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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1901)
il I . Wflwiffluirjsj QATO.v. . f lie fMftrog Ipfm rr: " " tumui. mimov aviiimsday. xovi:miji:u 27. lf01. ' K 11S - il A Splendid Offcr-a Suit or Overcoat free of charge In m-vorul of tlin wx citiit iiuliiK clothing tiruiH oin-r $10 with every tenth Miid'h nuit or ovt-noiit, or $1 with every t'iitlt By'h nuit or overcoat, hut there in a jKHiihility of fuvoritiMin in Unit. IIKKMAN WISH hiiH imj.rove.1 lli ni iileu. HegianinK lolay ami until January 11, ho will Kiv,, t','1'l'l wil1' t,vt,y 'H,,,, or ,Jw-v' Suit or t)vercoat. Ka. h w of 10 tickets will coniM.He n clu. u the K conl Day of Janu ary, I'JO'J, the hol.leP of thew ticket will ho callml to)," 'ther wnl each elawi of 10 will draw to bim which onn uet.s the Suit or Overcoat. There i no risk in thibecaUMi every ciintoiner p.U their inoneyi worth anyway, hut in ml .lition one out of eadi 10 p U PRESENT OF A SUIT OR AN OVERCOAT Of cour-e thone huyinK IWs' SuitM or (her eout will K-t ticket in tho Nov'- tluwuuul tho (.ti.Tonful ou.x will have tlie j.rivilaof wlect inj; any H'-y'-. Suit or Ov. in the Store, while tlifH...'lmyiiij MeiM SuiU or Ovitw.hU lire in tlm Mm's t'lu- and ue in every 10 will have the privilege of wlftiii? ' M' ' Suit or Overcoat in my trc FREE OF CHARGE 1NGERS0L WATCHES $1.00 Rcmcmtcr ONLY ONE DOLLAR at Fisher Brothers Plumbers Steamfitters HOLH AOI31NTH I'OH SUPERIOR STEEL RANGES 527 BOND STREET School Books Supplies MAKE YOUR EXCHANGES NOW GRIFFIN & REED, COMMERCIAL ST.. ASTORIA, ORE. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggors. , V. AIwlwEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets BOILER EXPLODES KILLING MANY Twcuty-six Killed Outright and Twenty-four Arc Seri ously Injured. PROPERTY LOSS IS $180,000 Floor and Root of Hull JIiik Bulged I nward Mild I ben Crushed Down on Head of lliu Workmen. fl Is und'-mtood irfru IndMroents wm rturlnd .among whi;h irulUit mnt against H. Tamman, Rolert Miromlor, Daniel Aullr-r iuwl W. J. Tli mmn and they have Imh arretd. Th'nnui a polks may tiut ot De"-vr, FROM TKXA8. DHTHOIT. Nv. 2 Twenty-s'.x nmi did, Av uiil'l'niuil bde a"! twin-ly-f.Hir oih iv hi b"i Una suf. f.-ritijj fmin bunia and olh-r Injurlc, ! ths rKUll if an cipiJiMi of one ..f Oi txillr in Uw IHmlwrlhy IiiJ'"T (injw.y j.U t 50 (In nv.rn.i J.IUT CK PBAtt Tin- il. ul tv: A. K II'KFMAS liflrt 1IKXNIV;. l-ATltli'K JIAIJ.KIIV. A. i: MIM.KIt, ki"ui:m: iu:itTitAM. it mi';V. cui n:v. m.MtMN XIAItVIX. JiMKI'H Kil-K. XTKI'IIBN (IIIUSI1. : ix it ; i-: h'IHCN'i;. i'IUKI.I LVOV. V JA.-iT. Ki'KMI-rU WII.l.tVM MANN. MlltWIMIKU WAl.I'MAS. lt.'llKKT t'HKITK. i:iv.Mti itntin. joiiv h. 8 'iiAiiii.n, KIi'lIAItl) UY.N. iMifiit.AS l'KIKfN. I'l-.TKU lxM.. Five unl l-ii fl-.l b f'm. In tlu h rv 2' Injur., t r 'tn fitnllv . Hi!h!iy hurt. "4 y t-n .ir m..rv ointl-iy ' iiITti. nllhl injur!- vn. taK-m t tvlr Jmtn Twmty-At mn .W"l I1")'" n.t yrt ln I'vnlvJ. t'nMiiitlAnl b-xlhn bo- mm f ir Aw of ih.-Hr 'vl offl.-Tii of lw (iMiipany are jlllve lht m- p.iP!i.'n of th roniaiivlnit M re by liuiliflit at thoir h"ni. TonlirM Kr'1 friw "f mn 1 iir. lnng tli ml' iul tii wurk w'll n"t ! m.ipiuM until -v.w- f.xt of dt rtn hiii hin Mplonsl. TV iij-lnr -.miMuiy' plalj ooru- . . . . I nail a rqUHIV Ol unuil 1. iv hullitln In whWh The Jwtler ai VkiU n o"l tthU'h wns ihnl-r -ytM. n thtw rt.rlrti In l"litht. It l lmoiiJlle t 'l-U cxa. tly how m.tny moil wt t wrk hut the com pany om.lala Inula: th.n tha nunilwr n an ovor S5- The wful vf.vb ouiv without tlu- nllirhtiui rnli)K. Flmtra Hiul th, rKf f the htiiUlliiK buUt.M upward J t.lo oiWHh.M wn with h.vy hxul of nui- .hliwry nJil fmi)lry npivimUB. Wail. r.f iiriil nil .Imppcl Into a hiip.'lo tn:lsM. T! lnio- In hU! tc lil.x k nmun.l were bnk -n by the ooii niml.m. AVut ImmtMkaUMy ft nn alunn to tuiiifd tn anil ca-'l out f.r nil th Riuliut .imw in the oHy. IVnillliR tlielr niTtviil, the lulhhortiw houmn woiv tunvst lntv temporary ho plinln an.l phynlolium wh.) wore In the vtflnhy ' fa.e,l iho aufT.iniiit onew w mih'h they w nble io do. The flivrn wilt rxf had fallen at an anifle ami rnuxi a tvt of liutro cm-er unit.T wWi'h tho Are bumwsl fti?ro.liy. The (iiinVrlnfrs of thoae w-ho were burn ed brnvath ivera ta.'or mutely teatlflvJ tu by thi1 chaireJ and 'tlasknd bod N. ' The propei'tv loi Is about $lfS0 00O NotlJng la known aa yet about Ph cause of the exuUu M iuna'1 Oovernor By He Will F.tfhl Kal1nad C imbme, in:iKNA. Mont . Nv. :.-Oovern r TU( today rnli"t t f-iueirt f (Viwnvtr Van Hant, of M'nn:a. fr hU ve on tha ftorpCn of lh tuck f tha Northern I'm A". Grmt Northi-m and Uurtlnai'm r:leya. by the N'tlwrn Security C -mpany. Th (ivenvir iy that wW'a tbe plan ap peara ti b a ucefu evn "f the Motat law, It ahall ni be J Uk untH tho court of Ut t n boa powwl upl tlm qu'iUJHi. He fy at kK-r he will nx tha di fr menlng al cmf Tring tlh Oovern T Von Hn"t. NATION IilVOlC'K CASK. Mr. Na Ion Would Not Build Fti 'n Cold Momlnga. MKDICINE IiODOE, Km.. Sv. The divorce aull of David NatliO jjr.iltmt Cxrr.e Natl m wma orfnirti-teJ pkiy i far aa t tiatim-ny u c " ivrnw.1. Tv)Uy. Naii.m liitroduo-il a tx fr m hl wife, in he le nounvcl hlrn ,iaa ,-tv!l boui.d hypoortt." She d'Tumnivd him from wltn at au'Vl a a hua'un l 1 w uld n t build a fire .in cld niori.ln.'!". A da. on In. Klvn lomorrow. BRIGANDS' ANSWER TO ULTIMATUM Twenty-live Thousand Pounds or Death for Both of the Captives. JANUARY FIRST, THE LIMIT f'athnlfc w1. hav bv-n ala.n Ajtitlng wn lh Bmti In H'utri AfrU. father Mendl aaid th mam wa tn tnwlfil aa a ti'i'mite to th e who had died In the oVfeoa, of tlwlr htiw and fitrnJllea. It la a 'mo Wi the narure of a proteat, he aatd. nH'mt tfie acta ,tt both Amerc-ar. and EnxIWh (r'erntneTrta. Report Come ThruiiKh Private Advice from Duhnlt.-It Is Not Iklieved Threat Will lie Carried Out. NTIW YfItK, Nov. :-Cnnwii ting on the rJ-rt thit the br.iTJnda have ot a nu image to American Inpkmvu.o Agnt D'ckitiiwn lht unlw he ac iHolca by January 1 to th-lr ortgjidj l.-mflnl fr K.Ooo TurkCi lira, or poun la (1110.000) ransom, they win kill bith and Mm. Tailka lh; Sofla. Bulgaria. CJrrnpoivJent of Uie World ay: "Thl report ctrvt In jTiviiti advlcea from Dubnlif, the Bulgiran frontier town whlcli fat the preeent b-ad.Uaner of a-me of the wTt't aifpnta thDugh wli.m Mr. D.cki'ia.111 has b-en commu-nli-ating wlt.i tho brian-U. T.'.e m- a- aae to !d o be the roljbers' anawer to tiio uiSmatum mted to have be-n e.-nt to them by Mr.'.n.-oa out whA-h he denlel vn Ug). otter.njf aa NOT OlTIvAWED. flutute of Llrni-atUma Vo Nfrt Run Agalnnt Taxi. TACXMJA, Nov. :. Judgo Hua on. if the auPreme court, he handed down decMon In a number of tax delin quency aulta In whfcih the queatlon haa bn raiwd by demurrer that the sta tue of llmllaJ had run Kfjlat t'xea tr 1S. 1SS3. VM and 1S. The court hxMa that tha atatue bar not run and tax csrtifloatea on which auk wa brought were gxj and valid. SECRETARY ROOT SUBMITS REPORT Says Abolishment of Canteen Has Not Had Satisfac tory Result. TRANSPORT SERVICE POOR JVHT DISAGREES. PHILADELPHIA. Nw. 2. Th Jury In the c&ae of John L. Sempie. a Cim- Iheir capttvea-Mlw Ellen Stone, 4. N. tawer. charged lra aid ing T.d abetting cJunterfeitew, were unable to agree and wa thla afterno n djicharged. Stmple wa aocuat.l of hrtng awlsted Arthur Taylor ani BaM w;n S. Bredt-U :n the manufatur of Uj platea from which were printed (20 counterfeit Wib. WASHIN'OTON. Nov. !6. Th time f the cabinet meeting t. Jay was rani"n ll.OJO Turkish Hra, or p -unds I largely de-oud to again g"ing over the (JjI.OOO- anl n.j more anl g.vmg th m j president's mesa ig Some changes until ntxt Saturday t accept t:iat s um, were male In the verbiage but tfify TWO MORE 1CT1MS. Nine !m.:!is Far From Lm kjiw at Oamdt-n, N. J. MlEN. N. J.. Sk. 16 Tn more. death from totanus. following vaccina- 1 wef t nvonleil to lay. nakl"g a U- lal of nine d.-aitu fpun tliat d-w-o? during the la.: three. !( Inveivlgution aa to whether lockjaw ip-rnia uv In uuchie vrus Is still be t:ig earned on. after which time :hat a-'d all preioua off.Ts would be withdrawn. Mr. DU-k!ns-n. who waa the lnitel States ommil g nral at Oma'.antin pte wiicn he waa app.jiivtel diplomatic ag-n: at Sona, went to Constantinople Immedaitely after the report becanw current that" he bad sent an ultimatum CONTINUING HIS .MARCH TOW- WANTS OFFICERS. Lord Kitchener Aska for Staff Officers From InJia. (WLCITTA. S. !fi.-It ia said here that Lord KKvh-n.T haa again applied f.T a number of atan! offlir8 from In dia to be sent forthwith to South Af rica. and he ! 1U there. The r.port that lie brigands will kill tvtir rriane not believed at Softa. WAITING FOR "" TO MELT. SOFIA, Nov. 26.-The brlginds are dtnermined to wait until the dlsapjiear ance of snow permits them fr-ed. m of moMnent before resuming negoUa- tlons fortlw release of Miss Stone. The Impression among the beat informed people here Is that D.ckjnsjn's di'par turvi fur Constantinople Increases the difficulty of gaining the oorflJence of the brigands and expediting the settle ment of the ransom question. UPTON'S COMPLIMENT AMERICANS GIVE I I ALL HUT THE (IT WfJRK Or'EIN WHISK ET, Denver Jury Adnt Young Women to Jury Room, DENVER, Nov. 2. Tlio ivjal Jury invtvtlagtlng alleg-d Irres-ulHiTltles In tho vrlmlmil division of tlic district court during the flit tii'UJ of W. W, An.loraon. rharured With attempting: to kill the proprietors of the Denver P. st reports todlay thtit Whiskey was fur nished the Jurors In the case and youg women introduced to the Jury Nowhere Else in the World Can He Found People So Hospita ble and Generous. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. A dispatch to the Journal mid Advertiser fivan Lon. don quotes Sir Th.mias Llpton as com. nnU"g on his treatment In America uixm the occasion of his address at the dinner at the Il.stol CVeAl In the fallow ing kinguage: 'No worJs of mine can exaggerate i he admirable nw'mer In whtah tha course was kept clu- for the -acht race or the genili'nunly, eixyrtamanUke mwi turned out to me by the New York Yacht Club. American yachtsmen and the people of America did everything for me save give nte the cup. Tlwy loaded the Qrln with nau&MMs. horse shoes, lucky spider a"d other things which were supposed to bring luclc Un fortunately they did not. "It la gratifying to m to think per haps the races have done something to Increase th" r o.l feeling between the pep'.e of the United St.Ues of America. snd this counrty. "I am well able 'to sny from personal exnertence that nowhere else tt the wurld onn there be found people so hos- pttable and gon.coua. I can never forget the ktndmes I root with In America. It prove.! to me beyond doubt that hands across the sea Is not a more idle phrase, but Englishmen and Amertean are of the same kith and kin." PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. were not tmportant. ALBAN STILL ADVANCES AIJDCOLON. REVENUES INCRBAS& Free Delivery Ser-ice Is Now Self Sus- iaUvng. It is Believed a Pecisive Engage tnent Will He Fought To day Near Colon. COLON, Nov. iS. An overduj pas senger train witi a marine guard on board has arrid and brings the news that General Aaoan. with about 300 government troops has crossed Barba ooa bridge and Is continuing his march to Colon. Ha Is now at Tavernllla. The Liberal forces continue to retreat. They explain their retreat by saying they have no amuHtLn. All the fighting to day occurred at Bartucooa bridge. Passengers by the delayed train as sert that fully 100 Conservatives were killed and wounded during tbe Aghting there and tha the Liberal losses were Recommends Retirement of Mer rltt, Brooke and Otis aa Lieu tenant General (or Dis tinguished Services. WASHINGTON, JfoV. 2, Th aers. tary of war today submitted to Presi dent Roosevelt W annual report. In reference to the abolishment of th army canen the ecr-tary eay reports of officers indicate that the effect ot the law was unfortunate. Ocean transport jrice continue in- dequat? and unsatisfactory. He advo cates employment of merchant mariai In transput service. The retetkim of national guard orafinizaUona to thu na tional forces and the obliga&vui and duties of those orbanlgatloits in time of war should be clearly deAned, so that confusion and distrerS regarding tlxetr action which amwnpained tha outbreak of 'Jie war with Spain may nut again occur. Ttw secretary says Major G fiPral Merritt. MaJ x General Brooke and Ma jor Gonera.1 Otis are practically unrev walre.1 for diatinguoshed sen-Ices dur ing the SpanWh and Phllippaie wars and aids: "I ricommand as a slight reeognitaa of the obligations of tie country to th.-se officers that congresa authorise the presided tj place them upon the retired list as lieutenant generals." The cr;atlon of oderly social condi tions m Alaska, the icretary i-ays, has left little f r tte troops there to do except the construction of tegraph Hies and military roads. Appropriations for these purposes Is recommended. WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 First As sistant Postmaster General Jolina n, in I msignifloant. It b believed a deoisive h!a annual report say's the yearly in- creasa in postal revenues has resulted In the free delivery stv.Cj bcomiing solf-BustaJning. As the rural free d- ltvery reaches out into tha count ry, giving equal facilities without ivgtu-d to locality, he stvys, it iiKTeaaes the rev- enu at a rate at least eu,ual to thnt : maintained In free del. very cities, where i engagement will be fousht tonight or tomorrow at Monkey Hid cametery, one nYlle from Colon. ALB AN WOUNDED. NEW YORK. Nov. :6 Accorang to the Colon correspondent of the Herald, General Alban has been slightly wound ed In a battle with the revohlonists. during the past Ave jtiaiis U hjis awx- i h horo was ki ieil under him. WILL CAUCUS SATURDAY. Republicans and Democrats Nominate Congresstonal Offlcers. WASHINGTON. Nov. 26,-Tne Ke pubUcan membars of the house of rep resentatives will meet n caucus Sat urday for the purpose of electing offi cers. There is' nj contest anl Speaker Henderson" and "the other eleven offi cers will be re-elected. It is expected; there will be a contest over the re- adoption of tha Reed rules. The Democratic caucus will also be beld Saturday to nominate the minority candidates and to name a few employes conceded to the minority in the bouse. asd eight per cent. REVENUES DECREASE. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2Y- Tbe monthly statement of the coUactfcvis ot Internal revenue shows that for Octo ber. 1D01, the reeolpU from all sources amounted to J21.359.907, a decrease com pared wiLh October. 1900, of J3.1M.627. SCHLEY IN PHILADELPHIA. Wits Given n EnihusaaUo Welcwne yy 10.000 people. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2.-Reor-Admlral Schky. wno arrived here to day, was the center of an enthusiastic, demonstration at the Broad street sta tion of the Pennsylvania railroad, when the Washington xpress rolled into the train shed. More than 10,000 perxia were congregated to ee the admiral, and when lw stepptMl from the train the crowd est up a wild cheer. RECTOR MENDI PROTESTS. At Action of Americans in the Philip pines. XEW YORK, Nov. :6. Rev. Jos'pb F. Mandl, root or of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Montclalr, N. J., announces rhat at 8 a. m., Thurs day he will celebrate a high mass of requiem fer tbe of the anils of the FUlplnos "who died Aghting fr the rights 6f hetr country," and the CAUHON! Before you buy a stove or range examine the Royal Char er Oak Better work, less fuel a"d la bor, anl last longer. Price reasonable. W. J. Scully, 431 B ND 'TWEET. Between Mnih "d t 'n THE Finest Restaurant i the (it y PALACE Kfguliir Mi ls "25 ct uls Sunilnv I'miitT m Snciiili FVEPYTHING TH COMMERCIAL ST MARKFT FF0 DS w vv Whipple