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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
Till: MORNING AHTOKIAN. WKDNIvSDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1901 Turkey Market Advanced , n,""" I '-r V. -,.., t'u., ,,-,. ...Iw,,,,.. "" """" I'tlls-M :u. .ho ,N,n.,. .,lnK , gn-li-r than !,. .,.!. Th-ma walling U, wliUy ... buy II. 4. .lurk..,, .. ,,,,, ,.. ,.., , 4e,y Bi) I.. g-i U-n. 11... .U.,4y M'ii 'iullv w ,ai Wl, lwll ,.ft afl4.r n VBy .'1lv. .U. ..i,.r Im f ll'ir, H.MTIII.Il.N ultl.iN TlltK- l.H i',.niv mily. i Kr, v,mr ,,.,, , ..,,.,. H DRAW TUB TBNDON8 fin IV leg mikm I! A tender Uirkvy If y,,u liny It r ,, ROSH, IIIGGINS fc CO. The Morning Astorian TELEPHONE Ml. N.iTI.'K 'IV) AIVi:itTIKi:ilH Clunge f r..iy 111 u Ira, h Iho buil l)(T.. O U J l 111 I I rcur Bp. jirraii.o ti, (,i!i.viii mom ng'a edlti.m Thlx ri mil g iverri all ... rat let rilfc-ni'-iiU. ,rp:liig r4.!ln I X.l TOJtAVH WIlATIlMH II'IITI. ASH, N..v : AV.nrn i tr. g n. .nvaaLuiiiI run. rt4.T In frxjtlirr'i pul.on. In ad ni!l."riy m 1 1 it ; iiii. ( u'r alxif ext.!. W at.-in Wft. Itigtli, oeriaUtiial rain. c.x.ler In el. trtxn.- northa-wi ..nit i. i.rik. iju.illy "irtliom lifilitif t.i .ul'minl, wauls, "ii:lici!y (ttir al oiig tlir nut Kut Tti n-g-ni. J.'irrn Waahn gi.ui an I Mi. !. ,.ud and tlifjiMilti AROUND TOWN. Th-lokairH lug gd. U-h as Mine meat, J'uiii k : its. H'lua.h. Nilla. lUlaina, Ci-niiterl -. I'luniVuJdliit. FrVi Fruit. V.'lj,l.tli, ri,-.t lit .ti J 'iu mi tr 1 li -r T .i- , t a't-tt il lmi .-iffliti V. lit tin Kflly t'all ninirt t f,r your coni r.jmr-ni'-n:. Ot li-n pt ii:ly HI;rJ l.'.-rflu IiipjI !lnu Hun Itr laurun: U ('.'nun tvlj. ilturl. MM- i :i...t . i li ' . k "f M i !W f.t n l .- fir T 'A ikftC luK !'j:i.niijii' i .mo ln,lii!ry an I buy yctiir ('i' I nil I Kiitlii ! (iiK'un'a inlil. lll.HT ll..n:NT Ml;AI. : lllSIN.l Hl'N KKHTAL'ltANT. i "ill' will l- 1 1 ' I jll il ly on Tll.lllkl'. lltK J 'M . It: jn. i'iirr,tl HulUvim.' 'it ir mi I hr nmrki- tin. flnn: l-i-i-nt Hi. lit everywhere. I'.ill l the tk.M.liMit burlier nhop f 'f up l i-.lit work. Three flint-clniM tar .er. J.iinii'ixt jii.ulu nf nil kiii.1t. cheap at iV V k .li it nut llnitr, ti::' foinni'TiUil t rerl, TV annu.l l.iill nf t!- IC'. linen Hill . Iirlil tliiit i -1111111 at I' wil Ht-ik.K' hit II. rtii-r.iil.-n IimiI lh'", f thw C4iim hut KlttT Tiiekera Ami iUin. wi tu I'l.rtl.ioil laitt jifhi. Jw you am.ike? Try a "leneiJ 8ul-lU-.m." the flnoat S-.nt tp on lh inark't. HnlJ ev.TywhiTe. Tito lull Tal.owh ' nrt4ilii yeiter .In)', hut il'.l H't ee.' any of the iin. v.-mki 1h ri.i.'ti In 111.' mfllnir. J r.une-iiiailo nil urn phii uul fruit i-ftkoi for Tluinkirlv!iit at Iho Oregon lUk.'ry. Ohler eaiiv. If ymi want b'H wno.1, liih wond or ntlier fltewoml ti'li-phuno Kelly, Iho tniiiHf.'r tniin. rhnne 2:'U lilack. Mi' Niii'iiiiin l. Murri). who wit-t Kik.ii in Hi Miiry'n lnwi'ltnl MoiKliy. I -i rcRn!ii to ! -ry mui'li IiiiPi'.iih1 Tile llfluaii lilp T-r...l.ti 1..k n 1.01th ill Ilk- Kin i iinpuny'H il.K'k. wJutv 1S00 tniw nf i.r ('.ill t'HiVo will In' ilH- ClllfKV.I. rntroiiUii homo liuluairy liy imoklim the "Prldo it Atrla" rlxnri; flnet m.i.le. Miinufaotiireil hy MacFurlano A Knolii-I. A mnrrluire lli ensn wna trrantil ym. tcnliiv M kh Mynllo V.iit n la Uliiin, of AKlorlii, iiin.l ltilTt AriiMiiviig Hr nllo. of rortlantl. Tin' funi'iMl of the Itutt Mix. OK'HIimi llnullt'iry wim helil jntttfi-diiy a-t S. Ml.le. A nunilrcr of frMmly frvnn Auto rl.i atti'iuKl. ft it - -r , ne bream. So llc-, of, l .,ur, V.' r rr..ii. wthi !,a.l l.e.11 m ra. I'"rii..i f r kik. tn-rin. r iuitm t , td. . .! i i ...K .tfier hi. lum -In III --. l, hmv. fream Pure ryr, Ait.rruj'i fin. lilaky. The only ur. ur ft:r. i hi, ,i..uW. JOHN 1 CAItl-suN. H.l. A nt. I have flfleen huiiilre t .ntli bruahii tu aeleot from; buy ono; If th brlntlea lr... out return It. I win ;v, you a ik w our Chaa. Ito-rrrt John A Motit-.m ry hia opeiiej a h" at ill llonj trt: nr.l it i.r'(iar. tu do all elate of plumbing anj l.n i ln at lot pu.iihi r,(., Iloalyn r.l ltt:t longer, la eUnirr and make leva trouble with iIiivh and thlmtiry duet than any nthtf. (ieuj(p V. Hanborn. aaenl; (rlphmt U'l Hatha for ladiet at ih Talaee Hatha. I'rhTiie entrance on !.! of bulldlnai. Hhop on on Sunday mornlim for hliiea and hatha pavla A ('orbrt!. piMprieiora. A lek-phitiie ni""tno r-.lted tr. lav fiA.m TUUtiik o.:iliouii.e I iliv nr rltMl (hi-te .f fir itnier K'niop-, Tli.-TlPaitt-xk Iwr mt r.p 'U1 to u- rty r "iitfli Ml tfi-- l in,- . It j- will 1.- 'I ut TMinkUKtv."!.- dty lii ..rl.-r ll -ll l- l' liny l"t p- lllvin.-i. t ii. ih,i !-if tt!j h . k in '. . n i'i k i niiii; imiil tiiP h.iur Tiin ly r!iKe from Ji renu upward at li 'li'-m'. Fountain Syrlugiv from fj. renin up; any kind of rubber go.ide v.ui lint- want a: boll un lurr a( H-ist.'. lid I F.-ll-wt' bull I. nit. Tin. T- k,- r-'int nyter li-. ii v : pi -pai -.l to eupply ftinllv ,,i,l r f.,r the ,' im in Toko r lint i vet. ik eri.- .yati-ia n an x'.yle. Kl,-v,ii;h S:r.-,l. I.i-iwc n lloil ml toiiiin-ri'ia:; phnm-. ',liil , n'"T:..iiniriit will U- Ktv n :ti lit- N'-.!.-i,-..iu ,in I lsui ti M.-rii... Il .'Inn, li. I'psav At,M'..i a: s p m. v,. ti i-i.i, ,n i:. .-ii,hi niu-i,ii pr-iui .nil .m l ivm-ohm-iti. A.mi?m 141 l'l' Kntu h U.i k KuK. iile I'.iu 1 n-l and the Auw'i'k iin Inn k Harry M -i-m- .i'- t,im, ui tit.' riviv .w.itUiv Tin Fifiieiiiii .11 Hl l"i,l irr.iin. whil" tli. M .it.,. to take a liiiiib.-r earn; 1 f !' Siu l'i uiift'.,. T.-iitvlU- .-iiiiIk of fine vtmiiKipl.' tvl iir'iv l tlown !h,. rhvr ye.lenl iy an.l .-r - .li. hnr;i' I ai the Klin v - il lH!ikiK. The .d In 'the pioin'ity ef May,.r llerKiiiau and ifiiieii fiimi hi' tirtiyn rit-r ran.h lleniian Witv niiikiw a pplendld offer In lila a I toduy; from now itinil Ja-"u-iiry 1, he will give it anil or an ovti e.ait fit-e of ohnrg- ttlih every t.nth tilt or Head the artl.-ilant In lila ad on fYrkt iire. I carry a Hat of llnirer h OaMet IVr. funnn In b.tlle ami bulk ,le rhuiulK Iti.ynl rerrumea, iAntlera, Miiybtll nd (Vrnntloii; on nsaortm nt of Lublna, tletrella, tlierry HUtnnoni. MnlmikM.i and oitn'rw ha ll.-.i. An tidj. turned ni.vthut of llie roiinty Mini will Im held today, wlien the v.itlng pnvln.ilji f-r,hv next Juno cK lion will he iv-establNhed. Th a U re .Uli1id u"(b'r the law ul th. hint neMlmi of the giitlaituie. 'Hie H.iJv.ilt1,iti Amny will .lWrlhiit a hii'ic iiuii'tdy of f io, and eilti:Miit nm.mK the t.r f the oily on Thnk k'U'liik' day. IVinnns tl..r,nir to n.HHt la tltU w'.irtiy w,a-k tthould bw.v d.mi tl.iiiM ,i,t tli Army birraeka. II la nlmott liiiuble Hit I hi. s.ti n of it he ytMf to aeinino fresh miita and veiretuhloa but Jolnw n Hroa. hnve nwde .1 hhv1uI .(Tort 'to "vurv a n:iv 1mK.11t111. nl f.y Tliaiikairlvlnif, anil Uiey dea-Tve much piMiiv ft.r th Hr hu.vci In doWijr an. Mik- Hilvk-o", Atf.ilnat wh-m haa bvn Vk1.'I a H-haigv tf imwult with a daitKer.tuti weiipon, failed lo put I" .111 iip. raneo Woio Judg- llronT i.M'ly iifii'i'iioiNi, wtluin tiU owe wiut cjid ' d for M-UI. Ivi l. kaHl will pr .bably Ik. iiiii"ioiiI by lw-ii,'h warraiit. T'lr Mu ll'le of v.""l'-i'lii wut 11, nun. p.inL ,1 by a frtniii.', mi l r)M MiiglMtyik. whl. ll la IvIitK ill lb, Kiriuey d . k, had .111.1 ,iin. ulty .1, ko.'ja'iK her 'k iiIi wh'ti :he Urle ebb Addillnn- III lllir W 'le pl.ui'.l ,ntt. 'hWrV-, Atn Din iinnhip d,d 11 t eni '..-d In br.-ik-InK away 1 1. 11 'I forKM 1,1 ciin,. in 'the ml,- mid mipp -r v. iiirh t 1 li be d ibr 4th an I '.!h..r 1 1 ..-inl.ei-, I'l'-uty of gl t Aim ' 1 r it .0 I a.'il- lft ..f nil kin i t. buy. Hup;, r vt II. I... held In 11m- i.ii,..r4ii n 1 limit if and !'. i . I- In t 1. 11 I I tirf n. ! t . W. II0, Faij,, m,;. II i I :r . I -nil f.i I I,, ni.i. iil. The 1 iik Hiniw.n In 11, .w eng.!" I In I, wii I - k t. I,, J"Hv at K ilt ,. en F'.r -llie in-ail.'m ahe w i w k I ik 111-11 A 0 I1 u'l.l ) m h.irioT. end lbe . i-w li.vl a hard llnie . f .. Tie- prneoi run la .rtj iiiu- lt "f a it in .'i fir the iifn. wlii luil I.,' u..l to th.. Inn, I at Ui- luirltM. k. form fit .rf t'.il. rl y. m.MU ' a freii' In Auto 1 1. t.i1.- tint h- Im 1 1 r -tn .i(kabi)' aili.-.-a.f ul y.-tr u li.. S.ti id. an I lint h' Ani , ,ir :r.ti (.- - I the l-'; I .. iu .1 mw 11 fi, anit Mr i.. .tiiiKhi in.. re r.i U"V tkl'lll n tilt 1 ilfiv t .'i.-r m r ant .1- tr--l up a in.ii; f ,r!un,. 'U I' .l 'i- -: ...iiillll't -,. y-it.-r-.'.it ,i,nl I ' 1 J K W.ii t'i.- ..11.- II. 1, i f r m.i-r. iik 1' oinet !t fe ' '.. (,.-1 T-n ll xn I Kuie-it'i t'-d I'lei.-: "1 I'- I t,-!W.e?l 1 1 , I all I ill. III i. Th- 'il. ,.f Mr Wl,-. f - llie llrel i a 111.- I iii.!.v. iii.-ni wn I3'.ii :'ii. r ab "ll t T le, t ie " X l'.t ff.-r II i-l-l ?..r '.h- bl " k -i Kiev, ut 1 t:i -'. wan ,. t'.y 11'. J'.lm 'iu of n i 1. lining 2 " tllliiK b ' .11 Lit Ki "li- y ajtnry f ir it.- I : . v e r I'.i, ker Ak'.t- II 11 Th - hwtn .J . uk-ii N i.-h to NijIuKik Ttiey fl b- :t f.-v 'll '.nurtli and will '. thr luK; ,ui-l rlneat l.4t r rV kin I "v-r t rie out on Hi.- C.'lun'.U r.v r Tn. t -t i talue of t ie bte will HKM Tiiev Hill be,. ulni : .111 i- v nf i-.- Tit.- .'"'uitii'.i r.v r Im ..,ita have had a v.''.v dK" ' t'.l.- tine durloK th.- re.' 11 ! .rut. bit "If 'ti l'pl 'if "f p .11 I. .. th:i :i Inn lie I ,ui. III l'a..ri buv. --.'U'Tr T't,- -air p. I ,t j.t.-.-n: ! tu ,,ti.i t ut nun. ui. I the en. -el!.-:i. -.. ,f t'i.- rrrv, e r. n ii r.-d -ti 1" . 11 pi.ix-1 liy al; ,if tlw ,iii tit -ta tl-itr ih ! e: 1hl niin The r .tnpem. it.'i-i of th- p i it It hird : In k- ; : rt if w.t.'i !''e (..-V.-.- tslv.-n. Il-ovev -:'. I. S .1 r ti t 1 rmy r 1 I ir P . niup wi. 1 1 -. I di'-'i y.nnt-rtl'y unit: afi.xr ih.. h'l!1.! tv , -.I'll th- Si -,r "1 mm . tnpl . -l th. .. .-r- pt I IT .rid .am . ti -r 1 At -lur.-tg the d.iv. Aft.-r J tliuarv 1 oj ! 1 hi 1; I" T MUI11-.I T!i pi' -"ii', thu!-l.ii:i 11 lu - t. the ul n.-,itli.r. I i:' t. A ,r,- "li.- p.. r Jl" Jsi -li-t-n " Rit- n ni'-i .1 , lian, ,- ti i...-:! I 'o- h l-luti In t.nvn Th tn ir i!.v Hue,- It ti.'.rlv til! I v I'll -I."-' T ...nk.-i UK e.r, v tt M i Mu-t- h -. .to. nil i-ar ..-"p-i;. t.-, at y i't t.-t tin T i w , U- iii-.l '. w :.o i .ill 1ie n mux - Al mid -' r. 't- .X w 111 Im' hi I a: the H'uh Si..! runs. lV ,;l at- - foip-et.-l i i ).r n.- 1 , :h- h,-!i '. h ti-.' -.u 'h ..ff im -itt i th- y m.iv f.-.' ,l.i. .1 t l-eiite T!t ..fT.-rtiiKH will I" .lx; rlbut" I by PtMfB.r l" .t: k t- he p.i r .f ti e I tv PlP'JltS a' tl Olll eta 1 ti 1. 1 . x t I n x ti ! w .:k are t" alteial fie t-vt.-.xe.. The A P. .'. it- tin nil! tn v-t .tn el -v , ii fr xn F i t St.-v. iix n IV A F. . fill l :irrtnv .ifteitt.ei, hi whut p: m'.svx ,, p . . ne f the m ml ett,ittg itini.e . f f'v:l..i'l -vr pl.iy 'd In tills . Itv. Tlv- A-t r: i t-.i n hn bad but Ut I tri't.t.. w ill ne a 1 Mem at e Mil to be hi god eillp 1IWA-Vt'r. a vl.ute c tjt Utokf I f r. Th I tl eleven :n" up ax f ll : M ti.t'tl. (fil ter; Su:ttn. .-ft gtnrl: d lard, rig'it gu.ipl; (itamtn. I ft ta. kle; ilittih. n i. left t lld; Join, r g-ht en I; S:.vkt"H, UiiaNertwii k; HtitkT. left h.ilflm k; I'utilx. rleht hiiUNwik: Hullliigtoii (c.ip liiln). fulltrk: rub, Ftingv. r.initiell Jlld Hloxs. An,hcr ti'll of heavy wiuth-rset hi yixjvrd ty, and n uie of the loaded k'niin tlet't got lo -. Yesnerday'a talc was the hlghtt of 1tv tr. rtig'stt rrttig 10 feet 1 Inch. The te ijntdi.p Clumbti arrtwil fr un Sui Fim:h;ivi. but utlu-r-witt. there were nut m.tvem nix In mui ou; of th wrth 'tlie exception of ihe pll t si-hooner J t.'ph PuMtier. Tim tv.luinbla !i!ppl con.xlderalile water ointng In. while th,, PullittT will be In Htht durmg ithe reninli'iler .f the w'-ek. Sh- wat- d invwed dur.tig the iN-en; gabs, her nui.n bo in being stfatned, one of the email b.wt smash ed and part of the forward bulwark (rricd tiwav. The anmiiil ni'vUng mf t'ie Asacla tv.mmer.ial Club o-vurs on M md.iy nWot, when ollU'ers will tv ekvted for tlit ennihig year. Pivxid.-nt Scht n x-k.iu will doul'tlexM K' M'J' lie bus thus far conducted tlw affairs of Ihe cluh In an eminently successful manner, and re ajixloua t'lRit he shall agiiln 1h tth.wcn. Stx-r-'-lary'WootllU'M y undt'r.xtood to be ad vttrst to a no: her term .;ind It now giinx set-l led that ' H. Iligg-iM will be ch.w on .to xuivc'd Jiltn. The C'mmivlal I'lub Is progreeiilng nicely, uU t. memb-Rtlilp mimbr tne.iry 150. It Is expei-ted that 25 o;h f nioinber w-Jl come In before January 1. lln. M ". M'"nMry, un nll-tui... n-. tf.x;i! ir' Yoiitua HlviT. dl'il M.niftiy In 1' iilvnl. aged KU v-.nm ail 7 ni, , t .. Mr. and Mm. M :('r ury rttl.l tn Cla routMy an early WH. lakltia up (t'i..t I n I111M -ixim, part of wlu-h i-ni ut 1 1 11 1.- Mn-eitwi. xj eeiiM'li'ry. Cup til 11 l.ane Oliu-y, mm f Ju'lite M i,')-, th- w. ll kri ii ; itie-ei', wh an ltd . "I i- 1. Id -f Mr. and Mr M Ctewy. T.w fiin-r il IU m-cur ii'inirni in I th b ly will b- jot-rr-xl tt th- fliiinitem' li.ll ii" y 'Hi.-. 'Hn- r"inia will ill-i-U.. -t,.u-i ftsilt !.-:l..rl lj-1 ,w the l,urllu. a.-i. will l- itinvnrl I 1 the ..-me fy un the iiiii-T Miyfl iwer. whi t,) I. ivt Hie it - k at I S). . only f.ur ..-pin. it. it ,.f ui' i";liiii lhu f ir liav- le-'ii fllo I with And -r N'.-' Th,- gentleman h) have n - pli-1 n iiiilnatloiin are Miy-r lt.-n- man. IV. J ink, .anlldtie tr ..!l.-e lllllll xn m i ; TllDllim llxiley, l-l. - bit,- f-r t-ty tn-iU'ff. tin-l c,,.,ri(e .M ir ...1. . an, lid Ue c,uiiel Ui tii- H.-i-,11 I Wild. J K. Wirt. Ill,eti,l lit iinti'lit,- f ti- p'll e e'ltumiex,-n.-r, fll.l ix-iltl iti of nniiliitl n , ,.f t.u- It -I 'Ul.Hi in c uiwlld tu h.ut : filed hi a.t' -iititn-x- It la hk'iy aH 11,-piiiil ,'.tn an ..i,ut i w ill be fll tl at tin- ..line lime Tie p-port that via n ulat-d aUiU low 11, t 1 Jlie eff.xi that l.udw'.g Ijimm wi not a pr.p'rly iwner ond e"iux.i xr(J e ml I nut huM the ofll. e of C lUlll llniilll If ele-te l, H'll-I -none ut Mr I.i a n lu onel ;ir .-rty for numy y.-am. 1 T! e in ' lilpik-r ti'xl ( .1 ir.lin nia.-h'n- leeeiitiy .-Miirn-d :n :1u. -i'y w t Kit - 'tn 'n liil t'H,u at tn.- Att ra Iron Vik -n:.-nliy afteir...n. T.u- nia-'er bine la pr n.uiu-xl ti be wooletful in An w.irkltiK. and lit u b n ti th c ut- oii Ind't-x ry A rt-u-k'T iwM -xter- lav tlt.i: It wile llie fln-nt pi.-c- nf au- uiii'iV i.innliig iiki ')i iiHty vver iit.-d. Tlie : r. .1 1 w.txj a rntnpk-te eue. x men- d.iaij .it t v m.x-.'t.iniem liav. mg b en c -trefully w..:kl ou: by the Tu- ii.p;-r -ttlii tnpiT are abxHutely i 1.1 ittnulmii of icfi ('.'ht. the .-itiia l-:n rirr.l to llie -Jlpi:r on an .11 liexjt It -It. : "t aii, tn.- tutu-lime nuitl euiipk-. nnJ evvry ad-1 rtdjuJ'ig hdt 1 In plattn tlifTrt an.) .wv if at-rexa. Tlw tiu htv wa buj: mi tlie Aaton.i trim YV irka, mid tinubt- I x ma! of the lowvr r.ver ii'iium . jniierit-ii will employ it m-t ' m ,n. F.ur l.lg griin carrlx;a-.;ji4. Hr.tlth ntivuiwt'ilp liiiiKit-ink. the Oennaii bifk ll.xiiMtta, t(i. llti liti ehtp nenee and the ltrtih Mill,. IUi-flltn -t-lenrM lir-ii.-,. ,arir .rf W.M.. IwixheV. ,4 wheat un .I,. o,ii.. ,o,.. ,H..i, . t,, UniBbiiik flnbiuM le-re. aklng I3.6 buxliela it (Ul x!ie h u r:i.S". bu-hely, aorfi li:T.:6l to. T.t.- I! nruitu taken me of :!v Ungeixt eaigi.-a vr ahlpiwtl fi-Mn the IW.tlc -x.t y. mini; ve-i. I. It c Ml'. of 1M.7I2 bu.xhela. ral- U'.l ut H'Cjini T.e ll'-nretta was f r- merly toe Itt-.iiK.i niilp It ivul Fiwh. and Ix a t r.u k miler " well n-x earner Th- H.iillll.ui ai t-e.k a r-vnarkW; Uu'K',, ivitwi ,if .V.r.7 buxh.-U. T.w t -tai w.'i-.u ahiimienui y.vteplay wax hu-xhe:. v.ilu.l at .1tK.tl0 to. The 11 -in till. Ittrflllin nn.J iltsimetH a. g. t . Qu.' iitl,iun r F.iltnouth f T or.le :m.,- til,, t.uiglki' k in It-nind ! '. r S . VI -ir. for orl.-rs. Special for il ' " IJ I MEN'S FANCY VESTS Single and DoHble Breasted, with and without Collars, Wool, Worsted and Silk. Special Reduction 33' Per Cent F-jncy Vests, worth 6 50. now $4.35 Fancy Vests, worth 5.50, now $3.65 Fancy Vests, worth 4 50, now $3.00 Fancy Vests, worth 3.75, now $2.50 Fancy Vests, worth 3.00, now $2.00 25 Per Cent 20 Per Cent S. DANZIGER TlfASK4 MVINl) DAT HKIIVICKH AT oiiact: cnuif -ir. In atil.nie wliii the pr a lamat iVin it IV-a;lnU lltott.vei: and of Oiv-rnr fi-r. a'l In 1caping w.:h a cuatt.m of iv hundred ymra. t1i"r will i eervfcii u ntief cltufch Thumlay m aiHnic al 14 '. !. OfT-rtrMfit In k nd and In mony will In. nuila !tr t"i-f poor and -k at ihe '. faintitaci h ;pita' of th; Kpl .;il liiun-h In firi-ifon. All lexiiHe of our :My whi d i nit i 1 w ilp elae'Wher.. on iba day, ar.- m-iet j n-nxtfuMv Invito I t i c me ail k'v- . ! thaiika to (i t). Kurely, a a mV-m nl I 'an a e 'tiimuwty w hive a mnlan i ; re.iwi fur u,lti a atw j ! Tin- duty k. a worll-wlle n-, at.d j ! the day In a iii'i.nuil one. and If any , I wh 1 romr to ,i alilp 11i t Klve Tvlr "fT-rliK to any o V-r worthy CtU'", u ; : ,HM. w .11 h!n hi : the r.x-1'.r and ..fllr-rit , ' win b- but tim w.lling : a.i at aim n- ' er f r tiriy.FTie. j Purely ih. firx-i year of a new enn- j itu. y in Kb' "": th - pt " f r the year j to f .ll iw. A a.'etial -rvi a pr.-vil'-1 by th fr.imem f th I'ray.-r ' It t-ik In the c ilonl il time for th 1 v ry I I day. an I thla la the aervh whb-h wll ' be ue.xl. J 1 It mui be rn-.r.' than nvre form when i jth- gran beti '4'l m of the n Tec-j umrnend" tlte lex.;.. "tu r-an tr un lh'-lr wante.1 oe-unlr m tu iu V-ir ' . aeveraj hmn.j and pl i"n of won p 1 thank the (jy-r if all g'o1 fr- til. .r .u'itl.xj, btriirii of our ni:.onal life. ' 1 ' I count It ,w of th prlvilo?.-i nf my . life t. iram the irn -Mii m.i ann i women of thji ixiiii nunJy bi tV- o h w-.rlx of Pr-trid ut RmxeWU: "We1 i - ai lent tr-n' our t?i inkfu-jii- ti the ; Almighty by tlw way In wthioh, im the , etrti and at ril time, .-le.h of ua am ! 1 hla duty to hi fHt.w nv-n." , i I-t u aid by "ur forefather ana , j. ur tiew.nt ;rii.d(x:i:. W. S. 8. j ! UST11F TIIK ALARM , ; CM.'. Fajn-ma rtieum y to Be .nvert 1 1 Into a F.h Htitlia I The ateimer AUnt). whd.-ii f armetiy ; ran b.-twen P .rtlan.1 and Albina. and 1 the whlaie of whleh w-aa o wi-IHcnoWT , j to Portlaind fexiple nn yeurx ago, is I now about to be mrlpp-xl of her ma- rhlnery Ami when the next flahlng xr- j ron con artund the hull of the once ; tr,"i WiXU ban wil b uae.1 aa flah tlh buying atatl ai at rtie mouth of the : 1'oUim'ila river. Tinv wm when the Alarm fit .wed her he!a to all the Port- , I land bov. and eh box c-nel thoua- nl of .wifn ttween Portland and Alblaa. 8inv mmth, ag t ihe waa a.tutrel by the CAWumbia River Pai-k- ep, Axxo,i.irhi:i. and. lung outlived her uaefulnetw aa a reamtr, will now b cnv.ei:1 int a flai bit. The Alarm'a ahrill whtle waa one as well known as that of the , Telephone, and ej Hurd. while the El Hunts twiler wui IVrtl tnil.rn and A. Tln'iie al!k.- will re- , be taken to the SoiuxttnavUn cannery' g.-t to l.-arn h-r el ha come. tn Est Aator-a and there ued for tan The Alann'a numory wMl be perpet- i nAn purpiie. The cannery b-iiler w'll ua'.el, howvver. for riie aiw-wjition Is 'be avnt north to Nuahagik. In A!a c tikxtrulinir a n-tv Altrm. the OKMrait ! ki the water In very muddy and the f.r wnioh has Just !?" awarded to , aaxoclarlon will have three h-Hlem at H:,-hnxl lyviUifm. the x-al lt-buil 1- it tttarilishment. J that optfitltna er. The new Altrm u dest.nei for use , w-jh nn b- delayed. ,w an Ala-ka ,inneri- tend.T und w.ll : UTiile tlie Alatm Is ti gi out M ex-lx- use.l nt th.- asnc ntloti's Xus.iag.ik .Mn, e a a steamer, she wtl; never mtiu'tc h'UX'. She will 1' e5 fit In , t helms h reafter U? Ide-ttiftd wltit Im This Week Sa4'1 Ntl:"r4lfi'UJ Reduction on Men's Overcoats and Suits. Reduction on Furnisliinij Goods, Hats. etc. Do you want some very beautiful LINENS for the special Thanksgiving: Day, and for servicatle use after wards? Yes. you do. WE OFFER YOU I'Iwh Ik il I.iiii-n Tabic I'nuiastk, o'j-iiK'lies wide, at . . . Iliiicli( il I.iiu n Tnhlc I)ania-k, 'JH-iiiclit s ile, ut , . . . lilciidicd I,iin-!i Talili- Iiiiiiiithk, liX-iiiflit-ji wido, at ... . iJlt'iitlu il Linen Table Paiink, 08-intlus wide, at ... . lik'Ut lied Linen Table iJarnnk, 72-inclics wide, at ... . tleacbed Linen Table Dama-k, 72-iiiclits wide, ut . . . . Full J)ouble Facid .Satin I'arna.ik, at All Linen Doylies, per dozen, 4c, 00c and All Linen Napkins, Small Cut, Good, per dozen All Linen Napkins., 2ox27 inclieLigbt Weight, per doz. All Linen Naj,kins. 2'Jx22 inches, .Satin Damask, der doz. Towels in complete variety. One specialty is a Satin Damask, 21x47 inches, fine and heavy, with hand knotted fringe, at 25c hanaharfs A HAPPY HOME ON THANKSGIVING If vou order votir Turkev, Cranberries, Mince Meat, Plum Pudding, Fruits and Spices from us. FOARD 8 STOKES COMPANY length, of 14 feet beaun and 6 5 fe?t Not only will ie bear , depth of h.jkl tih; name of the famwa awemer. but rfno will a In oury th old Alarm's en gine. The la to be taken out of her and at tii Astoria Iron Works for toe nw b,t. The Alarm txtiler t ti he pa.txi in the portant fnteiiTttfS. w.ii be the buying PtatUn fr the axso.-Uition.-i new plant to be install d at t'ne '"U Hatithon. cmr.-ry. Plans aod spec.n- rations f the o.'.d-st 'raw Vnv Just arrived from N York, an I the rk w.ll be c .mn.en e l Dermber 1- Tfle iMld-shtrage will b- InsuUteo wjth c.ti-k. whl.-h tw in,- l.n;. .rte-1 from . M i.-isvchusetts. THE NEW AUMV PISTOL. The new pistol recently adopted by the Unltevl States army 1 certa nly a r.-markable Invention. It will discharge 116 bullets In a minute. With th? ad- ' di'.ion of til's wonderful weapon our army will be as far ahead of the other j armies of the word ai H tetter's ; Stomach Bisters ah?ad if any other stomach remedy. For over fifty years' it has been th? standard remedy or the American people. If y u ar- a suf- ! ferer (rim indlges'-l n, dyspepsia, belch. Ins. heartburn, flatulency, constipation T malaria, fever and ague, and want to get well, you should try this wvn- , derful medicine. It will surey cure you- j Bew.ire tf counterfeits when buying, i The genuine must have our Private . Stamp over the reck of the b-tttle. i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. CnlbM Saei t Narts- E Hall -16U sores in secr .tn .0. T 6 N R 9 V; -.viteni. Mrs. R, i HJtt-vmaa t Mrs. Aim Wh t? I t 2. l.tjan's in of block 1, clits.p Ortvv t I'nlhM States Nathaniel p. Ra n 160 acres in s.vtl,ti 26. T 6 N. R 9 W; pvtent. fnite.l States tt Jatnei P. Biin n -r heast qotr er of sdN 27, T 6 N. R 9 W; patent. Aatrli Subsidy Guar.ntee C. to M. J. Kinney mimetvu-i lots in KliNiy'st Astoria "!. rge W. tliL atn-d w.fe t M. J. Kinney lota 1 to 6 and 21 to 26. block 7. Kinney'a Sale by FOARD ll I & STOKES. CO. 50c 60c 70c 75c 1.00 1.25 1.25 75c 1.50 1.75 2.50 ALASKA SALMON PACK. San Francisco Trade Journal. The season' pick Is over, for so far as can be learned there is no cannery running. Shipments are being made bo h in thV cHy and up nwib. At UU writing ft looks as if considerable Pa get Sound salmon will h carried over Into 190i. but cumparaively Utile Ai-. arka. Canners on the sound who met i the market hive fairly well cleaned up. but those that ttM . high have the major portton of their pack on bund, or, at least fhat b woa: we are ad vised by two corresftondentg on le "Aind. OnnslJerable of Fr leer river re mains unsold, how rou-h we are n Ki f rmed. There is praetica ly ltf.hir.g d,Jing In the way of new bminesa and very lirtle expected until the spring demanl strt in next year. The receipts of 1901, Alaska salmon u; fJ daW, a3 cw,paivj Bio, the same time tag. Jear follows: PACKEIIS ASSOCIATION, Bbte. ( To;al 1M 85.7'.'7 1722 tvl 1904 929.277 9172 Total, Total, PACIFIC PACKING AND NAVIGA TION CO. Total. NORTH 1901 305.301 19.J0 274,743 45S PACIFIC TRADDs'O AND PACKING CO. 19.11 S6.2S2 US 1900 2S.077 ...x TVitaJ, Total, ALASKA SALMON CO. Sr. 7. McLaurtn 17.500 .... BP.rSTOL BAT PACKING CO. Sept. . Geneva 4.000 .... RED SALMON CANNING CO. Sept. . Luette 8,450 .... Andrew Asp, Wiri Maker, Blirksnit. iti fltixskaer FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Ssecial Attention Given to Ship ai I Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black ! amlthing, Flrst-Clas. Horse Shoeing, etc. CORNER TWELFTH UND DUfiJlH STS icTvlMNTIST Mansell Building. j S73 Commercial St., ASTORIA. OB. TELEPHONE. RED 206L p7 I fx Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tn digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief aDd never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. liy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. 0. IikW irr k Co., Chicago The 11. bottle con tulnaiiH times the 50c ala. For Sale by CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist.