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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
THE MORNING ASTORIAN. WEDNESDAY, NOV EM HER 27. WO! MR. A. B. HAMMOND'S ANSWER TO THE SUBSIDY COMMITTEE Showing the Position Taken Uy llim in the Matter of Securing Sash and IWr Factory. publish the Mowing loiter from Hon. C. W. Fulton i I a ,Vv . f the tetter from Mo. A. 11. Himnnvvl to Mr. Howtlij- of this city In WJ to the sw--ffi mud door factory. to gtve bjlh slK-s of the -luoslon v.hK-h la of such grvt importance to city, to our readers, and sure the popular verdict will be In acvml anop with the tru f.iot. It J a nues ttm of vital import cu every pro.vrty holder In Asfod a"d as suvh we make it public. Astoria, Oregvw, Nov. I. 101. 5lornn, Astoria, Oregon: On the Tth Inst.. Judge Howlby a t.ta rniuevt of the committee having in charge the tvaitter of ssvuring a ub rMy for the oa-'h ami Aw fJtastory, ad dressed a Mter tj Mr. A. B. Hanun -nd relalv the:o. Mr. Hammond aii awvred and Judge Bowlby delivered h letter o the corn mite.". Tr awer waa not designed f publication, but on the Krb liwt, the A.tonaa contaiiieU a article ;mrportJng to Ute tfw fa- relative to Cie suUridy situat.on and also assuming to (Kate the aubstancsf of ilr. HammooJ's letter. That por tlon of the arciole r.-ferr.og to Mr. Hammond was in a spirit to manifestly unfair and tha statements credits rw his. Mier were such a mixrur v.f half truth and untruth, tha; Mr. Himroond requested the committee to publish his letter in full. So to d the coram.ttee declined, and thereupon Mr. Ham mond forwarded to me a copy of the leCTvr and reu,ut-s:ed roe to deKver t to the Astorian for publication, and I therefore submit, the uiw herewith. In duing this I do n ft wish t te under stood as In anywise criticising; the cummlttt?. do I rise t d fni Mr. Hammond; he ts amply able to take care of himself. In the interest of trda community, howew. I do express my sincere regr.X rha; fbTe sjhou'.J exi.-t. aa it Seems to me there does, a deposi tion on the part of sume ctrJxen of As ton to systemicaUy and purposely mfe reprenent on who hM done so much and is s ill endeavoring to do a.) much fur this sectim, and to w.wn we must so largely laok for Jielp In the future. In view of thes attacks It is not sur prising that Mr. Hammond' 1-tter should indicate su-nethina; jf I; Is constantly being in-dnna-el. if ut directly iharg-1. U-a'. ho has nt kept faith with us. I" pir'i ular tia hi so failed? He astreed to build a certain line of railroad for a certain suba'dy. Will anyone as en thit tre character anl quality of T'.ie subsdy -ere as greatly in excess of rvju r ments tu the rilr a! when ron.tnM-l-od proved to be? H gave Us thi best mad that money could build. Dil we sHei-t our land dona;itirs from am ng 'he m --t d:a b!e of our holdings? H i- harge.1 by sime tha: he end-avrir:g ;o te; con trol of all our harbr frmiag-. tV-il. If he should, he wiuii have ti empl y it In order to r-nl.-r th- h.J!:ni -t t pr.fltably. Hut what has In- t jUPt'fy "his c?ar;i'? He..Ts p r'.ia! ly none vh!l he and as--o.:at s wn cni-,a:a;;ve!y iitl-. anl t.i.t: .ihl-.i they h?.ve iur'h.i-i (.ml it if :ily one trull, they offr 'o nim tte" fjT Jum what f.wt with six n-r tvX inr -r.-n anl taxs a 11-1. Ta- thr fron'age owned by rhe A-t ra C 'm pany is thJ riilroil subsidy fr -ntjae. and or suoh porri"n th-reor as t ie committee .hll rU.r'. h 'ff-r t) s-11 at the sime rate he pr p se'l to pay the Taylors f,r th- tract h - en ie-iv-orel to secure frim them a, a fl'.uririg mill site: n n. mind vou. at the we desrvandetl of him, but at :h rale jr fr.nt foit otT-Tej by hirn. Ij thT anything in ail ths that evid-n es a spirit of HHfihnY4i or a d'-Hi'.r- u sut ure v.ntn ' of ?ur harb-r frrtitag Now I want tc eee the su'nily th- fash and faTy rAi.-"--!, and di nt Qgree with Mr. Ha.mmind ttia it is wholly inopportune, th u.i I atrr that in the na'.ural orler of things we Khould have ' mills first. Still there ate miilj In this vM-'i.'.y. At, Warren ton, Knappton. Westixnt. -tc, are saw mil 'a and theie is rii-! M-Jp-g-or milll a: l'pp-r A.JWr.a, doull-! ov-rl.oked by Mr. Hamm n.l. So I tirink e are ready for the sach and d'.' r factiry and I wajit to ser it broutrht here. Still as mnwr'-i with the subsidy prorJ to be giv n it and hi;h I aincerely 1ne will be -. ured for . the subsidy a'ficed by Mr. Ham mond and his asso. ia.i ti,x th? fl nar iig mill, and fhe i-ombinwl ta, sasTi and door factory, pulp mill, etc., waa very small indeed.. Mr. Hamtni l and asHOdateo proposed t. invest not le.-a Uian six hundred thou-sand ddiurs and prjbably over om mlllC-jn dollars. He asked simply a uitg and st xk sub acpiption to rhe flouring m31 of JIO.KW. At the price demanded by owners of deir-d sites, to have rafcwd the subsidy Would have required uh to natse about 170,000, I brieve. The sash and door factory owns ma chinery. I understand, valued at about nine thousind (J9.000.00) dollars, and we are required to furnish a ulti and erect thereon a building oftlng J4000, and build a railroad, swttch thereto -the cost of wMi I do tft know, 'Now which proposition, com; ring the re quired subsidy with the guaranteed in- wwinu-nt. is th mvt Utvml to thia community? Which the nl advam. agu? Again, I say 1 hope the aih and dvr subsidy may ty srs-wiM. I rttivt that the othe was not. I onlv tm-ntlon the in In onl r to refute t-he oft rnvatevt sTtl ti that Mr. Hatimvwd's pip.xttlon nv pfxwHisi, Nw In cNnNusKn let me say, thai th,. men -ih whom Mr. Hammond w.nttd tave ben via;evl In fh. struvtitt f l!ie tloutnng mly ami siw ntll proposition, had t lv" accepted by our yp!o, were men of large res'utvo and their inoftments lhr would hy miiw wry mu.h i dvd. tn the devo! pmen: ami ndva've m :v cf ;hi. community. It l wry nurch t N" sr, tha the p:fcv .iko. fr :h.' in:l! ?!;s we:v , far bv- nx! our ab.lite 1 y. tut is tha. any :eion why any pn'U sh Mild I m sr it 'nttM. vdirle l and"d? tVie !.; i'r supivnel by this c -mnmn-iiy c Histant'.y induim t fir most nia lloi.His p'rs'nal at. ticks on th. r pitta lion and of Mr. H.intm.wM. IV the lvalue here Justly tiia: litoi tivwlly? Is I; ulatevl to as; tn is duoing oapiJtiK to Invest hvn'? If Mr. Hammond and a.ctet wt:h rhewr lanre ."K'ldUigs of ! inhered UuMa and real est in this county will n t ere-t lanr? ex;vrt mills here th'nk you others havtng no InVresi In developing our resources and br.ngiiK pr.spirity to this section, will lo s1? PfrtMrw I stHild state that my refvr inc to newspaper utterancs is n.t directed at the As'.orUn ex -ePt Ins -far a I rvr to Its article of he 17th Inst. I am also auvhor.ted by Mr. Ham mond to state that ttwtead of taking JlOO OtiO of the abvk tn a aw mUl cau pany such as suggea:.l in hia letter, he will take one-half cf the stock, rf de sired. C. W. FVLTOX. tSan Francisco. Cal.. Nov. 12. 1901. Hon. J. Q. A. Bbwlby, Astoria, Oregon. My Dear Sir: I haw your letter of NA Tth, stating that your cit'iens had a proposition fr the ervctlon of a sash and door factory at Astoriii. and that portions of W.-ksi It and 13 In AUerbrvok. ninning we.t from First strea; two hunired feet and nort-h to ?hip Channel, were requir.Al f r the site, and that y-u demre a price on a portion of this land that s:ands in the nanw of the Astoria Company." ' I have no map of As oria that enabl-w me to ricats the water frontage that you require. Ail i f my data and mai cvertng 'hi qusxi.n are at our Port land office. 'Ph Anuria subsidy inllud ed very Uttie water frontage In the Oily of AstirU between Tongue Point and Smith P.iint. probably nu more than five or six hundred feet. T.iere Is seething Ike 9 feet of wit?r frontajfj standing In the name .f the Astoria 0mpany, wWcdt ll abmt in the locuion you d-s.gnate. This rand waa taken over fr.n rjie Port I vend Sav ings bank at :Jie r-quest of Mr. L B. Sed-y. and he holds a omtra.t fir his in the lan.1. The truwii-tUi was male to save this proper: y fiim pasing entirely out of his viesi n wdrhmt his having an oportu'tty to rele:n. If thia in the ptoperty you re fer to. rhe business would have ti be transa.-ted through Mr. Ssyy. About two years ar the A--t-n Can pony purcha.-l a tra-t Ui:d lm th ? Mac'e iy rat ate. I ! r,. know exa-tly where rh s lanl is ritu-at-d. but I: is som-where n 'ar th-n-ighb-ino d ttat y u ii .l'.MV. It w is t night Sr a."h from r"..e a lm.n..-trat r at v htoh w as 1-ipii.s! l.-r-l a vry 1 '.v I Tojr c "mmltt-e r ;m h ive I nt 'St. plus 1 ;t Tft .fnrit and tax.". I bei'-.w it this jr-l ... it nnulj i : - thtn h- rau fT- r .1 th Tayt r ' m,jny r-r the linl that was d-wr-d t.y Mr P-j.lo-.v upo.i w nl h t. bull I i m.ll. We hiv,- als, s.,m fr nt-.fir- at SWh I'fM'K that was Inriud . in the -st-,ria uiirf. y. If :h- 'mm r-t- can this land they r..m h.n.- it a. the Rjr. pr! e as was ..ffr-l th Tylor ".mpiny fir the flour mill site. y-nr lettT .s no- very il-ar a. to whit y jur com.mitt-: wsh : . do. I in fer tha' it is y ur mteitt..:i t . giv- a free site and I4'i0 ;n cih.i. hull a sa-si and d'xr f i.'tory. wtih a a;.a.--i y -'f 2 dos in t-n hour, altS.ugh y ur letter d'f not ntat- this -l -.uly. I am mui-h iur;rised iThatw I th'iuil not lie) that the ,e,p.e of AS t rla sh iull cnsi-i-r th- pniiti n of giving a fr i a id a ,) i,,,us ' establish a sasn anl , ,r fa.-, tory In a tin wh-re t-ier ' t even a sawmill. Why n t gi a .'r-i sl'e and a oasii L nus f ir th.- intruetl'n kj ons? Vou nave as much coi! to i-.k- .is .V"U have lumie-r t, manuf i' l-it , sish and d rs. Vint have the un ev- ,p . o al mines as w-ll a -he un lev-I.ipe,l forests. If -)U w-er. gi.t.g t. 'b-v;.,;. the coal lands, would yu r -mTn'-rir e 'ny building coak ovenf? Ions manufaiitujel .it A.-' Li ul. hive t-i be marketed east in ,-ortip ti-ti- n with th" -wlilf pb d factories f Wis' i n sin and Mi hitcan. You have 'i bett-T fa-illtie f .r a,j,;4ng thon Portland, Taeoma or Kattle. where iarg sawmill lnti"Hij, are nlnuly lo fated. H w do yu extjer-t to iMipjJy y -ur f actory with lumber ! y.,u ln tenl to buy your lumber a: Portland awl ship to .Vsjtoiii, or do you prop; to buy it at Puget Sound and hl; it aiounl by ooeiti? If y iu d i, then h w do expert to titnpt" v . i h Port lard aid Pugt Siuni In manufac turing doors, when rrti these plak-en hive guiu a large I x-aJ market. For the pajt -Hir the Clatsop Mill Company ha.v beeti Vivrtng thr logs from Awtoria Uy Ftainler to b.; sawel mtj lumber and then hipp-d back to their box factory at Astoria. I enJoe you copy of corrmponden, Vtween Mr. M. J. Kinney and nvelf 'n regard to this busineMS, wbl.-h wdl sw the d.mculti-a Mr. Kinney laborn under In ,iv.ilng a box ftutory awny frm his biso f suinllea, IHnlng the kvst ir I have ci strtot d a .s! and door factory at. Kurek.i, t'ahf onita, wrth a cuivtclty of Hi d,vrs t day of ten Lours, and 1 am. thcreftire. aotneah-ti in touch w.l i the d,vr husinn. WV are nvum far luring our doom froi relwvM iiu-ln-r that has h ivl ifor teo either bucn.d at the sawmill or sold as ufuse tvim'H-r ,n liv loeal m.nk; al frmi $i i'O : J.V a Ihou-and. Our do r ft"l ry ts iiua:d !" th,- hcirt.f a gr s; e.w mi'llng n-gl.:i where mtv 1i"K nviils ar in ojor.::o. T n p'r c, tit of the elf. .f thes- III IU Is a c! l-s 'f m.ncrini that will not :r irani: ..Avn. but a. the I w pi Kv I; Is .M f t on "v cut up and m.icaifa. t i-e I w o I .-l-s at a ;r!o th tt i'"it''M r.s t unl :i.o! .tin Mct,r loss 'iv ia i s:tui:l. "l to'ly cm;. to t h cist m manufao.urs rs. In ot he words, the material thai a.ipli-i a sa.-h and d T fu to-y is n tv-;rxlaot fr in 'ie operll! n of sin tn Is and A 'Lxr fact.Ky. t lv sil.v s.fill, tin: d .'pet d uivvn the ojvixitloiw of a minibci of sawmills f.r this prsluct. Astor a's greatest mv.l la aiwmill. iM a g' I ,,e the b.-st that mon,.y can bu.ld. Whi n she his svrvl this and hie the prosit of securing m.'re, slie will n,sl Nx factories, and trhap. d.s far but sh.i evr a n y r-qu'iiw the sawmiU nrat. lirtland manuf c!urv a sjiwII quan. thy do :k: manufa -lure any large the country surrnindlng Portland, but they d not manufacture a"y lar quantity for Bistern sh'pment. The NUvlal Prothers ate manufa'.lur ng some doors from relw.Hvi lumber that Is shipped frw Humtidt Bay, Thvy alski manufactttr a w ce,l ir dors, ihe most of which are sold in Prtl,id. and the country tributary t Port'aitd This is a trade that a Jivr f't ry at Asior.a wulJ n. t hope to supplv. The people of Astoria must -eiv trK-rr masquerading If they exp-vt t progress. They d.velve no one hut -.htsms-'lves. Th Ir ta k a' ut comm.m ratee. mill sltt. natmui advantages, ,tc. inly serve to .nake trn rftcu K)U to, Thvy n w have the .Simmon rates and they still have the mill-art -s and natural advantages, ami w hat are they doing Ju lg "g from press reports, the greatest putt their time anl money V sp, nt m tihsgraphlng to the Portland M il Com lany sd others to find out hw much lan-l is need,sl f ir a mill-nite tha: .ne blv el-v l gving t.i Pay for- If .voU w ish t) prognsss y u must g.i t work. Have yKir pple organ xe a cmipany to do a sawniil bus niw with a capital f $r) . th-n sulwK-ribe firAOO .if tl-e -b-s-k. If you wUI this. I will try .iirnl secure outside sutw-rlptlons f,c rj remaning tlW.'W. I own full interim: in the Trngrt' Point Syndrome. Thr.xigh an utree meiit with Mr. Brown a reduction was made in a mortgage that he held on this pmprty. I b !:. h it the re duction was mad - with the understand ing that it was the desire (,f the owners to seU a paction of the property f' r a millsxe at a t-w tlgj e; and that de. velopments would be in .rder Th members f the Tonttae Plnt Syndl v.e rinn-it affonl to be unreaviaMe ThMv haie bivn far Ted bv Mr. Urow" -ithey hav i aiso been f iv red by the county and city of Astoria In rvg.ird to tax 's and in all Ing them to with draw thir pr'perty from the c.-y I m ;f. I 's-llev,. they will V Mr. At ny r.ito as an (Uil owt-.e- w th them I will use my ItUlu-n t i have the yn !i -nte I your n'.pmv is imi- a "f : he or p-r'y as ma 0 firs. c'n- M II--.t .-t. siv ab-iiit "ti -rwi'f ntiv nsk 1 by ii.- -:-t 1 ,:i this .' y. : ,. r--i 1 re 1 f -r a at 1 I -w i r 1 -, f t 1.. re. o-i It.-.".- I' yon -- 11 1 :l i ,. c rn- n I i-i I if -Hi w 'h energy a'i-1 i-t a flr-t el iss - s- ir; .1 ljtlii- "e. j m-n - n; at the rig 1: I ptiih yoijr husr .-.s ' v g--r. you will n in I m.ll with th tin--- iv (MJi-il as i x fiet--es, d -or f.l-l.:-l.S, shingle mills. !, al. f w lien must l.-I--n 1 up.n rh- by-: r -Iu t Imii t i 's-ritl-ins ..f siiw-niill-i. VoU have misi- "tie ", po".'Kl :v of a fits, olass fl ur null. I h p y m niiiy s-vur,. .t far-nnrh '.': I' I Fl-nir Mill Vnpnny At any rite, that qu-vitl-m Is no.c u; ti that rompany aml rh--lr A-'ti.rli fro-nls. I sineer.-iy hope that the A-tor'a ! :' wh 1 rave :-,-n b.kfrig to Portland for lo-lp will n 11 be il.snpii.nte.l. but it iS not every lay in the yr that a mm Uk.. Mr. I'eJiluW comes to A- "ria -md offers to oay JlOW) f-r a "ite ii;i 'vb'.-h h aifrveii t,i tmil-1 a flour mil'. People (liat liave i-apital to inv -st and eneigy t 1 u.rry on businesn '-an flnj i.'e-ity of ojsr;urur. liuslii' ss may be at a s aml.-till at Aa'ola. bn: l-i"whee the worH move. Vours ninir!y, A. II. HAMM'i.Nf). XrTICK CP PUBLICATION. Notice In her'-by given that thCim mon Council "f the City of Antoria ha d-hired :" lnt-'it.on and determina tion to efitablish the grade on Thlr-t-enth gtrwrt from the north line of Duane trert t., the uth line of Kn ohango street at the following height aboc the bo nf gnuleii aa eatabliMhed by Ordinn No. 71 of aid eity, to wn : At the north lf" of Duane street, 24.5 ft, ajvl at the south line of Lhjane irtrewt, 24.5 fei-t. At the north line of Exchange street, 28.1 feet, and at the south lin- at Ex-(,-hinge street, 28.1 feet. The lope brtweTi the south line of Duane street and the north line of Ex change street to be straight or gradual. This, notice Im published for ten days hi pursuance to a resolution of Ihe Common Counoll of said city, order ing the same. H. E. NELSON. Audltir and Police Judge of the City of AH'-ona. Date vt first publication, November 22, 1901. MKKTINO NvTICK. Notice is hereby glvwi llval Ihe an nual tinviltig of the (ivv kliold rs of the Columbia Klver Packra Avl.ittoii wl lw h id t Ihe olllce of iho is.n laV l Astoria, Oregon, in rVsaoinber sth, ll, at U o'ekvk a. in, f.T Ihe purpose of elivllng vlHsAnoia aiul for uoh other busliioda a may property lie Ciinsidered. Uy orb r of the prsd1 tl;, lUM. II OHOKOI-; Sectary. Nonet: to voti-:k! T ie un I -rstg to 1 hereby plicV h s nituc before the nubile as a .andldato for the otH-,. if strx-t smi nub'tidem. ti K rtl'.el al the cectlon 1 v .lutur 11 l:'l. anl rcspv'fullv aks tii.- u.'ir of tiio public. J K W1KT. TiiK.vsrur.K's notici:. No:l,V Is hereby given lt l' 1'iere are funds in the cliv treasury to iiy all -arrnts drawn on Ihe gincral funl nd endorsed prior li January 1, Its-'t-Intois-st will cease after this Jale. F. J CAKNKY. Cilv Tn-aurer. Ator.a. lre.. Nov. l. 1901. HOOKS AT AfCTION mtOKS For a few tey only. S00 btiutiful hiks wt! be offensl at slaughter pries in the busmess ro nil 45 Cointn r- al stre-t, next to's Jeae'ry stotv. S.vuni your Christ maa bsks while ihe sjiie lasts. SI1HUIFF3 S.UE Uv virtue of an exei-ution and order of sale 'ssUihI out if the Circuit C urt of the S'ate of Oregon, f,T the County f Cl.itsoi, on th., 13th dav of oem, l:il. uss.n a Judgment r-nderej the-eln on the t.h dav of Julv. ls7, In favor of M. J Itadollet. pla miff, and agains: W C, Howell n.i t, K Ward (sirtn.srs doing busine-x under the tlrttl name of Howell A Ward, defend ants, for the sum of fit X tog-ih. r with Interest thereon fr mi the Jth dav If July, iss;. at the rale of S i-r ii-nt ;vr arnum the e.s:s and d:siurse metits of this actl in taxsl a: ll.'. th,' c.tts ef and uisni this writ cm inandlng and rs.julrir g nie to I vv u;'n th pr;'riv of th,. ah ve n ini'-1 de'-n l ints to satisfy t ie lu brne-tit. int-ir-st. c ists and al! a-.-rulng e.ts, I did on the Mth dav ,.f N ..vemln -r.lsvl. l-vy up-iii the follow ing ! r.N-1 p al proper: v. to-wlt: Nits numben-l H. 15. 1. IT. I. H. zz. at. 3;. 3s. io. ti. ir in hi s-k S: los nutnliepsl I J. 1J. I 13. X :i. bl vk : lots numbered M. II i;. 11. H. 15. 1. S4. J.. V. W. .. 4'. 41. 4?. 43. 4. 4-'i, 4. 47, 4. In bisk U. .ill of the abve 1-ns in the T wn of Flavel Center, as la 1 1 out and recordist hv W C, Howell; ..u 1. h II. I! In Week 3: lots 1. !. bisk : lots I, .'. 14. In blivk 13. all In the Town of Williamsport, as laid out and record ed by J'hn Wllila-nson; lots J and H. in bloek J. In the Town f Hralhurv's Addition to ' Orove as :aj, out and reci r led bv Clement and F. J Itradburv: lots 34 n l 3V of Tract No. I. of the I W. Cas e, -MtvlU !1 .11 of ti'o-k 23. of Ol nev's Adlltlon to AetorU as laid mtt and recorded bv J l Ilust-I- and Il -nry S Aik-n as .-x i-utors i f the las: wll! anl testament of Cvras (ilnev. deceased, all In Clats.ip c-'iinty. On-gnn. Notiiss Is he.-bv g v-n that 1 wl l on Monday, -he l'h lav of Ds-emti-r. 19"1, a: the hour of 10 oVl.s-k In Ihe foremn of sil l dav In front of and at t ie Clll'thoilse lo r in !he I'ltv of AS- t ri. isnjn'y. Oregon, sell at putili - auction t-i the highest bld b-r for cash the Atiov. des rihel r al pn pertv :- .i'lfv 'he )ti-Uin -nt. interest, costs and ail accruing .'. s Tli.'S I.INVII.1,1-:-She-'.f of I'iaf oti C nin-v Pleasing the Ladies iMir'.IU lti- l-'Ukf v.ifl''T ''Vrhlli tlii rnoVff olinu tt p'tiii'ui'-i r It'-1'1- "'' ttivf HiVcO Hit- fitHr W ''! rwnr rt iN afiitf frttwrunt, ntnl tiiriii) .if mi" 'ii-.tnn. r fin ! x t ri Itniurc In Ihi'ir i-vi-niitis' l.tniM- iinkt Hi) t to Mori- tha'i dif'- I'T tmrK mi'l niRiij m c ti H-MiJ. Y'tn try WILL MADISON. Gold Medal Al Buffalo! V Oxford'i, $2.50 Other Styles for Street, Dress, House, Ootingf. John Hahn SOLE ASTORIA AGENT Ladiei I fl II ('.! THAT THIJ t o 1 I I A -Ll- VS. t?AiS IS BRANDED NOTICIC FOH lTIU.ICATION, Nol'i-e l hereby g.en that the Ocm nton iVmtoll of the i'ltv of Aira .l is ilecWiiv-l lis d -l a-11 nation n-'d In t 'litl-m lo improve all that pnlioti f S witieenih atieet tu the Civ ot . I iiki. mm Ui-I oitl and iscorle.l 10- J M. Slllveley fioni Hie soulll lin,. i f Com 1norcl.1l sIishu to th,. llor-h I'lie of Fittnklllt avenue to the full width thereof and 10 the stabl'shad giadt tlieisnf. From Ihe a mill line of Com mercial slns't t,i m siin 4s feet north of tin north II ie of Kvtunao tiet si.l potlloii of said str-ej shall lie lilt ipiv. tbr nigliout Iho wtdih lli-reof bv removing the o'.l roalwav. inclu sive of sidew alks and iindei pining and initting in new un lei i'lnliig and plak nt t!i smile tlir -ug (out Ihe width ; l.-leof between ald-'walk ld isin sli'iiotltig sidewalks . 11 each S il- there, ot t 11 f ci w'do, he coiorna idank f si ir-e fr mi 1 url" to urb to h 1 ln- h- 11 llil kn-ss and 1! inches tn width. Pi in si d o -' it S f et north of the north. I lie of tlx lutig.i stieel lo l' It 1 two s is-et, sa d foul n of aild re-t sttili I" Iniorinsl hv grading and i aiik'nit th . nisi half th -issif an-l iindet iin'-tig aa I pi .-inking the eat half there -f anl us.iu.-t ng sidewalks ten fis-t wi le oil 1 I- ll 1 tier of lilfter re : 11 iving 1 lie old planking, imlerpltt. ng nil swl-waik Ihe al, P-rhin f th,. stnvt lo lie planked through 'lit the width thei-e,-f from eiirli t.i euth with 'l"khig four tn--lie. In Ihlckiwas hv II inches in width. Tue ent re In-lers-s-loi or i-rvsing - f said f v,-n. t.s-nth street with Kxchange lisvt bv ivinoving ihe ol. I iUnking anl u'hler. inning therefrnn and grading ami I tanking; Ihe sail. Ihroligh-mt the in. tcrsvtlon a "d er asing Xis-p: that the east 10 feet of said crossing jtwll tie 1'iiproved bv underpiiilng gnj planking rhe same. Ihe covering plank Ibnmgh. nit mid cr-ws ug to tie 4 ! he. tliuk and 12 Inches wld' FrilU Ihe south line of Kx.hange street ta ihe n-T .'i Urn- of Krankllti nveiu. said isirl mi of said street shall Ive iinor 'Vrd bv grid leg Ihe .ime throughout lh- width thens.f o the estsitiltshe I iad- !h-re. of anl Unk'-iig the sune i a width of IS feet thr.'Ugi 'Ut the cnt- r '.h-re. of, lb-, p aiik to be 1 Inch thh k and 12 Inch. a w d and cone nlc ting 1 it each de -f the tisi a -de walk fet wile I, in the planking there ifl witti a s. of two t : Isr Inniii llw planking of Ihe sidewalk and the curb there .f teft fir th p ant ing of tris-s and ,v'i ru In-g a gut ter akuig Ihe curb of each sidewalk. All lunii"r usisl In sa d tmoio' emeiit shall b. good, sound ral or eil'W dr. iind said liiiprovrnieni 1, j,, ,,, nude A.s- rl:iig to plans and sis o ti .-otio"a then-fur to te pn-pan-d to the .It v surve.r us heei-inaft.-r ta'i--l. -ml as 1.1 milters "f detail est -.-m e ti-ielu otli -r.ii". provided av iishiig tii the gen. prvtsais '' ir-n -nl 01 lna"c N 1I of the H v of Ast ti That the c-xts an I exiviis-s ..f mak ing sild improvement to sa -l por l-ui of s.i d sttss-t shall le defrayed hv sii-nlal .issiKsment iip-oi the lots, l.udii -md iir-' tienetlted hv said inijiroi -merit a-eordmg 1 1 bnetlis. which sat-l lots lands a"d p-e-n's'-s are ll --(is bv In.-lud I within a sp-v-al esso-sin.-tit -llstr .-:, wh .-h snl, -l strl. t Include, all lots, land an 1 pr-ticsm i.,-neMte. bv slid Irnproi emeiit anl to Is- a ss,-d to defray he c t en I ejp tis.-. th.-re f a" I which sal. I sts'c'nl isjis-ni nt d 1 rli-t is is foil -ws, l-v-wh- Ciiinienclng at the n,.rthe.ts lorn-s; 'f lot four in cV 113 ..nd iiitinlne th-n -.. uth through th,. in -1 11,, f blocks 133, 13 15) and lit ti tie south east owner of M 5 I" til , k 111. th-tu-e eiiet to the southeast corin-r of lot In bio k II.'. then.-, n Tth t 1 th. norih east ismier L .- I l t.-.-k lli. thence west on a stught I it.- -I in th- north l.n,. of I.I k ks 13; Slid 111 to t ie Pi ice of h"ir-nilng an. I - o'-taiuhig All ( in 1. J In hlo.-k r.3. I MS I. 5 and 3. in block 120; I ' I. 2. 3. 10 11 -.nd ll in bl s-k 113; I .t, 4. R. . T. 1 nnd . In bloek 112. and hits 4 5. . In bisk 121. and lots 4. '. and 11 11 ich 132. In the t wn mow i'ltv) at Aslorta. In Claris -p ciiu" iy. or-gmi. as la: I out and tw.ctled by J M. Stiivelv. That the City Siirvror i14h t,e n di rec ed to preimre and tile with lh AU d.tor and Poll,-,. Judge -if raid Citv of As; ria -:ltitate of Ihe costs and el"tis-s of 1 Hist ru.-1 1 " ic -aid impr ii t and s, colli, atoms for '.he tro i "' 1 m nk T us n Mi.-,- h toiilslie ti ihe Mim ing A! ran for eight days In ur soati e 'o 1:1 rllnanc. pie. on the sih ,,n- -.f Nov. t"i. -lir the "am.. .,it,. ,,f tlrs: imbdcrl -ti N iv, 10!.). l:'l II 11 Nlil.H iN. An liter anl I' -lice Jiide nf the Cltv of As' .r.a. N"TI''i: I-""!t I'.II'H llids v:ll b- r-s- Iv-d bv Hi- C-.imiy .Court -if I'li's.;, I'oiintv, l-..giti lint. I V,-In s-l iv, I tiil.-T i. l'.K'l, nt 3 Ii. in. for cl-Mrnir the riirtit "f imiv Ik- i -a i th- t and T ml- tm's Hi ing the N-.i.i. 1-111, -r No. "'. ronl Sail right f iuv tnu-it Ii.. cl-arel of irrush, . ir-e., curs and atum;si 20 f e wide, to the nMtisfa of tli- dun y i M i M r. Ilnls must state tli,. ; rl per lineal f it. rod. or mile, and the d uo uf com ! -if said work. Th- rluht to r-Jis t nny or nil bid Is ; h'-r-by r-si-rved. i I!y order of thi. r1 nintv four', I II. J WIIKIUTV. Clerk. A familiar name of ihe Cliiengo, Milwaukee A Bi, I'nul Hallway, known all over the Union as the Drrnt lullwny running the "Ploneey Limited" trains , everv dav and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha nnd Chicago. ! "The only perfect train In Ihe world." i Understand: Connections are made i with all wariscmtlnental Iin's, aeeurlng I to passengers the best servlre known. I Luxurious coaches, electric light, eieim ! heat, of a vatl-ty equaled by no other j line. 3e that your ticket reals via "The Mlwauke" when going to any point J In the United Blaten or Canada. AH - tirket airents fll them. For'-s, pamphlets or other infor- matlnn, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDT. Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt., Portland. Ore. Portland, fire. J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Dr. T. L,. Ball DENTIST. Page Building, Astoria, Ore, Hm mt iMtllnf Mtv in th wortov Fbley's Honey Tar beuls lungs aadntops the cough. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVINTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. m ju.iij.1iU nun i in f n 'i iwii n i i n Of New Zcolniitl W. P. THOMAS, Mjsr., 5an Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Siil).vribt. Capital, ruiil-tip ('uitl, AsA'tA, Awt'ts in t'nitihl SUilt-H, Surplus to Polity Holders, litis boon Underwriting on the Mamuel i:titior ti Co.. (lem-rsl A;etit., ASTnltlA. t)HK O 11 i N. II ll Co.. rortund, AliKNTS I A A C. It K. Co. Portland. (11. C. LA Mil. Tt'laniook, Ur. lOUrNIlil A. I. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or ia tmk tt.isr i'i ki i.v i iki: nnn'i: is rui: woki.d. Ctt A f ll.0tMI.lMMt C A. HENRY & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. 2I5 Sanyimc Street j Pacific Navigation Com pany Stciuncr "Sue II. liluiorc" uiul "W. II. llurrUiiu" Only lino AstorlK to lllluiiiiMik, (inrlhnldl and II. i) City, llohni llle Connecting al Aatorla wlih th trgon Ilallrnad A t'avlgailon Com. pany and also tha Astoria A Columbia lllvrr llallroad for tUn FTan-rl-o, Portland and all polnta l-iast. for fMgbi and paasangnr rait apply lo The Morn lug Sixty CcntH Delivered ot KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific flrawery, of which Mr. John Kopp ti proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade. Mottled beer for family us or keg beer supplied at any time. Delivery In the city free. North Pacific Brewery C. J TRENCHARD, Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. HQTBL PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON The Only Flrnt-ClnHM Hotel In PortlnncJ We Rent New TtLtPHONli MUN 661 iii ;ii i ii i nun a:iuu $.-.,000,000 1.000,000 2,s.VU4 1.71.7!a IiuiHc Cuiml vei twtiit)-Uo yvutt. in i ion Son I'rnoilvii. Cat. Astoria n Per Alotitli Your RcHlclcticc. Cuatom House lle-okr. ASTORIA, ORE, Aseui W r. Ilii.. nd hbilnn KinreM 0o a. Typewriters. Many new improvements addod. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . , , L- M. ALEXANDER A CO. Exoluaive l'acilltt Coast Deaiera 245 8tark Ht I'ortland. Orei F W.WKECIINIE.Wal Agent.