The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 04, 1901, Image 1

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    Mooks-" .,,.;, .
I'm tr i ti.ii
NO. lift
if y,
Willi i v. i t.-n . n
i tin- Mum s Suit "i
Will, , . r l ii ll'-v-' Suit- ! .' r, mil--i
Mi, ', ' Mm "f 'vi i. i ai
il I,,..-! ll- T I li.ii'lr W '
ll,, .l -I ,'MIIH-Ill W. I..IXI
ONE price
! i,.t - .. I'. i ! :tli
Kcrncmter ONLY
Fislier Brotlier.s'
Plumbers and
School Books
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kiinlsnt lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers Mini Lowers.
A. V. AL.L.I3N, Tenth nnil Cummm-liil Streets
SuitS and
uil- ul-
ll Is an Able Doc uncut and Was
(ircclcd with Applause on
ll I Ig.itlnii fni' Western A lid land-.
li it cct ton li' lie I
uiil HnllJiiig "I I'.icilii:
ill'lc I.CsI'HIIIIlt. llded
I ., Hi. s i:. it. ai, 'i ll,, in. ,f i iii'-n-
1,1' u.
I nut ii. I. It l 1 1 if t un
i. , m,. ii . .. . ..r .i k" .ii .'i.iini'y
I'll II.. .'h .f Ii ml.. I I '1 ' M. I. lit "ii li"! I m, .nun, hut
. I ,'. : i ' I 1,-1.1:.' I Ii, 1'iin X Hi- t ii .Hi i
!..!! il I r..f!.l . II!.. I ,1 I. I III
' -. .11 I !,, li t, ..! tin i' ll. ..lit h
i 'f I I,,- 1.,-t f . i t, . I. , ti- I I i. I. Ii! -!
... ! 1 1,. I I. It I .'I... Il.m U i Ii! '.' ! .-!
.I I 111. 1..I" . i' ,1 . f It, I- fa"! I-
,, I,' I . . ! . '. 1 .1 .. ! II ..!l,"l.,:
.1 I ..I A M in . I! t, - M ! I
'., , , ,i" .. .!.. .-!!!. ! !.. K.:i I as
I -.'.,- !; . ' lii. 1 a I ! . ! 1. !.'
. i ..,' Ml I .-!.' I
.' I'.. . : 1 .. t .!. ! I':- : : t
.,.!! r .! ! .i ! '
.... I I,"' .1'. ' I. !l !. .1.
I ...... I
: I i ..i.,-
I. .j.
a n-
, I,
-.-at .: ti""' si ., . . '
. u !. , I, , ! I. in. -, -f I : !.. I a.K-
':. , -. v.-tK. I !, I. ,1 .I.'. - I t
li a-, a J'! :-. a!" : 1.' t a'.' !,
., ,f. I:"! s! T .1. , .1' M l.-l! '. (l. I ' --I I I!
.1.1 ,l , i - Ill I I I l-ll'. ll IK !
., Ill, ( 1 , !. ' ' 1 1 ' l 1 ' 1 1 II " ! ! .1 '. KM 1 lis
l! t, I a i i f . -! Hi.,- of mil in i ! 1 Mo, lat-.-t
: ii I-. in '.I.. Ml., nf ! ! I'lll.'.l.
Mill 1. -i- I-, ...v' i "itu K ii! in l!i"
,. us,- !i., i (.., . ! ik ,. .i.s.l.;,. ..j
. , tit, i. I in tli. h.i!i l - ..f iui "in :n I.- ll "a- .1 1 tin -I a! "!1. ' til"
-!l"!:i:---! , 'lailil'l 111 til-- l.ilC" ll"lk,-
II I- .1.1 I. a ! . at "li" "f 1 !..- !!l"-t
r.i:!liful I , , s. n tat ! , - ,,' Ih" sj.'.-ln
t lul'l'i tutlits mi, r. i .s.l. I.i! n i
i;.. . i lliii. nt nil - has i i I i i -n t" u-
i, ..Hi, I'i.-si i, nt M. K ml. n t'.,1. -I
i lull ,,'ni, ,i 1 "tti. .- f a til, Ii t Ii.- "ti
in. ,'..... ,,t, an, I ii. , pi, 1, nt- ii"i
tv .11 I In. "Ill hitns'-lf "as . , r in, 'I.
. a! !n ! an l.-ils t,, i . . . s.-nt ! h.. u , il
:li,'llKht "III I -1 1 ' tli" 1" Ills
ti .itil,'l In ".-: , was t" k-'p
in , l"S. si I "l. ll I'll th.- ls'..-l" I..
Un. I ..ii' I, ii lli. lli.,iii;l!t an. I to n
I. ,i ,.i t" i,- " "Mm . to t !n il'
''"it-l't n!t"- halio: i n-l, a "t- 1 t"
i ul t. 1 1 ' t l li"i i ic It 1 ai o;lil
I'll., si,.., th,. Ki-i.-t ., th.- , . .iinii y
ii, hl'lti in iTu nun. Is of all nil" .s.i
111, ,1.11 1. 1.1 s hi!.- , . i- I. nt "1
li.o , i, ,1 1,. I ,-, n lit.- an. I ,. a Ii Su, h
i . I... uli. i i. ,iv mm: t'a- Kl..r -f mi. h
i lit,- l,ais ns wiili iiiiinl;, s,,ii,,,
l-ll! null su, ll pri.l. 111 wil l', la- lia-l a,
, "in,i-li,'l an. I in his nun I'.is'iial
. h u i, t. r thai i " li . I tin- .l,' not
i-. stiu, Iv al Into hut as siun U a: tin
i iiioi-. U .- in. t.i n a un, I KU .it
.. -.1,1, -III W ll" Is ,,..l Ion hi'.,- v i
in, ami in aiv lift", I ii, hy th" spl. mini
a, In. i-ii i-nts .!' his lit'.- un. I th.- m an,!
II. l.'lsiii Willi Willi h 111' 111"! Ills il. lltll
Wlii'ii , tin ti fr,, in th" tiuin to thr
nut Inn. th" hiirm ilntif Is no Kivut hh
lo I'Mlt" Hill- KlllVI'St HlilMl'lu'tlsliHIS
iinl In ,1, in, in. I mil- wlsi-st nn,l must
a'snlnt" ai'tlon. This rrliiiliiiil was a
,i iifiswliituil n un 1 1 ti lit . Intlniiii'il hy the
"in liiiiMs nf I'tiifi ssi'il mill villain. The
In, I Is sow nl by the men who pivai'h
m il ilorti lin s. un, I they i iinnut rsi'iipe
In II- HllHl" nf leslinlisllilllly fur till'
. hli lw liitl that Is min'il.
The iiiiin who ailviicati'V iinuirhy
llre. tly nl' Itiilti'ei tly. Ill any hnir or
islllnll nt- tile 11111 II wlm apologues for
nun ehlstM ami their ileeils. makes
ilmself n l. ' ia 1 1 y Hri-essni-y to muiiler
"line the fart. The iiliiuvhlst Is a
ilinliuil wljose peiAi'i'teil ItilerestH
ii iiil hint to prefer I'ntifusloti anil ehiiOK
a I In- most heiietleleiii forin nl Honul
inter. Ills ptotesl nf 1'iitii-ein for
oi Ulni'ineil Is oiitniKeiiiiM III Its lm
, ii, lent falslly. for II III" pollili'iil In
iliinllotis nf this, i-mintiy tlo not iiffonl
,.,,,l llllllly lo every llntlest lltlil In
elllu'eltl soil of toll, then tile ilnol' of
iupe Is foiever i-lnseil itKalnst him. No
nan or hmly of men pieiu liliiK anaieti
stle il.ieti Ities shouhl he nllnweil nt
mare liny more than If piviuMilHK He
iininler of .some Hpei llli'il piivule liull-
mini! Ahum 1iIhI.. ..i. Ih h wining
in. I itn i 1 1 iik " nt" i -ki ni ;.i :l y it. .i'i"ii
I i iiniKily ii-, I'liuii' ii'l t' tli'- i"ii
i. ,.h iimt iii lip- i-.-r. If. i.r im win
In. " 1 1 . . I , II xlimil'l l.ik" ln"i '"IikI'I' I
,11. ,11 111- i "inlllK t" III ll '-.lltl'ry 'if ill-
ji.lilnii i.i .' i i" iik .'if' sin,; ptin'l
.. - ,!.- t" nil B'Jtlivil'y Tli-y iiii'l
ii,., .- hi - iln-iti MiMiud i- k-i-t "'it "f
UK- r,,,ii,ii mil If f'U.t.d I""- th--
li"iii'l h' ,i,,iii,tly -1 i ' tfif
. inn,! i "lull'. ttn 'i-imi- find far
l.:.,l,illi: f t "-. Iwlo'lK l-h'.'jM I.'' !ti,',l- '
f ,i Un- punishment f"t tl,..i- who may
'o InuM'-r iiiIIm hi'il" nrK'-'i'iy f''f '1,''
I'n-Bt Ihi.llKht "f III" i-'iIiki-mm.
' iM-ll'i;V i; )'.ITH:KI:
ImiitiK tin- In. I fi'- ".,r !,iiit,. -
. . . ti 1 1 . 1 . . i. . h.m l.i, i..i"t. .1 ,,ii .
. ,!li.M In t,. I.-- i "lik'l it .1 I.. . an--.
,r ll- itl,',-i:'li!,i; . .-1 1 ' H'.,
I i "f I i 1 1 ait ii.. if t,.- , r.. i ! !,-.
i.i-A a!"ti" .tl,"ilk;li It U i.i', "'!,'!, h
!. . ,). .! I "I, ll ) Mil"" ll"'. ..tli III' I '
!l," I at, I ,.f '1,. I..,', I ! I,. .11 II ... 1 1
.IIH Il'l If '! I "I 'll-.lll-l.t ' !','
I. .un. iii .i;-.i.m U ...'.i,. I. I-. .i-..i
I,. , al,itn,i v M-.f. ... r t, . i i , .,!i
1- I.I' I UK , IK. Ill,' I I'." ' .!!"- :'!., ' "'
...if ,. ti t ,!ly Th" ri.. - -. !i-i .it i !..
'" i 'I.' it.- '. !, !". I: , Ml
.' I.i i- ,' ',.- ..ik v !!, ), a-t "t
!. ! I. 'it l. ir.i niLMiiw 'ti ft-, f . r t i .
." a' ., a ? f . t ..
a tv .. M..-H... -. I, -it i "!. r- If
!.. ..,i..
- ' - I :. .'.!.! ' "l 1-
1 ! '. , :. ''. ' . .1. . ,'
- ,-
!".,!..- v 1 I,
- - I T!
s . i -i ' . r. s s ' .i
,i rn I"
-'a ! '!
...l n,-M
. .1 ' i . i - .- a- I.-
!'.. "1 U!!
.! ,'!-i..- .-.
i- -. ' ! -;
! '
." '.- I ' 1 !"
1.1 lll'l: .11'
i.- 111. ! i-' "
! 1' !, ,l . r
a! :! w ,,V I...
nothing at a'.'
:- a'-e and
-in... - t,i-
t!l.,t !
, 1 .-
,r .1
i-.i. f .!'. is-
, i i. ,!.,:. 7. i!.,n I iiis.. ,,f i's naiiy
!..,:, fa! , "lis. ,ii, 11. - s and a i. sol.i'e
it. I I-! i. 1 iial 'fort must ... had t"
ov,., t tli.-s.. .-vis
' 1 ..f 1' i.ais .-tig ig- i in inters' ie
. "!ii!i,. t . - sli .iild I,., r. gulat'.d if th, -
i'.- f.-iml t" rer. is., li, ,-nse working
!., il:- .-.i'.!.. ln.i-iiy. I'.ieat iprpora
:10ns ,.n!v i.,ii.!s" th.-v are in-,
i!. 1 and s.if, en.i: J...1 1,- ,,nt- inst'tu-
is and it is therefore our r-.ght and
ue l it y to s,... that t ii.y v.rk in
!..,-i!..,nv wnh th institution-.
V-! Hi. I t! Iiodn-s su, -r as . orpora
t ami Mat ( k ,r ot ti-r nssori.t
.,lis ,1 -e n ling llp."l :lt-- tat'lto'-y
a f ,' lll.-il' evist. ti e or privilege
-'1 .ii1 1 h -uli,! t. ii' .!' gov.-rn.
i"..,t,l 'i.-iM .ii an ! fall .ml ne-
iit.i!" in einaii. oi as t their op. r.i
ti.ais "li.ii! I 1,.- male puMic r-gtil.iily
.1 1,!-. intera!s
1 -- 1 - 1 -1 vi.' i- , ii.-;.-; 'i;i;
Th- re -li iM 1"' -r-a.e.l a ahiti -t of-
, , ! t" I" kll-'WII as Secret;, rv of
' '"nun, ! ,. an l Industries, as pro idi-il
the I' :i Intro lm e.l al the last ses
sion ,!' th iui, ss h shouid 1... his
pi.oin,.. ! , ,1,-ai wiili , oinmerci- in iis
j li. ,.,.i st sons,, in, '.u.png aim'tlg- .i.uiy
l"'li,-r things whateer con. ,-iii-' 'al'.'r
,iiil all mat!.!- alt., tine the g-vit
111, ss , 01 p.n .it ions ami our m-rclinnt
.'lllNl-Si: KN'-I.'-Sr IN.
With the sole exception of 'he farm
ing interest no one matte:- is of Mich
xllal moment to our people as the- wel
fare of the wage worker. If Ihe farm
er and the wage worker well off.
It Is absolutely certnln that all others
will be xv-ll off too. It Is therefore a
matter for In-arty congratulation '.tint
nn (he whole wages are higher today
In the I'nlted States thnn ever before
In mil- history and far higher than In
any other country. The stnndarj of
living is also higher than ever before.
Kvi-ry effort of legislator and lulniin!
strnlor should be lent to secure the pre
inaueiii y of this condition of things
mid Its Improvement wherever possi
I'le. Not only must our labor be pro
tected by the tariff, but it .should also
he protccb d so far as It is possihli
Iron, the presence in this oimtry "
any laborers brought over Vy ci t ttaot
ir of those who. coming freely yet rep
" sent a standard of living so depress
d that they can undersell our men i'
he labor market and drag them to ;
ower level. 1 regard it as ncces.snr
lth this end In view to rcenact in
iiedlately the law excluding Chine:
iboreis and to strengthen It xxhenev
U'oiitliuled on Second Page.
Iricnds of General Masso Charge
Ca.nvasiiiiiK Hoard Are
(alma Partisans.
lltliin.ilioii nl M.I-.HU , ricnJs W ill
(.onic tu Washington to uh
mil I iicIh to the Ad
ministration II WAV I " ; A '.ihl-sram
.fc'(.. ! I.iiw.-t.l-, H.-i r,.ir, 1- z f .-!.
'' th- I" ti,'. !;i'i, i ar' ,,i h.-.-ti
' i 'i ' .' !. irj ..' War I:.. ,' The
in- a- ii'. hyii-
Tu. -. In ' i r-.,. !.-. M.ih-
a i'h k".-.t s,it..i that
t.ij -f t. ,t: ti ;
!..!. m:. i,"'. I.v i .l.r i'..-! I J' ui.-h-r
I.. '..i' .i.-!,i:;i--rii, i t- ,,.. f. t. I,, ..
i, i.
a;; n, nil.-r- ! h"
I, ..,! ! ,,r- , at. !l-
1 a'.- al: r.-.- :r,h. i . Ti. -it. as
ll.k". .
a-, I
a I., i
r .1
'A ,-!.:
N" l'N'
: I.
v.v- H- I- ' T -
W , n " .' '..! K;- : : I! -r-
I,, .w -M-l; ll:
1! .' I'""' . ""
ll- s.- 1-'.'
.-i ,-. .
i i. ti v i a-! i:,
tine .,!: I .1
t'.-l I Ii TS-- f "
I n h it that
' ''!. at; itl'.T
' " 'k- V ' h-- i !!-
T i':-.-: ur:- i-a-1. r
. h m " ! .-iinr
'i'u!-'- ! .i m gt
a- ! ar.rmt he
1,'ly any ;!'. i-'.-r.
.I- of Tammany
na;i sli-.ii!. stay In New Y-rk a!! thr.
i.nv rotm I A l ta.k u; 1:;- N-mg
il... sin!.- '.a!,:- .ml try.t.L- t dii tate
in nati 'ti.i; p .ii
Is nonsense I am 1
in tin ,-on i..) .11 I,, any kind of lead.
,u; ,.f , mil's,, W;i: always take
a deep int. ! s; in Tam-nany. I have
n.'t plant:",! my fiit,:--. -x - t : '.In; I
a Hi go to Rtigl.ind in January or Keb-
1 OKl i: CLAIMS.
- - -
Minister at Vcueuvla Cupitul Rec-
oinmcilJs SetlJitltt Naval Vcs-
so Is (n Inl'in cc l'.ix inviit.
VKW Y. ilvK. !' ;'. -Says tli,- port
... Spam iTi iiH-lali i-..;-!-. si "!-..l nt of
ihe Herald
Pass, tig, 1 !:"!n l-l ''.-.ial.l
;'i.. p.,-1 ,,; I' s.; h 'einian
mintrti-r ii'. th- V. n-' capita'., has
I,-, , on ni, n le, 1 10 liis g.o . rnm, n . that
, ight v. ss, is ! -1.11.0:1, I 111 the v.-.r.
1 1 .us ports oi' 'cn--v-i, !,i to . I-.:'.,;-,-,- -i!u-I..i.e..t
of cl 1:111s aga nst tl-.c iv-
I 1 'i','l,
J ib-lii 1 al 1 iiicrrer.i. w h , was rcinovcd
rccetitlv from the otlice of : nnis' i- of
war and arrested on the charge "f
conspiracy, has applied for a trial by
cunt martial.
ilctieral t'ent.-n,'. formerly a friend
of President Castro and C.enerals
Muguerza. ltenin Omcla, Hernimdez,
Micheletia and Palaclos. as well as the
presidents of banks and principal mer
chants of Caracas, are prisoners in the
capital, according to the latest advices.
Klghteen mercantile houses In Caracas
are closed, and nut a single bank tran
saction has taken place there in more
than a week.
Publication of ilovetnmcm Kstimate
I'auses Panic on Kxchange.
Ni:V YOKK, IVc. ;!. Trading on the
ottoti exchange today was convulsed
y the publication of the government's
sttmutc of a short cotton crop for the
car. The tb;ii-vs were nearly -.MXHl.iW
ales less that', th.- trad" .;. Hi rally el
ected. ','tten I'lmi' -i! J- a I al" iu as many
It utes amid sn' "f excite licut
ucly seen Pr-'crs f '--ill! with each
her to eov-r short ""! -ac.s and the
,t be. nm- a iindein ini-1 :i for m vcr-
al mlnui"" afti-r th" r.-j.oit w;i rif
i I. r.r fir"" h'.urn th" vilurn- nf
hiiHiti i trim, in t",' -Aa rifirinniu. At
ti," i I'lt.', irii-" win- at tli'-lr h I K h
I'-.f-i ii-tii M M-Kiaif Klat'.'-rlHty 1I'
ui.-l t.jr Url'.UI' p,,
f'NIVhV Mr 1-Th.- rji.ll- ,,,.
I""k,ni at I'r. Hl l-nt K,v.-lt r...
fruti tin: j,nt f vl'-n t H
li'-tary ,',,i-r araj wr-alth r,f w..-iKhf y
matt.-rit 'Iik.-iih-I. i-nar-l It at on.- of
ti,.. "'"i. hara-t-rintl- unJ"
m-MHiiK"i nvr-r m:nl to Cifiifr-Hii.
At tin- farn-- Unit- th- p r recijrnii"
1 1 is '-'inwrvatUf an, I luimn -."s-'lko mnl--r;i
t ..n an I that n., a' hu l--n
n. .i i-. a th" M'ir'iliiic I''st r'-rnarku,
t,, sink" an attltu.l.- or r.,rry h Ik
t'-tn-ts aAay. '
In, rn-iti'.nal l.iwntk Ak,h la'lon
I'.'im Itcwilijtinn Inihirsinif Ir
rlgatlnn. ''itV'X'i-1. Two. 3. iK-l'-t'at" from
''an.-i'la anl fmni n-atly -ry state
In th" I'tii'in w-rc In atti-nOann- tit the
"-riitii: of the innv-ntl-.n "f the In-t-in,irk Annof.-fatlon to
'a" Th- KathTinK ai!,,t"il what
m.t" -ai-i to he th" first revolution)
n I'r.-.s! I'-nt Koos-V"l'-!i men-iaife.
Th"- r"soI-,)ti.,i,s , omnteii !-l th" iT"fi
.i"iit'. -I'titul- t'.-Aar.l th" reclama
tion of ari l 1- irritation ami
u:i;.. 1 r.,nr-s to a m-rt-ju-i rs.nslil.-r-atioii
,,f th" 'U"Sti'in
'!.. .,r Wr... k-1 'A'-., hash Tram Mis-,
int'-ri r. t.-l 'r l-rs.
Al'it.VIS'. Ma h . .X-I: is .-x-
I - t-l tha" th '!: !'- jury v. hu h
las i-.ti in.-s.:ira':r.K th.- .u-astrous
r- k "ti th- W , .-,;!r...
S-i,-- a -.; ,v ,:!!!. in -a hi, h
i!-.iii" in l:ntn:i;!s w-. re rru.-h-.
! an 1 I. urn. I I . o-at'i will r.-n'l"r
a .T.i,-i tomorrow-. The testimony
this t:i,,r!iir.c hr,".U'h' "ti! th- fart that
th.--" was thr-" ilifT-r.-nt interpr'-ta-ti"tis
atnor.K the i r-w of th" ast-l-.un.l
train. No. 4, ,,f the oi,l.-rs un h-r
whi'h tin- train was runriln?.
' Tw -.r,ty-S.- i-nth Infantry to Reiie.e
' s' -leiu-.-nth Infantry in Islands.
W'A SIUNi-.T. N. IVo. :.-The Twen-ty-s.-v.-nth
infantry will go to the Phil
ippines in three detaihments. The
tifs-t will l.ave New York on the 5th
instant, ihe second will leave the same
port on the l.'.th and the third detach-m-nt
will leave San Francisco on the
ltith. On the arrival of this regiment
at Manila, the Seventeenth Infantry,
which has had the longest contineous
s.-r-ii c in the Philippines, w ill return
to the fnited States.
Peace Commission Kndeavoring to Se
cure Surrender of Uberals
'ViI.ON. ivc. 3. -The triumph of the
Colombian conservative government
,,n :h" Isthmus will doubtless Incal
culably strengthen the overn.nent's
hands. The eace commission has
started for the interior to obtain nn
interview with generals Piaz an 1 Lugo
and itiluce them to give up the strug
gle and returti to Panama The com
mission Is empowered t" grant reason
able !"rms to Diaz in the name of
the government.
;g of S".;-e IW
of Keforni Intentions
PKKIN. Dec. '!. Chinese ot!i i.i!s say th,- appointment of a new heir
apparent of the throne will be delay
ed until l-.moei'or Kwang Hsu can dis
cuss the iiuestion with hading men.
The imperial edi.t deposing the former
heir apparent, Pu Chun, son of Prince
Tuan. author of the Boxer troubles. Is
generally considered as the strongest
proof yet given of the sincerity of the
empress leaning toward reform.
SEATLTE, Dec. 3. A heavy storm Is
raging along Paget Sound, In the
straits and over all Western AVash
Ington. It has demolished most all the
telegraph wires northwest of Seattle.
The damage has been slight In the city
although shipping has suffered. A
small steamer went ashore this even
ing on Alki point. Xo loss of life. Sev
eral plnte glass --'-slows have been
smashed. Along th-' waterfront suiih
minor craft xvere damaged by belm;
blown against the docks.
CINCINNATI, O.. IV.-. 3.-Twenty 1
the leading shoe manufacturing cot
cerns nl Cincinnati ha e 'le id -1
post a notite tomorro.. declaring thi
Ind p.-nd nee of labor organize Ions.
After Listening to Reading of
Presidents Message Both
Bodies Adjourn.
Oininiittcc Appointed in Fach to
lucidc Manner of Fxpress.
in ' Sorrow at I'rcsi
dent McKinJcy's Death.
many -ars have the membem of th
houw llstent-d with vuth rapt attention
to the annual rnesaxe of the president
of the I'nlte,l f-taten aii thi y today 1I1
to the realing of the first message ut
I'resl l-nt P.ooseveit T1 - -ea linir w
ruph'l two hours, ami at the conelu
ilon th"re was an enthusiastii- ilemon
straion on the fiepuhlhan sl,e. On
morion of Orosvenor that portion or
the message Mat! 1 to the Jeath of
the late pp-si'lent was referred to the
lommltt to Join a similar commit
tee of the senate to consM-r and de
1 id" hy what tok-n of resject and r
t"m It was proper for congress to'-s th- d-ep senslhility of the
Nation to the tragi" wcurrenee at
Huff.ilo. The resolution was passed
and then, as a further mark of respect,
the house adjourned.
MA 'U' Y S "JUSTi it.Y."
WASHIN'IT N. Iter. 2. Represent
ative YVillinis. of Mississippi, intro
duced in the house a preamble and
resolution - ailing 'or a commission of
mnuiry in the matter of Maelay's
"History of the Cnited States Navy,"
w ith 'ef -r--'nce to the Si hiey case.
I The resolution is as follows:
; "T:iat a committee be appointed by
the si-eak-T for the purpose of investi
I gating and reporting to the house the
1 truth or falsity of said statement as
I mad" by sail Maclay. the truth or fal
jsity of the allegation that proof sheets
w-re submitted to and acquiesced In
hy said Captain Crowninshield and
said P. Sampson, and to
recoinm-nl to the house the course of
I action 'o lie pursued by the house In
' cons .-i.iu.-nee of the ascertainment of
j the fac-.s to be made hy said commit
j tee."
I WASin.NilToN. Dee. 3 The senate
. listened to the first message of Presl-
dent P.ooseveit today and adopted a
; resolution directing the appointment of
j a committee to co-oi-erate w 1th a like
! committee from the house to consid
er by what token of respect and af
fection congress might express the
sorrow of the Xation upon the tragic
death of the late President McKinley.
The message was delivered soon aft
er the senate met. The reading occu-
i pled nearly two and a half hours and
I was listened to xvlth marked respect
j by the senators.
At the conclusion of the reading of
the message. Foraker presented the
McKinley resolution and as a further
mark of respect the senate adjourned.
Use of Violence by Unhands Will
He Kcstilt of 1'rotraeteJ Nego
tiations Ansxver Impudent.
XE.V YORK. Dec. 3.-The Iluigar
lan government's reply to L'niteJ
States Diplomatic Agent Dickinson's
note has Just been made public by the
Austro-Hungarian foreign ministry, at
Vienna, says the Vienna correspondent
j of the World. It was written by Mr.
Daneff, Bulgaria's minister of foreign
! affairs and concludes with the follow
ing xvords:
."I am surprised that you have come
, to the conclusion that the United States
t will hold Bulgarl resujnsilile ior Miss
1 Stone's death. I must regard It as
, certain ihat the using of violence by
ihe brigands can only be attributable
j to your protracted n.-irottitUiis. It
I was for you to carry the negotations
I 1) a successful end. The Hulgatlan
! .-overnmetit declines all responsibility."
In Vienna this answer is considered
nost impudent and the hope Is ex
ressed that .he I'nlted States will
old li-ilgarUt responsible for Miss
tone's safety.
XEW YORK. Dec. 3. -Silver, 54.