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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1901)
Telephone Main Ml. TERMS OP srnSCKIFTION rAJI-T. ..M'si .. (frit y n"". Pr ",r Unt hv mail. Pr menih Prred by crrter. per month... WEF.KJ.Y. Hl hv mail pr year. In Jvn.. I. " ot v mu. j The AfT'n nint t.- Its a.1''-"-the Unr-st citvuUtl.w f v .wrPer r-MlHM on th Columbia rlw. REPORTERS ( AND REPORTERS- The Orenmian wV to place H correspondent In a false Ugh erenee to th tory sent " concern Inn th eperlenr of th British lp Nelson. The Portland rrr It alay anlou that fome assuranc be given and among newapapermen ha a -deserved refutation for ih sort of busine. Th flrrt report received In Astoria wa to the eff-ct that the Nel n had turned turtle. rarrvlng her . mon to the bottom. This report was Imme-Mdtelr ent out hv ror-ewn.lent for afternoon netc Mr,n well a hr the Associated Press correspondent. It was o'clock whn th" roort rmf and. there ..oemed no dnuhl about the lo of vecl. the recort wa rot then veri fll Tv1."d. the hour s o 'ate th-it verify to"l was ImrxwIMo for th.' evenlne papers outside of the city. The Or-ron'n. .stn-lnn and other mcrnln tvirr hd ve'v fair a--count of fe vwr exrx'Hence No ,,, knew tht the Nelson not l .-t. thouch manv believed so There a no attempt at sensationalism In hand line the storv. and It I" surprising that the f;ict should not h.ive Iwn recog rilT".1 and appreciated The aKve Item, which api4re,J In the local column of this Tper -teMay mornlne. merely -opr.nt the vatwrinc? of one of Itn rcP"rt"ni. an,1 1 In n. aene a crttlciwn tv the A torlan. On the contrary, the AMorlan approveti of the ooure of the Oreson lan and Telepram In -throwing down" the c-vrrespondents or reporter who wer). sponsible for the rarbletl ac . ,, Vet.-,n's experience which rf..ind of the press. The v-i .... nitd a. a .'oo.Ien ship, .. i..i.i.. twMtnrl for S.iuth Africa. luui.i I and the itartllng announcement was j made that she had turned turtle. Tne discrepancies are that the Nelson Is rot a wooden ship: she I not loaded with lumber; she Is not bound for Fouth Africa, and. lastly, she did not turn turtle. Any shipping office could have eiven the true facts, had they been applied for . A newspaper Is compiled to plaee reliance on its reporters and correspon dents to a gr-Mt ext-nt. and when it is made the venule f..r the dissemination n( abni,iielv false and hishly colored narratives. It is fully Justified In pub Krlv ratline' to acn.ur.t the person or persons responsible for the ridicule It must certainly endure. A majority of the reporter appear to be content with culline items from other pairs or pl. kine up news around some obscure pokT teble. This is folstered on the public without any attempt at verifi cation. The ordinary reporter looks .-nly for his salary and the emoluments inci dent to hl.s position In the way of whiskey, clears, etc. He oppar to take no interest in hia vocation and he does not make any attempt to Icok into the future, with the view of mak ing a reputation for himself. He looks ujn hi position as a weekly Job. having but one oasis In the way of a pay-day. and that pay-day Is ine etn ter of all his interests if he -an fool hln employers and hold his Job until It come around. It Is nothing more than a mercenary grind for him, and he does not strive to make it any thing else. However, there are some good re tjorterHmen with ambition and rug ged honesty, who will give Jacts and only facts, and will not draw upon their Imagination for the purpose of working off some private prude- or serving their ow n .purposes. Why is the snow white Is a question frequently asked. Because black snow would be dangerous, so would red or yellow. These are "warming-up col ors," and they change the sun'B rays to heat. Such snow would soon melt again end prove a very poor protec tion. But white snow throws back the sunlight In Just the form In which Jt receives It, and thus the snow can be long on the ground. Throw dirt on the enow, and Its dark color quickly makes it eat Its way in wherever the sun shines on It. After a Bnow storm, once let the horses' feet mingle the dirt of the road with the unow and I't'.' mh. S. i'. S. hmnvher, i the lv dlt 9' l!om J Airn-il. Who ! J. W. l)hlil,U.v the .tn.!l-.l.-:e on the liopuWI.-an tU-Vet for the position of police commN!oncr" Im agine oU' neirlc vi'n hctuiUK t!n question asked upon .-r stivots totMiiy. The iH-rson who asked the ovifstion. however. pto e.l to le :i :n' comer. Oaptnln J. V. i:.iMl ls-- is one ..f the veteran steamKMt capt:im en lih . river He VA let ,n..l.v of the O N. 'o. and the O. U . N. and w is .... ,-,...' known and respited h evetv . slclchlns will soon ho ,vor. man woman and chlid the rlv i"" Un'"n " . ., ' x.-.-ordlnit to the t-ndon iorr..Sml- er IVrtland and Astoria. II.', la the very jvpular owner and captain j of the steamer Miler. And should he. after the coming elwtlon. a commissioner of the Cltv of AstorU. With all thl c'atte' and i- il.imns of Kiish In the pn-at d..HI- of Ne York over the rlaln. simple and to N i isscted advent of a hahy In ' Van derhllt family It may not V ami to recall the lowly bins h - smit Naiarlne In a manger, with the only ones to pay homage to his advent a few lonely ahtpharda. The one f I wly birth has been an exar-p'e to man kit 1 toehvate and make ...-n Nt,.r. while the pampersl eh Id of ostenta tious wulth it Is safe to s.i .' i'l a living example of what not to 1 It Is state.', that a niow'men! is on , . . . ,. . ,.,i . , f.vt to corner the nno! t.-ir''"n of the raisin crop. The com...u-s ,,m. prising the American llalsi-i Packing I'littlM"!' see si'd to be tile p-!iv Ipa's In 1 deil They row ho- nea" ..1 ..... .nl.-. .I... Oi'l'.riil. lr-.i... t- ers' A-sm lation In ther hm Ls in 1 are , . . i attempting TO secure tre Htside eroPS which have been h-'ll by rpv-rs in the hops- of higher prices There Is a treat demand for m!!". nnd -h- r-i.-e to 3'-. as advanced .me cent f'om '. en's tsr p-"iund A Ohl.-ago divtor advertise! for men to aid him In viola'lng the law In the most detestible way possible that of disturbing the sanetltv of the dead and when bv appointment h met his Imlsernb'e tools thev attempted to rot reward th-m for their ghoulish work We can not hut bellev. that human jt - would not have suferel to a great xtenf if tbev had brooeht to i.n end this doeto'"" ' 1 .il- ,"e Colonel Arthur I.vneh who f.oight f..e the P.ver. nnd who was reeen'iv ' reiurned to parliament fr mt Ha'w a v iltv hs wrl't.-n to the ev, to-s ..' ,h.. r.n.i.Miencv ihankir,- .h.-m r ,r his el-s-tlon. He promi his rarPamenfarv dnti lireeted toward the we e. tn d's. hart.. o w i'h I'' ev. s 'ir- o' O il . iv and tre'anl Th .-"e' -r' not contain arc reference to '. I.vnch's pr.n osed action in te fu"ire. While the ritiT--n o' A--torh r r d deV'irine to a..ciii-e r"-e TIT t'lrlmr plants It wi.u'd n-it 'e .- ,r h..i t,i glvj a li-t'-i m '-e l'b-ri! t..'1-i'h.-d. in-at excitement las b. -n r,r...rt ,ho... which nr., n!r..vjer.-:it-l bv the atrlK. here an! which hnv.. j.av small t-r inort'iir.". T"-e .c rpent fur n- -v 'n-l'is-ri- s t. 'Cl- mid-il is 'h' '"' 'ri- r.-adv here nr.- lib--'-.'!- s,.p in a pros-ron: cnrdi. ,.r .'la ,' p., !.. 'ed n'ld H..rre "-.'s'.'ivtng has l-i ar -' Kliri.lii. t.v th- r,n.. ! k-rf's h !'-' r...;, t;,,p i,f ImmU'Tt' inn Tic- I in .-il... market is cnwe-Oed th-re nn ! tK-r.. mij.i h an out'et. Vi r"St!et!Mri '!"- Ired In ihe T'nited States -.veil!.! k-ep out 'he thrlf'v. the hf-aPhv nnd the moral. If Is the Id'o. 'he pauper find he vicious at which 'he reople here protest. Tiift"" Te-lrer The Atchison. Topeka ft S-.nt.-i pe road has annoumed it would accept no more wheat for Mexico for the pres ent. The Santa Fe yards at hi Paso are rrowd.-d with cars'-d with wh'-at consigned to Mexican Kiln's. It Is stated that Presld-n' T:tr. In or der to undo the grain combine In Mex ico, will incite an order exten linx 'he time until next Atiirust fi.r v.h'-at : nd corn to enter Mexico free r fl'I'V ii X The Astorian Is puzzled to know Just what the number of Finnish people on the lower Columbia has to do with the vindication of a free pres. Again we fall to perceive what rule of Ihe craft permits the running of a telegraphic "scar head'' over an Item of local im portance. Doubtless It can all be sat isfactorily explained by our evening ccn temporary. Personal Jealousies ne'.-r accomp lished anything towards building up a community, while united action will overcome almost impossible barriers. vin: mokmno mr.CKAriMc RKir.FS.ti I ) Tlf IVt-l com 'spondent of th" I .on I . Times and New Yoik Ti n.'s sis French rwilwny nsvlpts lileli' h.oc I.V"ty Iven divllniix, roe sudden ; : 'v this vk oulnc to ;lie l i , .4- ! inter. .t .m 2 I... ..I. . A. ...I. ...I It... i ... ,i, .,,,1 liolciilc Kioceiy stoic !t lil , . . , ... .-co, is dead at hi home In l. hlta. Itt' awl ::. car lie w is a 11. . n fie e eiitecnth Wisconsin ie t .l it ins the II x sir hoe I i iv. erv .' Islon of the Italian s;.. 'tninent any canto of malic Im ported Into Italy w'.thoat a . in sular .vrtlii.ntc as to us .ninny win is- iv- looted hv the health aitthoi Isles and ... Mwh,,, . 1(,n; rtMr liv 1r.,, liratthw alte advancing the theory that excess of salt In one' diet I one of four factor which originate cancer. Punt Lieut iMit CVItellL the enter iainin7 s rurr, w no muir 111 ,s.iiien.n . fe, .wW. i ill i v. Tork taining writer, who came to America Olty. The complaint l a recurrence af the troubl he experlen.fd on hi. last visit to thl country, when he wa compelled to cancel hi engagement Here rrefett, ex-Mlnlsfr of 'om-I mcr-e in Prussia I In New York Olty I Inspecting the Immigrant clearing house at Elll. Island. Ilerr Drcfelt is bene for the purpose of lasis-.tlng national institution, throughout the country. I!' will return t I'.ermany -hi rvoomtier t. James H. Keeno's ronslgnment of valuibie thoroui:hbr'.l brood hum 'wlileh fe to lie sent to King 1M n ! stu I to be bred lo Plomel II, ha. arrived l:i New York from I.eington Kv . and wl'l tn shit ted todav to Kns Aan,. r, ,.,., er Nfinti.-a' oils Tl comment of the Vngllsh week n Preld n' 1!o.i. v It's pies ige ncr.'s Is not generally . fr!. n l- ilv as that of the dailies. The speaker ... 'A........ 'A fhi. nflr. iimiisi f.i -erl 1 .1.111 ni.'nt on Ihe truvt ief-ivnc -s. The 11 per ili'illiri'l. I lie j.rrsiurni s .r.-i..- ment of grave economic situation as ........ I. .... ,..Juil.f ... i.i. It. pill declares the president's tn'at- iri-.i in i"i in cii.'i uu -. 1 -.' ' . " substance. There have been points of strength In the st.v-k market this week rsi-e.-l-a'lv after the publication of the t r.'l's message when there wis a gin era! covering movement among the ,' S . I iwpjr. I Ms rHrril im dltlon in Iron and steel and In gen- , , . .v.. .i,.i. r.n irwre Bin. I ne iiikii e .i in. n . ... " - e.l bv mllroad earning were encour- agln factor toward an advance. At - m-sptlng of the director of the St Loti's San Francisco Company Just held In St. Iuils. an executive oommlt'ee was ele-ted as follows: Nathaniel Thayer. F. C. Henderson James rampbell. Tt. F. T 'kum. IT Ony Pleree. James A. plalr an! Frederick Strauss Pcsldnt Tokum w as elected chairman of Ihe board and . PrA,l..rl,-l SfrnilV. S.'.-rel.trV J S I r Teoerl'-H trnuss. Bi'rn'iiirv. j. p,,r appilnted assistant sec re- tarr ami n'imni ireasun-r. win. , h. ad. i ua rters in New York. . . . ...i.u A disiat.-h from Ijis Cru s n nounce that the oil lior-rs at Kngle. M. have stnick an artesian w. II at a dep'h of J'tn f-et Which ,M I'-" c:i'i 'tis per hour throigh n t, r-lnio h ..te Fngle is sltuat-d in the heart 'f the us Journey .if T,-A'h l i s r I . -t whbh is on" of the most .nil re J ",.ns known and the strike 'ft.'r i ..i'l iiri.vo far mor.- i-iii-Mc ' an gusher. Iurln? Hi" Mexican .ir i ..ut uf a column of K'. sol die's who ai- I ferm.t.-d to ITOSS til" i'.'S '; I'll II PP-TO-DATF. 3TORIKS . make Vearo urn John D nock-'e'l was a '' ' t .r cl. -k In Cleveland, drawing a sal arv n' x 10 a month. He had an al'ment 1 which reouired a simple and harmless- srKe,-,l operation. H" went to a sur- ' D. S.Mit.1,.11 Fulforl. Md "I Mir-g.-..n uf high repute In Cleveland and ' Ing n bu g Illness I was troubled with arranged to pay so much a mon'h. The l-l '., wa- ndvls.-d t trv D-Witt's .,rf.-.,n wa willing. and it look -Wit-h Hazel .,ve nnd did so with 'in. k.-feller alsiut. a year to pay the wonderful results. I was perfectly f.ill of W without Interest ; rlr ' "' I" "' on ""r- Not verv long ago Mr I!.K k.-f.-U.-r k"l ." Sure r , ire for piles, sores burns, s.-nt for the same surgeon, now an old Hew.-r.- of counterfeits. Cha. Rogers, man. and entertained him at his Terry : Iru?.'l-d Fur-st home. The magnate wanted " , .... ., l!n gar a. In sending nn Impudent another consultation regarding the old s . . . , , , ,,, r.ote to this country. Is .-cry like the comrda nt and chose to send for the, ,,.,, , h u ,lt,.,. small boy, safely u)i n tree, twiddling surgeon of his youth. They talked It ,..,.. . .... . ... . . .. I flnirers at the farmer Flut oinetltnes over and then Rockefeller nsKe.i mr the bill, remarking: "I won t keep you waiting as I did years ago. Things have (hanged glnce then." "Oh. I am out of practice; I wish no fee. Mr. Rockefeller. That Is all right. Don't mention It." Hockefeller oiened a drawer In bis desk, disclosing a few pounds of new greenbacks. Putting a few bills in an onvelope he handed It to the sur geon, saying: "Well. If von do not want to take a fee. give this to some poor young doctor of your acquait- ance." There was -w in me enveio,,..-. and. after arriving at home, the old unrifeon did not think of any young doctor to whom he could give trie money and ketit It. A story of Mm". Heink goes to prove that, great artists have sometimes to make small shifts. She was at Ham burg and an opportunity cume lo 'ing for nothing-ln a benefit .. i-rnt-n-an'e nt Rerlln. Hhe had not 'he fare it was 19. third-class. She borrowed it. She traveled all night 'in 'he hard beneh'-f. arriving at daybreak, and, having no money for a hotel, sat on a bench under the trees of the Thl-T-garten till rehearsal time 10 in the morning. This wa a poor preparation for a Huccess In the evening, but she achieved It. astokun. siniwy, 'oloiiihliiit ive!il..n h is hectt The ; , tor to e iii. i:l.letitly South Am -rlemi in m-Iuss iiv lis mil cvrntful ns a llowells serial I'. M lle'Mildleati w ... c.lii ' News. h.trlcs i;.ploi;le. At titer. O. wa I - n,vM, , I.e..,, -1 ...f-, J W. Hrvait. of ...'Mv Utile hov w as vow low " UITU M K .fH in 1.1 I'll ...'.ii..'" 'and "OS relieved tn tl l''olev's Kid- , ... , nev t'ttrc. I did so mil In four lu 1 . , . 1 I W il 11 ' it- .1. ... ...'.i. MH"i llll Well" "Hull luvmstotv ! If a'l I 'till. linen wee Wlls we'd let ,1 i'ii r Iiu s !tu tlie Hop Lungs hic in t!io uiil u liv i 'hi. ao Trlliutic. an lv an :i:i irs st m;y. I I " f'T yea,. w hr.,,. ! ehla' or l'in troulde and tiled arlou rma. n.u,.f tll coinineno.M lislim Hue Minute lough lure." write, llcv. James Klrkman. cvaugrllKt of llelle Hirer, III. " have no hesitation In recommending It t., all ufferer. from maladies of thl kind." One Minute j ! ,uh 'ur ftor,, Immediate relief for coughs, cold and all kind of throat and lung trouble. For croup It I unequalled. Abautulely aafe. Very Pleasant to take, never fall, and I. . .. ... ....... realty A tavoriie wnti trie rniiuren. s- hi... i. i. 1 ll- Har l . lint. t n, a. 'I kin. . i i Sttibb Is it a mo.1.1 debating .lub I k-uess so They have never ru:lit up ihe Satnps.iii hlev ills- lute. AVKP H rs LII'K "I wish to say that I f. el I owe my life to Kod-I !vs;ici!a Out.-" writes M f "'hi s;ciisn. ,.f llayrl.ld. Minn I Per three years t was troubled with -' dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing - on tnv stomach. Manv titties I would I be uneble lo retain a tuors.-l of f s..l I Ktnallv I win confined to my bed. IV.ct rs al 1 I could net live I read : .me of your advertisements on Kodul nvsi.'usi.i I'uro and thought It fit my I ease nnd commenced Its us I began , to Improve from the first bottle. Now j I am cured and recommend It lo all " . invests j iiir li...i. . un-s nil nullum ll troubles, .'has. linger. I'tugglst. ' ' 1 I "Had she ativ W'.t'l i h v . h Shi ti"A h W . d 1. i i n if hT Jtt?t !.'nn ftt hr nal'l HKVI.TH AXP UHAfTT A "r complexion Is usually the re. I "u" "f '"r''''' llv"- 1,r l""t'ar ac I Hon of the bowel, t'nles nature's r'f- " " '"'" "n " wl" nr rnn,u- i Impure blood. Plmi'les. bolls and olh I er eruptions follow This Is nature' method of throwing off the poin which the bowl failed lo remove Pe- j Wilt's Little p-arly Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the ( bowels but never cause griping. ; cramps or distress. Safe pills Oha. lingers. Druggist l.'hn w ill ..f i onrse, ei i'lsintl agitatturi here .lice ,.f a 1 iiitiilrv trust Star At'l Unite the I.. Influ W.ishlngt m INF-AHarATrN WANTED Th- tiui'iuf ictiir. rs ..f Ilanner Salve ; having alwavs believe 1 that no due- 1 or medli ltie can cure In i-v.-rv case, i but n-v-r h.ulng heard where Itatuier ! Salve failed to cure ulcer. "r"K. let- t.-r. eczema, in piles, as a matter of J curiosity would like to km.-.v If there j are such rases. If ic, they will gladly refund th- m-.nvy. Hart s Drugstore. : ' . T',' w !;o under ink.- t . d in. hi t.i 1 ill ntudv ..f ' -AK.'ltiV Atgus t. a. Ii. the el 1 fbst p...rse t-i ; le n ii up PI'S i'l-'IT TO V'T ihe farmer gets his gun.- Tacoma News. Editor Lynch, of the Pally Post. Phllllpsbiirg. N. J.. has tasted Ihe merits of Foley's Honev nnd Tnr with this result: "f have used a great manv pntent remedies tn my family for roughs and colds, and I can hon estly say your Honey and Tar Is the. best thing of the kind I have ever used nnd I cannot sa" ' . much In praise of It." Hart's Drugstore. Now t hat Mine. Nordka has traced ragtime ' W-.ener and has given II a rlsislciil status. It Is up to the r,itblc to ,,,,, II -Riiffalo Fxpress. SATIHFfKT) PROPLK. Are the best advertisers for Foley' Honey and Tar and all who use It agree that It Is a splendid remedy for coughs, colds or pore lunga Hart' Drugstore. It Is a little bit slrnn'e that Ihe Kastern F.uropean governments have not thought of laying Ihe bl.- pi'- or. the liasliibazouks. Inter Ocean. A cold, cough or la grippe can be "nipped In the bud, with a dose or two of Foley's Honey and Tar. Heware of substitutes. Hart Drugatora. ihci.mhkk s. J Miss Knier..u (of llostonl I pre ' slime yours Is not one of the Mat now !r fuiulllcs. Miss Tilplcx l"f Mlime ;o'hI .So. Indeed, our h one of the . . .. . . . i . . i . ' lauioiis Mlniimoia Hour iiinuii. -.. ' liiiiiininnla I'nkn.ovu lo the .l-eiois we mix.' him I'Vlev's llonei mil Tur The result was iiumlcnl nnd puoled the, as It Inini. dlalelv stopped Hie taekltiii and he nuleklv re eoveied Hart's I'ltmstore It Is said that I'etrr the , Ileal after ltlie-n.lni a eolitest Petweel, two elul nciil counsel i,l Westminster. London, remarked: When I left S( ; , w.u ham, f ... Ihe.n. hum. Iheie wen- two lawei tn.ic ., ... . ....,, Wi,U'hrtcr. Ind.. ' writes "t owe th life of my boy l Koley' Honey and Tar. He had inrm liranmis croup, and the flr.t d, v him relief. W rolitlliucd ll u and ii... .. A,..,..-.-" mm p.m..i .......w... - - nrua.tora. Ml 101 le." remarked the rarne.t '""" c,ual " ' I e. Hal-. ..,... ,.i delilMTule friend, hut " i'i.-v donl stay e.iual any longer than . ( u,kes for their parent, to provide ihein with .lollies and plaything h'Vihange. ( . 1 After exposure or when you fori a roi.l coming on. take a doe of Foley's 11.. nev and Tar It never falls to slop a cold If taken In Hm.- Marl's Ihug store l.ady Aren't oil the P-" n an l ' tthom I save a piece of my .ake the ..Shit day' Tramp No'iu. dat me 1 twin brulder Hill He croaked .le n.-vt i .lay att. r r.itlu lat cake, an I 'ought I nielli', youd gimme a iiuart r l. r lo lp ; ere.-ki a inarlile shaft to his iy. ; jfj"' ie- -1 - jT 'LSI, " THE JOB PRINTING FAST PRESSES Tt l iliono.Main Gtil. ASTORIAN Kiiwaiii) I'iiioii, Maxaokii. env RiPim.iCAN tic Kin. ' To Ho Voted l or WcdncJ.,,. Dc i , , ...... i COtnhcl' II. l!Kl. Mayor. ll--Jr.PH 81 THUS ANT. i Traurr , iH-.FANK J. t'AllNKT. ' Audllor and PolUa Judga. It-ll. h. fclHl.N. 1 Superintendent of Streets. T-JAM1 F. KBAHSKT. Surveyor. M V. s. ti:i:. Police t'omiulssliiiier. n ji'MN w. haiiihi.h:. ,'oiuii tlumii, Flr.l Ward. . p. park at. i'ouii. Ilman, Second Ward. .'I LPI' Ii) l.A1fN. I'u'in llmau Third Watd :l John Nordstrom. ASTORIA - I I I - . i y fV ----- Of iill kiiiils from ii vMtino, can I tu a ilailv iii.wsnii'i'i' or n I l OUR LINOTYPE T'i""'tiiiij Mti'liiiic in tlie liiuuls uf i (iinii t'iitVii'i','iti'i-N cimMi's Hi t" In rn out Moil iviiiirin a liir'f iini'iimt id tv..sittni'; on -ln'it lu'tn'i' iiipI at icps away In-low all iiiiiiittitiir.s. No Job too Large or too Small Tlirt'O of them at the wrvicp of our incmi.siiiK jiatroiiaf. ARTISTIC WORK We aro rciuly t innh'rtnkc work rc'iuiriii)' iirtintic finish. We urn n iU r jin-pared than heretofore for this of work. PAPER STOCK. We carry n large ami xclcct stock of tho very hest ami medium grades' of nujiei' und Iriiiting Mtationery. We can ileiiH0 you iih to quality nnd nrii e. A trial order solicited JOB OFFICE BESTOF EVERYTHING III Wold Till Tell" of Iho IM.Wer Horvle via The Norlhwoslcm lino.. KlBhl 1 i n 1 1 1 I' il'y ll"lwe Hi. Paul mi I 1'IiIcm-, i- 'inpilsl'itf Tim Idlest 1'uiliimn Mlr.-p-r. I'r.-il'sj inning I'i'r. I.ilniiiy ni l i Unei v nl'iii t'r. Pre lie. Ilniii t'liir far. The '.'Olli I'.nliliv Train ltiiii l-.viy l'y of 'h Yir. The Finest Tram in the Worla Clntiic tli!tlrd THK llAIHlh:il MTATI-: KXPIUWH. Ih rin ct Pally Train lluniiltig lteln Ht Pul anil". l Hhurt Un. Contierll.iiui fMm lh Wt M.l via Th NOHTIIKKN PACIFIC OIlKAT NOHTHMHN AND CAN API AN PACirh.' HIH- Thl u io in iircrr unk ttwi Oman. HI. I'aul and MlnneaiHill. All Afeiil Ml Ttcksl via The Northwestern Line W II MKAl', " M. U HIHIllt. (1enerl Agent Trv Aint- :n Alder Htrol, I'.irlUnd. t)icn. - rrrii.irv lit ! -Jf urn r -n Ivput. Pifth sod .Iimiik ! I'urllitiiil I nn-lldlld l''lpre Train for halnn, ll lung. Ah In n-1 H. rmoiclitii. 3ii pin ogdrti. Hn Prmi- i'l-.i, M ijave li Aligele. HI 'u. S 3D a in New otrlrans and ,. p in th i:t At Vi.,lhiiru litallv i-li-rlil Hull - I lUvl. iin.niltig 1 1 It 1 II I iillllr. I illl I (iaiii tor Mt An- I, Xllvrrt.ill. II r o w ii v 1 1 1 r. Hprliifflel.1. and Natron, and vi In (rain fur Mt. Anirl an,) Hllvor- ll.B T 30 a m ( I'oivalll pan sen- i Vt p ill I fr. H U p iii! Hhrrl.Un n- i !i in Iily i I mil r rieopt Hiiti.Ur. Itrhata ll. krt on sale Wwn Pert Und. Harrani'nl.i and Hn Frncli'0. Net rates II.' Vi flial rli wlihnut Ik-iiIi and IlliM ec..n.l rliu. In. In line ; l rth. Hate and ticket tn Pastern ...lnt I anil KuruiM- Alan Japan. I'hlna. Ileno- lulu and Australia 'an hv ul'tain'd I ri nn V A hillitiK Thud and Wa.h- IIKtiill sr.-et I YAMIIIl.t. IMVIMIUN' I Pawettg-r .I'l : f-mt "t J' tTer. ui Ht. lc fir ne(-. .lailv a! ' :n. ) it 1 a. Ill . 13 3". I '. .. 3 35. I 11. :'l. ' 6. : II S'1 p m ,.n I ' p in ' -i Mini lay ! Arri at IVirlliiul .l.lly 3.'.. ; 3'i. 'in Mi a tn . I 3i. 3 P., 1 30. ! T in. in no p in . i: in 4 in I u: vrpt i M n Hr- in ai l 1" 1 a in Hun j .liy. l..-air I' daily V pt Miin -I l-iy a: 3" i m Air.v.- a: p.itl'.an. nt 9 3" a m Pn -tut r tnlu Im'Iis fir j Airl.o Xlnti l.i jr. Welti. .Uv ml Frl .livi at .' t:. p m lletumt j and H.ilur lys kji "!'! Sir-day I! II Mill.!'!', il'ti I t: ml Pa" Ail. ll T, UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL i ! t.eilvd 1 I I I Th, ",.rl, , mi' " tr.iln. Cir. (ric liitlii'l Ihr IIKll '11 . v 'll Mli an I nut. a'l, ' on lie uid arf wllh init ' ici-pi Inn, 11. n tine: tralna In lha w.irld Tin y emhtlv the liti-:. tert, anl In. hi". is fir ininf.irt i-nnvnl '. atid luuiy fM-r nfTcre.1 lh,. :r.iveHn( lilllillc .ill.l ilPnliether ir- ttil in. l r-. nn (1 mi. I spl.-n I: 1 pr.idii -tl ni , f ili cir liiilMers- arl. TIimo il.'nl.d T'a'n I' nn.'i With The (ircat Nurtllcrn The Northern 1'iulfli' and The Innnttlnn I'mlfle AT HT. PATH. Full CHICAGO and the CAST. N. xtra churns fur tor iiifrrir aciimmo'lutlnn and ill i'Ijum of llck cl am avnllahln for pasi cr. th train na 'hi line art prolrcts.1 by th Ini.TliickliiK llluck Hyilem. W. II. MHAD, II. L. BIBIJCn. Ooncrl Aeul. Traveling Ac'U Purtlund. Orefim. Mllwnukon" whn gnlng to any point A familiar nam of th Chlu(o, Mllwauk St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union a the Oroat Hallway running the "Pioneer Limited" train everv dav nd night between St. i'aul nnd Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "Th only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connection are nud with all transcontinental line, securing to pasaenger the best tervlc known. I.tixurl.iu eimche, eleoirlo light, m hi nt, uf a variety equaled by no other line. He that your ticket read via "Th In the United State or Canada. All ticket aaenl ll them. For rate, pamphlet or olhor infor matlnn, addre, J. W. CABBY, C. J. EDDT. 'Trav. Paa. Aft. Oen. Agt., Portland. Or. Portland. Or.