The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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    rin. mormm; astorian. tiursdav, nr.tT.MM k s. w
Telephone Main Mt.
Bent by mall, per year
Bent by malt. Per month
erveJ by carrier. Pr month.
. .50
Bant by mall, per year. In advance. :.00
Th Astor'.sn guarantee to Its adver
tiser the largest circulation of ny
newspaper r-MIhM on th Columbia
field Fvu coxQfiT.
On of the most promising fields for
onnu-t commercially by Oregon la
th Orient. With lis population of
countless million of people who are
a yet very far behind the agv In man
ufacturing, the possibilities of trad
with that country are prirt-'cally un
limited. The products which that
coumrv la annually consuming in vast
quantities are produced right her In
Oregon at less cost and with a smaller
amount of labor than any where else
In the world, and It Is only necessary
for our enterprls. a to go
about It In a systematic and intelli
gent manner to control that trade.
The best plan yet suggested Is that
contained In a letter from Consul
liarry R Nfiller to Dairy an-1 F.hvJ,
Commissioner J. W. Padey .' this
state. In which he urges the northwest
commercial bodies to sMid an agent
over to Manchuria an! China to livk
out for th markets for our products.
He speaks c?pec;r"y of Port Arthur
and th Dalny the latter the open sea
terminus of the Siberian railroads.
Through trains will he running soon
from Palny to St. Petersburg, and It.
0"0 men ar at work c.nstructing the
city of Dalny. and 17i on the dry
dock. There is a chance for a great
market there for canned fruits. Jam,
lumber, doors and sashes, house fit
tings, furniture, machinery, hardware,
and nearly all things used by man will
soon be handled and sold In large
quantities.. Woolen goods, clothing
and blanket will have a good sale, for
the country is cold, although it lies
much south of Portland. The gap to
be closed up In the Siberian railroad
Is now on'y 15' miles long. The time
will come. In a few years, too. vv hen
a per"n can board a fat s'enm-r at
any point an 1 arrive In Dalny
in ten or twelve .lavs. He can tak" the
throueh train for St. Petersburg and
lie th"re In ten of twrp. e days more."
i."veiopnvnt l tr. or-ier of the age j
on th- Pa I lii- roast, nn I if the adviu. i
of Cm sal Mill -r i heel-d hv the com- !
.... .. . .. . !
mercn; co ins or r-gon no section
will b" mor- benelltted by that de-veK'Dm-nt
than our own state.
Highly part and parcel of tiovcruor
Dole's opinion as the InhUvjunil al
livs made Jure 14, !!V0 ff th.- eon
tentlon made In the inaugural was
true the statement In the acting gov
ernor's report waa false. potli .hvn
mcnts lac th IVOe administration
plainly on record They vvl'l nocessai
ily call for an ep!aiiailon from con
grvss and serve to coinp'i, ate the situ
ation, besides ;nisin serious .;uesti.n
as to Hawaii's h.itnstv in d.-al,:m with
the federal government
Ane U ilie roputcd m
General W. o 1 v'.a: "th1 iii
is morale ! ami-
ii. al .
I Stale i
Charles Rcploglo, At water, 0., was
in very bad snap. He says: '' suf
fered n great deal with my kidneys
and w reuuested to try Foley's Kid
ney Cure, t did no and In four days
I was able to go to work attain, now 1
am entlivly well." llart'a Drugstore.
First Oolfer. lie loesn't play very !
well, hut he says he .xi bilsv to give !
any tnoiv time to practice, j
Secoi'.d Uolfer Hh, well. If a man
neglicts golf to attend to Ms Im.situ ss
what can he rxpvct- Pack.
asko I 1 1 io so !
New York lb nv
this iMHntiy is r t
boun.1, nn-raltv or
"I ruffered for yeni-s with a bron
chia! or I'ing troub'e and tr'-d vnilous '
ivmedles bi:t .lid not obtain pcrmau- .'
etu relief until I commenced lining one ,
,1. Minute Cough Cure." writes K,v. j
.James Klrkman, evangi'li-t of li.r.e
jlvlver. 111. "I have no hesitation 1
i r..smm. ndlng It to all suflerx-rs fm
legaiu. to admit ! maladies of this kind." Cue Minute
tie mum
r,f-3--"!' .jir
In a Word Till Tolls of th lv.ig.'r
tfoivlca via t,W
?ho Norlhwoslcrn feinc.
Klght Tialn iMIly tirn P.uil
an I Chicago, c mpi liiiiii
Tli.- Uite( I'ullina i Hic p t:
I'eciI'M P iling I'jrs,
L.b'aty in. I i M -i v i .1 hi I'.Tt,
l-'fe KccliiiMig Chair Cat,
th ll islatl I."
api'y s., s v
and ti' . r 111 !
j throat And lung trouble, for croup
j it Is uneiiialUiJ. Absolutely safe. Very
any ihcn c.nnt:y to a -h.nv in lis j Couch Cure affonls Immediate relief
I for iMiu-h .,l.l I ..ii vi.. i..
sveiirn:v I s no inoiv lo Min-T - ""
nvted to civil invasion baa io mlli-
a., .n-i"ii. c. ii ; pleasant to take, never falls and Is!
iulvklv and Indignantly r--pl withi really si favorite w ith th rhildn'n.
foiw of arms Th fencer it may Th,,V "ke It. Chas. Kogvrs, Druggist.
will guarl lti!!eil;v avai'ist v.ith the. T),. h.i, . .... , ,
! he bankruptcy law re.iulrvs some 1
foiw of an ciilUlit. ned rat on;.' si ml- j amendments, but It would be unl;
ment. t atrlotlcaliy Ka'nis for thejto repeal It and tvvlve the various'
preservation of
I !i -hi !;ht ! '"s'olvent laws. Cnder pii sent
j conditions of trade a national law ha
! beovni a practical necessity -T.uon,-!
In !l-
Kepresentativ e v'vers os ;
itia, will introluoe. c.irly i'i the
sion. his current bi'l. -vh'ch was a,- j -j t,, ,y ,. t fw, , OW, my
proved by the House lUnkliK and "ur- life to Kod d Iyapepsia i"uie." writes
rency Committee at the ,te s. s-i- n , "' Chrlsiensoa. of Hayikid M:nn !
of congress. 1, amho- , ., ,..e S. . -r, - ! "F,,r ,hr ' 1 w rvublej with '
... , , dysiH'i s:a so that I could hold nothing !
" "' my stomach. Many time I would ;
dollars in sums of n n less t'uin flfty j lw tinrble to retain a nuus-t of fo d. ',
dollars in gold. The 11, : is to i lake j Flnallv was confined to my b.d.
all forms of monev as g.vM n. gold, j H ,r " I i'-'M not I read ,
one of your advertlfemt nts on Kod I
to str-ngthen th.- go d stand . ,d a ,t ! n,v,p,u Cuw ( , ,y
Ce m v. The bill has g.-ner!1y Wen j case and commenced Its ue I began
endors si bv bus:nn.-s and inanclal ! to Improve from the first bottle. Now
assiHlations throughout the country. I1 am cured nnd recommend It to all."
2, j Di-sts your foo.1. Cures all stomach
, , I troubles. Chas. Rogers, Druggist
The first meeting of the I nited Cen- I ''
tral Council of Ruilding Tr.i I s of New j Levy I hear you remarked at d.-r
York and vicinity, which replaces the : dub last night dot I vas u thief unt
old board of walking delegates and " '
.... . . . ... noentetn-ot ohf it. Vcy' P. re Trades Council, has Just ben . , .
ia nonilv arount but a few ohf v oar
held. The principal object In forming personal friends. Puck.
the rnltec) Central Council Is to put an '
end to sympathetic strikes by arrang
ing for yearly agreements with eon- ' A poor complexion Is usunlly the re.
tractors and to end fights between i ,ult of a nrldd liver or Irregular ac-
The .'iith iViiduy Trains
- Itum'v Day of t!ie Vcur
Tlio Finvst Twin in the Worlui-
I'tUlll AMI
in iii I Ivnuii'l i n "ii ' ) l
1 ih iii I fit A us mot 1
I I'olliU
A s 1 1 III I V
'I in r i I .nlmi.l . lid y
le I'.'ll.U
lion ui
I I u in
' II I I t HIilS
I. I r o '
W p Mt
II . II,
III 1 1. u
III l 111
. I mil A .(.ii ! Hi lv, ui
. I I. .l W ai .. Ml,, ii, I ) Hi ,, Ul
t l,i i v 11.1,11111 I.. I ' el , 1 III i in
-HI. lll-l tell 'l . ft In
llll I IV
Of nil kiiiils from u visiting ouil
to a ilnily iii vsiijn r or u 1'iM'lv
hlcvliii liihltil
Mdi'lmii' iii tlio
HU'( ti nt i'1'i lati'l-
T I'rsrtliiii,
ll.llllls I'I I'l
flialdrs lis to tl'l 11 ulit wol k
li'ijllll'llio H l.noi' Mlili'llllt of
t in si llllIU I'll si,,t( ihdlt'i'
I Till: H APilKII SI A I'i: KNPKKSS. tto
I li'lu.wt Pal.) Train Uuniiiig ll iw.-.n
i !i P.HII ant Clu, n ill ; ti e- Slioll
' 1.11.
c'liiiKollotis from h tt'i'i: Mil v'a
1 1 Ii I'" AT Si'lt III I'll N A VP
Till. Is lo ths IlK.Ht" t-INi: l.-len
iiuu.'ia. St Paul and Mlnm-apoin
AH Agouti !-ll Tlckrti v
The Northwestern Line
ilenrral Ag-n! Ttv Agent
'.'D Aider H rs t, PoilUn.l. t: 'li
mill lit 1'iii'i
l'i!iCtl.i s.
I, low
All irsi iinik.1 cloi cuiiii'i'il 'ii at
il Ii,' i ii ll Norilieiu I'ai'idc trtln
lo and fi "il Hid H-iai and Hun I pmnlt
il'n'l Cir ghi and Paoaengor Agmit,
.Portland - Astoria Houte..
I'i '!) II -und TC t Kicept Hundsy
No Job too Large or too Small
i q,06oisvitjj
lo iv p i!:.o. l
,v A' .o i .
7 in.
; p in.
new central boly represents about ijj.
'v pei sons.
Hup-an nature is a very
vmantitv. Fur in-tanc-. if a news item
is punished bv the h une jaiier which
re'leei ujv.n the r n lin t of tl . e
connected with the rircums'-ince ihe
person thus x n- l."i--"j no ti'iie in
condemning the pat-er as a Mai k
mailer. graft-r an 1 assassinavvr of
character. If by chan' 'h- i ai-r has
(tiblish another w hi. h
ther peo;d" it is tmn,'Hl;
' la- k of enter: rise.
lion of the bowels. T'nles nature's ref
use Is carried off It will urly cause
1.1...,. I til t..,.- m . .
t iiiii uir hiimvi. i iiiijiie, uuns ana om-
ler eruptions follow. This Is nature's
method of throwing off the poisons
uncertain j which the bowls failed to remove iv.
Witt's Little Karly Risers are world
famous for .remedying this rendition.
They stimulate the liver and promote
regular and healthy action of the
bowels but never cause grltdnif.
crumps or distress. Safe pills, 'has.
lingers. Druggist.
failed t
cum ei'e.
a. i ns -d
n' citizens, make gun! Ims.nfss
iIibi.1 business men make g I
r, Vote fnr the nominees i.ti
ri-juMican ticket on p.-.- il.
I lil'i'f of tin in ;it the -crvii i
of i lit ilk Ti'.lsii'.o iitrniio,
We a iv lv.i.l v to umliTtiiki'
Murk riiuiriiio; iirtistif 1 1 1 1 1 I .
U'c iitv In tti r iri''iirl tluiii
III 11 tufnro fur this '( .ss ,,f
Wo i iirn ;i
-tuck of tin'
llll'llilllli r.l'll
'li ,1-1 ..! ;
I'lli ' . A II 10
iii'oi a in
vt rv lo
I:. I '
t. .
I ...
si lit I
t illlil
ilpi r Mini
Wo i aii
r -oo il
I I S he! yiflh and :
' l.e.ll C II V Inc I, H ',0 tl.llld
i 1 ') i-risnd l-:ipr-iift j
Train f.,r Salem,
i li'iii-tnn t, Aftli I
I land. Sa rameiiio '
' I' i" ' 'K-t. n S in 1'ru'i-
I cl.. o. M .Jav r , t I
I Angeles. Ill I'aao. !
I U 111 Nen I li 1. alii ail I
tha Cast.
At Woodhurn '
(dally ricrpt Sun
I ilav). iiiorulrg !
tt aill i iitillri In vv ittl i
train f,.r Mt An- I
I gel. SlUfftnn.
I II r o n n v I I I r.
i Hprlngflelil. and
Natron, and even
ing train f ir Mt !
Angel and Hllvrr
ton. I
.til a III 'ui ullls pn.n.-ii
1 er I
W pin! Sheridan pajfii-
The Dalles Boat
ii P i .lftiil The padr, and y
i.-:n I' i'U'iI Tili('. Tliunlayl
" c ' r I Hi ii Iiii ii ! ft iii.
V . . Tim 1 Clllrft t!io Sll0 dy 1pm.
' l-ie- li Pa left. Hunt?, Wfines.
I :j. a '. I'r. li) at 1 m
V: v. I' -t'anJ same djr, I p. m.
I.- n ii. (
I'M r ill.- du fi (rjni-ftt ftcn.e a
t: li -K oi 'it'.ll t.litlng Pu-t
f AlJrr .-.reet llolll
I'll iii-i Mam 351.
I A J T V V t lt Aft A.lorU
: J H N VI I'll.lni'N Agl. Tlie tUlla.
j I'll I A HAKNi:S, Agl I lik si
I l; ii-r
W.'l.t'i'KP A Vrr.ll.t. Agta Willi
S in n.
j J ' ttltlT Agl Vany nivor
;l V i llU 'ITuS. Agt Portland
I in ;
I iHllly rli-f. Sun lar
M.iill I '-I
! wanti'D
r.-.-ar I
The oto hurst of is.pular excitement
in the O-'rman press against Great
Britain, ar.d especially against the
Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, is undoubt
edly genuine enough, but the furious
agitation over it In England has. as
wvinted out in our In lnn dispatehes
yesterday, a suspicious tinge of partl
sanshin. It Is In Englan 1 ever mure
than here one of the traits of the race
that the utmost license Is taken and
allowed In party warfare. When pub
lic opinion and public sentiment
which has often little connection with
any snlfr thing are the weapons of
nartv leaders, every device is resorted
to to Influence the minds and emotion
of the people. The British Liberals,
in their apparently desrate situa
tion, with the weakness of their ad
versaries offering them opportunities
which they have not the skill or the
sense to use. are doing precisely what
some of the Bryanlte did for a couple
of years preceding the last presidential
lection, they are striving to em'mrras
the government by Increasing IU dif
ficulties in foreign matters, with very
little reference to the falrn-s or even
'he decency of their tactic. N. Y.
The miiita
fakir g st-p vv i'h a v i,-
more s'ringent regulations in r.-
u war corresi..n,eiis tn s.,-j-h .f
It Is intended In the fij'ur- ti r-s
he number of press repres.-n'.at!v
the seat of war. while a list is t
kept at the war office of thu-e who ar
officially considered ijuilitVd to a. t in
that capacity.
Th-- manufacturer of Banner Salve
having always b-lieved that no doc.
tor or medicine can cure In every case.
( but never having hen'd where Banner
Salve failed to cure ulcers, ires. tt -
' T
ter. e.-j.-ma. or idles, as n matter of
at 'curiosity would llWe to know if there
be are such rases. If so they will gladly
T refund the money. Hart's Drugstore.
Kl'V, i;i I. -k, M v N vi
ItetlAlM ll...Hla ,.n . , I. ft..... .. IV... I
. land. Sacranir-nt,) and San Kran.-la.-o I
I Net rates It.' M.l , M'.-t-. .t
' l-1 Hi nn I IIU" .end Ian. Iii Iii ling
' !! I Ii '
j lUtra and tickets to Kaatrrn i.ilnta 1
and Kuru... Alio Japan. 'hina llorio
' lulu and Au.loilU. i'an be ...aiiirj
' S.-M' Thli I ..ii 1
ll'Ltliill -irrt.
, Pawot'.g- ... t .. ,.' j ,.
1 y A V f'r ll.n.. ) ( 1 v , ,
a in . j; t-i. i i s r, ,,
II I I P 111 ; II 1 3 mi . in . ,
o i.v Afr v ,i P , o..l ... ,
s .".i spi .0 ., , i ., ; j, I
; to. pi m . in ; i: in , ,,. ' 1 1
M oi lav i "ii an 1 I" '. i
diiyi oi ly.
, l..-ve f ir Pa l is d i 'v i
d.i y i .lo i iii A i .- v ,i
I at i 3" a m -r tr.iln n . . in
A. tee Moil lny. W.-dn,-- Is . , .
i 1 1 v s at 2 t.'i p tn lie'. ,it n , t
, Tbiiisdiii a and S Our .i .
!: !': Su lav
! 'Ii-n I'r: n I I-,
($0 Shoit Line
amu Union Pacific
i imi. .-ii'iirn
i"ini ii.ii
r-' s- K- I' itlftii 1
" ''I i ,, ,
' s i I - I k.- Iriier.
'" '' 1,1 Mt i'-. Wo- ti i 'in
' " " 1 " ' m 1. , Ivan a. iV.t
'' " villi-' 1 , . ,-:,!,-ag
' 1 t-g' ' an I lli.t
11 S,l:l
V 1 ' s- I I.IK I !IV I
I i .i. .-. ,,ti, in,,,)
' v ' 'n 1. in.. i. i "i y
'' '""' 1 '.' S I . a ., i h c g
., , . 'I-." 1 .1! .1 I ie
i I f..r - -
.ml Fr Wall i Wallj
"a .1.1)'. ,' ! ' " Mi. ..
I' " ni.1 V : -I l toinp I '
' ' I w P ii Pu nib
.i - ' vU M ' v i lk - I'i,'
i : i p m.
il'i in
' ID a m
s Ag'
1 j :
ii I I'a.t
Taking Wt as a fair basis uf values
luring the last agricultural depression,
nine staple crops fur this y.-nr repre
sent an Incrense In value of over J'.,
r.i i.h'i ,e I.lve stock Is worth Jl oi'm,.
iviis) mure now than then.
The recommendation of Acting Gov
ernor Cooper of Hawaii favoring im
tora'.loa of Chinese laborers to the
Islands does not meet with the ap
uroval of the people of our new pos
sessions In commenting upon the re
port th'i Honolulu Evening Buletin
says: "The Bulletin admit its sur
nrise at the marked Inconsistencies in
the governor'! Inaugural and the first
report on the affairs of the Territory,
called to its attention by 'American
Mechanics." This paper will not at
tempt to explain the policy of the gov
ernor. The report made by Acting
Governor Cooper In favor of the Im
portation of Chines labor Is as thor-
Kverybody has been congratulating
the country upon the unexampled
prusjerity experienced for th- rust'
few years, but when 3 ; bills are In- I
trodiKt-d in one branch of our na'iunal '
law-making body at its owning s-s- ! I. 3. Mitchell. Fulford. Md "Pur-
Siun It WOtlld Seem that nr.. ,., ! Inf a '""f HlneWP I WIS troubled With
ho are nm content to let w-l enough i
alone. I
And still they .eT-slst in calling it
the horse Kb', W, ulhough i-liT) e
who knows anything about II at all
knuvvs that it ought to be .ailed a new
hat and li.sjday.-Philadelphia
Iriipili er.
After exposure or when you feel n
cold coming on, take a dose of Fuley's
Honey and Tnr. It never fulls to stop
a cold If taken in time. Hart's Drugstore,
The formal breaking of ground fur
the sr. Uiuis Exposition will take
Place n the 20th of this month. It
will l the ninety-eighth anniversary
of the transfer of the territory of
Louisiana to th I'nited States by
The regular army of Sweden on a
peace footing is composed of U. 3:9 en
listed men, 3Ti officers, 10.',: musicians.
MO errlne.,-, and members of the
staff, making a total effective fighting
force of 35.1M. Of these 6-l'l are cav
alry and :A".-' artillery.
Presid.-nt KooNevidt In his message
shows a wider acquaintance with the
Went and a more thorough knowledge
of Its needs than any of his predeces
sors. Tiuly, the great West has a
fri-nd in the White House at last.
bed sores, was advised tn try DeWltt's
Witch Hnxe Salve and did so with 1
wonderful results. I was perfectly I W " Bible So, lety in this
cured. It Is the best salve on the mar- "mnlry "us the KiiKliHd
ket." Sure cure for idles sore, burns . ''""":" ' spoken by only 20.lHsi.onO
Beware of counterfeits. Chas. Rogers,
people. Now L' people Se-nk
It. Then the Bible was printed In ,V
languages; now It Is printed In 4J0 languages.
Mrs. Dash It Is a shame for Mrs.
Crash to name her baby "Jane." Mrs. '
Rash "h! I don't know. You haven't , J. V. Bryan, of Bowder. Ills., writes:
s.-en it, have you? It Is one of those j -My little boy was very low w ith
Jane-Iooklng babies! Puck.
pneumonia. Pnknown to the doctors
je gave him Foley's Honey and Tnr.
of the Dally Bust, The result was magical and puzzled
J., has tasted the the doctors, ns it Immediately stopped
I Editor Lynch,
Phllllpsburg, N
j merits of Foley's Honey and Tar with i the racking cough and he quickly re
'this result: "I have used a great covered. Hart's Drugstore.
manv patent remedies In my family j .
for coughs and colds, and I can hon
estly say your Honey and Tar Is the
best thing of the kind I have ever
used and I cannot sa- -- much. In
praise 'of It." Hart's Drugstore.
1 1.
the ''-.I III-
reeled ,
have t,, make
111 th- w inter
Iii the hlgh. r rig:..
leni ' refuge huts h,
fnr Ihe n.isimetl u II
their rounds nil hit
Even thus mime id iln s- unoi p. i lub
I veiy Winter, If bv 11 .-.101111
lasting several das.
St.Paiil, Dulii!ti,MinnPHMili',l'ik'af'o
and All Points
T. T
Th, "Njrihw'.tern .'m' ..r ti.iim
; 'let trie llghle.l thr-mgli mi', t- :h i.i.,
and out. nod iiejiu heiii-d, ,ir -vpii.
'out ncepiloti, tha flnns; train, ln in
world. They Ihe lit.:, i.-ur,-j
an I bt: id".is f t i omf nt, . uti. n! . r
land luxury ever offered 'he i iv.-llng
I nubile, and altiigflher ir- Pie ma
! complete and splendid prod i. ti n .f d,.
car builders' ar:.
These i l-n I d Tra ::
Connei't With
The (i rent Nurtlicrn
The Northern failflc Hint
The Cantidliifi I VIHc
CHICAGO and the I'.AST.
No extra charge for these i i-rior
artimmodiitlnna anil nil ,1 .
- -, . . n u in ft,
ets are available for pas. i(F , Ih(
irniria on mis fine are prn-- i ),y the
Interlocking Mock Syiiem.
(leneral Agenl. Tran-Ung Ag'l'
Portland, Or.-g m.
! S
Boston adduces as further proof of
her literary pre-eminence that she
spent six dollars per capita for stamps
last year, against the three dollars of
New York and the two dollars and
eighty-seven rents of Philadelphia.
The "bill" drafters at Washington
got away In a bunch and the pace bo
for has been a fast one.
The sergeant-major who drilled
King Edward In 1SC1. when lie was
serving In the First grenadier guards.
Is Just retiring from active work. This
Th'-re are 7"d newspapers nnd peri
odicals in Hwcden, Including i'i dallies.
.to kliolm has 13 dallies, seven pub- ;
llshi-d In the morning and five ln the DAILY TRAINS, FAST TIME; KER
evening, which Is u large number for a ! VB'E ANP HCHNKRY UN-
Ity of IM.OiiO Inhabitants. j EQUALED.
('. W. Lynch. Winchester, Ind.,
Writes- "T owe the lir. of mt Vinv In
Is William Cook, who has for the part ' ,..., Uimy ,, Tar ,.
thirty years been a sanitary Inspector. )nin(mH (:roU n( ,h(. nnf (Jw
him relief. We continued Its use and
its soon brought him out of danger."
Hart's Iirugstore.
Are the best advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and all who use It
agree that It Is a splendid remedy for
coughs, colds or sore lungs Hart's
A cold, cough or la grippe can be
"nipped In the bud, with a dose or two
of Foley's Honey and Tar. Beware of
substitutes. Hart' Drugstore.
There seems to Is- no longer any
doubt that Italy will, within a few
yeurs turn from a sugar-Importing
to a sugar-exporting country. The
past two seasons have witnessed a re-
markuble development of the Is-et
sugar Industry.
Through Palace and Tourist Hleepera.
Dining und Buffet Hmoklng
Library Cars.
Tickets to points East via Portland
and the (ir-at Northern By., on salt
at O. B. A N. Ticket Offl.te, AHorla,
or Great Northern Ticket Of!k-
For rates, folders and full Information
regarding Eastern trip, call on ir ad
dress A. B. C. DENNI3T0N.
City Pass, and Ticket Agfnt, Portland.
b am ft on P ri4nd to I'Mi-jf 4
'li.ingo uf i'ar.
Fr m Astoria
' s.i!cg date,
ibjc t chang.
K 'r S in l-'rati. I.
.-o r; n y five d lyt
' oluoili a I liver i a in
T por liinl and oic.
Way Imlngii Monday
s r Ni'if d'a l.nveft Aat..rl on
:' ''' '' d v. . x . ,.( s,,, .iy flir Hwioi.
"' " b ' with tm m f .r l'ii
II .i h 'li e, nn V-rlli Heidi p. lists.
Il'-iiiin'i g, Aston same evening
i a in r.
. Ci: Sun
l."l NSIll.ltHY, Agfit.
i.-n.-1 n I l'aas,ei,.-r Agent,
Puilhind, tiregoii.
Milwaukee" when going to uny point
A familiar nam or the I'liimuo
Milwaukee ft Hi. Paul Railway, known
all over the Union a the 1 1 rent Railway
running the "Pioneer Limited" trains
everr day and night between Ht. Puul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chli agu
"Ths only perfect train In the world."
Understand: Connrctlona are mailt
with all transcontinental line, mv-urinv
to passengers ths best mrvlce known
Luxurious coaches, electric light, sien,n
heat, of a variety equaled by no oilier
8e that your ticket reads via "The
In Ihe United State or Canada. All
tlrket agerita 'll them.
For rates, pamphlets or other infur
matlon, addre",
Trav. Pass. Agt. den. Agt
Portland, Ore. Portland. Ore
Whin peopio ara ronlenipliting
rip. wiieth-r ,,n bualneaa or pleasure,
m-y rmtuniliy w, beat rrvlc
ofisiiiahle on far na aped. cmfort and
w.'J'. '"""'""d Empl .ye nf th
to o-rv-,. the publlo and our trains
He up. -Hi;,.. ,,, () 1hn r())
';;' ;'' with diverging lne al all
Juin lion pulm
Piillmaa I'alac. .. sk.i.
;m thri.ugti trains.
I'oiing ,-,,r service uiifg.-ellaj, Meal
""rve.l a I, cart.
' or ler t ()li,n nri,.t.a,i ,er.
Vice. nk Ihe llek.i i.
. . , mmi -in it; wn 7u
lo-K -l nver
The Wisconsin Central Lines
""'I Vim W m.U. A l r-ois i A,.H.n.inn.
"I I ml for Chicago, Milwaukee and
Eur any funl.e. l.,r ...... i ...n
, - .iiiiniii.ii iii i.
nv ticket agent, or corros.vm 1 with
JAS. C. POND, nen Pan. Ag't.
"r JAH. A. CIXTK, Milwaukee, Wis.
Oeneral Agent.