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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1901)
THE MORNINC ASTORIAN. SUNDAY. NOVr.MM'.R '21, 1001 Thr-e dances are scheduled, to ke pin.- during tle next thrty weeks. TV Astor flub will a party on TTruiks Ctclrig eve. while h, 0.r.y.n Club, re cently r.vrBn'.tM. ruvrttln t" the evening of Peoember ( t.iy f xi kwrfng will cou. the Assembly flub tail. Society Vvk'Jig forward" to lowing will come the Assembly flub tfivtry iit ''TV. and nil wUI bo largeiy arttendi-d. rwncrm ml N pleased t lestrn th.u the Ctii; .xi Club ha. Nn lwrginivd. for tN- given by tbta ciub hive always invwl sw fill TV t a ni sa'e of f.tncv articles jSwn St the r-'SdCH-e if Mrs. 0. W. Fulton Fr'd.ty a.t ni"o,t aa I --v.-nrng. by trc li.tit-a of ;h- Monday flub .f the Presbyterian vhnroi, proi-ej an in teresting evet.t, and society tv out en tinv. The beautiful .Vm-j w.i pretti ly denvsued In white .nd yeilow and both afternoon nd evening the large parlors er thtvngiM- FoWV-UHy the aio was quite eutwenful and a trt at&ntial um war. netted f.r the churvi. N.X rtie least import ant Nature of the entertainment "a-as a v danye. which tu executed with U the embellish Mi customary on oocasiona of the kind. Those who ok part in the orgies wre Mr. Duncan Stuart, agvt f. the Indian; Herman Bellmer, Frank Wovd M. Burr Obum. Austin Ob urn. B rt Griffith, Fred Fulton and Randall Reed (squaw). T.Vn there were slelghc af band performances by Master Ot to riainger and Frwt-ir Thorn n and eoua speeialJea by Maude Ross, Ethel EajjorUi 1 Ivor Row, which aff.vd ed much merriment. The parl.c entertainment Included several pleasing vocal anj instrumental numbers, the participants being Mrs. Otto Heilborn. Mr. Marrutte. Miss Lau m McCann. MUw ClauK-n, Mrs. J. T. Riwa, Mr. OharUis Hi derm an anl Misa Ha!:ei.!. Miss Laura Fox was tne ai-comna-ilt. The committees to which re due the credit for the mu-ces t the enterta.nme'Tt wer.: Recej' Mr. and Mrs. Marwete. Mrs. H. P. Thing .Mrs. J. C. Davies. Mrs. Stetvens. Mrs. W. O. Uan and Mrs. P. A. Stokes. Parlor entertainment Mrs. Al bert Dunbar. MiM Badol'ei: and Mrs. Frank Part a. Refrhnients Mrs. H. F. Pw?l. Mrs. J. A. Fulton. Mrs. Heil born. Mrs. August O. Kinney, Mrs. H. C Thompson. Mrs. Al Rickards aoi Hiss GAmer. SaJe committee Mrs. Xel aun Trover, Mr A. S .Tee, Mrs. O. W. louneb-rry, Mrs. Duncan Stuart and Mrs. Swift. AtUc entertainment Mrs. P. A .TruIliiigiT an.1 Mm. John H. Soifth. liriian Day" at the W.iman'g club was ol-served yst -r-liy iiftern "n, wbsi a ir.rrain cf ' ptji al me-U was rend-'red. Qu 'Unions wert frm Miles Stanlih. Miaw Emma Warren oftVia: ed as chairman. Apan from the en tertaining musical renditions, three Supers treating of Purtan.sra were ire-r-nttd. by Ms Grner. Mrs. Kat Stu art and Margaret Grant Barry. A hap py surprise was ttv ap(Mraiiie of Mrs. Genrgv H. G-mrge. Mrs. Samuel Mid dock. Mr?. W. S. Kinney and Ms L.'t e B.-n"ert In .otume. The f 'il '-.vintf piiirant ;i renderel: Quartette j Mrs. Ge.ive H. ;-ri;e Mvs. Samu-1 Mui'lek. Mrs. W. S. Kinn-v. Miso It-nn-;t Paper "His ,irv .,( Pur tiniMn" Miss JtrnT. PI- ...' Th - St.iry '. M.'w S' mJ.l" Mr'. K i'e S; uart to-. "The Pffm Fa-!' f Mrs. Kinn-v an I Ms l-n-i-tt. Pxr - ' 1'untan :n I.l raiur?" M ir? v- -t G-a.t I! irry. Tri "The Van.Hr.-rs Gr -t eg" Mrs. MiM . k. Mr'. K.ri.'.-y and Mrs. Ueonre. A..: .rr;'in a Mr. ;ri l;a-ier. M:s Hal-v-al en "r.a:ri:J a n in'lj-r uf fri-n !s at a ;-'.ve uvhr pariy on M mlay eve:ii'-g. Th par.y was h'.-:.l A Pas'- hall. I'jvi.ig l i : ev -nl..g Mb llal-teaJ's su-st-i da:ic.l tor a few h-Jtirs. at .-..n.-l'jyl n f card. The priz s .;ffer-l tj the mxi ;-r i; ttvn; at eurhrr -r'- C" by M.. Y"ti:ig and Captain .1 .kc. Th pr-s-nt w. r--: Tlie M:.-.-s CM-- P.--d. H- Ibir.-., El m r-. Sherman. V lung, Sutherland. Fax Crinif, H-iLiet. Til a:u a.vJ Niken"in; Jlesilamn Finch, Thi:i'. Marr and Halsteid: Drs. Karl and F.h 'n. M-.s.-rs. MtLean. H rz. Findiay, Marrs. b.n. Warren. K-d 'll-t. Gr-'-n mgh, Capuiirn CI k-. H ine. . ni R-ya .lis. The ThurS'lay Afi-rnn Ciuh was entertained this w-k it the 1 me ! Miss B'inore. c .mer Franklin avenue anl Eightn Stre-t. rturn uvi that Mi.-S 11 jboh ifl n to eav- l,r Nw Vork. where h- wU j cjnt!nu; her stud-s in "i-isic. A-trla will le one of hr : t-'.renn fir I awhll-. at l-ast !-: 'f 1 hpr many fri-nds h.i .vin I'er. , The annnunerni-rit -f the en(cagment of John D. McGowan anl Miss Cam pion, of Prriand, U priru,iuced by Mr. M.ioan t.) be errtie jus. The Aut i Han's authority was a no'e received through the mail, ani supposed at the time to be auth :atlve. Mr. I. It. ?-Ja'fit-ad art ! M ss Hals teal leave sbor-ly 'ur '.heir limine In Southern Callfra"ia. Their m inv friends In the cttv regret thilr d' par u.-e nry much, and hoi s ion t tee !h-m b n k wgaln. Mrs. J. L. Kline, of this city, and Wri! Howltt. of New York, left thia week for Seattle. After a short vl at the Sound city, they will go to San Franeisco. The marriage of Miss Myrtle V. Bllnn, of this city, and Mr. U.ert Armstrvnn Hrodiv, of JVrtltind. csvurs Tu.vilay aftcrrKxin at tlio n'sidoiice of the bride's paren s. Mijm Fl.wvtta Klmn. ha las been !. Am FranciSkM -r t'ao I"1 !VM nnths, k .a'hv e) ti retut". as s n as the gr.ui.l iP-'A e ni '1 '. Mrs. A. I a!v rm i-i. wfc h s tvn a H- I.Ike. K.iat'T" lr.v-". f-r the tw.j rnmihs, ri-univl h.-nie list even .:.;. hi'.ioh iiiii'vs In ht-a'th. Ofvenw iw.l Mr, il.vr were in (lie city durins the wvk. visit ins lt Mr G xr's mother. Mrs. J O. Trul l.nrer. M'ss r has gone ; l--vv: C.'ow to s;end ThanksJv.-g v"4 wi ll her fathY anl m trt,r, IV. in I Mrs fr.ti'R. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. iAtnke. who recent- retunieil frwm Kaneus Cl:y. have gie t California fT the winter. Mhw Will MiUlls'n nas almt en tirely retw-ereil from h.T re-'ent lllm'ss. and Is now at home, Mrs. M. J. Fox has gone to S.v Fraji ckco, where she will sjyhd the ivin'iN wh frieivls. Mrs. C. M. Teller has gone to fan Francisco, tu ri'tniin for some weeks. Miss Anita Trench-trJ Vm rvtui'nej a vWi with frienJs in PrtUnd. Miss Phoebe Davis, of Portland, vis. itej Astorii frietiJs iraring the e.-k. Mfcw Pauline It.ckmitn. of Portland, is In the city visiting with fri.iKl-s. C. M. feller leaves on the F.Id-r for 5a n Franolsco this m iming. Mr. Gjorge Dekum, of P, was in the city .luHng th-- week. THE ftavril WAS GREKS Arfl the Country B- y To.k a Chance Against a Hand Orgin. Just at present, when thin-rs In te gambling line are rather quiet, the "windy" eports find plen'y .-f time to Indulg? In thi-lr favorite pastime of story-telling. I: shouldn't V InfiWl from tis that there's nothing' with the gamblers, for ivcasi.mally play is quite heavy Bu: t.warl the mid lle of the week things quiet d'.wn, and one may hear lot ! 1 stirrles if he chances to drop In at the right hour. Amwg the l ical knights of the ereen i-lo3 with which expre-nm, by the way. this st.iry has to deal here Is i strmg variety of story-tell-rs. of the stori"S g"ing the rounds is toll on a we'!-known dealY of the faso.n atlng game of twenty-me. Tho Inll vidual m question bears a nlektutme thit onrr-fponls with the clor "f his hair, and feihnv-sports vow and de clare that fie sbvy is true. "Re'' cumes fr..m the fertil vaJI-y .f the Willamette, where his l.yh'l lays wer- spent. With Sher'ff and oth-rs. h- f dl iw.-d the agricuit. ura: li''e. H- Is .in .ic-.irn;'l!ih'-l mil but even the H '! rm"''! "f .untey diinces t-vn-ua ! w 're i !T anl he t!r-d ft the m not.-ny of the ;.fe h- was living. 1 ' rt '. y it: hs home . n th- bitiks "f the i p k h-h--arl stori'-s of -'icniali's o.' th- rr -n ! .th'' and "f the w-md -rful wl'mings anl los.ngn mid.- l.y tnern. Hut h had -ev-r s--n a r al gambler. S. Pr i::rs and It.ll Thomp' irt ha I p'ay I s-v-n-up d'-in "-to tin- t-r-." bit: t ie -m-iit of gr-en --1 :h w.m, n r were th.Te any sonl-i'irr.n stakes. 'E leeitiy," he mus-1, "my ..-lucatj in Ls sadly lacking." San Fran l.'o w;ut the M'-i .-. a ..f hj pilgrimage. Th-r-, he thoug'it, he would sej the r-vil gamW.-r atel th- Pacific Navigation Company Steamers " Sue II. Klmnrc" and "W. II llarrisim" Only lins Astoria to I illamook, Garihal.ll and Hay City, HohMinvillc Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Uavlgatlon Com pany and also the Astoria & Columbia HIver Kaiiroad for Ban Fran cisco, Portland anJ all points Eaat. For freight and passenger rates apply to The jJSj52I Sixty Cents Per Month Delivered ot Yotir Resldetice, KOPP'S BEST ADeliciousand Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp 1 proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade. Bottled beer for family uie or keg beer supplied at any Urn. Delivery lo the city free. Horth Pacific Brewery nqiils!to giviht doth. A'Sl iriMierally viulte a knoleilm of men M aff ui" that wrniSI at.wid him ' h.t'M in ;""r yntrs. Arriving tit th . ralli I d.'iv.t, h.. up town, and even the caeual obsi-rver noteil Mutt lto wan fiNwn the runtl district. I'ut "lied" hl.1 them not. He was l.mktng for "k'Kghts of the (iw cl.i'.li." He didn't kv ju-t .xn.vly when, ho w.tild find hilt 1 wimkl sliltub-e r.-iviw th.vil In some nKiimer. A long walk failed net a" deflnlo r'tlU'is :'t'l he a dlvMit to gve up In .ltsiuisi when die High: .if giv.ti cVlh caught hU eve. With a little cry of doUciU, he ruslnvl iiJ'Sj the stpvt, i Te an llnl an ::ti it itt-en-'-'n'".'-! b -x was playing "Atmio llwi'y," -'.iile Uui'-.e." "l-n In ro - i '.j It'tt " .'n I ot'i-r .pu!a- a r. lif i ia " K y at-h-'k'I ! i h al. iit t'.i - cur;v Ti.-ro cull lv n .lon'.q i! tit h ttl-ole thing l i the ill nd of ;hc ini'ie countrv .. tt'io !u-l $K 111 h s ix Ket. II,. d-'termiio' I to take .t . -dance, .ti d f. .'!. itig the Impulse 0iod i jOoe t on the cloth 'th which Ihe b 'X was covered. The .gctut-grln.1-er turned the cnink like a man Wk Jig for exen-e. smlll pleasantly and P4 ,wled to ;yw hlnis.df of th- hilf dollar. "I guess I've lost," "lied" sua! to himsf. But he was I P rt ai'd .k'temiined to pkty ivgr. d i. t ie tiext time placed II on the green d'Mh The organ-grlnd'T was vls.iWy afTeot ed. but In such a 'ryl'' m 't'xt .mild nat affiwd to .ie ht ptv-otioo of mind, and the dollar f .llow.M trie first pies of money to th utterni t rn" of th I'altan's Jewn. "Must hatv lt 'again." said "Red" to hlms-lf. birt h kept plunging, the. time K Etvntually the Italian was $17 ahead. : leaving put "Red" at the m rvy of the S-ui rranv puhlh". He was Im-ky and struck a J b. By dint h ud work he managed to a.vumulv,. a f dollars and also to make a frltvl or two. Thei fr-ti.V that ho had a mania f.r giving his money t.. Italian 'orgin-gr-.tiders. the minttier of which wtis increasing with st ir ling rapidity m tie district l wh'ch the ytnith r!dl. On.- day the asked "Red" h's. ol.J-vt was in hiui-s-if fnwn h'.s hinl-r:ied c dn. and w-re'n he explained that he was taking ,t chance they w. to aunii.-l Thev finally leani.xl that this wis "R il'" mann-r of gambttng. and .1 n they put the Wlllam tte v-.tlley p'.ur.ger next to himself he was 1. urgely t. the bid. . AftiTwanls he oomplvt.d his ,luoi th'ugii In ratb-T a d'ffernt nun n.T. an.l is now one of the knights t:ie desire to e e whom c Ht him 117 in o1 s t ing at San Franc hoo man yars ago. i PHILIPPPIXE RKVEN't'E. MlnneupiJIs Tribune. The de,-isl.i ..f the internal r-venu-bureau that spirits and b-vr exiir ed to the Philippines most iy tlu. Inter nal revenue tax Is In ac-.ird.tnc- with the ruling of the suir-nv court that Puerto Rico was n t foreign territory after in- o-Mon by Spa. n It 1 n K tou. h the qu.-n.n w'ii-t r no c n grvss can establ'sh by law a different sys-etn of taxation for a-.nex-d terri tory from that which it-vmII.-s i the I'nited Stat.. was i M-d af firniatlvely of Pu-ao Ilici, wh.-re c .n grm put the dlfTeret t tax int .-ff.s t by its own not. Th.- only qu tttl'it tluU rerruixs to be il.i U.-l f-r th-- Piiilp-iin.-s is WT-tli.T or li" oungriTS 1 m I--legate Its taxing i.w.-r to th- r -d nt. This will ! git l-f r the en-pr.-ni- court In s.n- way l-for- v-ry long. On tv Ark "L-t h'-r urn is -li-,iii-s." or-s-ri-l N -ah. a. he 1--..H--1 ugi.iist til- sttrb'.ird ra 1 -f t.-e- :uk and wat.-'i-l !i'-r rn in- iiv -r '1,-1 h-r turn as s i.- l.k--.. Wli ti w- g-i thrsigli v.i-h this trip n-ileily Is g'-ng to ri" arid ask u-'ir. h- r 'a-.i al .t'.iir-i. r." ii I'limot- Am-Tivui. On the I.k"ti! I.r N'.v 'i.un-s Tourist fin 1 '.y-C'-vilU-i I d'.-lnt sni pe., anybody around h-r plays go'.f N ttiv Wa-al, no; but w "d I.,- d.sid i-illin' ter l-arn. Il-y, birk-s-p! Cive us a d-vk uv ar l'u"k. A Xfore Serious Affair. Mr, College-tim.-i, Jack Staiwni't g t ln nvh biv.k'-n lit that rime. I'tvitv tough luck, but not n vir e.. Kid ia wti bal neivd to I'lck.Tiipp tllad-tt i, il.sir! hiipi'.'iicd to IVkcrtipi'? Mr. Icg-l.iv. (III a gastlV wltiM ) - Ho tumbled the lall'-Judge. Willing to Slay In. M'stn-os Will -u want niw than two iiigbta out week New tlliH Well, no, mum; I wo will bo enough, cmeld'i Hi' thai I hiies no ojs-iy this sixteen, - New York Wcvklv. Pleasing (lie Ladies I'moi ; I Ions win. r e.elio n., 1, r 1i.ui it r.'lii.'iu'' r ll'i' It- M.I 1 1- 0.-r . :! el- II M .- ..II ilL lll.ll sr.' I 1-1. -oii: ..! Ilnj;'. i.l. ..' d noon ..( eu- cuMoiu ;n ihrir t i-nll.K I " "' i.n ke t o m re t'i-i tiio- i i I. ' d. and '.e lu" w r Vou i y ii I WILL MADISON. Gold Rledal At Buffalo! Juaifiii Other Styles for Street, Dress, Houi.', Outing. John Hahti SsI.K ASTCRIA ACHNT N'.iTI'-i: Knit PfllUCATI'iN. N-itice 1. herely gten that the Cm moti Coun. II ..f Hi., fltv "f Astir a lias d.vUire I Its il -t riii niitl .n "d ln t.'titt ti to Imnrove ail thai prtion . f S-v-n e.-n'h st re -t In the C ty ..f A t -rta. as I f I out a.i l p r .r b-l r-v J -M S iiv-l.-v from the south line "f C sti. .-I to the n r h i ne . f Fi-t'iklin iv.-niie to th- full w'.d'h :her-..f and to th.- e- ibl shed gmde rh-r- f. the suth line o( Cm m -re a str.--t to a ; I'U li fe.-t north of th- n-rt.-i line of Kxcll itttfe "tree; eild portion of sill s r--t shall ! Im-pr.i-.-l thr Ok'h-u: th.- width ih-r.-of to- removing the n'd roiilwav. in.-lu-s.v-. of s- I- walk.s anl un leipl'itng and pufli'g In ne.v un l.-rt'lnlng anl idnk .ng th- itne thr -tig rear the width :i--r--'.f b-iw-'Ti sht-w-a!k- a-'d .-..n-stru.-tm,' -.'.de-.i.l'ks -n ea.-h sd - there "f t n f. ': .nd-. he co'. -rnir i ii I ntr fr m . i.r'. . urli t I--I In o-s ti tli. kn-ss ii i-i 12 I ..-ii-s in u .1 'i. V - in --id f et north "f h . ii c-h ' n.. of lix h U.K.. i-.--t to lix In s p. said i-' ti n of sill I. - l-ii-.r o - I :.v' K t w.-st !-.,ii' t , r-.' and i.-t ! p! it.k g t n-i l.a.f , n --i.-i . -u -! i,'j.i ij t n I If, u:i .-r; f IN I d l.lfler : I ii kin g. in .-rp:n-s ild p r 'on I thr ugh .nt ii rt. :. . ii -b in ' il. kn-s .- ---.t n- 'n- -.. nk-l til to li- pi. ink f f.- .m . ; f-ur Ii le-. In Ald-h. T : !t;i .l,i k ln.-h- wit by I - : I t.-:lth n ,,r i-r fig r -ai.i n v- n-.;r- t wit-i l-lx h.iiiire str---t bv -in vinir t.i - ..' I an I'ig theie'r -m .'fid grading and lank. --.if th- sim- thr mr i-mt the In- -l..n ,C'd -r. HSitig 'X.-p- fat the ist in f-et of -.aid . rosong ii.ii; ts-nprnv-d bv iind-r:'!nln ail p -inking li- citiie. Hi- .uv rlnir plank tliraigh-n- r-ild rr.i-sing to b- t li'-hei thick a.i. I 12 l.n- ..f 111.- of 'i d -: lii? th. t ii-r- .f of iltl I -f 11 f. Itic i.-s w Id-. Kr on i M,. s..iih Kv.-h.ingo i-tr.-.-t ;. th,. ' ' r!i f-Yui'klln av-iiii- nortem - -t shall In- Itn-.r ved bv gr-id-sitne throughout th- width to th.- est, ibl i sh-I ir'Hl- ih-re-pl. mklng the Mm t i a w-l:h t thr nig i-in t.-ie - nt- r :h.-n'- ..f. th i-1 -r ng p t ni- k anl 12 Inch's t.iig --n '- nil s. I walk f -.- I ' ink to b- - Ini h s i: d. and cone rue- . t tile str-ef a sub ; I .ti th.- .tanking I tb-re .fi ii ,,f two f-et bt-tw-.-n tlu- planking nf the sidewalk and fi- curb t.T-re if I ft fir th- n ant ing of tr-.-s a.i I ru tit.g a Kiit-t.-r along th- curb of each sdewnilk. Mi luinli-T us-1 In sa d iinpro' em.-nt mall b- go-l. sound r d or yell iw llr. and said lui.r ivi-meii Is to be made tn pi ins and r-c II. -ritln" th'-ri-for to iv pn-pared bv the iltv sui-v-y ir in her-inaft r t i ''d. on I n to rnitt'-rs of il-'.-nl i-x -pt i's b-reln Hth-r.iis- provld'-d ac ir-ling bi the gen eral pr:vle,. n' i'-n ordinance No. !'il r,f Ihe 'Tv of Ast rla Thud the e.ts anl .-gtienS'S of mak ing said ImproViii-nt to said portion of s-C'l str t shall be d.-fr.ivd bv ip'-lal nss-ssment utiri th- lots, lands and pr-ml?.n bi-m-llied bv said Itnprov"-m'-nt a.-cording to the benefits, which said lots, lands and premises lire hem. bv Included within a Hp"sal e ssivsm'-n t dlHtrlct. whli-h sild illstri-t liiclud.-s U lots, bind 'and pr-mis.-H tg-neted bv said Improvement and to lrft a-wr-d to d-friv !he c -els tin 1 exp-ns.- ihere.f anrl w-hb-h said sis-clal assi-s.m''nt die Irlct Is as follows, to-wlt: fomm'-n'dng nA Ihe northenjtt corn'jr of lot four In bln'-k V.'.i ..nd riinnlria-tlv-ncp smith thrnugh ihe middle "f blocks 1.13. 13. 120 nnd 113. to tne siuth eajtt rsrner of lot In bbs-k 113. th'tice eaeit to the southeast corner "f lot 9 In block 112, theno north t fi north east oimer of lit 4 In block Wl. thenre wt on a straight I rie ! .ng th- north line of M ck 132 and 133 to the place of beginning and containing all of lo'g 1, 2. 3 In block 133; lots 1. 2 and 3. In block 120; lots 1. 2. 3. 10, 11 (.nd 12 In block 113; lots 4, &, 6, 7, 8 and 9, In block r IS Young -c- Fnorile. , rj ViT i V If (V 7 TMr TN 5 if iVlW'!' x (fS'iii"'.--' ) V vv-'. E-il t v iM c 111 ami lots 4. ft. . In '! k I'-'l. mid lols 4, ;'. and In Id -ok 1:1.1. Ill Die town mow Cltil of Aloi!a, In I'lat.t" 'l coun. tv, Hi iron, as laid out and n coid.-d : J. M, Slilvelv. Thai the Citv Simvoi- lia be. n di-ic-eo-d to 'hptiv and llle with Ilia Ail d lor mid Police Judge of .aid Cuv of AiM'la Mtlnia(e of the costs and .xp.'nsea of coiisliuetli g ald '.inlT'te-iii.-ut and ,'C 111 . a.l.0111 for the P o id woik. Tills notice !e pilbllshe in Uie Mom lug Atr:tii for eight .lava m rur s.iitnce to a.i orllnaiio. pis-ed on ill'' isih ilav "f Nov, l'Ol, dii-.viing Uie sune date of II rat pull !. CI li N 'v. Wt.i. mi II. I-: NI-il.S'iN. Vudlior and I' lce J'l.Ue or ilie fUv of AH 'i'.a. N.iTICi: IMU llll'S ' liili will lv- r-v-u-.-d In- Hie County Ic.'UM "f Clns.p Cunt. . Oogoti nut. I We.l-i-.-t tv. bnvmlkf , I'.ml, at 3 u in. f,..- ,l.,lni.,- th.; right "f way be. . 'w.s-!' th.. 4 and 7 nil. i-'ds a'.i'g the N.- ut .'in. r No 7., re. id Sl I l ight -l' wax lilll-t I'e c.-lil of t.rusll. i.e.. '.ni and stiitiiiHi S f ei wide, to ;!i.. s.itnf.i. II ni of to,. Conn y li vid Mad r I! d must st it.- the iTl'e I'er lineal f -t. r v or mil.-, and t.'ie date of com pletion of c.l work ' Th rU-ht to r.-l.s t any or all tM la , le-is bv reseried ' lly order of fie Cmntv four!. It J WIIKU1TY. flrrk. NOTdCi: FUR llllt Notice I hereby given, that up to the h nir of ; o'ot.k k p in., ii the :.'ilh day of November. IWl. the rtiti t1llte on at reel and I'ui'iic wav of ttn. fonimon I'ouncil of the City of Amor will rviiv,. bi.l for 'ha .mistrih-tlon of Iho liiipmv -m.-itt Kleventh street frHI tit,, north l' tN-mllierclill Slnft't to Itle mnllh U'te of llond :ret. a otdoi'M iinpr)ied bv or dinance No. :st of the fltv if Al rta, and ocorbng to llkt i:ana and e". :fl.tion thcrrl"' Ail bids must conform lo the re-iinr-m.-nls of ve i n inc.- No I7t ipige It ig 1SW1. c'mpll.s clMit'-r And ordi nances) and the r glil U r-'r 'J to reji-e; any and all bid f rr.iNiiicu. W J fiHii;. I. AtHtKN. Cotnniltteo on Siri-"is end Public WT the Common Council of t ie fltv of Astoria. NCTH'K tU HtIJ Notice la le n-bv gUvn. that up to the hour of 5 o'. -k p ni . tin the' i'.lll day of N .viib'-r. l)l. Ilie com nil t'-e on etre.- and public wv t the C nun. si iVune'l ..f th fltv of Aslor a wlil n o li.- s-il d b .Is for l.hs c nlniction of the Impisit rno-nl "f Commercial tr-'t fruit ttio ejit in o' T-nUi etr-vl to the wt lio of Fourt.-enth "tr-s-t. as ..r er d Imi r ive.1 bv on I,-t. No 1. 'f the CI v of Astoria, and a cord n t tin. plans and si-in.-ut!..n lh'-r f -r. Ail b- Is must c nf rm t "ie rnlre ttienis of ordlnan.v N-i l.'l (i-aite IH . f bt"!.. oiiii'l -.1 charter and ordi-na'K-ei anl til" rich: U reerve.l to r.-j-ct any a';d a'l b-ds. C c PTZtVCKU. W. J OwilC. 1. AC.RIIN t'ommlt'-e on S!re i tn I I'ubil- Wava of the C.'inm.'ii 1. un II .f the fltv of A'lorl.1. ;iric Ulcers An old sure or ulrcr is not only source of prcnt txxlil y discomfort and juin, luit constnut care, worry and anxiety over one of these festering jiI.kts jirodiu-fs an tmhf nlili y state of "the ncrvntis system and the patient Ik-vouics lnorhi'lly sensitive, misei.tUi: and liH.i'nv. No one. could Ik; otherwise when haunted hy the presence cf an inll.uiu d, an-; y l'sikin. .'.ore, with a continual discharge, earryint with it the lite fluids, thus rnlihiii;; the !.!; of streiiirtli and vitality. An eating, lingerine; ulcer naturally fills the sufferer with feir while ii-'itiiiii the daily growth of the sore, from which there is a slow hut jiei pdual dischargi! of vellow ni- g:veiiisli watery matter, and feeling the dull, throhhiny or sharp shooting pain i as the'!i penetrates the tender tissues and reaches the lxinc. All slow-healing, stiibWn sores are dangerous. The same germ-producing, cancer tainted Mood i.h hack of every sore or ulcer, large or small, that does nut jiroinplly and m-i iu.i lcutly heal; the little blister ujiou the lipor tongue, the warty growth fir mole u;kiii the cheek About a year sro I wrote the MkIIcsI I), i.urinient of your company to a. cur tain whether or not your H. 8. H. would ciir't Cancer, aa my wife had one on her breant. wliuli tbron or four of the beat do. toe. at Or... ton, Iowit, advl.ert her to lisve cut out or rruiiovurt with a plaster. Ui'.n rocolnt of your letter, I bought live bottle and .ho commnnrod to taka It, and in lens than eli-rht months aim was curnd. I did not write you until now bu na u no I w nn tod to si elf thersnner would coma back again. Tlmre are no symp tom, or altfiis of a return and I wntn in order tol'-t othors know what a wonder ful nindlcino your H. S. S. I. My wlfo u.d Just lt'i bottle, but thn Cancer was cured after mho had taken I'i or 14. I f'.el as though your H. 8. S. oould not be too highly rncomm.ndad. O. E. BIMEOAR, Thayar, Iowa. I Washes, salves, nor anything else applied directly to the sore can do any permanent good ; neither docs the use of the knife or flesh destroying plaster cure, for local causes have nothing to do with these gcrm-brecding plague spots. You might cut out every particle of the diseased flesh and scrape the lione, but another sore would come. The germs or poison in the blood must lie destroyed, the stream of sluggish, polluted blwd purified and made strong before the heal ing process k-gins and the sore or ulcer can get well. S. S. S. is the onl v remedy known that can and does accomplish this. It cleanses and purifies the circulation, and when new, rich blood is carried through the little veins and arteries to the sore, it brings alxmt a healthy healing around the edges, and a permanent and thorough cure is sxm effected. S. S. S. not only Potash or other minerals, which UQt only ruin the stomach, but often produce most stubborn and offensive sores themselves. Prompt treatment should be given a sore or ulcer, no matter how small it may be, whether external or internal, for what you think a simple sore, may, in reality, be an unde veloped Cancer. Our physicians will gladly advise all who need their services, and those who write us will receive valuable suggestions regarding the treatment of their case free of charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. .21 PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAI For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Hxecuted . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. riMir rnii a n rinn t)f New Zeoliuitl W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., 5an Francisco. UNLIMITED LIA1HLITY SuliseriiMhi Cnjiitul, riil up ('iiiilrtl, A-wtii, AsjH'U ill t'nitt'il Statc.H, Surjilus to I'vilit y IloMt'Di, Has ii UinlorttritiiiK on tlu l'm ilte Cojust uvoi tw. nty two yvun. Nnmusl -.liOro ti Co., tleni ral Agents, AHTDlil.V. OKK (O It 4 S. R. IL Co., rurtlanJ, AtlKSTS i A A f. H U. t'. IMnland. H C. I-AMII. Tillamook, uregl. l'OUrNl)liU A. I. I7I SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or nir. oi.i)isi i-i ki i.v i iiu. on u i; in iiii: world. C"ll Aaseta .. Catali A-i In fulled Miata-a. ,m.iiii C A. HENRY & CO.. GENERAL AGENTS. .'15 Snnumc Street - San PrnaiiMti. I'll. and other parts ot the Ixxty, and the almost imperceptible tumor fir lump upon the breast, ns often result in Cancer as the deeper and more frightful-looking ulcers. They feed ujhui the same morbid and destruc tive materials that are gener ated within the blood, and inflammation and destruction of tissue will continue just so long as this impure matter is carried through the circulation to these old sores and ulcers. expels au lmpuruies, dui woi ks a complete aim rauicai change in the entire system by stimulating inactive organs, toning up the nerves, increasing the appetite, and aiding the digestion and assimilation of food, thus building up the weak and wasted constitution. S. S. S. is strictly and entirely a vegetable medicine, and no bad effects follow its use. and for this reason it is better than Mercury and TlLlPHONt MIN 661 tl1 rmiDUH Aim luiiiiiiii OF SIIAKEIIOLDERS f .'.,000,000 1.000,1)00 '.'.olVlll ;ioo,ooo That Lrccd nnd Foster the Germs of Cancer- Plague Spot.3 OutrovtH cf Dis eased Blood, and a Constant Drain upon the System. flia y.ara ago iny Ug from the kne. to lb. font was onn solid .era and eery oflen.ivs, I iptiut over M,0Ou en two li Ilia to 1I..I 1 1 ri til. i. L"i -.l lihy.lolan. troatn.i to no illl-p....i. I bad aim tit noum to thn roiu lunloii to httvQ t ty leg aiii.uiain 1 v leu i frlnnd Indued i ii to trv H. f. il. I egan to taka your lumllnluit, n d In ."vim iiioiitlia It o o m p I e t e I v cured ma. 1 con.lder (J. M. H. tbo graitdn.t iiiedli'liin Ilia world bu. ever known. My ou.n I. it wt.i today a. to what H. ft. H. will do when taken rk' ilirlv. I bav . min ed HO pounds. 1 write thla t i .how the company uiy ni.tir.ulatlnn of their wonderful uimlii lue, and I am ready to writs a Inttxr at any t in. to any on wl.lilutf further Infor mation. J. 11. TALIIKRT, Winona, Miss.