n liml or'liia lo iirnii-p'l tu Tul'iil. i'IiIIi', wlii-rp Ii vm- ri.i'i''l i, nirn'i iin nlti-,1 tin- nlilp. A' "nlltiKl. vil li, I 1I1111I11K li, lwp,-n fonlKn porta an ii., ii'iulriMl tu i-i:urp limltti puppra, 1 hi- Ijiilnn r in kI'" Ip'I to provPln lu-r-h. If Mlih u Mil from Hip AiihtI' an ! r, rinl ul lie,. ArrlviiiK ut Taliul . '', lulu J,,l,riM) 1 :. - '-! urili'ta lo J i,,.,,. 10 Axtoilu, in onl'-r lo Iiiivp inplli-il Uli 111" I'nltp'l BUilia n-K-j u In t I'Mia. Iip MnuM Iihvp lipi-n corn l I'-ii lo 1,111111 to Kin. thcrp apiurp u Mil of h'lillli in, 'I Hi, 11 romp to Oil port. Iwputy fiilli-rtur I'urki-r u of Ihp oiiliiloii (hut It woiil.I In- unjum to Iin p,,w a fli"' III tl"' rum- of Hwi jillm,-r uij.I a,, r,.,-,,inlu, ,, 0 to th- l-pftrl-iii'-tit. Tl"- r- oiniiK inlatlon tvua ulc 'oni t haa ! mliti ! thn-p r-ka bko an. I If tin- lull i'iiI'I.HN'T IIAVK TOOj IT. J If In-il t,ft,l li'hnif I'llrti. Th-y'ro I'-irllily iirmoylriK, l,t llu, -lili-n'a Ar nlr HiiIvp v, 111 rurp Hip wotat rna of plli a on intrih, Il liaa cur,-0 thoijnivmla. Kor Injurl'-a. iiIim or lio-llly pruplloim 1 It'a Hip Ix-Bl wilvc In tli worl'l. I'rP. j i.'i- 11 liox, ' 'nr,- K'liir.iiit,-,!, Hol.l ly j Ifart a InmJor-. IlKAI- KHTATI-: TIlANHr'KllH. W. r. Mi 'in-K'-r. loliioiiii-iriilor, to Anna llom-ii'inlat- lot 1, In M.,i k Ml, A'lalr'K Axtorlii I fiwiir ''. faawpll 1111, 1 w!f- to Wm. M. lirny 1-Vi; n-ra In ap.-tlon V., T " N. II 7 V Max-Ai-ll Voiitik mi, I wlfp lo Win. M. Urny- uivlli 1,1-1 hulf nt V) hi tp In ai-i-tlofi 2:!, T H N, II 7 W iHiiil'- of On-ifon to Win M. I'.rnjr In acrpN In a'-itlon T X N, II 7 W TIip T-'k.- I'.-lnt nyiipr Ii in, l-ar-.t to ui",lv r f.uii.'ii T 'k- l' i lit iv. ial,-ia it ah) lilo-i It, 11 I a'ylP. an I . i::v 11 h 'iniii,-r. U' : : w f.r tin- J, . ji!-.,' ,i.l).,iini.., for thp tprm, ImWPM-r, with out nainliiK a -w Juallro. Thr npw atrainrr Jonlun, fpipfitly ronairtirtr'l In l'orllan-1 for IIip fn! Irmlpr Tranaportatlnn 'oinniny, ar rlvpil ilown thp rlvrr yppri1u- ant nroippiM lo Knnpptoit, whi-ro nln- la h-Mna- nitP'l out, Tip Jor'lnn lina Ix i-n liullt lo tan,llp thp company grow HiK Imalriraa. HIip la a flnp lno,-l nit l lur ownpra r,prl inurh f Itpr. In-klNi-tnra IMwanla ami Kull'-r will I ,lon Tiira,ny to Inapprt tin" l" W l"'t Tlo-y HI prolmlily nlao Inaprrt thp it-niiiPi- Klypr. Tit- llnnl aamra in Hip ''iimn-rii lul 1 "Itili hnnllinll tMiiimiiiiPltt '"' plavp'l In. I pmiiIi-.k. l-n Mill" mi'! 1 M'T ,l,-fiiii.,l Alli-n mil Tu' 11'- In two 1, ill ,.f tlnvp Km"'-" I'"' '"! wiip ; :- :i i mi.i :i-n. ti.,- t.-mii Uioi MiiliiK anvp Alln ami Tut 1 1- flil i,.i--. Mill" "' hipr "Pro'i-I l 'i" '. (. t lina-r wlklira In priHwl to ft, a ah Mill not Iip (I'-IhIiimI. TIip d'lmrt-nu-iil'a ih ' laloil la nu!t"l with Inli-r-i-l. ua ti ulll ratiilillah a pf-i ,1-nt. 1 tln r almllnr rna-a bavr rom up al ihla port, 11ml uaually a flnp of .Vioq liim Ix-i ii linpoKi'l, though th- il'-part-in" nt m-Moin M-rmlttpl tin, flm- to kIiiikI. l')0 IV) HAVKrl TWO rT.oM I'DATIf. AVHATH YOfll KA'M: WoKTII? Hoini-llniPa a fortuiip, hut iivvi-r, If you have a milloH' compli-iloii, n J 11 1 n -,, p, look, in,, tli put, h'-a ari l Moirh-- ,,n tin- Kl in all nlgn of Iimt trouMc llut In- King" a Npw I.lf.- I'IIIm glp rli-iir akin, roy rlu i k. rl h r..rn.!i ..n (inly I'.-- lit Hurt " In ugNtui-.-. "Our lit tl- iliiughi'-r h.i'l an ulmoat , fatal atlark of whooping rough and liroiii-hllla, " wrlti-a Mr W K. Havll- : ' nl. it Armonk, N. Y . ' I,ut, w hen all j i other rerun! Ira fulM, aavtd hpr j ' lira- with yr. Klng a N- w Iilarovpry. (mr ttl'-'p. who hail oimumptlon In an 1 ' u'lvntirpil atugp, aliui ua'l ihla won.ler- 1 ful mp'lli Iiip a rid today r-hp 4 pprfpet- ; ' Iv wi-ll." Iifp-rati- throat and lung dlppnwn yield to It Klng'a New V rovery h to no other in'-dli-lne on, nrth InfiilllM- for Cougha nr.d Colda. 'k- nd II tp,ttl'' guaranti ed by llatt a Iirii-T-'ori-. lK.tlli-a free. Ti UH"M IT MV '" -S"KV.S. I. TIip pp,iom- lll.- I.i I'., 1 I 1 ' ,i 1 1 1 1 v . uhlilt hna l, n ,.,n iiiiring Ih- g.ilt-a, v ua ' m, iiklng .,r,l r n .1 ,lm .., raarla tti-lr ri ', Tut li nln k liaxlng plr ImtN rlt-nlng ,1 III 1 II i.rtmg rlghlP.1 Tli. 1 .1I1. 1 'li-i.-liind and i'ii-,-ll tli ,i -, .lll ,-i ,il,le mi. 1 1 mid It l i, '' ' .-rli-a "f gnoi" '''III I 1 a - Hi,. ' nil- Win ii a M.iinan i-t.,'.pa no a 'ineihlrig on Hi,- lloor, ah'- alMa) a hulaiii:,- li,'ii-i,-lf "I extelid Hie olln-r outward : ,ii, e 11 ' oiinli-r,-,-.' I ll1 la ti, if ii, , and hna n,- 1 r 1 1 r I Ii k to why one f .ot, rid li,k a t,u. i"t 1-.fl ,11 faUn- v, I.I fit Ih- h a'!Ktairi-, drtV'-ra. on fii.-l,,nly int ,-r,-l.--S--W Vo-k l'ri-it-i. 'Winn: man thinki- vki.iw. Japan-wa g"-la of all kHi'l". rhpap al i.'tr Y'.k.'liani IlaM-tr. tli Co-iint'T-.-lal alrcpt. The Urltlah ahlp Trrld"ii I'M UP H" liver yeatpiday to -Ua loutfe Hip bal nitip of her i-oal -rargti. In y,u ani k'T Tty a "Hanatal Hill than." ttw nrKat ll-,a'il iff on in ntark't 8, 'Id rvery wlif. Judge Mi Htlde will pol l ,in ii.lj.itirn r.l a al.itt of the 1 In tilt r inrt 111 Ihla , It - i-.,nitiiein lug toiii.irri'W. l',l.!i IHatl'-r. a nutlve "f Pll nlaiid. na nduiltted to 1 ltlt-nahlp In Hi,- ii.ttnty -mrt yeaierday. Mr llityttrig, teprraeiillng I'lwr.l A M.,ri "o. of Aatoila. In lon iiit'idtv I'.ilrlliiittel' tf v ,11 nt Ii X M nod . alah "d "r ,,'.!i.r '""! I-.-ph ii' K'-i!y, th' ! infer nolo I'1' n.- tiUek I'ha'l'-a it"n and I" rank M.-iiney, ,., la. uiti-nded (he hull Itpf Sat- ui-l.iv iiIkIiI I'lttliliinit-t 0,t.'tle- A pl.-a-.nnt lli.'ilght till" wl weather llertinin Wle tnkea off the tegu lar prl.e mi all rain in.u'kliitoahoa Tin- Herman hark Taip-lil'-k la In the oiling with I'll-. I M Vl. ii- iilamt'l. She la out lPi dna fi tin ilnu.liUI'g. rair.iiii, hmn Indua'.ry by mnkltiR tl,,- "l'lld' "f At r'n" elKr. fliu-at m i le M iiiula. luit'd by Mai-Faibmp Knoli'l lluy your atilt and oveii-,,al at Mer man WlMe'a big aiore. Il glvea a tault ,,r otenitat free with every 'en Mtlla or ovrrronta. The I'p-To 1'ate pliolii atuillo will Im o,en for btlalneaa III a few diiy tl KH Tenth atreet, two doora abovit Aa totla rinvlttga Hank. The IlKliHtouae tender I'oluinblnn yeaterdiiv took on at Klinore'a bunk era a largf iiinntlty of Franklin i-oiil for Tillamook rook. CntinlV Tntaaun-r Tliomp-ion baa fuinla on band to pay nil vvarronta la aupil in the general fund end 'ndora'd prior to A4TH 7, I MO. Cr'um pure rye, Amerlflu'i flnia'. whlky. The only purg;-l; guar anleed ileh and in!loiv. JOHN 1 I'AIU-fON. (Jul. Ag-'nt. The Aalorla Hox Company hna pur chimed nil of the apruce loga that the Saldivn Itogglng Company had un bund. t'ntblainet Oiuutte. John A. Montgnm.'ry hna opened hup ai 421 H'ind itr!-". 11P1I la prepared to do all clani'a of plumbing and tin ting it lowe't poaillile rat.-a. Iloalyn coal lain longer, ti cleaner and makes lea trouble with itove and hlmney fluei than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent; telephone I3H Ilathi for ladlea at tha Palace Bathe. Private entrance on alJe of building. Hhnp open on Sunday mornings for ihlnea and bathe. Davla A Corbett. proprietor-. Wui'-r i-.,iiiumt-ri al, mind that Tura.Uv. lie Ho- l.,i ilnv on Mhl'h lain In unbr lo nv,i, Hie "f per it-nt. whl. h l hvna rd aKulnat d'-linirnla lo old I P'tll. Mill I-- lo jay u uu-r litilly hnig- Aiidltt,r NeS.oi ofTt'-e loim.t ro evening Im-Imi ,,f 7 mi l ? f"r the . r The auditor to boll any mrt ,i a In riff miinbei I M l-il Ih.- utli e ti.11 agte-d to ,.i,. in..le 1 hanee iroijp It riuminer, of San Krun i la. o, ownrr of Hip i.aik lii rry M-.r-te. hna liren In the t-lty fr a few ,l,iy liiaklnv arrangeiiienla .v It ti Hie Alna ka Ktahprmrn'a Parking ''niniany for , hni tt-r 11 x eaat-l. i The Nornegliiti ateantablp Tiger, 1 I'm, lain Arentien. rb-an-d yeat.-iday ! r..f ilimh,,, Miit, t-.i i-'t t.imti.-ii ,.r I Mhel ' lilted HI ""l,Vl She la I.Vlllfc III Hip 1'itvpr harth r aHiildiik' tin "I'-l-o I unit y to get to am. I .-any a il ,.f It pr & iSi'd't P-r-fiiniti In bdil.t atfl bulk ,a'o I'm in.b IVrfuin , lAit'ler". M.i'b'r an I fnrn.1'. lot', an a-a,r:ntit of Itiih 11a iltiieU. Ctierry Ukraom. M.VMik 1 ' and ntht m - a'lina I! ii 1 K, -tn, tnliet thai ut toe, -till, ! noire I nu j-retii-nl Mould 1h l.v 11 aiuoki-r than a Mill l,e i,,ell n tin- houra , onvenlenre of vol had determine. I itisht ea,,na, but . ,f voiera are unable j during the day. he - . ih.. worklngtnen The H,ok w III In- , i-l.iKp.l tomorrow rilitht. The number of j i-egiatra'lona yeaterday puaaed the , inntk and It la rn.w etpert.-d that Hi' j i.' mat k will lie pnaat-d The tolnl nimtltpr nt the rlom- of Imalneaa yealer- .lav waa K'lJ Till-, la a gratifying allowing, a a It waa i-.'"t-.d tha reglatratlon law moiiI-1 great ly redti. - the number of voten The wind blew- mid the rain pouted ,l',in. but that III lift hinder the peo ile from i-oiigregiitlng In Weafa ball lat Satiiidnv evening ii,af,Ue.a.le ball given .. ,.M of iulllia Till.'-. limit roiiatermilliiii mux felt by the friend-, of M. A llogarty of 1-xlngton. Ky.. when they aaw In- mb turning1 yello-. Ilia akin alou ly changed color, 1 alao hla eyea, and he auffered terribly. Ilia malady waa Yellow' Jaundice, lie wna tteaied by the bent do. tora. but Mllh.itit IhiiiIH. Then he una advlm-d to tty i:it.-lrl.- Hlttera. the wonderful' Hi. una. h mid I.lver remedy and he Mtli.-d "AYt.-r taking two bottle I; muk wholly cun d '' A trial proves Hat f itmicbleaa im-rlt all 3t.nnarh.Uver 1 and Kl,lii. y trouble, only J-.-. Sdd , by Frank Hart. Prugglnt. I r'--'t!-.!i'.l" f.,r dam- l.y ip.irii-', th'lr load .tiimer'-'ftl 're-t le- lM, . n Tenth and Fo irt erith atreet .I'irlt.g Hip time that repair are, tplng ma I- ,,n cat I atret-t. J. K WHIT, (.r.trarlor. NOT1CK TO VOTKRS Tie unl -rsig:-,.-l her -by pUc-J hi ninie before ttulillc a a candidate for th ofTl -p oi atree; sup rint-ndent. , to be flllf 1 at the ect'.Tn IWember IL 1401. anl reap-c'fully ask the 'upport of tiie public. J K. WIRT. CHRISTMA We Have Been Thinking of YOU and CHRISTMAS. Wc !mv(( filli'd Utli of our BKi STOUIvS with all kinds of useful, oriiuiiH iiliil and protty jroodn. Vc luiiiirlit tlit'in with utiiifist caro, with the intention of wiling (hern to YOU without tnkiiif,' your lust ci-n. W'e have Jewelry for your niaU-r or somebody cl.nj's si.t;r. ' I'rtttv Toys for the little oiks at little price;', Be, lOc, ISc and up Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Fine Hose. Purses. Col lars, Cuffs, and Lots of other thirds of similar uses for the folks at Home. Plated Silverware for the Table, and for Presents, at very low prices. Dress Goods, Silks. Yelvets and Nice Table Linens make NICE PRESENTS. hanahan's MHKTIS' 1 NOTICE. The Holiday Season I.i near at hand and our preparations this yar are Immense. W have the largeat atock of fine cuttlery, crockery, sterling itlverware and novelties in the city. Walt for our Chrlstma display. NOTb'K. Notlo l h.r.-by given that the an nual meeting 0 the ockV,o:d- ra of the rv.lumbU River Pick-m Aaclit!on m-111 be held at the office of th- corn- j There will be no room for Americans p.iny at Astoria, Orego. on December j n Westmlnater abbey at the corona th. 19tl, at 11 o'clo-dt a. m , f .r the ' uon, as King Edward' relative are purp ise of el-ct'.ng director and for au coming to ee him on that occasion. auoJi other bulnea as miy properly be Mall and Expre considered. Ity order of the prwld -ni, OEO. H. GOR'lE. Se-?retary. FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY of i leal- IbiMiila rlgara W. th. iii pill ti)i In mni, II anted I, v pei mlli' for the h. ill, lav trade, and examine tli, 01 l'..arl X- I o '.ill Mr II lliiab-ni. of Aalorla. spent Stlii.biy In 1 atblatnet. We unlerMnttd (bat Mr. Ilnlem to remove hla family It.-te. and will orrnpy the h.'ilte 11, hi oieupled by Itev. V. A Arnold, aim lll lenioM- Into J..I111 Weat'a re- lilellie -I'll I Ilia lltel lliiaette. Today the Itev Harold tl-tg will preaetit the following aubjei-ta lo lilt .-iiligregnllolia III the MelhoilN h At 11 n in.. ' Prlfta." lit 7 ri p in.. The Hut tie of lite Slaia " Ppe.lnl mtl ale liitt be.-it prepared for (he even ing Ni-nl.-e. The paillea Interested In the rebuild ing of the riaisop mlllH Mill arrive In the eltv toinoirow night. The rhaniber of I'omtlierre ronimlllee will ronaitlt with the inlllitieii and inemttera attld IiinI night they thought the mat ter would be put In ahnK at once. We have received :'00 lloxea Pnncy Table Apple. Call and select a box now while wc have 11 large ts Hortment. You will bo pleased with this Mock. JOHNSON I : HOT 1 1 K US. The annual moillng of the roltim bin Itlver rueker l.m oceura tomorrow afternoon, when otllcers will be elected for the coming year. A. H. Ilntttniond, ptvaldenl of the association, la expected to arrive In the city to morrow morning to attend the meet ing, t The opening of tint Commercial Club's new bowling alleys, which was achfdiilcd for Monday evening, has been postponed until Wednesday even ing. The oflleers of the club have made extensive preparations for the enter tainment of the member of the club and their wive on that occasion. Contractor Mattson and Hiiggbloom arrived In the city yesterday from the Lewi nnd Clark, where they have completed the work of repairing the Lewis and Clark bridge. The Arm's nlledrlver wna brought to town and to lak,- In th,- ; tin b-r the una- , 1 Ottlllta Tribe. No M. I H- 1 M Ktotn far ami !:ear they ram.- to f . n)oy the great event and w Ion Hie, giand march waa 1 ailed ut 1 o'.WU the ball "Ut a now. led t-' Its u'ntoat : .iil-a. Ill Tin- music w.ia furnished j by Ih-- ,'oUtmblu orchestra of AmI-tIt . ; hlle 1'. J I'urtla. as prompter, did hliiiM-lf lusll.e I'.-ifeet order waa mnlnialne-l ihiotighoui the entire riming, and nothing orrinr.-l to mar lite I tt a -tl I---5 of the dance. .t-.uhl;iniet 1 '.ni.-t te I'. Ilo.hon. mni of the Ill-fated. Ki.n. h bark Ernest Iteyer, arrived In.' ri.iilaii.l yesterday, and reports that, the v.-ss. l Is na. 1 1, ally uninjured and 1 resting easy on the bench, with her I -tern In the yulniiult river, nnd wlih ' her bow faring the s.-a All of her top- I luiini.ei- la still slan.llng. and there Is j a possibility of her ultimate rescue, j The vessel has I'-.'si tons of ballast , uU-.ii I. itittl it Is Ih-, tight with n 111 lie I the t"' hatnp-p towered and the ves- j wo'k mint, of this ,1111 be discharged, j 1 i-nl'e.l snfelv Into n bnynn few j hundred feet ill:iit:t where there Is a -i foot of water. After this has1 been a- omidlshe.l II reinnlns to tie , ., ti win tin r a suttlelently deep chan- , ti. l ,-iin be itiv,it-eii across u'e o n- to , the s,a The mnttt-r Is ttw out of the bunds of the owners, and Henry Hew. 11. acting for the uiulerw rli.TS, ; has taken the mntter up. The Reyer j was on the sands two days before tie news reached tne outaiue. New books have been received nt the public library as fulows: The I.lon's Whelp, by Amelia llarr; The Crisis, by Winston Churchill: Prl and I. by Irving Pibheller: Blennerhnssett, by I'hua. P I'leln: Circumstance, by 8. Weir Mitchell: Cuptiilti liavenshaw, by It. X. Stephens; Klnn, by Rudynrd Kipling; Told In the Mills, by Marsh I!. Ityuii; Taiho. IUib and Vixen, by Ernest S. Thompson; Rupert Crown, by Harold Ma.-.lrath; The Eternal Cltv. bv Hall Cnlne; Master Chrls iion. by Marie Corelll; Cardinal' Siturr Hox. hv Henry Harlnnd: Man Ei out Olengari-y, by -ltniph Connor: i"nrdlgan. by Robt. Chnmbers; Pnrllng tons, tiy Elmore E. Peake: Ruling la slons, by Henry Van Pyke: Truth lr ter. bv SMnev McCall: Laiarre, by Mary Catherwood; Helen's Ilubles, by Jno. Hnbberton; Monsl-mr Renuralre, by Hooth Tarklngton: Toting nnrhar liins, by Inn Mnclnren; The Cavalier, by Oeo. W. Cable; Pan Michael, by Henryk Slenklewlcs; twell Com plete Poems; Scopp'a Comnlete Ptema; Itnncroft' Ulster:' ft a volume. The Hrltlsh ship t'ntlm,-r nrrKed down the river yesterdav with a grain cargo for the United Kingdom. The treasury department ha not yet made n ruling In the cane of the Tjiitlmer, which arrived hero without the requi site bill of health. The vessel exper- X.-lle, holdlllK dorse. I pilot to I res.-nt the pntne hereby ulv.-n to all parties tsoi. eotitity wtirrants en- ' April 7th. 1:m. to 1 the roiinty treas- Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIST. Ul t-n- It I I iivini tit dale. I i;gl!i-! I I'll I- I. hi- 1 1. "ire Ml T. Interest cea- nth stnvt for eg after this : Page Building, Aatjrla. Or. II. t Tib MI'S. 'N. .'.unity Trensurer. ii-gon, this 9th day . VM. J.A. FASTABEND; GENEItAtj CONTRACTOR j AND BLII.DKR. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY Telephone 121. DRAY1NG AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our Care Will Receive Special Attention. Andrew Asp, firii Iiler, l!irijitk ui tmttkw FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship 11 Steamboat Repalrlng.Generat Black smithing, Flrr.-Clas Horae Shoelng, etc, COSfiER TWELFTH AND CUAjU: STS 1 No. 538 Duane St.. Astoria. Ore. W. J. COOK, Mgr Res. Tel. 113L C. W. BARR DENTIST Mansell Building. 5T3 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OB. TELEPHONE. RED S06L Sweaters Sweaters SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE $3.50 and $4.00 Yalue, Choice for -..r.. TaiiC!.1. ... 4 e '.lu'-.-S V t. '-"ii"'--V .',:,il ,l. 'nt,.: -,S'-V ,.l. .; "Wfifsljl-,;; CAUTION ! Before you buy a stove or range examine tne '"i "1 T a Hoyal Ch3Pler Oak Better work, less fuel and la bor, and la; longer. Price reasonable. W. J. Scully, 431 BOND STREET. Between .Ninth and Tenth I Plain colors'and all sorts of combinations-Wcol and Worsted. LOOK AT THE LINE OF $10.00 Suits displayed in corner? window, values that can not be equated elsewhere. DANZIGER THE PAIACE COMMERCIAL ST Finest Restaurant in the City Kt'gultir Meals 2o cents Sunday Dinner n Spocinh y W. W. Whipple EVERYTHING THE MARKET AFFORDS 8 Our first shipment of 1902 Wall Pa per Just arrived and more on the way. You Must Look Before you can see our new coloring and design, the Ideas are as bright as a summer morning, and suited to every kind of room and style of fur niture. There Is nothing prettier on paper than these varied designs. Give us a call. C. M. CutblrtH ASTORIA. No. 127 7th street; 'phone 2085. Deadly Narcotics Any honest, tntellgent druggist or physician will tell you that narcotia poisons, auch as opium, henbane, deadly nightshade or oocalne and mercury are and tiava been since the Dark Area used In all Pile Medicine, and that such medication really perpetuates Piles. Verus Pile Cure ie not a relic of the Dark Ages, henoe contain e no narcotic or mercury. J5000 REWARD If a trace of any narcotic or mercury can be found in Vera. All other Pile MedieJnea contain narcotic or mercury. Deny It If you daxe, moaabacks. 150 REWARD If Verus fall to cure any case of Piles. Worst eases cured wldh one box of Verus1 and no delay from business. Over 10,000 permanent cure in five years. FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING TWENTIETH CENTURY DRUGGIST: Charles Rogers. I The Conn Drug Co.