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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1901)
'Hi-; I .l.utto bo Taken FronTlif. ' V vv ! ' i ' 1 1 1 1 j i : misi-.ioi ""V ' 'i , - ! i !' V ' I'V i i . 1 1 1! i l i I )l I t I l I' ll I ASTOWA PUituc IJitfUlRr iissfoi ,, lofnitt i t ., i ll 4. ASTOKIA. OKWiON. Sl'NDAV. IHXI-.M.-O H. !HI1. NO. 12.1 VOL. .V NECESSITIES OF THE PHILIPPINES COURT MARTIAL SENTENCES STAND NEW STEAMSHIP LINE TO ORIENT UNKNOWN SHIP WAS IN DISTRESS ENGINE PLUNGES INTO MILL CREEK WW Lest You Forget! UKItMAN WISK Kivi'Hftticki-t willi t-vrry Muii' uiul Uoyn' Suit ir Ovorcout. Out of PVITV t'ii Suits it Over t'l'nlfl OIK' CUttollliT w ill n't u 'uil or DvtTcoiit ftvo. Iiritwiiij; for tln frwi SuiU ami Ovrrcoutft tnkt'H ilm i' Jununry 2. Wo llllVQ Mold iAit 10 Men's Suit nml Ovinoats mnl m-urly .'ID Itiyn SuiUi mnl Ovm-outs, during tin1 liitt frw 'liiyx. Wo linip you will li- one nf tlu lurk V oil' . INGERSOL WATCHES Remember ONLY Fisher Brothers' PlUmfeerS and Stccimfittcrs HOM3 (JHINTH 0t S27 BOM) Arriving Every Day Holiday Goods in End less Variety. GRIFFIN & REGDOMoR?r; Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Siiilu8 of nil kimla at low-out rutos, for fishermen, Fanners and IxiggorS. A, V. ALrlwBN, Tenth and Commerclu! Streets $1.00 ONE DOLLAR at SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES STREET ORE. Problem of Tariff in the Islands Not as Lasy as Was at First Supposed. EXPORT TAX DirriCl'LTIES Nauc May He .Made a Puny One In Cougiei. and Will Cuiimc a Hitler Struggle Heforc Satisfactorily Settled WAHIIIS'iToN'. Ire. 7.-During th afternoon Heiialor Spoonrr called lit i In- war department and talked with ! ri'taiy lt'"l abut the IcgiHlatlve n- -til tli-s of the Philippine. It ! a. I toil tlii- problem presented ) nut a rimy u wa u posed when It a thought a iltni'U Joint resolution could I put through congre with In a fe w day t" roiilliiue practically 1 tic i-lltlg t"'!" rule B to Philip pine exerts and Import, Some of the mrmliers if the way and mean com mittee tirn-nl i U-m growing nut of Die cxluieii. e a! tin' export lux 111 tl) ilaud nn. I there I much apprehen ' !! that the lue limy mi'l' parly one. with the r.-miit that lli-'tv "III be a Miter struggle, ut least In ill .niite If tint In the h"iine, lieforu nilnfiK'tiiry I-k1 1 it l ri uin 1h had A inurement In now on fmt among i In- IN pnl.ll. an member of the ways mnl itK-n im i iiitimll ( to In.orpornte a n . lprmliy feature In the f.iri In ,ni inn I'hllliM'liK' laiirr I. Ill IKIAKD APJ'iUlNS Army Pnat IU m KHiiltiiltnii Tnkea a Itcicna. l;..urd VASIIIN'"iT"N, IXc 7 A Ixmrd of liivh rnntdng army ortlcerK. hended dy l.l.iiiemiiil iieiirral MIIcpi. which h ijv.n h"IMnj dully n-f,i)i. at the war ,. I.urtmi nt In the cotmtdcrAtlun of lh luilHiriuni work Intrusted It of re-or-itnlzlne the pre.cnt ayaiein of nrmy mc. nrlng planii fur the location of four permanent camping ground 4ii. other mnttetn already outlined, ad- I. iurned ln.ltiy and will pmlmlily not convene again until January 13. The iiiemlxTK of the In.ard ar to return tn their proper Klatloim and will ! nub' Jected tn n call by lien. Mi lea. While the proieedlneii of the board re held atrlctly ronfldentliil. It I understood II. at adjournment C-" '"ken in order tint the inembeiH may tale another look over the ground" In their res pective icniloilv and hotter Inform tlieiimelve n to the ronditloiia and need III their depart mem before sub mil tine their report to thv acctetary of wur. KiKlKUJl At 'OK ITS, ST. I'Al'I.. S'c. 7 - liovernor Van ulit today received a letter from Cov- ernor Rogei'. of Washington, ncknowi edglnir the of the Mlnncmitil governor letter, and iiromlslng hear ty cO-0eilitloii to the extent abllltv. if his FIGIIIIM CONTINDES TK;rsr OIIICI'KS lUSf ISt, ki Mi urn ('online Colombian Kovolrtioniit t Operations to Interior I'tp. nient of Piiiiioii NWW YORK. Der-7r-Colonel Hat rera, the wounded Insurgent leader who surrendered an.l waa brought to Colon, believes the revntutlonlsta wlU confine the fighting to the Interior of the Pcpitrtmcnt of Panama and will certainly not attack along the Une of the Panama ltuilroad before next March, says the Herald's, correspond ent at Colon. He declares that General Porrass, a revolutionary leader has about 500 men nml a good supply of ammunition. Colonel 1 la iter a conslderes that prnc- ilcallv all the best Insurgent olllcers on the Isthmus have Hiirrendered. No news has tieon received from Adulncle. where. It Is tadieved. some if (lenernl Alban's troops have at tacked the Insurgent force under On- eral Vlcorlnno Ixirenio. The Washington Club, composed of mnloves of the Panama Kullroiul i ompany, entertained on Tuesday eve ning the ottlcers and cretv of all the warship In the harbor of Colon. The WaHhliiRton Hotel was decorated with Hags of the Tilted States, Orent Hrlt aln, Germany, France and Colombia. Philippine Officers Convicted of Bribery in Opening Hemp Purls of Islands. EXPULSION FROM SERVICE Captain Spellmaii unJ Lieutenant June VirtI Volunteer Infantry (ilven Teriiu of Im prlnolimelit. WAMIIIN'SToS. I-. ?. KtopU In court martini rar Involving omicra who havi- l-n ronvlct"! of hrlbrry In thi Plilllpplnt-a. In ronnKtloii with the opi-nlna- of hmp port. Have ln pulillahpii. In tl fttn of Captain Mlrha.l K. 8p-llman. of the Forty ihlrd voluiit-r Infuntry. -ntencil to cxpuUlon from the arvlre ami two yara' Imprlaonmi-nt la conflfmed, with the exception that the Imprlinnirn, j, ilniiu-J urn- yrnr. In the rniw of Captain Dudley Well h. ajmlatant aunseon of the Forty ihlnl Infuntry. wntnrl to illiimlBK!, and Flrxt Lieutenant rx;j!vrt t. Jonea, ,.' ine aame command, charged with dbJobe.llcnce In connection with the hemp fraud .n aenteni-ed to dlaml- ml and two year' Imprisonment, hav hIho been approved. liKSMNS I'll'iSKN. i"ion Will Contain l'reclmi Stom a, King Many lil'N. m-i-. T.-Iiei.lKnH for the i -orouatl'.n have finally Ix-en de cided upon, over 3' pre. lou stones. dlam..n.l. eupphlre and emeralds will Im- Included hi the king' crown. There will lie IMo pure while diamonds, and U'7 rose diamond. 1 c Alaska rutLinwrt. Will llulld From Vuld.' to -'op-per Hlver. SKATTl-K. 1 . 7. A transac tion involving the proposed con struction and equlppage of a railway from Valde to the In tcrl"r i" river country and n transfer of the richest copper properties lii the latter district is reported effected In Chicago. Porta M. Weare. formerly of the North American Transporta tion and Trading Company, Is mentioned as president of the 5 corxrntion. which Is to un.Ier- 3 take the mammoth ileal. The 5 capltallitttlon of the company Is placed at IJ.OM.W, The price paid for the mining properties s m i.i;." J tltu irtn-uwriru iru v;inAvrvrmj iru ovki;ii-i: ships. Kelnileld. Plnmore and William Mitch ell Hound for Portland. SW FRANCISCO. CAI. I'cc. 7. Four I!oSr- -ve ira Co-lo m t hcli. fi Four ltrltish ships have Iwn addtd to the overdue list at the Merchant's F.xchange. They were the Milvetton, ;,('. days out from Antofngasta, for Tacoma. quot-d lit 10 per cent, the Uelntlet.l out S'.i days from Plsagua. for Portland, l.'i per cent; Hnd the Wil liam Mitchell, 13S days out from Cape Town for Portland. 13 per cent. The other two overdue, the Norwegian bark Prince Allied nnd Norwegian ship Anglln, are still at M and f. per cent resp'ctlvely. AN'OTHliH VICTIM. ter Feul Caused Another hhln, r In San Francisco. MurcK OAL.. Dec. 7- vxnscx SAN FIL 6 ha has W.. "uruerea as Another Chin ,v'on-Chln fally feUl1 a result of the WII9 walking a.."" In Chinatown the treet Wong Oct !' "'P'O'Hed r times. The from behind and shot fou munlerer threw away his Dlstol and ran np the stairs of a nearb house. w here he was found by the police. gave his name as Lee Loon and ha"' been positively Identified by several white persona who witnessed the shooting1. ORGANIZATION COM PLETKP. Federation of Labor Convention Now Ready for Work. Si 'It ANTON. Pa.. Pec. 7. The Amer ican Federation of Labor, which has been In session here for three days. completed Its organization today nnd the real work of the convention will begin Monday. The official roll of the Federation shows the presence of 313 delegates, the largest number In the history of the organization. Through Route by Way of Unit ed States from Europe to Orient. HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE Looking to ljtar)lihment of Line to lie Operated in Connec lion With Santa Fe Kailroud. N'FJW YORK. V-r. ;.-Kmll L. Ifa, I'x-ul agent of (he llamhurf-Amerlcan Hiemanhlp IJne, In in 'lermany confer ring wllh the high offldala of the company concerning the operation oj the ocean line In conjunction ffth an American railroad. fty, the Trbune. Mr. Boas w nt abroad a few week g"' id It waa then raid that Ameri can capliallata through "dummlea" In Vienna ere seeking to get control of he German Steamnhlp Company and that Mr. ftiaj had been hurriedly call ed to the main office at Hamburg to explain, If poanlblr, what the com- iblnatlon of the Atlantic Trn?frt and ! Ly'j,nd really meant. It la raid in ahlpping circle that It I would lie Impoaible for American to I secure control of the Hamburg-Am- lerlcan Line, ilie capltaliratlon Of which is about mj.i.oii and that Mr. ! It. a ;' nilsnlon ubroa l wa.s to lay be I fore the Hamburg-American Company ; plans and arrangements for a deal iih the Atchison. Toi-ka & Santa i Fe llallroad. It wan announced some I time ago that negoiialon were In pro- gresa looking to the establishment by the Hamburg. American Steamship j Company of a line to the Pacific to be ioierated In connection with the Athcl i son ltuilroad, but these negotation yielded no results. The report now Is I that the Pennsylvania railroad, w hich has close relations with the Interna 1 tlonal Navigation Co., oprating the Amerlcun and Ked Star Steamship Companies is to be associated with the j Atchison in an arrangement which may be made with the Hamburg-American Line, thus forming a through I route from Europe to the Orient by 'way of the t'nlted States. That report. ; however, could not be Conflrmend in ; this city. i Mr. Meyer, who Is Mr. Unas' asrlst I ant In the New York agency of the i Hamburg-American Line, said the dl I rector of the line were considering isome sort of an arrangement with the j Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Ttailroad 'but that he was not In a position to ex plain the details of the proposition. PAKIS. Pec. 7, I today publish vei All the newspapers erses entitled "Christ mas Carol." written by Kdmond Ros tund I" ihe form of an apieal to the children of all countrL-; i-ontribute a portion of their Christmas gifts to ' tie sent to Boer mothers and children j in concentration camps in South Af rica. WILL CALL CONrtREIMCE (! NORTIlWlSlTivN (iOVFRX OKS TO MKKT IX MOM AN A. Coventor Van Sant Much Elated ,l)vcr l.nconraj;tnent Received from Other Covernors, . rAiu uec. 7. It is announced mat uovernor Van Sant may call conference of Northwestern governors io assem!)!? In Montana for thB n. Ideratlou of the so-ca',led merger of me .onn.rn raclflc. Great North m uurungion. No official announo. ment been made to this effect but the tovernor is so much elated ovr the encouragement he has received from replies of governors to whom he addressed letters on the subject that , t u believed thla course would be pur'"' Attoiy General PouglaHs declines to discuss' h Plans, but It Is under stood that a"tln wpuld be brought In all the courts .Hating jurisdiction P. P. THOMPSON ILL . PORTLAND. Pec. 7.-P. P. Thomp son, the well-known capitalist and ex minister to Turkey. Is 111 and is not expected to survive the nkht. PRICE OF SILVER, NEW YORK, Pec. 7. Silver. B5. Reported Eight Miles Off Cape Flattery Yesterday By Collier Marie. WAS APPARENTLY DESERTED Is a Four-nianted Steel Veinel Listed at Annie of 5 De gree Riding at Anchor, VICTORIA. B. C, Dec. 7. A special from Nanalmo says: The collier 'Marie arrived here this morning- from Lot Angelea. Early yes terday tnomtnt; about eight mllet south of Cap nattn-jr h rass-j a iarre vessel In distress. The vessel passed was a four-masted steel one and waa badly listed at an angle of about C degrees as though her ballast had hlfted. TH vessel waa at anchor to prevent her running on a reef. Ap parently all on board had deserted her. The Marie was light In ballast and unable to afford assistance. if!NER3 AMALGAMATED. I'nderground Workers Throw Down the Gauntlet NANAIMO. a. C. pec. 7.-The min ers of Extension. Alexandria and Nanaimo. in mans meeting here today practical)" threw down the gauntlet to Hon. James Punsmuir, president of the Wellington Colliery Company, by voting for the amalgamation of the underground workers of the three col- lleries. Punsmuir having declared that he would close his mines rather than recognUe the union which included the Nanalmo men. The executive com mittee has been empowered to draft articles of arTilia'ion. rn irinvrvruvu nn ismnnnnninn inp BLAME FIXEP. 5 Train Crew and RallroaJ Com pany Responsible. KINGMAN, Artz., Pec. 7.-The Jury Impanelled to Inquire Into the Franconia wreck on the Santa Fe, November 2. today rendered a verdict holding the crew of the west -bound flyer and the ra"ec..t company equally renonsihle for the wreck, and consequently for the loss of life. The company was censured for running fast trains against each t; other on short time. ri 5vru yyyyj uuinnjvruutnuTJVuvuuv 1 SLOW PROGRESS Revision Committee of Presbyterian 1 j:j,;is.9p? against 119.731 06 for 1500. Assembly Make Little Headway. ' ncreoge 0f 47 per cent In the value j of Imports and an Increase of 1SH per WASHINGTON. Pec. 7. Two ses- , per cent ln tne vaiue Qf exports. The slons were held today of the revision ; vamP c imports on merchandise from committe of the General Presbyterian : tne fnited States was tt.835.SS5. an Assembly. A statement issued by the ' increase of 72.4 per cent over the pre commlttee savs: Ivlous year. "The committee Is making progress j but It Is evident that ln discussing the ..... . niV III THF DITC great questions before It. progress y V 1 1 U UAl 111 I 11 L II I must be slow and nothing final can be 1 arrived nt for a week or more. It can j be said that throughout the discussions I pr) ,J0I.M RIECXS IX CHN have been most harmonious." ' ' ' . I CACO MARKUP. INCREASE MILITARY FjftCE. j - - England Will oMite Vomlln Pe- Incessant tflreare. ensive Forces. NEW YORK, Po ".In consulta- tion with t- o (.anadian officers who are now in London, the Imperial au thorities are devsins. . . foP th. ' - tu 3 cne. . eitun.i.,.. ", the auxin-.. v- military n 1 ine tJomlnion. says the Tr.'bune's Lon- -Kvimrm, u l3 proposed greatly to Increase the militia to make large grants out of the imperial funds for ammunition for Dractlc m, taiiV 'her "PenSeS 0f ,r4lnln to make a generous contrih..ti , .k. military pension fund to be raised by the Canadian rovernmn gland proposes heavily to subsidise the Dominion defensive forces. HEAVT SENTENCE! BVERETTE. Wah . .. -l -a-"- v.. I. 1 lfil I Jf Ferguson was sentenced hv .Tu,ira Penny to 14 years In the penitentiary today. Ferguson was convicted of rob bery and smuggling J70.000 worth of opium In five years. MUST RESIGN. DENVER, Pec. 7.-The Post todnv sava that all federal office holders In this state have received an order from President Roosevelt to resign whatever position they hold In political or,n. Ixatlons. Southern Pacific Overland Train Wrecked Near Salem Yesterday. FIREMAN FATALLY INJURED Eninecr Hadly Scalded but Will Recover Caua of Accident Not Known No Passen gers Were Hurt. SALEM, Or., Deo. 7. The north bound overland passenger train on the Southern Pacific waa wrecked S00 feet south of the passenger atatlon In thla city at 4 M O'clock thla afternoon. Ths engine Jumped the track Just Inaldo the switch. The engine plunged into ,MI creek while the malt car, combtn- atlon baggage and express car and the first day coach were thrown off the track. Engineer W. White was caught in the cab. his left leg being caught between steel bca.T The lower part of the limb was badly scalded by steam before he urtforttmate mM w& n. 1 eased fireman fish Jumped out of the cab, and was cayjht under the end of the mail car.. W ,eft ea" bclB: P'nned down. His limb Was ully- .shattered and he sustained bad cuta on the icilp. ih" fireman was ahio released and both men taken to the hospital for treatment. The fireman died at th hospital within an hour after being taken out from under the wreck. The engineers limb Is brnti- j and scalded but physicians state he '"' recover. It Is Impossible to tell what caused the accident. The train was running at the rate of ten miles an hour when the engine left the rails. The accident was caused by a half open switch. The engine took the switch and the tender took the main Una, Examination of the switch shows It was open, with lock gone. Evident ly It was the work of miscreants who planned the wreck. ISLANPS- COMMERCE. Imports and Exports Show Large In crease Last Fiscal Year. i i I WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. A compara tive statement of the commerce of the Philippine Islands for the fiscal year 1900-1901 prepared in the division of In sular affairs, under the war de partment, shows that the total value of merchandise Imported during the , fiscal year 1901 was t30.279.40 against IJoil.tS tor the nscal year 1900, and the total value of merchandise ex ported during the fiscal year 1901 waa . of Ruying Or- uers from Country Cutised Steady Advances. CHICAGO. Pec. 7. Pandemonium today and with jbroM hoP In gr... enthusiasm in o .. ,.k ,m3 seiaorn ir ivu been equalled the bulls carried every thing before them. It was a wim in the pits with wheat Id the lead and as on other recent bulges in Inces sant stream of buying orders from the country brought advances. One prominent broker threw a mil lion and a half bushels on the market and It had practically no apneeclabla effect. BIG OIL SALE. Five Million Barrels at 20 Cents per Barrel BRITMXNT. TEX. Dec. 7.-John D. Cameron, the local representative of a St. Louis oil Company received a tele gram from St. Lools last night stating that a deal has been closed whereby me company disposes of five million barrels of Beaumont oil to St. Louis Dartles. the oil being for use in St. Louis. The telegram states that the price paid was 20 cents per barrel at the wells.