"1' "'- ' THE MORNING ASTOKIAN. THURSDAY. DKCKMIU'R R, 1001 TKrl I VMf , M ,r) for the Wheeler Lumber Company, re ceived word fnm the life mvlng crew that A. Peterson. T. IVtemon and "Mike" Olertvan, menders of th crew, had been taken ashore In aafety, J. V. Colo, th cook, having Imn drow muL Coir a the first m n seen on the barge t the time she mine asore. He I was waving his hands to (he life- En m A SUIT OF WHITE every cake cf Ivory Soap there arc 100 complete suits ncn, creamy lamer, ixlore dressing, put on a suit of Ivory Soap. Cover the entire body from head to font rith lather. Take the suit off with tepid u ater and you will remove with it all the impurities of the body which have been carried to the surface through the pores. Use a pure soap for this. rVORY SOAP-99X, PER CENT. PURE. i saving crew, According to lufo'ina j tlon received from the scene of the ; stranding, the life-savers nt once hastened to the assistance of the men. ; Mr Prvant states -hut the cook was about .i years of use nn.t crippled. n I , that his Infirmity douhtlra. nmdo It l!iiroltte for hltn to reach shore, t '11111 we receive further iidil.es It '"ill ho ImivicKlhle to state .fust iihat mil he ,t -no about saving the ban;.' ' Mr 1t'V;it "St. :.!. iv ' it w ..tM ' f-'om repoits that ih - t.re l m .1 1m. I p'aiv and th.vt she v )!! go t.i pieces. Huiev.r If mi,.,., . :n It H": there In tune It in. iv U pos-t I.'.- to aae the lumber . ai ko." Thai the targe llie.l thtviuh t - . (.ril'l- Ktile l.i i oust l. r-,1 nost re matkaUc. She Is a flat-bottomed cs m!, and for this reason little hope was . iitcrtainod for her. New f the safe lv of the thr-e .ki.u I.un nhoas.1 the Wheeler uus nwlve.l with delight In LIVING IS VtRY HIGH IH)LITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. AYMtACK COM I'FK CAPITA IS $I0I.;I7. SurrKC nil KcctirUtt Sltico Pres. ; octH McthovN of .Mamifuctuic Have I'vvii in I nc. ! What They Think cf It TIICO. POOSEYELT ABRAHAM IIIWITT JOHN WANNAMAKER YOUK. P..- I to le l -!tii .1 P x i :w I'.lll'.lNT. 1 '. i r.i.m j.ii! , in lie ur ell IV.ve !..i f.i'i .:; h .I tl'.e Ml lie .'.i ll, ' i'e ! eii'.i 5 .' I t he o-wesl , oi.it .11 J .in i.irv I '. : ore om i! .1 I m.:' .lil t' '. esanes . . ilj-lt:! Ollsllillt'tlen 1 'IHlll'i. Ill lev .ll.t'.'l .', " ,il l'teill.lellt Theo.lelo lieosi l i ll - It In the .tut) of I'U'iy i;..i. i ini' ii to mip toft the I'lMten rut,. ii ti.K.t. Tain- III. I II I : Ilolll I nerie ,1H n hill I'll' I,' I'V- !us -up, s tor : I lliei u!,l s:i!l.. ,i l.llll1.'. e S He :! I :. e ,is ... J..N ! lv.;. .or I ail. I ::. ... ... pt e r r. .-olds illiu .i.ief.ltlolis ir b ih- p.-r I'll.fs .He new .llllp1 ship I il . V 111.. 't e lit III. I'l 111' .rv . s s It. I . 1 1 1 -.11 s, u li.. ;i.v in ill., pnrilsnn .i.ln itil ii .it. on of in ti it U-1 - h.-n . Neil I .H 1 1 . nil oppo .III' II I III I 'II t. .-Ill I s I I I" ! of ( 1 'im.i'ii ii N ii. .Is I. .it ti:. hull, st point in pi. mi i.eis au-l 111 flirt H'llp.ISs illl I.i'oi.ts sill,,' tli I iv.. -nt Mi. tl'... Is ..f tn.imiM. tine and distrthlltl.lll llllle teen 111 ll.se an. I k- tlit.ss cttv. Immediately on learninic of 1 1 l'''''"' ' "p the harg s predicament. Colin-tor Fox ("" V" RECLAMATION OF ARID REGIONS One of Most Important Questions With Which Congress W ill Have to Deal. UinCKant-l AIU tttJMKl j"1" territory. When this time comes. I ome territory must be found for this .rising westward tide of eiviliiatlon. "The onlv nvenha.to-in cloud more Amount of .Money Necessary tor! pretentious than any other today u Comprehensive System Larger -he raplJJy growing political repre- was requested to prevent departure of the revenue cutter MannliiK from the Sound. The following account of the ti-ek was received through the Associated Pri'ss laat night: XEWrtlUT. Or.. Dec. I -The lum ber barge O. H. Wheeler, bound from N'ehalert to San Franc!e. with Ml, W '"t of lumber, went ashore two j miles south of Taqulna bar about 10 o'clock this morning. The Wheeler farms, village and cities of the East I was lo4,t off Cap ltlanco In a storm and Middle West; men who must find ! b" ,h' ,u Vosburg. November :;. and some location for a home and some j h1' been making her way up the coast vocation by which they may become 'ver phe waa sighted early this self-aupportera. ! morning by the life crew, directly op- "For years the fertile prairies of j posite the station, about three miles Iow a, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, off shore, signalling for a tug. but Minnesota and the rakotas have at- I there was none here to go to her as- ; tracted thousands of these homeseek- I ''-"tance. Jers and home makers. These states; wl'h mainsail, foresail and Jib set. re rapinj- niung up and soon , ",r " f maaing ner way north, there will be an annual ex- ! l'ut 'Irlftlng In shore all the time. The odus of young men who look in ' cnn lowered ;he mainsail In the hope vain tor attractive opportunities for "1 fringing ner around on another securing farms and homes in any of lil, k- but falling In this they attempted 'latl.eis w. -i, nt extensive labor Mavui)! ma, Inn. -n tllst tKUll scale with TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Oriental advices say that the Itus slan authorities at Vladln st. k have wlth.lriwn the new tonnage duties recently Imposed thi-ix- on all foreign vrss 'Is. Matters In relation to the formation of an American imlo team to compete In the coronation tournament next summer In Kngland will tie acted upon definitely within the next It) days. According to the ltl Janeiro corres-pondc-it of the Herald. It is asserted that the 1' tilted States Covrrniiunt has re.iuired Uraxtl to adopt the pro. posed tarlrf on flour The bill Is now (etiig cousl lere.l t.y the nenafe. An article In the Kusslan J.iper Svet on the recent 1'. li-.li tiKltaflon. y j the Austrlin Poles, who play a rnth.-r ini".rta!it part In the realm of the j Hapsluirits. are llrl. .!. in! at the out raises committed hy the i iermans In IVsen. the fore- I tall to smiiim they taeiv My I'.is. .1 upon r raimnaiiy i'ii const, 1,-r ttie .l.i i. rnti.s as spoils w hi. h ! IIKllI hel.lm- to Its Ir, i es. s 1 1 y gov. iiiiiii.nl is a t'lisin ss pi o-o-li ton and !tr who apptals t, tin- partisan spirit of the people III a city election Is Hot II KO'id citlfen " John Wantiaiii ik' r llaie the 'o pie of I'lillail. lphla lost alt clllc pride? lo they not see whal polltlci' has done for our city If there lis- an up right .It. .ii In this . oniiiiumiy who cannot see what parly p.. Illl. s in I,.. i nl nffalis lea d to th n Indeed do I fear for he future seek to profit hy pernicious svsiem " Only those who It adi.iate this Than the Western States Are Able to Supply. j sentatiou and influence of the great i centers of population as against the i country. The hope of the country Is ' In the 40, 60 and ! acre farms thou- to make for the bar. A big wave roll ed uimn them, carrying away the mainmast, also the colored cook J W ; Cole, who waa seen cllnulng to the' At the iiiinnul m wreckage a short time afterwards, hut i,an ,'"l,-'l I'urham evidently he did not survive long. An- j 1,1 n,Ui " v other large wave threw her on her , !'"'' as a stock . lam ends and everything above decks ', t Illinois. H MAYOR- Isaac Ikrman t'ITIZKN. NixMIVKK rK MAYOR- Joseph Suprenant uurriii.i'.'AN xoMixr.n hMit v'lTY TKUVSfRKR- Frank J, Carney RKI T I II ,OA X' X i M I X I'd". i:i.hTi"X Norp-K 'ting of the Anierl Asko. latlon. hil l ere taken to reor ompany under the W. w. ivrnne ,.f w ent overboard. One of the men clung to some wreckage and rame ashore CHICAGO. Dec. 4.-W. C. Brown, President and General Manager of the Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Rail way, with headquarters at Cleveland, when asked for an expression of opin ion on the president's message as re gards the development of the West said: "I cannot express too strongly my appreciation of the recommendation of the president, looking to the reclama tion of the now arid regions in our Western states and territorifs by the construction of great reservoirs for the storage of water "The fact that trie president favors the undertaking of this work hy the ' general governm-nt Is logically the ! result of his familiarity with condi tions in the West and his practical knowledge of the subject under mn- I sideration. ''The work of r-i tarnation of arid , lands, undertaken in th- compreh-n- j sive and thorough manner which its 1 Importaice n"t only Justif;"?. but de-; mandv will rcpjlre a larg.-r extendi-I ture of money than the sparo-Iy set- : tied states ..f the West can comman 1. i Money for this purito-'p exj-ended by the state must be rais-d by tavation. this Is an obvious impossibility, and I tnereiore tne only alternative left to the state or territory unaided bv the general government would be to farm out to treat syndicates c .mOsed of eastern capitalists the right to con- i Btrut t the reservoirs, to own the water j and control the land reclaimed. V rider i this plan th settler -eking a home upon government iann must pay trib- ute to th syndicate thus formed, in such amount us the syndicate might elect to exact. "Each year a new generation of vouna men is being graduated from sands of them owned and titled by , h"'f mlIe bove the place of the pres- j happy, prosperous American cltixens : ''n, reck. The other two stayed with ;and in no way can this condition be ma,n deckload, which followed in urouent aoout so speedily as by the . lnp ""e r me aereiict about two government undertaking at once the ' miles to the southward, w here she work of reclaiming and making fruit- "truck. The survivors are: T. Peter ful and fertile the millions of acres son' o( San Francisco: A. Peterson, of of land now its property, but absolute- : Aberdeen. Washln,rton. ami il. Yeder ly w orthless without water. i man of Nehileai. It Is well within the limits of ex- ' treme conservatism to say that tj " " acre for acre, the irrigated land may TliiiH'canie rri'ildent. I'itV. Ohio. Was elected Theodore Malisbury W.Hilwy. profess or of International law has H.int - I tempornry dean of the Yale Ijiw School on account of the serious Illness of Professor Francis Wailand. who has lv-n head of that department of Yale for nearly ouarter of n century. Pears' People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can be. It takes off dirt. So far, so good, but what else does it do. It cuts the skin and frets the under-skin; makes red ness and roughness and leads to worse. Not soap, but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap has no free, al kali in it. It neither reddens nor roughens the skin. It re sponds to water instantly; wash-es-and rinses off in a twinkling; is as gentle as strong; and the after-effect is every way good. Established over too years. an average more than the best SO acres In the fertile valleys of the Mississippi and Mis.iori. Personally I believe that I acre for a re, the Irriga. d land may be depended upon to produce thr-e times as much. Taking the former estimate, however, as a basis an at- j tempt to compute the addition to the j materia' wealth of thii coun-ry which would result from the expenditure In this prs-iit work of ,.n- half Hie m..r.-y I'lhl.-h is- approprlat-1 annually In the : river and harbor bill, much of whuh !to it very mildlyi Is stent without : h .p- o: exj-. ta-ion of return and the revj't will lieear comprehension. Hut .above and beyond the ir.a'-rlal f.-,,. nir.s it. niid.T th- moral eT-f ij;..,n th- character of th- nation of flMirnr th- fo.'lhiils and the valleys cf the trans-Missouri st.ves wl'h th- multi- I in-.- ..i ii.ir.jy pion-er.s and h,.:n--) builder that would le- attract-) hy th- field thus opened to them. 'X.i recommendation I has ever i-en ma 1" bv a tires-Mont ; more linti,rtant than this or worthy or mor careful consideration and I hope to see an appropriation for the i reclamation of the arid lands of the nation ma le as regularly as that for ilv-ni and harlwjrs, or for any other treat and necessary work of the na tional government and that the ap propriation will be commensurate in amount with the great Importance of the work." SORES AND ULCERS. Sores an.! t'lfiti never become chronic unless the M b i:i poor condition is jluto'idi, weak tail unable to throw oil the i;isons that accumulate in it. Tlic system must l; r.'ltevcd of the unhealthy j matter thro :,, h tile sore, ami creat ilaner I to l.h w-i : i iiMow s'i.iuUI it heal before the I ' .. li.is Is c.'t ma.l pure r.n.l healthy an,l ai! ::if;uri:i-.'eUm;t:ati! fn.tn the sys- , ti:::. S ;: '.'"ia : t!;ei arc by f.itc!c I'ts-ir-H an 1 iuvi;;onti!itf t!.e l-I'X-l, buil!in : :; tU .- i;e-.".il If -altii ami ren.uvii: from ' - ll1"' t.;; :' .!.:1 A CONSTANT DRAIN ' T. - : ; r UPON THE CYSTEM. Win a ta: il:-. J..xa aciortipliilicil the dis- i charge L'-a.l- a'.y cea's, o;al the sore or u'.ccrh' aii. It ij the ti:u!cncy of !:cm: old ; indolent sore t r.'ow v.orre and worse, j andcvenluiilrt id'.-strny tliclxmis. lyKul a;.; .1. cation.. -,v'..e soothim and to some i x'.cttt alleviate ji in. caniuit reach the scat I of the trouble. L.Sj. S docs, and no matter ; or suggestion : .,.. t .... t i..; MKKTI.Vi iTI'"K. Friday evening, IVcemli. there .f of- . will b nonlnitlon and election Men at he l- -r.i.' ..f Pocahontas after which r.-freshm. tits will be serv ed AM memlie's are earnestly re !'!:. .1 to att-nd. Ity ..rder of the Pi s 'A ll' 'N'T AS. Notice Is hereby given, that on the llth day f Iv.'.-inUr. l.sd. a general election for the l'ty of Astoria will bo held it which election the following name 1 .idlers will Ih- elected, to t M.i) or. for a period or term of two ears 'rotn the first Monday In Jnnu aiv. !'.' Auditor and I'olt.e Judge. f..r a period or term of two years from the first Moii lay in January. 5K Superintendent of Streets for a been ftp- I period or term if two y.-rs from the first Monday :n J.itui.uy. I so.'. '"Ity Surveyor, for u period or term of f i yetus from the first Monday In January. 1: 'lty Tr-asuter. f .r the rlo.l or term of two years from the first Mon day In January. IjO.'. I 'tie Police i 'oliiuilssloin r for a lirlod or term of six years from the first Monday In January. 1'1. iiri- I'oiin. Iliiuin f,.r the Pirn Ward for a term of three years fr"tn the first Moll lav In January, 1.'. line i 'oiiit.lln.an. f, r the Seen I Wind, for the t. ini of tbr.e .'.trs fcni portion of (Iib t'lty of Astoria lying lielMivn tho east Ihiiiiidaiy line of Pre cliii'l No. 3 and the ccliter Illiu of Twenty-first street extended n suttc etil dlsiuitco north and south in in-tcr-ect tlic north and south boiindiuy lines of said city, and the polling place for snld precinct shall be the room at No Ooiiitnerclnl street, III Hie Welch block, The Judges of election for slid polling place shall lie (' It. Thompson, t", J, I'liriis and li T tier des and Iho clerks, Hurry lray an. John ll. tliotk lii'iitsirntloii and polling pieriiict No .'.. Ill Ward No 3. shull Include all Ihnt poitloll of tlie I'Uy f Ait i l.i liltu belli coll Iho east Is.itii lal y line of pie i In.'t No 4 and the east line of the J M Slilv 'ly lion.i'l.ni I -and I'bilm e ti ii.le I a siittlclciit distance north and south to llit. i sect th,. north and mhiIIi b.Minlaty Sines of the I'lty of Vstoila, and the polling place for sal I pivctuct shall lie eiiiilue house No The ) vi.t n of election for said polling place ! i shall lie I'ui l lloeiiten. Henry Itoe and ( iMaitlu ulseii, and the cleiks, John , Kopp. Jr, and Adolph Johnson ' ll Ml Or.lllon mid p.illUiK pie, hi, I No I it. In Ward No .t. shall include all Ih it p." ti'ii of the I'll) of Asloru lying bet ween the east luminary Hue of pre- ' i lure No 5 nil I the east Ihiiiiidaiy of i the I'lty of Astoria nti l the polling , j place In said precinct shall I the old ! . school house In Adair's Atoil. The I llldlles of election for said polling pluvs. shall be Oust Itolim-s. Krrd Wright and I'liu'les Uod lard. and the clerks W. T S.honeld and ile l ul.en The Judges first mentioned fr ea. It lulling place shall he i h.ilriiian of the Judges Kich eleitor of the city shall vote onlv within the precinct In which lie resides and In which he l registered ll) hereinafter provided 11 K NUsSkN. Auditor and IVIlce Judge. lj CITY kM PUU ICAN TICkliT. I ll He VuU'tl I IT CillK'lllllV . Ic CCIIlKl' II. IIMII. Mayor JSI I'll SI PItllNANT It nt.VN'K Treasurer J I'AltNKV Vulllor and P II i: NI?U-si'N, dl.e Judge Sllpet lllleil lent of SltvolS. JMi:S P KP.AItNKY Hut v e) or. Police JulIN W. I'ommUsiiiner. HAIIIUlsH: i'ouii. Union, flrsl Ward. v.. p. paiuc cit I'oiin. IImibii, H. con.1 Ward .'I -I.l'HVIH .Ati1N i'ouii llnitin Third Ward. John Nordstrom. KOPP'S BEST AHelicioiiH and Pcilntnble Drink Absolutely Pure The Northern Tirlflo tlrtwery, of il, n makes beer for d 'ineiii,- and flp.irt tral. Ilattled beer for family us or krg bear siii'litj a! any Urns. !h city fre. Mr John Kopp u pr.ipriftor. 1 is.lt verjr id North Pacific Brewery C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission. Brokerage. Insurance and Shipping. Custom Houno llrokr. ASTORIA, ORE, acsiii W r 4i.i. nd i-acitn airs-eMtlas. HQTEiL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORICOON The Oily Pir!-iM Hotel In I'ortlmid p ' wii' m it May the first V.,'i I , v In .lai.uai v I '' .nil. ilin.'i'i. for the Tlilid Ward, t a ... d'ltir it.a I. illl no- , is'a n. iv-ri. "ti ! T. t th I : 'he tine responnii,',.. f,,r hi teams, th Ir ' '"tiiinefal sv. id i'o nt etith fb:i: p:,l'-s ..re latn '.nds t l.t . sir-.-t being .r th" t'l'tn of thiee vai from the iist Moii. . y In J nni.iry. 1 "'.' That 'he polls f.,r sa ...... n.,n ,i r to It 1 b. whl r al ! s .....i .1 K '.VlItT. I.. I .1 I N' 'T! ni-.n i "irir.l ds l,.r d i's ti--n to "S'a'i t-t-ri'h str.--: I ian.t strsH-t i iiang" str, WKATHKItKD TWO GALES AND THBN WKNT ASH' iP.K I.uinbtr Karge Wheel.-r Stranded Ya'iulna, th; Colored Cook Alone Being Drowned. at The lumber barge ('. H. Wheeler succeeded In living through two terri fic gal.s. only to meet her doom on the lach at Taijuina bay. Three of her four men have been saved by the llfe-sai-lng crew, the fourth, J. W. Pole, of S.an Francisco, the colored cook, having been drowned. The barge went afboee vesterday morning off Newport, Ore., and Is piled up on the sand. She win probably be a total loss, though efforts will be made to save her. The first news of the stranding of the vessel was conveyed In a dispatch to the Astoria Chamber of Commerce, received yesterday morning. The dls pateh read as follows: "A scow schooner Is off Yaqulna bay. Inform the tug that lost her last wek when towing, liarge Is signaling for assis tance." The message was from Cap tain Welander. Later. U. 8. Bryant, superintendent CTcn thoucjh V'i-:r constitution has broken ; ab ilown, it wid Ltintf nlicl when nothing ehc cat:. It sujiphes tlic rich, j ure M'Xi necessary to heal tlc so-e and nourish the (Iibiiitatfd, Ji easel bo'.y. Mr. J I" Talltert, LcsX Utx ;i.winona, Mii , Say-,: "fil years r?o my I- lr.milh.rkn elo the font c-.:s f.t.e s-.rV. hrver.il f.hviicians treat, d i:ir a .1 I r:aae lw.tri-i. It- I i-pring., but f-air,d r.o relief. I Wasiouiired to try S b. h , and it made a complete cure. I have tec a a per-fi-tlr well ma a ever since " is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no 1 1 poisonous minerals to rum the uieestion and add to, rather than relieve vonr tuilcr ings. If your flesh do 9 not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in lad condition, and any ordinary sore ta apt to become chronic. Send for our free boo'.; and write our physicians about your case. We make OO thare for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. OA. : r priii.i.-ATiiiN. h-r-!.y given that th C 'in--! of t'et City of Aft .ri.i his Int 't . n and detenu. n bsa the g ale on Th'r fr 111 the no. ta i.ne of : the ut.'i ilii- of Ex- t at the f ill mint? heighte his - of (fradm as ibl sn-d by I'lrdin in -e N . 71 of said city, P w.t: A: tho north ti'e of Duane ttet, 24.5 f s-t. anl at tho u:h Uni of Duane , strut. :t.5 fe.-t. . At '.he north line of Exchange street, :U fee-, and at the south tin; of Ex- ( . h inge street. 2S I fsi-t. The nlope b twe-n the south I ne "f , ruane street anl the north line of Ex- change street to be stro.ght or gradual. ' Trds r,otic Id puillshed for ten days , in pursuance to a resolution of fhe Common Cun -ll of said city, order ing th saine. H. E. JJEISON, Audltir and Police Judge of the City of As'or.a. 1: ll n I I I...... ed i:n J I'll,'' s I ur t No. j nil thill I ' il Hlg t pet ,:,i 1.. A fo'la "f M"',,.'s cot distance fie north s of ll. Cy Da of first p ib'lcitl'n, November house n Pleasing the Ladies During the long winter erenliiKa the smoker should remember the ladies and the after e fleets of the cigar. We I' ll elgirs that are pleasing asd fragrsnt, and many of our eAistoinen find extra pleasure In their evening home unoke. 'Ihey coat no more than inferior b amis, and lave many acioas word. Vou try a lei WILL MADISON. I.IKE IS UKOWINCJ I.ON'iKlt. Kroin Htiitlitlt s and resulta of certain changes in the methods of living, it has been proven that the spun of life Is being lengthened. AVe are justified In believing this when we consider the Kreiti alliances maue in llieilHllle uur- 1 find, ! I I .e."l ill II: 1 111. and shall 1 -, ' "f ; ,.', ... i( p in tin 10 th-y si,., 1 T'.a' th- Coll', I -s..t. d 111 . the 1 . te.n tie ; d l.ks "! ' d atii". o-'it; I tt-cl-' r.t Moii n 11 I p.,llnM I. Ill Ward No 1 ..da I It p.,, !',,! of the i'lty ,,f Vest of ll.e ''t line Astoria ft tended a stnli. north and south to Int. , lllld south bound., rv I , t, . of Astoria tin, I th" in.ling pla.e f.,r said precinct hall ... S ite.,., I Ijitl '',e Ju.k-. s of lectio,, f,,r Hal, I polling phue shall be Thomas Mo.ka. Churl, s Wil son and Grant Trulllnger. nid the il-rkfi shull be J. A, Ka.'itabend mid John fi Tib.-rg Registration and polling pr. cn. t No. I. In Ward No 1, shall In- lu le nil Mint portion of the City of Astoria lying li-tivei n th ist boundary line of pie- ilmt No. 1, nrid th. titer line of Eighth street In M, ''lure's Astoria extended 11 Miif!l i.-ri ( distance north and sou ih to Int.. is,-, t the north and South bollliliiy Iocs (lf (he i'lty ,,f Astoria, and the polling place f. r precinct shall b" englm. 1. at th" coiner of H. vnih and Commercial streets The Judges lion at Htild polling place shall J, Goodman Thomas Trulllni;er arid George Nobind, and the 1 l.-rks, D. M. i-'tuait and Paul Itaddlet. lie gHtrutlon and polling pie. lne No. 3, in Wnnl No. 1. shrill Include all that portion of the f'lly of Astoria lying between the eust boundary line of prc- No. 2 and the center line of U S'I T iVl.lisi'l.' tit lil-cy' it - We Rent New Typewriters. Many ni w iiiiiinivemi'iibt inlilisl. Soo uur liiU-wt No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Kree . . . L T.u.1 Pka. ' -saw . V w. M. ALFXANDLR A CO r imusive I'acillc (V.aat Itrairra 'il.'iHtnrk SI , Portland, Oral, M'KKt IIMK. I.ssi Agent. PACIFIC COASf COMPANY COA L snld of .-le be i'. For Steimcr, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST TELEPHONE AUIN 661 Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. DYSPEPTICIDE Th flrtttrUst aid to DIGESTION. Ing the past fifty years. The most J Twelfth street extended a stifilelent ,ls. lance north and south to Intersect the north aril south boundary Hues of the City of Astoria, and the polling place of nai l precinct shall be engine house No. 2, at the City Hall on the corner of Eleventh and Commercial street. The Judges of election for said polling place nhall be Herman Wise, C. jj. Stockton and B. O .Hughes, and the clerks shall be Arthur Calliim nnd B. P. Allen. Heghttratlon and polling precinct No. 1, In Ward No. 2, shall Include all that noteworthy of them being Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, the old reliable rem edy for all ailments of the stomach, liver and bowls. It cures dlspepsla. indigestion, constipation, headache, sour otomach, belching, heartburn and biliousness. It la the beat medicine in the world for run down systems, and has a record of fifty years of cures. Women should also try It, as It will certainly do them good. Our Private Die Htamp is over the neck of the bottle. Pacific Navigation Company Steamer "Sue II. Minore" and "W. II. Mm iImimi" Only line AMtorlu to Tillamook. (,urlhiil,ll and ltay City, llormonvllle Cnnnwtlng at A.lorla with the Oregon Railroad ft l.'avlirallon Com. pany and also the Astoria & Columbia Itlver Kallroad fur Han F?an. U-ll.t,.l anl all nnl.o. o... -..c. "r Da rn" v.wt.u, -t ,.-u ... Vv,,nm b.ni. .-or ireigni anu apply to piim.ngur ran. The Morning jftgtoHoM Sixty CctitH Per Month Delivered at Your RcHldcticc. r. -eaT 1